Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 19, 1925, p. 6

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r- nuisod joi mix otnr jad of iiiliig 1j umooj ji joj pj13 sioct l aslk 911 1 lastfj born mixon in milton oil thursday jfcn- imrjr 20 1085 to mr and mra m e nixon a daubhtor cleaver at roaoliind- park port noleon on sunday february 8 1825 in mr mid mrs hughes c n vdtiubhtor smith at st j jobophtf hospital toronto oh tuesday fouruary it 1825 to mr and mrs clayton smlta noo francisharrison a daughter married pjhtttketttaylor in february h 1025 y tho rov h w avlson m a r jotrjtsfa jno m taylor jr of quoipn to capt m w plunltott of toronto robinson t5ttaffat tho homo of tho brides parents chlsholm on thursday january 29th 1925 d rov t m murray maymo beatrice daushtor nvfgroatt etnt cmt cm to harold beverley son of mr ana mrs lulco robinson of huntsvlllo died reidrat tho aidma of his daughter corner collcus btroor and euclid avonuct toronto on iway-fpbru- ory- 13 192e robert s rold of hlllaburb rather of mr jomos h reld acton aged 84 years br jvcfcm xtx jbb news of local import biq farm p no oijeatlona a farming corporation established sovdn yours ago in montana now op- erntoa 72000 acres all farming la done by powor machinery thoro iu not a homo to bo aoeh fourteen tractors plow and seed a aquaro mile of grain a day a single wotor pulling six binders cut lco acres of grain a day someone somewherei sure tti5ffcni year imu enjoyed good health and waa iu only a short time ha vaa born in nafiaugawoya township on thoro id always uomeono some- w is known as tho alexander farm where who is atrjcloua to buy liuted for tlio duttlo of water loo but tho war was concluded bo- foro ho waospnt to thefjpju-ju- thursday febrtjary 19 1025 brief local items better soeuro your motor license for 1025 about four inches ofcsoow fell on monday february lias bven a lot of moon light nights havoyott reriowoouttfarapnihs eubsorlptlon i toll tho merchants you read their advertisements there were a lot of pretty yalen- tine mirtles last jraek oh yes it tokos more than one february thaw to mako spring the mercury dropped to within a tow degrees of icro monday night several runaways have occurred during the wook but little damage ro- atatod tho choir of tho methodist criurch is preparing for a fine cantata for eastertide i roovo barber was at- milton on tuesday attending jl mooting of the county council tho young woman who gives all hor enorgy to attracting attontlou sel dom attracts anytnlng else if you buy outoftown and i uy but of town and jwo all buy- out of town what la going to happen to our town shipments of turnips are still be ing made a number of cars have been ioadod tho past weok for united stateit points tho trouble with manya man 1 who yells about hard times is that ho and muscular endeavor are strangers rev t albert mooro d d of toronto will proaoh in tho methodist church on easter sunday love- oays tho bacholor cynlo is what makes a little man lug a big woman around on skatos and think he la having a good time tho now 1925 automobile markers aro making their appearance they are decldey more v jiooomlnb in appearance than the 1924 licenses a 2000 ore oocurrod in dr ma- honeys dento ofilce in guolph on friday night through an automatic electric shutoff falling to function four hundred patients received treatment inbtrathroy hospital last year and fifty young canadians first saw the light of day within its walls you havo to ooil somoono has just tho article you want to buy to com- plbto tho donl each mual klfow ut tlllr othera wants and thofo is no hotter or moro certain way to mnko uicso vant8 known than through an adver tisement in tho f4iki pllebb honorina mrs grovm toronto a banquet la to bo tendered to ilia qrovcu onsatulclny ovenlnif in tho lying edward hotel toronto mrs qroves has for ir numbor of yoars boon an cbtoemed and uuoful mombor of tho- board of education of t toronto she la a slatorlnlaw of mr and mru john a mowat main stroot and a frcquopt vialtorj to aoton winter aint to bad winter aint so bad in tho coiiiitrw apples in tho sullor and pop corn l tho shod chamber prbvialona nough to la3t ubbthrough dont caro how much it snows its bettor for tho grass when the anow comes windrow high i think of wiat my fathor usod to4ell calolv howovor high the anow is in fobrudry just ao high tho groaall bo in juno calob poaaloo i people of the nineteenth century two veryintereatlng addresses wore given at tho mooting of tho xoung pooplca guild of- knpjc church on monday evening mlas isabol ander son portrayed in vivid word plcturea tho nlnocobntb dentury wbman and oxreovo hampbhlreof izaquosing presented tho outstanding quali of ttowlntiiotnthconturymnn spectnr musical numbers worofelvon during obituary robert a- reed tho drat break in ah eatemdd family which hnn boon with this community for many yoara occutrod hist friday wlon mr robert a ltold of ililla- burg passed awny v 4ho homo of hlh daughter mra dr w j flotbhor corner of colloffo street and euclll avonuc tor mr roh thoiikh in neighborhood news town and country x hohrby r mr iud mrs g e suumlora of hornby uro spending their tlvlrd win ter at fort liauderdulo florldar half way botwoen pnlm roach and miami hornby presbyterian ch com camo to canada with a aoldlora scrlul for a canndlan farm and drow til abovo lot later ho wont to erhr and bought lot 22 con 1 near mlmouu thla farm la nqw in poaaeasion of tho fifth generation of the anmo family his turn robert the subject jof tlila memoir camo into ownership whoh his father died they wheii mr ro bert rold retired his ubii jamos it rohlenmo into iosteb8lon wlion ho camo to aoton tho place mas sold to mr nrid mrs w it rowan lira rpwan la mr jamtfa holds slater at tho present tlmo the farm is in pos session of robert and ewart rowan sons of th6 abovo in 1801 mr rbbort rold built a now house on tho farm and tho next year a now barn on may 2a la07 mr rold led miaa mary ami ertwhlstlo of burfordi to tho altar and for fifty eight years thoy lived vory happily together mrs reld and thorr- family of oho son and blx daughters survive tho death of tho head of the homo is the first break in tho f thn lyinrnhxrn nf th mrlmcjucrmld 6 mcmasterttntr vcraity torontb occupied the pulpit of the baptist church again last sun- doy and preached very helpful ser mons a cow belonging to b duggan kelson township swallowed a pieco of wire the other day it pierced hot heart and caused tho death of the animal february is surely giving us nn usually one sundays last sunday was another really fine spring day with high temperature and iota of bright sunshine editor colgan of the markdalo standard who recently underwent ttn operation in hamilton hospital has roturnod to markdalo and will soon be quite restored to health those who contmuly knock thoir liomo town always fall to- do the one thing that would improve it the town would be tc better one if thoy weront in ft btroetsvillo council has oppolnted j a hammond as constable at 100 n year ho is also to be bread in spector poundkeeper sanitary ln- apectqr and noxious weed inspector why dont you subscribe for the paper yourself it costs less than four cents aweok by the year that is likely what your neighbor thinks when you borrow her copy of the fnrar ebtss rastus was proudly sporting a now shirt when a friend asked how many yards does it take for a shirt jlke that rastus replied i got throe shirts like this out of one yard lost night in tho report of the womens in stltute mooting in last issue ot the fnsa piuns tlio namoof miss dorothy cordlner was inadvertently omitted as ono of those who took part in tho programme y the evening hioh sohool entrenoe exams the high school entrance oxamlh- atlons this year will be held on wed nesday thursday and friday juno 24 25 and 28 the oubjoctaon -wednea- day morning will bo grammar and writing in the afternoon tho geo- graphy papers will be written on thursday arijbmotlc will bo takon up in tno fbrenoou and literaturo in the afternoon- on friday composition and spelling will occupy the forenoon and history in the afternoon a compliment to city engineer i v nicklin tlio gutitph mercury on saturday evening shows that a section hi trunk lino sewer has boon ctfnutructed jn that city tho past six months under tho direction and supervision of city engineer h s nicklin at aoost ap proximately of 20009 leas thantho eotimatea this amount was saved through coref al paring of thoorigln al oitlmatoa andfortuaaejiuytakof sawor plpeand economy of management the mercury says the result reflects credit upon tho efqcloccy of engineer- nicklin j 8ent editor money to buy cigars mr peter mcdonald of park river north dakota 4s wellknown to many of our older residents ke the kind 4hat makes an editors heart glai ho appreoldtos tho newsrecord bo much that in paying for two ycare subscription heenclosed an extra 60c to treat yourself and- john gragson to clgar ae neitlierof tho parbtes indulge tho spm was spent in choc olten and enjoyed just tho same the newsrecord staff also shared and thought thlsbattcr than a socond hand smoke thanks mr mcdonalds j fergus newsreoord bandits at brsfjipton 8atumay william dawson main street grooer brampton was the victim of a hold up on saturday night when twoyoiinjr men bqlleved tobe from toronto cn- tored his store at 945 overpowere1 bound and gagged him and stole the days receipts amounting to from fioo to 9150 thoy escaped with- a motor car stolen from toro which they abandonea near fort credit con- atable copoland of cookavluo ordered the bandits to stop wlten they passed through that village andflrod two shots whonthey rofuacd to do so they continued on their why toward ort credit famflic arbi janidd h acton mra dr fletchor toronto mrs w- h rowan erin mrs joseph brlgnnll toronto mrs charlea carmlchaol mrs rev joseph corllalot anu mlsq evelyn who is a member of tho tor onto teachlag staff mr rold was n member of tho presbyterian church and woa honorod in its officiary for forfyflvb years ho was an elder in th1 mlmoaavand hllfsburg churchob ho was a man of fine clirlatlnn character eterllngand upright -in-hls- bearlng-a- good aclgkhor an a d hu8band and father tie toosu an interest in tho affairs of tho community aa well as in tho church ho was a member ot tho erin township oounoll for sovenfeev- years- for nine of which ho st in the county council of wolllng- ton tho funornl wab howto huxley cemetery hillsbury on monday after noon plotod tho voto on church union of 11 votes cast there wore 11 for union jtml 33 ugalnbty burlinqton tlio tlio brlgutlo will hold iliolr hint unnuui at homo in tho i o o l- hall bn friday evonlng iobruary 28 it has been decided by tho methodist church nelson to hold cottugo moot- lngs during tho lenton season tho iirat of theab will bo hold nt the homo of mr robert shoplicrd dn thursdav tho flnunco comniittcg of tho town coutiblrheld nconferon with ausoa- jjoi cotter lntho clcrlts office on mon day ovcnlng when the assessment of tho -town- was- discussed it will bo noceasary to uicrbusethcashpabntont at u nkjoting of tho board 6f cctora oftho chamber of commorbo hold n tlio chamber rooms laut night tho foilowlnn ofllccra wotb elected for tho ensuing year- president w w mdlnlat vicopreoldont j a pottlth 2nd vlc0prcaldcnto w bhynoa plana wcro dlsbussod for tho year and a drlvo will bo made for mombcruhlp gazette nassataweya ended and the- quarantine on all af fectcd homes has been lifted as thoro la no more dangerof lnfogtln tho third otrb ijnfonloc- tnrns will bo held lngorrottg halu new supebintendent at burwash rov james falrfult bapttit minister v has boonappojntod rit j k raiff gll baptist minfstor of walkertpn who has had wide ex perience in handling men has been ap pointed suporlntondcnt of tho pro vincial reformatory at burwaoh mr falrulc who enlisted aa a pri vate served as a noncommlsalbned o ulcer and than became a padreovco seas has in addition to his ministerial worlc had charge of large industrial concerns jln tho old country which em- pldyedrjhoubandfl olinqn jio- ia a man of line qualities and will handle tho in mat eo committed to burwash tteformatory with experioncod skill campbell vllle on thursday february 10 and in st georges church low- vlllo on kebrudry 26 subject hoiv thoy jlivq in china and tho open door mr and mnc john a mcaiplne of campljellvllle announces the ongage- ment of their oldest daughter bertha isa t currle sonof tho latettbihlltiflrstur town thp marriage to tako place quietly the middle of februaryr churchilt mr midermid or mcmnwtor unlver blty preaeliod jioro on hunduy and iiim lliteoutiio wau inucli approclatod aftor tho provlotth hundayu without norvlcom the congregation wan glad to havo tho opportunity for publtu omhlp again some vory mio huyo oodlino ijmm tfinnod from hero to acton laioly mr and mm harold uoveiloy heb- imhou of iluutiivlllu vltillod at ho riomoof mrrimdm ju o lntrtoniowlhritfor u plcuhunrjotn in vimium in oiclly mr arthur btqnloyitlrf tflvon his own eperlenco of this cliuraoterlfitlc latin forvor anj inflection on our fliht mofnliig in taormlnn iiutl lii l b wook on tholr honoyinuon tour mrs ioler mick of cobdon mpont thoayeoltenffthiho homttof mrohn o raff mr tloyd nlghuwandei of toronto hpont tho wooke at the immo f ait and mrh john xlraff mimu elva clraff ofllullliiafad wao homo over h6 weekend milton an early upiing is predlctoil wild geoiionio poporlctlto bo lying uorth- ward on account of tho mild weather there ha beolviho curling at tho rinit for ti wcolcv the intoriirik scrloa of gumou huo not boon completed there are some postponed games to play v mru w i- dick hau arrived homo from baltlmoro md hor ulihor-ln- law miss dlclt nurjao camo with hor mra dick js rocoyoripg but will nood n rostpfbonio joolcs mr goorga gowling who has bcoii ipn a trip to bonn a texas has re turned homo ho brought back- with him somo uplcndid specimens of grapefruit grown thoro the brick building near tho cpr- statton known as tho toxtllo faotory wuu put mnrtrauctlon laat haturday aftornoon but as the bids word not up to tho reserved price the property waa withdrawn thomas dixon of walkcrton who has boon crown attornoy of bruce county for a grcat nifmber of years retired on the first of the months mr dixon is a nativo ofhalton antiya8 mrs c molareb aged 80 years hhiv ped on tho ico last thursday and in falling fraciuvcd hojriot qho lay helpless in tho cold bolero a- nolgh- 6or in pasalng saw hor painful and oxpoaed condition and went to hor relief campboilvlllo has had something of an opidemlo of uoarlt foverbut lthnsttwrn and brought up oaa farm ncar l bbrj fefe the- fitrtabwa j always glad 1o publish news ot your travels jf su- intend to be awayorhuve frlerms to visit you send in the infoxmatloii to ub or any other news of an interesting character phono uw orjsl hon q cargo 9 henry stated ian week that notorists wfiqi havo ria glactod to obtain their new- license markers for 1925 may find themselves summoned by tho police as 4he time for obhanglng over the markers had now paesqd the bfg clock in the tower of tho govornmont building evidently ro- fifty years with gueph sohoou on the occaaionof tho fiftieth an niversary of hjs connection with guelph schoola last wockdr- william tyler inspector was presented with a beautiful floral bouquet by the mem bers of tho board of education in on appreciative addrebs the membora of the board tendered their sincere congratulations to dr tyler the ad dress also outlined iir tylers splen did work accomplished in the cause of education in the city of guelph where fifty years o aerylce as teacher principal and inspector had been faith- fully given many of tho young peonjo of acton and vicinity came into clojo touch with drjerdurlng their col legiate years- and all hold him in highest esteem pleasant visit of orange brethren about one hundred members of prlnco arthur l o l no 1331 duelph journeyed to aoton for tho purpose of- exemplifying the blue de gree considerable pralab wns ex tended to tho vlnlting dogrco team by the worshlliful master and mom bers of acton o i no 467 for the manner in which thoy had excmpufcd thenecret work tho act 911 brethren are making arrangements to pay return visit to the local lodge in the near future following tho regular business of tho meeting tho puelph brethren wcro tendered a chicken sup per which was thoroughly enjoyed the local ornngomon extended their hearty thanks to their hoate for the courtesies which had been extended to them andrcturnert home at an early hour guolph mercury the mapch rod and gun tho stories in the march issue of bod and gun in canada arc sure to excite tho interest f ovory sports- man canada- wild buffalo by max well graham is an article brimful of interesting and- valuable information on this subject in addition there aro the regular stories that tent and thirtyflvo below by f v willlama slightly mlataken by martin hunter some adventurea with tho great horned owl by bonnycastlo dale and emporer geese and queemyswana by x w winsom which cover a variety of subjects and the departmental edi tors w cmotleyr r p lincoln c 8 landisaml m u bates have brought their departments up to their usual high standard helping to mako tho march number ono of the best yet published monthly by w j taylor limited wobdatockront oakvilly the scholars of applebe school will present two pfrfys oji saturdayfeb ruary 21 at tho school at throe oclock there will bo a grand mualcal oori- cert given in luskthall on friday evening march 0 by the original boatonian orchestra of toronto undor the auaplces of tho stowardosacb of tho am1e3 church threo offlclala of the cn r were in town lost week- on ths4 matter of building a station at the ninth line for the convenience of tho people east of town after tho location was jnspect- ed u meeting was held at the office of jarvls cewlo and no doubt in tho near future trains will stop there alex wayher met with a- painful accident whn6worklrig in the morlatt armstrong tannery on tuesday morning whon his right arm was caught into a machine savoring the band at the palm he was rushed to st josephs hoapltal whore it p found necessary to amputate- litfio yrist the ast report from mr way ncr was that he waa doing as well as can be cxpoctod- mllton it isjbcllevcd that fifty thouaand gallons f water por7ajwcroobcap thg from the leak found attho pres- bytor4an c hutch reservoir was being so rapidly emptlod now that he leak has beon fixed there should bo no shortage of water the womens auxiliary of gfaco church held a birthday- party on fri day in honor of mrs jam os hannat who has reached ho ago of 89 years d lia noaltn it was througnmrs hannats efforts that the auxiliary was organ ized tho town council has a decided policy for economy this year the salaries of tho town ohlclals- are being reduced a motion was presented last week to reduce the salary of the clerk and treasurer by 30000 on friday february 20 the com mencement exerclso of the high school will bo hold at which diplomas and prizes and othot rewards of merit will lie gi very to tho students winning those honors for the past year latin pervor in hlullm you must not bolluve cvcrythliifr you think vou hear- and abovo nil you munt not act rashly upon fir ut imprcsulons whon a hlolllltdi 1m rnllri well hh good morning nirl fiounda jiuo hpartacun ty tho ihsduilon whcm any one addrohnuit veil an ff murder- wan con templated with youififjlf as the victim ho eany ho is robably oxpronslng a upon hernriiipoty head a hugo dripplni ajjiphorai aoiipcdrua with uncouth gosturea aitla lauglit ho eldritch that it startled vu jerking her finger at la siffnoru she poured forth a tor rent of 1 iti pa salon oil sicilian dialect that wo coum not understand although i nuupccltrho was saying that ve were unlit to bo in taorrolna and hal hotter ledvcrlmmodlatoly unpleasant thoughts of the mainui tho lilaclc iliirfd we loowely tall them swoit through me the girls utter- anco wan ao flercphei lmpresuion so menacing i wonder whothcr she might not his a member ofjthat dreaded band 1 iut before- my combined an noyance uiyd alarm led mo into dif ficulties two taormiiilnrtri camo tp and cxhiincti in italian- the slg- norlna iu afro id your ajgnora jvill lone hor handerclilcf it is fulling out pf hor bolt i was glad i had not shouted for tho policol whon 1 aaked the girl ivho- could undorntnffft prfily nlthrmirh flppko nono jicieolf if i might photo graph her alio consented and refused any gratuity then she wished uh a torrcnjual good day anil vanishes up the black and smoky stairs of a stone hilt bin oho sdo of the a tree t- j you can always tll a man by tiie records he kjjfis on the phonograph ilochcfiter timeaitnion i- aaa gnerariuo nothing improves a mans lookfi as- much aa a ahavfc unleea its it mak calvoaton texas nearly every day aomeone at the wheel of an uutomobllo demonstrates that it would bo better to stop look and liveutica obucrver j f hunting the pumpkin a certolu young- man had been see ing moro ot tho pleasures of tho town than ovaa good for him and his father resolved to eend- him to his u nemos farm to on in some lione toil noondethenforrgj btar tells- what hoppefretrf- when ho got there day was just breaking on the first morning of his stay when his uncle woke him up whata tlio troublo asked the city chart rubbing his eyes bleep ily have to get up and help gather mcr great scott growled the agricul tural recruit 1 you havo to sneak up op thorn in the dark even that erin terftaicotta thero will be instrumental piano solos duetts and readings at tho base ball girls revue on february 24 ffbfae courtesy if your husband and your sons and your brothers treat you with an off hand eaao that sometimes approaches roughness pray believe that it is tholr fashion of showing tholr regard for you it may not bo wholly that thoro la a pleasure in throwing oft soclnr trammels as there is in wearing old clothes and a man likes to apeak loudly or not spook at all to take quaint attitudes arid forget good mannors because such conduct makes him feel really at home men have an tivo feeling that there is something insincere about 1 1 ttlo social conven tions that manners are dfencq built up to maik bur distance from thoso wo do not love that trup af fection is rather blighted than fostered by trivial attentions that spring from a thoroughly artnicial basis of course that is a mistake cburt- jpsy js only consideration f6rothors and lack of courtosyand any ease that comes from it are founded primarily in consideration for oneself tho theory- that courtesy should be drop ped at home really- means that wo do not need to consider those whom wo jove as much a a wo consider strangers to seat your mother at tho table or stoop to pick up her handcrchief or tle her shoe to put an amiable ln- h messrs roy tind arthur mciceown of acton visited with terra cotvi frlendfriaaf wpek mr and mrs alex burgess and family- of the tenth line are moving to their hew farm at union wo aio sorry to lose such eatlmafyo cltlzpns from our midst mrs b gray la visiting with friends in toronto- the radio jieems toberalltho rage now in our hamlet mr ed townsehd and mr george aldous havo installed uptodate radios in tholr homes dur ing the week terra cojta has ofgnnizod an or chestra tho following are the play ers viotinlsts m e sandersonr j l craine and norman icam banjo mr wm b townsend accompanist mfss elalo icam theladies social hour held a meet ing on tuesday afternoon at the homo of mrs- j mcnally a good pro gramme was given and they all report a very interesting time thec n r have agangrof men digging a well at the station here wo are sorry to learn of tho death of mr frank mctaggart of toronto deceased was for many yearna highly respected resident of this place v rockwood s6i iff- piit qjltoaj ay nu th thw fo hands on tho east biioot tho dial have not been functioning for about a week and tho big bell is striking oratloally mr lome a- body of walkortoh pteewont of thb cahadlai weekly toronto university yot- wednesday february 36 under- thea o the slgna delta chi journallstlo fratern ity p o upjeflt5 iwunry newspaper wiiinoton warden weda at -wina- hsm tho conirratulatlons of wellington county are being extended to- wnrdoh john coutfi of pjost luther on the oecasloh of his marriage the cere mony took placo in wfnghom on wed nesday 11th inst when iir courts was joined in wedlock to miss levlna mil- ner- daughter of tho late mr und mrs william mil nor of bast zorrtt at thi recent session of tho county counclf itoevo coufts of west luther that most prosperous of all wellingtons municipalities wa eloctod to the hlgnost position in thoeounty and his luoky star reaohed us senlth thli weefc- theyjr u still young and if auction into your voice when- you aponlc to your suitors will please thcin youaioyi lie euro io you not wish to ploaso them7 and courtesy not only springs from consideration but produces its tp be courtooiia you must bo watchful with a girl to whom you have just been in troduced you are watchful you have to bo to- bo watchful with your mother and aisterb will s vory littio effort foryqu and ypu will bo surprlbod to and how much pleasure and confortit means to them you will see it in their faoee heal courtesy la a habit of tho heart if wo practise- it at homo it will not seem insincere whon wo go abroad for it will not bo s oember thirtyone days are numbered thro js oo tolling what further hon or may yet be bestowed on weluflg- tnnn asmuivo haf- wfrpury i t v r- vonvfliwtsiurtsyolj per- newspajrers assrtaor jbo i atju i epare- offlwajs if was fritl of fmitwat lieiktouj no ao emtm i w- avimunjpauluppiy wwttliprwwaiiiiir v jtgm9i slji v v c vvhen 8nuff wa8 u8eful some people have tho knack of doing and saying tho right thing at the rjght tlme common ts lord roso- mor in things ian toll and as an instance of the valuo of the pres ence of mind in an emergency ho tells of a dog- fight in bond street london two torriers that belonged to two socially eminent ladles had engaged in a bualnessliko tussle the distracted ladles j alternately made tearful but vain appeals to their favor it oh and to the bystanders just as tho light soomad about to terminate ffttellyrfor fine ofhtnannlrnnbtinnmtet looking chappio elbowed hla way through tho crowd with a politp permit mo vllng dogs then ho calmly prod u cod a handsome prom and inking a pinch pf it ho dropped a little on tho end of each dokh jiqbo- a fit of to retonso htf rnifript an3 the combat came to an- end with a polite bow to tho ladles the huthl walked leiimrob away a former resident of jlockwbod tias woh a unique record when rev a w ingram superintendent of tho sunday school at sceptro near ho- glna- saskatchewan presented androw bayno with a wreath and bar for ab- tendance on a recent sunday morning he was rewarding ii most unique rocord for attendance at surfdny school mr bayne who is in his 7lth year has an unbroken record in the rockwood jpresbytertan sunday sqhpol during thcrycar 1022 and received a gold pin then ho went west in 1923 and completed another unbroken year in 1024 he achieved the same record mr bayne will bo remembered by a hoat of frlonda in thlb village miss bessie gardiner ehtortainpd the snow shoo club at a valentin party lust friday evening a pleasant eyen- ing was spent by all present much sorrow is felt hero at tho jjeath in guelph general hospital on turnday of mrs richard hewlt t ijrs ruaaell peiirts sunday school class hejd a -valentine- tea at l home- saturday nfternoop miss irono lnjbspn was the gucatruf miss mae watson vr the weekjend mr v t smith who bought the old jago tannery feccntly ty living the place overhauled and rorropfo in preparation for cjurying ontiia rubber tiro business fred osbornp and dave royeo got the electric wiring up on saturday from the stroot mr arthur jk thomas gave a splen did report monday evening of the hor- tlcultural society conventionheld in toronto last week willi harris president of tho society here also gavo a few hldo- llghts of the convention owing to inclement weutlier and the week of prayer services at st johns anglican church only a smalt attendance of horticultural enthusiasts wero pro sent- richard harris brought to the meeting a bowl of paper white nar cissus which gave fprth a rich per fume it is to be hoped that tho com ing summer will be productjvp pf much fiautlfiiiuut alaorll jirhq 4ojt- grow howorh bo encouraged to do their bit towards brightening tho corner where thuy jlyovm tho highway qne th pvrifjhtrrighsrf- messrs stewart smith and d it xeaak- of toronto were the guests of mr and mrs cb mcmillan hllls- burg last week excitement is running high in the local hockey league tho doublehead er games on thursday evening lajt bringing tho standing cloae to atle mr dan ellis has returned to erin after spending a couplo of months with friends in england mr thos hedgaon alberta is tho guest of his daughter mrs k mc donald and oilier friends heiro r mr n b kckinndn recently sold his beautiful show road more to the edwards lumber co tlmmlna one for a handsome figure mr and mrs w irwin and little son have returned to thefr home n saskatchewan after visiting with friends here and at moun6 forest mesara carl dyer elmer mckln- uon and chaa barbourhave returned home aftorattcnihng a two- weeks abort course at tho p a c guelph the eighteenth anniversary of uo hhiaburg chrtstlan church will bo hold on sunday februa f tho a vices will bo conducted by the pastor ror m watterworth major and mrs justice wore dele gates from the local horticultural society to the annual meeting of tho provincial horticultural society tor onto last week a quiot woddlngtbor place-at- the- home ofmr and mrs roaaoll on wednesday february 4 when- their daughter miss margaret became tho bride of mr alfred porter of cor- betton tho ceremony was- performed by rev m watterworth after a couple of weeks of real hard work messrs r loltch j3on with the assistance of many friends and neighbors who gavo a helping harid the mill darn has been repaired and the mill la running ngnin the farmers now ajpreclatelhoxactjngrc than over that we are o fortunate as to hayoa grist mill in tlila community- many and varlbd are the opinions advanced regarding tho salo of the cataract electric system- which re cently wont into the hands of the rocelvekrttnrpfformado by tho dijk- son jolllff e co iwqs considered at a meeting of the creditors of tho pany at the office of mapp mapp toronto tho official trustees who have boon for the past weeks guiding the company wo understand tho offer mudo waa j39250 this appears to be small when tho total liabilities om- ount to about 5200000- should- tho 6her be accepted quite a sum will oo lest many advance- the idea that the municipalities of efln and caledon townrhips nnd tho polfce villages therein should get together and buy this property und operato itadvo cato a casualty lnsuranco company that had required some additional evidence to support s- claim receniy received letter frnt thtrwidow of the in sured whlcb ended r i have bo muchtrouble getting my money that i sometimes almost think i wish my liusband were not dead odd8 and ends ono very auro way to brinjj about another war in to have akitatora u tamping around and declaring that another war la certain to come in en yenra if there were aa much offbrt put into the problem of making- vurloua nutlonn untlcratand as there la in making certalo thnt they mla- underatand each other there would bo no more war a yankee beef packer named youiife ono day when hhi nervea wero un- strun pushed bia wifea ma unaeort into tbn fifippintftyjiian theneunned hernnd htbcltcd- hcr tongue toronto citizens aro proaporouu bocauao they laov tho value of time have your watch or clock oydrhtiulod and repaired no it will keep cor- rec t i do ii large nmfipnt of work for toronto atorca and cltlzena because i kivo value for money- npentr ami gllflntrf tlm support your own town and havo yoar work done hero it tfl hinton t i specialist tnmakino new parts nd repairing om work enj- lih swia and american clocks and watches jewellery plate china and glass acton afd toronto no luck in thirteen frank sandors thirtyeight jlnxed jhlmaelf right t -into- ajall sentenceof thirty days in the detroit house of correction by stealing thirteen neck ties valued at t3 notice to creditor jamestmarke8 estate all having claims against or to share in the estate of james markcs jato of thevlldge of rockwood in th county of wellington gentleman de ceased who dicol at tho said village of rockwood on tho thirteenui day of january 1925 are hereby required to send some to william harris esq rockwood hla executor who after march 14 1925 will distribute hp as sets of tho said deceased among those entitled thereto having regard only to c i alma of which he shall then have jind ndticc and who ivlllnot be liable for any claims of which he shall not thou have recleved notice howitt howjttt ouolkih sollcltorii for- the said eexccutorf dated at guelph february 13 1925 343 ip youtt eyes are normal you should be glad to learn tho fact if we say to you after an t rint need- glass esrlt pught o please you greatly becjiubo few people are so fortunate but if wo find that glasses would hpjp you ypu ahquld bo pleased to learn that fact aaa so that stepis can be taken jo mute j errora eorrectedr w2aarr mclean co the store where values count black moire dress goods silk and wool 54 ins wide regular 375 for 325 home spuns in grays and blue mixtures doable fold cloth makeup good for odd skirts childrens spring coats etc extragoodvalueatlv specialperyard navyhserge double fold goods per yard at special price cotton delaines 3031 ins wide fast colors a new clotltfotdressey c a guut tratne arytt 90c 35c womens flannelette gowns in white only short sleeves made tip of a good quality of white flannelette special- 1 aa for each ivv mill ends pillow cottonscircular pillow cotton 40 and 42 incheswidei jcome in good length ii o 7n avotth soc ysrd special for each uc- v for f9c mill ends factory cotton over 500 yardsof mill ends of cotton white and gray 36 and 40 inches wide at 25 less tban- regular price ijhill ends of white iftiijadteillbledac masks towehinga prints ginghams efa all at bargain prices call and look them over mclean co mux street actokont millinery and fancy goods mss j galbraith millinery and fancy goods store phone 109 mill street i i i- ii- r- i a w smth optometrist 120 upper wyndham bu guolph comfortawo vision specialist far 25- years i equally guiltle8s iotonclont hiw tuntjhiiu ly liln traycln on tho jduniltui ufkhsvny jeooksvlllo wns a boa of rod tulljin bolit fwty- ftvo fnet in dlnmoter anv one who hns a hie of ground ulioulii not lot tho srsasis s this 8tory la told of pn english bishop who vas ryirovfng onpof the clergy for his jntercjaild hunting 7 is unfortunate he anld graycy ajbt your name aliould appear in ppnnec- tjon withthe sport moit unfortun ate the clergyman had known tho bis ho j far many years so he ventured to murmur a uucry as to whether the bishop considered hunting worse than iitumdlng balls- i know to what you refer said- the biihop with a slight nccesalon of eolor btit i wish youlo understand that nlthouffi my iutu did auppar as that ofa guest atlutdy feroskmprions ball i was never in tho same room with the dancers and thatv said the clergyman quickly is exactly my position i am nover in the same field with the hounds positive truth ing -a- few flowers and form nn ac quaintance with tlicm which hey ran lookback to and at the same time aim to ooluvato a dcblre for the beautiful vf there uro sundry ways of display ing authority an application for tho position of second cook in a largo hotel mado his way into tho ijltchon and asked for the phlef cook vchcjrph the boss over there said thojtfp whooi y m addressed point ing in the direction of a ujan who wns washing alsheg the applicant ttiqught he was bainqj ridiculed and jpraw- inillgnaht l mo if you want mo ho bald or oll yn jf you dont thrfro is no use brln- ll the miin at the sink picked up a ritack of plates out of the wetpr jmd let them fal to tho floor wlh a qrnjj ntow he exclaimed who do you think im ma boit rphe candy witch sayy tint our ico cream is tho moat tempting dessert ever served it la likeable its mado of pure fruits and crenm nnd jt is as rigidly frigid as it is satis fying xhkohomo a pint or a uurt in a sanitary container- ukpanfly makea fporj he caul ifs rnade aoorl saturday treat fresh crisp koko bock reg 30c and 35o it suriay tjreajt 29c b weekend choeolotes reg gco und ooo lh saturday- special 32cjb just arrryed 100 lbs of neispii9 milk chocolate buds reg 60c lb while they last 39c lb 1 dr j cadesky oftoronto eyesight specialist witju be at a t browns loltug store actqij monday march 2 any una uuf frum gyui- strain defective vision or headache should not mufl the opportunity of consulting this eyesight t specialist appoint ments maybo madewltbjml a t brown druggist cqnultationfree office hours 9 a m till 4 p m m tvlt virir fflrk sffftjj economical buying its very often quite a task tp know just what kind of jvleat td have for dinner or any other meal in fact and it is very often quite a problem- after you have decided upon what yojl want to make it fit yodr pocketbook but both these problems can be easily solved at our meat counters our experience iii cutting meats is proven to your ad vantage every time you buy meat over our counters we can give you the most profitable cuts at the lowest prices quality considered of course ve ar rtdt rjuotipg prices this week but you can be assured ofmost ccqidrrtical bujiagiif yoiu allow us to cater to your meat needs alwaisuhe right cut at the right price watch our windows friday apd saturday for specials v cobnkir fcffiju a m acton ont ft v w igetyoiirjo ivy riiiijfei atthefrepresf

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