Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 12, 1925, p. 2

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wsrvpvi 5mw artnn 3ite prfs tiiur3dayv fbbntjary 12 j2b the valentine ive just boon buying a valentine tho duntloot prettiest thing all painted flowers md ribbons anil birds of fluttering wlrisr and im sending it to barbara jane vlth a dozen rosos or bo winter roues belns a rarity in a lltttlo village i know and who is barbara jane you ask and what does she mean to me a grim confined old bachelor of forty or fifty three woll now ill make a confession ilfl good for a soul they nay the last time i saw barbara jane ioforty yooro away we were but children and clasamatou in a queer httib country school jbcobyyour8mlilnbyouuilhk iiio a sentimental old fool barbara jaimiaa an odd little thfnff with wide gray wondering oyos and ra tiny rqcklobpattered nose that made- her look elflnwlso but her two longgwftttpltar wereevery lado chlef-ioy- i k if it woro joy wo- gained for the pains wo took to tease and annoy wfljl to go on with my story one sunny valentino day i thought that torment barbara jane in a very original way so 1 placed two brilliant carrots in a box all daintily fine tattd left thero for tier labelled tomy flery valentino then i watched her find them at- ro- coss and i thought she would cry nut instead with her eyes and cheeks aflame with rage til show that boy she sold i hurried away but when school was called it makes me ashamed to confess tho dear little spunky creature hod tho carrots pinned to her dross i was only a boy- but it touchottme so that i made a solemn vow that rd matte it uptp barbara jane and ive kopt up tin now- so every year upon valentines day i ronow- my youth again by bondinffalthough shes a grand- mothor red roses to barbara jane molly bevan the indians reproof i 1c- lajachus or stlckas was one of the notable indians well known to the early settlers of oregon ho lived where his ancestors had lived for more generatjpiui than indian genealogy could trqee aatael countr n bottled aays the author of pays of oregon history several whito families occupied the land near htmond ho was a great favorite with tkosnhe lived for- many years as o christian in precept and example in among dltbcriltles that would havo dia- cburogad many a man with better op portunities during the nftiest when- istachus mado bis home on thoumatllla the emigrants received much aid from him the umtllla is no mere summer ripple when storms have drenched the mountain rangeaand worm rainsmelt tho lingering onows into raging floods hhrlrnn was njwnya leadytu outer the torrent on his wellknown horse that nad been trained to stem the floods one day a company of emigrants was crossing with bis volunteered assistr once among them was a woman who had become terrified at the surging waters it is characteristic of indians tlijt thoy seldom use their english so stlckas although ho was fairly well versed in that tongue did his folk by pantomlno and broken words very scarcely used he signed for this woman to mount behind him and she did so when they como into the bwlft waters bits pasflenger shrieked and screamed as if she were surely lost stlekas tried the golden influence of alienee a while but when thoroughly worn out by her noedlesft eatclomar tldns turned a scornful look upon her and exclaimed in perfect smglisb iwicked woman put your trust in grod she was astonished to receive sueli a rebuke from the lips of one she supposed oh untutbrejd savage she stopped screaming and hutdo the rest of the trip with entire confidence both in her qod and the ferryman wkp 3ts prras ifrhnfl lnrg the oldolks falntine dy annie hamilton donnell h athbr and mother- wejo acting strangely it was not that thoy warp jsobdr for thoy cor- talnly amllcd oftener than jibllfllljuttltjiitntft tcmcdtocomo hard their cybs dld not join with their determined bid lips it was mlg that noticed ltflrst it was always miff that noticed thrtriffflflrat thoyro both well alio mused louff is it- that la r troubling them ellrt 1 troubling thenj laughed matron ly elinor softly i guess you didnt ace father playing with the baby this morning yea i aaw hlm and mother combing littlo step- itndfetcbtito halt d mriff abajt the tangle taniuy you hear them bothlauerht yqb 1 heard thish what are yol talklnff about you alhytrtftid- j1 thoy loolc or sound as if anything waa troubllnff thotti r r yesb thoy looked and they bound ed peralated mlfir 7 speak us loud aa dear old mouths i aaw thetr eyen but icatft make up my mind what tho troiihlola jt is puzrllnff me to no end perhaps they need a chanse and next weefla johns turntheyijhave afliie time over thcro john arid jess are lovely to thin no lovelier than ypi and lqron and tf were cobd to tliom eain it lanu that jva- -soft- purry sound from- babys crib sent elinor away precipitately hut ahe hesitated an instant in tho doorway to throw brick cheerily over her qhoulder dont yvu go- worrylnu littlo slater father and mother are au riffbt but afiff tforrlel the two households separated only by a mattejilal bloelca of welltodo elty houses wer to share between them- thfitwo- old- pcoplojohnrtho son and elinor tho dnushter claimed each a tmx months stare and tho bftby- marcaretrw6vered betwtocn the two homes she was twenty- clsbt and earning her own living indepen dently but to father and mother she was the baby still and would always bo it was she who had stayed longest with thorn in tho home nest back in the hills and whoso fllttinp- nad brought about tho great chango in their uvea after jhflficptt totlho city it was decreed ih- tho- family council that tho old folks must coir too they must not be left alono on the old farm tho idoa when two dont father when mptherwi strongly moved aho said father in stead of amog out in tho maplo croyo dream ontho 0lflvol6b7 wlalfully an you an me wont bb thore mother not thi year wo have- always been there whon 8apwaa runnin you rocolleot tho year the baby was a matter o wo yr thrfn onl xventaggin u uiore an nothin woufd ihe tniibt fllihor lltlb tiny vipper an tho way aho took t taato of it an reached out her little hands- for more little more dhddy v b0 saya an got it laughed mothor softlly tho tears trailing over her wrinkled cheekar t you do rcmembor things father straight and fatherlaughed trem ulously vltli a sudden toss of his white head he turned to mother ho aint turrlblo old mother tltat old fellow plowin there in tlicorner of the old mowln held ho can stand up straight au any of them and he can plow enough sight utruigbter- hes got n tilhp o work left in him if theyd pnly let him do it yes yea oh yea it hurts sobbed mother in sudden woe llgh stops turnd away from- the dodr hdwent back down tho ball on tlptoc auntlo mig had como up stairs for littlo stopandfotcimt but she went back without her- at tho jlooraho bad heard mothers order for a picture on her valentine and fathers order for his not a word escaped her hpa not a tremble in tho soft old vblcos she knew how ayhat was tho matter wlth falhor mother they were homesick news from the other acton a gltropae into tho everyday life of acton over tho 8o- s and under jhejc bravo determined amlloq woro two old hearts breaking- for home jt hurt old folks to be transplanted lmiffjwjiat inthe world ytwirp crying ellp exclaim edas heir sletor reapieared in the sitting room she wos ailed with instant motheralarm sojnethihaf had happened to ultle gtep- andpetchit j its father and m-mothcr- oho sob bed in muffled tones wolvo boon treating thetaawful elln margaret xucel sit up this- niln ute and letnjto fel your pulse you ravlngcrazy donthdolightedly sheiuuln 1 hftve beienro sane enough utbo blue striped dress r how mjjg sat up- and shook biirt pink father interrupted tho other f bymwoieeye but i havent voice gohtlwijother could remem- dee ne wht crasierthan youve been and ioreri and john and jess tho following items from tho acton isiiglnnu gazette and express olsjan- uary 23 given an idea of oomo o tho doings in the 01d country town whlch gave our town its name tho chrifltmuh ulnnor collection on bohalf of acton hospital realized 114 a number pfxondoh united tram- wtymon of all grades attended tho fuiterttl which took phviio in acton cemetery on tuesday afternoon on saturday last the acton harrreru engaged in an inlerclub contest with ealing apd hanwoil harrlors and kensington ao in gunnerabury park acton i ber things too anmt waa checked in-httlo-mltos-o-cheok- the baby-rtrt- wtyatdbkcbt becomlh in pink you used to aay make pink ones mother mako pink ones when i mado her little drcbca the other children looked best in blue- i wish elln would let mo mako her baby a little blue dresa shos tho image o elln an ftdont aeem natural for ababy to wear white dresseufor every day the cllck of mothers r knitting needier were tho only sounds in the room fathors newspaper did not crackle and he turned no page somewhere downatnlrs a uttlo volc waa singing noisily and ehns whole- somo laugh drifted upward tt was father who broko out first again an its going to be an early spring ho cried it was going to bo an early spring and he and mother not thereforto father it didnptoeg cur that the spring would come too in the city places the sap would run orty- the 7 snow patches undort uo fence would soon be gone tho little green shoots would come out on the elms and the children would be going by with pussywillows in their hands spring would comb fo the old- place and tho old- folks wbuld not be thore to woleome it thoro had been no spring uko that for fifty years last year they had r stayed until biay and mother had planted- her sweet peas tho early potatoes had been ln and tho garden pbao they were both remembering- nbw how things looked on that dreary day of decision youre here in from your plbw- jteyelah been tsraxy as loons ls tm going to telephone ior ttio doc- -tor- youre going to sl down on thia couch beside mo and let mo havo it out then therellbe two sane ones anyway elin- cleveland what ore we thinking of to tranaplaht fatther and mother youro face is burning red and your eyes fairly snap it waa cruel elln crdcri and herd all this time weve been trying to 00 lovely to them and theyve boen lovoly to us and smllod when they wanted to cry whatdoyou suppose there up- otairs doing now i know because i heard them theyre sitting thero talk ing of tho old place in the dearest shakiest voices till it would make a lunatic cry youre crying too this homen were wgulnff ft hm with- invtnotlier buddeniy bunicr open doors 1 thoy could bo so much more comfortable and happy and surely it was time forthe iusyjoul hands to rest how iutlier and mother had done thoir share f work tot vhomtokq their ease nowr and be wait ed on by the children thtey had waited on so many patient years iet- them get away from the lonely old place out lno the world and havo a chance to watch men onotijilna in their de clining years it hod token a deal of coaxing arid reasoning and gentle insisting but in tho end tho children had- won the old farm had been sold and the old folks had come tp live in tho city they had been here ten months every luxury had boon theirs tho sunniest roora tho warmest la winter coolest in summer were delegated to father and mother little conspiracies were entered into for their entertainment andpleasure thoy shall forget all their hum durra old life and tako a littlo comforc at last the children ssjd enthusias tically and the baby declared it with threefold jteal ulff did every- cult mothers laugh broko in- two sor a practical puzzle thero is still something for tho hus hand and father to do aboard the fam- ily ablp mr ohdlngberry who figures in a dialogue in judge undor- stood bladuty yea sir said mr glldlngberry to the newcomer in town t gubfs ive got- one of tho intellootualest families in thoao porta always taking up with something that calls jcor the exercise of the mental powers to the utmost il liubthairsorvpohtelymururedhflr newcomer yea now therev mother shes upstairs this morning with a set newspaper putileplctures if she solves cm and writes a good serial sto t g em shsge two dollars and my daughter xjssls ivv dj coverln- the dlninrooznfloor with ahoets o paper that ahebeen flgurln on tryln to find out how old ann is henry hes trying to cut downtha tuner record on the physin clover pus zlc and jim thats jun bveir by the fence hes studyingup a new way tot work the fifteen puule ifes worked on it for three years now and thinks hes pretty nigh got it but you inquired he new citi zen what problems are you devoted to who mb my problem repeated mr glldlngberry ph ivworlt out the problem- of keentn the family to gethor j rj thing threefold it was february now and people were beginning to talkoc spring anl to make spring plans father and mother up in ellns beautiful south chamber hod norie to make other people made theirs or them now but in tho old days this time last year we werfl plan- nln the spring work mother father said wistfully you recollect dont you how you made a little drawin of the flower beds you was going to have an we looked over the seed catalogues together 1 oh the seed catalogues jgrpaned mother softly amos do you sup- poscuwcjlfiver send for any moror art set porin over them eyonlngs j suppose so do you amos fathers reply had the effect of a gentle explosion in the quiet room ive sent for some he said shame vofco sounded monotonous as if sip had been talking a long ime her thoughts- were- continuing in spoken words and there was no need to tell what ball gone before you had been broakin up tho corner of the old mow- in lot that mornin and john and the baby had been out tticre reasonin it all out with you again an elln had boon reasonin it out with roe i guess- wo were kind of worn out that day father then you came in from your plowin an beckoned tomeand i read it in your face an you read it in mine wo know it was comtnthcn tho children was so tlctdcd father tho baby picked up her sicirts and danced around in uro kitchen father oh father dont you wish you could see that littlo kitchen again fforao days i hanker tp roll up my sleoyos an mako you a batch of cream- o- tartar biscuits on the old kneadln- board over by the sunny window with you leonin in on tho sill and laughln because id got a dab of flour over one oyo you said i always so floury making 1 cream -o- tar tor bis- saatsly wed all got through wed go rt work andbcewluit could bbdonototemedy tho mischief weve done its got to bo rentedjedeiinj and mother musnt break their hearts longing for- for sweet peas and kitchen windows and kind- a chance to plough up tho -old- farm i oh no ho no sobbed ellny too if you had heart the vlte bad enough to hear you mlg we three whi go over to johnsto- nlght all of us together ought- to seea way out a good breakfast but a poor 6upper ii kjci school debaters have loni nphejfl thacompiinve46y ot anticipation and realization but unlea some of oar bright expootatlonb are realised the ploaouro of anuclpalon dwlndlejljs hasbeen said tbatliope nmfeeso- good broakfaet bnt a poor supper noone of u sees all tils dream oomo trujo but if antlelpatloa met nothing bit disappointment everybody would glia it np v hope la one ot the joys of life but we must roll up our aleeveaand vrorti hardest to realute thoie same hopes if we do not want them to collapse like a prldked balloon tho joy of looking- forward depends in part on tho joy of looklnr backward the realisation of our dream in tho past la tho basis for belie vlns that thoy will bo realized in the future hope 1 nioqd breakfast but a poor supt per it is a one thlnrs to start life with but is as tune coos on thero is ho success or satisfaction on which to base our expectations hope cease to satisfy us not in accident class the cowpunobor had applied for a policy and the insurance acent was h in l usyal miiiiii il m 3kv- have you evr wet with sjw acct- jd6nt 7r w said the cowboy but added in an effort to gire sonje holp- ful information a broncfftrjctf eo two of my rjbs irj las summer and a riuiesnsko bit ma on the ankle a couple of years ago my word faintly exposulated the imuran 00 agent dont you call those aeoldents l nftwss knht ofthe braridi mf iron iy don it iitisrpotz l say aiiytai mother i couldnt help it ii reckoned may be the pictures would bo a kind of comfort to us the colorod ones maybo that looked so lifelike i had em come to the jipstoince sospe he hesitated and mother nbxldod hast ily she understood why ho bad them come to thepostofflce they were two old conspirators together therell be colored ros jind sweat peas she murmured hsy be wo jpan smell the weet peas amoal wo al ways had a double row under the kit chen- windows dont you lonow- an nanslesln the little square beds fur- ttier out i dont suppose you remem jer those great purple one do you amos two or three of them used to fill a saucer yes i can remember mvan swered the old man but rather absent ly ho was remembering his rows of garden peas and early corn his- face tike mothers was lntenso with yearn ing lie got bp and prtcodthe ffooy restlessly at tho wjhdow- the third bout he gnsodout at tho broad avenuo and rows of city houses jhls fadoj bluo eyes -gnsed- fartheran5 farthew beyond the paved street outrjnt6 rat ty country roads winding between bare gray fields with the promise of spring jn them on to- a little farm house with redroofed bam mother loft her knitting und came to the win dow and saw thepi over his should or the room grew quieter what broke the stillness was a sob and neither father or rnothor knerffwhloh one sobbed u amos talnt any use tryln to hldo it any longer were fiomesclc for the old djacv mother whispered you thought i didnt know you was an x thought you didnt- know i jras but bbthvof us knew all the tixno amos tes mother x be aeein itln your eyes an you lep seein it in yours mother were psetty well acquainted with each others eyes well the chlldriibaon i know hax ono good thlnjr 1va laughed harder than ever boi they wont snspect theyre good children mother amos luce mothers m eld f put on se verity amos luce you neednt stand there tellfn me my children are good chlwrsoi if tl6 ixrd was to send down ut ttojbimrufr of angels to pick out the th reft best ones in thsworld theyd pulc out john n elinor an tho bahy v they would certain echoed fathor heartily but thoy dont vnowzj he added with a sigh thoy cant senile riy they were good fathor she sobbed sotfly thei warnt ever anything like em grosnea hungry father an with some sap boiled down it was odd how the homely farm speech comer back to then talking of the good old farm and somo o your sweet but ter wall the quoeia of shehy would hot ask for anything tastier i dont suppose jslhvd let you mix up a batch soma time herb mother there was entreaty in the urrward trent of his voice but mother shook her head sadly eun wouldnt refuse of course but they wouldnt taste o home besides i couldhmake cmwithout the old kneadln boardthey dont use knoodin- boards hero they knead out on marble topped tables an they- use newfangled bakin powders it would not do father wnnt mr in make you a batch of biscuits youll r to take me homo first little feet outside stopped at the southroom door and littlo fists pom- moiled he panels it was step-and- petch it come calling its me grandma its mo grandr par tjye como a-vialtin- and itlia door opened to admit a dimutlvo person of six withs smlllngface tm tired of being an opera did you haer nao being one its quite hard work when you have to doallrths sing ing ao ijve stopped and now im a visitor i hope you both are well and enjoying yourselves i am thank you its nice weather isnt ttt blesq her littlo heartlv murmured mother- under her bjeath- how much she looked llko her baby long ago little stepandfetqhit looked st much ilka auntie mig and the times she used to play making calls 1 for a minute the weight of homeslcknes lifted- from the gentle old heartland mother settled down to enjoy her call- erv lets talk about valentines- the caller said cheerfully you know what valentines are with angels and hearts and lace on i always got a lot dont- you i npve got a valontlne emlld mother tho childs laughing faco sobered to bewilderment then horrovr never got a val didnt you ever cramps she demanded kever smiled father it didnt seem possible but of course gramma and grampa always told tho truth a lump gathered lb stop-anj- fetchits tender littlo throat til givo you somo of mine she cried tho laciest angelest ones they tuck them under the door you know and run or else the postman brings them praps praps the post man bring you ono of your truly own this valontlne day y6u never can tell whats acomlng what kind of a picture would you rafher havo on yoiira they havo hearta mostly but sometimes pjctnros mother thus appealed to considered thoughtfully when she answered she was smiling but there wore sudden in lw ey t plum of a farmhoysoon mine she wis smiling with a row of sweet eas irrider the kitchen window an pansy beds further ut- what klndf a picture would you rather grampa persisted the child agid father smiled too but his vola was unsteady as he onswerod one ttt a mowin field an apple orchards ho ssld an maybe on old johns turn for father and mothor came tho next week and the old people walked s frgnrone alifrtiorao to the other and sottled quietly down in the- new rooms they said nothing about the longer journey theyjonged tpvjnako v the absence of gramma and gram- pa on valentines pay was the cause doubtless of little 8 tap- and fetch its broach of promise l forgot all about sharing her laciest and angelest valentines wkh poor old people who had never had a valentine but it did not matter so much since father and mother got oho in- spite of fickle little memories it came of course on the 14th tho jeutflrupan brought it as far as the from door and johnsr nimble littlo wire jess ran all the rest of the way with it they heard her running upstairs and along the hall a valentino for father andmothcr she announced at the door and then retreated precipitately it was u very long envelope and did not suggest valentines except for 1 hasty pencil sketch in tho corner five bleeping hearts joined hands and seemed to qome dancing triumphantly down the white expanse the incon gruity betweon he dancing and the bleeding was apparent only to the un- exclted father and mother dtafhot rfotlco it open itfatner openlt quavered mother it was a deeel to tho old place made out in their joint names the old place was thelrs again know all men by these prosents- no thing lacey no angels the words were stilted long words but what they said to father and mother sent their old hands together in a light clasp and tears of joy lntohoir eyprf suddenly but of the pregnant sil ence come fathers volco the seed catalogues mother theymust be down there wajtm well look erti over this evening ill go right down to the post ofllcewell pick out what we want for tho spring planun in thd sweet peatf an pansier ajsrzl xnftther- iae m out the sweet peas and the panslei the longchcriahetf achomo of the acton chamber ofcommorco to hnyo tho pariah church clock illuminated at night was really ikillod by compll- cations at tho last minute by tho -tbwn-oouttcar- t7 1 nowehaa reached actonrof the death in folixbtowe at the ago of 87 pt mr david of1ght formerly of 18 maldou road acton mr ayel bandmaster of tho acton corps of thosalvatipriarmy is re covering from a sharp attack of in fluenza c next- friday night at tho priory schools a discusnionwilltakoplaco under tho auspices of the acton wo men citizens assoctatjon on ratslng tho school ago to flfteen jche jtoyol national orthopaedio hospital groat portland street ore extend ing their provision for crippled children at stannitoro the area of which includes acton theactonflro brigade had osom what trying experionbo at tho bakeries of messrs h nevill ltd whole- sale bread manufacturers actonlane acton off friday afternoon loss 1000 mioa j m goxo 35 goldsrsith aye whojja been upwards of 18 years in tho employment of tho acton education committee has resigned her post as headmlstreas of tho south acton girls school j on saturday week clr mrsl g barnes chairman of the polythnlo commltteo presented tho certificates gained by tho students attending the acton and chlswlck polythnic bust nesstraining courses for girls during the pa session sebsxattidthlxi club followed up its recent highlysuccessful 21st anniversaryjbllhnexbyjiqlding a ma- jbrity oolobrationrhrthe grand hall of the ao ton baths two acton schoolboys aged 12 arid 13 years respectively were charged in tho juvenile court at baling onvalqn- day with being concerned together in stealing a packet of raisins value 104d theproperty of mr henry c- miles grocer- the acton education commltteo is recommended to grant mr j b smart 63 to include remuneration for as sistance to arrange anil conduct an examination for cntrancb to tho mid- dloaex county and other secondary schools and to tho acton control school it in this cpach note th conifort he iuiet elegr ance the roominess and con- v yeehcepnly then can you nlliy realize that mclaughhtet buickhas built perfection into the coach the price is so low as to com pare fayprably with what you would expect 36 pay for an open car of equal quality thegmac deferred payment pfan jtnakes buying easy svki repre8entative8 for thi8 section own ontario m mcjuiighuribuiti ows alltbese improvcmcnts to coach design 1 riaheitmllt body body pantla dlfrtanuwd j ahapa 3 wider floors cay entrsnos tontu i deeper qpholitery 6 wider teener i alyl plenty of room for thrc inmr scat c fine body jlneano boxuk corners or ansjsbtlr joints 7 flflfacr vv onplc iwtw tqmtinc wndahew 8 dacohniss 0 hear seat foot reat 10 attrmcuvo interior hwdwrnr 11 borne iltfnt 12 silk roll shado on rearwhv dow lsrcavrvblon mirror 14 aulomstle whidheld wipar- 15 handwme inatrtmient panel 10toqi yodlcat hrthroad it cowl llshta j8 sun viaor with aide winga ldniokeiled radutor 20 hetauffhuivbuick valve-ln- head enjtfoa 21 preaauxb engine lubrication hish p eoaaala lo- brication ulomatic ta4tir 22 mclsaoumlnbalcic micd dhshl s3 tonxuo tube dxito 2k mcldhlinbaick emay steerlnjr rear 26 cantilever rear adr aaa 2c floatinx rear axle s7 automatic eartmretor hast rontrolled 38 deleo aldleanit ataruns llehtinir and iffaltlon 20 mclatitfhllnbuick muluplf dlw chitch 80 four wbeel farakab 81 low pressure urea a g088ipir4g neighpi mrs harrison and mrs adams word cxchanfflnff confldencos- oyer the line fence ttat separated their baclc yards y7heare those peonlo who havo moved lntothe house on the other side of yout saljd mrs adams -judging- from tue look of their furniture i dont think thoy amount to much tthelr name is munroe answered mrs harrison idont know them but inekrd them the man works in a photograph gallery theyve got four children a dog snd a canary- bird their windowshades dont at and theyve tacked- un papers to keep people from looking in i guess they havent much mdney i hear the man tell the drivel of the moving van that hed pay him next week the oldest boy is crosseyed and has red hali the youngest one js a roffular little imp qoes around with one of her stockings hanging loose and slides down the back stairway the woman has a fleroe lomper and boves the childrens ears and that isnt tho worst of added mrj harrison foweringher voice they say jthelway she gossips is just awful i dont think i shall have anything to do wi tit her how it feels to havo- the sprlnr coraih fellow plowin in a cortierln a check- jvi ow11v from n1ja m1kh akhlt n skntn lint w ilik1ik th san yriu bs the caster m esq age the message of easter is more than a promise of a future life if that wore all- it would be tremendously import ant but it is not all the other part of its message is that our llfo hero is- a part of lifo eternal i tho people who speak slightly of life have foiled to grasp this thought our life in this world is short tobe sure but it is a part of ufo unending its achievement in meager but it is just a beginning of great things every day we live every hour takes on significance becauso easter links it up with eternity tho abiaingintorost to- persons of almost all ages say from 7 to 70of peter pan should bo j sufficient for eohio time to corap to jill tho london pavilion acton whore tho wonderful paramount film is now being pre sented mr eb berrow the senior school attendance officer at chlswlck is ror tiring shortly before the acton polico court was established he at jtendedthe west london police court tor dcod with school attendonco coses there was a good attendanoe at the acton brotherhood meeting on sun day when tho radio chojfr presented a musical programme under the con- ductorohip of mr w robinson mr w t davenport president of the acton chamber of commerce pro- aided the acton catholic community ho lost one of its oldest members thrbugn tho death of mr william robert swan aged 60 of 101 avenue koad acton who collapsed suddenly on- thursday in last week aftor a painful illness duo to heart weakness much sympathy is felt with the widow otf mr g matthews 24 newton ayenuewho was for gl years at tho acton gw r station in tho second bereavement which has befallen her through the death of her married daughter mrs may maud carter tho acton education commltteo is prepared to accept barms for the op erative treatment of jorislls and ade noids at acton hospftal viz j21 is per case with a minimum of 5 5a per session provided each patient rq- mains in hospital one night orlongor after the pporatlon if necessary thrbe acton schoolboys were charg ed at acton poltco court on monday with being concerned together in steal ing two water pistols a pocket knife and a fountain pent value 2b 3d tho property of messrs woolworth and co xtd of the broadway acton jmpressive scenes accompanied tho funeral at hammersmith on satur- rtny o mi cha phttip stuart hanlon fl gordon- terrace argyllplace hammersmith who had boon for several years bagpipe in structor of the 1st acton st marys troop of boy scouts l two hundred and ilfty new books hayoheen added to tho acton public library i messrs k ralph and coof 83 churchroad acton who have recently oponod as wallpaper and plate sheit glass merchants announce that they nrespociallsing bi choap wallpapers whichjthey can sell at about 25 per cent below 1 usual prices the winter treat for the children at st gabriels sunday school vns held on thursday evening in last wock a largo number of donors made it pos sible for tho children to- sit down to firstclass tea about 160 toys and other gifts were distributed the annual scout party which took place on saturday at thvaaemwy hall acton hill was without doubt the most successful tho association has ever had over300 were prosont and judging from the noise every body seemed to have a good- timo alfred hill 49 a carman wlio bavh an address at bormondsoy was charged at acton police court on saturday with illtreating a horsoby working it whilst lame at highstreet acton and with overloading jkp horses at the some- places htwas fined 40s stop toripiirik nt 8plittinq even anisiqrm waukoe built af rsputatlon for a cer uln uraid or siuo i a sanitary nsfwetor colled ono djt for nn tttinlyaln jdoht yqu usosomo horta -in- this sausage asked tho inspector yb i pan some vnia tho roply wow much x on away from the old pipes xnotherjed shirt an stran- hat ftot a turrlblo rei imake it a 5050 pfppdiltlqn ronhln prtty oonlold follow but jost olddouh to plow ono horss and ono rabbiti that home business institutions that are helping to pay for the mainten ance and improvements of thetown are entitled to the trade of the people of th holnetown tblat outside business concerns do nothing towards the improvement of the hometown that buying away from home when yo can get better servicea as good values at home should be umverss couraged every dollar and every activity should be united to make the business of the- home town better now is the time for us to get busy and make local business better that everyone of us should take an active and positive stand on allthings that go to niake local business better that we ajl should l take a mentals inventory and find out how we stand in abiutyiaiid honesty of purpose and will ingness to make acton better and bigger that no man is a success who only enriches himself the man is a success who enriches the community that there is only one town in the world in which to live and prosper and tliat is the town in which you live that a good way to boost the home town is to buy from the local business concerns who advertise in local papers that local advertisers are the pojmojusually lead ih the things teat- keepa town moving forward in the march of progress v m ittsfdia i jttsasimiiihwflivnciftvv w i2 j

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