Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 5, 1925, p. 6

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11 ir th a marriakcs ami deaths oro novr clucged for at the following rates births sue morrinircn sofr dcatho 50c memorial cards 5 ic per line extra for ptteino bofcn ciupp in acton op sunday feb ruary 1 1925 to mrvnnd mrs a crlpps a daughter slassakd in acton on sunday february 1 102g to -mr- and h3pp 13 j hasuard a eon j married innqhamvxunghxm on wednes day january 21 192c in toronto miss pearl bingham daughter ot mr and mrs samuel- wt bingham to mr frederick bingham iron of tho lato mr and mr thoraaa bine- ham both of erin township kovi nhv r wus burning the candle at both endu rov j culp tho honored pastor of jtfio mcthodltit church croatod much iiurpriaaui d unlverunlrogrot whon ho announced with very manifest fueling at tho morning uorvlco unit sunday that ho had come- to in time in hfo whon a rest is imperative if yearu of usefulness oro ot bo bio in tho future for tiomo time ho ban boon threatened with a constitutional breakdown out he had gone forward with his work in tho hopo that the threatened weak ness would pass a recont critical delated died wass at oukvule on wednesday january 28i9i5 rebcceu a wang in her 71 at yea w taylor at her home in blytli on monday february 2 192tv chriatlna bain widow of tho lntorov j b taylor und mothor of mrs pr gray acton nfred 91 ycara irtnn b0 thursday february c 1925 brief local items uev j cuip to retire hio physician ordoro him to toko a vdaro root expcnto o dqlp california at midsummer examination byhin physlcnh had been itn r t lie february is with uii zero weather again last sunday night this haa booh a buoy winter far tho snow ohovolo thejanuarytuawevmenuy got ita datoa jdjeil this year tho days nroongthonlnc and tho buns rays stronethdnlritf work out tho new fkeb foe33 jcroowbrd fuzzlo on pao three oh thoao pitch holes say tho cut ter riders thoyro on every road tho annual carnival will bo held at tho rink on saturday afternoon and ovofl in g i jnd must tako a prolonged rest for ro cupcroiion and rebuilding of physical strenntlv it was his purpose he said to continue his work here aintll the close of the conference year in june and had referred to tho matter this early to iillow the board to tako tho prompt action toward securing tt auf cossor tho matter cdmo formally boforo tho qfllcial board at tho february meet ing on tuesday ovoning tho f colli g of regret on tho part of tho members that thc pastor lu in poor health an tho prospect of losing liiuvaltied vices was freely expressed a pulpit supply commltteo was appointed ami tops will bo taken at- onc toyara rilling the vacancy the plans of rov and mrs- culp aro to go to california and spend a year with their son and daughter thcro and it is hoped that a years rcstwlll result in restoration bf tho health so that thoy may return to canada and resume tha work horo no dear to their hearts rev mr culp made many frlenda in acton during his ministry hero mil regrbt will be felt on all slaps thai ho finds it necessary to temporary retire the schools honor roll standing of tho pupils in public school the flrt month of th year i poel county council hao diacover- od that thoy had a deficit of j1282247 last year choor up springs coming and then thoro will tab lots of thaws and soft water vfchruary oiib year will bo com- posod of four completo su nday- to saturday weeks- thoro was no services in tho bap- mat church on sunday tho mlniatorf oxpocted failed- to corao you tiixn havo roaaonablo faith in a fncc piubc adjt has abluty to doliver tho goods some one rousts bo stepping on tho gan judelnc from tho speed at which it is going u pin price thero was no ecllpao over old bruins shadow on monday six weeks mora of winter but thats all right tho ladles of tho methodist churqh nro preparing- for a rummoffo sale to bo held aomotime in march nay yorick ota doesnt stand for old topers association theyre agin it holbournq econ omist tho band is now playing wcdnos- day and saturday ovenlnes at tho rink frdm their- now band stand recently erected- at tho town bf campbollford tho municipal auditors are mrs c turnerj and miss n hoover thoy aro ox- porienced accountants ono of americas greatest men says out of p long experience xearn everything about your job and then youll got a bettor onc tha february communion sorvico in tha mothodlst church last sunday mornlngwas an imprcsslvo ono rev mr culpcpnducted tho service y meaford too is proud of their band- by a big majority tho rato- l payora voted in favor of granting that institution -tho- sum of g00 a few motor cars still movo about town but- none of them venture out side- tho doop snow and the pitch holdo aro lmpoaaiblo to negotiate tho results of tho january examin ations gave tho following pupihthonor standings in the various department 6t tk6acfbn public fhool sflnifiepourth mildred holllnger 283 meryl grin dell 2z2 lois malone 278 total 400 junior fourth isabel- lants 201 robert mcarthur 102 violet currio 185 total 400 v m z bonnott principal senior third edna crlppa 383 larjorio garden 380 bert olbbcns 3c2 total 500 d folstor teachor junior third isabol bruco 401 adabel brown 400 kathleen mccomb 38c total 50fr m r moore teacher senior second andrew buchanan 401 audrey mc comb 3c4 catherine mackle 363 total goo i anderson teacher first clasi violet white 2c4 robert kerr 259 vera rawlings 258 total 300 second class harvey hasaard 278 toddy han sen 27g gordon cook 2g7 total 300- a mcdonald teachor flrat class a mervlh rold 15a ooorgo swiur 129 ssirio anderson 120 total 200 neighborhood news- town arid couiiiry limehouse rock wood tho womens institute of llmehousis will hold their regular monthly meet 1e on thursday february g lit th homo of mrawmfiimmuchgu during tho extreme cold weahc- mid tho deep snow on the roudu mat- tern huve been vat her quiet in thin locality dallinafad mrs duncan ferguson who was pi last week la now recovering rmre htirvey wilson- ofmerrittoir- spent a few days inst week- with he parents mr arid mrs f binnlo hcrt miss 31cn tencher of the bnllinnfal school was ill last week with the ntumps mrs charles ruddy of- cporgetown supplied for her jjvir leonard atlurisdii of thompsons jorners intends shortly to remove lo ouelph imt churchill- thoro was no preacher for the ser- vlce here on sunday owing to some misuhderstanalng tho baptist pooplo at acton had- respecting the supply irqm trio city the ariow fallsand windstorms if the past week rendered tho roadsal- rnost impassible again for a fow days some of tho sleigh roads meander off tlie- concession llneu iind thrmjghthe cprms now mlaa fearlgraff of blue vale hpent tho weekend at her- homo hero mr and mrs beverley robinson of powaasen visited at the hbmc of mr john praff ou their honeymoon tour s s ho 10 erirsi the following is the report of work for january cj missed ono or more cxomlnationa junior rvvfejdward lnggart 90 lion jean cree 75 hdh david swackhomcr c5 tuahlngham fos ter 03 junior hi hazel fancy 88 hqri idalsyfoator 80 hon edith ru- ael 63 honry kelly c3 senio it lou inn swn 53 lion mildred foster 82 hon ruichol kelly g3 senior i jack cole stewart rua- aol kathleen farey junior t frank swackhanyjr n- macmillari teacher leslies school tho school report for january for s- s no 8 erin is as follows class v elva johnston florence johnston marjorlo reld class iv loyota forestell maud mccraig viola allan kathleen mc- keown ida crlppa hector mcartliuiv sonlor ntjjosoph tell tawi- rexco foreateh cdivin aitkens wi1- lloim johnston junior zillulu mccutcheon goc don leslie thyra stone bcsslo for esecll anrtio altken thomas coble mary craig junior ii liols forestoh evelyn pcaren uoyd mckeown james mc- cralg evelino iamberl frimcr orval stono johnforeateh robert allan marjorlo mccralg m mcdonald taochcn mr and mrs john thompson who have been living in jamestown n y for some time paid 11 short visit hero recently mr thompson bus been supervising tlio construction of n largo j hotel and having finished his con tract came hero to visit mr william burns arid other members of tho burns family before gbihg to north carolina to engage in similar work there mr rtchurd howat of the canadian bank of commorco toronto hi hohn for u vacation elwyn locker wm brldger jr and lawronco oakes werol wevkond visitors thoy nro worlung in slmcop nt present tho snow shoo club which was formed lately soem to be onjdylng themsolyjds evenings tramp ovor tho doop onow then atop foj refroahmonta at tho homo of ono of tho members boforo turning in for the night thoro was a largo turnout last fri day ovoning at tho preparatory nor- vices in tho presbyterian church to hear u former pastor rov john little who delivered an earnest dlacouro from john 10 9 laying mphaois on tho words in and out i mr mp barry roturnedhonip last week from a business trip to tho statea mr and mrs george bolton recolvod a letter and a newspaper clipping from mr william b bragg who is in thb north- west containing tho account of the death pf mrs james- harris who passod away at rotlew alberto ontlio llji ofdecemberi in hor 7gth voiut with her into husband thoy movod frorii rockwood liyftho early 80aj to st vincent grey county- where in i80ohcr husband prcdoccaucd her in 1905 she moved to meaford whilo in st vinceritsho was inotrumontal 1 in organizing tho woriiens forolipi missionary socie njptivj aajtiffl momberr shoi also taught a young ladies- bible class as well as belrt superintendent of tho sunday school in 1908 she went west and spent tho winter and the following- summer on tho homestead of her son allan and j assisted in organizing tho first sunday school in the community thirty miles from post office and railway in 1912 sho moved t6 rotlaw alberta in order to bo near her children low allan harvey ahd marv alice who now mourn tho loss of a devoted and loving mothcrr joseph harrlar of wauhttig ton state is tho last surviving member of that family tho others wero the late jpui rarrlfli the lato thoihs harrla and the lato samuel harris who passed away on- october 31 1923 at guelph 10000 debentures at 9959 tho county council disposed of this igsuo to r- a doly co toronto j obituary mrs hliv j it taylor a beloved nm do voted mother in israel ifoll nsleup when mrs j b taylor of blyth the mother of mrs di t gray passed peacefully away on monday morning this dear old lady who had reachoi her ninety- tlrst year was in tho opjoyiriont of good health until a few months uga for sonio timo lately oho had been manifestly falling though when her daughter mrs dr gray visited hor in october oho soeinod iiulto smart and enjoyed the visit very much mrs taylor was a natlvo of canada was born in plcton n s in 1834 her- paronttl having camo fonj scotland bom o 1 1 m oti o ro rov ttor trial dc iia mo was christina bain in the- year 1350- when a maiden of olxteon she married rov j b taylor a young presby terian minister- who was just beglnniin allfo of great usefulness and succos first as a missionary- in tho provinco of quobeo then in tho oparsoly sottlod dlutrlcts 6f wootern ontario rov mr taylor pursued his arduous labors always assisted and cheered by his epnaocratod helpmate t when mr and mrs taylor wont lnti queorio bush in huron county in their work of spreading tho gospel- -they- bought it proporty at tho villago of blyth for a homestead und when mr tuylor retired from tho paoorato of luclcnow whore ho wan tho minister beloved for a- long term thoy settled on this homcfltpad for tho remainder of- their declining years rev ami mrojtdylor wor0 blessed with a family of throe sons and seven daughters two sons and five daughters survryo rov mi taylor went to ijlu reward in 190 during tho past few years their daughter miss annie who waafora timo a valued member of tho teaching tjtndtactonpnblio s chotirms7 ii vc a with her mother and has given rior devoted caio and 3olicltude j mri taylor who a great mrvorof tho church and the principals foi- which it stands her kindness ofheart her intimate knoivlodgo of tho word of god her long oxperlonco as a christian worker ren dered services most useful arid ac ceptable- v- now the laborers task is oor now the battle day is past now upon tho farther shore lnnrth th vo at inaf essay and poster contest an opportunity far students and pupils to win substantial prizea father in thy gracious keeping leave we- now tlry servant sleepi ing mrs dr gray arid her sister mrs tonnant who was visiting her went to blyth bn tuesday mbmlng th6 funeral was held yeaterdajr afternoon when the remains of this saintly char acter wero laid jxt rcat in tho family plot beside thoao of hcr lifes partner whom she so dearly loved osprinqe first claae b lloyd- irwin 110 graco xantz 101 jamespshoa 91 total 200 n anderson teooclir primary room a annlo holmes 17 lois crlppa 16 lorrttino jocque14 b jack mcqill 20 audrey chalmers 18 roderick ryder 17 c burt patrick 1g gcorgo footltt 14 marlon nicol 12 charlotte marshall 12 a b gardiner teacher tvllliam brydon a former well- known farmer of this community vzta fouuid la a dnzod condition lying on tho floor of the barn on tho farm of his fitstcr mrs austin mccutcheon at ever ton whoro ho had boon visiting about nlno ocloclc on thursday rriorn- anr with blood otrearalnu trom a rag- od cut in his forehead closo by lay an axb with which ho had evidently utruck- himself although tho wound lo a doop one requiring oovcral stitches tho injured- mans condition though aertous io not likely to prove fatal mr brydon retired from his farm inoaf oaprlneo nonyo time ago and moving to guelph he and his wife resided for a fow- months on tho eramosa road ho returned to tho country- shortly after christmas he is said to have suffered from melancholia and to havo wowrletl considerably over his inabil ity to qbtnin employment ho is 55 yoaraof tujc- consummation of union a few weeks ago baiirlo employed d now chlpf of police bdt already ho io being criticised by members bf tho council who think ho in too active mr t savage san longfellow crossing tho bar at tho evening acrvlcojin tho methodist church 6n sunday in a vory lino voico and harm ony mr a p galloway of knox coir logo toronto preached two eloquent sermons in knox church on sunday in tho aboonce of rov a c stewart ma arranaementb befno mado for spiritual celebration and conse cration in toronto ih acxpn citizens band boys aro now busily engaged practicing for their big llplh1ibenrtf r piny nrirtmlnnlcatiluqi which will bo staged tho first or second week in march barrio hao carried a bylaw to raise 10000 by ten year debentures to bo used as a grant to tho royal vic toria hospital which has recently been facing financial difficulties whjt dont you subscribe for tho paper yourself it costs less than four cents n week by the yoar tha amid tho clamor of controversy on church union and the huatio of vot ing on the question of non-concur- renco in congregations it is apt to bo forgotten that tho realization of union is so close at hand and that in about four months tho united church of canada will- bo both a fact arid a factor in this dominion notwithstanding tlio withdrawal of soveral hundred congregations from i the presbyterian church tho union will ho dominion wide in ita scopo i ahd the united church of canada will consist of some nlno thousand con gregations scattered over every part of tho country the combined ministry tit thonhreotcliurch allowing for riori concurrents will number at least threo tlmugnnd in addition to w wni oakville ft m- m likely what your neighbor thirties wlton you borrow her copy of the foot piatas theres a good timo in store for knox church choir this evening they nro to bo entertained by mr and mrs a o clarridgc and family the boa pftalltyof this homo is widely known just to remember juno when win ters reigning to dream of gardens- aa the chill winds blow to vision- loofy lanes when snow is falling to sco on frosted pane an opening rose that la my wish today mr waldron of knox college ad- dressod tha young peoples guild on monday evening on hie ficpcrioncoa on the mission fields of tho west his address was full of interesting infor mation and inspiration mies corlnno mcdonald wan pre sented with a diploma and blblo in the- methodist sunday school on sunday afternoon upon completing her grad uation examinations from the primary to tho intermediate department monday was citizens night at the young pooplos lcaguo mooting ut olonwilhams when an interesting de bate took place subject rdaolved that prohibition la bottor than govern ment control tho afflxmatlyovn tho complimentary referenco to milton by tho oakvlllo now no bing a graveyard etc wo will overlook this time as no doubt tho writer did not mean it any moro than wp dld when referrinffto oakvlllo us a dead towrirroforrnftr tho high windon saturday ovon ing broke one of tno ed of tlio outsldo aeries of atroot llghi electrician wnson his caafleoyod search and experienced skill dlcoverod thotroubto nftor ah hours sejuch and tlio uuul welllliumlnated canauioim wars reirtordv- havo a staff of about 030 missionaries tho united church will havo a wider missionary programme than any ono of the separate churches it will havo mission fields fn india africa china japan formosa korea- trinidad and south america arrangements aro already made for tho great consummation rar tho unlon which according to tho- united church of canada act is formally to take placo in the city of toronto on tho tenth day of june 1925 committees aro at work on local arrangements tho bil leting of delegates tho docket of busi ness and a wnolo series of meetings of consecration and insplyitlon while tho great central consecration servlco will bo hold in some largo church or hall similar services will bo conduct ed in all parts of the city and through out tho dominion every effort will bo made to make- the celebration a timo of spiritual uplifting and con socratkm to christian service to this end special prayer services will be held greetings will bo brought to tho united churchi from slater churches all over the world and it is expected that rcpresontatlveo from the presby terian methodist and congregational churches in great britain and tho united stntcs will convey to tho gen eral council messages of congratu lation and blessing the united church of canada will have tho unique distinction of having a placo in the panpresbytcrlan alliance tho metho dist ecumonlcal conference arifl tho congregational union- of tho world unionists look forward to tho coming consummation as tho grant est event in the rollglous history of canada if not in tho history of christendom tho first general council of the united church of canada will be composed of ico presbyterians 150 methodists 40 congregatfonallnts and 10 mombera of tho general council of union churchen trrobodolcgatoo or commissioners havo already boon np pointed by the chief courtn of tho uniting churches and thoy constat of an oqual number of laymen and mln pno of the first notn of thin at both services last sunday rev dr j k mcunro announced his inten tion of presenting his resignation as pastor of knox church at tho next meeting of tho toronto presbytery ho gavcns his reason the action of tho congregation in voting against enter ing wltruuioprcabyterian church into tlio united churcir of canada oajwiuo council advertised for an aaseaoor and has 1c applicants tho masonic entertainment lust week in tbo gregory theatre was well at tended and tho programme good molvlllo munrb of rev j is and sirs munro has passed hla final oxamtlnationa as a chartered account ant this week charles a spoors son of air and mrs w h speora of bronte loaves for australia whero he will spend two years represent i fig tlio ghana pt on spark plug co of wlnd- sor ontario tho ladles aid of knox church aro arranging to hold an attractive val- cntm tea and sale of homomade cooutjnff jas- h blncklock left t week dn a visit to england and particular o relatives in tho old homo town of plokexlae yorkshire mr blncklock will b bade in tho spring wllmer feathers to no is homo from alborta after being in tho western province for about nlno years ho staying with his brother emerson feathers to no of trafalgar e sqlaosoo and mr and mrs wii- frod cox loft last week for plnchurit n c whero they will spend part of tho winter tho trafalgar trustees association hold t3ioir unnuul meeting at postylho inst vook when inspector doriycs was tho moving spirit of- uio gathering many matters effecting township school matters were discussed and u wan decided to contlnuo tho sch6ol nurno there was a really important road mooting at tho township hall post- villo on wednesday afternoon when abriio fifty representatives of tho yeo manry of trafalgar gathered to con sider omo action regarding the aboli tion of atatuto labor in order that tho townafrlp may avail themselves of tho government grant of thirty por cent for tho improvement of purely town ship roado abolition carried by 47 to at tho meeting of tho cpurity coun cil last weok tho debentures j69000 5 per cent 20 annual instalments wero sold to r a daly co toronto at tho rate of 9559 there wero 27 tenders j thofollowittc app ointments of high lcjiapltrustoes- wero made burling ton h a lorimorl milton d s robertson georgetown e y barra- clough oalcville ernest osborne tay- ior- tho following aro tho standing com mittees for 1925 of tho county council of halton with the members tele phone numbers donald mclntyre warden 35j georgotown financcrblain 4 nicholson 273 moron 304ri oalcville barber 02 acton j roads and bridges morden ap- plobo 84r21 georgetown agnowj 235r14 milton foster 20 burling ton mcarthur 47r0 lowville county buildings applcboi blain blakolock 2mj galbralth 80w bronte printing cross 74 holtby 274 mcarthur brown 84rc georgetown education nicholson brown holt- by barber special communications barber foster morden cross hallways and legislation agnow applebe galbralth mcarthur blako- loclc good- roads foster morden gal bralth mcarthur cross applebe ag now brown blain nicholson 3arber blakclock holtby the warden is an exofllclo member of all cqjoamittees it was decided to hold tho regular sosslons of tho county council on tho third tuesday of every month reeve holtby proposed the motion which was carried without any opposition meetings every two months usedto suffice for bupervlaion of county business a hojlon sons rapid progress rioht hon sir thomas vvhite born at bronte might have boon pmmior compulsory stopping algitossuigs would tanglo up motor traffic on tario motor loapuo would havo obstructions removed and danger signs piacod the department- of scientific toni- periiiico itistrtiotlon under the w c t xtr of ontario la offering prizes for hie bust ejisays and posters to the public schools of acton and nuami- gawcya also tlto high school of acton students will receive full information df tho different subjects for essays from tho teachers of thofio sohoulu in tho white ribbon tldlngii fur january tho following advice im given regarding posters construction not destruction skull and cross bones taboo y ing- uie scion tula-jcem- perapco conference of tho american national jubileo held in ciicigo in november miss francis stoddard of scientific temperance boston de clared no moro- skull und cross bonesi we want no more destructive posters wo want constructive post crs v tho following wero a few of tho subjects treated on exhibit there broudcasting the- good news pro- hlbltfon is hero to stay a radio with loud speaker give the bublog their blrthrlght- jioath without alcohol a laugh- inp baby rosy with hcalllr safety first as rolatcd to trans portation in various ways grown for health not to make afoohol q rains prepared into foods broad etc and not thrown- into vats to manufacture liquor of newmarket had a try- frig experience last week- during the nlght a six- inch- mn in burst and- tho rcsorvoh containing 175000 gallons of water ran dry part of the town wis without water for a dhy oi- two all eyes should be examined we believe tho day is coming when everyones oyes will v be ex amined by an optometrist fow people- at prosent attach- enough importance to eye strain cases aro coriimon whero peoplo havo fought oyo strain all tholr lives and didnt know it that shouldnt be findings outearly about thoeytiii is important our boatearo arid attention awat you a w smtta optometrist 120 uppor wyndhom 8t guolph comfprtablo vlplon spoclallot tor 20 ycard m o ock- i alon spec mens wool undervveait now is the time to lay iifli stock of wool underwear woot has advanced in price fully 50 per cent in the last two months we hive- a godd nssortmenti of sizesr in stanfields xurnbulls and tiger brands standelds twopiece at turnbulpstwopieee at tiger brand all wool at 25 and 275 200525 and 20 5200 and 225 buy now before tlie prices go higher yarns the next shipment of yarns yill be niuch higher than what we have in stock today scotch fingering thevery best at pertlb 140 monarch down at per 2 oz balls 35c eactbry yarns for heavy knitting all colors- 2 and 3 pjyvat per b t 10 mill ends and remnants during stocktaking every remnant is measured up and priced marked in plain figures gall and iooc ihemovcr nf until further notice this store will be open every wednesday afternoon mcleaii go mill stheet- acton ont- tho right hon sir thomas white k c m g who begon his loni career in tho assessment department of toronto city hall in 1887 was born near bronte halton county the son of james and elizabeth graham awhitct -wascducatcdiat- oakvlllo and brampton high schools and in 1895 sir thomas took his ba degree jtmit hetntversttyo t s istent 0ftrvfatrnlttyi1t bottr rtrtrrnirn ho oonferenco tb bo etabliehod and alio numlmir of roprflsentjtuvon that shall conwtitutn tho noxt oonornl council to bo conve wlttfln a jborladjof jtwo noxt hundajy the methodist church will to uugmented by about 125 unionist presbyterians who as tho minority at jhp latter churchy are icavlnglt tho present pastor of tho priyjbytcrlan church roy dr j k munro will lend tho unionists to tho method lut churoli whero ho will as sist dr dougaj until juno 10 by tho move fclm iresylcrlnn suuilay school will loan about 125 pupils doop lorrow and widospreaifrokrot worn cikiiewml by tho dcvtth inat week of mihh ruecca a wans nt her beauti ful residence jlnlonm lawn iako- ahorfi esbt universal xprosalonn of regret and- appreciation of the beauti ful unselfish and useful life of one whono works will nqt noon fade from lhfnorary- aaoaojamartjoditne poar of oakvlllo havo lost their best frl onil nnd tho methodist church uf forcil nn irreparable- lou the cnr never ocnf to a worthy appeal tho jhciixi th- hand won unfailing in gonoroulty i ly afterwards while taking his course it osgoodo hall ho won two flrat- class scholarships there besides being a gold medalist sir thomas was local improvemejit clerk in the toronto assessment de partment at tho dato of his marriage september 20 1890 to annlo isabel daughter of ellis siltferthorn jarvls ont ho was sworn in as a barrister at osgoodo hall in 1889 but ho nover practised- law from 1899 to 1911 ho wan gonoral manager of thenatlonal trust co and in october 1911 yvob sworn in as a mombor of tho borden government accepting tho ofllco of minister of fi nance in november of tho same yeur bo was elected by acclamation con servative member of parliament for leeds hla ministry offinancb in tho borden and union governments was chiofly marked by tho- flotation during tho grctttwnr in tlio years 1917 1918 and 1919 of threo victory bond lu- suca by which riioroi than 17000000- 000 wnn raised for war purposes whon sir robert borden resigned the premiornhlp of cannda tho prcnt- ier3llp was unanimously tendered to sir thomas uymcmbors and o4jntoifs supporting tho- union government in caucus assembled sir thomas refus ed the offer of tho premiership from the caucus tho caucus accepted sir thomas whites nomination of sir arthur meighen to tho premiership and leadornhlp of tho union goverji- ment sir thomuu resigned tho fi nance ministership m august 1919 and on april 6th 1021 he rctgnedxi boat in tho dominion parliament to tako a seat on tho board of arbit ration on tho purchase by the do minion df canada of tho grand trunk railway sir thomas js a former governor of tho university of toronto and a form er trtihteo of tho toronto general hos pital forjiio ncwlcoh to his country and as wartime minister of finance ho wan created a knight commandor of tho order of st michael and st j george on now years day 1010 sfrj thomas is vlcoprcnldcnt of tho can adlnn i lank- of commorco a rtlrojiojrj of the canada lfiianmnatfoolco a lronftr of thrf eajlonal truritco and a director of the mtll c5oinpniiy of canada 1t wan a member of tho iudnnu club qtlnwn the- york club and tho toronto club id a alstor of sir thomas whito f tho resolution urging tho ontario government to introduco legislation that wojuld make tho stopping boforo crossing railroad crossings logaily- obligatory did not recelvo as favorable a recoptlon at tho hands of the as sombled delega t t c6nvifntion- of tho associated boards of trade and chambers of commorco bf ontario as reports in tho dally papers later in dicated tho resolution was referred to tho executive committed not as ro- ported with an expression in favor of it but with an expression in favor of tha executlvo committee taking h up with tho ontario motor league arkansas north carolina virginia and now jersey havo made stop look listen at railroad crossings law so far as the american auto- mobllo association has been able to obtain unbiased reports tho law does not adorn jto have made any material difference in tho grade crossing prob lorn- tho ono outstanding feature of tho crossing stop law which has corne to the attention of tho a a a has been tho tremendous increase of fines levied upon motorists in virginia whon charged with noncomphanco with ttys particular ia- the ontario motor leaguo has urged that a completo survey be made of nil ltivel crossings and asked for a whole sale clearance of obstructions tho board of railway commissioners re plied that this survey is proceeding continuously and as rapidly as tho financial situation will permit tho question arises whether a stop law throwing all responsibility on- tho motorist would not have a tendency to retard the improvement work now in progress it might reasonably bo argued by the railways that since tho motorist is compelled by law to stop- look and listen before a railway crossing no accidents theoretically can happen except through tho negli gence on tho part of tho motoriut and that tho railway companies therefore should not be put to the expense of improving the condition at crossing generally tho situation on a heavily travollod highway such ns the torontohamil ton highway intersected by several unimportant railway lines can bo easily lmaginedonaj3uoy day wlth j contthiious r hnoof cars procecdlfng in cither direction between tho two cities it wqjirt mnnn tho piinllnally aixai advertisers tho free press jo anxious p eervo you and serve you well wd can pivo your advortiae- ment bottorattentlottond thorb- iforo rhako it mord attraertivo if tho copy io ouppliod to uo olt monday or tuoatjay if co fails to roach ua until wotlneodoy forenoon thoro is a rush to sot it up boforo the- forms elboo and tho result jo likoly to bo loss satisfactory send in yourf ads early car would have to atop each timo tho car immediately adjacent to tho crds- slng had to stop which would mako progrcsss between the two cities largo- ly a matter of stopping and starting ovcry fowmlnutes the ontario moor lenglie has askod tho board ofrallway commissioners to order tho placing of railway danger signs at a dlstnnco of 300 feet from crossings tho board havo- advised that thoy have not at present tho authority to mako such an order but havo shown sympathy with tho pro- 1 posal by suggesting that the lcaguo request tho minister of railways to bring in an amendment to tho railway act which would provido authority for the placing of danger signs at points 300 foot from tho railway crossings this tho league has done and any slip- port whloh other organizations can give fo this request would bo help ful toronto citizens aro prosperous because thoy know tho value of time have your watch or clock overhauled and repaired so itwlll koep cor rect time i do a largo amount of work for toronto stores and citizens because i give value for money spent and guarantee the work support your own town and havo your work dona hero hwhinton specialist in making now parts and repairing old works ena- lisb swiss and amorican clocks and watch os jawollery plato china and glass acjpjn and tjoronto meat market owing to ray low overhead expenses i am prepared tb do the very best fpr piy customers in the supplying of choice cuts of meats at lowest possible prices give personal attention to all details of my business and studyo serve o the best possible advantage the requirements of my patrons orders sent b your children receive my zareful attention orrie lamb corner mill and main streets acton ont millinery and fancy goods miss x galbraith millinery and fancy goods store phone 109 mill street travellers from tho city by thp electric road on saturday afternoon had rathor trying experiences tho prevailing blizzard stalled tbo car on dundas street at tho eaton farm for soveral diours it was between ten and eleven oclock when tho b40 car reached acton s last sunday morning somo min er cants broke in thu rur daor of tho toronto hubuibaxi litatlou fiurglary was evidently not their tntontlon us nothing was tiikon from the premie tills sort of i propcriicrjfttmago and rowdyism is unluhable by law and it is probable tho perpctratotvi will bo severely doaltwlth bobbed heads may be washed ito easy to waali and dryuio bobbed headn a iree lather of babyu own sop ip a brain of j liot water io u nimplo and inex- mivc3lilmimoaiiduilliiger jnc ragrnnce os of rosea in the linir la very appealing own soap la oold in jscuyjdu cartons 10c bvery- rlier ii- r bulvuiamajbaiutitf m candy wilt help hr sweat content its a protty bo of oonti- mont ho found out tho parti cular- kind of candy alio jilted and that alio bought it hero he eota a box of it now and tucka it under ids arm oveity calling nlffht somotimca they apend tho ovonine- at homo and other tlmea they to put- but her favorite cariily ilwayo accompanies thu purty saturday treat old- time molasses chewing toffee rejf loo lb saturdny treat 9c lb weekend chocolates hob c0c and ooo lb saturday special 32c milk chocolate buds heir 00c lb saturday 39c lb vi lb 20c m rkyjorya 65 9c ont sale of homemade baking very week and every day we hold a sale of fresh home- madetaking its bound to be fresh because we are always old- out and jnost of the best homecooks irr acton and vicinity havo given up to our baking in preference to their own product a few lines now obtainable are lemon apple raisin mincemeaj and pjimpkinpies cream puffscream bum cream- drops lemon cream tartsjfrujt cakes etc many consider our bread the best have the wagon call phone 116 fairbanks bakery mill st acton economical buying its very oftcn- quite a task to know just what kind of meat to have for dinner or any other meal in fact and it is very often quite a problem after you- have decided upon what you want to- make it fit your pocketbook but both these problems can be easily solved at our meat counters ojut experience in cutting meats is proven to your ad- vantage every ifrfc you buy meat over our counters we can give you the most profitable cuts ut the lowest prices quality considered of course we are not quoting prices this week buf you can be assured of most economical buying if you allow us to cater to your meat needs always the right cut at the right price watch our- windows fridav and saturday for- specials y w j patterson corner mill and main sheets 4cton ont j br-ji- i 1 x j vv 3 i i iais

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