Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 12, 1925, p. 3

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we v ft- 1 thijhsday february is s6 a sure sign heres tho mall sort it quick papers letters notes poatcurtt yconob magazines our hmua arpin our throats something wo white and square sealed with yrtxx and bumpy at tho edges flat and thin in tho middle lumpy when you f eel- the ohvelopo doyour flngfirs trace something narrow like an arrow or apart j of a heart or a cuplds face do your name across tho back in a crpokbd line hurrythen thats a sign somoonea sent a valentino nancy byrd turncrinlxafl 1 youths companion- v mr snows imagination v i v v i do knaws its what you could call a gift- mr snow began modestly why of courfloimoglnauon ura gift tho school teacher declared poaltlvoly very rare onol v v v go v fur a to call it imagination said mr snow with increasing mod esty i call it seeing things if youll put it on that level i aint afraid to say that i cneoo with tho beat ot eat al i need la a starter totp m via- teacher i v ehcactly returned mr snow now 1 over boon to- a clrouo exry whitroarsh hea been to fifty if- he been to one butilcnow more about wild animals than ewyd know if hb went fifty times more an ajl from what llxtl ho could tell nie about them i begun to nee whar jezry lor off an bo tis with other things 1vo no doubt of it said the school teacher politely 4 aint ever brought me ta a dot- jar continued mr bnbw candidly stf mlaflnows alwu fussing cause i aint tried to write books of travel an the llko- an selt em sperhaps poetry began tho school teacher no said mr snow firmly and ho smiled as a manwho knows bis limitations and la wiutaar 46 admit them i kin see thlmjsv ive got tni m seeln eye and i kin turn it lnnari4 ror arta 1mel and cold ttejsmo one tp wjconfci me home in thodoep twittght i wandor alone through the old house- as of yore but tho dear homo friends that my childhood hath- known are gone to return never more waywardtuid careless i left- hearts of gold xatranger this wldo world to roam gone arc tho dear ones who loved me of old v there is no one towolcomjj me home chorus there lsno one to welcome me home there ia no one towolcomo me home gone are the dear ones who loved me otoid v and there is no one to welcome mb home jcoldjfithejleacthatone dojaericdtho taailr once filled with gladnesti and joy father will necr again answer my call or welcome his wandering- boy aged and bending he sank to the grave with prayers on his lips for his son though in its mercy heaven answered tasaye now there is ho one to wolcomb me home j goodorhuma roeitul of details of- the i erection oftho churcn to his name la i tho honor of tlie jleed of tho giftvf j tho original church 1 am told thv members of tho littlo society to wbjch my father thomas fortor bolonged t i contributed a good amount ofperaqnalka 1 thduatry to tho completion ot the cill- ilcb and its appointments i can rcmombor tho candle clusters on tho walls and the rounds of tlie aiaesman to nuff them two or throe times during thcscrvico tho occasion of thft jnatallatlon- ofi oil lnmp8wab an event- worthy pf the repnlntlng of thechurch interior a church re open ing and a tca to raise money to meet the coat the founders having moved away my father ao- class teacher- locol preacher circuit stoward sunday school superintendent fjuppllcd the wood fpr its fires and leadership in moat of its activities the influence of this church was positive migrants to the back settlements would b6 prayedawnylntho home prayer moot ing ttnd would return for the harvest month and bring to my father en- cqntres estabijimwjth fajjturoue warmth where they had locatod for groat many ycarsi uphiith his leaving nbrvaj ih 187jjmy father cndueed an evening aervleooh sun days the ojdecltlkens wilt rdmenir bor thee mbotlnga being very well t- tended after benediction all would again bo seated i end father would eittf unaccompanied a nqw hyna or a sacred song which beemed greatly appreciated the names that echo with a melody ot distant rauaic hovo to reoallthe hendejrsons orrs melylns boljs wat sons nlxons jacksoris millqra- swlt berev- cfroohswords iftolds coopbraf ijjonnys and half a hundred others whoso faces were frequently seen in tho congregation what i owo to this nbrval church and to the saints who worshipped there for the spiritual jmpact that b to mo a life and- an experience only time came inadequately oxpress la a hallowed memory aid an insplr- aiionstilu i the rebuilding of the church oc curred in 1880 r xo uca jvithkind egardaland happy memory the free press cross word puzzle the fuddle box if you bttw u johnny bbry flah asleep what would you oay to wajco him up stir john sturseon wliy bhoujd u doctor kcop hlu torn- por because he will a loeo ljlo patlohtit tpatlonce if ho doeijnt why did uio coal oltuttlo becaube- it hft 1on to44n r what lu jonsthciied by being cut at both endet j a ditch r when is a window like a atar when it 1 a akyllcht when ieabar of iron a bud noto when it is forfired why la b one of the moat urifor- tunato of letters because it la never in cash always ilk debt dridnover out of danger j thfe penalty of laziness- tho excessive use of hluntf in- kon- erally a hlcn vf meiitul litzluca just tho other tlnyvhtm i uuiig ulrl wu asked if elle iuid qult5 recovcrld from an attack tit eii hiic replied that sho had and she was feeling perfectly grand- sie added tliut she thought tho weuthvv ikhi aided her recovery its been perfectly brand for u month hhe added then khe- went atdurlilff hei illnemi travelli too but x aint ieot the gift of ex jirasbldn ive proved it yob said tho acbooj teacher yo repeated mr sno tf ate the year after they sent me to the legislature they wanted mo to wrtto the memorialday poem now says mia snow b soon a t to mr y aet downhere an ahe brought me amoaa elate and a wet rag now saya she youve been bejqlna them or uattloflolds for near thirty yeargray soil an vlloto an all now begin wo1 continued mr snow with a ijmlle of reminiscence i see things job as usul buutho wasnt battlc- hetots wo sir lorgttuiff momentar lly the teoehers se i jee things 1 seebefore nor sence aiv newr expect to see again but they hadnt lio bearing on the wnu perhopblt youd iriod again said tho school teacher oh that was only tho fust time replied mr snow every night as aoons mia snowd get cleared away vi so down with the slate but twont no use an after o woolc ont igjvoup beat- f r butmr snow went on improsi- lyoly lfmyglft na you call it aint nbver breugkt mo inr- anything its saved mo something now take it when moi verybody in town mis snow n amos among em went on that excursion to callforny they rhiingonformo to go but i says no illjea ot here an aeo it ah save my money jan i did ofcourbo taeywroto to mo nn- that glvo me eome little start i era and when they got back i waa all ready for eml prel soon tby hed it all over town that id been out there on another train on i bed to take n oath t i hadnt been out of the village xhed hard work to majke emi biieve it conoluded mr j3now for i- toll em of no end of things nono o hem had seen at all kverywherol darkness andgiooni will ye not comb to me dear onoa of old and welcome vour wanderer home7 m n mwmrn nnrt nwhifnrf oil cwthbn acton and norvl webb on the same circuit said thoros a rather interesting totter on- thio- first page about norvale early ldaybcspeolally with relation to tho founding of the methodist church thero read it over ondeqo if you find anything worth- a place in your de partment it goeb too far back- for me and now amlad to boable althoughi do notworshlp in the same church- aa mr iforster to glvoout of my own memories and from data in jmy pososlon some information syhloh he has evidontly forgotten whenjhe georgetown clrouit was f brmeitsn 1844 there wore appoint ments at actonpstowarttpwn qeorgo- towif and nerval rev luther o rice was- the first minister and ho preacheovat norval and all theso other places i beeone acquainted with mr rieb in later years and met him ono gone i wrote you il buraly- would come i but nothing thear bavo- the- windaltlme after -too- had moved to the united plaintive moan thbroisjio oneto welcome me home the other day while calling at the fjudj pwtbo oibco the editor handed roe h w cop qoorgotownherald and al uni tlin3rw3enrwojlirbrant nnld phflwifl n pnrh lntmndtliv i states to spend ha declining years with a member of bis family there i think he died there about thirtyfour years ago rcvrmrphilp waa tho- next preach er andstayed- for threeorfaur years as mr porstor says rovwilllam wllloughby followed mr phllp i knew mr wllloughby and oallcd to -van- order 6 converse 10 smelt tl mournful cry 12 tropical port 1j antllropoia 1g volcanic mountain 10 unit 20 designing woman 21 tree 22 designation 24 negative 20 american islands ab 27 a country sotorblgnefr jzanothcr country 33 to cover a hole 35 tonsakean incision 38 period latin ub so glrlanamo 41 upon 42 fishing requisite 44 monster 46 portion of a lawn 40 fjy 48fumbor v 49 strike gentle blow pi 50 sof t twnter 52 group of people s4- a color 55 to join in ogamp- ertical 2embiemfpeaoe 8 glrps name 4 commander ab r gfor tiansportatloh r 0 cotton or linen fabric 7 river in europe 8 lamb 9 a kind of voice 12 immeree 13 to 15 tabulated talont 17 part of spinal column 18 alike 23 low play- 6 biblical tnan 28 rodenl i 29 cigarette end 30 every one- 31 a name 33 sorrow or hunger v 34 port of famous canal 36 pojujf y habitation 37 in book holders 39 old snelllns- for woilknown yol- cano v 40 a lohg street ln torontoi c- 43 wcbd i 45 wise man 47 produced by tho sun 4 high exp j 51 within 53 an indefinite articled i mr hi ij test- wv holding him to his word my dear said mr puffer with some dismay as a smoking cherry pudding was placed dn the table be fore him dont you thlnkysu are sort of running to cherries lately of course t hbposl- hnll always ha cherished by you biit when it- comes to cherries for vona4pgt rios or stewed cherries ornehorry pie or cherry puddings i believe i could eherrlly donate same ox our cherries to our less fortunate neighbors f waltjohn saidhls -wife- calmly ji suppose you remember what you sold when you insisted on picking the cherrlee yourself ah- martha ew mr puffer conj placently there was a cleancut neat woelanttn j y in spite uf cji pw mm 1 all of yourfeorsand opposition in- steao of the gross under f tree being piled a foot deep with a litter of loaves twigs and branohos broken from the tree as it invariably is when you send a boy ranjixiaging after- tho fruit i cleaned that tree without dam aga to it and cwhietjucntly with hardly a lnl loaf to be raked off the gross and i got all the- oherrjea without brcokipg any of my arms or legs br nefki as you so cheerfully predicted to still while i admit that i am proud of the jqbi donot think it absolutely necessary to live indednlteiy jpon those ehnrrias i gather u you havent eaten a single one jot the few quarts you gathered john said mrs ptiflter positively l canned all of them well where does this satiety nf iherrjeslivft had inflicted upon me- for thopast two days come from tbenj demanded mr puffer vdo you remember what you eotd whonrl naked you if the few you picked were all it wax possible to get from tho tree john asked mrs puffer with a twinkle in her eye rwhyji yeos acknowledged mr puffer thoughtfully and suspiciously f vwhatnmurit persisted his wife tho twinkle widening weel i believe i said that if any- body could get any mon cherries off that tree id- eat thetn- stones stems and everything admlttes mr puffwr roluctanuy i havoit insisted upon the stones and stems said his wife demurely 8h exclnimed mr puffer but little jimmy bkltou got endugli to last about three weeks longer atj the rate youre eatinr them con- 1 tlnued mrs puffer quietly i mr puffer solemnly helped himself to a large thick stab of he pudding and began slowly to stow it away j martha he said gravely after a few minutes of this labor if x own tip that am a little just a trlflle too old and stout to pick eoarries as well sis i- did- when j fu i boy dont you think the hospital would ap- luscious cherries r well sir i tell you i did find some things very interesting to mo in that leltorr it was written by my friend jw tl iviratcr tho artist of tory onjo whom i have known woll since his young manhood and ive admlrod very greatly many of the flho port raits he hoa pointed the letter was addressed to rev mr douglas the naatotof thoknoryal methodist church and referred tothoiarly days of nbrvai tho three churches there and the incidents leading to -the- opening of the i first methodist chirch way back in i8el those of you who road this column- know that while i have always tried to be loyalopur good old presbyter ian church here both mary andi have liad kindly feelings for tho mothody folk- wo count some of our best friends among them and we occasion ally go to some special service ot public funcuon in thoir church and strange as it may seem i have been in the methodist church at norval both the old one aiid the new and 1 attended the norval tnaap meeting on old mr forstors farm ovor fifty years ago buti may tell you more about that farther on v mr forster the artist wis invited to the anniversary- services in the norval church on the 18th qf january jmd ho attended and this is part of itvhat he wroto to rev mr douglas in connection wtththat visit thank too for you lnvltatibnto worship with tho members of nor- varcongtcgatlon on sunday 18th inst en tner occasion of k their final anniver- jutry as a methodist church the i name norval was given to the village- by the monabbs who were the rtrststtlerwrtherectsvlliowdsr i understand oiily given in jest or eemb to t p o its 1m glnnlnfls mv mcnabbs sons j6hn and harvey i remember very wellt for many years an anglican church was located at the foot ofthe hill and arfiee preabyterlan church at its top and these supplled accohmqdatton for its worshippers service being neld in tho- evenings james forster rox grandfather- gathered the few meth odists and others of the community for service on sabbath evenings in hut own hpusb in 1847 this houso stood on the north side of the main street at the acute corner n0ta hundrod arda east of the nreeent church he exceiient preacher tho congregation increased until it wasrtliged tp seek accbmmodatloh in the wooden sent housoon thotopjf the south hill a methodist circuit was organised at georgetown in 1844 with soveral appolntmcnts whtireettlementsmadvl such services fwelcomo 1- havo not beon able to discover a circuit plan to indicate- norvals first appearance thereon the rev wm phllp the second appointoe to georgetown cir cuit in 184t continued for threb years this makes posslblo the recognition 6t nerval on the mothodlst official map in 1848 under rev mr wll loughbys ministry fills syccessov n i recognition is- niore probable ho certainly rolnotbred t tbis eeotlon of tho circuit in 1851 for the parnlly bible records ihybdptutm by him in that year y the gooderhnm worts firm owneo the mills tannery and store at ftorvat i have not been able to verify be date of the coming of james gooderham to take charge of the store and mills he hada few yearfi previously been enabled to rbcolve tho newlfo in fcbrlsl tho joy of this ojtperiehce which with him was deep and thorough inspired him to enter the hmlnlstry but illness checked the pros- psctof this career so he made him self useful as a local preacher he and my grandfather forster became a very strong team in ovangellstlb work inaugurated in the village bomea fordafter ho superannuated he died in that city in 1800 and was eighty- four years -of- age r mr wllloughby was very popular ontho circuit and especially here at acton burlng- his pasforato ho married a number of our early settlers i can remember john speight telling mo one uhw that he marrlod him he called for him at stoworttown whoro the parsonage whs thon and drove htirn down to hornby where- tho brldor- susan boomer lived and he nuurredus well- sold friend -john- and weve been happy ever since i think mr willoughby was also at the wedding of edward nloklip and mary swack- hamnier hut ofcourso tjnclb hiram depny perfermod the ceremony jjnclo hiram was minister to all the swack hamerh hill folk and performed all tho wedding ceremonies until rev joseph unsworth- came to bp pastor at the hlu but theres something else about the norval community which im rather surprlscdmr forster sold npth- jng -about- that is the great norvafj amp meetings these wjro held on the forster farm- in a beautiful grovo east of the village members from georgetown acton stoworttown hornby and elsewherewont down there and lived in tontfljr rough cottages for a week or two while great evan gelistic meetings were hold with lead ing preachers from toronto and else where to hold forth afternoons and evenings sunday was a great day at these camp meeting events i was there on one occasion with dr johnston the noted family doctor who ilvetton the town line near the brick johuroh- wobnda good day together that defy and enjoyed the rather un- usual services out in the leafy temple in tho grovo the forster famlywerb pflme movers in this annual ovent whlchcpntinuejjjfpra fbw wreaks each isummer fora number of years bellevo much good resulted say i thank mr forster for his letter to mr- douglas and i thank the odltoi for niacin tho paper contain ing it in my hands both mary and an8wer to last weeks puzzle asse1sbmiollill shs aaia mmu whyisit harder- to spoil vjolet thanroonv because green is apolt with more eaab oa when is- a sailor very woodbh whenbes aboard l t whbn is a clock on tho stairs very dangerous vo when it rgna down and strikbs bilol why does a sailor know that there ho man in the moon becauso ho haobcon to see sed whatla tho most awkward timo for a train to start 1250 as it is ten to one if you catch it what four letters would frighten a burglar o i c u7 why is a dog with a broken leg like a boy at arithmetic because- he puts down three and carrlesons u whattreergrowsnearthcrsoai the b cz what shlpnever goes near tho seas hardship j why are dogs like trees because they produce a bark nellqlon as needed the soldiers marched to thechuruh and halted in t square outside one wlnjr f the edifice was undergoing re pairs so thero was room for only dhoutl i t l her employer hntl boon pcrfoctly jirnnj to her j now thokiiklihh languapt con- tains wordh that exprcs exactly tho pvorv idcil alio was trying to convey i of uslpg appro pi- in to wordn she used the tiatnc jihrase for ideas not at all related tbis sort of ex pression begins with mental lazlncan apd on da in mental confusion it is easier to use tho same vtctd fordvory thing than to select onothfllx fits and in the end pcoplo who talk so lazily lose thir ability to distlrigiilsh ideaat lazlncss always carries a penalty the deaf hunter a deaf man wjas hunting for game wiien a ijrouso flew upnrtd lit- on u tree on the hillside- at thb sumo momi- orit a traveler apni and in- quired thoiibtancu to tlio next statiori the deaf man pointing said her flow right up there traveller how fur ih it to the next btutlonv l deaf tvlan- ho lit right up jjcre a tent man yes thero 1b a great nfany around this time of year a higher principle thcrofs tnman a higher than lovij of- happiness he can do without happl- neas and instead thereof ilnd blesytl- neaa carlylc nqws your time wow llr tnpory- said mark l iilmbvlf a tremendous r in thochost by way of reverler jiist you attend to what tvo got to bay thing lit looking about as bad ae they can look youhg man youll not have su6h another opportunity for showing your jolly disposition- my hflnp follow as long as you llvev- and- tliorofor tapely nows your j ttfcbmo out strong or never dickons use babys own soap its best for baby best cor you i rc s lirwpje abbei ms m mmmmm e houtthe-reglmeofe- sergeant offlered the captain tell the mon who dont want to go to church to foil out a jorge number quickly availed themselves of tho privilege now sbrteant sold tho captain dismiss ollthe men whojdldnot fall out and march tho others in they need it most a valentine qs he m neighborhood news town and country qeorqetowm a writ for o39i18was served on the town by the taylor pdnatruction co for extras- claimed in connection with the building of tho now reservoir j mr j- w edwards who has been superintendent of the armenian farm here has resigned mr a macloron is in charge at present the members of the bonrds of the georgetown and ashgrbve methodist churches and their wives enjoyed a banquet in tho church hero on tues day ovoning miss ryanr has been rtppolntod poi- ibctbr of water- rates for the yaar 105 at a salary of i1s00 per month chief jackson is assistant collector j a thompson has beonappolnted burlington secretarytreasurer for tlio sohool v board at a alory of 15000 and wllll celebrated thblr golden weddlnj annl- i unjuyed the l e much and tl momprlcs it called up from tho misty pabt tiary says she attbndod that gamp mbotlnk once too with frlcndb mr asa hall i tlilnk she sold but we werent married then furnish a personal bond for fsoooi chief jackson bas boon appaintod sanitary inspector andjoseplt watson a member of the local board of health for the year 1025 assessdr of the townfor the year 192g nrti salary of 22500 i mr and mrs o t coo have return ed home after a pleasntit alx weeks visit with friends in montreal din and mrs f r watson and mrj diasa loft on tuesday tor whero they will spend the next six wffiiug the unnuul masonic at home wli be held at the brant inn this whurs- day ovohing on saturday ovoning february sm a yalehtlnb social will bo held in the township hall nelson under- tlie auspices of st johns ohnrch on friday afternoon loist a very delightful social event under the aus pices of the womens institute was heldat thehomo 6fmrs w d scott burlington avenue mrand mrs ijiyslop and daugh ter margaret havo teturnecv homo from florida they report the weather very fine in tho sunny boutb mr s w fawcott of the local chamber of cammerco returppd home on saturday from qupbfip whore ho spent a couple qf ditys with the qn tarlo mbmbeiljpf4b4 chamber of commsrce and associated boards of trade mr and mrs qcorga r cannon achaorful thought i sond- you a dream of flewryr june-r- aultof sunsetglory a birds gay lilting tune a vision of agarden where soft fountain plays of friendly fields wide stretching of happy summer days bravo hope to scatter sadness a wish oh friend so true that you will straight accept it my valentine to you allx thorn dafety fir8t h was on the old capipgronnd pass do hat suggested brudder wheatly but tho parson raised nisi hand no sph ho shouted def eirj be no hat about it do list time o tin bbx was passed witfn chln to it do last tima a hat was passod arountl heahlt hovah came backhand i hod to go home bareheaded chicago ncwb ycrsary ac tlieir home lri burlington only tc few members of their famjly and a few intimate friends being pres ent on account of tho frail health- of tho couple qaxette milton mental tests enter prisoner for examination 1st doctot twluit is 2 aijd2 prisoner 18 fnd doctor whats 2 and 1 prisoner sbbepollah 1 doctors ihtunuipn insan jlijjjslijjiu iil dr j cade8ky of toronto eyesight specialiot l will be at a t browns druo store agton monday march 2 anyone anffering from bye- strain defective vision ov headache should not miss the opportunity of consulting this eyesight specialist appoint- ments may bo made with mr a t brown druggist consuiration free office hours 9 m till 4 p lift- a m mrs w d barher dorothy and baby charlie of actori bpont u few idays with her mother mrs t canute mrs thorbjarn ottawa first vino president of the national courioil of women was tho guest of miss day- foot ovr thp wo- end herald on4t owlsl merits a voting man whbbpht his summit vacation on a maine farm says that new instances of his landlady are con stantly thrusting themselves upon tils attention one day a wagon load of unexpected rolatlves descended on the farm and tho mistress was as she afterwards lishihntinj sss ddlng id40 daffoails single v 11- nfflhi 35 darwin tullpl 12jb hyacinths ha daffodil and narcissus in eauni ferlor to the pies sh usually made i ia iris named and erin the horticultural sqcloty has ar- rangeda list of is jprerdlams from which the members may hosp any one as follows 1 4 np 1 hybrj tea pr pepl roses 4 varieties 24 climb ing roses 4 kinds 82 bogonai frilled and crested colors 425 named and tabelled oladlolt 25 vario- tlosi 635 named gladioli 30 varie ties not labelled 4namea peonies hlklnds 7 perennial plants 88 mp and mrs j s mccannell mil ton announce tho cngagembnt of their daughter mary jcannettovtomrrai frodjamcs macdonald son of mr and mrs d f macdonald of montreal uui iiioiilng t take pla in f ary mibs bastedo met with a rather but when she served it she spoke of her reputation as a plemaker they do say iit the- soclablos that nobodys pies quite- come up to mine she remarkbd with a beaming smile and apple pies are what you might call my specialty pve often- boon v i o uiuiiilr auu msteriniavr askect fpr theroolpebut i tell them jj q n allmlai forcbop habit aclfh mm v retired- auction ootvand wltat can you gfvb my daughter rroniretlvfi floriliit4iw a tbous- and dollsrsa year allowance an auto acounjry itotired auotloneer abeent-mlnfl- edspldpjjtitfcir jvsi lfs knack and judgment does it not rule- i xho pie disappeared and then whon her guests wore nof ob hungry as they hadbeen ehsbrought forh a second pie flaky of crust nnd luscious jp the taste why aunt mary said the young est of tho party sv boy of twolys i think this pies- ever so inuah bettor than tho other and- you havent said s word about it his aunt looked at htm without so much as a twinkle- lri her eyes this ond w4hp dotm wjjjppt praising i reokon she sald gravely dilterent varieties mrjka toung of chicago iii was visiting with his brother mr w j young and other friends during tho week miss ina qrabiun is visiting- with her brother and sisterlntatc mr and on friday evening last le shm rookixhlcex ob no 4j4 bpld a very suocessfulboa soclu1 ntho town hall asplendidpfofrarmme was i i i whatj5he axip c whtbtftthe present methodist chtiroh stands and built a brick church which ilpw forms thp basement schoo roottt of ther the roasotuf engaged to build tbe foundation and mr qeofjerharhi together rolled the largo eornbr stone into place mr aooderporo sflth priyer and the thlsabficoscrstpn otaod in this place i dpnot know ierhaps it does was fhe sorrowful wuhjxhojcliarenu mr and mrs jphn tho exact datxvbatbellbvb itwaiigst rspiy but this woman didnt say no i hav dlitlnot rscollebuon ox janaea she said ulatsl -had- beon suffering from ipveslckness one morning ho turned up at the btnoe- looking the ploture of misery wwrtm matterr asked hlb chief i coil hardly tell youi mb faltered t 1 i have at nast proposed and i havo been turned down tuttut feplieoj is- chief cheerfully 1 wul mr alexander mclean of the ninth lido was taken to qucllih hospital fov treatment while out skating on sunday mr e oriner hlllsburg was unfortunate onough to get hs nco badly hurt mr rfnd mrs jacobs of cnllfornla vlstph with jjfr r o nodwcll at hilssurg a few days on tholrrway to florida friends ofmls isal0l mcijren aa- spmbled at tho hanieiof m n mrs mcluren an thursday overling lost and presented ms4 mclarotf the bride to be witaaailftnppis shower ida palnfuj -accident- ono day last week shdtwas lifting a window at her home when it foil on he hand and hel if i fast sho was unable to lift the wln- dow witlt the hand and being alpno in the house it was spmb time i jseifore shccouldsepurb assistance from a passprby atawell attgndo4 fnaotlng of uplon- isi injthpx churci school room onj tuesday oyeriipg i strong commlttoe wop appointed- jjeflplte actlpji was defprred until ft lutpr dao i ip how ever tho intention pf the unionists genoroily to remain loyal to the- prcs- byterlap church and go with hr iptb tho united ciurol of gnnadii- mr- and 5frp jj sflnddsqn who jycrtcaued tolos adfol8reoontlyon account pf the serious and what prov ed to bo a fatal ilnes of their daugh ter mrs irfimont will spend a couple of months there before roturnlhg homo the- wator in the reservoir haa been lowering lately mprb rapidly than w considered it should and it has been a- mystery to the town fathers why this should bo it is now- thought tbe mystery has been solved by the dis covery of a bad- leak at tho presby terian church when this has been stopped np doubt thero will bo plenty pf water again unless there are other leaks pot as yet located in tb mean time nil water users are urged xo be very carofut with the supply and not use any more in- their homos than li absolutely nece8baip remembering thnt adequate are protection for the towrv is of prime jmnoxtanco and of flrat consideration reformer force op wili evening mr nell- mocormlck hlllsburg left an saturday for an extenhedl visit to friends in toronto and deirblt mr alex mcklnnonwtip has been siforrkmeum6 is able tou down slalr- imianfj mrs will cox nnd bri i lef t lowr y and mr and wm thosl cdx- adrooate napolbont visited thibo sick of the plagtiatn fltder to- proy9 thjit uip man whp coijla yanqijlah f9r coud van quish tha pluguo albohojid he was t jili i- thp body nnpj pus l rt i sat of activity whloh repolf aft hurtlul nl- iluenceit7wtntrrtfearinjlltss qoeths helpinq him axono v latjrertsm- to got where me family js certainly my poor rna beries- o quortor yhore is your family at do movies 3otort tmnscrpt i peopleprefer to buy knowii goods from merchants whom they know ad- vertising njakes you acquainted with the buying public tni personality in print is the greatest builder of confidence there is it caches the whole community to believe in you and your goods to think they have a need for your goods 4 to nuy at your store moreoverj people expects to be asked to shop at your store a message in the acton free press carries conviction right into the homer let us show you what happens when tsjaif s isanjrivitcon 1 j vr wv wsj v wv uisunoi tviieouan ox janata una saia itlatsl jjcavooarec at do movies 3otort tmnscrptim iki mimy-

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