Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 19, 1925, p. 3

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ffl p i hi the home of member cimdian weekly newspaper association member selected town veckhes of ontario etiarged additional to offices in the uutfed litntes tne date la which subslrvptlons arc paid is indicated on the address label advertising ratesotraniient advertise merits 10 cents per line flflatc measure for first insertion and 5 cents per line for each subse quent insertion contract display advertise raents for 50 inches or more per annum til cents per inch each insertion advertisements with outspecific directions will be insertedtill tortjid und charged accordincly h p moone president and editor g a dilus manager and assistant editor telephones editorial and business office uw residence of president uj residence of manager 131 a protective policy alleged to be the only solution of canadian problems dr rk anderson m p for pulton county made qmte a speech on me address from the throne 11 the house of commons last week- naturally he ad vocated n protective policy hesays one hun dred and fortyfour industries arc located in halton rione of them very large but of great impor tancc to the cpmmunity as 4000 people would be thiown out of employment if they were closed a similar conditionexists throughout canada and i believe that the principle of protection shoutd be applied conditions were bad l but the only bright spot on the hori2on is that the people will soon have the opportunity to name a successor to the government neighborhood news- town and country everton lnut week thii trustees of the evorjun comotory hold a mooting in tho com munity hall which woo well ropro- vlctrttty ar would be an aggravation conservative government of the province says re pecting the proposed amendment allowing ave p- cent beer under the 0 1 a we repeat that wo consider it most unfortunate that the government has seen fit to tamper with the act we do not be lieve that the proposed measure will improve con ditions in this province nor simplify the admifiis tration of theajt as the premier hopes there is no reason to suppose that the opertiule of this beer will lessen the activities of the bootleggers suolr sale in ouropinipn wouul be an aggravation rather than a mitigation of tho difficulties involved in the solution of the liquor problems of ontario but w do not accuse the government of dishonest in ten tions uuotlici mooting lutor on in tho aoaaon at which tho plans for leveling tho graven ami beautifying tho cemetery will be mado tho osprlnge and evorfcon wo mens institutes havo offered their as sistance- in tho work and funds bo it is hoped tho cemetery will jirosont a moro beautiful appearance in future tho following olllcore wore elocted for the coming year chairman mr w h hortop trustoea messrs noris iilack melvln uums jdsoph bonham thomas mack whltapvrobortsoa and john akrns news of the other acton a qllmpio into the every day life of acton england tlso following ltema aro gleamed from tho columns pf tho acton dinette and express of acton england of fobruary lot tho sum of nearly 20wab collected at st martins wont acton on sun- joined by tho fejnllles in bvortoa and day tot st pa cath ro hon fund a8hqrdve thursday morning february 19 1925 editorial a move which will have effective results l canada have started pjtaa novation in sending- speakers from one province to another throughout the dominion bringing with them friendly greetings telling something of the history and aspirations of their own provinces and trying uto take home something of the viewpoint of the districts visited canadians are developing abuh dant faith in the possibilities of our dominion but we need to knowmore of the problems of other provinces in this land of vast distances many races and tremendous geographical isolation waikerton telescope a 12000000 order for canadian flour itis a matter of satisfaction thatcannder has booked the largest order for flour in the history of the worlds mulihg the russian government has purchased 1300000 barrels from two of our leading millers the flour is to be loaded at new york and upon delivery there the russian government hays contracted to pay to the millers something over 12000000 cash the russian government is ship ping it to batruitl in the black sea for the benefit of its starving populace delivery is to start as soon as ships are available and continue until april it will take something like 165 trains to convey ths flour to new york and twentytwo ships of the capacity ordinarily- used to carry it to thebrackr sea it will represent the product of over six mil- lion bushels of canadian wheat and should tend to keep up the price to the 200 per bushel mark hie government proposal to give stronger beer the orillia packet is one of the strong conserva tive papers of canada which always aims to be con sistent in its expressions relative to the govevn- ments proposal in the speech from the throne to permit the sale of stronger beer the packet sayst like a bolt from the blue came the announcement in the kings speech atthe opening of the ontario ii legislature that the ontario government intends to introducejegislatjon increasing the legal alcohol contentof beer from 25 to 44 jier cent of alcohol jn other worda what is popularly known as 5 per cent b6er the proposal is- the more surprising in that it is understood that the cabinet declined to yield to a request that a- question asking the electors whether they favored the sale of light beers and wines should- be included in therecent plebiscite if the oovcrnment imagines that this concession to the recalcitrant wet wing of the party is gotng to get s them out of their difficulty we fear they are court ing disappointment it will only be made the basis of clamouring for beverages of more exhilarating nnrure this will bethe more certain should it be found as is claimed that 5 per cent beet is not in toxicating on the other hand the government will have- forfeited the confidence and good will of the temperance forces which have shown every dis- position to line up strongly behind them since the premiers firm stahd following the plebiscite aside from such secondary political considerations it is hard to conceive that the government has thought put the effects of the proposed change taking it for granted that 5 per cent beer will have someof the attractiveness of the eld time beverages and that it will be cr freely as the present near beer it practically means the reestablishment throughout ontario of the open bar this would be an astounding outcome of the recent vote and of the pledge given by the premier that the wish of the majority would be respected not eventhe moderationists had a good word to say for the bar when the campaign was in progress just think of the beer bars reestablish ed in the county of simcoe where 27 out of 30 mutnipipalitiea piled up a majority aggregating nearly 12000 against the sale of alcoholic liquor in any form or in orillia where the bars were voted out seventeen years ago and where on four occasions the electors have declared against their return in any v form by more than sixty per cent of the vote polled jxo create such a condition would be a crime against the municipalities which voted in favor of the ontario ternperance act and would occasion far more wide spread agitation and resentment 1thaj the rriani- vlroubling the government it may be that fiv per cent beer wilf appear to some people less of an evil thaif soifieoi fife otlietliernnds tfriode ey thewet agitators in the v cities and in tho legislature but it is at best a retrograde step only calculated to pro- fe- sft t long the agony of a doomed traffic and to creat in anothergeneration a taste for alcoholic stimu lants perhaps the most serious effect of all would be the feeling of insecurity and distrust which siich a surrender to the clamour of the wet element in the cities would engender- i v suggests ujvianeejcoininjttee for milton a correspondent to the milton reformer says that there is a great deal of bootlegging in milton is quite obvious to anyone who is observant there are private houses where at all hours men are seen going in these places are known to the neighbors in certain streets as pure bootlegging establish ments and it is high time some of these gents were caught and puffin the right place which is jail if the authorities are notmaking any action thenbv all that is sacred why not organize a vigilance com mittee of spme of our church members and clean up this rotten state of affairs this thing h burn going on now for years and it is high time some thing was done to put it where it belongs the authorities will no doubt welcome the action sug gested of a vigilance committee of responsible citi zens if there is bootlegging going on as alleged the authorities havetiot howpvertbeen so remiss as the correspondent infers a niimber ofconvictions for violation of the o t a have been made during the past year andwherever the4nformation was laid in these cases by miltons chief of police the penal ties have been paid into the towns treasury a vigi- lahce committee of thewight sort will greatly assist in accomplishing a cleanup editorial notes the governrflent of the province of quebec reports profits of 5754370 from the liquor sold the past year to accomplish this the people in the province made an expenditure of 1812781 for liquor this means profits for thrvgovernment 4ut the peoples 19812781 is squandered intimations from the largest clothing dealers in canada and england state that clothing will be dearer this year owing to the higher prices for raw material woollens are air increased in peace one element in this wjll be deemed satisfactory the farmers will receive higher prices for their wool j sttfgl the owen sound suntimes 4rrges the collection of local history while the pioneers are available to tell the story with their information compiled thehistory nfthejrovince would begreatly enriched ihi exactly what the old man of the big clock tower has been aiming to do for this community the past halfdozen years the electors of county who gave a ma jority of 2934 for the continuance and strengthen ing of the o t a naturally expect mr hillmer their representative to stand flrmljf with them in the effort to defeat theproposal made in the speech from the throne to permit the sale of beer 76 per cent stronger than at present allowed exports from canada in the year 1924 exceeded imports by 262416043 a summary issuedjjby the commercial intelligence journal an official publi cation shows that exports of canadian products in trie 12 months totalled 1058057898 the exports are about43000000 higher than in 1923 the im ports about 95000000 less novels are so much more discussed than other books that it will astonish some persons to learn that among the 10903 new books published in the united states lost year only 1000 were fiction the proportion wasvirtually the same among the 11123 books and the 13470 books of the two previous years in england about one in five of the new books are fiction the renfrew- mercury says the acton free press is making an appeal for a modern library building and also mpre books of reference the editor should have the hearty support of the town in this appeal renfrew has both a fine building and a nice collection of reference books and it is one of the assets of the town the valuq of which it would be difficult to estimate 1 great britain is gradually assuming the demo cratic spirit of the times a bill to enfranchisewo men at the age of 21 on an equal basis with men similar to that in effect here in canada introduced by w whitley labor blaydon was among the j number of interesting bills introduced by private festatioris from et constituencies which are nowfiinmbcrs that were gven first reading in the british house of commons on friday lp- simcoe county council has passed a resolution disapproving of the practice of holding teachers con- ventions ojjjteachjng days this would seemtovjie rather a narrow phoy the teachers meet in in stitutes and conventions with a view to improving methods by comparing experiences and the improved methods all for the betterment of the schools in which theyare engaged why object then to- their coming together on teaching days lm the- aahsrove u i u p w- o clifbs met at tho home of m jas bird on thursday wonlng february 5 with u largo number present the roll call of tho u f o members wmhji- twerel by an amualng storv by each gentleman which provoked plenty al fun nml laughter tho roll call of tho u lcnfo members wan answered by each one reading a estod reclpp a debut 9 was then fflven resolved that indifference is of moro hindrance to the farmers organization than op position the affirmative bide was upheld by mr norman a worth and mr m mcnabb while the negative side was debated by mra h wilson and miss irene huffman the judges miss ball mr ward ryddol and mr thos brownrldge decided in favor of the affirmative the hostess then served lunch which was followed by the flinging ofqod sovo tho king herald georgetown mrs j l harton received on sat urday afternoon from four to six- thirty at the baptist parsonage rev drciokieottoronto was the ffuest of mr and mrs w c anthony last week r tho 1st georgetown troop of girl guides undor their guide mls g young entertained their friends to a srolghlnff party on tuesday night last when oyer forty wero present for ihe purpose of raising funds to instul an electric fire alarm system in town tho members of the george town fire brigade ore holding a ball and supper in the town hall onjepri- doy evening february 20 tho members of the methodtot ieoguo- and friends visited norval on monday evoning and put on a sploq- did programme in the methodist church there at t co of the p people served refreshments and a pleasaut social hour was spent the school room of tho methodist church was packed to tho doors and standing worn wjunu orpremlum last evening whon the ladles put on their oldo tymo concert the programme which consisted of old choruses mel odies songs and readings was well rendered as was also the closing scene in the parsonage while there was much merriment considerable pathos was evident whon the memories of by- gono days wero vividly portrayed by tho actors and in songs tho first carnival bf tho season hold at the areola last friday evening attracted many from town and sur rounding comitry there wero many costumes some beautiful represent ations ofdlfferent nationalities it was a pretty spectacle to see tho yvar- lety of costumes foojngjstho lbtt oltprlxe wla necs best dresser t ad y 1st prise stella mclam acton 2nd prize kath leen treanor georgetown beat dressed gent 1st prize n u garden acton n alfred bishop acton best dressed girl 1st prize mar- jorlo garden acton 2nd prize lily saunders georgetown best dr cased boy 1st prize- angus womyss georgetown 2nd prize jack saunders georgetown jbost national costumekathleen treanor georgetown bost dressed married couple mr and mrs vance kentner georgetown boat dressed single couple grace foster and herbert scott eat pre a bed clowngcorgo jco nlngs georgetown y best jdresaed comlo arthur liane llmehouse youngest skater on the ico girl eleanor wright georgetown boy victor wemyss georgetown best dressed person otitde of georgetown jobs lo anderson acton ifot doff kace bob jcpson her ald und mr ad wardo of acton has pre sented a gramophone to tho west middlesex hospital mr hart an other guardian has provided church warden pipes tho boy scout cubs annual party will taireplttrfo n st peters hall to morrow 34g p m all members of tho association are invited to at tend as also aro all acton cubs at acton police c6irt on wednes day wm a mason of bonry street st johns wood was fined jq4 and costs -tos- driving- a moiorlorry dangerously at acton hul the mayor of acton aid miss 3mee was among those present at- a young peoples rally held under the auspices of the acton branch of th xteague pf nations union in thobap- tlst hall churchroad acton on thursday evening thejev r g davles who has been minister of acton congregational church alncp 1012 has received a pressing invitation to become minister of tho montrose street congregational churoh glasgow at actons very door there isw west ind theatre in all essential de tails reached in a few minutes halt west end prices with welnchosen ploys played by man and wo men whose names aro household words today xhe mayor of acton attended a reception and dance held by the mayor and mayoress of horns ey in the wharncllffe rooms great central hotel on wednesday as president of the acton boy scouts assocatlon the gazette la informed that there is good reason to anticipate that h rh princess mary will pay a visit to actqn in th6 early summer the g w r is being petitioned to provide another city train from actop at about 8 if a m a wellattended meeting of the council ofjthe acton chambeb of com merce was held on tuesday evening under the presidency of mr w t davenport the present position of affairs with regard to the illumination of the parish church clock was con aldered arthur white a porter of shep herds bush charged on remand ut acton- police- courtt on wednesday was sentenced to four months im prisonment for stealing a handbag containing notes and silver value 2 14s from mrs rosa w eva on thursday there was a good muster of members of the acton scientific and literary society in the committee room of tho acton council offices to he a lecture upon sum mer in switzerland jy mr j e dallas president the acton central old girls as sociation will hold an old scholars dahco in the central school hall next trlday artk thootdboysor- cheatra will supply the music the death occurred suddenly at sponcerroad acton on friday after noon of mr alfred peter poffley aged 68 a retired carpenter mr pofflcy who was a bachelor come of a wilt shire family but he had lived in acton almost all his life following an annual custom for tho past four years male adult members of st martins congregation went acton dined together at the red zon on thursday evening in hut week about thirty responded to the general invitation by talcing tickets and they spent a pleasant social time the death is announced of mr john sullivan 68 17 vtctorlaroad ware houseman at a north acton factory acto wednesday football club stopwatch competition draw- takes place on february is stephen simmons of the 2nd acton troop of boy scouts has passed 2nd class testa in flreflghtlng and cook- luff mr i burckhordt lay pastor of the south acton congregational mission was the speakor at the acton brother hood mooting on sunday when he gave powerful address on burdens the london welsh malo choir 6 strong wlllglvo a concert in the grand hall ofthe baths acton orvtoesdayi february 17 on behalf of the funds of the conjgregatlonal church further consideration was given by th anton inihrt nn wrtnir1iiy tn he would never love again general gordon the confederate commander used to tell with delight the following story he was sitting by tho roadside ono blazing hot lay when a baucred soldier whoso cloth i ing hung in rags who had lost one shoe who wore a bandage around his head and carried hlu arm in a a up re passed him the soldlor was solllo aulzlng thus i love my country id fight fo my country id starve and go thirst for my country jsl io for m country but if over tlhu war is over 111 nover love another country for babys bath more than that of nxty other member of the family babys tender delicate skm needs the greatest caremid attention the soft boothiugoilsiii babys own soap make it specially suitable forrablts7andtsclrgflg grance reminds oneof the roses of france wfaicvltetp to inspire it fittest for you and bahytqo art order from your grocer his best tea and hell usually send red rose business directory medical dr j a mcniven phyatoiarvanc buroaon oluco and rosldcnco corner bower avpnun n bi strict phonb 88 dr e j nelson frederick street aofon tjntarfo legal phono- no 22 p q box sltf harold nash farmer m a barrister solioitor notary pudllo convayanoar etc is good ted rhe same good fea for 30 years try it teasing in general the desire tb bo humor- oua animates tho tease his spirit la not consciously unkind tho boy who ties a tin can to a dog tall may not be deliberately cruel in the way tho doer acta with tho can tied to him there is a certain groteaquoness that strlkaa the boy oa amusing it thcdog be haved in tho same way and liked having tho can tied to hla toll the boy would be juat as wall njoaaed sympathetic imagination not often well developed f young people before it is developed when their naturea r purely aenaatlonal that is when they are interested in action but pot in what causes it boys aro likely to be bullies and glrla to be teasea any thing unusual in conduct or appear ance is likely to seem to them funny and once they and any one funny they forget all else in the amusement lo be derived from exciting him to fur- ther grotesquonco the pain or tho suffering or the sense of shame that may be causing their victim to act grotesquely la something of which they ore awaro only in the most shadowy manner clothes frequently iniplre teasing boy who is too well dressed la teased a girl who is not dressed woll enough la teaaed n single article of clothing if it does not accord with the conventions of tho ruling spirit becomea a aubject of comment that wounds the sensitive wearer ireratlort and reiteration are of the essence pf teasing it is not enough to moke the victim uncomfortable onco and for a moment ho must be forced to re peat again and again and again hl squirming antic for tho enjoymopt of the spectators ovor and over again must he pa mado to perform and to auffer toung peoples outgrow tho habit of teasing the victims attain overitually- nn age of immunity but it would he i woll nevertheless for older people lo- make a more serious jattempt at homo and at school to show young poople that the beat humor is the kindliest and that those persons who seem to- offer themselves most readhyiryet ipost involuntarily as subjects forj teasing are exactly those who shouldl be moat considerably spared the summons taken out by the nation al society for the prevention of cruelty to children against helena and albert qolding of pork road north acton for neglecting their four children there woe a large attendance at tho young peoples service held in the actoir congregational church on sun day evening when an inferebting ad- drees was given toy the rev r o davles on the subject of three mn who started life as cobblers when beatrice- gunt of acton- lane aoten was summoned at acton pdllco court on wednesday for aa- baultlng rena pulfer of the same ad- dresii complainant accused her of flying at her pulling out some hair and hitting her with both arma whan kathleen morgan a widow of creaentatrcet nottlng dale wis charged at acton police court on monday with belngv drunk on sotur- dayra constable said he found her on her knees in the road as she waa drunk he arrested her deorge 8 roadnight a greengrocer of shepherds bush waa charged at acton police court yesterday with stealing on the 8th inst by meana of a trick from mr b poole a sclipol- maator of twyfordavenue acton the sum of to sd mr j v a kelly writes acknow ledging subscriptions to the amount of 2 10a 6d for renovating the floral ehrlne at goldsmithavenue acton tne number of unemployed heada of acton families relieved under the brentford guardians aoheme haa cop tlnued very low this winter the averago being between 20 and 25 ttintcmdineoaybar lgopagewrd jf jjnunkt tdromto perrvman block acton ont money lent on mortgages r houra 930 aun to 6 pjo saturdays 12 00 ocloclt h 6 meir barrister olloitor notary publla qeerojetown onl dental dr j m bell d d s l t s bantiet honor oraduate of toronto tjntver slty tho latest anesthetic used it office at residence corner of mill and frederick streets hemademon on the farm i if many a farmer retiring to a wellearned rest it has been said he made a lot of money on that farm the fact is that he made no more money than his neighbour but he saved a great deal more acquiring wealth is largely a matter of sys spending and saving without a definite plan few men get anywhere hard work is not enough the fruits of the work must be conserved save your money regulary open an interest bearing savings account 4 bjnk where small account are welcome p bank of montreal estamiiihed over ioo years dta assets in excess of 47oooooooo an untouched subject in esplrlt des francois la an in stance of the sharp biung wit for which alexia plron the french epi grammatist was famous a young author whose ability waa by no means equal to his conceit waa dlacouraclng at length upon the marits of hla work l am tired of writing of that which others write of ho said i want-to- create on original work aomothlng that no one haa ever written about or will even write about plron quickly turned to tho speakor why not write your own eulogy ho said a narrow range of choice sylvia surfple and slander and auntj elle- and benign had returned from a ahopplng trip each had been trying to bvjy a readyigade suit 1 whon thoy returned home sylvia j waa aaked what success each had in their efforts to bo flttod well said sylvia i got along all i right but aunt belle is getting so fat that ftbqut the only uungeho can got naadmodev la on umbrouo- 1 snug comfort for four passengers the chevrolet fourpassenger coupe is a personal closed car comfortable and efficient it is easy tb drive easy to handle in traffic easy to r turn around or park ostcity streets its convenience is appreciated by experienced drivers and novices alike yet this car will accom modate four passengers comfortably on long drives tourists will like the luggage compartment under the rear deck a convenient place to put suitcases club bags and parcels the woman driver will appreciate tue beauty and fine appointments of the fourjbabsenger i coupe trie man will like its power and endurance its low upkeep expense and its complete equipment likeall other chevrolet models the fouc- v passenger coupe may be bought on easy terms ask us about the gamc deferred payment plan sv kin6 representattvbs for this section georgetown ontario dr f g gqllop q d s lds dental surgeon offlee over bank or nova sootla hoors iso to 8j0 branlnga by appointment jj miscellaneous francishunan bookbinder account boeka of ail kinds made to ordeffperlodlcaia of everydeacriptlon carefully bound ruling neatly and prompuy done wyndham street over wl ouolph onl store r j kerr auctioneer and ileal estate agent it teara experience acton ontario salea entrusted to r j kerr re- celva attenuon from date of listing to dato of sale list your sales with mo resilience bower avenue acton phono 30 acton call nt my expenae start on monday at guelph business college qummar bldq guelph ont for thorough training by individual instruction from business experienced ln- atructora courses sec bookkeepers stenographers- gudph badness college graduated are in demand a l bouck principal and proprietor tt dont neglect eyes your take advantage of specialist services ottered by this ostnb- llahmerrt and know your glasses are right experience is a good teacher 1903 1s2s we have had over twenty years at it and here patrons are assured of the best in op tical service a d savage optometrist and mfg optiolan savage buildinot bight at the post ofllce quelph ontario aw aoeuut mci plfe q3riaimondsttet trmonto canaq tbe old and reliable granite and marble wprfea we ore monufacturora and direct important of all klndtf of monumental ant head a to np work wo soil direct tb oar custoroorn at wholesale price uhxb eavtnjp ojvir ouatomer 40 per cent we have the boat appliances and tho only mechanics in the dominion who can operate pneumatic tools properly wo can give references from hundreds of our customers in toronto and other ptttces wltero otheca have to havo law eults in order to collect wo have the largest and beat stock of gran i to in hjdonihitenror morethavvany three dealers in tho went wo are legiti mate dealora and employ no agenu and do not annoy or pest customers by sending out ignorant agents solicit- ing orderawo eipploy only mechanics and defy competition hamilton sons quelph ont t

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