Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 26, 1925, p. 4

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r fav- the home of iii artnn jrjprprpafi atemberganjidian wcettly newspaper association member selected town weeklies of ontario the acton free kess is published every ihun lay morning at thfi free press buijdintf mill street acton onfatio the subscription price is- ioo per year in advance postage is fj to offices in the united spawt tllf uate to which subscriptions are i at 1 u aodicatcu on the address label advertising kates-tronsient- advertise ment 10 cents per line 9 sate measure for first in crtinn and 5 cents per line for cach subse quent insertion contract display ajvertise- nent for go inches pttnorc per annum i cents per inch each insertion advertisements with out specific directions will be inserted till forbid and ch irgcd accordingly il p moore president and editor o a dills managcrnd assistant editor tjxepqones editorial and business office residence of president residence of manager abroad with the press party a souvenir mbst interesting and highlyprized has been received this week from mr a e caiman of the gazette picton mr caiman has printed the letters he wrote for his paper respecting the oyer- peasvisit of the members of the canadian weekly newspapers association lust summer in a neat book let of eighty pages and has given it the title abroad abox social wifi bo held at cohings- by school no g erin on friday evening february 27 tlio proubytorian sunday sohool and willbe highly prized by the members of the editorial party who accompanied thecauthor neidttborhood news i town and countty erin it hornby thp- voting on tho church union quoutlon commncod in burna proa- r business reported trj be improving the statements issued the past few weeks by financial institutions wijre on the whole of a re- assuring character- the profits reported the equal tolthoseof thepreviousyear aresubstantially in excesss of the regular dividend requirements but practically no additional payments- have been made to shareholders surplus earnings have been genef ously appljedtii writing down the value of premises and- real estate and- in providing for cop tingencies indications point to a gradual provernent of busi ness conditions i bytorjan church here oh saturday loot balloting will continue for two weoks in tho death of archibald d loltch on fsbcuary fl at tilslate residence blnkham erin townbhlp loat a highly respected cltiion the late mr loltch was in- hia g6th year mid suqcumbcd to an attack of pneumonia messrs dcaglc broa havo mado ap plication to erlnhlllsfmrg and alton vlllagoa tor an exclusive franchise for a period of twentylive yeara to aui ply light and power thoy claim to havo in viewa water power sufficient to more than supply tlio necessary energy and tho authorities oroabw busy r studying the pidpoaltlbn from tho various angles mr hodgson of calgary y la the guest ot hia olator mriij wljuara teotoradvocato pn friday ovoning of loot woolt hornby young poopleo loaguo was ohtortalried by the bothel- league the subject reaolvod that books havo a greater influence irt tho forma- tlon of character than- companionship was debated- mr howard wrlgglos- worth ni- miau snswiid of hornby uphold tho amrmatlve and tho nejra- uvo waa lakon by mr emerson ford and mln hnpril nfttatlwd- rov j w kltchfng presided and rev mr malcolm of hornby and messrs m a camnbpli and fred watson of zimmerman were tho judges the subject waa very ably debated and after somedollberaton tho judges decided in favor of thb-nog- atlve after listening to ani interest ing programme of music and jiddresa- es the visitors enjoyed tho hospitality of the bcthol ladles in tho form of refreshments and anothor ploaaant and profitable evening was brought to acloat j oldtime punishments be canadian big game for austrian alps micton thursday jh0rn1ngfebruary 26 1925 editorial canadas splendid position canada in comparison with nine of the worlds industrial nations is first in extent second in the aggregate of the hydraulic power third in the mat ter of railways sixth in the total production of iron tn itsnatural statetinueightjrirriheusiiiifcstifex port and eighth in poplation bankers trust co new york s benefits abeadyfroni church union activities it is said that as a result of the agitation re garding cfiurch union large numbers of- men and women who were seldom in attendance at public worship are now regular attendants and generous contributors mttdem-bytterartces- and the composition of delegations to protest against thi proposed changes in the 0 t a an equally a large- number of men and women not heretofore mr j p b who has been active in behalf of temperance will become abstain ers and jend their supporttothe cause the future course 6 some of the presentday advocates of tem perance will be followed by those whpj have borne the burden and heijt of the day by their fruits ye shall know them brampton cotlservator- tho preacher raat sunday in tho methodlat church was rev n argylo hurlbut of fergus tho pu3tbr- went to forgus for educationarannlversary mr qeorgo oowliog who with hla family intends nliortly to takeupjhla hla fine brick residence on martin street to mr mcfadden who intends retiring from farming and becoming editorial notes j r a wide difference of opinion the provincial government persists that its pro posal to give the people of ontario beer of double its present strength is an honest endeavor to im prove conditions and reduce drunkenness under the o t a the fereat prohibition convention in tor onto last week was equally persistent in claming that the amendment jvill be a retrograde step will result in great harm to- the rising generation and is a breach of promise made before aiul after the pleb iscite election respecting the ot a the federal minister of justice has introduced an amendment to the canada temperance act to pre vent the importation of liquors into provi tha naveeinjrdprdfinition andadopted government control the value of a modern library building the renfrew mercury says the acton free press is ntaking an appeal for a modernlibrary build ing and also for reference books the editor should have the hearty support of the town in this appeal renfrew has botha fine building and a nice collection of reference books and it is one of the assets of the town the value of which it would be hard to esti mate with the mercury there will be fall agre ment a public library- in any community urban or rural i3 an institution thatannot bediscountedv in collingwood it is as in renfrew one of the best assets and for the annual expenditure brings very large returns collingwood bulletin ontarios advantages in street lighting thanks to the hydroelectric advantages tor onto is able to light her streets better arid cheaper than any other leading city in the world of 25 of the largest cities on sthis continent and in great britain according to a survey conducted by the supported bya rapidly mounting flood of evi dence members of the house of commons are more hopeful than ever of getting legisiation passed this session to curb if not- completely suppress the il legal handbook game and the- publication of race track odds hundreds of rnjies irom the racetracks it is believed that the senate would hardly dare to veto the bill again thjs year the legislation proposed by the ontario govern ment violates the basic principle of the ontario lighting nepnrtment nfjjewyor tfrrpnt tb temperance-act- ittransgresses- the will of the best and cheapest lighted philadelphia a city of two million people had less than half the number of street lights used in toronto while baltimore paid almost three times as much as toronto for a little more than half the number of lights chicago wi 05012 lights to torontos 47000 pays a street lighting bill five times as great to ensure proper care of the cemetery at the meeting of the town council of brampton last week the council adopted the report of the property committee recommending the placing of the care of the- cemetery in charge of therbrantpton horticultural society the society will be respon sible io the property committee but will administer the funds provided by the council for carrying out their plans the new bylaw will provide for 9 jnore equitable price for lots and -will- provide for the in- elusion for payment to a perpetual care fund in the price of the plob for service and upkeep the plan of banding the administration arid care of a- cemetery over to the horticultural society is a ney one it may however prove a very salutary- method and should ensure beautiful wrroundings as the of ficers of the horticultural societies have this feature m a primary object of their organization reducing ocean rates regardless of political affiliations the country as a whole cannot but agreee with premier mackenzie king that the matter of ocean freight rates is one that demands attention at the hands of the govern- nient if our exports are to grow the exaction of shipping rings must be brought to aneird judging from the outcries of those whose monopoly -i-thretft- ened there is more than a suspicion that the proposii of the government to subsidize anatlanticshipping line has frightened the mterlockirig companieswhose operations have pressed so heavily on agriculture and industry in this and other countries in this connection the calibre and character of the speeches irrtbe house of commons since its opening are sig nificant the members of the government have concrete and definite proposals for the reduction of taxation expansion of trade and relief tp the agri- cultural interests rt hon arthur meighen talks without jhistoncal cpnrniaticaijwlien ho saynot- ing byron that mans control stops on the shores would never have become the greatest mari time power in the world the domliifonowfes a tjeht r of gratitude to hontmfrtovmiriister m trade and commerce and others who have tatifen itrttffe matter of freight rates in an earnest deiire to rec tify aituatiod which had become imtiiime itho ratepayers of oaicville will vote on a pro posal to establish a gas plant in that town fixing the assessment of the plant at 100 fo years what the people get in return or thlitonccssion is a chance to buy and pay for gas acton is just what you make it if you dont like the townyouwill probably find that the town doesnt ike you but if you have the right attitude then you will find the community friendly it is a luiri rdr in which you will find a reflection of our own disposition a citizen who favors the enforcement of only the laws for which he has voted and- in the principle and wisdom of which he agrees is not a lawabiding citizen of democracy he has something of the auto cratic spirit he is willing to govern but not to be governed he is not willing to play the game ac cording to the rules of the game expresiflent wil- liam howard taft v vlsltlng her parents here jir and mrs q a hcmstroot has returned to her homoat tlmmins northern ontario at tho milton curling clubs rink hero last saturday night tho p i robertson cos rlnli of milton w the mcgregor trophy from j j peacocks rink aluo of miltonby 8 shpjbj tho pcacockvlnk has held the cup against all oompetltora for the past two sea sons on friday night tho high school auditorium- was packed- to tho doors when a concert waa given by the pupils of the publio school under the auspices of tho homo and school club tho programme consisted of choruses under the direction of music master mr a bicastolle of georgetown 7 tho social gathering held at tho methodjst parbonage lost thursday ovonlng under the auspices of tho w m- sy waaa most enjoyable and pleasant affair to thoso who were present and helpful as well to the furida oftho above society rev t h aridmrs bole proved splendid en tortalnersrnd did much to make the event the success that it proved to be reformer georgetown majority of the people- as they expressed themselves at the polls last october it makesontario wet and no legal jcasuistrylof either premier ferguson or his skilful attorneyjeneral will be able to get around that fact st marys journal thave every confidence in the conservative ad ministration i believe that its record has demon strated its honesty i propose to give that adminis tration a fair trial nrrihf 1 i5nd that intoxication is increased by the present suggested- amendment to the ontario temperance act i will very gladly take sucffstepsa8 1 may consider necessary to ask for its repeal c r mckeown m- p p for dufferiht if we are to be guided by the newspapers through out ontario and they area fairly good guide the businesss and farm prospects for 1025 are very bright and encouraging- manufacturers in general look hopefully to a revival of trade and financial in stitutes say that prospects are bright for a prosper ous 1925 let us all look on the bright side anyway our individual attitude has much to do with the general conditions tho largest individual shipment of cattle that has been sent from western canada in more than fifteen years left recently for st john new bruns wick for shipment overseas the shipment of 760 head are going to glasgow manchester and belgium five hundred of the nurpber are store cattle going to manchester arid glasgow and 260 are butcher cat tle going to belgium a further shipment is to be made to great britaiitin a few weeksi speaking at the 25th annual convention of the ontario fall fairs and exhibitions held in toronto a couple of weeks ago hon john s martin mini ster of agriculture warned ttie delegates from the fall fairscof the grovince that they must make tnelr fall pairs of educational valiib and riot let sports and racing events supercede the main object of the ex hibitors r these things had their places he said but they should riot be the centre of attraction maple trees in canada produced sugar and syrup othe valueof fitriltit 1nf1924accbfding to a re- port iraued by the dominion peprtnifent of agricul- hadthat dootnneorafmrfhnqreabbritahrrthe tuterrthurwas the r hipesf jewrivritenfir sixty thousand jormotb in tho four etfstprri provinces spbrehgaged ln the rriiple i rdintcyr available sujpir maples in this area were made pro ductive efforts are being made by the department mmwh3nbmmavnty miss kvawinqeld has eritored pox hope hospital whero she will train for a nurse there will bo another fancy dress carnival at the arena on friday even ing february 27 liaat thursday night mayor daiv delivered an address to the armenian boys- on tho subject of governments mr and mrs william wiley arrived home inst week and are now comfort ably sottled inthelr home on the ninth lino n tthere was a large attendance at the old tyme concert which was re peated in the methodlbt church last friday evening when tho local talent again delighted the patrons a writ has been served on tho county council for e0000 damages by mra robert cleave whose husband was killed in an auto accident on the seventh lino below hornby last fall we have no objectloiito people of linaturo ago drinking boozo if they keer it- to thomselves but any person who has boebmo so low as to sell 01 give intoxicating liquor to young boys und girls is rriorally insane and should be placed in confinement the annual meeting- of knox church hejd on monday evening was largely attended tho reports from all de portmehts of the church showed 1 most successful year the total amount raised for all purposes waa 64s72 the benefit hoclcoy game in tho arena last friday night between our junior and intermediate teams drew a large crowd and was one of the best exhibitions of hockey wo have witness ed in the arena this year both teams played good hockey and whue one could hardly expect tho juniors to omo off victors in such an event they certainly made it very inteiesung for the intermediates herald topunlsh a child in such a waythnt it will see thedlrecc connection be tween tho correction and tho fault is one of thpprecopts of modern edu cation tho jfidgo ot ilia eighteenth century wan not worrioil by such paychtoglcal thoorloh but his dc iciulons brien had tho grim humor of fltnoss what coul4 bo bettor- for tho scold than a cooling plungo or for the wifeboater than a few laaheb on hla own back allco morse enrlo instances in a book pn ptrhlshrnents of- ygonerpays sorao of thoso plc- turcaquobut often cruel apntences of the colonial court a numbenof tenderhanded slngllah gallantajolned a pioneer expodttlon to virginia the weather was cold and tlto work hard when those soft- muscled yoimg men were sot at chop ping trees their hands- were sorely blistered by tho axhelyes with tho cries of pain many oaths were hoard the president of the company joon put a stop to this swoarlng by ordering a can of cold water to bo poured down the sleeve of tho guilty oho at every oath ho uttered in colonial days hogsteallng wqs considered one of the most serious- of crimes at the first offense the thlefs eora were slit at u10 second his ears were nailed to a pillory and at the third ho suffered death without bene fit 0 clergy- l deceitful bakers and careless fish- dealefa had to loose their eora while he who tspoke detracting words had his toriguoboredby a bodkin a frenchman travelling- in america in 1700 describes tho duoklngstool osn leasbjitntodeofpunlsbing a scomlng womani he says or members ye tongo is worst of beste any 11 tonge oft doth breedo unresto wdrtbe a ducking stoole in 1636 thomas hartley of virginia wrote of his witnessing the execution of a duckingstool sentence day before yesterday at two of ye clock i saw this- punishment given to one betsey walker who by ye violence ot her tongo made her houso and her neighborhood uncomfortable they had a machuiqior ye purpose ye belongs to ye parish it has already been used- three times thin summer ye woman was allowed to go under ye water for yo space of a minute bet sey had a stout stomache and would not yield until she had been under ave times thon sho cried pltoously then they drew back ye machine un tied ye ropes- and lot her walk home a hopefully penitent woman it seems strange to read that almost within the memory of persons still living mrs anne royal was sentenced in washington district of columbia to be ducked for writing vituperating books she terrorised tho town by editing paul pry- paper even john qulncy adams pronounced her a virago and she was arraigned as a common scold mrs royal waa sen tenced to be ducked in the pptornac butwaa afterward rele paying a flne j business directory medical dr j a mcniven physiolan and suraedn otuoe and rblde venue and blgln street phone 88 dr e j nelson frederick street aoton ontario legal phono nd 32 ip oi teox 1 harfqld nash farmer m a bsrrlatersolleltarniitsry punllo 7conveysnoer eto here are seen some f1nospeol- ment of mountain sheep photo graphed near banrf alberta inset- a mountain oot oiving an idea of the fine own or oam- ora trophies these big game animals provide perryman block acton ont money lent on murtqaabb houre 080 amto f pnl saturdaya 12d0 aclock at banff railway station tecontly a small oincial gathering biitlc good byo to six worthy mombein of nnturo 11 own alplno club thoy had noyor before been pasaengeraalthaughifrom tholr lofty homo in tho canadian rookies thoy had watched and heard tho trains that duy by day shuttle- smqothyto and fro on tho worjda greatest highway indeod so close to the railway track did they ofr times venture that tho peoplain passing hai the unique ploasure of seeing thoio bardy mountainoers ascondlhg and de scending tho cliffs and crags of tholr natlvo haunts for ttfoy woro- tho famous big horns tho wild sheep of canadas great mountain region lodged in up holstered crates accommodated in a roomy dominion express cor thoy wero consigned to a largo catato high up in the alps of austria whero they will have liberty to roam in a con genial envlroment nndwhero it is hoped thoy may in cqurao of time multiply and bocomo as abundant as the socks that food on the alpine meadows- noar lake loulband that wander upontho sunny slopes of thoi yoho valley count hohonloe nri austrian noblc- man who badtravoliedlirthetlocicios ipt- h g meir barrhitsr solicitor notry publio qeorgetown orrt and who imd seon tho avlld s nf thatt0elofl7dnovedthat given oppor tunity thoy would easily bocomo ac- cllmutlzed and would tlirlyo well in the highlands of his natlvo country anxious to put his thoory to tho tost ho entered into negotiations with the canadian government and succeeded in securing two rams and four owes for export to austria in tho canadian pacific rockies whore big horn sheep aro ihcreas ing onormously in numbers thoro is yet a great plenty of other large game animals tlio territory westward of and convenient to lake windermere conuijn noted for grizzly bear a coinnaratlvoly short trail journey north from lako louise brings one into a region whore white goats clamber on tho cllffoand crags in tho open val- loys south ot banff there are many elk and moose abrowslng too out there the spray lqkes sparkle in the sunshine tho finest troutlng water in nor west canada and whether you hunt with rlflle or with camera tho uportman will find trophies worth tho wjfinlrkjnllo vast and uospolloj land of sportsmans lure oentat dr jm bell d d s l d sv dentist honor graduate of toronto tlnlver- sity tho latest nnosthetio used if desired r offlco at residence and frederick streets corner of mill she con8idebed the lily buhlinqton the firemen have issued invitations for their first annual at home to be held in the oddfellows hau on fri day evening february 27 the unemployed men of the town complain ttfat they havo been refused work on tho sewer on woodland avoi although they state a number ot out side men hav6 been engaged tbe contractor claims he la- carrying out his contract with the town during lent there will be special services tor st lukee church overy thursday evening at 8 p m when hamilton clergymen will be the proachors on friday night a sneak thief stole a thermomoter from tho clectrio light post in front of parkins barber- shop fred put the thermometer up dur ing therecent cold snap for tbe benefit of tbe public and it must have been a moan man that removed it burlington high school team played an exhibition game at milton with the high school team on saturday afternoon last and met def oat by the acoro fl2 on tuesday mr and mrs s w fawcott celebrated the fiftieth anni versary of their wedding at tholr beautiful homo on maple avenue during the day they were visited by many friends from darlington and district and were the recipients of many felicitations from all parts of the province they were showered with flowers and also received many gifts to mark this memorable occasion judge elliot has delivered judgment in a suit brought by the trustees of the burlington bapuat church against leonard sykes this was an aotlon in which the plaintiffs made claim to a piece of land of whloh mr sykes had received a deed along with his dwelling at the time ho pqrohased in 1921 from mrs joseph anderson and which land hes southwestorly of the baptist church building judgment was given for mr sykes the regular meeting of the womens institute was hold in the public lib rary on saturday afternoon last when about thlrtyflvo members from the stortey creek womens inatltuto paid a visit to the burlington brahoh when a most interesting and enjoyable afternoon was spent by all in attend ance tlio visitors supplied a splendid programme dasctte noirfbe restras ajstoryiln fotost and stre sn tlklrttwrnd nlli orptirpose an old nsgro was fishing for eels hojulledlna magnlflcentbuss utr fook it off tho hook and held it in hla handlooke4- at at on threw it ho i the water contemptuously ivjren go imln bo bajq i g eton at the teachers convention in de troit recently a lady speaking on the lnfluoncb of beautiful objects upon tho character and conduct of young pupils told a pretty atory- received by her from an oyowltness into a school made up chiefly of children from the slums the teacher carried one day a beautiful calla lily of c6ureo the children gathered about the pure waxy blossom in great de light one of them was a little girl a waif of the strtiots who had no caro bestowed upon her as waa evidencedby tho dirty ragged condition sho was always in- not only was her cloth ing dreadfully soiled but her face and hands aeemed totally unacquairit- her ble88inq e there la always a possibility that the person who we regard as a proper object for sympathy may look upon himself in anothor light this inter esting and instructive surprise often awaits the wellmoaning bearer of condolence when mrs hastings learned that her old friendf mrs warren bad be- come stun deaf she went with a long face tosoo her it must be awful cross lavlny wrote mrs hastings on tho slate which mrs warron presented to her as soon as she was seated tolnt either i snapped tho af flicted done who though deaf was by no means dumb folkb that havo got anything to say can write it on that alato and henry warren thata hadtoput a curb on his tonguo for upwards b thirty years on account of the high tomper ho took from his mothers folks is now able to say any thing ho likes and no feelings hurt i count my leafness a real blesssing hows your rhoumdtlsm riddles why is a slippery sidewalk like a piano because if you dont p sharp you will bfiut what is tho last thing a person docs boforo getting lntqbed hbtakes his feot off the floor why la tho man that borrows books and novor returns them liko a mer chants clerk he is a book keeper babys own soap dr f g gollop dds lds dental surgoon office oyer bank of nova scotia hours 980 to 580 ibvenlngs by appointment miscellaneous francis nunan bookbinder account books of all kinds made to order periodicals of every description carefully bound ruling neatly and promptly done wyndham street- oyer williams drjolph on store enjoj ay foe ifoma ciir notice to creditors james markes e8tate all huving claims against or- to sharo in the estate of james markes late of the village of rockwood in tho county of wellington gentleman de- censed who died at tho said village of rockwood- ou the thirteenth day of january 1925 arc hereby required to bond same to william harris esq rockwood his executor- who after march 14 195 will distribute the as- sots of the said deceased among tbpso entitled theroto having rogurd only to clulms of which ho shall thon havo had notlco and who will not be udblo for any claims of which he shall not then havo rcclovcd notice howitt si howitt quolph solicitors for the said eexccutor dated at guelph february 13 1925 343 ed witn soap and water as this little one drow near tho lovely flower she suddenly turned and ran away down the stairs and out of the building in a fow minutes she returned with her face and hands per fectly clean and pushed her way up to the front to the jjower whore she stood and admired it witb tenso satis faction it would seem continued miss cofnn that whoh tho child saw the illy in its white purity she suddenly realised that she was not fit to come mto its almospbere and tbe little thing fled away to make herself suit able for suchcompanlqnshlp did not this have an elevating refining effect on the child let ua gather all the beauty we can into the schoolroom a selfcontained crowd mr james oneill tho actor tells ot meeting who was indeed a host in himself it was in the far west mr oneill one- day found himself at a small station where he would have to wait aoyeral hours for another train a new york paper prints the story sort of duui place the conductor said to him as he descended still youll have company the ticket agent the operator the flagman the store keeper the postmaster and the agent of the accident insurance company are all inside- mr oneill entered the station and looked around in the dim light he could distinguish tny a rodhalred man at a telegraph instrument where iare the others the actor sked- other what asked the man why the ticket agent tho flagman the postmaster and tho rest the man grinned whero are thoy mr oneill re peated tho redhaired man grinned agajnt- im um como in and join us he an- wored not a clerical mi88ion of a certain bishop famous as one of the plainest men in bnglnnd the ljverpool post tells a pleasing tale one day as this homely parson sat in an omnibus ho was amased by the porolitetit staring of axeiowpasaan- gor who presently said youre a parson aint you tes lookerer ymi mlnil coming omewlih isnnto seemywlfo jmagliilng- tho wlwriwas sfcji thr clergyman went with the man on ar riving at lis house tho man called his wife nd polntlmr to the astonlsked rson said oook e ere salrryl tfor said this morning ns twur the hugllest chap in u nftw juvtyr ftmit at oft people who lite red roae are usually those who like tea of extra good quality r j kerr auctioneer and real estate agent 17 tears experience acton ontario soles entrusted to r j kerr- re ceive attention from date of listing to dato ef sale list your sale with me residence bower avenue acton phone 36 4cton cau at my expense the orange pekoe is extri good try ft- mm limited tdronto beautiful bird cardinlvetybar 290 pagsbbdbook dr j cadesky of toronto eyesight specialjst will be at a t browns druo stork acton monday march 2 anyone aufferlrfg from bye- btrttlb defective vision or headaohe shquld npt miss tbe opportunity of eonuultlng this eyesight spoolatljit appoint- moms may be made with mr a y jffoyftv oonbttj6n x out wefi v ii pin- r 11 alwam tjr start on monday at gtielph business college gumrner bldg guolpli onl for thbrough training by individual instruction from business experiencecl in structors courses- secretarial bookkeepers stenographers guclph business college graduates- are in demand a l bouck prinoioal and proprietor dont neglect yoiir eyes take advantage of spoclaliat services offered by this estab lishment and know your glasses are right experience ia a good teacher v u0j 1b2s wo havo had over twenty years at it and horo patrons aro assured of the best in op tical service a d savage optometrist and mfg optician savage building right at- the post ohlce quelph ontario d3rlchmondstwtat ttoronto canaqa the old and reliable granite and marble works we ore mahufafltureril and direct importers of all kinds of monamontal and itoadstone work wo soil direct to oiix customers- at wholesalo prices thus saving our oustomor 40 por cont we have the best appllapcoa and tho only- mechanics in tho dominion who can operate pneumatic tools ptoporly we c4u- give r from hurld fl eultot ih t and tf plaoes tvhereothorehavo to havo law hults in order to collect wo havo tho largest and best stock of araaito in th p nr morn thnn a t ttnr west wo avb jegltt ntate dealers and employ to agonist kmj d not annoy or pest- outomot jaeidljvoutt4rnonint agents sollolt- in orderswe smploy only- moohanlos ad aery oompetluon r i w mmmsmm rss

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