Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 19, 1925, p. 1

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tfn fiftieth year no 34 thursday morning february 19 1925 acton ontario canada thursday morijng february 19 1925 single copies five cents the methodist church acton heyjosepuia culppaotor parsonage willow st lloitu rn the minister subject tho kh of humtm experience 23q p m sunday school 700 1i nr a short sons service subject of aerrmm tjonyeralon presbyterian knox church act6n minlf tcrbev tv q 8towart m a monso willow street 1100 um tiio- minlhter subjoct steph tocjoll 300 p m bible cln8fl studied in matthew- chapter 21 300 p7- m sundny school 700 p- m the minister subject fruits of witness strangers leaving address with the uahers wlll bo cnllod upon by tho pastor aitoertisenients in thin- column a cot pt word minimum charge 30c pr insertion for sale 17 hens and 8 pullets ready for lay ins and 1 rooster cheap 31 bbardmoub cbescj3nt work wanted woman wants employment dally cleaning or plain hewing apply p or box 080 acton for sale auto knitting machrno almost new apply to- harry scott s rnno b muton georgetown phone 85 r2 1for 2 young scotch shorthorn bulls or tho nonpareil and matchless families can 60 soon at tho acton barn walxace a lasby son mill stroot clearw 8ale meaars 1 ftiooro it bon wm ht an auction salo of farm stock imple ments household furniture etc at lot 14 con 1 half mile north of eramosa ftondin tho township of eramosa vm tuesday february 24 at oho oclock roy hindley auctioneer two sides to this overtoctt siofy clearing ajcfl6m3al of tho lmplomonts llvo stook and household furniture of william jworfci will be hold at lot 10 con7 adjoining tlio village of evertotv on tuesday march 3atoneo 34- royhindley auctioneer j erin phono card- ofthanks mr and mrs jos chalmers arid family wish to express their apprecia tion for the oxprcbslpns of sympathy and kindly cts performed twiner the illness and death of tlieir beloved son richard theso neighborly floods will ilwaye be gratefully remembered card of thanks mr and mrs j w jones desire to oxpress sincere thanks j and- appreoia- tloir for the kind assistance and atten tion of nolghbore when their little son jlmmle hadtfho misfortune to fall and break bis ice when on the street on tuesday such kind deeds uro grato- fully remembered extensive auction sale of farm stock etc fred awrey lot 22 lino erin will hold an extensive clearing sale of nighdosa stock implements seed grain hay on wednesday march 4 tit 12 oclock r j kerr auctioneer phone 80 acton auction sale 0f farm stock frank mack lot 18 second line eriu township 1 mile north of qsprlngc will hold a sale of 80 head of c0w3 young cattle sheep and hogs on fri day february 27 at ono oclock no reserve r j jcbrr auctioneer phone 30 acton r for sale 45 forms in tho counties of holton and wellington varying from 40 to 100 acros let us send you- our list a number of homes and business placoa in aeton for soio fire and life insurance money to loan j a smith j- boalbsiateagent phpnpmib j aeton onl chocolate fudge chocolate fudge with assorted nuts throughit reg j 40c lb w spe per lb if cheap farm8 for bale j8 mres 2 inlloa from arton 1 2 liank barnb comfortable ihouso soil the very best reasonable tormb ttrih of 110 acres in nassagnweyo good bankborn comfortable house- a good driving shed 10 acres ryo30pp j600 down balance b8 vears 6 if you want bargains in farms a8k kerr real estate agent ho knots h stiiey r house paimtnjsanp paper hanging for particulars and terms apply at the clyde restaurant pliposilo wonderlanrt rhentro i o box 307 woerland friday february 20 the flghung cowiwd xdupted- from magnolia by booth tarklntctpn starring cul- len xnndls mnry aator and er- lnesl torroncc felix tho- cat cdrtoorj fox news inrry somon comedy saturday february 21 the clean heart adapted from a s m hut chinsons novel starring mar- guprlto xjo irfv moltq comedy pigskin nci c qf bqpny len- roird fight niktures his qu- frurfwrt tub8daxi february 24 tortetues- otwfjame starring tom melghnn pie tho det cliap1oi slock lugs o y oro hon- coming little robinson crusoe with jackie coogan- j itu vir r l gregory son j tkis is one side of thestorypripjr to this mtd this is wintey clearance movement every overcotttr the oilier inpur main or branch siore was at its of the k regular price every coat was iwr story the -same- priced consistent with the mag- good qoats have donald standard of quality eenmarked down for complete assprtmehts reg- runmediate clearance from ular season no ieducheic fegular reasonable be- lions theyll be asyqi deductions no mark- fairjy priced everyiips before the markdowns no season wfe staker exaggerations just straightforward hoestbaings on that wjijch you jvill find genuinely worthwhile 5 overcoats iojrl7j5 y v j35 foir2i475 7 wovroatsfpr3350 45 overcoats for 3750 ati qie popular styles in the outclearing sizes 34 to 46 welcome as spring ftowers womens and misses new coats7frocksghic little satin hats launderedstiff gingham and chambray collars and gay ties all so delightful and refreshing so attractive and newly-different- thatwomen will want to wear them immediately regardless of when spring comes in futxeashioned silk aft hose now at puu d e macdonald bros ltd guelphs leading nndxargtet store canada will agsdii show at wembley our dominion will a second year have an exhibit worthy of the country ottawu fovruarx ic canada will ajjaln carry on at tho great vembley inhibition lit london england this year with- an even flner rcproaontauon than that vhloh won worldwldo ap preciation ldat year according to hon jarncb a rbbb minister of iroml- bratlon andgolonlzntlon l bavo had- a number ttt conaul- tavlona with ilr a w tolrnit cana dian government- exhibition com- migaloner who had so jargoaparln tho succeaa of tho cnnadlun exhibi tion at wemllcy- amf who lo novr ciiuad buid mrltobb and in view of q publicity advantages- which have nrlson from tho cxhlbttlbn nnd the connections wlich have been establish ed for the outlet of many formp of canadian production the oovernment h toco p eekimd specials peppermint humbugs oldfashioned peppermint hnmbugs weekend tr ijspecial per lb tioc 2br assorted chocolates jtes in a good assortment of hi soft centres reg 50c lb weekend special pef 1b assorted chocolates in a good assortment of hard and qo have you seen our display of gandymeat trv a fresh fiuit orjaljermo brick mill street i acton h wiles g we close every wednesday afternoon quality first rubber boot sale w5 soft slushy spring weather will soon be here you had better take advantage of these prices now infants rubber boots jl25 misses and youths rubber boots 205 womens rubber boots 2i6 all first quality we do not sell seconds winter fels j a few winter feltg lumbermens rubbers house slippers ef9t bargain pricea ow stock is all new v i menvwoxirbootff25 1o4u50- harry harrison the shoe man l asnice showing of advance sprirjg qp has arjrivi j prices run from 5yho iv during the ccanlnff season beginning pn may i the portion of tho can adian pavilion devotod to the natural resources of the dominion will bo ex pensively remodelled and the exhibit will be on ancven more impressive scale than last year it is how as sured that all canadian industries in cluding the motor industry which wen- ropreaented laflt- year willacaln je reprcaontod in 1925 every dominion and colony which participated in the exhlbftlon lost year will be ropresbnted again at tho new wembley ant wo look forward with confidence to the canadian exhibit again proving the chief centre of at- traction the minister stated information from wembley js to the eftept that the- brltlbh authorities arc causing the surroundings of the can adian buildings and the grounds gen erally to bo- much improved- roads are being laid in dark red pavement which against the vivid green foji- age will present a most attractive qtp- peatrahce tbo lighting effeotb or be- nlrrrp jocdiand night performances in the stadium on an elaborate scale are under way ikint miss ray- agnew explain v7hy did i kiss that girl on feb ruary 24 at the baseballs- chris revue a new piano installed at th htqh school splandid pro- onrnime bytfnr8condfothil news of local import home ba1inb 8lp tho la j 1 oh aid of the baptist church will hold a sale of home made baking onsatutduy afternoon feb ruary 21 at 3 oclock in tho class room pf tho church e 13 graliam secretary r an acton schoolboys conclusion i like summer time and 1 like fall but i llko winter tho bestpf alh then you ean snowohoe thon you can bkato and when you go tobogganing you cfxti sit up lato fiea in the sit ting room apples in the hall i uko the wlntpr time the- yeryrbeot of nj hiflher price t bringing gut wheat considerable wheat has been pur- chased at uie elevator hero slnde the price reached tho high- point of s past few weeitei the price n6w is lower than it was about v 106 is being paid rthls week the electric flour mill hero bought 1000 bushels at tho- elevator last week two sales in one a double header ealo of household effects was held on saturday after noon auctioneers kerr- and hindley wielded iherhammer in succession and kep things lively while tho long list of articles was being disposed of each auctioneer in turn did his jovel best and tho prices obtained were remarkably good the goods sold were the property of john precious and je kenney athe prohibition convention in toronto a good representation of delegates went from acton to the big provincial prohibition convention at toronto this week they were rev a c stewart m a charlea davidson c c henderson georgo jtoszoll thoinaa p watkins aloxander macdonald robert wallace mrs revj j- gulp mrs william johnstone mrs h p moore mrs john c nelson miss lottio e speight second form- proved at tho meeting of the high school litorary society last friday that talent as entertainers is not lacking there they possess amoptf their numbers not only enter tainers nnd lecturers but comic char acters as well george masorii vicepresident was 4n the chair he la a second former so veryllttlo more needs bp said he showed a perfect ease of manner and originality in his many clever- witti cisms the first number on tho programme was of a most gruesome and original typo xt was the science room band skeletons of cats birds turt les and science apparatus etc were made to sing by means of seven boys and girls and seven kazoos tbls item certainly accomplished its aim for it was the funniest on the programme as father mcgreavy critic for the afternoon statedrthe first item touch ed my emotions deeply being compos ed of both classical and popular music after this certain- pupils suggested that something bd6ne asto thepro- posod skating party a committee wan chosen and further business matters arranged for whether the social oom- mltteo get anything todo or not re mains to bo seen then a recitation of no small merit was givon by miss v chalmers afer whi thv ponnlnr bniid favftrrd the much amused natenera with an other bolectin miss nptio kaiser gave o pplcndid reading cpni mcrlc twain which was onjoypd ny il twoorals on my favorite canadian poet and poetess were given by reg inald finney ana anna auipqm these ldeiay and the appointmenv were of a different typo anfl showed that irjuch time had been spent in their careful t preparation s 4 the last number was a dialogue be tween- mabel kenyon and eddie gll- bona it was very comical and wejl given atiqiough another item had been pre pared it was l not needed as second form put on the longest- programme that has yet been given rev father mcgreavy officiating as critic tactfully performed the duties- giving praise and encouragement to the young people he told us how much he missed the association with the boys which he so greatly enjoyed when ho taught sphofll- ha itlgo emnhafljl t impflriftnfo 0 oflucauon another visit frgm father mcgreavy in the near future will be welcome the first of the week saw an im portant and long- felt want fulfilled wbrv a no w piano arrived phe stu dents are verysncero in their appre ciation of this kindness on the part of theschool board a rumor that the high school is to be wired for electric lights has reached our ears we hope it is true marjorle m lawson reporter the 0 grand opening chorus o canada at the baseball glrls revu is under the direction of miss j gal- bralth dont miss it a problem failjar newspapers havs frsqusnt flsqu for uppf of namts last june certain examination papers woro stolon from peterborough the pepartment of education investi gated the case and now refuses to divulge the name of tho thief the peterborough board oj education has appointed a committee to secure tho information and clear the matter up with tho publlcatloh of the nnmo of the guilty party this is evldbntly necessary to clear others of suspicion this pusflrti wt snpprckslng names is evidently a problem which is mot with by others besides newspaper editors hardly a day passes without requests belnfr received by newspaper men for the suppression of names no editor is anxious to create unneces sary injury through the publication of names but there are times when sup pression of names 55 otersv wc bnnnppioelato the post and at the same time wo can under stand theviowpolnt of the peter borough board of education it is a ellef to ritnnd aside for onc6 nnd see others struggfe wtfthfils problom at tktisme time both- sides have our eympathy chatham news pe ban4 minstrels am a com in bar vocwd feek in mf6h- jimmie jones sustains broken leg ittle jlmmle jones the flvo-year- old son of mr j w jones manager of the acton cooperative store had thcioiafortune 6n tuesday morning while playlpg on main street with a companion to fall on the sidewalk and fracture his lefj leg between the knee and thigh tho fracture was tempor arily reduced and tho dear htqe lad was taken to the general hogpj tau guolph by his father ho is doing very well ratinibsrlng fairy lake bridge for tho past month a gang of brdgeyftyiildcrs have been engaged in renewing the umbers of the jbrldgo oyeitho southerly stretch of fairy irkc on the line of the canadian na tional electric railway new timbers have been put ln where needed throughout this long bridge and pew supports were also placed the bridge men are now engaged- in making slm har improvements to the bridge over the grand river at blue spring park thr ihswstsbna employees concert and dsnoe the employees of tho actort hewot- son shoe factory have jssuod invi tations tho past week for another of their popular entertainments and social evenings the programme is bolng prepared by the employees and locat artists and following the concert a dance will be held luncheon will be florved by the ladies the admis sion la only for the invited friends- of the employees and all invitations must bcprescnted at tho door post office inspector- here tuesday post ofllce jnspector t h murray of london was here an tuesday to meet and examine the candidates for 4hevacan p ma hi p ti sons applying are vjc atthbw3 a awrrh melfort collier 3v j- l hampshqie tho inapctor will no doubt send in hla report to tho department without auditors report still ii abeyance investigation points to nonpay ment of certain taxes ma account for discrepancy tho regular session of tlio council held on monday evening had ail the mombora present 1 the financo committee presented their fourth report arid recommended payment of tho following accounts gen era account w i dick feesro tony scy- nuk qase i u 27 50 g r agnew coiirt fees re eir llott crisp 4 25 bell telephone k co eorvicesw 0 1g a mccann coal and coko c 44 85 georgetown lumber qo sup- plies i 05 w d talbot nails 66 municipal worldi sfipplles m hydfoeiectrlc com town hall lighting 11 24 hydroelcctric v com street lighting lv social and personal -1c8-u0- vvatevworks acoount noptuno metro co supplies hydroelectric com supplies hydro electric com powor at pumphouse v hydro el ec trip coni power at spring bell telophono co services- 264 23 0 03 2- 00 family mrs john nlcol who has been ill since the new year is now slowly recovering mr e j moore of toronto spent mrweekcndwltbthohomo folks at moorecrpf t 47 40 31 79 4r thp repbrt wos adopted moved by a mason seconded by f e holmes that in future meetings of the council be- held on tuesday evenings at 8 p m instead of monday evenings as heretofore the next regu lar meeting to be held on tuesday march 3 carried the high school was givertfree use of tho town hall for a lecturo on march 6 prmarch9 and tho ladlesi at her home there baseball club for practiceon tubs- day evening february i tho clerk drew attention to the sections of the statutes respecting the collecrlonoftaxosthatshouldbecar rled put at present but which were not being fulfilled to ho letter and then about 930 following rt clerks explanations the council launched into the tangle on the col- lectors roll and tho taxes collected and uncollected from then until 1116 p m plans vouchers bank books collector roll etc were put- forth and discussed auditors collector clerk and council gpt down to business in the effortt clean up the matte mr will robinson pf tovonto apent the wbokond horc mr w hqctor macdonald iiperit tho weeknondiivtflpotonrot j mr ray gamble spont tho weefconu with friends at aurora mr robert- stewart of port credit was homo oversundny mrs alfred storoy of tbrojito spent ctfety days at her homo hero mr anil mrs g a dills spent tho woekend yithrtordhto friends miss veft- harvoy of tdronto spending acbuplo of weeks hero mr stephen guesti of toronto was at home for a f cw days hjs wcelc mr john 8 moore of the dundatf star spent tho weekend with hlfl mpther and sister here mr and mrs g h brown bpont the weekend with toronto members of tho knox church acton votes against union i there were 381 votes cast of which 326 voted against and 54 for union mra atlco mcphoraon 1b vlnltinet her danshtcr mlau mary mofhorson at colllhffwood mr e h vlncont of thftchallv nws frfent sunday and monday viltii tjtalvo ttcrc tmrs gordon haywdrd of toronto anciit tho weolcond with hor dauffbtor mra bertha cook 1tfi emma hoblnaonwent to kea- llworthyeatorday to spend a few days mra jamoa jj warron of toronto la vlaltlng hor daughter mra john wood wilbur strcot mr w coubo of atrectuvlllc racent jiday laat wock with hla boyhooda frjend- mr james graham unfortunately owing to tho mlld- woather on tho 7th lnat the fancy dreaa carnival arranged for that even ing- waa noceaearlly imatponod the date anally fixed upon waa laat satur day evening tlio mild jveather again militated against ideal conditions but the management wiuv commendlble zeal proceeded with the programme and provided a very enjoyablfe evening for costumed skaters andvlsltora acton citizens band provided u bplendld programmo during the even ing the prlles were awarded as follows bably be made in the course of a few weeks ctannaxioiul fund day last sunday waa observed in tho methodist church oa connexlonal funds day when the funds of tho budget outside tho local church and missionary funds uo contributed rev henry caldwell s t l of georgetown was the preacher 6f iho doy -gave- excellentillaciurbea abounding in gospel truth the t- tertngs of the day were generous and whon tlis contributions of those who generally give but were absent on sunday are handed in the aggregate will fully meet the amount of tha budget askod for kev mr culp- preiiehod at georgetown and ashgrovo clbrtd his ninllrth birthday our eateemed urid venerable fcllow- cltlzen mr james graham celebrated his ninetieth birthday anniversary on sunday the plus press has especial pleasure in offering congratulatloos inasmuch as mr graham is a fellow- member of the printing orafl he is natlvo of streetsvlllo and learned the art of printing there in hla boy hood days- on the slreljjyjllf ne- vlew but most it hla ioys were spent in new tfbrk and fenqsylyanla mr graham is enjoying excellent health scvs regularly- to the post offlce for his man and 1 often soon enjoying a oonstltuttonal upon our stroetb he vjno the recipient the flrst of the wjok of numorous jotters of congratulation upon attaining the status of a nonagenarian and in poa- sosslon of good health and happy sur roundings r itwaf away fild look grn many ore tho startling and alluring advertisements being carried by tho city stores thesp yb inpno r4tl- son hobnlatefl ijiia tht- roault of bin invcatlgqtippa at an especially nt- trnctlvo price on footwear in a tor onto store recently a wollknown brand pf hlgliclobs shoes which form erly retailed at 1960pcr pair wore advertised- for 6c rubbers woro plaoedj at looj per pair and ovor- ahoes at f 200 per pair hero was ri chance indeed lo nx up tho whole family for tho usual prlcoof a pair of hhocii but what dtd ho rind when lie attenj9illhls glganuo salor the ahoes woro of a model that would not tlonof aiiodepnrl meplflf bjlsfttld flftootxvetwcbot wwd tho nn1 n t n damn lta w nnn ilnrlnr wtikliaa n itt 1 1 li7 smniiiii itr hitil int v t i t n ii m rubbers actually iflfc in hla hand nd the ovcrehoes would lit only a cinderella tho citizen now realises that tho honio merchant isnt the ex tortioner that ho thought ho was when ho first road that advertisement lottio masnp willvpit the base ball atria heyuo an pebruary 24 with hor kuclwo orhotiu of c4 musloiajw about 1130 all the members of tho council had gradually retired the conclusion arrived at waa that tho list of taxes not reported as paid by the collector would bo at onco dealt with by clerk farmer in cases where no vouchers were produced and no evid ence or having paid tliotaxcb is forth coming tho amounts will be require to be paid to tho municipality now or oe regiatercd agalnat tno properties and bo collected through the county trcaaurer aa provided by law hold tho 24th of february opon for the ladiea baseball club revuo the fancy dress carnival an enjoyable evening whsre num- erous 8katerf participated burllngtoiucolebratod their fiftieth wedding anniversary on tuesday mra mctqviah returned last nreek af er spending a month or ho witti frlonds at egmondvlllo and sonforth mr chnrles symon has been in the quoiph general hospital during the week having uo operation on hla- ton sils mr nnd mrs james h rold were at toronto the first of tho week at tending the funeral of mr relda father miss conover of erlndale who spent a month with jtfrs robert bennett lake avenue returned home last week mr earl cboper andrmr angua kennedy spent the weekend in ac ton with their parents guelph mer cury stella mclum butterfly 2nd miss ivy lutley neapolitan girl beat costumed gent- 1st mr geo mason mephls top h ties 2nd mr a bishop sheik best costumed boy 12 to 16 years 1st john kerr 2nd jack reld best costumed girl 12 to 16 years t lot rita mcnnbb winter 2nd lucygoldhamv black and- white best costumed boy 9 to 12 years- 1st carney burns ghost 2nd harold- mooney tramp best costumed girl 9 td 12 years 1st doris mcdonald highland laus 2nd marjorlo garden olown best costumed boy under 9 years 1st glon garden peter rabbit 2nd martin beardmoro soldier rigby cross irishman consolation prize best costumed girt under 9 yeatsi 1st joan beardmore indian glrlt 2nd doris hollo way best costumed couplolst mixs jessie anderson mr t mochrlo hal loween 2nd mr and mrs georgo somendlie turks best comic imiersonations 1st c landsborough clown 2nd j noble hobo boys race unter 14 years 1st j woods 2nd aubrey geuvaia ladles taco 1st miss helen mc donald 2nd miss a hurst girls race under 14 years-mar- garet mcdonald 2nd doris mcpwald obstacle raco oponrlst at sky 2nd w galley mrs g w thompson and children of hamilton were weokond visitors at tho home of mr and mrs albert jatcuoivil illstreets hsar rudolph andhta broadway beauties t the ladles baseball club revue february 24th in the town hall acton old winnipeg hotel burned many from this section had beon guests thsrst wlnninog february 16 the im perial hotel one of wlnnipa cjujest landmarks was dectwadhy fk- early sundayrlng vuft four d- jolnl peaces of uusipesa including a jpwlry stare clothing establish ment arid barber shop wero badly gutted tho loss is estimated at 1100- 000 twoptytwo gticsts at tho imperial wero routed out into 22 below icro weather all escaped injurybut they lost thblr personal belongings hear grcnvllle masai ea and his chorus in tho yum tym horus at the acton ladles baseball revue oh february 24 in the town hnl alon- manitoba aarioultural wihuiegjtebruary 16 agricultur al products in manitoba during thp year 1994 reached a tqtal esunmod value of 164312867 aqcornj- to figures recently tabued by thv prb- vlnclal dejarmont of agriculture this amount u ueawy- double that ofth previous twelve months the greater pat of the spread in accounted for by tho difference in the value of tho ftua crpp- durlus thes sters mra t h gemmell of quoiph is visiting her daughter mrs frvcr frederick strecj this week mrs fi gamble of toronto spent the weeicend al tho of hor son mr j e gamble mr andmrs s w fawcettnf out of a possible voto of 450 mem bers of knox church acton 381 polled thoir votes during the fortnight the jtalls remained open tho voting ceas ed last wednesday at a congrega- tional meeting- that oveningjthore suit of tho poll was announced mr w j reld superlntendenv of acton waterworks who was one of tho scrutineers during tho election was requested by the other ofilclais to give the results of tho polls to th meeting- mr rejd tcad tho statement of the polls as follows number of votes polled a 381 votes for union p4- votes against union 320 spoiled ballots t 1 v 38jr- in compliance with the- request of tho minister rev mr stewart there was no comment of any kind after the announcement of tho results of tho voto and tho mooting immediately dispersed after tho benediction tho course- to bo pursued by tho rnemberawho aro in- favor of union as carried by the geheral assembly la ut present iif v with a lino spirit- of christian forebcoranco a res- olutlon was unhnimoualy carried at i congregational meeting held prior to tho opening of tho poll in which all members agreed that whatever might bo the result of the election thoy would continue together as a congregation until tho 10th of june tho dato fixed by tho act of parliament providing for tho inception of the united church of canada mr stewart also agreed to conttnuo as minister of the church here until that date and announced definitely at the morning service last sunday he is much beloved by all tho congre gation and his presence and cotinset- jwlllvnaturallyrneanniuch insatis- factorily guiding such adjustments as may ho found necessary when the tlrau comes for tho admlnlstratloki of- tbvs new united church it is rather significant that tho church aesslon is about- equally dlvide3rupon the important tiup5tion of union the sunday school lper- intendent the ass is tan t superinten dent and a considerable number of other officers and active worker and liberal sunnbrt thn church nrn a cm strongly in favor of tthion tho an nual report of the church shows that the unionists are among the moat lib eral givers to the missionary fands of the church it is greatly tq the credit of this con gregation that so fine a bplrlt of keep- ing together until tho time fixed for the consummation t tho union is manifested tills will mean much in determining the course to be pursued after the 10th of june and will avoid the regrettable action which has been pursued in some places j mr and mrs h roy wanshrough and mr hurold wansbrough of tor onto visited nt the parental home over sunday mr and mrs h roy wanabrough and mr harold wanabrough of tor onto bpont tho weekend at tho par ental homo mrs michle mrs george sopor mrs w j reld mr n p mclam and mr and mrs j w barbcrco were in guelph on tuesday attending the funeral of their aunt mrs william carton n mr john c hill is able to bo about again after six weeks confinement to the house ho was back in his much- loved place in the methodist sunday school orchestra on sunday after noon helen lorain qstrander will in troduce the big hlt the day at tho baseball girls revue on february 2 scriptural baseball match splsndld gam by th young piopivs lagu monday evsnlng an interesting baseball match was held by the young peopleof tho guo r in tho methodist aohool room on mondnyi evening v twotoama wero chosen the reds nnd the greens and they were lined up as follows reda stella mclam capt minnie z bennett c j c matthews ik gladys scnrrow 2b bertie speight ab kittle savage ss j jpefn brown lf i burton wiggins cf roy johnston cf v grn grcnvllle masalos capt mrs oatrandor c clara- b mporo p a mqrley ramshaw lb vlda ramshaw 2k mrs a- v bown ib qorrla scarrowj j ai t- brown rf dor lambert bb tha gapio was based on tho life of moses from the- dato of the episode of the burning bush to tho crusting ot the red sea by the children of israel through questions and answers- tli etamo wm playod thoso answering correctly taking bases or making rung tho game was exciting throughout and showed a careful study of the die police court news a young frtfiner near norval was charged by provtnomf csbsfotliol ll uirtli ortlw jtklns with having a bottlo of ahn and hiving drlnka to a- couple of ooorgotown jstxla thoy iocanio in- toxicated at tho request of thofoto- fendahts lawyer tho hearing was pnatponed until next saturday iit georgetown pqlicomaglsjriu uoore whthmr ftio charge hear tbo dumbell special ckulolo quartette ar the baseball girls nrw o vebruuy 4- rpeto tsuhehlne sllversbdnea and do whole bunch of niggers will bo atdo band minstrel show in march floyd collins found dead the kentucky explorer died 24 hours befora his rescuers found him cave city ky tebruary 17 the long struggle la endod mother earih after clinging grimly in life and in death to floyd collins the cavo-ex- ploror for more than 17 days anally surrendered at 24k oclock yesterday and without warning oponed a tiny hole botwecn a reacue shaft and the natural tomb of thocavo explorer v peering down this tiny flsauro into sand cave tho braver workers tvho had waged on unequal combat with tho natural fq of the earth saw thttt what thojrhad fought bo hard for had been lost collins was dead but they will reclaim hla body only to restore it again to tho rugged bills he roamed as a youth and explored aa amaxi thank god thoyvo found wm waa iae8g61ilna alnglo statement of- ter his son had been found a terse statement signed by tho three men who had led scores of others in the long light told of the result and paid tribute to their as sistants pchis cavo was only a short distance fromthe oolobrated mammoth- cave6f kentucky m a a real hick oand will bo the flrnt halt of do band mlnatrel show eramosa woman aged 102 fall and fractured her hip and is doing wall in gulph hospital one of the most interesting patients treated at st josephs hospital guolpli in many years is mrs bllxabcth san derson aged 102 a resident or shlloh in kromosa township who is now woll on tho road to recovery after having sustained a fractured hip through a fall at her homo a couplo of vootca ago peaplto her advancctl age mrs sanderson showed great pluck after tho accident when sho consented to a trip to the hospital oyer badly drifted roads and in on improvised ambulance anov displayed remarkable enduranco- by doverlng the fourhour trip with- out a niurrour i the trip to quelph would havo been imposslbto over tho badly drlftodv roads a it not been for tho fact that farmers- in tho district orgunlxoav working party and cleared the drifts in same eoctlona of tho roujb which wero lmpanalhlo the tickets aro only 36c and 250 for the big revuo on tho 24tti got youra early not workthey wang men out of work in toronto loaf ed on jobs given them because thoy wero loafing on the tails bf tho life of fho groat leader of job 34 mon taken on by the city inrnela hoata hud bocii made by the players at tho eloao of aoyen innlntrs tho acoro stood rods 7 greens it rev j culp was umplro and lottio jinson soorer through the government limploy- ihont bureau for wator main exten sion work have boon laid off the past voek duo allowance it is btatod at tho- city hall was made for tho nature ot tho work and tho fact that tho men had been idle for ty long time upon investigation it was shown havo been get- atanco from tho ontlnuajjyblnoo ting olvtc rcllof aaa houanj jnduatry laat april and tho bxhora began re ceiving assistance at different inter vals commenolng in the early fall of 124 tho relief authorities will bo not- nun every body going to the imaobtth girlarevuo on ivbruary st in tho

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