Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 12, 1925, p. 1

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fiftieth year no 33 thursday morning february 12 1025 acton ontario canada thursday morning february 2 1925 single copies five cents ftie methodist chukch acton rev j08ephgs culppotor parsonagowiilow i connexionaj pond day 1100 u m rvv u culdwcll stx- of georkototvu 230 p n sunday school 700 p m rov ht ciiwwcjl s t l besbxierian- rtknoxrchurch acton minlstcrrov a c 8towrt m a- 1 manse willow stroot 11 00 ii m tho mlninter subject tho church and us task a00 p m bible class studfcft in matthew chapter 24 i v 30j pi m sunday school 760vprtm the minister subject the first christian martyr and his message strnngohs leaylnjy address with the ushers will bocafled upon by the pastor- special notices advertisements in this column 3 cents pei i word miklimiid charge 30c per insertlonr pigs- for sale choice tprk boar 9 months old york sow bred terms and jrice ar- i ranged- apply to a j murray r r no 1 1 pupno 96r 12 32tf extensive auction sale messrs j precious arid b- kenny i will hold ax extensive auction salo i of highclass household furniture etc and new ford sedan at tho farmors club store on willow street acton i on saturday february 14 at one oolock roy hinlby r j kerr 7 auctioneers farms for sale 45 farms in tho counties of haiti and wellington varying from 40 tol 200 acres lot 11a send you our mat i a number of homes and business places in actonfor nolo flro andluo jnuranoftj mmiflyto xoanv -y- i new cottons r- bringing spring sunshine rnormandy vjoilesj the genuine article in white dot ted patterns whiehxannot be harmed by washing and ironing 38ihch widths in a nice rangeof colors with n new lower pricerfdf this season per yard vj 75cl ginghams a special in a particularly flne quality 36- inch width checkjind plaid patterns per yard 35e lace voiles in the seasons lovefy new paster shades mullen green daffodil yellow orchid etc per yard 85c ratines in novelty woven effects per yard- 125 crepes in japanese pat terns new for dresses as well as kimonos per yard 100 dress linens in pastel shades as weir as high tones atarrew lower price 65c tobralco cloth patterned in picruves for making or trimming kiddies frocks at per yard 85c v a delightful array to see on your next trip to guelph small prices now for a final febrii ri30ispreg up to 28 iv phoub105 u smith real idrtato aeent xcton ont a proper eye service is an individual service each caso presents peculiarities so eac patie nu gloascs erouml to his or her individual needs lt you havo thougrlu otherwise you have thought wrong you dont know an optometrist doesnt know no ono knows the condition of your oyes untirthoy have been examined our service is individual and very thorough a w smith optometrist 120 upper wyndlum 8t guelph comfortable vision specialist for 2s years rireer- mackan brown bhtfdes m velour coais tri mv jned with french seal wo mens and misses sizes from 18 years to 48 bust measured i to plan for next winters as well as this seasons needs 7titirclrtrctetrraweangas this may be considered the part of welladvised economy the eoata interp the best styles of the season wont take two glances to convince you of their real value the guality of the materials the correctness of styling the splendid work manship all jiwrk them us investment well worth vyhile itpth for nexi-fall-and-rwin- ters saving and this wearing values up to 2800 for 1500 v j v d e macdonald bros ltd guelphs leading and- largest store balancing the taxes account t auditorjb council tax collector searching for elusive balance tho auditors have been buoy most of tho week in the cftort to balanco the tax roll with tho vouchcro sho wing payments to the bank during 1924 a spncinl meetin of tho c ferry s seeds send for seed annual good gardeners are thoso who rajso good jv flowers poo4 vegetables and good fjowers oomofxonjgood seeds we produce 0ood seeds yh ipferonqo is pbyious pr 8ftlegypryyh d m ferry c6 windsor ont toronto citizens aro prosperous hocausp they mow tiiu vuiuo of time laow your watch or clookqvqrliaulod repalrod so it ww keep oor- rntlt timp i do a largo amount of worlt for toronto htores and oiyirs bocause i elvo value for monoy spent nnd unrrtntep tfib work support jour ojvn town and havoyour york done hero hwhinton speclhliit in muklnp nw jrti and repairing old worka enj- ilihv swiss and american clooks and watches jawvlury plat china and glass acton and toronto weekend specials chocolate fudge chocolate fadgejn squares with nuts mixed through it regular ibc lb weekend special 29c assorted chocolates assorted chocolates with hard and soft centres and an extra fine chocolate coating regular 50c- lb weekend special 32c fancy biscuits have yoi tried our fancy- biscuits we have sixteen different kinfla to choose from why not- try sonie water ice waf- 3r4ofcfoivdes8ertr muitroet acton h wiles waa held on monday oycninsr for tho purposo of spwlri tho problem tho reeve and councillors ajcosbn thotf ord nrtd atkinbon wcre prcaenf tjio audkoru preoontod afi omondod report ohowinc that taxes aggregatling 28200 marked collected- on tho roll which did not appear a liavlnff bono through thcbanlc account v councillor thctford oetbobted cu eaeintr a chartered accountant with a view to adjusting the matter and said this alone would satisfy tho public mesorsc c henderson and r hi mcdonald former audltora- addressed thecounclh suggesting improvemonta in the system of collecting tho tojccra and tho adoption a noweotirf books for tax accounts councillor mason k suggested that messrs henderson and mcdonald be asbodated with theprent auditors to revise tho collectors joll and as certain if possible whero tho difference in atfcounting lies it was finally decided that council lors mason and thotf ord and collect or roid investigate tho question bfthe taxes of 1923 which have been paid in 1924 for which vouchers have not been discovered something for nothing tho desire to git something fornoth- ing is fundamentally wrong a post tfne department inspector w a frorudulont mailorder scheme since tbenow tour questioned many womeoswho had been robbed by the companypmo of the women expected sympathyvv they re- colved- instead a sharp rebujko from the officer r didnt you know tho inspector asked that you couldnt buy an ar ticle like that for a dollar you know tho value- of rucb- goods in trustworthy shops you know that the price is about tho flamo everywhere how did you expect a mail order concern to sell you the same thing at loos than a hull- of the regular price were you trying to get something for nothing tho question was a fair one a j welter on c mihj hnw aft- glared that the desire to get some thing for nothing is th fundamenr- tnj immorality of lifeevery person man as well as- woman should re member that remark as far as shop ping is concerned there aro sometimes legitimate bargains if the ahopper is willing to pay the price for them in time and strongth at the end of tho stocktaking season almost every store has a clearance sale at which goods that aro left over aro sold at r-3- ducod prices occasionally also special opportunities arise and tho shoppers who watch for them- and who buys only from trustworthy firms con get good value for their money the immorality of trying- to obtain something for nothing is uat aa real in other activities of life as it la in shopping for example -in- education thore are no short cutis to success there are not oven any stocktaking or enjiofthoboasonsales there a per son must pay for each acquirement by months rfcy years of toil thero aro no bargaineln friendships a girl who would have friends must show herself friendly thero are no special opportunities for fullness of life it ia won only by greatness of bcrvicc jnot bargains but honest values honestly paid for in any department of life that should be the 6bjoct uf every person who wishes to make a success of living new8of local import a puncako 8otiot tho womans auxiliary of st al- bana church will hold a pancake so cial in the parish hall on shrove tuesday february 24 at s p m a ood ptoerannno will tso proviafjar everybody welcome admlsblon 5 bouts wonderland p j i zrj- f-l- friday february 13 dangerous money slurring unbc daniels and tom moore comedy younk sherlockf withour gangr felix the cat cartopn ncwb fox 8atuhday february 14 te painted lady starring dorothy macmoill coittoili novcr again no 1 of ijcnny loonard light jplcturca vcproobaclt tuesday february 17 wine of youth wftti nn all star cast cliup- fer 9 of leiithei- flbficklngfl compdj- triimc japi fighting coward vrth cullpn landls r l gregoby son we close every wednesday afternoon quality firs rubber boot sale soft slushy spring weather will soon be here you had better take advantage of these prices now infants rubber boots misses and youths rubber boots womens rubber boots t all flkst quality we do not sell seconds 25 205 2s5 winter felts a few winter felts lumbermens rubbers house slippers etc nt bargain prices our stock is all new j no old stock harry harrison the shoe man bring us ah your shoe bepairlruj we will guarantee you a gdodjob ii i i i if if m imi jiiimii n lacite on the 23rd october lost by a very largo majority voted for the con tinuance and strengthening of the on tario temperance act to this end a resolution was unani mously passed reafllrmunr the vote to retain tho 0 t a and referring to the pledge of the premier to strengthen the act ana provide for it more effcctlvo enforcement deploring the effort qf certain members of the leglblature to ensure the weakening of act by demanding a moaaure of local option and in others ways every effort will bo made to defeat -the- proposed amendment to provide stronger beer prohibition meeting at milton re affirms the 8tand that ot a b retained and strangthsnad a convention of dojejratea from throughout the county was held in milton on tuesday afternoon mr j m denyes b a occupied the chair the consensus of opinion was that steps should bo taken to strongly ini- press upon the premier and the mem ber for this county that the electora jof thalton by their votes on the pleb- another mothers view8 acton pai dear pdltor will you kindly allow mo to present my thoughts- in tho col umns of your esteemed paper i have read tho letter in last weeks issue written by an anxious and troubiod mother who surely has my syinpathy but i would like to ask do we as fathers and mothers live such per fect lives ourselves and set such good examples to our children that wecan thrust all tho blame on them- wo parents should be ever watchful of ourselves in every turn and step we make but do we we must not cen sure the young or he too observant of theh- faults but should live so close to them especially ub mothers should make such comrade of out daughters that when they ro in difficulty no matter how small or troubles of any kind they will come to uo with them and that wb may bo able with gods ttotp to advise and keep- them from harrni rather hah scold and com mand i wo can win by love and klndnosh when all else falls i for ono love to see tho young people get all the en- joy mo if t from life that la possible and if it wnspt for somo of tho ovilknindod patrons t my could more fully enjoy themselves and if wo aq motliorn when we see a wrong act ilono prob ably thoughtlessly would npeak in a kind and loving manner instead uf brouklug our necka to be tho first to carry tho hi news there would be less scandal- and our young people would boa joy and cotirifdri to uar commun ity and to oarifolvoo thanking you for this bjiucoih your pnpck and hoping i wont bo mls- judgtfd i am ever a friend of thei boys and glrln and young people overy- where an acton mothbk amd itfllfayy 8 25 opening thb highway uvlnbh6 n piroros being made to open tho- highway to toronto for- motor traffic on tuea- day li was roported that tho road had boeri opened fcom brampton to tor- ontorrand work la now bejng pushed fonvarjd hrthls direction- from bramp ton iod e ailver anniversary tea on february 13th the qqiishtcrs of the empire aro celebrating their silver anniversary throughout tho domlnlou the p like of devonshire chapter ox- tends to tho ladjea of acton a cordial invitation to a tea to be hold in th pariah hall on llday afternoon feb ruary 13 from four to six oclock sliver collection rav honry caldwell next sunday next sunday will be connexions fund day in the methodlat churcn and jlev henry caldwell s tlii of georgetown will preach morning and evening rev mr caldwell ha3 many friends in acton and- tho community wilvbo glad td hear him again he was- the president of the hamilton conferencetwo years ago hatton protective association officers the annual meeting of the hal ton protective association was held in the court house mjlfon on friday the following officers were elected for 192g president r e harrison milton vicepresident we mccready mil ton secretarytreasurer j h wil son milton auditor wv j mcclena- han milton directors for tho various townships were also appointed the carnival postponed s cebsltated tho postponement of the big carnival staged for that evening many who bad preparedtostumes and who had for days anticipated a rare evening of pleasure weremuch dis appointed the date was advanced until last evening but tho continued mild weathor has made it necessary t6 poatpone the evont indefinitely a 487 beer in amendment propose by pro vincial government ill the speech from the throne atrtlip opening of the 1925 session of tho provincial legislature on tues day tho speech from t tajnethcjrtswiiretn little paragraph which prohibition leaders eay if enacted brealca down the principle of tho recent plebiscite and renders the ontario temperance act- most ineffective legislation will bo introduced to amend the ontario temperance act- by enacting thatliiuorwith an absolute alcoholic couten iy volume of moro two and a half per cent shall bo conclusive- ly deemed to be intoxicating and to further amend tho met to facili- tote enforcement to the average lay mind tnls looks innocent but when itrlaunderhteod that the present limit under th a is 2b proof spirits not ccntent by volume and that t ahalf per cent df alcohol by means 487 per cent proof splrli retrograde step will be understooi tho 2 per cent liquor of today becomes iho 487 per cent of tomor row approximately if the ferguson amendment to tho o t a passes said j p havcrgon k- c wellknown expert on the liquor legislation mr haversoh also said that his offhand opinion is that the importation of liquor will be legal under the amend ment up to the strength of the liquor allowed by the province he would uke-to- look up the scott actto mnkf sure hut he thought importation up to 487 volume strongth will bo tho re suit strength wlllrlbo the result its a booze proposition from ber ginning to end there la not a redeem ing feature to it declared ben spence of the ontario prohibition union when asked for his opinion the ferguson governments proposal to double the alcoholic stromjtfcrox beer thepeopio of ontario in tho recent tho mild weather on saturday nor4 b spence voted to maintain tho ontario temperance act upon the assurance liy the prime min ister that the government would strengthen its weaknesses if a any and givo it active and vigorous enforce ment they votcdfor a stronger pro hibitory law not for stronger beer as a matter of factj strongerbeer means a weaker law in ray judgment the- alcoholic content of beer fs too high now the judiciary committee of tho it s senate whlcljhipldun exhaustive enquiry occupying man days during which a great mass of evidence was presented fixed the strength at one half of onb per cent thla proposal is five times ad strong it is intoxicating the whole demand is for beer with a kick hon w e rancy k c leader of tho progressive group in the house who was responsible for enforcing the 6 t a- during the drury regime was almost dumfounded by the nows that tho speech jrotn tho throno definitely committing the fergueson government to doubling tho strength of beer that may be sold legally it is the most astounding thing in tho history f canadian politics he declared premier ferguson will flnd it hard to satisfy temperance people of the province that he is implementing his promise to carry out the will of tho majority declared w lylo held chairman of the referendum compalgn last- october- wtionhd learned that it is proposed to legalise stronger- beer t would remind him that it wasnt atronger beer but a stronger act that was tbeissue during the recentpleb iscite there is no assurance that tho pro posed amendment will become law it is highly unhatlsfaciory to the temper ance people throughout the province many of the conservative members represent dry constituencies and these will no doubt bring pressure to bear upon their parliamentary repre sentatives to vote against- stronger beer the liberal party and the pro gressives are pledged to vote against help for th aged parenta on tuesday morning mr and mrs winterburn who reside on beardmore crescent received the welcome news that a dependents pension had been granted thorn by tho pension board at ottawa their only son paid the supremo sacrloco in the great war ho was a member of the lot contln- gont to leave canada tho pension has been secured for them through the efforts of tho acton branch of the gw va- assisted by the provincial veterans alliance and several inter es ted citizens mr j p scarrow is the local representative of tho al liance womens institute meeting at tho monthly meeting of the womens institute held at mrs jas mcmillans last friday it was decided to secure a speaker for the summer meeting in june the play committee reported all plans ready but the date not flxed tho evenings programme included instrumental numbers by miss marjorle swiuer reading by msh addle hurst a paper on nature in poetry y mrs george somerville all of which were enjoyed miss hood had charge of a coke contestwhlch brought out interesting features thoro wcro more girls present than usual a lunch and social half hour concluded the proceedings a marry sleigh rida the members of knox church choir were the guefita on a sleighing party last thursday evening the members social and personal mr charlie mann was homo over the weekend miss sarah mcdougall la visiting friends at alton mr k brown rfas homo from tor onto over sunday mr j c matthowai spent sunday wltfftfrtenda in turoxito- miss bertie smith was homo from the city for the weok-ond- mibs ruby clarlc of toronto was homo dver- -the- weekend mr rlaxvell bell cf toronto spent tho weekend at hialiorno hero mr stephen gueqt ofeitoronto spent the weekend at hhjhjitoe here jdr cecil hgoston of toronto spent the weekend wltlj friends hero miss margaret jmacdonald of tor onto was home ovec tlio weekend mr charles symoa has been bpend- ng the week with friends in toronto harold 8utcllff of kitchener e weekend with acton friends janies mccain of toronto spent tho weekend at her home hero mr george jigging of aurora spent tho weekend at his home here m1ss florence wilujo of guelph spent the wcekond with friends here misses jean and anna undsoy were homo from toronto cwer the week end miss jessie mcgregror of guelph spent the weekend with friends in town mrs earl vincent of- chatham cam last wcek to visit friends in the old home miss vejra hurst vfas home over the weekend from thp toronto normal schools mrs joe hyndsand babe of god- erlch ore visiting at tho homeofmi g hynds mr charles e bailw of guelph spent a couple of dnys flat week with acton friends mr and mrs halton telahman of kitchener spent the vcekeha at thi parental home nasagaweya r offers 10000 as reward for capture and con- viction oilea of tho choir left tho church shortly- legalizing the sale of intoxicating after eight in alelgbs and were driven to the home of mr and mrs a g clarridge bahnockhurn here the company spent a delightful evening after a short rehearsal the choir took part enthusiastically in contests anl games a dainty lunch was served by the hostess and hor daughters the party was driven home again at a reasonable hou ffno phiirrhnhnic must be on tholgpod books bf the weatherman for a nicer nght for sucn tan occasion cddld not have been wish ed for forceful ssrmon by a lay preachtr the pulpit of the methodist church was occupied last sunday evening by mr joseph swltster of st george who was at the home of mr g h switzer man street mr swiuer who is a very acceptable local preachor de livered a very able and forceful ser mon on cfirlstlan steward ship he emphasized the heed for the conse cration of all- that a man hath tlmo talent affection and material possess ions and spoke of tho blessings which surely follow such consecration- mr switzer had his subject well in hand and dollvered it with -a- fluency not al ways equalled by lay preachers th flowers in grandmothers garden grandmothers garden waa gay with neon tea which she usually called hut younger folks thought tho big sprawling blossoms vulgar and got them out of sigh whenever tftiy could grandma has her revenge thesa inter days howover for the peony as pires to have a perfume has hooome a fnablonabloflower and often figuros instead of tho rose at pink weddings there wero other blossoms yrlilch the old lady cherished that deservo to take a turn at popularity blessed be tho fashion that shall revlvo her herw garden also that did not al ways pretend to beauty but it was grateful and comforting and contem poraries who disdained it went farther to tho apothecarys for instanoe- frequently fared worse forty yaara faithfyl ssrvfoa mr james mcintosh who has spent forty years at the tanneries many years- of which ho was a foreman for messrs bcardmoro co has at ittht retired from tho alduoua duties which fell to his hit mr mclhtosh cameto acton with hla family from stowart- towh in 1885 he had learned ufo tanning buslnoss in tho hood tannery at stowarttown and his first employ or in adtont was the lato jnmea moore when he conducted the gloyo leather tannery which was tho nucleus of tho proberij anammoth ks of the acton tannlnff companymr mcintosh has been a faithful and reliable omployoe and a good citizen it will be a pleas ure to all his acquaintances to see him enjoy life in a quiet way witjiout tho onorouh calls ofic rasponslble po- bitlun in a busy fatfory during- his mfuvb uu liquor the amendment says that beer of tho proposed alcoholic content is intoxicating police court news the flrst bookmaker to appear be fore magistrate watt at quelph as a result of the new order to prosecute monday morning when his name was called and the magistrate directed that a warrant be issued for his ar rest ho- was lot out on his own ball of 100 tha offioers at the union vota tho polls on tho voting on the ques tion of union in knox church closed yesterday afternoon at four oclock tho result was announced at a moot- ing at eight oclock in the evening as the fobs passs went tp proserin tho afternoon it ws impossible to note tho rcbultsrn those columns in this weeks issue jjphe officers who had charge of thopolu during the two weeks the oleotlon was in progress wore as follows returning officers james mcmillan and john r ken nedy poll clerksc c hondorson and wj- j redd scrutineers mrs alex bell miss marlprle wardlaw john comeron alexander macdonald fred wright and alexander kan- nawln georgetown guild visits aoton the members of tho young peoples guild of knox church georgetown journeyed to acton on monday even ing and were the guests of knox guild hero mr rosa cameron pres ident of the visiting guild occupied ho i chftln i ad r itho programme wan given by tho georgetown young people tho numbers were nil well rendered and included solos by mrs w c bousoy mlas mclcod and mr everett cole piano solos by mtssjesbla lea- vltt a rcudlng by miss mary lawnon and chbrus by junior members of the guild rthettopji of the evening wis ably taken 6y mlsea mary zelgler and margaret mckay the subject of which was war as it effects the moral and industrial conditions of a pountry whon the programme was concluded a bountiful lunch was served and a social hour was spent with tiro qtwrgt tnbgentry-as- aresult of the oxposr urea at hamilton was fined floo and costs monday morning approxi mately 19 which was diacoyoej 1q two envolopcs in theaccuapds pockets by tho police following his arrest wore confiscated to thpube of the crown crown attorney j m kearns seated that if there were any further occur rences -of- a like nature and he was informed that there were othor bookies in- tho city ho would have to ask for an oven heavier penalty mercury j- william gallagher whofappcared bo- for magistrate watt last week on a charge of vagrancy did not appearl jauhcz 7 cw m1ss77e1i i ehali ortoro7itonor mal sclioola apenf the wookend at mrhcush here mrs h s hoiracs pont thursday with mrs t e m secord and miss rachel at guelph mrl thomas bennett flnd miss mar garet bennett of toronto spent the weokend nt their homo here mr william midtiloion visited a wounded comrade 6f hia battalion in toronto hospital lost thursday mr- and mrs charles ruddy of georgetown spent a few dftys this week at tho homo of mr frank holmes mr ami ilra roy rurnley and babe of toronto spent tho wolcend at the homo of mri thomas ilumley park avenue mr and mrs cecil brown of tor onto spent friday at tho home of the formers parents mr and mrs g h browti rev a c stewart bi a rev j culp and mrs joflno wclson attend ed the prohibition convention at m1i- tqn on tuesday mr and- mrs g w masales ajid lorno- have returned home after spending a week at tho homo of mrs masaleo mother mrs angus mc- klnnon at bracebrldgo mr and mrs e haddock mr fred maddock miss gladys moodlo of toronto miss dorothy woodhah of calgary alberta spent the week end with mrs anna maddock mr t kennedy whd has boon in gueljh general hospital for tho past six weeks returned homo recently mr kennedy while- not ontlroly returned to good health is much improved mrj peter smith superintendent of boardmore coa sole leather tan nery wfipse neaith has been poorly lately is taking a months rest with the assurance of eminent medical men thdt he wiirrthen bo iute himself again mr and mts win h gray of brampton announce thqengajeement of their daughter mildred elizabeth to francis wellington only son of mr and mrs frank fenivick bramp ton tho marriage to take place the latter part of this montb general sympathy is folt for mr and mrs jameschalaiors main stroet in tho death on monday froni pneu monia of their dear little son ilichard 2 2g 300 5 00 800 4q oo g oo 20 do 20 00 thoirobruary meeting of tho nafisa- gaweya township council was held last wook a resolution waa passed oitering a- i kq-for- tha capturcand tfao corivictloiiof tho poultry thieves op erating in the township r v accounts wrero passed as follbws j r watson culvert tile 4 6 00- t jprancls gravel j- moffat underbrushing good rouds association fee municipal world subacripttorih weston- sanatorium peter zecca d irving inspecting sheej killed w konts ltd soldiers watch j marshall clerk registering 45 births 13 marrlagos 22 death 1924 i- was considered by the council in committee of tio whole and found satisfactory tho bylaw which received the first reading at last meeting was cbmimet- ed appointing tho following officials for the year 192b assessor l w mcmillan collector wmmcphail board of health wes- ley pickett school attendance officer w j jjfooroj sanitary inspector colin mcphall inspectors of sheep killed davidirvintfand oolin kitching the resignation of james 3topb0n as treasurer was accepted and a by law passed appointing james w mof fat to succeed him a deputation waited onthe council urging them to look into the caso of mrs mcforran who is unable to care for herself the reeve and mr camp bell- were appointed a committee ta attend to it john marshall clerks iim mrs snowden in canapa m minister accepts invita tion to acton rav re zimmerman ba of ham ilton to succsed rav mr culp as pastor recently to acton hut uioy havo al ready made many friend- the proposed concert under tho auspices of the womens inatltuto will trtot- be held on the 24th inst as pre viously announced but at a date to bo giveniter more sincerity tham 8enti- ment every february as tta fourteenth approaches the teacher of a certain school who believes in relating tlio task of the day to current events and occasions sets her class in composi tion tho task of writing a valentine the girls effusions aro sometimes quite sweetly pretty and airajto bo bo whon they aro not but tho boys roal feellpgs occasionally gat the- better of them one young eynlo expressed hla opinion of tho fair and bhnfp- tonguod sex thus somo folks think girls aro awful sweet- but underneath theyre bitter and if ever i lovo ono which i dont thank goodness ill never toll the crlttr another youth started in with quite a lyric lilt to my valentine oh listen tis tho time of tho year to tell my ducky darithg door my beauty baby honey pearl j im your fellow youro my girl i steachcr thla la tillly on pur pose for fun no postcript was nccesaary to ex plain the spirit in which r third elfsrt wris composed- and dedlcatecl to my dear toochor who says ive got to write it valentines are bad owd worse when they have to bo in verse but if they must be ntanq they must t vkt mv avdufro my aryfl or burfct impretslpris of the wife of the lata chancallor of tha exchequer of tha british government mrs philip snowden wife of the chancellorbf tho exchequer in the ramsay macdonald government of greatbritain who is visiting canada likes- tho canadian winter and has been favorably impressed with what she has seen in a goneral way qf the dominion in an- interview with the press she is credited with saying 7 fhlnk thocaimdian wlntorlu por fectly lovely so bracing i have never found canada cold i shivered a jlt- tlo in vancouver but that is because it is ao much like that of england it was raining a little while on the coast aitd the misty dampness of the pa cific winter made me almost homesick for england it is hard to talk about tho west the wonderful expanse of prairie and thp magnificent beauty of the rockies left me almost breathless i titllt feel rather stunned when i think of them the prairies i think are canadas greatest heritage it is real ly thrilling when speeding through the west to watch them rolling away in the distance and think of ithe millions who feed each year from those lands prairie people possess sonie subtle quality that no other pcoplo possess they seem so open and untrammelled it ia something they have gained from the country they live in i suppose it is certainly a inrlvlleeo to know them after days uf travel across the prairie ono almost begins to think that thero is nothing else then como the foothills of the canadian rocky moun tainswhich tell of the huge peaks in tho distance one realizes it isystul canada and it seems strange that so much is contained in one country when i saw tho alps- 1 was awed but when i saw the rockies i havo hot the words to tell you of my imp res bions and the western cities too aro wonderful they are so now and free and clean they soom to havo left all that la tawdry and worthless be hind them winnipeg i am sure la one of the healthiest spots in the world tho atmosphere is so brisk that it compels ono to throw back the shoulders and take a deep breath vancouver with its magnificent situ ation and proximity to tho wonderful mountains is the- countrys most beautiful cjty i think the days 1 spont in western canada will always bo prominent in njy memory and i know that when i loavo i shall begin to look forward to the time when i may perhaps como back for another visit dont forget the so e oldtlmo dance february 13 supper served at the meeting of tho official board of the methodist church last week when rev mr culp formally tendered his resignation owing to falling health the board tbok steps to secure a new pastor to fill tho vacancy upon mr gulps retirement the board chose rev r e zimmerman of hamilton by unanimous vote tho invitation waa officially tendcrod rev mr zim merman and of tor duo consideration ho sont a letter signifying his accept ance subject of course to confrmatlon by the stationing committee at the- session of the annual conference in may mri zimmerman is ono of tho bright young men of the conference he has had a success ful ministry for elghtocn years and dnjoys high standing with his brethren of the ministry at the session of the conference last year at niagara falls he was elected secrotary of tho con- ferencor which office he still holds mr zlmmefman has been especially successful with tho sunday school and young peoplo in his ministerial activi ties news from the other acton mai son bernard limited of warpla- way acton was summoned at acton pollcol court oh wednesday for em ploying on nov 2 two young per sons otherwise than in accordance wltn tho period of employment specified in tho notice affixed in tho faotory under the factory and workshops acts a fine of 5 was imposed a woman who askod for advico at acton pollcp court on saturday al- logodtlmthcr husbajulthroatenedheri andjho had shut hor in a room i and fastomjd fho door and thnt ho bad askod tier lo wild hor head over tlio sink whlla he- out her throat with a riuor s3w got awayaftr a struggle hor husband eho said lived on beer and worked at a brewery- at tho presont time ho was on tho alck hat but he still got drunk if i given that our road- ers approclato this department wo will gladly ctmunubjt from wtvk tn wvuk ajamm4 ii ess- t

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