Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 12, 1925, p. 6

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birtlifl mnrrlarco- and deaths re now charged for t the following rateal births 50c marrlases 50 deaths 50ci memorial carjo soc ioc per line extra iojlpoemb died wrfltaken in oauvilliscn- monday february 9 120 john whttokor tovel7eon wwjmshanyrobniarsr- 4 1025 at evorton martha stewart beloved wire of william tovell lyons at nerval on saturday jan- m y ni 13211 maryrwldowof tuo lato s j lyons in hor 78th year forsytiie iii guolph on wodriou- day february 4 1026 mrothomno foriythc jormcrly otjbramoaa in hor 89th ycai j ghalmeks at tiro jmrjonui homo malrt atrcot acton on monday- fobr ruary 0 1026 richard jnmeo son of mr and mrs james cjjalmorb in hla blxth year in- memoftlam davsin ldvlnc mfcmoryof mydoar wlfp lydla davis who dopartcd this ufo february 11 192 t in aorrqivl5vae day by day and- watched you suffering thoro slpwly but surely passing away from the nalri youflcarco could boar 3ono from my life is the ono fjiosd leaving mo tad and lortoly lrmced f r yjj and ovcr vemomborod liy hor husband and nor relatives in england sfh jvrtim jfrrr fyvim thursday february 12 1926 brieflbcahtema- a woek from noxt wcdneoday will bo ash wednesday the thaw settled tho big snow banks considerably -some- people havo begun to call them cusgwprcrpusrles tvin you bo my valentine is a current quory this weekx exreeve james moffat is tho new troasurerof nassagaweya thcrworld didnt como to an end on friday after all did it j tho january thaw arrived week behind tunerfebruary 7 hornby presbyterian inarch haa voted 11 for union ancl 33 agalhbt tho eclipse of tho moon was eclipsed oh sunday afternoon tcro- thahovor town council last weejc the chamber of commerce suggestlorifl for en jdyablo evening with the retail merchants ks-s- comraunltybaaked-ln- meuowunflhln oh sunday mr daniel robortson observed a flock of wild ducks flying easterly over to wn mmoriday union presbyterian church in con nection with nerval voted against tjnlon by 44 to 15 the roads wero so bad oh tues day that the rural moil carriers do elded net to go out guolph fat stock club has do cidod to hold the- annual fat stock sale early in march this year tho bare walks gave the boys a after marbles tho girls are hunting their skipping iopos hear tholwild birds on tho wing hear tho bolls that swoetly ring jkhen you feel like slghln sing keep n- goln when brooks arc deep and golly whirl along through meadows groon with dash and- merry song springs coming seldom has a rain boon more gen erally appreciated than the first rain of tho winter which foil on monday afternoon give mo the open road whatever the weather may be and ill ben rover till the journeys over on- the great broad open road a hon bolongiriff to m watson euquostnpr hatched nine healthy chick ens which appeared unexpectedly in the barn last wek the dundns star glvos tho following interesting- particulars of a board of trado luncheon held lir that town last week a nymber of now feat- ureaw6rotnii0ducotinx7tiolnncho6rrr and though tho attendance qt aovonty was not quite us largo as on aomo former o tho banquet was one oftlfo most onjoyablo which tho lioara has hold w wan retail morchanta night nnd practically evety storo in town was represented by tho piq- prletorjand clorks after full justice was done to tho fine ropnat provided by mr and mrs surerus largo paper bags wrepassod around these wcroflllpd to tho brim with samples of lines of goods carried by the morchants awpy down nt tho bottom of tho bags were two numbers which entitled tho hplderh to a drawing for prises and those juoaont liad an exciting timo hunting for tho numbers for in order to find them it waanocc- aary to remdvo all tho contents of the bag which included- samples of broad jam biscuits chocolates taffy rule scribbler hair pins handkorohlof pills soap- tooth powdor ash tray shampoo soap jolly powdor face xiowdor thimble balloons etai oto and oonsldorablo miscellaneous advor- tislnsr taatter the grownups resembled a- lot or kiddiob on cirlstmas rhorninb seeing what santa claua had left in their stockings tho pri2eswore a big ma- ma doll donated y cohensrand nr bowl and plant by j g colllnson tho lovely doll which said mama went to chorlcb curry and tho plant to claudo hourigan and it took c h moore tho chairman somo timo to subdue the hilarity and get a hearing for tho addresses on behalf of the board ho expressed thanks to the rnhnufacturots and focal merchants who had contributed to tho contents of tho bags among those were the mccormick biscuit cdrf f dalley gov a a adams co mc- larons limited suthorlanda limited puro milk cos w somervlllo co palmollvo soap co f w inman korra hardware thos h ralph a broad 3 r murray j h cravon powell co e buildbr conners bakery coherlaj g colllnson fow- iles bakeryr johnson dixon h c clarke a f patterson tub a jbljofe construction of ontario r6ad6 hon mr penry minister of high- ways explains methods of quilding spoaklne at guolph recently hon g shenryy provlnolal mluiaterjuf publlo works said last year u coiisuii had boon- tukou at certain liolnta on various hiehays t0 got ii lino on tli roautcquircmonts wliure tralllc wiij not heavy- or tlioroadv were in their minor stages a well gradod road with agravol surface was maintained until tho cost became tobtugu and a higher type of- construction was justlfleil whori gravol had to to hauled any groat distance it was a dear com- mofiity another steit up was tlio ma cadam roadway if properly nut down and- maintained it would carry from 1000 to cooovohlclean day cconoml- cally in macadam roads constrtictod last year lt rhheadam was laid down this year the department is tiaing n twocourso macadam wiieh rflves an ovbper surfaoo easier maintain tho next siejyoafrom a water bond road to thryia or ponq- trnsion mdcndnm which la voryaor vice and cheaper no compared with tho higher txpes wliere macadam was not found economical d comeht road- was jald wlch la cheaper wnorc haulage is oxcesbro y wo havo ih tliu province do000 miles of rondmr hopry pointed out a network to whlcli tho provinces undertakes to coritributo to every mile vvttlrave1nviteaho-mlnorrmunicipal- itlos to abolish riatuto labor and ro- colvo 30 por cont of this rpad oxpon- dlturo tho counties f6r somo years liavo rocolvcd 40 per cont- to go per cont from tho proyinclnl treasury in addition tho provinces assumes the responsibility of the provincial high- wavfl nnnesring bade on the county organizations 20 per cent of tho coil and in addition tho cities 20 por cent on provincial roads leading directly into urban centres his department had 60000 miles of highways outside urban centres in tho hands of threo different authorities to lookaftor tho department had 18000 the counties 10000 and minor municipalities 38000 or 37000 mrv henry defohded his position that tho motorist should pay the hulk of road costb as motor carfl dernondt a neighborhood newsr town and country georgetown rr if tho voto on tho qucutidn of church rtiiion waa complotod lioro lueti frl- hijr tho poll atood 97 for union and m7 ngalnat thoro aro 371 momhoije of whom 314 vototl o8prin0e tho unnual report of tho proaby- tenlari church y diutrlbuted lat sunday tho oiorines of tho yoarfbr kcnorarpurnoa6o amounted to 858 hi thqbum ofhsjvatt ratflcdfor rfth- aioiii tho sunday schoops recolrtfa were v durlne tho yoar tho church waa decorated at apoat of 400 mid tho effect wae very pleasing tho ladlea aid society became reapon- olblo for tho cxperiuo of the imril ntonta and thjoy succeedod inralahiir nearly all the finances required tlio osprlnffti church paid kev johi lindsay 435o0 on account o hhjaal- nry na88agaweva mr and mrs johiv moalplno camt- bollvlue announce the ongaffomont of their daughter bortha to mr goorgo currto bbnof tho late george and gurrle of georgetown tr-v- f mr t kightlngale of knatchbull haa recelvod his diploma for barbcrim after attending the r e hemphlu barberlng college in winnipeg for eight nteeka t mr and mra william kingsbury tthd family off oxbow saskatchewan roturned homo last woolc after tholr visit to frlenda in nasaagaveya mrs will morloy and family vlertted relatives in nassagaweya last xyeok tho recent mild weather haa sppilm the sleighing v the roads r not in good shafte at alh v tho following la the report of 3 s no 8 njaasagaweya for the month of january j clase iv mabel macgregbr- iei- vyn fltoreyi ajlox wallace chajcjlo fatt bddio watts clasa iiikennoth jwallace mal colm moffat willie kce cluas ii anritt mcgregor goorgoi wallaco wilma storoy maiion an- dertfon r tht2mdson hudsons bay compahysniaim long standing dispute of land question amicably settled tho umlcablojjottlomcnt of tho hud sorvy bay companys claim to cortain vands in western canada was an nounced rocontly by hon taharloji stowart minister of tho intorlor thla contentious matter which dates back to the year 18g9 involved nearly a million acres of land and its adjust- mcnt is naturally gratifying to both tho offlciulcf tho dopdrtrmlhtotrtno intorlor and tho company undor tho deed- bjr which it sur rendorpd its ownorahip to ruperts land comprising what is now known ob tiio prairie proylncos tho com pany claimed it was ontitlod to noarly 700000 acrca of land after nogo- tiatlona with tho officials of the do- partmoht of tho interior the conir pany agreed to accept nearly halt a million acres loss in settlement of its claim f for nearly two centuries by virtue of- tho grant made by king charles of england tho hudsons bay com pany controlled tho country wost of the groat lakes in 1809 tho cornpany agieed to surrondor this vast terri tory to tho dominion govcrnmont in return for a sum of monoy dnd on6- twdntioth of- tho land in tho fertile bolt sot foe settlement this fertile belt was doflnod by the dcod of aur- rarider as- consisting roughly of tho territory between tho canndian rockies and tho lako qt tho woods hout of- tho baskatchefaa river the pacts op the case 685676 eloctors votod for prohibition only 48860 for momboro of house son c llnncborn mckay kerwln the objocts of tho dundas jboord of tr a quite bynohmous with thoso sfsebn tmunuerctfrnlnwc0tot oa q r0 expenditure maintenance functions quite similarly an evening llknthfiitfioyagitlmopg and spoochea sneh-tm- t w 3bnay wmswi jrmdsatta w brsrasksisosthjoyable ovorrrne our- mtbpri tho wholesale jobbors who aro patrohlzod by out merchants would willingly supply samples to cor respond and this novel feature could readily familiarize tho members with festboods tholbeal morchants carry- and bo a vory desfrabld advertising scheme the adders torlque l tho governmont had received foux and thrboquartcrnuhiona 1n hcpnbo fecfl and had spent looftooooon all class arid capital account thor deportment w p fp tnun thtc rnotpr tax throiifihheftlotab in 1krsopni6n every justification for the tax as yio user of- tho road would pay in proportion to its use lovers day feferuary 14 acton vou no z cfo i k- wi ii compos poetry and send valentines tho meanest kind off a yellow dpfffcr the ono that gooa about yelping atthq heols off hie nolghbora in daya gone by tho gossip uaed to bo treated to the ducking btool or tho pillory so that everybody might roallzo the rank ovil of a venomous tongue people have boon crushed and sent broken hearted to early graves by tho wagging- of vlcloub torigued or tho idloohattor off thoso who had no thought beyond the satlbfttcuqn off repeating what thoy heard tbv words off a talo boar3r are as wbunda andthey go down into the innermost ports off thobolly if you havo one off thoso addora tonguos that sting to death you are headed tor where yon belong tho hissing king dom off tho prince off serpents if you havo just the common loose tongue of gobblp go and havo thtf unruly member operated upon solomon in shoeisndneatltier journal tho fiucp ppiraa crossword pus sies are alrpady commanding much attention the answer to lost weeks puxzloifl given today a new puiale appears thiswook the streets and valks committee spent tuesday in plowing out tho snowbanks on the second lino and the the mild weather removed thp oiiditoacl r jpfvoyaftcea are now burden of snow from many roofs which had been taxed with the weight of tho winters accumulation a good many citizen eloarod off the snow and ice from the pavements during the mild spell its good to get down to tho cement walk again the result off tho vote on church union in the presbyterian church at eden mills wab announced on- tues- dayandbtood 32 for and 67 against the- oakvllle record paid a high compliment last week to the gregory theatre for the chaste and highclass films which aro ahown by mr greg ory the toronto meterologlcal bureau reports that tho weather on sunday was tho warmest experienced irf fob yunry in this- part of ontario since 1866 reovo j m gordhoubo off weston who is also a member of tho good roads commission resigned tho reoveshlp dual ofhce now being il legal the mild weatherduring tho week j waa appreciated it will require n moro extonded spoil howftvor to re plenish cisterns and farm watering places i at a meeting dff tho congregation o st androws church fergus the result of the rocenfvote on union was announced as 47 for union and 193 against j tho sleighing which hns been con tinuousfor seven relght weeks is now very thin in places tho mild weather and tho rain played havoc with it getting through withbuj difficulty with tho temperature up to go degrees on sunday the sun shining brightly and little rivulets running in all directions the earnest that spring will bo hero hy and by was amply manifested the sending of messages of good will and love upon tho fourteenth of february is perpotulatcd from year to year and unlike somo other oldtime customs seems to gain ratherthaii loso m popularity the uttorn andj water courses wore found lnsplendld condition when the frobpot came on monday the sidewalks wero kept clear of water municipal officer mcbherson had all the drains in good ahape tho fiuee press is always glad to publish news of your travels iff you intend to bo away or havo friend to visit you send in tho information to ub jqrany other newa of an inter- eating charactor phono 11j or llw or 131 next saturday will bring along an other anniversary qf st valentinc- day and ihe young folk already havd tholr bralnb in a whirl in deciding what overfl language to adopt- and what sort of a valentino to send nearly all of tho fomoua poets of tho poat including william shakos- poaro paid trlbuto in their writing to saint valentinos day as love haa ever been hold to bo tho greatest name in story and song naturally the one day aot apart for lovers wao a sourco off inspiration to many poets in fact they alluded to it in their writinga more than to any other festive day and wakod muso to honor 1 again and again the first valentine as wo know them now was written by charles duke of orleans who sent it to the lady of his his choice we may bo quite suro thai it produced a clutter in the heart of this belle of long ago although nolther charles or she could over dream at that time how many similar mosbages would bo sent from man to maid in all the years that wore to follow many strange beliefs aroasbopiatod with saint o valentinos day in othor parts of the world it is believed in many places in europo that all winged songsters select their matoa on this day and it was of this fact that tho clay was originally given over to lpvors there is said to be a peculiar influoneo abroad nt this time wtflch binds the lot of rrten and maidens although tho hoses are rod violets are blue style of valentine has faded into tho dimness of the past- and the one which has taken its placo is on a jnoro subtle more polished form it docs not toko the romantic youth or- maiden off this day long to read be tween tho lines all the endearing im passioned words which the customs ofur day forbid b iis to put in print ithnikolytlie post offldo staff hero will havo a taste again of tho plethoric quota of christmas mall as the vatf entlncer deluge tho drop boxes on fri day and saturday ard browhlowr robert brownlow tjydla whitfield teadher dublin tlio report of tho trt dublin school during january is as followa sr iv rmargaret waldie donald mcdougall sr ill howard webster jr ill lawrence wobster edith biacken srr wllmer fryer walter fryerr stewart ruddick wilfrid waldie billy mcphcdran- sr i annlo black jr i signa webster hazov waldie primer violarobertson r martha orr teacher mr and mr stuart robertson of hornby visited at the home of the formers brother mr and mrs j f robertson last week some off our local farmers aro extra busy urea e days hauling ice from acton for their summer use bro t f mchugh of this placo formerly of balllnafad an officer of strootsvillo loyal orangp order no 263 attended the annual county con vention of- the county of peel at cooksvlllo an tuesday of last week miss orr of acton teacher at dublin public school is doing good work wo wjah iror continued success what constituted land set out tor settlement proved to be tho bono of tjio contention in implementing tho terms of the doed of surrender especially in regard to indian and for est reserves tlio company contended that thoso lands came under the terms otthe deed while tho government- hoi j that those lands wero not sot out for settlement ljot only was the dlaputo ono of long- standing hut the matters involved were of a complicated mattor at one timo itwas thouffb that sottlo- jnont would- bo reached only- through a court nction a measure whjch would havo entail ol further delay and con siderable cobt with pralbowbrthy foro- slght tho representatives off both eids ook cbuhsol togother ahd after a period ot negotiation succeededlh ar riving at a satisfactory solution of tho problem erin erin- continuation school has inau- guratert public speaking contests with a silver medal to tlio best boy and glri orator tho flralojr these con- tttiits was held on friday night wh on fourteen competitors entered the arena the two medals going to sylvia tyrrell who sibko on if vou break faith and tom fondley a former lculdent of brampton whose topic was conservation off life in canada mr d mcmulien of the univorsljty of toronto acted as judges and in ad dition gavo an interesting talk on oratory the awards were made by roy j- a evans miss hepburn prin cipal off the school waa in the chair and a programme of music was given by miss franks and miss dorothy gib son others taking part in tho con test wero ethel willis olive mc- murchy elleji mcquarrle mabel austin floronco svlnton harry orr orrin grawtty carita gibson tom salmon tillio armstrong fyffo matha- aon prlflcilla cok unfortunately was takon ill before the congest and had to bo carried to her home rockwoob democracy and dress thamesvllib counoll made a grant of 12 tobdltov mcgulre off tho local paper tho herald for publishing tho minutes of lost years meetings off tho council dr coxa got his second car of automobiles in last week since tho year oppnod most of them are the popular closed enrjs now so much in demand a number off our cftlkona tvere favored with invitations to pttond tho openingor tho lebifllaturo and thb house or commons a few wero presont rmr nlcol is rombvrng his monu mant works to main street where his yard will adjoin his residence a- car of how granlto roonumonts arrived this week check up your address label on thla issue j were anxious to havo the date 1035 or 1026 aftor your name tiieavaflcrotrroetnitaiw ioks moro creditable johnprociobirndjfaniiry have to remove to jollot 111 where bey have rouitiveb a sale off ihoir household effects will be hold on 8at- urday nffpobonr- s 3 tho congregation off mount pleas ant church eaat of norval which was destroyed by fire a few weeks ago hoard the result ofrtholr voto on union at the hropo methodist churca on monday evening the vote stood 70 for and 61 against at tho service in thp methodist church lastsunday morning revmr culp announced that when he nnd mrs culp removedfrom acton thoy jntonded tctntve their membership continued in the chirroh hero this is much appreciated decided they hoi mizy n bruce county the warden is tendered a banquet upon his election instead off expecting- him to tender a banquet to the county counoll a- th- olosa of th yar a meeting of the directors of the fall fair waa hold in tho council chamber yesterday afternoon ar rangempnts were mado for tho revision off the prize list a other matteru calculated to further tue interests of the fair were caroffully discussed woather sayings should seldom bo taken literally thoro is tho one about march for instance tho month comes la like a lion or a lamb as pleases t best and usually goes out llko t any old thing even llko a sprinklingpot that happens to bo near at the time at a meeting of tho port elgin council on friday ovenlng it waa de cided to install two electric pumps ono off sixty hprso power for flro pur- qpoaes and ono of twenty horse power for domostic purnplng the present pump will bo retained aa a btundby thoro is always aorooono some- where who is anxious to buy what you havo to sell s6meanp has just tho article you want to buy to comploto a deal each must know of tho others wants and there is no better or moro certain way to iriako rh csi known than- through an ad in the fjuoa fjuus i knox church is preparing for a service in tho near future which will be entirely in charge of tho men off th uoiibie a male choir will bo with mon it is not serious but with women if is important- we live in a countrytthat is dedi cated to tho proposition that all inoi and all- women aro created equal that is a priceless privilcgo but it has its disadvantages among them is the fact thateven when wo are not really equal to some one olsewc try xo appear so and tho further from equality we aro tho hardier wo struggle in nothing is tho struggle more mani fest than in tho mat tor of dress witli mon that is not of much importance but with women if is more serious in other times arid other countries every ono had a station in life and dressed to fit it tho courtiers wife had her garb tlio merchants hers tho country matron hera and v tho pea sant girl wiw known as such by her- costume often moro liiqtiunt apd moro ohannngthan tho great ladys but qulto unlike it j i hero in canada the wlfo of tho mlllionairo and tho wife df tho clerk the shopgirl andtho maid servant all wear the somo typo off h skirfcloak nnd shoes and tho maid vould very much like to bo taken for the woman of millions it is an expensive cus tom and it daily augments the cost of living for tho distracted husband and father r it jtf also an inappropriate custom women who rldo ovorywhero in motor cars can wear very different garb from the women whomust walk tho muddy htrcoth womerr who havo maids to caro forthclr garments and to adjust them can wear very different gowns from tho woman who must look aftor her own wardrobe and have to drpss themselves in a hurry moreover thb custom somoltmos leads to a ridiculous incogrulty bo- tweon a womans appcaranco at home and abroad 4t- woman who looks like n slattern in her kitchen may loolt like a prlncesb in tho streot and one who spends morioy lavishly for gowns to wear in hoc nuighbor- parlov ts- 4undr comin likely to think that m h reason why sho canilfitjifforjl to46ok netrt and tidy at tho family brcakfasttablo thero is no other romody for this than tho wisdom that timo brings mean let us al men and wnmin ono off the features- and it is expected that two students from knox col lego toronto will assist rev ac stewart in conducting the service tho ser vice will be held in two or tarsa wattles and boys and girls romembor that speech ahd manners which cost noth ing go infinitely furthoithan costli- neas of dress toward proving our equality wlth tho bowfr eapoolally when drtis servos only to omphaslrc anweok8 mission will be hold next wook february 15 to 22 in st johns church rockwbod- the misslonor la the rov canon ferguson ma bd rector of st james church guolph oif tho two sundays the servlcoa will be atthe usual hour 230 p iri and each night excepting saturday at 815 canon ferguson will preach at oveiy setvlcq it is hoped- that crowds will take advantage of this unique opportunity for deepening and strength onihg their spiritual life the rector rov h g l baugh giva everyone a very hearty wclcdmo mrs wm passmoro who has been poorly ainco beforp christmas is re ported to- be a little better mrs richard hewat yho la still in the hos pital is also somewhat easier jamea hanson la now ablo to bo around sinco his operation miss douglas of tho continuation school was confined to tlio house for a day last week but was ablo to re sume her duties j toward the ondof the sireek tho young- peoplo of the eramosa stono church put on a play last thurs day evening in tho town hallontltlctl ylmniio yohhapns yob thoy were groetod with a comfortablyfliled house thoweathor of the past week hojr been all that could bo desired slncit tho coldspoll and the snow has set tled considerably during the post week tho big advantage of the mild weather will bo tho saving of fuel and the renowal of thp water supply just before christmas your corros- pondoht received a curiosity from his cousin stanley harris in boca raton florida and recently wished to find out what it was ho received a eply this week stating it was a cocoanut with the huak atlll on he states that ho haaqulto afow bearing trees on his ftvo aero tract that ho bought about a year agor in company with hisbrother howard ho has been buny building houses in a new settlement the death occurred on sunday uf alra h e croft at her lato residence in guolph fqllowinft an illnoas of a weeks duration tho deceased was a native off eramoaa and had boon a resident of- tho dtyfor several years her maiden name wasagnoa l dredge mrs croft was a constant attendant of tho prcbbyterlan church and was highly eateremod throughout the com munity surviving nro hei husband two sisters mrs william croft rook- wood and mra archie moody brock road and two brothers nathan dredge rockwood and rov f r j3 dredge nelson b c her father and mothor prodeceased her her father twonty years ago and hor mother two years ago and- one brother john e six years ago tho funeral took place on tuesday from hor lato resldonce to the friends comotory rockwood thp remains of tho late mrs thomas forsythd who- passed away at tho homo of her daughtor mrs william mllno guelph onr wednesday jvere laid to rest irr johnson cphvbtoryv eram6srt friday tiftornoon service waa conducted by roy mr little of rockwood itsslsted by roy j a maotcchzlo chalmpfs churdh guelph tho deceased was ono of trjo oldest residents of eramohajffownship being in hor 80th year at tho timo of her death she was anatlvtf of sco- in lafiaand boitling in eramosa wjcro bhrcbldr cd practically all her life aftorwardfl hor husband predeceased hor 48 years ago surviving aro two pons thomas nriti william on tho old homestead and fwo ugumrn m w oakvrlue pliilip buck of winnipeg has been in oakvillo vlblting frienda and is now staying at palermo lowib keeno has taken out a liermit to make alterations to his residence to the extent of jg000 his many friends wero pleased to see reovo croaa down for a motor rldo yeaterday afternoon feeling much improved in health w b davis roturned from bermuda where ho 4s portaiiig tho wmtr to be present at the funeral of mibh- waaalaat friday tho laaioa aid of knox chuvcn nro arranging to hold an attractive val- ontlno tea and sale of homemade cooking on saturday afternoon thoro was a pleasing entertainment in lusk hall on monday evening when dr gemorlpy elocutionist nnd tho optimist quartetto of t pre spnted tho programme tho will of mrs helen w culham widow who for some years was a resident of oakvllle has beon pro bated and disposes of an estate valued at 140963 jv wollknoyn palermo lady mlna ettlo book passed away at hor resi dence on saturday last sho had been poorly fov heveral weeks but appar- ent1fyrp wnoivbbo- suffered a stroko there wqs an intorgbting meeting of tho rebckaha on friday bvoninff last when mrtu hlllman district dop- utyof burlington arid6rmatalllng board vere preaont to conduct the im- presslvo ceremony- after tho evening sorvlep in knox church laat sunday tho congregation on joyed an inspirational musical treat conducted byerj moore off toronto assisted by miss l m mcrain or ganist vincent fink violinist of toronto and j s dyer baritone soloist miv moore gavo a- brief and interesting rovlow of tho lifo of men delssohn who was a noted musician composer and leader of nn orchestra before tho ago of ten he excelled in composing sacred music and his ora torios are much in use at the preaent day star tho wets havo boon monopolizing tho centre of tho atago recently and raising such a ciamor that ono would think thoy represented the peoplo of tho province instead of only a omail oootlon of a minority of tlio oicctoxc in tlm drat place tliore are g8rc6 ontttvtp dcqtorswho voted tor tho contlnuanco nnd strongthonlng of the ontario temperance act and its vloy- outj in tho next placo thoro are manyperhaps c groat majority of tho g61c45 who voted for tho substitution of govermont control for the q t a whoso real vicwa7arri grotosquoly mlaropreaented by thouo shoutoru for booze numbersof pcoplc- yotetv agiiinht the ontario temperance act not bccyituho it did too much tore- duco drinking but because it did ioq little f it must everbo bornp in mind that there uie two cjassea of cltlzons who wevb diasatiafled withjconditions us they existed in thoprovlnco ono class frankly favored booze and sougljt hit ample provision bo made by which people pould- got such boozp aa thoy ivanted in uuch quantities asthoy do- aired whenever thoy ploaaed there was another class however who thought thatthero was tbamuch booze that bootlegging was too com mon that liquor was too easily ob taincd thesp people who fhlnlc tho law is too loose are getting tired of being led around by tho6 who thinly tho law la too tight it was tho idea of the governmont control rather than that of govern- juunl uiul c th tatter- class thoy- want tho traffic con trolled tlittsb wet shouters- want liquor sold the funilmqntcjf tlic governments promfso tostrongthori the ontario temperanco act and give iryigorous onforcdment fpr which wo confidently look will suit all those who voted to retain that law and also a large section of thoso who voted for govern mortt control- on tho other hand for the government to listen to tha voc iferous olamour of those disgruntled extreme wots would mean that it would havo to act not- only in direct opposition to a substantial majority of tho electors of tho province but contrary to the wlahes of a very large section- of the electors whom those clamant wets falaoly claim to repre sent i then again as a mattor of practical politics hero is thc situation that the mombero off vtho legislature face there wero 145472 moro votes polled for prohibition than by all tho cot- sorvativo candidates combined in their -tosl-aonerftl-eleotlonr-aiid-saitsso-moro- than the combined vote of all the olectcd conaervatlve members of the 75 conservative members in the house 44 sit for constituerictes that gavo dry majorities qutsldo jot tho 12 consor- vatlvo members who represent toronto and suburban constituencies thoro aro oniyilp mpmhprfllyhofloconatituenclen gavo wet majorities why should this wet toronto clique seek to dominate tho great majority of their colleagues in tho house as n matter off fact the- aggregate voto polled by all the mombocs of the present legislature conservative liberal u f 0 independent and labor was 474 8c0 for prohibition s85676- or 110816 more what a travesty upon democratic govern ment upon justice and fair play jc would bo for this legislature to flout the popular win which was clearly ox pressed and take any action that would weaken tho lawwhich tho peoplo of this province want retained and want strengthened and enforced pioneer mclean co stocktaking specials mens yol underwear now is the time to lay in a stock of wool underwear wool has advanced in price fully bto- per cent intne last two months we have a good assortment of sizes in stanfleldb good turnbulls and tiger brands jjtanfields twopiece at turnbulls twopiece at tiger brand all wool at 225 and 275 200 225 and 250 200 anu 225 buy now before uie prices go higher yarns the neiftshipmontot yarns will be- much higher than what we have in stock today scotch fingeringthe very best at perrilb 140 monarch down at per 2 balls 35c factory yarns forheavy knitting all colors 2 and 3 ply arfer lb 120 mill eisjds and remnants quring stocktaking every remnant is measured tip nd priced marked in plain figures call and look hem oyer untjl further notice this- store will bbpen every wednesday afternoon mclean co mux street acton ont ci fjivl 3l millinery and fancy goods miss j galbraith millinery and fancy goods store phone 109 mill street reasonable tho bus wna making lta early-morn- ing trip to connect with tho train on a branch lino in mibsibsipdi it waa filled with halfawako passengers with tho exception of ono vory talkatlvo traveling salesman palling to start the usual conversation ho turned to tho nogro drlvor sambo lfo said vhy in thunder did thoy put this station so far from the town- dont know boss aald thosloopy negro copin it is dey wants it on do railroad everybodys trees and shrubs progress iv fa a gnrdoners will do well to purchase from pelham nursery company special inducements given for new orchards wood lots and wind breaks apply pelham nursery co representative at onco j burungham nt 4 rockwood hints on business letters otielphand mrs it bow toronto tjio late mro forny the had been a con fltftiit aendanterbm hill cliurdli eramosn the rhilll j carers wore merfl alex wood atex rao thotiins alexander william jsenttlo john m- tho intqniiity o ipwob and mtujot ranand john qxutyvi the followlne rules adopted by dls- cerninif tjublness letter vriters should bo memorized by all who havo such letterato write it will imjuro business letters that will stand thu- toat cnreiully avoid such words and stack phrases as bog to say- jqoer to acknowlodgo bcff to inquire beg to enclose etc p dont bef at all dont reply to a letter answer it you answor a letter and reply to an argument dont writo would say or will ay just go ahead and say it dont say enclosod herowlthj j is rtuperflpouh dont say kindly for pleaao dpnt say tho same in regard to same or trust thb same otc dont say wo beg to acknowledge receipt wo ackpowlcdgo is auf- llcont dont writp y9 fayor- ot but say your letter of a letter la alwity a favor dont say by return mail thli wua otistomary in tho days of alow transportation it rihould now bo ob- sblotu you ahould never think of saying mcnmo duly to hand thanking you inndvanco ctc why make let ters commonplaccby tholr uso oaref u 1 lyvoidappaa4uuieo of n cacm ho brleby which fa meant tho dlfl- cnrdlnk of unhocshnry words and phraseh drovlty is hot nlways a synonym for shortness where there inmuc to anyr- w tahea longer- lottor to say it but after yem havo sdld all that is to bo hald ina plain di rect and bimplo manner stop doat use a long womi- whdro a jbliort ono will dojuet uawoll or botfer a buaineaj lottorv la n mac for rhtotlcul pyiiotoyhnica candy along youro tho grandest jfcllow in tho world of ydfi take a box of our swieti ojcahing with you yotrve a man among men if you bring homo a box pt pur packaged joy fo your waiting wife our canfly is worth talking about keep february 24 open for the acton ladies baseball revue in the town hall acton the event of the season full details next week dr jigadeskjr of toronto eyesight specialist will be at a t br druo store aoton monday march 2 anyone aufforimj from isya- attaln dofoctlvo vision or headache shbufd not miss the t opportunity 6f consultlns this oyohlgnt specialist appoint ments may bo mado with mr a t brown drugglut consultation free office houra 9 a m till 4 p m its very often quite a task to know just what kind of meat to have for dinner or any other meal in factt and it is very often quite a problem after ytru have decided upon what you want to make it fit your ptjcketbook but both 1heso problems can be easily solved atour meat counters our experience in cutting meats is proven to your ad vantage every time youbuy meajt over our counters we cart give you the most profitable cuts at the lowest prices quality considered pf course we arc not quoting prices this week but you can be assured of most economical buying if you allow us tocater to your meat needs always the right gut at the right price watch our windows friday and saturday for specials w j patterson corner mill and main streets acton ont iii raa33bb sjtea

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