Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 26, 1925, p. 1

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t fiftieth year no 35 thursday morning february 26 1925 actom ontario canada jimjjayijwqrning 7singiertjple5fvecenbr the methodist church h t acton t rev josephus culp pastor parsonage willow st 1 100 a in tho minister subject latt of mutual abiding 230 m sunday school j 700 pm tho minister subject joseph a tle of christ a jj r prespyterian j knox church acton minliter ray a c stavart m a 2janso willow luroet 1100 ii m tho minister subject the pliiit andthc lnst 3o0 p m bible cjisb studies in matthew chapter 24y25 300 pmsunday scboox 700 p m tho minister subject fruitaof vitness- a 7- 700 pm tho younc pooploarally mr oillica of knox college subject tho abundant life mr jj little of knox college subject tho spirit of follownrll special rnuslc prb- ylded by mens choir strangera leaving address with the ushers will be called upon by- the pastor specialnotices advertisements in this column j cents per word minimum charge 30c per insertion wanted sowing maehlno required any make reasonable price box 20 free press boarders wanted board and comfortable rooma church stroot radio blueprints comet itodlo blueprints- free get from 0116 to two thousand miles on a atonic tube catalogue free earxe electric supply hr clnlr av tnrnntn agents wanted agents wanted toreprcsqn us sell ing alllt drossoa anctilngerlo fabrics to consumer liberal commission mill to ptmlktabric co yorjc buildmg toronto ont new8 of xbcalj0ujb3ril 1 ready for critical inspection menvnew spring suits for sale a number of fresh cows and spring- 7ersv 12 plgfl about 120 lbs 2 young toulouse ganders apply- r- a f i spear lot 1 fifth v erin c leasing auction sale of the v implements live stock and household furniture of william everts will bo held at lot 10 con 7 adjoining the village of ever ton on tuesday march 3 at one oclock sharp v rqy uindley auctioneer 34fi erin phono auction sale mrs jnmea bfock and son will hold- an unreaorved auction sale of farm stock implements and grain at lot con 7 eramosa half mile north of tho york road on friday march c at two oclock 353 roif fflndlby auctlener ffaflwbror sale -46- farms in tho counties bt bolton and wculiurton varying from 40 to s0o acre lot us send you oar list a number of homes and business places in acton for sale fire and life insurance money tol loon s a smith real ibstate agent phono 105 xcton ont help wanted wnhtedr pcrbono to grow mush- rooms tor us all spring and sum mer- commence at once barn up wards of 1 25 weekly using waste space in outhouses sheds barns roothouses or collars light plea sant work for either sex illustrat ed boklot and particulars sent any where for stamp dominion mushroom co toronto h r stuckey house painting and paper hanging for particulars and terms apply fit the circle restaurant oppoairjq vcropdflrlgnd theatre box m fiday february 27 little robinson crusoe starring jackie- cbogan see jack ft as a shipwrecked orphan on a cannibal island comedy bumping into broadway- with harold lloyd felix the cat caftpon fox newa saturday february 28 sinners in heaven btarrlng bebe daniels and i richard dbc comedy oh teaclnif the last of benny llbnnrdfl fight pictures the joss roirl mri wonderland monday march 2 huntbujr bis game in africa with gun and camera by h a snow oakland musourn qt natural hlitory expedition a triririink motion ploturo record of mans battle with wild beasts of tho junirle prices adului 3bcr fhljdren up tueppay marfh teet ofci l4pl8siillj ceojl j domliio rocquo r aiid kieharif cqrtonm chnptpr j of aho nev serlnl in chapters the fortieth ooar rills and ndtyenturft in rtitrdprfl 1 tiwrty hnnse ftpij hrefec rgbec0ry4sdn good soiuid values that will be appreciated by the man who asks not how much is it re duced but wbats itonade ofandh6w no bargains illusary but sound and substantia things for the money hes going to pend m3x8m neat all wool tweed models plain ahd sport styles all sizes at 2950 a wonderful range of plain tines blue herringbones j self stripes and tweed mixtures in standard and young mens models some with extra trousers susrr- atj3450 society brands latest offerings in good clothes dozens of new weaves and smart patterns as always a full range of sizes at 4450 to 4750 a range of beautiful cloths from the foremost mills of england arid scotland made for macdonatds in the leading clothing factories of canada this is a safe place to find a sound value in both home things and wear things d e macdonald bros ltd guelphs leading and largest store week- end specials sponge taffy we expect this will be the last shipment for this season beg 40c weekend special for per lb 29c l assorted chocolates we have just received a fresh shipment of this extra quality of chocolates with a large range of hard and soft centres reg 50c lb- weekend special per lb 32c 7 have you tried our fancy biscuits 7 we have 16 dbpterent kinds r to choose from v mh street acton h wite v ufo annusl mestlnp the uf o will hold their annual meeting on saturday afternoon 28th lnst at 3 p m in the club rooms over kentners girage j spoaksr t tho b yp u next mon- two apcalcero misses gladys wright and jeaslo patiicic of quolph will ud- droaa the b y p u meeting in the baptist church next monday evenlnij march 2 ac8 pni i field prop competition acton fall fair has fqecurcd per mission from tho department of ag- ftculturo to entir- tho combined standing field crops and stood grain competition in banner oats this uliouldcrente u wide interest and the new feature wlll no doubt enhance tho good feelings lot tho fair generally by the farmer patrons v y county expenditure on rosas the county council wiir a special moetingat 10 a m on thurs day march 6 to consider the expend- tur proposed by the department of highways on the county roau system j during 1925 also the account from thej department for work done in 1924 proposed changes in tho road system j will also bo discussed it is somstlmts amusina i the plattsvliieechb rises lb remark vltis funny how some people dis cover the great importance and in fluence of their iopal newspaper when they get into a scrape they live for years without subscribing and who 3000 eire at georgetovn the smith stone electric supply fuctory seriously dantngcd shortly after noon on saturday fire broko out in the plant of 9511111 sohe manufacturers of clay products and olectric fixtures at college view georgetown lobs estimated at be tween 30q00 and j400t0 resulted abouft 126 employees are engaged in this important industry but a few lonly were in tho factory tho others having quit worlccor the day tho are broke but in tho aeberabllng room und fanned r by a strong wind spread to the brads department employees used factory equipment to light tho flames uritil the arrival of the lopal are brigade but their ef forts were hampered by a break in a waterraaln good work was done laterat prxtventirig the spread of the are toother hopartments the- dam- j agevwhfch was covered by insurance included 10000 to the building i the factory a onestory modern building of brick and steel was erect ed about three years ago and la one of two industries in canada making clay products for electric fixtures thw kilns and ovens worenot damaged and operations in hla department are be ing continued it la drobablo the bulldlpg will o rebuilt at once asked to advertise aay it docaict4ho wellknown florist oneof the citys pay but the minute they get into some trouble things look different and they cannot get tothel edltor qulck enough to ask him hot to say anything about it jn the paper why mr a q clsrrida painfully injured jviionmr- jl- brciarwbe wasremcssrsraanebati6rcnr tstopjteojont hutth we close every wednesday afternoon new spring fbwear1925 unexcelled quality for the prices we ask- are guar anteed and as to style we have the new gore pumps new oxfords new strap slippers new d ct tfcjc sandals prices- for women from jv1vv todmfd 300 600 for mens wear from oxfords- and boots and as to quality we are repeatedly being told that our l shoes giye the very bost satisfaction comfort style- and wear t considered we have no old stock webelievcrin clearing up each line with the season no junk footwear to work off on ybu quality counts we win rubber boots sot slushy springs weauiep wul soon be here you rad better take advantage of these prices now 1 7 inaitts- rubber gopts misses and youths rubber soots wofnen rubber bodts all first quality we wotv rrmbtt seconds mens work booibqm to 450 t fh25 265 s285 pamls s im turning from town on tuesday even inff 7th insl about ten oclock bis horaebecame frightened at tho queen stroetcrossingof tho c n r when a freight train was approaching for tunately tbo nnlmal did not attempt to cross the tracks but turned and ran along the side this course ws very rough however and mr clar- rldgo was thrown out of the cutter and he sustained- painful injuries by the fall hisdaughter genoviovo camej along shortly after and assisted him home mr clarrldge is still confined to bed but la recovering nicely dr peter stusrt st rookssm mtnnj lr poter stuart of guerph left last week for the noted mayo brothers institute at rochester minn to under go a serious operation the doctor has been in poor health for some untie and it was diagnosed that nn oper ation was necessary he was ac companied by his brother mr w j stuart of burlington dr stuart is a native of this codnty and hits visit ed professionally many homes in acton and vicinity in critical cases he is held in high esteem as one of the moat skilful surgoons who has over practiced in this district people gen erally anxious for bis speedy re covory 443 sludenisit ths o- a c the experimental farm at guelpli operated by the ontario government in connection with the ontario agrlcul tural society earned nearly 50000 last year although it was not selfsustain ing oft both college and farm the province spent 000000 but the college alone produced a revenue of 130000 the farm propery brought in a revenue of 18000 the dairy department earned 7000 the poultry brought in 12002 the number taking flu gen eral course at thocouogft was 443f short courses 392 domestic science 408 and summer courses 321 tho domestic science course was the orly ope to show an increase shippino turnips still lively mondays rain interfered with the teaming in of turnips for shipment obituary mbs archibald gilchrist the death- occurred at toronto on monday of last week of mrs isobel gilchrist wife of archibald gilchrist wellknown welfare workers at the residence of her nelce mrs mckibboci 634l runny medo roao of tera lingering illness mrs gilchrist was born in nassagaweya township and was the daughter of scottish settlers r the town of moffat dumfrlesshlrt scotland and was a slatojr bf the thla proposal go through to break away from tho party today ivo had two or three temperance workers in the party stop mo on tho street and ask me whati am going to do about tho way things are going tlwyj t eel lust as i that tbey cant stand forit i voted for george- hillmer- for every offlco for which ho has ever ran since tho time he went in for cpuncil here but i wont voto for him again if he rrrallacothbybhcwt5fjp of acton she was married in 1870 and took up residence in guelph mr and mrs gilchrist moved to toronto in 1888 and became indentlfled with chalmers church her first interest was in a mission in west toronto which later devejpped into victoria presbyterian church qho was presi dent of the womens christian tem perance union for a number of years and was instrumental in founding branches of thetjiuqnofjdhurch 8i- cletles and of the womens institute throughout york county mrs gil christs deep interest in botany brought about an appointment from the pro vincial government to travel through the provlnco lecturing on tho care of plants and the planning of gardens sho is survived by her husband mr thomas moffat mr and mrs dunoan mctavish and mr george manir at tended the funeral on wednesday brablo quantities owing io the dls appointment felt by many attholpwor prices received through the cooper ative association several members of the association are- now selling to messrs m pi barry ft co whose prices are reported tq have exceeded the coopcralyo pr9c aovorol cents per bushel since the foil deliveries be gan jud fr the expressions of dissatisfaction by tho members who have beep nsyal to tho cooperative organisation since its tnoeptlon many wilt trapsfer tholvbtiblnebs back to the old independent buyers next season the bsils of unon rev mr culp who has purposely avoided any presentation of the facts concerning the basis of union while the eleotlon contest was lb progress in this community will commence next sunday morning tn the methodist church a serleaof brier reviews of the basis touchlngwhe various sections of doctrlnot policy ad minis trattbnj pete as have boen adopted for the new united church of canada these re views and explanations are intended for the purpose of refreshlntf the memprtes of the members ofythe congregation as to the principal feat ures at the basis of union which have been heretofore jjtresonted wheq the vote was taken ten years ago shot fctorys coolsl evsnina v the employees ofths hewetson shoo company had a vety enjoyable get- together social evening in tho town- hnlj last friday there was a largo attendance of the employees and their friends thtrbeddb of the departmontri were ill bo present vx ywy fcrahamo musical iirosrnmmc wis fiyen by local talent ah the numbers ht twq being i contributed by employees px the fao- tbrylari excellent- uheh was pro- vldod a feature rpftwevpnlngb p ceedlngs yasa brief address given by mrf j95 mcceary accountant of tho company for the information of the employees spoaklng of production employees wages and kindred mat ters he said we havepn our pay roll 1 employees our iaculo of wages is as follow for tho first six months i employees under is years of ago re ceive 760 per week the second six months 860- to 900 for the thlrdj j six month fiofto ortmy6 tholr wages fliukseil tin iitcflwofjc between the flrst iia- 1 when the united church of canada of september whonour manufactur ing year bvglnsnmu daf4jj134 wdtkhib days wo paid aflt4fl65 jfl inmlc ifim l at shoes we- are now making over l200pairp per day these figures will be olvin- tbrl i reader vnru4iya whayj demonstrate the- irfiportance to tje ctfrnmunlty of nn enterpflsinlf manu factory which oporatea continuously every month of the ytar mrs charles young mrs d c russell received the andj news on thursday of the death of her mother mrs charles young at the family residence richards landing st josephs island thedaybefore lost septomber thodoaroldjady had tho misfortune to fail and- fracture her hip owing to her ago it was impos sible tftglve her tfce treatment neces sary in such cases and she was never able to walkagain mrs russell went to her immediately aftop the accident and spent several weeks with her mrs young was a native of fergus she and her husband settled in richards landing 37 or 38 years ago itnd were important factors in the early settlenient of that community mr young jlias been president of the al- gonttt flro insurance company slnoe its organisation and although in his ninetieth year he attended the annual meeting at sault ste marie the first of the year mr young haofor years been the superintendent of the gov ernment experimental form at richards landlngr their family com prised two sons and threo da ugh tors of whom jill but one daughter sur vive william of houghton mich c a 0 home mrs d c russell acton and mrs j a cheer of richards landing mrs young wax a member of the social and personal mr and mrs g h brown spont tho wcelcond intcltchoner mr will robertson of toronto was home for the weokvend mr lloyd kerinoy of toronto was home over tho weekend mi- charles mann of toronto was home over the weekend miss annie martin of bracebrldgo was home oyer tho weekend mrs hg l baugh spent laatwoek i nv toronto whh her parents mr and mrs tvia storey spent tho weekend with ftionds in toronto mr harold sutcllffo of kitchener was a weekenvisltor in town miss edith aritaatroiigof brampton visited friends hero oyef the woek- end i mrs joseph swltjier of st george visited at the homo of mr and mrs o h swltscr this weok mr george waterhouso of belleville spent a few days last woek at the home of mr mrs f kennqdy mrs harold d davifes has been re- elocted regent of mitchell chapter of the daughters of tho empire mr peter smith is convalescing nicely and will soon bo able to be out again and attending tq business mr and mrs dougald kerihody of ottawa spent- a few days during the weok at thehomo of mr fyifo somer ville v many coisetvatives oppose new beer miss bertie smith was homo from toronto for the weekend tier soloaj in the methodist church choir woro enjoyed as usual mrs h j simpson and sons who have been vlsftlng at the homo of mr maud mcbaln guelph street left on monday to visit frienda in lindsay a crowded house snd fine pro gramme by local artists the popularity of the acton ladies base ball club was amply attested by the crowded hall on tuesday evening when they presented the programim of their annual revue rarely has the seating capacity of the tuun hall been so fully sold out prior to the day of holding any public entertainment the programme from start to finish- was of a character which elicited vool- ferous applause- encore after encore was accorded the performers and with generous response they oboyed the recalls o canada the opening chorus was popular as- it always is this number was in charge of miss j gal- alth costunued to represent miss canada the kitchen orchestra with 3q mimlhintw nn lclfrhvn nlnnlu nntl was organized at riobarda landing she and nor family united with the new church electric street lighting at palermo the womans institute with splendid enterprise accomplished this palermo is an entorprlslng villi and has the advantage of a live and aggressive womens institute that as sists 1n many worthy public under takings recently the energies of these good ladles have been directed toivard hav ing the village street brightly light ed with ieptrlcity they took up the matter in a prae- tioai way by first circulating a list among thd residents promising finan cial assistance- for jhe installation of the street lamps they have secured- the necessary cosh j fthcn they undertook aprogramme to raise enough money yearly tq pay for thjfe current required thla will no doubt be successful tho lighting of atreots will be a con venience to residents and give a bet ter impression to visitors b j certainly 1 the ladles ard entitled to muohcredlt onkvllls star prompt connections with guelph dirsct comaiunieaiiori hoyt osjtsin aeto and aya city tho raklpg cf atiuthor forward step in telephone oommunicatlon is to be marhod by the inauguration on march h ot a now typo of service between acton and its neighbor guelph the yplume of long dlstahco trafllc between ac ton and guelph warrants tho intro duction of this new direct service method a subscriber in acton wo wishes td calf guelph has only to soy tb his operator guelph i2j4 or what ever the reaatrsd telophone number may be he will hold the hno us in a local call and tho operator wno answers him will complete the con nection j of course if a particular person is wanted a rekular long distance per- flontoperopt colli will ho placed howeve it is often autllclent to so- buslnoss pla7o of tho person desired an anyone there may he able to fur- nish tfio f inrnrmntriw- thcr halton mutual flfb insurance company attended the meeting of the undetnvr iters association in toronto on tuesday- messrs ernest ahdboybrbwn were home fromtoronto ovcr sujndy to visit their mpthcr and sister both of whoniu have boen iii- mrxiimrs linton kenhey and the jjew babej of ifitchoner visited nt the parentaljiome hero oven the weokend there were iwbproudnew grand- parents in evidence during the visit mrs thompson and her daughter miss muriel of georgetown spent saturday with mr- and mrs roy arnold and assisted mrs arnold in tho evening at a dollghtful tea at which half a doxen lady friends in town were the guests mr stephen guest who left the staff of tho bank of montreal here to take anosltlon on the staff of the toronto dally star has accepted the position of travelling auditor for the canadian oil company his territory will bo the maritlmo provinces he left formbh- treal last week leading men in hal ton county are outspoken against amendment a representative of the toronto star interviewed a number of leading conservatives in haltoh and peel last week respecting the proposod amend ment to the ota horeare theox- prcsslbns of a few of the leaders of this ctfunty x votlngi grit ju going to bo a hard operation for uie but at the sanie tlmo jf suop men as mccausiund and currio are going to run the conser vative party then tho conservative party will have to count mo out sad major frank h chisholm of oakviue lifelong opnservatlve to the star i bollovo tho now boer proposal of the ferguson government will split the conservative party in this county ofhalton i think these people have- departed from conacrvatismj heretofore when the conservative party made ptpiedge it stood by it i had hoped that ferguson and nicklo would have stood up for principle like hearst did even if they feared it meant their downfall 1t but premier ferguson and mr nicklo say it isnt intoxicating beer aly reply to that la if it isnt intoxicating i cant understand why they wants it there must be some thing more in it if it has a kick theyve broken their pledge u it hasnt a kick why do they want it i fcek certain that there are great numbers of conservatives in this rid ing who have always voted conser vative who wont hesitate should ivfews of vlocal import an extenalon lecture the lltcrftrysocloty of acton high schoolria arranging to hold an ox tension iefturo at its open meeting in tho toivn hall thursday evening march d at 8 pm bo sure to at tend as thla is tho big event of tho season r qaiftiriji for the rummarjo sale fortyfive ladles of the methodist chuxojvjiadl a quluing bee in tho school room last thursday they qujlfcd seven or eight quilts for tho coming rummage sale sorao flno quilts wero done twrf of the quilts seen by jthd visitors have already been sold while splendid work was accomplished tho afternoon grave qujten tine opportun ity f forpleaoaiitaocldl intercourse consorysiiive gathering mt guelph the conservatives of south welling ton ivnriiold an entertainment in tho at gue tomo day ovonfnst at which the folio win 5 galaxy of cabinet ministers are to speak bight hon arthur mdlgheii hon dr vlanlon hon j s martin and hon hugh guthrie mr j m taylor at guolpb will also address thj audience- a programmo of music will intersperse tho addresses acrolanees baseball revue c r mfsti lottlo mason an conductor hart a varied programme and pleased tho audience helen zoralne oatrnhder in her howdoyoudo sonar and scotch number was a delight to tho audlonco and called- for loud applause rays explanation of why did i wss that olrl turned out to be a rubo duett between rudolph spoilvogol and ray abnew those local comcdlnnsbrought forth many laughs and hearty ap plause miss addle hurst gavo a oupleof appreciated recitatlonp rudolph and his broadway beau ties was an- adaption of the song all tho nlco girls love a sailor with rudolph spellvogel costumed as the sailor and achorus of baseball girls this number was followed by an ex cellently rondered piano solo by mibs bdna johnaton then the ukulele quartette was given bymrsses lottlo mason and jesslo anderrion v and metlsrs ray agnew and rudolph bpetlvogel it was a song danco and instrumental number the trombone arid cornet due by miss lottie mason andrty agnew was followed with an onooro number in- trio form with the cornet playodbymiss mason rudolpb spellvogel drr the violin and banjo by rag agnew granville masalos sang thq popular dang yum turn aa a said support- odrln the chorus tay p mixed chorus mss hanoi mason was accampanlet- for all the artists and her work at the plana had much to do with tho aucom of ih aftdlr thlr- was 0410 of the most popular cfnceru staged this year and the local talent participating may well be con gratulated on the performance on behalf of tho ladles base bah club rev j culp thanked the audlonco for the patronago and attontlon and con gratulated the artists inspector denyes annual report th nssd- bfi emtsndsd eduostionsl opportunities for rurst pupils v in his vory interesting and- com prehensive annual report t tho hnltoji county co i n ell last woek public school inspodtbr j mf doityetft bx gave facts and statistics uhowlng pro gress in several directions one of tho matters referred to was the need v some form of extended euro- a cbnnech5nvlth irynt fur t c ru e eommnnltlbs who were hot able to at- fend high acnotils and wjir it wq mil p to cstabtlsn contlnu- atlon mifppls mr denyea suggested night classen in history liter and music the low rates for this rtw dlrfliet aorvioo rnifcea its use particularly to jhe nanwhc is using the telephone lrtf 4nlbvammm- vrtxnr- acton a weiravih mathematics oiid commercial guelph it costs but fifteen cents for a subjects and urged that the minister three minutes conversation alio of education would generously meet calls from gublph to acton will bo tho wishes of any action that would noddled in tb sajfle way tafta the inltiauve lo this muusr x through w s savage dakyllle another life long conservativo of halton stated i was very pjeased when mr fergu son gave us t that lftb- majority were in favor of temperance he would enforce the o t a becauso it came through tho conservative party r feltytoo that the conservative party was entrenched in the province for session afto soaslon following the last election b04 long as they enforced the ot a i was surprised and sadly disappointed when i heard mrr fer guson hud announced this 44 per cent policy i think that it is a contra diction to the assurances he had given us i cannotvfrpm the prosent stable of things react from my present con victions t 1 there seems to be a lot of feeling against the measure throughout the riding mr savage declared call riot but feel that this fty a similar situation to that in which the hon george v ross found himself and which proved disastrous mrlfergu son has broken hla pledge i know several prom irion t- liberals in thn riding who supported premier ferg u son v tho last provincial election be cause they thought he was honestly for tho cause of temperanco and would stick by hla public promise the feeling i ri bronte against the increased- strength of beer is koen stated j s flamerfeit conservative im deud against any change in the o t a i dont believe that any man in public life has the right to lead the people to believe when they toted thai their verdict would be maintained and then turn around and break such a pledge i think tho premiers pledge has been broken and i cant see how any argument can be advanced to show how stronger beer is going toj strengthen the ota in any way it was only yesterday that i was talking with some conservatives of the riding and they were absolutely opposed to the governments policy on this beer question said mr wil son proralnont seed dealer of milton the people on tho whole are absolute ly opposed to any tampering with tho ota especially slncd the majority was for the continuation of the act and the premiers pledges wero that purchnied lumber jvard and home mr frank p sayoro has purchased a lumber business at the c p r station at cooksville on the property is a flno new brick house mr sayors has taken hlo son paul ihtb partnership with the new flrm name of f f sayers tsori wltli their intimate knowledge andtiong exporlenco in the lumbering business the messrs bayers will havo a prpsperouobualnesa in tho growing locality in which they are now settlod baptistyoung peoples union the baptist young people have re sumed their monday evening mooting last monday night they word so for- tunato as to have m and mr melvih qordton niagara totarnehlp farmer changed hi plea in the pollen court at toronto last week and was flnod 1600 for breach of th0o t a t v w bomalntained w h dec tlmt llqii mid a which wero found stored in his barn had been placed there for export think arotrnd milton that ho has broken his solemn word acton ttigh school notes ths musical programme much enjoy ed by the use of ths new piano the seventh mooting of the acton high school literary society held last friday afternoons was a very en joyable ono iqdcdd the meeting was a decidedly musical one and plainly showed the benefit and enjoyment which can be derived from a musical instrument it was opened by a few words of greeting by the jovial president muton watson and then by a chorus by a nurnber of the talented fair sex this apparently wns much enjoyed because they- re ceived a vociferous encore ihie minutes of tsie last meat ing were read by miss audrey gervals owing to the recording secretarys absence the president suggested that a motion be passed thanking- tho trusted hoard far their very generous donar tloh of the new piano this was done and the recording secretary instruct ed to forward a copy h miss marjorle swltior then favored her attentive audience with a very clover musical number another chorus by the girls was then sung followed by thoreading of the eye- opener is an item which never fails to create enthusiasm and amusement frpm the pupils from the serious editorials so cleverly written by bud ding young writers to the jokes and persbnnls understood only by tho pupils all were cleverly written the inst musical number on th progvammo wa a muclvienjoyojd solo byntfise gladys sparrow mr h p moore editor of the fan pjibbs very kindly acted as our critic for fjfe afternoon he fulfilled and ex celled all our expectations ho gave a most interesting and beneficial ad- djresa whlchhu deeiffnttted an iqlder brothers tilk oncouraginr helping and urging all to do his arid tier best ho told un many interesting oldtime incidents 0 sohoorilfe of the maple troo in tho school yard which ho had planted fifty years ago wherp sr dop- ald mann eat with him in school and others mr moore told us another interesting fact that by our last at home we wero cjuetovfilng the of the school that mr moores ad j proven by the hearty handdan he received after hiiy rflnar eouvlholhii seiitence we nlj slncorely hope that fauhqu extremely busy mdn of tiffalrs he wont forgot to come back and give taus some moro stories out of his interest ing black uaoktmatjorlo m lawsmn koporter rawaon of guelph as tho speakers next monday evening miss jesslo lat- rick and miss gladys wright both of guelph will speak this is a idno opportunity for the young pooplo to heav two flno addresses it is lpod that they will embrace tho oppor tunity a piano which is appreciated tho board of school trustees are in high favor with the students of acton high schdol their kindness -in- pro viding tho erreatly doslred piano is vory greatly appreciated j the weekly meetings of the literary society aro greatly enhanced by tho oppbrtuhitiea afforded by this addition to tho schools equipment a formal voto of thanks r from tho teachers and students will be presented at the next meeting of tho trustee hoard reorflniilng the boy scouts flftyono boys gathered a a moot ing on monday evoriing to consider the reqrganizgklon of acton troop of boyscoute they wero addressed by half a dosen officers and scouts of toronto ua follows scoutmaster r bob thoraan and cubmaster m mel llvermoro of the 7eth troop- assistant scoutmaster h wood troop anader e hutchinson apd troop leaderflkgrltten of the26tlutroop and g flbbr3 hedgos of tho 8801 cub pack all of toronto the boys are quite anxious to ro- organize and f f ferris ot toronto who is stay- irg in towjwat present will be acting scoutnustor scoutmaster coles will also have an interest again in the mat ter and give valued counsol it will be a great satisfaction to see the boys organized again- to undertake the work for which boy scouts aro s well qualified many citizens remember with pleasure the splendid scout bugle band which was maintained so well durlngvtho wavyears police court news antonio gardlllo of guelph will spend then turtle hionthh in wflll- ington county jail and in addition is requlrod to pavy a fine of s20o and costs for keeping liquor for sale in ac cordance with sentence imposod on him saturday morning by magistrate watt on a second cjiargo under tho inland rovonu aotof having a- still in his poasctfsiom suitable for distilling liquor he was fined an additional 100 and coats tho charges against rubsoi mcclure for having llq liar and giving it to persons under twentyone years which was to- havo been held at georgetown last saturday mprning were remanded for- a week tho defendant change his lawyer and engaged jamos haver- eon k c who could not attend on the first dato fixed fines aggro ffnting 3900 wero col lected in police court at kitchener on friday tho five b o t a cases joseph bond of the american hotel wasfinod 91150 for having liquor for sale while qeorfro gale of the alex ander hotel waterloo paid a similar fine for the aannft offence j overtaken by a car bearing provin cial constable h allen and ordered to stop a studoboker car drlvon by two italians was belted on tho toronto- hamilton highway saturday just oast of burlington when it was found to contain about 160 gallons of alcohol tho occupants who gavo their names as tony balbro- and nick petro ap peared before magistrate j h shields at oak vl lie charged with transport ation of ltqilor whilst undor section 70 the confiscation of tho car and tho liquor la asked the caso was remanded until lutrch 2 the men be ing allowed out oh cash ball of igtm prolonoinq his enjoyment v the following iettor came to this offlco in monddv mornings mall rivers man february 18 1923 editor frjw fiutss r aoton qntarloi boar sir yery mpch tho read- introf your paper during tho last yeftr so t ii etobyjneprdfl ii enalose the eum of two dollars for whlbli f you will continue to address the paper to mo at illvors man it has m mopr4irth ont c je inu oi- monay following tho day of publica tion wishing you oonttnuod success in its publlcatloxii i am teuari truly i v j j rv i mmmjlmmiammsimmm

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