Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 26, 1925, p. 2

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w v arfconjlfmiprwb thursday february 861025 it i8nt the church tft you jj if you want to bolong to tho kind pf a church tbafii tho kind of a church you llko dont go and pack your olothea in and btort on a ipng long hike -mrtl-nnolflewhere-what-yj- behind 7 cause thoros nothing thats really nowf r ita a knock at yourself whon you knock your church for it lant tho church its you a church la noumafle by thoso afraid lest someone olso goto ahead when ovpryono works and nobody shirks you can rfflao your church front tho dead and if you work- for tho lord not praise i your brother will help you thats t your church will then io what you want it to be v 3fpr its never the chorohrltp you j churchman ijp 3ffrw jlrfha jjnrt ton 6ptomist3g olive w livinajoip to a necktte the ctfmporflold grammar school- la tho ono nutillo building in arogion of- hrewoilcs and tenemenah bo sure thore is a poltcoasatlon on the outer edge of tho district but the nearest church is a long- way off with in a llmltod area flyer thousand portion live and are employed and the- camp- crileld school la about tho only jolvll- islng influence that seems to touch thehwrtusolyr- the- master of tho sobool used to look at ms six hundred boys whon they assomblea nplouy evory morning- for tho nail exercises and wonder what he could do to help them and how ho could make headway against the man hers and- morals oh tho tenement- houoo instruction in history and llt- eraturo seemod a kind of misfit for a boy with a dirty face and the master felt that tho lessons in civil gov ernment did not wholly meet the need of ninthgrade boys who were corie a dtontly uncivil the regular branches must bo taught but these lads needed to leorh other things also finally tho maater had a great idea ho promulgated a newriilo thatno boy must come to school without put ting on a- necktie and polishing his shoos that was cosy the boys thought t isnt a bit of uso ollvo 1 mothora tono was dlscour- jl aged well noverget that five hundred upliarofor your tuition and you might as well glvo up the ldua- of taking tho course give up that course which is to bo our investment against povprty and the hard drudging days that you havo boon living ever sinco fatiior loft us tall olonder starryeyed olive car- vor brushed back a flock of fluffy hair which had fallen across her fouphoaa and faceflhcr mother in shoclcod dla- rahy v- -fr6m- tho tlmo ollvo was a tiny girl she had displayed marked ability in interior ocpratlng twice mrs car ver had aaved the money for tho girls tuition ahdeaoh time- ahunexp8ptd crisis jiad arisen f plolm it before olives departure thistimo ono pi the boarders had loft a tap open l the bathroom and the overflow of water had resulted in tho two ruined ceilings which had taken nearly ovbry penny the- fund to restore them to elrfermeicondilloi just because something happened to provent me taking that course lost fall we have been looking forward fox anothor something to happen this time well look tqf something to bring could negotiate a shine from some other follow who was in the business they liked tho master too and if ho tdyjj forpew in order lo put on a necktie a boy had to look n tho glass if hla face was dirty ho could not help perceiving at and reflecting that a dirty face did not hnxmonlto with a necktie he wash ed his face dad he could hardly do that without washing his hands also thonwhllo putting polish on his shoes needed training and everything you will have to do is to make a home for the two oc us honestly mother does it hot sound thultng ollvoo fac woa aglow with enthusiasm sound thrltlysaid mrs carver no it sounds visionary she cover ed the pie in her hand with a quick motion but she avoided the girls sparkling eyes aa sho added you seem to forgot how long it will take to establish a- reputation that wont take a great while mrs u buyu sheia almost tempted- to trust the refurnishing of any fellow could get a necktie and her homo to mo now sho has promts oachtiad access to a blacklngbruah or j to wait ttif i havo had a yeuii it about think ojffitbe oodles o4 mlaa norton being called money itll earn after receiving the training then if i do as well as she expects she is going to leavo the mat- tpr ih my haiiids ni iot tho jirder nl tanl right fori am ntaa 0ki jsakji brtncthwsneisnhrit p9ij ho naturally elaaced at hla trouaers another start but with the majority alngo of burdock burs or a spatler or decoration of street mod would not show very wen against the radiant footwear and a hole or a rip would strike him oa distinctly demanding at tention- the chonoea were that the boy who shines his shoes would brush his clothes lb thebatgaln and ae- nulre rnmlrs for any place that nod- ed mending after all this sprucing up the boy v would fool that he ought to live up to hie nocktlevijo to speak he would try to keep clean- sinoe ho looked less like a hoodlum ho would feel less like one and his actions would bo im- proved to correspond in fact after the new rule was thoroughly establish ed the whole neighborhood noticed tho bettorment of the boys thoroupon the master of the camp- ordeld school put his philosophy into woinlslfprthejejtffltcaftwjfelm many a orhnlnal could bo reformed and many a weak discouraged fel- low couldbestrengthenedandset u- golpg he said by giving him a bath and dressing him from top to toe lna now suit there is wisdom in the remark- in a certain sense every man livoit up to his noivtle wltli bettor raiment he inounctly puts on better manners anions that to one in tramplsh garb como natural boepme imposslblo to the same man whon ho la clean andncotlylappnrelod if tho boyls rough careless or evon bovonlyoay the master of the corahcrflold school try the necktie cure s- tovvrtywd fo wpricriutb r oxuvaasr graduatb straight into work her in fluence win be a powerful asset when i come back it looks aa if youd noyor get tlieto to come back mrs carvor shook her head dlspoirlhgly- h times werent bo hard so i could depend on the boardera paying regularly wo d maka i i am the country weekly i am the country weekly i am the friend of the family the brlnger of tidings from ptber frlonds i speak to the home in the evening light of the summers ylnoclnd porch or the glow of the winters lamps i help to make tula ovenlng hour i record the- great- and the embil tho varied acts of the days and weeks that go to ronko ug liter r i jm for and of the home i follow those who leave humble beginnings whether they go togreatoesaor to the gutter i take to them the thrlllof the old days with wholesome messages i speak the language the com monman my words are fitted to bis of them working- only part tlmo i havo to 1st tholr accounts run- never mind olives tone wa blltho well havo all the moro when they do pay your giving them credit is just the same as starting a saving account bellevotvltii mo munlo that with the coming pf september well have enough saved for to pay the first years tuition and just see what will happen therewas no withstanding the gtrlsi cheery optimism mrs carver was halfconvinced that things worent nearly as black as they anpearcd in the weeks which- followed she and olive practised unlimited economies and mother took a hopeful vlow nearly as great as her daughter then lira carver came downwlth typhoid fevor and in three weekn time the savings like mothers health vanished like miigfc at highwater mark doht you fret a spoc she smiled valiantly down into mothers troubled eyes i am managing the house wortderfahy the boarders havent made even- a tiny complaint and every sthglo one paid hu board in full yea- torday they are going to tako care of tho arrears at the rate of a dollar a week until those old accounts iro bettled why mother ovtry tlmo i think of that extra ten dollars com ing in each week i tool as rich as croesus oh child how can you bo sp cheor- ful when you know what my being up hero for three weeks means you pos sibly cajit- manage- the house as ecov nomlcallyaa i did mra carvers voice broke and she placed a hand over ner eyes r nno reluctantli admitted ollvo hut the jloetor says that- if ypu are good and dont worry the nurse may o in the morning if she does anita norton ornptyingburoau drawers with flying angers fbut there aro the boy as well ns mother to conaldpr it would spoil tho home for- ail of them to have a atranger in mothora place voh this yollow voile sho brofco oft suddenly and awltchod her rorharlto to tho jiardjj of- uhiait matcrlul in hpr- hand i dont- know whatever in- duoed nio to purchpse it it isfright- fully tinhocbmlng but it would be lovely wltli your dark hall- and cyesi- would you accept this aa a llttid irt- ing gift from me hor tone wnhsp wfotf ul it was almo8l as if j3hqvyto- aaklng a favor inatoad pf conferring one why id love it gave back ollvo joyoualy holding the clinging folds in front of her aimpio house drtas- mothctcwlll bo evoryblt nsplesaed as jlm tarf hardly vdlt tp toll hor butauxlpus as ahowna t6 show the glffto mother thprp waanot a second to lose until the trunk was pnekoi onrj miss norton started far the station in tho taxicap which cnmv jus trathemen6grajiliet wus b byo to mrs carver olive turned from waving a last goodbye after -the- do- parting cab to mept mother -wor- ripd glance you dont abom to reallsowhnt it away likp this tears throaded tho mothers voice it leaves the only fivedollar a week room wo have- in tho house vacant weve paid the nurse but thoro is br bastings dhl and now this f rosh calamity ive have had such a wretched throoquartera of an hour whllb you wore with mlea nprtpn you had bcarcely reached ppatalra when jhe pnnlrhnp r with the that mrs cayera tone oa wella3 hermannor was dramatic as alio pasa- coatu of vnrnlmll applied it tlion woil stain uml varhfah that dlaroputublo- iqoklng floor l am going to get a stain that will make it ipokas nouiiy llico hardwood- ub poaalblo well tint tho worn nlucoa hi vho rug it will freshen tho colora wonderfully tho diningroom la so dark that wo wont usg anything at the wlndowa jimtjrtho- ovmtdraporloa thoy will aoftbn tho effect of bareliess without excluding particle of light all thut cousin edna will havo tq see lu the dlnlngropmiparlorftnoythe re front room upstairs just think what nioyclytlmo youtwowluliavoto bother arid ohoil jiever gucsa thativo werent conduoetng a really oltluent oatubllshmont youcone lot tho clock godchild you anld that you would never part with it except for an emergency argued mother crumpling acprnor of tho vpllo with nervoua flngers that iffiil rlghtj ollvo jumped- to her feet the eroergoncy la horor and abquwent and talk 1tttp whtlft t flin ullltnlia nnrl j jonrly every one reliaica a ffopd clihcuaion toiniiol sixteen wurnily uplialflh tho hitandrun play u baifabal hla bldor brother dick prgiohv lii carvor of thpamall colteao as opiiobctl to tho lurgojjijxqr vlco voreax tind hnrry tho father of both lino voryaeflnito oplnlona for or uualnst tftrlfc vovlslon and that- is tho case j with nearly every other thomas ihoriard or honry who hoo tho uso ohhiktonguo meantime tholr rospoctlvo alstcrs mothers und wlvjb hattj thelt aiscubhloha also -roaard- iiip fashionb or recipes and nowadays about civic reform and tho ballot- to bo sure thero aro bomo people who say that thoy hatoto areuot but once got thorn thorousljly lntcr- cgtod n uomo topfcrand there will bo adifferent story in short tho hu man racovfrom suvago to doctor of pkuosbphy is fond of backlnff up its olnlmi with word well outdid he swoet younff thlhgcomlpb in with attentive partner from a room whore a hard bridge match has been inpro- ffro8s- mother ivo juiit cap tured tho booby mqthbr7vwoh weli cpmo hero and kiss trie both of you ed over o noto written on embgsggd stationery edna 0ilmati ollvo spoke the- girrafavorlto magalnp gave tho loaf jumio wui jin ljaauinjecadejict oh thebliverwajarpoliehed to tho laat you ijavorit boon for years and yoaxsr th6 fflrraauick mind took in thecoit- at u g r3xy li you bonify frant her ouve half read half told the written worda ofcourob you want her waunt it door rof fhorto let you know ton days aheadi and isnt it almost too good to bo true that the best room in the house is awaiting to receivo hert onchnd youlot your cnthublaom run wjld iraaflno edna gllman vjelt- lnfffito xjook- at that stationery then pfcturo the writer- sitting down in that shabby diningroom you toll of having the best rqom lif the house waltingfor her why you poor child her rnaids rooms aro far better than that i wouldnt havo her visit me here for anything in tho world i shall write at once explaining that i havo been ill and am still obliged to fcilay tho roll of an in valld-i- please mother bofore you write that letter wait until i havo time to talk things over with you ive got to hurry to the kitchen or the boardors wont have any dinner olive reached for a copy ojl a late magazine arid placed it in her mothers hands ilead thatunil you get tlrcavthon ring the bell and yil run in and- fix you upanuglyrnthe couch thore lu some work t jbmilone between now and twelve ojjskpisut i- promise h oiako my kundriefioppuco with my handa r out in the kitchen olivod brooiml past the dstonlahod anita with letter while l run upstairs and get ready fdr a trip to the siore ill mail it oh my way aapokital ohcessfoh to tho cause olives order was delivered oittt-aftof- nobn fb the next wbok eho and anita workm in a dlzztne whirl- the liparders becamo intorobted in the ranaforrnatlon taklng place and do- voted many of- their spare hours to staining- and varnishing of floor and furnibhings oy ey lt nil qllvo kejlt constant supervision mothore inter est was acr intense that heninlnd re fused todwoh on- worrlofljjjwnd her convalescence took marvelous altrldos she toolc tho hemmihg off ojlvos hands finishing the draperies as soon as tha desired lengths were measured and cutoff saturday arrlvedt everythlpg about thh house was in perfect order mother sighed with satisfaction when she visited the upstairs room and saw tho yellow and white daintiness which had made a gem out- of the dingy boarding house but as great as was tho change up- btalra ltwas the dining-room- which revealed the most striking evidence of olives ability the yollow draper ies caught the reflection of tho late afternoon sun and bhed it gloriously over the stained and varnished floor and woodwork that in their poud coats of hardwood color lopked move real than artificial at morgans bar gain counterolive purchased a num ber of inexpensive picture frames these when varnished and each hold- needed touchto tho room undoing ot much dlscuaslon too often aa argtiraent is- carried on it consists- losa la expressing thpaghts oy lyords than in concealing- it be- nerjth worclo so phrdphraioa fanjous qftylng you cutihot sec the oonsp he- causoof tlio aillableb that hi a com- moh fault of oraniraont whefiovejf tho tonguo outruns thbfcrtth too many persona who lllie dis cussion sneak of prpvlng oometlilne or other such rneii take pleasure in ho loaupitoelf in intelligent opinions differing from tholr own or in tho verbal clnah- of thought against thought thoy are ilka people who- jllay a game only to win a man of this wndwlll triirpp- up any protoxt for proving something ham undertnlf 1aprpveby force of argiimentia manb no horse hod prove a bulzard la no fowl or that a lord may be an owl then there jo the man who for the oako of an argument will split hahjs over nothing or tako anyslder him also samuel butler siima up ho could duunguiah and divide a hair iwlatt south and aouthwoat bldo on oithef aldo ho would dispute confute change hapds jand still confute you could go on forever analysing tho way in which dlrfcront people ar- gup who doea not hlmsolf know the person who will nover admit himself convinced or the man and the wo man who being worated roaorts to peraonalltlea tho moat obstinate ootoh full to ro- alat to holloways corn rcmovcr try plenty of egcb winter and summer dont let your hens loatorjubt beboardcra jvoguar- antee viifiir hens will lay more eggs or your money back from your dealer wo will sendyou a copy of pratts pouttry book free vvrite for it today pbatttnnn cr opunapa ltrfttobontol as mclaughlinbuick builds it understanding my oongrogaupji is r larger thsjatluvt ojt ny- church irjwherevet that scorched beef finds a town my rsnderscire more than those resting place it isnt in your itltchsi of the school old and young dllko rna inmo stimulation lnstmouon entertainment inspiration aoloce and comfort i am the chroniolor of hrth and love an deoib the threo great facts of mana existenoe j bring together buyer and aollor t the benefit ot both i am part ot the morkot placo of the world into the homo i carry the word of the goods t which feed andelotho artd shelter and which mialater to comfort caso health arid happuifiui r s t am thewordo the weak the hla- lory of the year the record of my com- munltyin the archives of the state and i am theeirponent of the uvea of my readers xjau thb countby weekly hwi promised tohelp mo in oxchango for her meals and tyo hours dairy tutoring id tho studies in which aho failed 1 have it all plahnod with the ten dpllars extra qn the olbv bills thftt tjje boarders ore to pay and the nurse gone it wont take any time at all to put back every penny that this illness has cost olive stopped suddenly gavo a kor- riaed sniff and then whirled and sped down the stairs a minute later her gay laughing tone called up to tuft mother it is all right mumiol swiftness thatatarted a- little rush of air through the stifling kltchon 1 am going to nidkb blueberry custards or dinner she laughingly explained i fjiavo to put the boardors in a tre- mondojub good humor and it has got pho floor to be dono this very day theyil agteo to almost anything when thetr favorite desert is served there was no time wasted in con versation tho next two hours whlia tho girls prepared dinner for nine hungry boarders hut as ollvo promls- od- mother she thought hard all the time aho was darting from the pantry to the stove making hwift but ef fective visits to the diningroom then rushing hack to the kitchen ah aqqn as- dinner was out of tho way and anita busy nuttjnar the- kitchen in order olive ran up the steep flight of degree of brightness the tablo llrion vna4ia apotlesa- as soap and water ouldvmalfcphelonr- table held utttita urden of perfectly prepared food and shining dishes with a hoe pitallty there wtts no refusing it look ed sdnvhlng that mother proudly lod their guest out to the dinner that had been apeclally preparedi cousin pdnaopenly admlod every thing mpthor bad the happiest week end she had esperlenced in years quite forgetting how nearly she had missed it all in her fear at having the rich cousinfor-atr- overnight guest thorfr waa no mistaking the favorable im probsloh ollvo made upon the voman though it was two weeks after she returned homo- before mother received the usual noto of thanks but thonoto sufficiently different from the customary one to make up for the ap parent neglect after the usual ack nowledgements and remarkiv cousin edna came to the point with the samo directness which v character jeed her conuersation to havo your daughter waiting on boarders when she haoeo rwonderfur a gift tor interior decorating- seoras little less than wasteful x a rule i do not approve of meddlers but this seems such an exceptional ease i cannot resist interfering j want to send you the money as a- love gift to defray plivos expenaes for two years la a firstclass arjl school and in olude enough to defray the expehse of placing a competent girl lii your kit chen until ollvo gets established wont you talk it ovor and jet me know your declalon there was more but the giil road nofarther she dropped the letter on her mothers knee and whirlod around the room an tods that scarcely touched of argument as of mere aalk in its best estate ajgument may lead to clear and logical methods of thought tho expression of that thought in simple and convincing english the valua hrtdrchimgfr ot ldeab to erance for tho dplntona of others r- to available on either ot two tine mclaughlin- buick chassis the quality is identical in obth themaster six coach and special six coach both bodies are by fisher the nl difference is in wheelbas and price i ow he vvpfl v tfiiscrlmlnnr lawyer believed in be ing nerfjictly frank with his- oltnu nd nocprdijigly whsn a msn cams to him ohnttod with stealing a pig ho said no wl i will be perfpetly open with you if i take up your esse jfou must in tho flrst place tell me honestly i rrm you or did you not stool this plgf woll ys sir i did the man ad mitted vbutthavs a big fariihy and no money andi was in heed of meal fof them thats all right repllod the law yor vou bring rile half that pig und triitsje yrijrjcase when tlld case ouhe into pourt too r lawyor addressed tb court tlruji hao gota ppek my trunk apd take whls man the pig than y tho yordlct did jiot get air more of tna nat uafa tor home mother hfl 1 1 dia j bralton m- legoaa i j needed the tejghbi sxp jtoklng turns staying with luanul t get lftsr- it will bi monttut before 1 lihill bo sjjfe ivnot threofrphmojv oxjc01j wbr dis- 1 lf tt f lnppmes of tholriathrii y one gsjld my tttlliw mpwsssk lnmnta7ndtr v- v jbs next toaniter wtms a story irtsur u plowjrrtho llfottvvi tho i next morning the nurse do parted ani sevcntoenyparold anita canieo bo ollvo willing assiafast oh tho morning uftho thbd day mrs jcarvcr catno downstairs her first glimpee of the shabby dining- room after being away for moro ulan three wesks caused her to moan audibly it does look pretty bad blithely agreed olive wo have managed 10 kssji the livingroom restful and com fy by ihetse a dozen different makeshifts it will take morp than that to do anything to this room ft calls for 3fh ue pf much money as wwi as of gray matter- pil tell you mother juit what to do ton stay in tho living room ana anita or f will bring your meals in to you by the time you are anito well srfushealc bnt a few dpllars from somewhere and work a rear transfor mation qivlng her mother nd xlnui to 4emur crflvo tucked her warm lit- tie hand beneath mrs carvers arm and guided her faltering steps into tho cheery front room which owing to the glrtlibhlty in decorating lopked far more like a home parlor than a board inghouse one settling her mother lit an easy chair olive started hurriedly back for the jd tcheju as she was crossing the bll she unestpoctodly faced miss nor ton- the stenographer- who occupied the large front jfoofiv- tvo lust recewed a telegram sept to theofflpo hy my father miss jor tonannounced a jlttlo breaulessly i wjipl loft vacant by miss nortons depart ure then swiftly returned to tho psif- lor wasnt your dinner good mussie andwasnt the blueberry custarda dream anita- and i didnt g8t a much ni lasto we kpew that it was good because every single ono of tho boarders asked for a sopond helping i was glad enough tp give it to them for tonight they- havegpt to elart tpveat in the kltchon tbr a whole vreeki made tho custard as a sort er pajciri advanco for tho favon then j suggested the plan to them they str agreed it would bo samcthlng of a a suggested that thoy cat in thq jlltohenifor a woek the mothers ton wjjs horrlfleor what queer fancy lias takes jgbspssion of youjjow jno no- bieinsr pot queer it is 11 doxxllnr bright one till jmehealiy rulyitis piive helrtuu lh ajjeut lards prollo letting theoft olliigfix folds ehi down over her mothsra nesv frettjr tsht jt miss norton gave it to mffor mra lut lam going td use lb to make two rooms festive ivo thqiigltt it all out it will iaaho turfcotly stuming ovordraporles and tliertfis jilehtyto dress up in window in the dlbibgfpom as well as the win dows in tho front rom upstalra vj sun going to launder thv spread aird thpscarfs on the dresser sfljl pif- ronler arid border them with yeiroevv f sun going tovarnlsh the congoieuirioli m floor and get a new rug foftno front of the bed and a smaller- sno to place by the door the curtains will hava to bo laundered- too these will bo tho ovordranerles and the changes 3 boll make- will leave the room dilnty enough oven for cousin pdnn ybis rpom docs very nlcoly just as it is but the diningroom my i am lng lo make that atom etahdoiit distinctly as a riotous peony bed would if set plpmb down in the middle o the desert chw you are lettlltg yourlmagln atlon run wild mrs carver pushed tho voe from her knees and stralgbt- onea hock where is all the money coining frjinto mako thesi changcs he jnoney cried ollvo with bllts- tml indlfferene that doesnt hother tjnt a spook hocauso ypu see i hive stad it for years l spnt look- startled muiloi i arn lbar tfi rtiv mbrgair iim analoki olot of grandpas that ho hno heen emairjpg me to sell him ever elnbo he sjaon it nnlpaded at the door hell did- you over hear ot anything so marvelous mother woll take it as a loan und make it straight somo tlmo just to think what it means tons now and oh mother 4ho school opens in ton days ohv0 could say nomoro her mother drew a long breath xlfp had been a weary grind through tho years slnco fathor left thern the offer suffused thplr futuro with rosoato glow- but it meant parting with thp jlarkhalredt sunpyfaced glrl fpj twovhoto years it was a jsupreme mpmentrbut the mothers sour rose supremely to meet it greater opportunities than any that havo come- to ypu before i am heart ily glad that edna saw anil under etopd sho answered boftly the houfrfi of cords prayer une of the most interesting places in the vicinity of jerusalem is the church of tho lords prayer and yet comparatively fow travellers seo lc and little is said about it in even the best guldebopka on tho sooth side of the mount nt oilvos not far tho traditional garden of osthgemane are some so- called latin bulldlngb consisting of a nunnery tho church of the creed amtttho church of tho lords prayer ascribed to st helena which lbbulltovevavohib w boat the men lng to tradition on this spbt chrftt f mu0 moloagillo and so muchmpro a boomera of courao a man may without ro proach refer to the excellence of his own work but it is hover well to call attention lo onos owji skill by cast ing apcrslons upon tho ability of others a plan6turier mentiooedln ttiophuadolphla mubiclan had nearly finished hla wprkupon her piano when ho looked up and aatd to the lady pf tho houso your lnatrumonttvas in awful con dition you oujht to have sent for mo sooner it was tuned only three months ago then tho man who did it was ig norant of hlb bualhobs do you think so tm suro of it manm ho ought to bo sawlnsr wood or cloanlng streets instead of tuning pianos a delicate instrument llko a plana needs fingers oqually delicate to handle jt and it needs an accurate ear- too tho -por- son who attonaptpd o tupp this in strument laat yfljnnth iplthsr hore tho ionof rpgr4ps h pw hand oomplocemtly ftnfl then 9qp- tlnued in tact lnm free to say ip addaflthat he did moro harm hum good i can hardly tllnk it so bod ob that r well ho certainly didnt do it any good may i ask who the man wast yes it was youraolf madamyeu ore mistaken i novor tuned a pluno in this houso before probably not bpt you auned that instrumentneverteeleeo or auemptod to it bolonjb to mrao jones who sent it hprbfor mo to uso- while bhe is put of town blio tolil me you had always tuned it and bond for you it it ever needed tuning again on his way bock to the piano ware house the tunor refiectod solemnly on tho irrltailinf way somo wpmon have iqf prclnnttiir fuots -babbleiho0- baob this is like tlio regular barrelhoop race except that the girls are pitted against the men and that thplr buvj n of g through the hoop is different irls aro lined up- in ono ilno and flion in anothnr tho first ono in lino is dvon a bpop la which there aro hosllvers left one thing is certajnrlf thoro were sllyers left on thonisldo or tho hoop at tho start of thf race they certplnly would not 60 there at thte flhiah wherathoy would bi la another matter at the starting signal tho first two are to run up to a given line and are to go through their hoops before they can run buck and- give those hoops to the next ruriraers girls are ip raise the hoopa iip over their heads and puuthcni dtowndvprthoir bodlos and step outiof tliem reaeb the floor men aro to stop into the hoosand draw them up over their bodies l it is almost a sure thing that tho girls are tnught ffja dfrielpleo to pray and gavo hb words that wocall the rf jdjwf iir jftly for al x heed litalnlngtmixturo jsji tsnsjshrovthe two nnrt thf fsfli rnfont4hayo ho cinenalvo t ftfej prntur ita as t kelp ma inutote tpo woodwork in iltgfuoptt obtain wliloptllv tftiiuiwtw jrtnm j tout nw ittir i9 viajpphu4i was erected by tfis lnogsa fi tntjif daivbrgno mora than fifty ypftrs agg ft is said that the first ohuroh was huilf jyhen in trio imp of th crusades a apndpr- x ul nerrdn was preached on this eppt- byvjttertho hermft the church itself is small and un prctontlotis the- hall- leading to it graceful dont you know built round a beautiful court la not- able for it contains the lords prayer i pljfly-seven- dlttereht languages soolj vsrjlon crlntod in bold leuera hn a great mat ftblet new tables are iopnotantly blng 44- the lost aro the slovene and ojlpwoy and pr placed in the churoh itself di8covtr 8tilu ono of the most complete and fast- eat working atljls eyer discovered in the city was found by provincial oflleefs ontbe prenilssrlet antonio cardlllo s13 fergusontrect auclph lasi wepk xhile the qfacorswere therethe istth whichl was steamlnk merrily turned out nearly a gailonof moonshine whloh thp officers con- flseatob together with two barrel ot nioah arid twp threegallon iugs of the distillate cardlllo appearing before magistrate watt was remanded on f 1000 h unfu this weolc ten rules for health rit on jjuntjsydoetor tells amer- wsrsfeation hiq viewmint anpldjmbn lost his lfe about a rrionth later ho marrlm a young and gidaymrtr the nelghbpwcvwirevorv indignant anffoirvhe night of thewede ding gathered about thp house with tuwpww hemfr e 1 ns and ipa sterwble jopket after the old man stood it as long es he could he cametb the dobtv and said ifs a shomo tor yxjii tolkptp moke aiuoh a rnoket orpuad jnjrh m soxm kttsv afunjuraii ton rules for health given out nt ail -isdueatlonal- convention in the stetos areas alleys 1 koop y mo closed when breatning alio whesi pingry 2 drink cold water with your meals also btwen them a bathe dally a shower if pos sibie i eat slowly this lottda to eating apprlmly flakes your meals a cere mppiafpteouv b fsjrcrglsfi jofly apd brpay deeply while bo doing ut w9w yfsef tlonajidtnevtr m when latlkngflj 0 never read or transact any 6u4l- ness when catlngr 7 work ten hours sleep eight and uiio tho balatico far rpcreatlpn and meals always teat on- sunday j ever koep a contented mind bquuillmlty means loiigqylty 0 neglect no- portion of the body fcmplby a pliyslclan to examine you at regular intorvalo and no watch for the beginnings of dlaeaso and build upreslstanco and pay sonia attantlon ito his nninrnn ancldlroctlon v 10 modcrption in flli itfinga rt bulsafwujanorance a story decrltil ahothiir thetanco whore ignorance jyas bliss a nan wrept toa jaajge sfl asked whether he opiitfl ijpiftg ailtjov und- nr agaillat a m i iajt callej hm s rhlhocerosv why eertamty fold the judi wb b lip about tbroo yeors- ago pthree ycara iitgol and ybii only aiartult today but your udnpr josterdax irjbw a rhlnwwrou fur the first llnrt eftch ad you pubjisli pims to late tjhe days trading 7 1 and each days job well doneitelps to strengthen the foundation of the busi ness for tomorrow and for all the future each ad gains strength from the pre vious record each aid in its turn gives stresngth to the future record but to get these benefits advertising must keep on as steadily as you expect the business to- keepon to weaken in the progranime becatis a few ads dont create a reputation equal to thai of a store which has been building r prestige steadily year after year would be as foolish as to stop work on a hbyse be- cause the jirstbop do te jobii theisiiaj riwatovfiv i ioi8g tsft

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