Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 26, 1925, p. 3

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t 0hi artnttm ijtafl thursday febbuany 2c 1026 the ple inur dr moore said ferguson pray do riot bo alarmed jibrtr tlio o t as to etand i pledge it wont bo haspibd and though im not h lawyer great r dear doctor you may bot that cj h forgueons awaro that dry does not mean wot i2noouragedy tills statement clear tho f oca of demon rum sot out to battle hard against tho bvbwora mightysum and soon tho fight hod run its course fortmo slips fastly by and much to fergusons aurnrlaotho province- voted dry 1 11 follow u ebnaiatont course q howard then announced though by the slaves of booze no doubt this statement was de nounced nut folk vho like a foarlesa man woro tathor greatly pleased tlio wets with sporting spirit low were not to bo appoased and ijo it seemed king booao bad got another well timed blow tho unswor to his overtures had 4rico again- boon noi- and foilts who had the good of youth ip mind- and right atrheart were pleased that with tbo work of years thoydld not have a pare but politicians sometimes start a serai within their camp and soon o howards atfntlmontojporc noticeably damp and thou ho reached tho breaking point tho wets were pretty sore his plidgo received its walking cord there catered four point four onoo moro lung uooxo is happy ana theros reason for his smllo you vo got to have 0 t oot he says before you got ifjnuo and much against tbo peoples wish his comeback looms ahead although in favor of hid work a good word canlt be said dear dr moore said ferguson pray do not be alarmed for if the o t as to stand 1 pledge it wont bo narmed a premier a pledge tho peoples wish it does seem jratner strange that such a mandates scoffed upoir and theres to be a change wilf a palmer in the star the 6tp famtt ub entered often the liojties of tell and joined w tho homely soljot he slbodn the home df tharttean he wont whero tho master sat at tho poor mans flro and the rlob mans feast but whp today are tho poor 0 and who are therlch aak him who keeps tho treasures that ever endure by the couch of pain with skill h bends again the thin hand lies cold in his palm while tho last lopk steals into tho steadfast eyoo and now tho burden of hearts that break- lies heavy upon his own tho widows woo and the orphans cry and tho desolate mothers moan up- dr mcqarvlns prnotlce residing in hisj homo tim first year drme- garvino hpuso was destroyed- wilre and dr jtowrys prized gold modul wont through the flro with till his inatrumonta and equipment ah woro lost nearly fifty yoarfiltgo dr lpwry marriedmiss ann jano hill daughter of mk diarloji t hill another of the mombora of- actons first council tholr homo in acton was tho old cart burns property on frederick and church streetb the dr improv ed tho property and mado it into a jror q homo drr nractlojo in acton and neighborhood was largo ho waa- a skilful physician and hlu services woro much in remand hioidr-loftlioxa-tthouwthiity-yeawj- ngo- and went to guoipii whero ho practiced- until uebupie of years when ho retired dr and mrs lowry aro still resident in quolph dr s a mkcngue6f wolland- portv succeeded drlowry and pur chased his property aa woll sa hla practice- ho brought first wlfo miss hullo moote duighter of allan- sbh mooto for many yenra a promin ent resident of hamilton to their now jhomo horo mrs mckoaguo dle a lyoar or two after ropioval horo aftor ho lapse of iiovoral years the dr persuaded miss alloo henderson daughter of tho hon dayldv hfnder- sontb aharo hla home it was a very happy tmarrlago and alloe- lilce her painted- mbthor broved to boanldedl hamomdkor during hisatay of 18 or 20evr mjlton7tho drnoyod largo prndtrce ho nlso took a iteon interest in churoh and educational mdttors to hie credit i am glad lb state that it was through the initiative of dr mokoagiib that the graduatoa from our publiosbhool were provided ttigh qnhnnl pmvlll l thin thiiik tjbefree press gross word puzzle cable cr6si8ingdo not anchor link peters and the part ridqe8 jn tbo dumouth post offlco ih talk turned to feats of mnrksnmnshlp caleb foaslee bad a vast fund of re- minlsconcob probable and otherwise it ib pot in vain that he haj trod this helpful though tollbomo way it is not in vain that t- has wrought hi the vineyard all tho daiy v for the soul that glvos t a la the sour that lives and bearing anothers load doth lighten his own and shorteb the way and brighten the homeward road the doctors of acton 4 or eighty- yeara actoa jlis been v favored with having skilled and rq- and tho ybunger men often fell into putable doctbrt resident within her oioggoratlon to draw thb old gontle- -maivoutr- soaklng place tho yoa of the retirement- of principal thomas t mooro and tho rnirralment of principal w h stewart it must bbnjoarly twonty years slnoo dr mbkoagtio and- tamily removed to winnipeg thoro tho dr has pros- pared his family has groyvn tip and entflrotj poaittpna of uflefulnoaa and they all speak highly of their western home and environments dr mc koaguo disposed of his praetlco and his property herd to dr bd ault who camo hero from eastern ontario thoso wortjfytmen- had a share irf tho prpmslonal skill required at the odvorit of bundrods of- our citizens and of hundreds more whohaye re- moved to make their homes elsewhere on this mundane sphere- r horaofs nearly always for the past of shootln wondsll cooper remarkbd caaually tbatflldeat sprout of newt spinneys was outwlth mo a day ortwoagp and 1 saw him make a dpublo on partrldgesrrclean right and lefthund bdtbblrds wiji in tho air it aint often yon eoe that dono mr hyno shifted bis rheumatic log with a groan you ought to b ashamed of yourself coopmiheobr sorvod in a tone- of cribbed roproqt bpoakln o that aa if it was a thing to bo talked about i on romomber when a man couldnt tblnkbf sbootln a partridge wluvn shotgun if a man couldnt take a rifue and snip their hoads off bod scurooly be allowed in tho woods with a gun r- mr peaslco had turned bis face tb- ward the tolkors with an air of at tention and jake piper observing this doomed tho tube rlpo for- taking part in the conversation well i drknow beomarked ive understood that ovoffln the old times tho man with tho shotgun was as suro to get tho bird mr peaslee cleared his throat gontly bout the first shotgun to bo brought into trreso pnrtsho observed was fetched hero by budnsb tanner long boforo cither you or wondell was born jake ft want thought to bo much of a jilcco for a man to take into tho woods ojnk afeters was reckonod a good shot with- a rlfto in them days ho wont on and one- morningno and budflsh tanner atartod but after pa bridges jt was a foggy mornln and you know how emokll hang in the air a mornln like that sometlhioa itll bo half a minute bforo ybu cn m a thing after youvo fired they stratod up tho old buucano pond road resumod mr peaslee and where the road opensout into tbo pas turo there was a mosscowed log stuck out ip the rood and right on tho end of the log btood a patrldge tanner tip wluv hla shotgun but iink stayod him ijemmb got that pa trldge the way woodamoir ought to got him unk says so no up with bis rjflo and hredt -c- t wai when the smoke nnlr cleared llnkotcrs was about asqprlsed as a man could be fr there on the end of helofc stood tho patrldgoj wal llpk loaded and fired affln and tho same thing happened when tho smoke oloarod oioib was tbo bird standln on the log ajtd link ibadod and flrod agin four times- in all any yet the bird sot there jlght whero shed been fht tho beglnnln after tho fourth bhot link begun to be scared and stood ills rlfflle down on the ground and looked nt buddsh kind of pitiful for the ian sake budflsh he says whats abme over mef i cant shoot at sail abd tan ner says wal now rm going fo try to get that patrldge and after that well loolf into your case- and see if its you or your rlflle thats to blame so he up with the shotgun arid fired and that time when the smoke lifted the patrldge was gone budftsb walk ed over to plok up the birdand then he turned round grlnhln and beckoned to unk r tou see tacplnlned mr peaslee there hadnt been jest one patrldgo there t hero was five of em on they walked ouf on the lbg one at a tune ivo seen them not like that a good many times and when budflsh peek ed over behind the log he found the whoio five of em there and four of em had thelrheads shot clean off i r storfyyeats on nioro thorotoiive boon kev to cb088 word puzzle horlrontsl 1 a long nosed animal 6 a dlch two sometunes- there have been three but our beautlm tjn vrm m jjr- w ta rather lofty- olevaton of 1000 foot mac tjok dr- ncnlven and higher- than toronto with its frbsh air andgobd water has been so healthy a place through all tho yedrs tiiattwo doctors have- boeri amplb and tbo old town- bns imfon fortunate in tho type pf men who have ministered to thol pains and ills and allmonlb of tho realdonu of tho comraonlty honest g0dlymen thoy- havoboon almost wltbott exceptibnl vprlsbt in jchor- aoter standingfbr the boitvtiljigshi life always roady to do tholr best in self sacrificing effort to alleviate pain build uptho constitution tiavo life and do their part in bringing com fort and happlhcsavto the homea wherb their servlces have beonroquired twentytwo of them there have been in the olghty years since men of thls useful profession first came tosottle in this pluba of homos aotons first resident physician was dr shook he bad faith in the place ana in bis ability to minloter to the needs of those requiring the skill of a physician dr shook piirchosed one ot the first lota sold on mill street out of tho now survey of the rufusxadanui farm this properfy conprlsod two lots on mill street one in front ond one on bowdr avenue in the roar siding on the west aide pf frederlclc street hero heerected a comfortablfe home planted shade and ornaniontjnl trees and created amradtiyphbr4banrround- inga it is quite u coincidence that nlno ot doctors who nave practiced in aoton had their homos and surgeries on tho site where this first doctor settled wbraiir canto to acton well- well horo i am at the olpso of my allotted space and bavo only covered the torniaof half adqzenvf the twentytwo doctof s whb brivai practiced in acjton there remain the wellknown names of dr m ttorster and his sonvdcjfrod j b jporater dr j f uronvdr j n b brownir springer drri-aujd- blv holmes drv keiloy dr qray dr halstead dr drnelsqn brief- suetchooof all fthoso will bergivbn in successive woeks marv says id like you to write nlcestorles of dr niren and dr gray for you knbwthby wore always welcomo to our home when wo bad sickness and when we hadnt all rteht i fold her 111 try and do them -full- justice and till the others- too wise 8aying8 dr nelson mcgarvin ottpd ire envy is not only on uupolite indul aoton shortly before dr- shook ro t dr mcdarvln was a native of jflddiesex county and was born there ninetyfive years ago last month he graduated in toronto university 1852 and took his degree of doctor of medi cine at victoria college cobourg in f856 ha settled in acton that year nearly seventy years ago in tho spring of 1s54 dr mcqarvia married marya freeman daughter of isaac froonrah of trafalgar and itef of dr freeman of milton and drfreo- man of georgetown mrs mcdarvln died in 18g and the following year tho dr married mies batah p hilts of balllnafad t tho dr was a busy man hewjis popular in his profess ion and he took an inierobt in tho afflurstirthoeamnjaraiy i h when noahvpished in a public bohool recently the or ma dron wore called upon to wrltoi an essay and at tho oppolntedtimo little hugh submitted an effusionvon the ark in which ha mado the statement that noah fished one day- for about avo minutes when theteacher looked wver- the composition she was hot a llotfo punned she couldnt nnder- stand why anybody fond of piscator ial sport should -give- up in so short a tunov hugh she remarked look ing up from the essay tyou say that noah fished for only five minutest because was the prompt expmfut llori of hugh ho didnt havo but two woims harperb weekly- tfgytab a school trustee for many yean and was a member of actons flnt council when the place was incorporated in 1878- he aftenrard fllledtlio olbco of iteevo for several terms dr jhcanjf- vin built a homo where lr oeorgo hyndrvnbw- realdos -suiro- pf harold wiles was his surgery nibd drug store ijuor ho purlial tho dr shook property and lived there fay years about 1870 ho engaged in manufacturing with the loto henry smith they conducted a glove leather tannery where tho storey tannery was later established cln 1874 in partner ship with tho late cs srtltti they established a conrmerola lime busi ness at dolly vardcrt under- tho flrtn nameof mcgutrvln smith twohty- flvg or thirty years agojjr mcdarvln removed to bu tto montana whero ho corfduoteda fargo practice lor years ma died about ten years ago slaving boyond yourmoabs will drlvo you to extreinesv rocking the boat is dangerous past- time lor- divers reasons tbo beautiful things are always tho simple things like mothers love heartsong a snnriao a friendship a prayer- j trouble seldom trpubloa people who refuse to recognize it wo will always have luxuries b- caubb jks will always want them wisdom isnt somuch knowing aa knowhr whbri you dont know good luck dffr from other var ieties only when you nmkegapd with it 16 destruction- 12 uncommon- 13 a proposition 14profldibrit 17a famousranadiah-ranch- ab 18 a emairmark 20 part of a grain 21 arucie of clothing 32 sanctlop 25 a blrthotonc 28 fastepor 28 not sacred 31 consliiarlub tab 33 to doebmposo 34 good to- bat sing 3a conjunction 37 an opinion or dbctrlno hold as true 39 a north eastorn stato in usa 40 aprellx from the greek meaning besldeor noor 42 a north central stato lntjs a 41 select- 45 diacolbredplacca vertical 1 cornmorco 2 mea oneself s jumbled type 4 girls name 6 practical eklll applied to subjects tf tobtc 7 a syllablo for a tone jn tlo musical scale 8 any burface 1 9- a nieasuroof penetration j1 to burn 16 to feel- deep grief- for 10 proves legally 19 a bugloaa11 21 a girls namo 23i3quai 24 prefix in german names 27 space for action 29 loving affectionate 30 famous character of dumas 32 by mouth 36 a single thing 37 akindof fancy werk 38 tho highest part 41 a new england stato ab 43 an exclamation calling attention at a doen polats loroos onr boun dary waters edbmarlno -tolo- pbono cnblos link uporfbom and southern shorei downjn the cold dark doping tioaabndbrwutoc talk ways load a ntomiy lifo anchor ico flellghtstoucrubjqnd srlndthom4alln and ship caittalss cither cannot read or do not hood tbo arnlne signs cubiu crjstflg do uut anuhurt with tho result that trio cables aro dragged from the river bedrand tiut out of commission ahotoworthy inatdiieo of thlb-pe- currod whon tn a recent snow storm aunor to nevoid collision tirow- out its anchor diesiug deep iutq a sub- marlnotolonhona cable and making nussiry a dlttleult repair job tho rtvor ooon froro over at the bpot where the damage ocourred and tolopbono repair rooriwertablb to rootore the cable by raisin it through a longtrcnch cut intho loei all tdldtjiesekflubniarinoelepbone- cnblcs encloao over 650 mllos of wire- all news prom acton overqea8 gleaned from the columns of the -aoton- gazette ind express of february e genee butan admission of personal weakness 7 there is nothing so strong or safe in any emergency of lifo as the simple truth fame la cheap oomparod to the amount of work most people wlif do for mere money j not to enjoy ones youth when ono is y9urig isto jmlntlo the miserwho starves beside his treasures j 1 wondor why it is we ore not ad kinder to ehv flther than woar how much- tho world npfldfl ii how easily is- it dpnel my ohoraotor may 60 my own but my reputation belongs to any old body that enjoys gossiping mora thiih toll jng tho truth paying a child to be goedghptvs jhe power of over- mind- 1 if a man could hatvo half his wishes he would double his troubles life gives you no rnlhhowa until you have scattered the sunshine of a few smflos bvr the mist of ypur tears v db not pray- for easy lives pray to be strbnger- men xo not pray for tasks equal jit your- powers sray- for powers equal to your tasks jthen the doing of your work shall- be no mir acie mra talbot will not seek reeleotlon as an acton- representative on the brohtford guardians the mayor- of aoton aid s m smeet attended the reception give by viscount and yiucountess grey of fall adonjat tho hotel c8cuonwednobday sir willlain mitchellthomas post mastergeneral bpent thoweekond ut torklngton house aoton with his old friends mr and mra percy barlow among tho many local musicians who are rosldont in actoni tbiro aro few who are betier known- and whbse- tnlents arotnoro appreciated than mr alfred martinlr lousla newman c 13 a charwoman ot bangorbtroot nottlng dale was charged at- aoton police court on tuesday vtlth being drunk nnddla- brdorly and using obscene language she was fined 16s- the inspection staff of messrs dr naplorand sons acton vaio hold their annual dinner and concert at the horse phoehbtel tottenham court- road w on saturday pvcnlng for caufllhgan obstruction -with- a ghfisnut barrow at acton on friday evoning john slmeonlqf acton was fined ipa- ni atm p8 court ori anturdny mr h e hloka was the spdakor at the acton brbthorhood on sunday and he- gave an interesting addross on things new mr f fbrrlbs eon- tributod three spies apd-uebrotbqr- hbd orchestra gave sbieptlpiib wemaynow look forward gtter soverai years of agjtallbni to a- btnrt being made on lmjvovements at the acton post office the acton subpost offices and local postal facilities m general tho death of mr jesse chanoo n former acton relirosclitatlve- on- the brentford board of guardians occur red at hlshbuse so amhorst road baling on sunday week in nls coth year mrs b c pjmonbpnhbntreasurer of tho aotonvomen citizens assoola tion was able to attend the meetlng ofthb association last weekafter an illness extending over six monthe an8wer to last weekv v luzzie v iwlalrlml q qqoasmq m yore a khaa a v officialtime he wan going iwonty miiea an hour saidj tho park policeman to the magistrate of the automobllist the new- york sun tolls how tho police man proved his atatornorft nonbensei7 rojplhed tho accused ho doesnt know any more exactly than i do how fast i was going jhea only gueaslng at it td had a stopwatch and kept my oyo on him from thq webster btatlo to twe big allanthustree with the crooked- limb continued tho police beethoven up to dste amnn who was willing to hayo bin neighbors tfiihk hlrri n fine musician installed- a mechanical piano near the front window of liiahomeland spentf vernacular of tho place consequently ehe was bbmowhat surprised upou sending an order for a rbast of iamb dr carter a voung medical man from guelph conduptod a praotlce horo for sbme years his surgery was in dr mcqarvlne first residence tho trunk hallway hear guelph dr robert morrow cam 0 to aoton during the early days of drmtcgar- vlns practice 1 mis torrow was i guelph lady the dr bought the rufus adards homestead oh bower ayenuo and froderiek street lucobed- ing mr johnstone father of mra- ri canadian farmers advant- i aoes- bstter off in many respect than the parmers of the united states that chlswick is inclined to post pone deflnlto actiop towards a pre- jinjfliijry undoretandlng with actoa oq tj aroalfftjtoatldh- queatloh is attri buted to hor still nankering- nftor union with a community on hcr wijsl rthe parish church orchestra whose servjoes in occasionally brightening eyanoong at st marys church nr mhsjiftlrprpclptod again assisted in publlo wsillpihoon sunday even ing f the soblal side of the activities of the vaetop chamber qf commerce was well sustained at its monthly whist drive held in the bteyne- hall on thursday everifng to last vek mr j taylor aeelretary ootedas m c for a large company miss md bills 31 temple boad aoton student of the goldsmiths col- lege waslnvued to an at home given by- viscount and viscountesb grey to representatives of the league of na tions union at the hotel cecil on wed nesday- the mayor of acton aid miss a m srnee was tbo guest of tho chlswick civic association on saturday even ing when bhe and aid marlow reed mr harry johnson and others opokc oil the vam nf lnrnl nnvrrnment inspte of certain rear diibpuitles wlfh which ho is faced joday tho canadlw farmer bhjoyb certain clear advontageg over his brother in the united states stofed hqij thomas a tow mnlstr of trade ar4 cqmjnflrbe in a reboot address i mada enjoyaanadvaataibid hon tjr irfw in the number of littlo in the ownership of th pro- j owners of her faribs nollesstheif party jbr morrow made njany friends g perceht of the united statesfsrms in quite ponglble tviai fswe- whfuorio pats remedy irish wit is a wolihead that has never been known to run airy pat mquiro had been mlsbohavhig and appeared beforif his obmmnhaipg at- rto i t third tlrn but it nnnbyed himgreatly to bemr d rr pttr bh ttrfwb aside of the ossa with over huf property to go flshlc dr pat stated bis all the eloquence at bs oohimsbd out the colonel was unmoved sight days in the guardhousel be said sternly cv- dut jnwrltlrur 4hj onpafs de faulter sheetr the peitsputwred fat noticed this and lesned forward thry tff twin raaksti ftf aany alsler sorr he suggsatetvin a per- suaalve rtijtfjssjri rj i vy v os a doctor he had a brollior who conducted a drug store geerf0in tho xbbage block on main street bt he gives the occupant a more permanent made up ws own prescription lt was n frequent boast that lib know his laboratory so well that he could compound a prescription in the dark dr moirow owded the land surround- jng what is now known aa corporation pond he built a bridge ncrow at tho foot of wljat is now alice street so as to gothfs horso and coyf bvir to the pssturo hinds on the north side trout weiis plontfbl inlho pond in thoso days the dr seldoin flahed and mrs morrow romovod to guolph about thirty years ago he still ur- vlves though he mijaitfow bo in his nineties 1 bout theuwo drmegervlnbegam id rlye nttejitlrinltn rnislness pursafts are owned py tenant aa agalnbt only 0 per centj ln canada ownership intorost in thp- land and community thn iekss well as a greater- interest in the welfare of the soil and a broader view of h is agrl oulture than linmedlate profit flultk returns exhaustion of he farm and transtor to ahother holding at present third are 711090 farms ip canada as compared with 0448343 in the united states the avorago farm fh the amerlcanbepubllc is 148 acres while 1s8 acres represents the average lnjhja cojintry jutthe value how kiilia e la in reverse pro th ngs bolr dr nasa- duaiei doctor winning he gold medal orhia year fie suid la asfjpn affi tgok canadian holdings being valued at if 283 and tho united states one at 084 the net agricultural tirqauotlon per farm in- canada with 19j20 flguros na 3 boaejivonigb 2isfl corapnredwlth ah atefwttrfetrntttd jflortes on-th-bftls-of-l- th a very striking and beautiful wero the oldworld ceremonleal revived at st thomas church- acton on tup feast of tthe purification of our lady candlemas day up to the present there has been no groat rush of- candidates for tho three acton vacancies on tlio- middlesex county cgunoll the election to fill which wllfr be held ori marsh 4 ami it contests george v marsh aged 20 a laundry hand at colvllle road acton waa ohargsd at acton police court monday wltb etesllng nir january 30 fronj 178 bollo bridge hood aotnn a oyelei value 2 he waijbound over mrhunter who has been conflnod to hujt bed for about a couple of months died on saturday aged 83 at hla resldenbo 98 mill hill rood aoton passing peacefully away through old woat middlesex at the acton fire station on friday afternoon sbms time ago the acton waraen- citflaons asaoclatlqn decided to be represented in thd public gallery of tho sbtoh counoll inordef to obtain ropbrta of what that auguot body was dolng soveralmembcra wont to en dure tiiv sbifunposed brdealbut one attendancoeemeto have been enough for them ralsinlgrthb achool age to uf toon was thb subjcot set for dlscifsslon from the points ot view of teachers fiar- entaomployere and ratopayera at tho meeting of tho- acton women citizens asspclatlon held in tho priory i3ehoola ppj it la announced that prnceasmay boa promised o bpon tho riowr headr quartors of the royal association aid pfdeaf and dumb old oak road east aotbnc pnmay 6 thb foundation atone of thp building woe laid by the prince p tafoa lbt april a inrsp p8nicgatl9d neluding numerous aoton residents assombled in st stephens tuesday afternoon for the marriage of mr sydney ralph mldletqn barlow late captain bg a bbn bt mr and mrs percy barlavj torklngton house aoton to miss nina muriel barter fourth daughter of tho rev and mrs elwart barter 31 queens gate gardens s w c the annual general- meeting of tho acton branch of tho junior imperial lenbho whs hold on wednesday weets at tho priory constitutional club sir harry brlttaln wan unanlmoualk oloct- od president lady brittaln aldr fent aid jp- hamilton aid r t mertce and mr r graham vicepresi dents on wednesday evening tho young people of tho united methodlet church south actan gavo in tho central hall in aid- at tho national childrens home a scries of dramatic eplabdes in the lifo of florence- nightingale written and arrangod by mr c hock- ttfr assistant librarian- of- jhe acton public jubjory a iiurnbtr of acjon friends abyoral of whom fire niombers ot wp wse attended a meeting of the- qrpheua lodge of freemasono held at the boiborn keataurjdnton saturday when tho business inoluded the initiation dtmrw aibftrrfieldj sbalunar qar- dena acton a poiiular tenor vbcallat and a members of tho philharmonic and madrigal societies following an emergency meeting of the borough of acton lodge bffrce- masqna hall pri mon day evening ah gather ing was helohn the connaught rooms the clcf feature of tbenf tof proceedings was tbe a cauula bfclbvor watercoior carlcaturo sketches by mr hal taylor the woll- knourn a h madoit in eight soconda orio block fa two hundred and slittywfour foot if ho made two hundred andsixtyfour foot in eight- bocondo ho would go one- thousand- and otgnty in a minute and sixty times that would be one hundred and elghcoen thousand qlgkt hundred foot or twontytwo an one- half ihlles an hour you cant boat the watch and math- emattcs sir bald the magistrate i didnt know that policemen had topass examination in mathematics remarked tho automobjlist when ho paid his fine houre a day pedaling out mclodiox he recoivod compllmerttb for a time saya tho san francisco argonaut but hla little son william betrayed him in the end ifour father- 1s a great piano- played a noticcablo lack of tail a across tbo atrcet rornarkod ono day the modest beet cures hiccough ttromodonnrardoirisot a jlbpulat wortm the pain jplvo year old humphrey was atand- ing in the kitchen wltlr hla eyes on a dish of cakea when hla mpther came inanbttoupd him what aro you dolnff hero hum- phrey- aho asked i was just thinking mothor rb- hjicdtheyoungstor thinklng woll of what wore you thinking j hopo ybu havent touch ed thobo cakes thats what i was tbjnklng about cametbo ready anowor iwab won derlng whether thoy were good en ough- to be whlppod fbr read of tho epidemic of hiccoughs pre- vatlins in many- cities- mrs trovers doclarocl that pickled boots voro eaten by her huflband who had a sovore attack of hiccougha wero found to bo tho only clfoctlvo rem edy for hla- malady sho is- pasafhg- lt along to those who aro suffering from tho dlscaso a- full line of leq8 mrs baron was oner of tho now aumnier folks stopping in ridgeville and was not yot acquainted with the- to the nearost butcher to recoive the following note in reply dear ma tio jgrry i have hot killed myaenttijra week but i cariget you- a leg off- my brother tho butcher kt tho farther end of the town he full- up of what you want i aee last jilght with live lega -yours-re- spectful george guntbn deceitful appearance relish in the most lionieab3 acclaim ed as aaurorgmedyfor hlbeoughs by an agod woman mra zachariah travers of hageratawn md who hdstatiori just before taking his seat in a jud o the bombay hill court who 18 pompous in manper and never forgets that be is a judge was walkinff- up and down the platform of a railway tlio train at that moment iyhot and perspiring englishman rushed onto the platform arid- bald to tho judge v is thla the bombay troln vthe jbdgo coldly remarked i am not the station master the other at once retorted then confound you- sir why do you awagv geraalf you were j internal and external ptns are promptly reliavad by dq thomas eclectric oil that itha8 oetmsold sou nutklvsii and is tooav a oreater setuut before is a tesnrimonial that speaks numerous ourativg quautli aystirryywi tho acton gnietto is informed thntmi j tmckish urcaldbnt of the acton branch of the natlontil cltlzona union- laconalderlrig an invitation to stand as indopondbnt candldato for the nortlijwost ward of the borough nt thb middlesex county council elocu tions early next month surprised at the amount of depend- age a natiyolpf peripout dumfres- able merchandise carried by them sblre ho cametblbridon when ayoung man 1 -s- mr ej- road of icton attended lowry gradiiated oui a bxpondlture for lftbot- was- 185 in- this country and lljoon the other of sevyallvblbhtaat tho national un lonlst orficps von tuesday ang was nfterwards present tttthe nrinunldint ncfyof the mjddlosbx corieervatlve agents jheld in the evening at the trdoadero c trmjinisb or mwragnee muwyr bryamrnr w dl d vou ever stop to think that fhe place to- spend money is in the home town tliijt whoi you shop pt hfllno you reap the benefits so does ypur ijbmo f thatypu on find complete stooks ofseascjnuble merchandise in the home town v that if a visit should betnade thrbugnsll tbetqrea youwould he that ho matter what article you desire you will find it at a reasonable price- i tho home countlocojforjrjmlprcnna thai those jihojoiiiit nftnwnto bbop aro oriiy- whori thoy ihlnkrjhii away from horne that ideal mereharits desenvo first bonsldbratloj i that they deucrvb trade nmeicsnoindsoitn tbliribeyawr7rdnot7lllerfowht were the good old da really good when you hear an oldtimer sigh for 7tzt the days ohis forefathe3i to yourself and think of this the ancients got along without auto- mobiles soajp stoves tdbthbrushes win dow glass breakfjst foods telephones mthout practically alj of the things we consider the bare essentials of life f there never has been a time when life btered itself so rapidly and so conr- sistentiy as now new ceqiivemences aiid ixeyf cbnif drts are now coatiriually heirig- tboughtl out and brought out for your v benefits 1- in order to reap the advantages that v are yours to-day- you must read the adver- f tisements they bring you news of all 1 tjidt the world of i dnd discovery palmcrston hoad aoton who died you help yourself when you buy t euddonlyswas the subject ofj an in- homo quest by lie h ksmjf coraosr for m b waito is doing to make your work easier your homelife more pleasant your clatjbiing and food problems less dinicult e keep you inf ormed of kll tliat is new in the markets and stores they- tell you not only about the goods thestyles the varie ties and pricesbut also whjfflre and when these things are tq be had y- the adxertiseinents are v from the business world to you heed ihpm v- i dont overlook the advantages that are limmmmimi l sateito ijs vjit m ivy

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