Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 5, 1925, p. 5

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she artmi fflrrr flrgga tikillsday fiqbuuahy c 1s2d tonguetwister when a twloter a twlitlnjj ylu twin- for ho twiutlnc of hlo twlut ho doth tluroo tlmca untwlut hut if ono of tho twlnoa of tho twist do untwlot m tho twlno that uhtwlntotli untwtatcth tho twine untwlriihc the twlno that untwlutdlh hotwcon ho twlrlh una tlio twlutcr tho two fn twlno the sunday school l lesson for sunday february 8 rue twice havingv twiuted tho twines of tho twlno ho twlstcih tho twlno ho had twinoth in twain- tho twain that in twining before m a twnc aa twines wero untwistod he now doth untwino twlact the twain intertwining a twlno more between h7 twirling hia twiater makes a twiut of tho twine v- twenty years ago from h ho rimio of tho froe prooo of i thursday fobruary 9 1905 about a foot of snow fell on sun- day uight- v z the school board la advertising for a caretalipiv the shakespeare club composed of r lady touchers ex- teach era and a fow othor persona meet fortnightly at knox manse to road and discuss no- lectioha from shakespeare tomorrow evening will bo band night at king edward rink physical culture classes for girl and youngladlcaaxeboiner started itracton in which will bo taught correct- ntand- ing walking- und sitting positions fanoy drills how to gain f uil controt over tlio muscles correct brenthmgand tho good results in cheat and lung dovojopmont o4ano ladles of acton w c ttj met in knox church nchool room on mon day when mrs edith tumbull of hamilton addiessod horn on tho work of tho union at mimosa on sunday yonlng just l boforo tho or vico the methodist church caught lire and burned to tho i ground there will bo considerable building in acton next season excouncillor holmca will build a neat brick resi dence on his property on- main stroot on the alto of tho present meat shop henderson co are negotiating for tbo re building of tho qlasgow houuo mr mackenzie will build- a now double houeo at tho corner of church and main streets then there will bo the fine new g t it station which la going up the cpming summer acton has had sovcral high clam concerto recently and loot week an other was added to tho list when mioo jesqlo mcjlachlan appeared in- tho town hall miuo mclachlan ifjrq of tho scottish song mr john me- linden tho brilliant collcat and mr douglas young tenor aol6lst aaau v married wriggleswobth cantelon- christs inteucessolty prayer time wednesday morning cnjjly april 5 a d i0- place by tlio brook ktdron victoria will say it with flowers tfait tw expl 1 father glorify thy son that thy son also may jjjoiify thee 13 tho hour that joaus had lookcd forward to from tlio bog-nniiiff- witji mingled longing and dread has at lust come tlio crucifixion in which in aw ful agony of body add soul ho way tocompleto his rodmptivo work wis at hand he beglna his prayer by asking that ho might himself no glorified but it wu not a ceilidh prayer ho prayed that he mght bo glarificrfn order that ho might in turn glorify the father the fathoi had given tojesus authority over all mankind in ordor that ho should give otcrhal 1fetp every oho thnvbeliovcl whpcjpnijijtutd tlio elect company whorri tnolathoi had given muo him tho deity of chvlut jcsuik comcj out plainly in his statement that ho pos sesses tlio wcr to give external life hisirdbordinatlon to tho father cornea out in tho faot that thlo hi vine author ity wan glven to lfm by tho father and had ito orlginial source in jtim tho pliraao jail whom thou hast given him teachea plainly that there la a body of bellovera- whom god has homrti-outof- thcrrworld andgivento christ and many and gloroua aro the privileges pf that body anyono can mnjto it sure that ho belongs to that clet body by listening and learning from tho father and thua coming lo- joduo- verso- 3 gtvos ua a wonderful definition of eternal life it conalyu fn knowing the only true god and jooua christ so it la ovdont that eternal life is moro than a moi j oiid i eoa existence but true oxlatenco prio may exat otornally but otlll be dead- eternally- because his unundlng oxstonco la not truo existence if one does not know god ho will never live but etcrnnlly perish hpw to know god and thus have eternal life the biblo makcp very plain how clearly the deity of christ cornea out in tho way in which ho hero couples know ledgo of himself with itnowlodgo of god if joauo was not divine ho way mad bulcertainly he wan not mad and theroforo he wan divlno how much must yon pay for style hp people assume that style and smart appearance can only be obtained in highpriced motor cqrs a comparison of chevrolet with many of th hig c will convince you that chevrolet really offers qual- ity at a low price f for instance there are such features as fisherbuiltrbodies ternstedt window regulators velpur upholsry you can be proud to park a chevrolet anywhere chevrolet quality however goes much deeper than outward appearance ask vv any owner about chevrolet perform ance and chevrolet economy chevrolet may be ibpught oh easy terms representatives for this sectton railwav time talnies at acton p oolno vvoat no si no 31 j mo 33 no 3 no 3 no 25 sunday 809 am tosg am 831 pm 1020ooz1 0olniilqbt no 20 705 anx no so p- 17 l 1118 dm no 34 335 pm no 30 cj7 pm no 38 813 pm no 24 sunday 708 pm canadian national electric railways woatbound daily except sunday pally dally r daily u iiaiiy w daily i dally j xauy dally v 7t3 jii iit ii g13 743 ons 1232 nm am am pm p m pm pjn pm am 4r8 i have clorlfled theo on earth at tho jrcaidonco of the brldos pai- onta streolovllio on january 2e 102g mr fred wrurglea worth jion of exwardon v wrlgbles worth to juioa ida cantelon die6 dxjnniin acton on tueaday feb- rgary7 1905 marguerite daughter of john0unn aged six years a laugh in every one yoaterday afternoon ho read hij copy of the eagle thrca hours later ho died an obituary in tho brooklyn eanlo theres my father ho smokes and drinks and chows and bo ia 80 yeavo old ah sajd hlo opponent if ho had not used the tobacco ho might have been ninety by thlo tlmo- doctor i said l feel qucerly 1 cant got a long breath thenl take two short oneo ho said and i laughed and gatbcttcr right away firstclans scout did you read about tho scout who swallowed his tcurnqo n tondorfoot no what happened -to- hlm firatclaoa scout oh ho cant otlr got a hacking cough and a head- acho- well ive a little wood you could haclc and it might euro your head much obliged mum but my head ache unt of the spllttin variety mr tucker had urioxpoctodly como face to faco with mrr cutting from whom ho hafi frequently borrowed hhoney eraw what waa tho donomlna- tionof that bill you loaned mo ho asked norvbusly v episcopalian i guesa said mr cutting at any rato it kcopd very well expenstvebatms n it was on tho ctdas tho itoaunfln- lahod tho work that tho father had committed to him because ho had accomplluhcd tht worktho fathor gavo him to do and thus glorified tho fathor ho could now ask tlio father to glovify him with hlmaolf tho glory with whiph the father would now glorify him wan tho same glory that ho had with thv father boforo the world was this glpry ho had volun tarily put aaldo that ho might rcdeom us but now this work of redemption was accompli uhed or would btithc next day whon hij died on tho crqaa noaod will restorbhim to tiro glory that ho gavo up toaccompliah it jesus now turns from praying for hlmaolf to praying for hia lmmedlato folio wore but beforo aoklng tho fatlfer to do for them ho recounts what ho hjmaolf had dono for them l h had manifested tho fathers namo to thorn tho name stands for tho nature and character as revealed jeauyjiad revealed to them tho nature and char- actor of god this lay at the foun dation ofall that ho- had dono tor them while jo sub on his part had rbvoalcd god to them theyon their part had kopt gods wortft those then who belong particularly to the oather and whom ho beatowoupon tho son aro those who keop hio word jesus had given them godn word and they had rocleved it in conao- quonco of thua receiving gods words thoy know tha jeaua had como forth rom god arid jjellovcd that god did send him joauo hero claims that every word ho spoke waa gods word 3 holy father keep thrnugh thine own name thoao whom thou hast glvon mo 13 in the shopping district of victoria below tho princess k nth a lean ono of two now voseols which are to bo placed in vancouver viotorla and seattle service inset a cornor of the pehdray gardens which are one of the horticultural sights of the capital city -whon- victoria tlio gverfyrgcn cltjr of tho west bide you wolcomo which it will whenever you chooao to visit tho capital city of brltiah columbia it will say it with flowers and at mpat unexpected times jind placed will- preaent boqtiueta for your appre ciation throughout your stay whatever tho bcason may bo what anoxtraordinarycity thla la though very young compared with tither cities ori tho continent it has no associated with more ancient placed whatever io offensively new la given a covering or a background of foilaga and flowers and it sooji fits into tho general hcheme of tilings victorian even down in tlio business and shop- pi ngvjjiqtr lets where there is so mucn coming and going will you find flowers auapended of all placeai from brackets on tho street light stands and yet it must not bo thought that this is a city of gardeners alono al though one doca wpndor in looldng over the clty and its suburbs that its cltlzehu can find timo for anything other than gardening thoao who do bualncss do it in much tho samo way as it is done in other uptodate cities of its slzo and unless ono happens to lhowthem tho stores in victoria aro quite a ouiprlbe an moat of- tho merchandise sold comes over the cheaper rf routes tourists have dotibtrthroughtheageney xf-ita- tem- porato climate drawn about ltaolf auch i found it moat advnntagoous to shop a mellowed atmosphere aa ia ubualiy there to iho advantago of tho mer chants dhd tho city generally on this account as much aa to tdko caic ofllocal requirements largo storea have evolved which may bo fallen back upon if ever tho bights and sconery pall- but apart from its own immodlatc glories and attractions victoria in the gateway to a land of onchantment hundreds of miles of good motor roadn thread vancouver islands through the vlrgliirforeatinwhlehthoblggeotflrfr oh tho coritluent grpw winding round mountain peaks arid running out ugain hero andtlicro to tho shore tine with its chief city vancouver is land is coming into its a mec ca for tho pleasure and health seek ers for tho convenience of tho in creasing number of tourists who vlajt thev island tho canadian national half way has built two of tho moat mag nificently appointed vessels on tho weat coaat to ply between seattle- vancouver and victoria and for tholr recreation and ploasuro a huge crystal garden la being built to bo completed early in tho spring and to feature tho largest saltwator swimming pool on tho continent however- victorians pride themsolvcs on tho fact that their chlof attractions aro not of an artl- flciol nature- which lii these days of publicity bureaus and advertising campaigns ishiachriaorethurican be sald of many other fashionable ro- sorts eaotbound daily daily excoptsunday dally afly- dalfy daily dally 743 am 943 am 1143 oni 143- pari 313 pm 543 pm 743 pm 043 pm 114apm- if it is hard to be pleasant when you have to maice an effort to bo pleasant you at least oughfto know tho reanon why amiability ought to bo aa natural as eating and drinking and if in bach individual case a struggle ih nccijnnryiabpaak pleasantly instead of disagreeable there ja u reason for it sometimes tho reason la just habit if you have indulged yourself in snap ping and snarling you cannot change to habitual pleasantness without making an effort if all at bnco you find it difficult to apeak pleasantly however the chances are that there ia a physical reason over- work or failure to tnka enough rest eyestrain teeth that need attention or any of a hundred similar matters may change the disposition overnight if without warning yop find your self innincd to be irritable find out if thero la a physical reason and ff bo remedy the adverse conditions if your attack of bad ternpor has no auch excuse then take yourself in band givo an elephant half a chance and ho will keop himself reasonably clean in his native haunts ho usually chooses a sight where rivers and pgnds abound rind makes good use of them that is not tho cnaoj however with tho luckless captives that are exhlbltod by travelling menageries in franco where water ia no scarce anyway to lmaglrio elephanta frolicking h the seine among tho bath houses and closoly-crowdod- la jiardi and yot captivo orophantfl must now and then lflivo a careful scrubbing with ao much attention to their ears as tlio umull boy- has lavished on his tho bath in france i requlroa tho bervicoo of throo men and costs about l50u franca first tho body of the hugobcaut la smeared with a white soap of nno quality aoventy kllo- gramu of this aro requlred for tho v job the mon then rub tho aoap to a lather with brushes and scour the oars with special caro after rinsing and drying the olo- pliarit thoroughly ho niuat be gone over with sandpaper and his entire body rubbed with olivb oil untilhta akin becomes very soft aitd pllabio tho french say that they uso no lens than 150 worth of ollvo oil no ownor however begrudges tho cost of keoplng a valuahlo elophnnt in good condition since the value of the beast incrcosca in tho name proportion as the rough- j noss uf hia aklji disappears elgin burroughs m 0 too much for father i son what is a- roost father father a rooat is a pow ori which chickens vooat at night vand what la a porcli father a perch ia whnt chickens porch on at nlffhv well papa couldnt chickens perch on a rooat j why of courao n and couldnt they rooat on a porch certainly but if tho chickens perched on i roost that would mafio the rooat a perch wopldnt it oli goqdnosa yes i auppoao so but if after aomo chickens had perched on a rooat and made un porch domo oltlokens ouino along and lfluatod l0ntllfip ercl -and- tnad4t- a yooat thon tho roost would bo a perch pducjciculwji bljftio chlcltena would be perchers and thf others would hjr rbobters rindr ijiistin himun take this child to bod ut onoe hotirayed for no others than those described lalyerscs 08 it was bo- cause thoy wero tho fathers thine that jesus prayed for them it ia an- oher wondorful thing that jesus apcaks in voraoio all things that nfo mine dre thine in those wtio aro gods own and christs own christ himself ja glorified and also care fully note for what ho prayo ho prays for tho father himself to keep thorn and to keep them in hia twn napie of courao tho father heard thio prayer for he hoars jcsua alwayn therofora tlwj believer la eternally safe for ho ta otornally kept by tho fathers power and chnracter in an swer to jeous prayor and wliat x3od the father keeps cannot bo loat the purpobo of tho fathers keeping waa in order that thoy might bo ono rn this wo flco how god tho father and christ the son long for thourdtv uovora if in onl t keoping that bellovors can bo truly ono tho dovil and our own hearts aro alwayn leading us to dlvfalon during jeaus stay with tho disciples he himself kopt them and aa a ro jult of that keeping hot ono of them eriahod tho son of perdition per ished but tho greek construction here usod does not imply that ho waa ono oc them whom tlio fathor had givon to chrjet and whom ho jiod cwrnnjj kept tho use of- this form of ox- prcsfllon in excnpuag somoodo at something that does not belong to the classy mentioned la common in tho greek now testament judoa pover really was christs beforo ho loft them ho spoke to thorn tho worda th would bring then tho same fullnesa of joytmh ho himself enjoyed it was biln own joy that ho wlohod them to have this joy in its fullrieua to have hla joy fulflllcd in tbcmaclvos this fullnesa of joy wan to come through tho word which ho spoke daily reodlnos for ntxt weak monday foljruaryj 2chriats iritor- ccssory pniyor john 17 13 tuooday fobruary 3 intercosson of abraham gcn 18 2333 wednuaday fobruary 4 intercom alon of moses exodus 32 30 thursday fobruary c intercessloh of samuel l sam 12 192g fridny february g jntercesalon of asa 2 chrori 14 912 saturday february 7 intercession of tho church acta 12 111 paul eph 3 1421 he kept lanterns judson had run a general utoro for twenty yeluih tho nnmb old dust was on tho shdlves and much of the original stock when tho place bo- came a summer itesort judson hung a red innterh of tho chinese variety in the rhlddlo of hlu colling as a con cession to the summer troac the second dly tho lantern was up li wo man spied it and bought u- judson put up another lantern and ariothei i as fast as he hung tjemjip summer guosts bought them for decorative ur- pouer finally tho limit of judson a patience was reached when tho loat woman nwno in and nbkert for a lan tern- i aint fointo ordor iiotrroro ho said decisively wliyr asked tho joman -thoro-alut- noaonafr in iti cajit keep re durncd ono of them- in stock as runt us i got em in some blumed fool wonmif comes in and buys n awful asthma attacks is thero a member of yourfamlly who is in the power of this distressing trouble no aervico oucari render him will squal the bringing to his attention of dt j t kelloggo asthma remedy this remarkable romedy reals its rep utation on what it has dono for others it has a truly wondorful record cov ering years and yearo of success in in almoat ejfory part of this continent and even boyorid the seao when you do not feel like it tho utudentjehjci studies only avhen ho fools hkb itrwill never got a di ploma tho omployco who works only when he fecla like it will riot hold ida job young people who do right only when they feel ijico it wlh no buildup a uymraotricol character we should cbngratulato ourselves when our inclinations colncldo with our studies no one feels that way continuously however rind if tho sense of duty does not operate whon tho others fail the result is likely to bo serious sailboats aro often equlppod with motors so tlittt whon the brooze fails the craft will reach its destin ation to bo sped forward toward your- goal by tho favorui jtrcoxo ot- incl la v agreeable but be sure you have nomothlng to fall back on when you no loftgerfeol jike doing tho task you ought to do it bids pain bqone when nournl- gla raako tho nerves or lumbago crip plea tho back la tho lima to teat the virtues of dr thomas eclectrlc oil well rubbed in it will atop tho pain and produce a sensation of case and rest a trial of it will establish faith in it the handicap of shyness shynesa is often akin to modesty and so entitled to be classed with the virtues rather than the vicesr even admitting this though from a prac meal standpoint tho handicap is a very serious one shy peoplo who rocog nize thla weakneas in themselves should strive earnestly to overcome their shynesa as if it were a recog nized fnult shy peoplo are generally underes timated because theyt have llttlo to say thoy listen silently to tho chat ter of their- inferiors as if they had no idea worth contributing and so tho ontooker has no thouglit but that this is the cuso those who suffer from shyness seldom make a good impres sion on strangers anj- so in seeking position or la- chdnging environment they are at a serious disadvantage whon shyntfsu does not result in awk wardness it is ofton mistaken for n feeling of superiority and is resented accordingly l young peoplo arc disliked for putting on airs when noth ing alia them but shyness if you suffer from shyness conquer il if you dial lit o to talk to strangers force yourself to improve every op- portunlty to do so if you dislike to nt- tondsoclal affairs because you fool awkward and ill at ease accept every invitation you get and then ask for more to allow your success in life to bo jeopardized by shyness when that dreaded handicap can bo over come by persistent common sense effort la a pity pecks bad boy albert reamer fifteen of no 20c oakland place orange new jersey felt that ho had outgrown school and plotted against going thero one day recently ho plotted on such a largo ncalo againsthio mother jvhsfrank a- reamer that ho kept tho police and jlro dopactmontn busy-foi-two- duys when mrs iteamer answered her doorbell saturday she found a man with threo tons of coal sho accepted tho coal ten minutes later threo more tona came she orderod tho driver to be off she telophonod to a dozen coal flrmsnnd found she wis on the- books for oixty toris more half an hour later a wagon with fiftcori gallons of icocrcam arrived this wno followcdty ronrtoxlcabs tlmn cu two u f the brain thriveapn work a dtatlnguiahed psychologist tolls us that if we sleep seven or eight hours a night we need not fear that wo are overworking our bralna in tho time that is loft in fact ho nasurcs us that hard thinking does not tiro the brain half ho much as worry envy or apprehension the truth in that tho mind thriveff on exercise and tho people who atop making dcnjnnds upon their memories orange hospital next a patrol wagon with a dozen cops tho following morning tho orange fir department responded to a call that- mrs reamers house was ablaze whllo tho firemen werp preparing o leave two wagon loads of pollc ar rived in responso to a riot call later a patrol wagon arrived with detectives to inyestlgato a murder when an other telephone call came to head quarters tliat evoning lieutenant jcronen traced tho call to a store in sunday february 8 intercession ut tare tho ones whoso momorles fall the man who retires from business and fails to provide himself with other interests that will keop him mentally alert lonea ground much more rapidly thnn one who stays in busirioaji young poople of avecoiro- health nre fn little danger of giving their brains toomueh exorcise a test offriend8hip one of tho best testa of friendship is tho enno m- dilllcultj one- expcrlencea n showing his highest self ao another two young people may be in constant association in all uorta ofgooil tlmcu and yottither- one ir mmniroue- pemled onlt would ojien his heart io tbo ofiier aa to bla unjdrutlons his lerplexltles or his inkier life which- is he real ono korthihb who hayoboon elobeljrasaooinrodor yuir t4 remain iitrangersto ouch other l qwtupoy- siblo becnmmneitherhnar overtfounor it pounlhlo to revenl 1ih deeper aid hotter oulf t hjs comrade no fiioinf- dhlp is worth much which never gosa bolow thu bupfflqflolal eaal- qfauge albert waa trapped there v albert ia alleged to have said ho played the pranks hoping toupfej hla mother that ho would not have to go to school ho was arraigned in a juvonllo court buckleys bronchitis mixture iscoubs intthiwj at alu pbuiicisti noses worth fortunes girjs who uaed to win at thbgueos- whatitdmollsof partica of tholr childhood may now find their noaos worth largo sums of money a amaltj army of scent dealgnera are needed ct the porfumery laboratories whore now scents aro constantly being invonted scent seekers aro nearly always wo men these days ono girl in now york city who discovers individual bconts for the four hundred has made over four hundred separato con coctions thla girl was just ono of many- workers in tho ilaboratory of a perfumery firm whon ono otho great est french scent makers op a- vhdt hero noticed her unusual powbr- in dividing one ingredient from anothor ho took her away to paris tho home of all lovely perfumes where ah learned to compose enchanting per fumes whose component parts no ono else could dotect this she could do blindfolded now she is ono of the individual ocent makers dontrlfrlcea soapa and powders all have tobo thought out toauit tho taste and charaoter of hundreds of types of poople ono womnn paid five thous and a year to havo the sole uao of an appealing now pcrfumo tho scont artist too becomes the friend as wed as tho tradeswoman of her clients tho perfume stores ore very restful with their silken curtains their deep cushiona their audbued lighting all in good taste tho marly- purpose oil boh intho liouao and atablo thero aro scorea of ubos for dr thomas eclectrlc oil uso it for cuts bruises burns scalds the pains of rheumatism and sciatica sore throat and chcst horaea are liable very largely to similar ailments and mishaps that effect mankind and are equally umonablo io tho healing lnfluopce of this fine old remedy which has ma thousands of firm frlonds during the last fifty years editing on pikes peak unique among tlio nowspaper offices of tho united statos and probably tho highest in tho world is that ori plkoo peak whon tho editor t b wilbon- s tar ted tho plkos peak news it was with somn mlsgivlnga at first he lo cated- hlo ofneo on the very peak but finding tha altitude atrlflo hfgh for comfort ho moved dawn a little hew- ovorr-ho- level tho whole family consisting of father mother and ono daughter worked on trie paper- whon tho train on the cog road camo up from mani- tou the passengers were induced to gtvo their namoe thon whllo thoy went to the top the papor was printed and in it wero all tlio names of thoao who had been to tho peak that tlio one- annoyanoo of tho printer waa the rollo hunter when tho news paper mans back was turned thero was- ariish af laughing girls to tho typo cose to gather smallplocea for aouveniru of tho trip one day ho pub lished a notice saying v iph thero the scoha phow- mistaken in this paper and wo phali to apod nil names right do not blama ua pbor it is tho beat wo cap do same phjlghtyi girjs- phrom boston phllched auour epba in all infantile complaints that ar the results of the doprcdationo of worms in the stomach and intcstlnoa millers worm povdor will bo found an effective remody thoy attaoh the cause of those troubloa and by ex pelling tho worms from tho organs insure an orderly working of tho nya- tom without which the child cannot maintain its strongth or thlvo thene powders mean health and improve- ment hints for beggars ho waa a beggar and ho sat iri a subway ontrunoa in now york wjth a bundle of pencils a- wooden hit and an idea hiio had his wooden logs painted and polished and in it waa t slot largo enough to receive a nlcklo a gootlly number of people who camo along ijtared ut tho slot aphtraolcdly and siippd a coin into it itp hotter uiau a ui cuplualnobeffgar imonteinthlq towp have got itrtho habit of putting money in slots wlill subway turnatlleu gum machines and no forth i get moro than i used to i las tor i a mother fletchers castoria is a harmless substitute for castor oil paregoric teething drops- and soothing syrups prepared to relieve infants in arms and children all ages of constipation wind colic v flatulency to sweeten stomach diarrhea regulate bowels aids inthe assimilation of food promoting cheerfulness rest and natural sleep without opiates r to avoid imitations always look for the signature of ix7eju prnvrn lircninii- p each paclftiye puysidam eveiywhere recommend il 4 did he leave y anyjnsiitxince the first question asked by george castles friends when they hoard of his tragic death in ah automobile accident was quite a natural one a griefstricken young widow two wideeyed wonderin children a lit home partly pnid for here were proper enough reasons for the solicitous query of true friends and george castlo had no insurance if your dentil came shortly would your widow beleft in this positioii would slie aftertho first paroxysm of grief had passed face long years of want with dull despair crowding lov ing memory from her iwsart t protect her future with a north american life policy the attached coupon will bring youcdmplete information on lipw best to do it north american life assurance company solid as the continent head office toronto canada p c walls district manager 504 bank of hamilton bldg hamilton ontario bund mo your booklflt tho whole rlfo policy nnmo addren ago occupation notice to editors op the estate of jame8 matthews deceased tho orodttora of jamoa matthews lata of the vlllaeo of acton in tho county of hal ton poatmaator who died on tho tenth day of january a d 102b und all persons having clalpab against hla estato are required on or beforo tho twentythird day of february 102b to oend by post pro- paid or otherwise deliver to the tmdet- nlned solicitor their fiill nnmes- adu dreajuuiand doscrlptlona and full par ticulars of their claims on and aftortbotialtf twentythird day of february tho executors will proceed to distribute tho an seta of tho uald estate among the portico untitled thereto andthoy hereby give notice that thoy will not bo reaponalble ther-a- aftor for any claim or claims ofwhlcii they shall not havo received notice dated this twentysecond day of january at l 1025 j chester matthews anna tl mjvdbock executors by h n parmer acton ontario their solicitor 303 does your watch keep time a watcii is a machine its work to keep time any gooatwatch will kcep- time if properly adjusted try our repair service savage co jewellers guelph ontario she was too sick to try entrance exams jeanne was one of the many chil dren in new ontario who travel miles each day to achdol fair weather 01 foul they trudgo atlong- tho rough roads earerfor tho little bit of edu cation possible for thein fifteen years had passed since jeannes birth and she hid never oojoyed tho bed t of health during that time 81x ot these years ahe bad spent in going to school help in or around tho houao and at odd times working hero and there to earn a little money one day sho waa caught itvaalcet storm on ber way home front school before long a terrible cough sot in which finally ended iri consumption of course it was impossible for her to try the entrance examination a an other year per hap but certainly not now said the doctor now sha is resting at the uuslcolta hospital ror consumptives tier pleaa- tnc shyness attll remain her curly fair hair refusos to bebavo whllo her blue eyes with 1 tho aid of hor lips radiate cheef and hope sure nays jeanne im jtoinsr to high school why notr and we echo why nott and the doctor says why not bo- cause jeanne id on tho road to welwille 1 will you help her and others to reach the soal by contrbutlnklo the hospital funds cixtm may bo ncnt to hon v a charuon prualdont ut couoko street toronto ontario subscriptions for all maga zines taken at the free presg office 7 y fcv v ijnm

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