Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 12, 1925, p. 4

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icr the home or ue arintt3ff prpjaa member canadian weekly newspptr association f member selected fowa weeklies if ontario the acton free press is published every e pn thursday morning jit tue vtt mill street acton7 ontartb eress building the aubseriptiop price is 200 per year in advance postage ia cnarged additional to offices in the united states the date to which subscriptions are paid is indicated on the address label advertsin rates transient advdtiac menta 10 cents per line agate rncastirfe or first insertion and 5 cents per line for each subse quen insertion contract display advertise meats for 50 inches or more per annum 18 cents per incli each insertion advertisements with out specific directions will be inserted till forbid bpd charged acco 1 politics in acton england mr uoydjgeorgq was elected president of the acton liboral association at its annual meeting held in the chiirchflcld hall on tuesday night it was announced that his willingness to accept the office was due to his old friends mrs r o davies and her sonmiaw councillor harris and that there was ireasonto hope th pay a an early h p moore president and editor c a- dills manager and assistant editor telephones editorial and business office iiw residence of president iij visit mr p barlow exchairman fn giving the election his heartiest approval said it was a sign tluit tfce liberal party was really united not only in acton but also throughout the country cordial thanks were at tht same time voted to lord gladstone for his services as president gazette and express acton england u grandfather murray me98- enqer socmo nlmoot da uf wo woro juat simply must noo uiooq eyes fiurlngr grnndmotliorf wrath ho canto down ataice oli mr mlii ray criod janet tho alxtoon eirrsqlvoe with you sitting jjocond aha caught olffht of hlin yoilro thoro imaking valentines mother and tho most boautful valentine no i qrantualhor put down tho overt i tin moan your dross no my drees ib tho papor and poore over his paper moat beautiful valontlno in tho world at grandmother ho wan busy out- aro you- sure you want mo o have it tlnff out little hearts from a piocotf bright acarldf silk ayo butitbmany 4twttsnigtttkohu th o t editorial notes th hon d forbes godfrey minister of health announces that thfr government hasdfinitely-de- cided to appoint a provincial director of dental services i made valorittnoo john naid brand mother but my fingers havent tor- soiten the trick of it and grand mother pattod wlflx pride a boautl fully shapod llttlo tod hdart do you remember mo thor the firbt valentino 1 gavo you tho big rod heart with lace around it cost me fifteen cents it did and tho verso eald hoses arc red violets onsonbe john of courso i dont romember it sold grandmothor sharp ly but tho look- on herfac belled her words and grandfather knew her moratory was not so abortlived as eho wouidtiavirlii r i remember said grandfatbex slowlyjan ill wager tom kennedy remembers tho black eyo i gavo blm when ho daldtho was going to send you a yafonttne tho ldeatf him bond ing you a valentine grandmother laughed softly as she threaded her needle i imagination humor kindness athletics attributes tolsuceess wfitth t opened tho box my breath was knocked clean out of onto i thought but iteal success rarely obtained except through individual effort says e w beatty was janet thompson nnd theres only ono jano thompson in this town and units mo mothorisays if you really moan mo i can so to tho high sohool party tonight ypu know ivo never been to one a of courso wo mean you dear said grandmother stooping to ltlnn tho radiant face i nover trust my vaf entinos to tho postman for fear no might got them mixed but grand father himself takou them out sothat thero wont bo- any mistake aiidtgrandfatherts eyes wero almost as bright as janots chief inspector cowley says that- school teachers must grow steadily iitcuiture and learning and in deed men and women m most walks of life mustf anrttferoembr grandfather om tlnuod tho first valentine you ever keep on learning if they are to succeed mail and empire the financial statement of the dominion for the trfornh of january shows a decrease n the net debt of canada during that month of 2274366 as com pared with a decrease of 4149495 in january 1924 the net debt of th dominion now stands at 2415- 471564 thursday mornlnggfebruary 12 1925 editorial w perpetual care at fairview cemetery the tilsonburg news whose excellent editorial on jthe cafeorcerneteries appeared in these columns two weeks ago with editorial commentrefers to the matter again in last weeks issue and says ve can assur editor moore that if acton adopts the cem gno mo do you romeqibcr joanlo r llttlo iod box filled with luuo rod heartshaped candy- mmbl they were gopd and grandfather smacked his lips rorolnlncently tar hotter than ajithlajrichchonolntn iradh they eat some time ago it was quite current comment in outside towns to refer to acton as the home of foreigners the official census shows that acton has 79- foreignborn residents but burlington has 97 and oakville has 156 georgetown has 56 and milton 42 but milton heights a mileandji half away has another twoscore or more nowadays grandmother noddod slowly thats a long time ago but i believe i could still make those llttlo heartshaped candles lots of things have changed but hearts are just the same shape that they used to be and whats to be done with nil these llttlo rod hearts asked grand father as his wife carefully counted all the little silk hearts spread out on the table ill wager madolelnes name is attached to soma of them under the proposed newtax on gasoline the pro vince stands to collect 1600000 last year there were 80000000 gallons of gasoline consumed by cars trucks and motorcycles of which the are 287- 752 in the province there will be in addition to this mbrionlttflorbr purchased by tourists from the have quite satisfactory results if the management is placed in competent hands j the boys want prohibition one of the warmest debates at the boys parlia ment recently held in the legislative building tor- onto was on the o t a and it is a significant fact hmhcrrjoyswhoin marrycosescannortemeni- ber the days of the open bar in the province should i in face of all that has been advanced against the o f a by its opponents be found unanimously in favor of the prohibition measure at the conclusion of their debate a resolution was passed calling foe continuance of the prohibition of the liquor traffic in ontario and also that an educational campaign be prosecuted to acquaint the rising generation with the real evils of unrestrained liquor drinking as known id the days when john barleycorn was un fettered in the province it is encouraging- to see ths bpys favoring prohibition because it means that in future when the old guard that opposed it has passed 5 away the friends of the liquor traffic will be few indeed auiston herald united states which in itself will be a very consid erable aggregate liberality never killeda town every public enterprise ought to receive substantial aid and en couragement when you give a dollar towards im proving the- town you do not throw away your money but-simply-make- a goodinvestment tres is a good reason for supporting the acton horticul tural society and fortaking an interest in acton chamber of commerce someway mother aye porhaps john but i llko to do it you know the lassies going to a valentine party and she does so want a whlto dress trimmed wjtji silver when x was down town uus mornlngi sawtho very thing such a pretty dress why you couldnt have resisted it yourself john and grandmother noddod- emphatically at tho old man who was not far behliid her in spoiling their only grandchild nftoonyearold madeleine and how long is it since the bairn reading horbe8 teeth you ihinu you know the horde is firm his eyes bright ho lookn well and proves it on the road aftor you have examined hla tqeth iuui teel rxforo convinced than ever that you have judged hla ago correctly 3ut stay have you read ho teeth aright to begin with his milk tooth aro present- until he la betwoen four and ave years old thon tho mark oi dark control depression on tho our- faco of the incisors becomes gradually worn out in a horse over eight years ldr-tho-markingo-have-nearly-niways- dlsappeored froin the teeth of tho fower jaw thon tho shape of the tooth alters as tho animal grows olden at first the surface of the tooth is much wider from side to side than it is from back to front in tho older animal the surface becomes progressively narrower from side to- sido and in stead of remaining alwaya oblong it becomestrlangular and even flattened tn judging the ago of a horso tbon observe whjeti of themllk teeth aro you fair spell thatchlldr p u vv1ilc1rligvobe6nyepiacon upled- modesty loyalty lui- by permanent ones of the two tho formor are smaller whiter and possess a distinct neck until a colt 1b over two years liliwiro all milk teeth but his age is estimated by the amount pt wear as shown on the crowns tho flrat permanent teeth make their appearance in the second and third ybor they push out tho middle two teeth in both upper and lower jaw when these central permanent in- there aro many ex ceptions to evevy rulo in which accident good fortune tioem to have played a grout part in a bqysor a mans- life but in the main real success is probably raroly obtained except through individual effort in ad dneaslnff the students of ivowor can ada college rocently d w feoattyr chairman and presidont of tho can adian pacific hallway enumerated aa qualities and attributes to ma terial success work selfreliance intho confusion or-hu- tmhiwlqrf of others dut that humor which on ablcs a man to laugh at hhnsokf and hold himself in propor pro portion a majujgrho sees the bright nitfe and communicates tho brightness to thors now most of you he said v will proceed from hero to a unlvor- sity and into a pro fession or maybo with out tho university course into busln business directory medical dr j a mcniven phyriolan and surgeon o and co bower avenge and juiffln street l- phone 88 dr e j nelson itreldisrick stmuei aoton ontario legal phono no 23 p o box sll harold nash farmer m a brflitiroffltor7tftfiofiubjloc conveyanoeiv etc perryman block aoton ont money ibnton mortgages hours b3d om to 6 pm saturdays 12 00 oclock h g meir barrister solicitor notary publlo georgetown ont a widespread evil tho revelations following the serious embezzle ments at hamilton the past fortnight pro i the evil of gambling has a stranglehold oh multi- tudes of people in that city as it perhaps has in her cities and towns the illegal handbook of ficers scattered promiscuously over the city looks gg suspiciously like connivance somewhere unfortun ately a great many wellmeaning people regard gambling as a minor evil difficult if not impossible touppress in the larger places and on the whole confined to those whose financial standing is such that thty do not suffer byit gamblers are usually men lfman afford to lose they do not deserve much k- sympathy is a common view of the matter thi3 k is however nottnieto the facts which have been s disclosed in the jity named pathetic indeed is it jjto learn that young men on moderate salaries or wages have been ruined through this growing craze dti gambling homes have been broken up fam- vilies have suffered sorrow and disgrace and the re- by a decision of the appellate court the town of sudbury is held liable for the cost of maintenance in the toronto hospital for consumptives of a nine- yearold boy whose father formerly lived at birch cliff the court held that at the time the boy- went to the hospital he was clearly a resident of- sudbury and so undeimbe ontario act the town is liable the appeal of sudbury was dismissed a proposal is made for legislation requiring every mojor vehicle to come to a stop before crossing any railway crossing the ontario motor league con tends that this would block traffic seriously at many points the league recommends as preferable the removal o nil nharrnctinns barring the view of cross ings and the placing of danger signs 30o feet from everyxrossing this looks like the wiser plan suits have been heart-rendering- in many cases add- pjod to this is the moral delinquency which has-char- jtactofized the operations it is to be regretted that gi nlifnbera of young people are rather prone to think i- the ban against all games of chance is unjust and unreasonable the too strictview of the church- members only those who are most familiar with jhc dark side of life know that the attitude of op position to every kind of gambling is the only safe course and canadas laws gene take strong jghpnd against all gambling practices y- a the policy of polities both the provincial and the federal parliaments p r now meeting in annual session the local legis- jslation opened last thursday with unusual pomp and gi ceremony and the house of commons commenced fm session on tuesday with a brilliant assemblage jfmf oldtime display ceremony the peoplb of phe country naturally think upon the question of geopolitics when the parliaments are functioning xaoeciauy is this the case when in die provincial ferhpuse the conservative party is now in power and when in the federal house the liberals control the covernment the policy of each is remarkably sim- flfr strategy has its place in political as welt as in wjmflitary campaigns the- iwty in power may de gji- likened to an army behind entrenchments and the 4 other party to an attacking force thus it has oomo about that the outs to use the political phrase jfrjire forced to attack the ma it rarely happens that the minority party proposes an affirmative and in dependent programme instead it denounces the jfjjfliey of the party in power and its appeals for sup jport iare usually directed to thoso who desire t bjrageit i admittedly the duty of the opposrtioicto ajrjajgn the party in power otherwise an opposition j- would be of littleuse it must critize and find fault tj3rsrce flse ruling party tow7isf welfaait knows fehfjfi vigilance on the part oi the opposition is fre- jquentjy the price of good government whether yiijopposihon is conservative or liberal or pro- vgrewsive its duty is always the same it will be so session at ottawa and this will also- be ajhfuraejit tjmvonto canada leads the world in automotive exports in proportion to production domestic sales of owner ship of motor vehicles or that of population not relatively but absolutely the automotive exports of the dominion are only exceeded by those of the united states since 1920 the motor vehicle exports of canada iiave doubled the increase being from 98 per cent to 17 per cent of the automotive export trade of the world r simply mubllfavo a blue dross and you just happenod to soe the very thing the child has no end of dresses and she gets so nuuiy things now that aho doesnt appreciate any of them she isnt half so pleased with things as she used to bo why when you was flftoen mother if anybody had given sroua white and silver dress youd have been jumping over the house with jay grandmothers tnouth was too full of plnstoanower for- aha now- had tho white and silver dress out from its tissue paper wrappings and t roally was almost too pretty to re sist and was busy pinning tho little scarlet hearts to the skirt look john she said as soon as she could manage to speak through the pins isnt it going to be lovely tho red looks beautiful with the white and sllvor mhhm admitted grandfather but is tho bairn juat going to wear it on valentines day no silly laughed grandmother ijn just tacking the hearts on and after tho valentine party is over mad eleine can take them off and have a pretty frock for any party and eho held out tho dainty dress for grand fathers admiration itaye its pretty agreed grand father you alwayb did have the knack of flxlqgthlngs up mother wheres this partygoing to be seems to me that childs always going to parties now now john the childs only young once this party is to be at the high school and all the yonug folks will bo going clsors aro in full wear the horses ago is three years the second pair of permanent teeth appear in the following summer when they are fully grown and in wear your favorite lav then four years old betwoen four and five years th9 last pair make thoir appoaranco and tho horeo possesses a full mouth up- to this stage mares and horsc- are alike- in or near tho fifth year howevor tho canines or tushes appear in the male sex only after a full mouth is obtainod tho correct judging of a horses ago by histteeth becomes so intricate that itr is popularly supposed to be impossible especlany after tho eighth year this is incorrect to the export it is not difficult to tell tho age of any horse up to the flfteonth year and with a fair dogroe of accuracy after that it is- possible to approxlmato it within a couple of years came out just even the attention of sundry voluble members of the ontario conservative party is invited to the remarks of miss constance boulton recently miss boulion in effect says that the antio ta howlers are poor sports they howled for a vote of the people and when they gut it they e t acce the decision the lady it strikes us knows a spade when she sees it and knows what to call it too star i o the town council of hanover believing that it was inthe interests of the community to require restaurants to close on or before 1130 pm passed a bylaw to that effect interested parties endeavored to have the bylaw quashed and tookit to the court of appeal last thursday justice middleton dis missed with osts the motion to quash the bylaw most people think that 1136 is late enough for these places to be oppn in an ordinary wellbehaved town at the opening of the house ofcommomrlast thursday six new members of parliament were in troduced and took their seats liberals had tfio honor of leading five of the six to the speakers chair they were majorgeneral sir eugene fiset rimouski jean francois pouliot temiscouata charles hanna west hastings w b snowball northumberland and w j huahion st antoine the new conservative member is grote sterling of yale the dollar day continues to prove a great business getter for the merchants who put them on in on tario towns they have seldom failed hence arero- peated again and again acton business men have not yet tried this method of getting together and bringing the business to the town but it is not too late what can be carried on successfully in other places can also be done in acton all that is re quired is good organization with good leaders and the gettogether spirit take your bofldny irr canadatmlstead of goinl to switzerland or the riveria was the advice given british business men by sir ernest pe president of the british engineers- association whohas jum returned to england from a lengthy visit to canada profoundly convinced of the fine openings the db minion offers british trade if only the business at home approach the market in the right way canada will glady welcome british capital for development ofour magnificentnatural resource- is yon darkeyed lasslo acrobo tho way going ill warrant thero ire fewparucs for her seems to me she never docs anything but mind liables and yet the way her eyes sparkle i tou ever nouco mothor shea got the brightest oyes in this town it was she who ran for my hat when it blew off this morning and the other children just laughed aye shea a good lass agreed grandmother as she carefully folded up the dainty valentine dress for he young granddaughter poor weo janot im afraid there are very few parties for her her mother doos well to koep her at- high school when there are so many- llttlo ones to- look after vor a long time there waa no sound in the room but tho ticking of tho old grandfather clock suddenly grandfather broke the si lence mother about those lltue heartshaped candles you think you could still make them now john scolded grandmother to illustrate how far wrong ono may go in trying to ostlinato tho goods and ills in another mans- life a speaker at a recont public dlnnor told this story two good now englanders met at a college reunion after twentyfive yoors they had boon close friends in the old days but had lost track 1 eaoh other since well bui well charley tell mo about yoursolf whoro have you been and what have you done what has your ufo been all this quar ter of acehtury well charleylsald bill reflective agination humor studied thought and numan kindness if i were to pick out for you the must admlrablo quality possessed by the students of this colloge t would bay that it is that of loyalty loyalty to your family to your school to your university to your country anj to yourself tho second in tho long list of qualities which aro admlrablo is imagination dreamb moan ideal- ism and idealism is often followed by constructive vision imagination en ables a man to take out of llfo somo- tlmos more thantheroia m it re tain as lqng as you can your faith in otlier men tho tjhlrd quality that i would mpnuon is selfreliance and i think that it is probably ono of tho out standing characteristics of tho can adian young men tis field nf athloucs mr beatty considers as thp most helpful contributor to thp spirits of selfreliance and having cultivated the nutdoors spirit ho w th cultlvato a sense of humor not tfio harmful humor that only takes delight and you will want to succeed and porhapa you would not m my saying- somo of tho things that i have ob served that contributed to a mans success t at the ouiset come4he quantlob j have mentioned to you because they aro so admlrablo in thomsolyes thero aro many and i can only mention a few i have mentioned selfreliance couple ft with modosty that fast disappearing- virtue an y ha a combination of inestimable value- to any boy starting in lire wow thero is a word an ugly word which has a groat doal to do with a boys oi a mans success workl this school and higher colleges can give you much they can teach you to think study and analyze but your oduoatlpn in itself will not make you anything this is a result which must come from your own effort va your own thinking advise and consult with othors es pecially older a m experienced poonlo mental exercise is just as good as athletics if you re later to take your place in a contebt where judgment and brains aro your chief equipment and not physical powers tho last quality i- am going o mention which helps a boy to succeed is human kindness mr boattysalrt yoyr own success will never bo re tarded by a kindly and neighborly spirit rcmomber that you will o much fai thor through the good will of others than you can possibly xa by climbing over someones back dental drrjrm beletd d s l d a dentist honor graduate of toronto univer sity the latest anesthetic ueod it j desired ofhco at residence corner of mill and frederick streets drf g oollop d ds l ds dental surgeon office over bank of nova soouk hours 8 jo tq 6 0 evenings by appointment miscellaneous youro too old tobe worrying about valentines and ivo made enough valentlnoa for you in my day she nadod with a little chuckle i wasnt thinking about myself said grandfather slightly huffed it was yon darkeyed llttlo lassie id llko to seethe way those eyes would sparkle if she got a box of those llttlo red candles oh said grandmother thats dif ferent id like well to see them my self and toe poor child has vory llttlo to make ber eyes sparkle it was grandfather who was tho messenger early valentino morning and it grandmother had oouced the sparkle of mischief in hla own eyes sho mightnt have felt quite- so satisfied with her messenger aa she pasted the lnatilttlo heartshaped stickers on tho two parceter all morning grandfather whistled llko ajy as he did up the chores and grandmother horsoh humrned a gay little tune as she went about her work at noon a loud ring from the tele- phono sent grandmother hurrying o it tn- excitement but grandfather slip ped quietly up the back stairs from the safety of the upstairs regions he listened carefully to the conversation the best candy you ever ate mad- ellonol i dont understand pick of chocolate like little red candles i but but oh oh i see as enllghtment oo- gaivto come to her tbnlghtt ouregolng to what are you going oh your blua 4fea will look lovoly dear i hope y i a good tlm come up tomfirow and tell me all about it imjjiad glad you uked the candy dejpf am grandmother sat down vdfhiy on th hall chair but sh wasnt given much tlma to recover lv breath what sounded like a yoing tornado suddenly bame to tho frtnt door and grandmotbor went to sou wn this next dlsturbsr- ofthepeaojo wa janet tlj toomuah j ited to tall coherently almost be fore grandmother had opened the door she started i- oh mrs murray i jrot a valentlneli juoh a valentine you never sawnlnu your life oh yes you did beca you must have mt it- its a white and silver dress wltli the dearest y lltthi hearts all ovei it bobby sav mr murray going away tram our hotf tbla morning and thoh thle box wn- grandfather who was in imminent dangar of ib hla balance leaning over the batiiater in order not to miss a wora etia tans it so toocwrim ly and somewhat sadly im about where i was whon i started out jubt twentylvo years ago that so f just about in tho same place but something must have happen ed to you yes ivo been married thats good j well i dont know she turned out to be a terrible shrew thats bad well i dont- know there was ono compensauon she was rich thatja good well i dont know she was also stingy thata bad well im not so sur6 sho was al waysjust thats good well yes i suppose so but she died thats bod well i dont know sho loft a great doalpf monoy of oourso that was well monoy a nilmmtnp you have been intending to try red rose why not now before yon forget red rose tejlis good tea the orange pekoe is extra good try f j francis nunan bookbi account books of all kinds mado to order periodicals of every description carofully bound ruling neatly and promptly dono wyndham street oyer williams ouelph ont store r j kerr auctioneer and real estate agent 17 tears experience acton ontario jbiilca entrusted to r j korr ro- cotve attention from dmcmc listing to date of sale list your aalos with me residence bower avenue aeton phono 36 acton call at my expense yos it certainly la but sho didnt leave me any thats bad well it might have boon worse she left mo a fhie house thats good tee that was good while it lasted but the house burned thats too bad teo that waa bad it waisnt in sured either 80 im juat where i was when i started qoina going gone lai ho midst of tho auction a man came forward and whispered at soma length to the auctioneer then ho went back and mingled with the crowd tho auctioneer rapped on the tabic and- announced a nocketbook containing two thou sand dollars in bills has been lost if it is returned to me tho owner will pay fifty dollars rowafd and bo ques tions asked thero was a moments silence then a voice toward tho bac crowd was hoard fifty- one i tho he had ftad some help thman who applied at headquart ejwfor a llttlo help from a charitable r association set forth his case with so much tact and moderation that the secretary was boelnnlnff to bo favor ably lmprossed 1 cant aslt them to do too much the applicant said modestly you see ho continued in an outburst ofj delicacy and ingenuousness they paid for- my wedding last month and twas a real swoll one these fine winter days are the das when the appetite js keen and now is the time to feed up with good wholesome foods bread is truly the staff of life and there is nothing more satisfying eat more of it for better health its bound to be good because nothing but the best gpes into it for a topperoff of the meal our psfry is appealing phone 116 fairbanks bakery mill st acto start on monday at- guelph business college qummor bldg quelph ont for thorough training by individual instruction from business experienced in structors courses secretarial bookkeepers stenoorapftdrs guelph business college graduates aro in demand a l bouck prinolpal and proprietor how muchmust you pay for style poo ffeqqently people assume that style and smart appearance can only be obtained in highpriced motor cars a comparison of chevroletwith many of the higherpriced cars iwill convince you that chevrolet really offers qual ity at a low price feare such features as fisherbuilt bodies ternstedt window 1 regulators velour upholstery n you can be proud to park a chevrolet anywhere chevrolet quality however goes much deeper than outward appearance ask any owher about chevrolet perform ance and chevrolet economy chevrolet may be bought on easy terms s vking representatives for this section georgetown ontario tho superior five pasaiffer sedan pi a dont neglect your take advantago or specialist services offered by this estab lishment and know your slassos aro right experience is a good teacher 19031926 wo havo had over twenty years at it and hero patrons aro assured ot the bust im op- i ticali service ad savage optometrist and mfg optiolan 8avaqe building right at tho post omco quelph ontario 03 richmond rwt ttrnto cnana the old and sellable granite and marble orka w aro manufacturers and- dlreot importors of all kinds of monumental and headstone work via soil dlreot to our customers at wholesale prices thus saving our customer 40 per cont wo havo the best appllancos and tho only mechanics in tho dominion who can operate pneumatic tools proporly wo can give refpronces from hundreds of o c ln-toronto-and-otharl- places where othors havo to havo law suits in ordor to oolloot wo havo tho largest and best atook of granlto in tho dominion or more than any throo dealers in t1w wost wa-aro-leglll- mato doalers and onjploy no agonts and do not annoy or pebt customers byaondliulflut ignorant agontfllsollclt ing orders wo employ only mechanics and defy competition hamilton sons quelph ont v i f t vu id

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