Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 12, 1925, p. 5

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h arfuft 3ffrrp prpbfl thursday february 12 102d v to my valentine written lat yeur my dour al mom respected air i htiittyou this your love to btlr ive come to you bofoio ihorcst and hojioyouu grant rno my request your hand nnd lioart i abic today got m wit uut if your liund la not irpunod in wedlocks elujii to join jirmlne then ploiao tlm luap a par law oln and mmd mc utty dollars pray amiuiiciid bchidcao- jiitiuaqmcjlrfiiii now you may think ithls letter funny but i rftupt fiavo tho nianqiiriioiiiiil the sunday school lesson for sunday fenuary 15 canadas new link witln alaska jesurf in gktis13mani3 golden text not what i will what thou wilt mark 14 3c but pieaao send mo back anico reply and let rhe lovo you till you die if yqii hhftuld think thut im a dandy juat acrid mpljack h box ofcuhdy if my mtmu you haj to gueaa jiibthtoot it through to my addreso bui it for mo there la no hope express mo back six yards- or rope- with lots of lovo and lots of kisses fromnewipwanuirtijriwyourrmra twenty years ago from tho luqof frott press of thursday february 16 1905 it ia estlmajcdihat thoroitj how two foot and alx inches of onow on tho 1 level frostbitten card hoses and toos were common tho early days of this woolc mr c k mcintosh lias boon going rjpicon crutches the past few days rb a result ofjarliruupytolhlblcnaa in tho saturday hockey match mr peter masalea of erin has sold his farm thero amt purchased fhb brtcl house on main street bqlanglntr mr david williamson of guolph mr cnlsholm the now manager of uie merchants bank arrived tin satur- day and -is- now installed in his new position j r misa sadie turton dressmaker is prpawsaodo jfltttnii and makinein latest styles rooms at her home on willow- stroct mr rath of proton who recently purchased the shaw farm fifth line came down on tuesday to his now homo jv hockey match between teams from beardmoro coe toronto warehouse and acton tannery waeplayedth king i on satqrday evening acton team pfoyca top much for the gity m and defeated nt by a a cor t of 90 isp james l warren left last week prr a- months tour in farmers insti tute wrk in huron and vbruco counties the epworth league and their friends spent a very onjoyabl eleven lug at a valentine social on tuesday night married hurstmcclure at- knox manse guelph on wednesday fobruary 8 1005 byrev r w koinv nfcwtoit hurst to sarah youngest daughter of joseph mcxmro both of acton hlath- matthews at the meth odist parsonage berlin on satur day fobjruaril4 1d05 by rev d w sniderrwrhobertheathtonelher daughter of edward matthqws of brolin formerly of acton progre85 of prohibition thp fight against the liquor evil n an age long conflict f which is notybtlh slghtl one thing wo havo learned with certainty final vic tory depends upon eternal ylgllrfnce and unremitting effort this is- a war in which there can be no armistice and from which there is no dilschargo so long as avarlco continues to dom inate tho human heart there will po a class ofmen bent on oiulcblng solves by catering to the weaknosaeq and pass ions of their fellowmen and working their moral and physical ruin the story of the progress of prohi bition of the liquor traffic in canada is one of the most interest big chap ton of tho moral history of our dominion a most interesting anil informing sum mary of this was given by the presi dents of the provincial unions at the recent biennial convention of tho can adian national womens christian temperance unlonheld in toronto in tho maritime provinces the t-em- peranee heform movement is as old na responsible government and tbe fight foe law enforcement in recent yearri v has been very strenuous tho hope lies largely with the young and for a tep forward in young peoples work lu by apathy for the average citizen this difficulty is by no means confined to eastern canada a large part of thu energy necessary to wage d succesaful war against drink has to bo expended upon tho indifferent and the slackers notwithstanding the reverses suffered s in tho prairie provinces the temper anco people of thesd provinces ore not discouraged on tho contrary we find thoy arettj- pa hover before to reprieve- their losses and- to carry the prohibition banner atill further into the enemys-coutitry- iifssahltoba thj tomporanco people nrotajjn the only wiaoaricr safe course of systematlo education along the ienroironco lines in all the wootern prov the- largo rlgwtpttauuii coriatltutes one of the strongest obstacles to reform tlio representative from alberta in a hope ful address declared wo ore nqt dis couraged we are going onto victory we are going on with education work among tho boys and girls and must try to rouse both tho laity and the ministry for wo cannot develop a moral sentiment without a spiritual atmosphere the present xtonditions were traced to the fact that workers took a partial victory for a flnao- one and under estimates the strength of the enemy similar interest and activ ity were reported in temperance cir cles in tho other provinces ih j g shearer of- the social service council of canada warned the convention thtt the days of struggle against alcoholic liquor bre hot yet over in fact we are otho momeflt in the midst of a great struggle tnat will last for years the hopeful spirit of the convention was ojno of thobest guarantees of the ictorlouh issue of this strugglo time tucbdiiy night and wednes day morning april k and- 6 a i -geiiibemano- the lohiun uxptamtoo zltic juauii borro wnig av iiiiii ji death yzy4 jesus took all tho disciples excopt- mg jutttrs with jlim to gothaemano but ho loft tiight in- the edgoof the garden and went into thorhi depths with only three the three whom jesus took with hlnv now were the bsrmo throvwhom josua took into the mouncpf tranbtleuratoh if hv talcea us up with him into the moiint of t t wo him to tatwusnhhimtptho gardcjt of iqethswhucaaraiso yeouas he canio closer to the agony pf the cross and of ail involved in the bearing of fliian s sin longed fdv- human sympthyvbat ho did not get it he trod the wlno- pross alono white he took wth him into tho deeper shadows of gelhsomant ho innermost circle of his ohosuii ones peter anotjainea and john evm thoy slept whilo the saviour agonized and prayed v thoro is- something awful to oontompiato in tho absolute loneli ness of the saviour jesus was in a stato of great mental and spiritual sorr jgreatyjm3agd qnd sore troubied exoeodihg florrowfuvevtn unto doatp jt was not tnere dread ofnhe- physical agony that lay in a little way ahead tliat so oppress i klin but his sinless spirit was begin ning to- feel most hoavily trio burden of mans guilt and his hear that had clung with utterly unparalleled love- to god wa9hpginnlng to- feel tho tearing agony of separation from the neceasiipted by mans sin tjtjere was an awful storm of bewilderment and agony sweeping over tho saviours whole being his heart was at tho point- of breaking oo it did indeed break at last on theerpsa he bade th three watch while ho pressed further into the slteowajof the- garden hfc wanted company and yet ho wanted to be alone with god 2 jesus praying the disclpieh bleeping 3542 what a sight tho holy one of god on his faco in prayer before him thv prtiycr as uttefeu by- jesus is differ ently recorded by the three 6 van pel ists boubtless our lord jesus said all that tho diffofent evangelists re cord and one evangelist gives orio part of tho prayer and another another part ho prayed the father to remove this dup from him or moro literally o carry it along this was not aprayei jf deliverance from tho cross ttroyi that though jesus dreadedit ho neve drew back moreover wo aro strictly caught- ih not only thai thi father always hoard jesus but thai rip was heard in this specific instance and when a prayer is heard tho ver t aske fo is given so jesuo iii the tea cup tho full charm of railway time tables at acton canadian nationalr qolna wat tm hum isfeveale th flavor i fresh and frajfrant try it qlnck mixed or green blends 809 tun 103gorn 830 p m vii cimn movem aijkes evidence x mike- said pat ill bo goin to the fair the day ill thank yo fo- tlieloan of your donkey but ilko rcmemborcd a thing or two and prevaricated tcero too mate he said i lint the baste to hmnlasey an hour ago at that moment a loud braying froth the shed suggested thb donkeys approval of the subterfuge mike said pat lta doceivln me ye ore intblreiy q nol bymo sowu tis true bat i- lear the basto bruyin w0lvan oven eupnose yo can dyr mean to srty yeh bo spalpeen enough to take tho wurrud of the donkey agalpst mine 7 fy on the job in montana a railway bridge had tppn dentroyemj by firo and it was fr ntooosaary to replace it two days inter came the superintendent of the fllvlalnn alightlagiram hiaw pvlvai enr he encountered the ol brldgd builder bill s a id the s upon ntcrf don t and tho words aalvcred with energy7l want thi b maherf tioow delay costs the company money- have you the engineers plans for the new jot whatpho asked for in- this casu xlo osktjd that the cup might bo poaae i on until the appointed hour on the jross and tho cup did pass on h was dying of o0ny thereandthenrand god strengthened him and ho went on to the cross and accomplished his woik whilo jesus prayed his dis ciples slept they had heard some thing of- his agony and prayer but they had been more occupied with their own sorrow than with his and were soon overborne with it we can jndcrstand- them by studying our- delves we are too often more ooeupied with our own griefs than with the griefs of jeaus over a perishing world and we too sleep when we ought o watch and pray the sleep of the disciples was natural butlt was not excusable- itwas a fulfillment of prophecy i looked for comforters but i found none jesus asked them tenderly reproachful question that re- vealed his own heart breaking an1 ionging f or sympathy on the one hand and their lack of selfsacrificing love on the other is ho not putting tho some question tons today the re buke was intended especially for peter who baa boasted he would die wjlth jesiia and now could nbt even watch one hour with him jeeus also spoke to them a word of earnest warning wfltoh vand pray that ye entor not lnt6ntatiori but they heeded it nofjlhdvwere sooh fast asleep again so that- next day whil jesus triumph ed through the night of prayer they fell because they slept while they ought to have prayed but jesus gained the victory there in the garden and when- all the forces of hell swept up against him on the crass he put themff and triumphed oyer them- in it three times doth jesus mot th father with- the some cry before the victory la finally won what rebuke to those spiritually lazy souls that would have us believe that it la a mark of lack of faith to sak the same thing the second time tftfie sinless son of god the perfect example of what is and how faith acts needed to and did exorcise im portunity n prayer how much more wo- ho prayed throughjjaoshouldj we when jesus returns the last time to the disciples he no- longer heedh their sympathy the battle is over and furthermoreit is too late and ho says so sleep on now ect will we too slttsp ao long that the hour will po4s by when we can be of an real help and use to our lord the sleep so dearly purchased was short for in n moment tho torches of judas and his horrid band were seen among the trees x must now ariso but to what a scene of horror and dis may thevlctbrlouo man of prayer la calm but thoy jilted yfo too need this tremendously solemn warning jwatch and pray that ye onter not into temptation- it is thus alono that we can find- dolly victory one must needs- watch at aiaf nantufe for the devil js ever alert and furthermore the lordt may come at any moment there was never a time when christ- iansmore aoroly neodod to have our lords words watch yo and pray lest yo enler into temptation coiir atantly dinned into their ears than to- day tho great need of the hour is watchful prayer- the reason why tho mass of christiana today have so lit- tlo realleatlon of tho meed of prayer is because they do not watch the christian who is watching and praying has no need to fear ahe outcome but che christian who dobs not watch hn no right to rest upon these promise the fleah la atlll weak but there ip a way to conquer this weakness viz by walking in tho spirit this cart only be done as the outcome of much prayer jesus prayed tho name prayer three times it was not vain ropb- tltlqh expecting to lo heard for lt much speaking but the earnest opt ory dfishe heart dally readings for next weak monday february 0 jonua in geth- somane mark 14 3242 tuesday february 10 a ago nl ring prayer luke722 3046 wednesday fobruary 11 thy will be done matthew 26 1- 3646 thursday february 12 the suffer- lnjkjhpxieatulnhwal0r friday february 13 tho sympath etic high pricat heb 2 01 v saturday fbruary14sharinb ha 3uffarlnga phil 8 713 t sund f gut saviour peaini22 lfl i t-r- r t nn saldt the brjdgo builder wheiher tho engineer haa his picture drawn yetbut bridge is up and the trains ia pasjdiig oyer it rr ia nbt many year sinoy alaaka vras bneof those countriea whose gobprapiuv caj location was ivdica ted with a gno duucmtiweep of the arm north warda it has always been e land of myatery romance and adventure it has pro vided the theme for the thrilling tales of novejlistoand the stirring poernao north- ernbarda butovcnthoutth thedayof the chechakbad rh4 aoaroooua brier but active apoim of the dangerous dan msgrewa ana the lady lou a mat ten of historical reference the luro of ahuuca has not waned but ia as appeal ing as ever to the hearts of men and women wherein a bit of romance lurks and that mean to everyone alaska ia no longer a for off country it xa ft vary near neighbor to canada it will be even nearer thie summer mr j e dalrymple tmntc vicepnmdent of the canadian national railways has announced that commencing on june 22nd the company will inaugurate a weekly atearathip service between prirjce rupert and aloalca and that the- oil juming smrup ifnceijgeojrge and prince rupert which hay already establiahed a reputarfan as being among the betoppointed vessels on tho pacific coaat will bo engaged iri thia new service clomg northvrd the aliipa will reach fririosj rupert at 1030 on wednesday morning following the monday of sail ing from vancouver and touristrwiu be l given an opportunity tottraeomethmgof four o dock that tavrnoon after panv ing old and new matlsktla and port simpson on old htidaons boy pott cjusvrnodeatkotchilunatytj alaskan town built at ths foot of the mountains ivoceedmgi that point the ateamahips will touch a wrongejl beautifully situated bossj the mouth of the stikine river andpn sen sing many associations with thepariod when alaska was a russian pawuion the next point touched wut be juneau the capitaf of alaska and a modern city with good motor roads and many pbinta of interest including the mendcnnall glacier and mines which have made thfo country famous on the way from wrangell to juneau there will be an opportuhity to see the grandeur of taku inlet and the famous taku clacier over a inile wide and 90 miles lonff the ships will arrive avskacway at seven oclock friday inonling onovwill remain theremn til seven oclockaturay night thds giving suhpls opportunity to paaaenffers to see this famoua town and to visit white horsaond the atlm laktf district on the southbound journey the ataomars will reach vancouver at nine crclock wedrieadoy monuhg haas inga complete tenday round trip 7n addition to the alaska tnp the th- weekly service berwtavancouvr and prince rupert will bo nuuhtoined and also a semiweekly aervice to anyox and stewart on tho partland canah which dian national rail ways of this alaska oteajnboatsrcqwu1aetthedemsrids jrfjnumy tourists and wiubo a fitting chrpax to the famous triangle tour comprising jasper national jwt the rockiea the coast range aul tho water voyage through the norway of amer ica i- th photographs show some of tha scenes euonjj the routo of this hiaghlflcent aea voyage 1 the taku glazier one roue wide and ninety miles long one of the largest and most beauuftuslaclers in the world 2 west taku arm strctchv of water from which rite jpreat ranges of anow covered moun- tains that seen in hc syniwne present ajrigbt neve tq pq forgottw plenty of eggs loaf oi winter and summer cfoat let your hens loaf or just bo boarders wegjuar- antee your hens will lay mcreegjpiioi l your moneys back froni your dealer we will sendvou a copy of pratts poultry book kree write tor it today vkatt popcq of canada ltd toronto regulator k t no ao no j v no 30 i no 38 no 24 sunday l t 1118 a jn 886 pm c 17 pm 813 pm 708 pm m canadian national electric railways daily ejccopt sunday dolly look money talie notice thafwi will handle yonr troublesome notes and accounts on a strictly commission basis no collection nogharge we placo 34 yeaia oxperlenco at your disposal and asbumo 411 your collection troublos send ua your list wo will do tho rost no noto or account ia considered too small too large too old or too tar away we will taolcle any honest debt tsblly aikbn collectors oranqeville owen sound j m aikbn manager jos j kbixy manager referehce stflrliri8 bank of canada dalw dolly dnuy dally dolly polly dolly 743 am 043 am i h43 am- sii48 im 343 pm ii u b43 prp i l 743 pm 943 p m ujiin eaatnound r polly n 743 nm c polly except sunday 948 ojd daily u 1143 ara polly t4apjn daily polly dolly poiiy dally 843ian 43 pm 743 pm i 943 pm jlllpm preleht dellvored by apeclal oxpreaa jbolobt frelgbt picked op at onyd- draaa in toronto i 00 gorfovwill ba used in this new pacific port aa the aosomprdoes i service has been itt effect for some tiros hot- continue on its northern trip until past the eata by the ou- the vancouver prince rupert- alaalca service by the canadian na- tlorlolrailwayathlaaummer these boats bra otlburaers andore among the beatappointed veaael on the pardflo coaat4 juneau the cap calof ajaaka nthriwndclty up-to- date in every respect with main sights to interest the visitor and with fine motor roada extend into the mountains to famousmlnes and othea- points of interest top centre an aboriolnsl of alaska in full ceremonial regalia and lower centre one of the many curious and striking totem poles to be seen in the busi ness section of wrangell it8 a dry country walter w head now york presi dent of tho amorlcart bankers aa- aoclatlon gives tho jollowlne arumm to show that america lssreat j 110000000 persons occupying 37000- 000 equnremltesjpeterrltory and po- sosslns wealth estimated nt 30000- 000000 bank doiipuifb aeercgutlon approxl- ipatciy j40ooooooooo oubtandlne ufo insurarioo of more than 70000000000 000oqo000 acres of improved farm lands valued at 77000000000 24000000 milch cows 40000000 head of other cattlo 40d0tt000 rhcop arid 60000000 swjno c more than- 3000000000 bushels of corn and 1000000000 bubheta of wheat produced in a -yoar- more than 00000000000 worth of manufactured products turned out in a year moro than 23000000000 gallons ot crudo oil produced in a year more than 250000 miles of railroad moro than 250000 mllos of commer cial tolograph lines 8000000 miles of tqlenbone linos 20000 daily and weekly nowapopora to dlssoanlnate information and to bind our people by tloa of common know ledge for a common purpose taking nochance8 a now ressonj why nhen do noto to church has recently boon discovered by an english clergyman walking alnns-o- luno ono day soyatltbita the village rector noticed anoldman ahead of hlin soolng that it was ono of hla coogroffotlon who had not been to church of lata tho vjoar hurried and soopf caught up with him hallo john said ho how is ft that j havent aeon you at church lately at first tho rector could got noth ing out of him but alter a little per- snablon tho parfahiontr said well zlr itbo your youngest dattcr nolly i bo afeared of what i afraid of nellie a girl of only nineteen add only just returnod from school ycsj zlr you see replied john when i wont courtin an old forchln- telior told mo aitov i hould bo bpllced throo times- first to gray in thon to a yellbr anmuori to a ginger now wlon i buried my poor yoliors sally- three months ogo and your daughter with- the ginger nlr corned home from sohulo i says to myself i says that is or thats tho ginger un an if i dont keep away frpm church shell nab mo b8ctjgnwedolcloatiirstl6wtnoof the destruction of worms mother qravcs jyorm exterminator has nrov eda boon to bultering- children every where millers worm powders will eridi- cate tho worm evil that bears so neavlly onchlldren ahd is believed to cause many fatalities they aro an nceeptadle rehjedytb children ond 6an be fully relied upon tb- clear the food channolsjhpioughly of these dejttructl ve parasites and restorp thc inuamed ond painful eurfaces to hcalthfulncss thoy aro an excollorft remedy for these evils ta remedy for ekroh to have the earache is to endure torture v tho oar la a delicate organ and few care to deal with it considering it work for a doctor dr- thomas sjcloctrlc oil offers a simple femody- a fow drops upon n piece ot flint or medicated cot ton and place it in the car will do much to relievo pain she hadthe proof the reading class was in session and thoi word furlough occurred miss jones th6 tcaohcr naked if any llttlo girl or- boy know tho meaning of tho word t ono small hand wa raised irur- lough means n mule said tho child oh no it doesnt nald tho teacher yes maam insisted the little girl i jhavo a book at homo that says so miss jonos told tho child to bring tho book toflchool tho next morn ing the child como to school with the book nrid triumphantly snowed a plcturo of a canadian soldier riding mulo undor which wan tho caption rootife horns on li wtuhougn ji hjim0k the energetic mind oiiwr trtiil t f props and oven ovorivhelm u really onergotio mind but biily fpr a time tho strong spirit will regain its oqui- q7irratt andbii reaay under whatever dis advantages to reassert ka right to u praca and a stdtrb in xlstenco porn oroeuwell gems of thought the grand oia bpok of god stlu stands and this old earth tho more its leaves aro turneaover and pondored the more it will sustain and illustrate the sacred word prof dana there is nolevelerllke christianity but it levela by uftlnij all who reoelvo it tbthe lofty table land of a true character and of undying hope both for this world and tho next it la better to soy this one tblnp i do than- to oay i these forty things i dabble in washington gladden it is moro dlfllcult and calls for higher energies of the soul to jive a martyr than to die onohoraco mann tho friendship of tho world ought to bo a pearl of great price for its cost is very serious jdhn foster whatis in a hnme v wecoll a rose byvnny other name would smell as sweet shakespeare cro keeps his watch in overy old mans eye but where care lodges sleep will nover llo shakospeare in all science error jrocedeo tho truth and it is better it should sa first than innt walpole wellearned rest one day a farmer went to the coun try fair and his hard- wbrking- wife re mained at homo to see that tho farm aurtorod no loss during his absence lie roturncd about dark and coming out on theporch he inquired im about tired out mary is the cows in the baarn yes long sincotrephojl the wlfo is tho hdsaos unharnessed an fed yob ifowls locked up yea wood chopped for mornln yes bo them ducka plucked antroady for market yosfu- 1- wagon wheor mended an ready to start in hauling wood tomorrow mdrn- ing ye well then lie concluded with a sigh of roller let me have my supper mary and ill turn in farm in is begin n j n to tell on me only the uninformed bear ttie ugony of corns the knowing ones apply hollo ways corn remover and got relief r both taking 8tqck a certain canny scotsman had car ried on a courtship of long duration without definitely committing him self the girl if she worried herself at the long probation gave no sign until ono morning he- tardy loverr thumbing a amair notebook said maggie i had been weighing up your guld points and i hae already gotten 10 when i get l2 im going to ask ye the fatal oixentlon r- iqf7cs swered tho mnldon lhao alstf beep puttfn doon in a woe book and ive been puttln- down your bad points juiere-juro- u4nlt nlren and w it reaches tho score im go in to accept the blacksmith a abner6 luck yes said mrs taft im afraid abners going to be theunlucky wnd she gazed after her sons retreating figure and sighed so deeply that tho novt summer boarder looked nt lior inauiringly nothing awful in that line mrs taft hastened to aay t dont moan that but in jhtlo stinging ways that kind o take the heart out of hlrn and touch his pocket at the same time pi tou you host aa soon oa ho wont to boaton to work abner fell in love with a girl that worked in tho same store that may be good not bad luck ventured thonewcomer in itself you- couldnt say it was ono or the other mrs taft bald impar tially but the girl lived in one of the towns a little ways out of tho city and soon as he mado up his mind hed like to keep company with her abner up and bought a fiftytrip ticket to her place yea and and got turned down on the second call concluded mrs taft with a wan emtio and tho ticket left on hia hands its quality sells it tho fact that many thousands of intelligent people continuo to usepr thomas eclootrlc oh speaka volumes tor its healing cfncloncyeyor sjnee it was intro duced it has grown steadily in public favor owing ontiroly to its manifold usefulness in relieving and healing sicknoss aa a specific for healing cuts burps scalds and various inflam matpry pains ita record is boybhd-ro- nrooch whod be a teacher bcdapolla bed sod the toaohor for the twentieth time to her backward pupil now do you undoratand tommyj yes said tommy glibly well cat spells cat dog spells dog and bod spells what did i loll you brd bpolls ive forgot miss whispered tom my contritely what you dont know what bed spells after all fvo told youf tommy shook his head well once more bod spells what you sloep in now what do you sloep lit my shirt halp for asthma ncgloot givo asthma a great advantage the once it has secureda foothold fastbns its grip on tho bronclal passages tena ciously pr j p kotlogg8 asthma itemedy is dally benefiting cases of asthma of long standing years of suftorlng however might have been prevented had the remedy tbeen ubod when the trouble was in its first stage po hot neglect asthma but uso this preparation at once the doq his favorite look hero said one irate clubman to ariothor did you say my wife had a face like a bulltorrler i ojov arraworod tho other what about it r take off your coat shoutod tho irate one nobodys going to say things against that dog of mine and got away withhty fhe80repf6crsv whcnthlngs aro oneo coma to the execution there is fio aocrocy oomnar- ojjlo to oolority baricn is gyfo mother fletchers castoria is a harmless substitute for castor oil paregoric teething drops and soothing syrups prepared to relieve infants in arms and children all ages of constipation wind colic flatulency to sweeten stomach diarrhea- regillaite bowels aids intho assimilation of foodpromotrng cheerfulness rest and natural sleep without opiates to avoid imitations always loolc for the signature of caj srovc directions on ench pnekngr physicians every where recommend it y id he leavey anynlnsufdnce the first question asked by ceorge castles friends when theyheiird of his tragic death in an automobile accident was quite a natural i one a griefstricken young widow two wideeyed wondering children a little home partly paid for herfe were proper enough reasons for the solicitous query of true friends and george castle had no insurance if your death came shortly would your widow be left in- this position would sho after the first paroxysm of grief had passed face long years of want with dull despair crowding lov- ing memory from her heart protect her future with a north american life policy the attached coupon will bring you complete information on how best to do it north american life assurance company solids the continent head office toronto canada vi p c walls district manager 504 bank of hamilton bldg hamilton ontario send me your booklot the whole yfo polioy name add ago ocoupatlori t e gibbons expert shoe repairing prompt attention to orders left t je gibbons 1 main street acton i notice tcbcmditors of the estate of james matthews decea8ed a 1 vsas v m m v l the creditors of jamos mixtthowft- latoaf jjio village ot xcton in the county of haiton postmaster who died on ho tenth day of january a d182d and all persons having claims against his estate ore required on or before tho twentythird day of february 1s2b to send by post pre paid or otherwise- dellverto tho under signed aolleltor thotr full names- ad dresses and- dcaorlptiopb and full par- uculars of their claims on and after tho bald twontythird day of february tho executors will proceed to distribute the aasofa of tho nald estate among tbe parties ontlued thereto and they hereby give notice that they will hot bo rcsbonslblo-thore- after for any claim or claims of whlca thoy shall not havo received notice dated thlb twohtyaocond day of january a r 1925 3 chester matthews anna x maddock r executors by h- nv parmori acton ontario their solicitor 303 dobsyour watch keep time a wateh is a machineits work to keep time any good watch will rkeep time if properly adjusted try our repair service savage co jewellers guelph ontario 1 m ii ra she wm too sick to try entrance exams jeanae was one of the many chil dren in now ontario who travel rolloi each day to acbool fair weather oi foul they trudge along tho rough roada eagar for the little bit of edu cation possible for them fifteen years had passed since jeannos blrtb and she had never enjored the best of health duties that time six ot these years ahe had spent in going to school helping around the house and at odd times working here and there to earn a little money oa day she was eaught in a sleet atorm on heh way home from sahool beforsslonjra terrlble cough set in wblehjlnally ended by consumption of coursa it waa impossible for her to try the entraoce examlnatlonb an- otiier ysjar perhaps but oertainfy not now said the doctor now she la resting at the muskoka hospital fsrobbsumpuves her pleas- ibst shyness sttll remains her eorhjv- falr hair refuses to behave while her blue eras with the aid of her lips rkdlate chser and hope sure says aiajint to golbst to high school why notranj w eefco why notf and th deetojsays why notr- be cause jeanne 1 on tho road to -wattyins- will youi help her and others to reach tho goal by contributing to the hospital fundst olfls may bo sent- to hon w a charlton president ceiie dlm toronto ontarto m subscriptions for all maga zines taken atthe eree prejjs office v- 1

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