Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 26, 1925, p. 6

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charged for at 50c ularriaee 50 cargo -50c- ioc perllne xjti d deaths are now e following rates births deaths sac memorial r poems born wood at acton oil sunday fobru- ory 22 1025 16 mr and mrs john wood a daughter dphi mnrsuerlto watson in acton on monday fob- yuary 23 1928 to mr and mrs alfred daughter treno addellr watson richards at itanfl alto on thofl- day february 10 182b to mr and mrs e orviflo rlchardsv a bon orlando hall hawkins at tho general hoapltal guolph on tuoaday fobruary 24 1025 to mr and mrs russell j hawkins noo miss hilly alderson 48 guiji st west ouolph a son died j irathbun at his lato resldcnco hillaburjr february 17 1925 dr h m tathbun need si years gilchrist at 634 iiunnymedo rd toronto isobel moffat beloved wife of archibald giiqhrlt of islington mclkan at tho general- hospital guolpli on thurmlay february 12 1025 alexander mclean of erin township- in ills 75th yoar neffat lavdrciliireatv alberta oh saturday fobruary 143025 clement edmund ncit father- of mrs arthur moore edmonton in bis 4th year cornbidjjn thogoneral hospital moobo jaw soak on thursday fobruary 10 19g elsie bennett wlfo of stanley cornell of fambruro sask young at richards landing- ont on wednesday febraary 18 1025 the wlfo of mr charles young and mothorjof mrs p c russell acton aged 80 years road commissioner wrig- glesworth resigns alfred thompson appointed auditor in placo of john a drown in esquoalng a x tho fobruary raeouner of tho efl que sine township- council nil tho members were prosont thoreslgnatlon ol mr wcicclea j yorth hoad commissioner wan pro sented and john a brown resigned neighborhood intews town and country king edward sanitarium for tho care of harry oaillneham tho clerk wo si j- instructed to writothe sanitarium tat keeping lent secure- bettor ratoa if poaalblo mover by councillor carton second ed by councillor gowdy that tho fol lowing accounts bo paid walter colo 65 rodspr wire fence lot 0 con 6 at 25 cents 91c25 clarkflanjoyce co mr and mrs luther corn oil of fh third line received tho and news on friday of tho death of tho wlfo of their son stanloy at moose jaw hospital rods lot 7 com 4 15 wuliammulln vdays illness tho homo of 1t eft acton bptbfl thursday fbbbttart st m26 w brief local items start your seeds for tranaplontlns now listen for thorowrrs welcome notes soon with us again about time to bele your seeds from thonow catalogues f the days are lengthening olid tbo suns rays strengthening beatty bros will enlarge their factory at fergus this year the lenten season commenced yestorday with ash wednesday a throecent tax oxt ersollne is now proposed by the goverriment shrove tuesday canaft this week did you have your quot of pcakes7 da 15 h rods j3 carried moved by councillor gowdy second ed by councillor brown that the treas urer pay thobeu telephone account 9rll l74t48r22 169 total 343 ja tracy express on supplies 7tc john buton ro atatuto labor in jaa7 cam bios division 7ti8 municipal world assessprjs- supplies 5905 carried moved by councillor brown and seconded by councillor loslle that the treasurer pay to the t goneral trusts corporation the sum of 1216- c4 belnff adjustment to dato in full payment of brick building in stewart- town purchased by- the township of esquesine that e brlgaori bo paid the j sum of 10 to be expended to tho boat advantage for maintenance of john mackle william gowdy 10to be ex- ponded by him for tho maintenance of john kennedy carried muvodby councillorleslie second ed by councillor cartoritthat the treas urer pay johnk moore milton one sheep worried and died 10 p mcgib- jbon valuer 2 j b mckenxia lum ber supplied norval commissioner 4 b f leslie norval refund dog tax 2 no dog john lawler pm 15 hours shovelling snow 3 carried moved by councillor brown second ed by councillor gowdy that the treas urer pay john prceswood glen 615 rppkwbod tho weolca mission hold in su johns church by canon ferguson wis very successful from every point of view tho attendance incr e n inariy questions were rfsltod and an sworod and many petitions for pray ir as auditor and alfred thompson waslwo handed in canon ferguuon gave appointed to the vacancy some beautiful addresses walch will i ii i nialto a lasting lmpreaoion on a bill of 4gb0 waaptesentcd lytha minrtg v con tho a letter of explanation fromtho binfort advunce jan 1- 1925 to tho editor avorlnsjny scivlcea with tho on tario turnip growers cooperative woqdatoclt la duo for un explanation wheh i took sorvlco with this company it was with tho understanding that i go through tho u s a markets to obaorvo apd inrodurn th h tho minds of tho congregutioii mission was tt great preparation for churchill mr and mrs stanley cornel irf ot pambruh saskatchewan trin body was brought jo hamilton tho girl hoods homo ot mra corjiol the funeral was hold thoro oiv tuestluy afternoon mr and mra luther cor nell and miss jessie wont to jhamllton on monday to bo ttherofdrllip funeral on tuesday- adear little aonr of five years isloft motherless crewsons corners tbnhffetnti irifir roads at 60c 7 total 2010 j a tracy postage account for 1934 i1g80 p g mcgibbon 6 hours shovelling now at 20c per hour in hio road divis ion 120 john stoddard 43 hours snow anovolllng at 20c 870 c e cutts2 refund dpjr tax hiod0bhby tho shiftless man usually prefers to follow the lino of leant persistence saving xlrstr hhouldl bo per- manently inscribed on every pay envoi- ope -look- at your- labol pleas and kindly renew if subscription has ex pired r j after nine weeks of jlelghlne the grit is beginning to show through in places tho mah who peralfltently scamps his work may easily become a scamp himself tho slippery walks on sunday re duced tho attendance at tho church services curiously enough the family loafer never thinks of providing tho family loaf the presbyterian baptist aria lutheran churches of wlkorton are without pastors an idle dollar is stui worth a hundred cents an idle man la worth les than nothing tho maplo sugar csalonia almost here activities are- comxnoncinc in tho sugar orchards ble ben at the government build ing is running fino ajalnu its four faces are all showing correct time once more ing been struck off at court of revis ion in june 102f refund to will fa mi mullin 360 refund on property error sold property being in georgetown william gllman work performed in division 43 in 1924 816 mrs annie richardson work porforaedinndvia- ipn 45 1516 corriod council adjourned to meet oh mon- mr morgan screwson yiis homo from kitchener for a fow days laat week mr george watson was called to hamilton last week owing to the seri ous illness of his slater mr and mrs fred crowaon of acton wero hero last week for a abort visit with friends here motor traffic over tho highway is becoming more and rnoro frequent numbers of cars have passed through here during tho week from both east erly and westerly points v- misses laura sprowl and hazel dennis of guolph spent a day last week at the lattera- homo balliftatad ho rev mr dodde of- cheltenham and tho rev mr wad dell will ex change pulpits next sunday uxisj v3orgo binnoy who was in guelph hospltab for eomo umo is staying with her daughter mra dan young in acton and is as woll as can bo expected mrs ira hilts of tho eighth line is 111 at present at tho homo of her daug mjojoplrln of tho can you spare a book p mayes rector of ckiowfltown eequealng township councif is advertising for a road superintendent mr wrlgfflesworth having rrustiw a tilndheartod cltixen wto tho young people aro noworso udy than they used to be but they jtlt get noro publlolty a- town pulling togethor jfilt go ahead faster and farther tamn ono ln which everyone is pulling in a dlf- ferent direction j the will of mrs helot w cul- ham n former resident of oakvihe disposes of an estate of 141000 mostly hamilton property john leeson bf trafalgxu tovn- snlp is tho bwneff aiiewe which on saturday gavo birth to flvo uunlw bo- lieved to be a worlds record tho propaletors of the two chin- aserestaurants at hanover were fined 10 and costs each for not dosing it 11 pm as required by a oy-towr- paialey hydro has a srhrplus of 271882 against which tho- la only n charge of about 600 for depreciation tho hydro users want lowercrates before you confide to yojxr friends how much better you could- run tho business than your chief 410x1- try to and out just how ho roe tor be chief many a a to lata think warning signs at railroad crossings are intended for tho locomotive engineer some of tho words that come to mind when wrestling with those puz zles would never do at alt all aro sometimes what uuur al wjiys should be wbat tney sam times aro they always could be next sunday ovenln thte preacher ntaaiimirgohurehln m the patients of fro 0 port sanitarium kitchenor ore making a qtfetitfor books fora mbrary and have sent tho fium press the following letter february 16 1925 tho editor tux fiats press acton ontario dear sir the patients of freoport sani tarium kitchener have commenc ed a drive for books to form a library and would appreciate the assistance of your pdper in pub lishing this matter in its news columns as patients spend anywhero from months to years here most of which timo they are confined to bed werknow you will appreciate bur need of a fairly large selection of good reading and are confident that you will give us your valuable support in making our drive a success pur patients aro of both sexes tours very truly patients of freoport san 1 tori ura this is a very appealing request and should receive tho favorable cbn stderatlon of bur readers many homes havo books which have boen read by members of the family which they can spare and thus contribute to the pleasure and profit of- the patients- at freeport the ffuaa passa will gladly receive and forward all books left at this ot he within the next ten fly books contributed should be in good con dition both as to binding and con tents eovenfbthho mr john sinclair of the eighth lino is suffering with a sprained ankjo mrs duncnn mccallum and family from tho west are visiting with mr and mra a kentnor and other friends in this part bannockburn the monthly meeting of tho ban- nockburn womons instltuto was hold at thq homo of mrs w h anthony 18 ipst thoro wero ton members 18 ins t thero were ten- members present in the abbenco 1 thoproal- dent mro a q clarridge mias edna russel vice president occupied thcf chair following the general discus sion mrs wiley gave a splendid talk oh tho wijrk t rural women jaibs anthony gave an instrumental solo miss howes tho district secretary of hornby has been invited to attend tho march meeting which will be held on wednesday march 18 at the horno of mrs thomas moffat fifth lino tho members and their families are cor dlally invited and a splondld social pro gramme is being prepared pany undor tho direction of tho co operative doparjmontot tutt ontario govornmbn mr f c hart being itu heud and my returiv to report und comploto organization- of tho turnip grovors 1 it was requested by mr fc hart to address to him a full report cover ing my trip also recommendations and report ori system and methods of the business organization ut woods tock ontario in my report 1 con- domncd tho arrangements and con tracts entered into by the directors with mr f- e- slater of woodstock and assured mr hakt unless arrange ments with mr slater were discon tinued at once and the directors revert to salaried officers cut thoirt overhead to the bonortheycould not succood and must fall at pneo of courao they could pretend failure by pruning tho growers pool down to little or nothing but this syatemwould eventually result in the failurevfor tiie growers would not deliver their -turjnlps- for shipment as feeding them wptld result mora advantagpously to -them- from a ro- vonuo vww tho arrangements entered into be tween the directors and mr slater woret mr slater was- to receive six per ceht of all gross receipts includ ing freight duty nllentry charges and prices of turnips this arrangomont took from the growers the very object for which the organization was formed and that was to control the solo of the turnips i will give you an example i take august and september prices wore good but not many cars moving- this condition could bo controlled if on salary basis by reducing overhead slip over jo october prices wero re duced but greater volume tho volumo would then tako care of the overhead but under tho percentage system as controlled by mr slater under con tract with plreotora in august and september when prices were good mr slater waa protected as he received six per cent of groas receipts in october prices wore small but the volumo took care of mr slaters ac count much more profitably to him for tho reason freight charges were just the same in october as august and septombojnnflrthe reduction in gross receipts in- october over september was so small that it made llttlo or no difference to mr slater but in october it was suicldo to tho growers and to make this clear 1 will give you an ifixample wo will take a car to birm ingham alabama in september september 600 bushels at 20c 120 00 frolght 89 wc per 100 lbs 268 50 duty 12c per 100 lbtf 36 00 jcntry 7 1 50 consul fjie 250 1 which conalated- of a sales manager with contract u bprotarytrcttsurer with coiitract nn inspector an organ- iaer with contract and five ajono- grnphora thie staff took- carp of an jyerago of elglit cars sold per day i informed the directors ono- man frith an accountants experience acquainted with the turnip business and ono who has been in touch with tho soiling end anuuuimluwmldea ttliejobu p a denf cur wan turned to ray aug- gestion for the reason mr slater die fated tho second contract to tho dlrec tfcrs now under this contract tho directors will i havo -to- ivy by during tho next two months 600000 to tako care of mr slater apt his stuff during april may june july and august doing- nothing but in order to get tho ono hand put of the lions mquth it wvu necessary to put tho other hand in of course my report conflicting with mr- slaters plan my services were dlsponscd with but again the directors- arid miv slater- overlooked tho facithnt i had an jrori clad cou- tract i havo issued a writ against tlib five directors and mr slater as man ager of tho company for back salary breach of contract and damages there is one thing 1 would caution tho growers who shipped turlfiips through th association iu december and that itfto forbid tho directors- to deduct any portion of their december poortoropay them for tho money thoy put uu in october to- increase that pool from jj tb 8 cents this was illegal on fuy part of the directors slnterjathoman who should pay this amount out of his commission thanking you n a mccallum spring is coming lot moquoto yon favornbtdpricesr on all oic kinds of ftist grade nursery afbek fruit or shade trees ornamental or llowerlng shrubs and vines perennial plants etc from tho wellknown wolland nurseries also on the celebrated national brands of fertilizers for farm or garden spraying materials stock and poultry feeds mado ir can ada for national fertilizers ltd west toronto burford ont jariuaryl9 1925 mr m p barry rockwood ontario- dear sir yours january icth to hand this willbe your authority to uso tho letter referred to in any- manner you wish tho letter has never been denied for the reason that it is gospel truth those directors gave tho farmors away to slater body and soul not satlsflod with that they in ootobcr pent out a false report of 8 cent pool when it was only 6 cents to ropo more sig natures in your men at rockwood got nine cents your loader thero govo bno cent out of his own commission back to tho farmers i havo put up a square deal and the farmors should know the truth i apoko of you in dependent loaders while i was in tho us a as tho best men ffe had jn ontario yours very truly n a mccalltjm certified true copy of lotter adv i frank scrtven agent btx 150 acton mclean co the store where values count black moire dress goods silk and wool 54 ins wide regular 375 for w 32 county grants to high schools toronto citizens are- prosperous- because thoy know the value of tihte havo your watch- or clock overhauled and repaired so it wllllceep cor rect time i do a largo amount of work j for toronto stores nod citizens because i give vojuo for money spent and guarantcb tho work support your own town and have your workdono hero home spun in grays and blue mixtures double fold cloth make up good for odd skirts childrens spring coats ao etc extca good vajiie at 125 special per yard oc navy serge double fod goods per yard at jspecial price 90c cotton delaihes3031 ins wid fast colors anew oj cloth for dresses waists etc extfa good yitlue at yd jioc womens flannelette gowns in wliite only- short sleeveg made up of 4 good qualityof whito flannelette foi each special 100 mil ends pillow coiton circular pillow cotton inches wide come in good length irt- 1 worth 506 yard special for each 4llc l for hwhinton spscialiit in making now part and ropalrino old works ena- lfh 8wiu and american clocks and watches jawslfsry plato china and glass act9n and toronto 75ct -iaafc- mill ends factory cotton overoo yarls of mill ends of cotton whito and gray3gafld inches wide at 25 less than regular price mill ends of white flannelette table da masks towellings prints ginehdjiisetcall at bargain prices call and look thni over mclean co pull street j acton ont 4258385 paid to four 8choou in hau ton and threeoutside 6 per cent 8a71 october 600 bubhels at 0c freight 89 c per 100 lbs duty 12c per 400 lbs consul fee i 48 50 go 00 268 60 36 00 2 go 368 50 2211 orjl difference- of nas3agaweya mr robert anderson son of mr and mrs it j anderson who underwent an operation in guelpbr 6 short time ago was ablo to return homo again on saturday feeling much improved in health mr james weir of corwhln pasaed away alter a short illness l mday morning the funeral wasboid bo monday from his late rqsidoaco to campbollvillo cemetery ho loaves wife and several small chlldreh the borcaved ones have tho sympathy of tho community in theh- sorrow mr edwards of tho armenian home georgetown preached very acceptable sermons onnasaagawcya circuit last sunday mr douglas was hi the w m s of tho various churches jat nassagaweyu will hold a union prayer service in tho bbenezpr church on friday afternoon v oakville b j kerrs list of 8aues erin township stock sale wednesday march 4 fred awrey lot 52 second line erin clearing sato at 12f oclock wday jvlarch 6 smith brother bllklngton township clearing auction sale tuesday march 17 donald camo- bell near moffat farm stock etc an executive mooting of the lib eral conservative association will bo held at the town hall milton on sat urday afternoon a public meeting will follow at which advlresses will be given by prominent politicians robert stevenson of trafalgar township just recovering from an ac cident in which his right arm was broken and shoulder blade fractured slipped on his verandah on monday afternoon and broke his left arm near the shoulder ip tho absence or rev dr dougnld last sunday rev dr munro preached a bot ofirvicesn thfimothodiiil rev henry irvine pastor of nor folk street methodist church guelph has been invited and has accepted an invitation to the central methodist church at moncton new brunswick he expects to leave his present pas- torate about july 1st the young men have charge of tho service next sunday evening in it may hot be generally itndirnrlj church thero wlllbo a malo chief offiohcd mopherson liajs tho dignity offing a county conatablsf with jurisdiction everywhere in hal ton oakvlllos watorworka wera oper ated at a loss last year the council is considering tho installation atftho metro system similar to that- 1n vtigue in acton i there will be a special service of taiditntwn- and prayer with an ad dress every wednesday evening dur ing lent in st albano churcri at plnv a number of acton masons and their friends attended tho banquet muslcale and dance slven by tho hal- ton chapter at georgetown last thura- day evening j the junior daughters of utft bmr pire ivlth their friends held ft very erijoyable parly at the home of 3r and mr gflprjge bomervjflle lasrwednesi day evening t- tho monthly meeting of tho acton chamber of comm will be h tm sveiima nrihexuncnnghtunber the new president will be lad to welcome all tbo metopers- r3ov motenrrftitifgt wh ar is living lit toronto this winter had the misfortune lst wednesduiy t- have his auomomltt stolen it yraa found however nmh one vherl and all the tools muijuj choir of over thirty voices whilo two prominent young men from knox col lege toronto will assist rev a c stewart with the service the jrpderntlonihtfl in convention at toronto this week declared tho pro posed stronger beer la too weak for them they are after the government for stronger stuff the old school book story of the old man and his asat is quite apropos just now t relative of mine that i- noyer saw before came to the house last night said a cltixen to his seat mate on the way to toronto tho othsrmorn- ing never saw her before eht whats her name she hasnt got any yot hut welntend to ohriston her peggy protesting against a gasoline tax of two cents per gallon and adr vocating that if the tax is adopted that- motorhcenso fees he redaced a large delegation of motor league mem bers in convention in toronto waited on premier ferguson and v hani mrc henry on monday fomemeo schools are closed by epi demics of murnps ohiokenpox and a church his sermons wero abo airi wore much appreciated- tho rates for the now metro system in connection with the waterworks aro about tho same as actons rate siheo tho installation of tho system domes- tic users pay 35 cents pcrl000 gallons where over half a million gallons arc used the rate is cut down from 20 to 0 cents tho cou noil favors making an as on ail vacant hind in front qt which there is a waler main avail able for uso when required the sug gestion is to charge five conts a year on every foot of frontage with nn al lowance of fifty feet for every tlwelj ling using water the ladles aid of knox church dra holding a serjloof lnton first on thursday february 26 from 3 to 6 oclock home cooklhg a specialty there wilt bo a grand musical con cert in lusk hall on friday even ing march 6 under the au spleen of iho stewardesses of the am e3 church reeve cross is sufficiently roc over ed to leavo for philadelphia whoro he will visit his brother john a cross from the quaker city ho will go farther soutli for a few weeks mra cross is accompanying him- that oakvllle is going to still have agood band will be a source of satls faction to townspeople us we as tlios of the district cpunctjlpr bain in call ing committee jneeting to life week and in a couple of weeks somo organization should bo complete at the regular meeting of tho toungc peoples society ot the methodist church last monday evening lome lyno gave a most interesting account of the operations of the british navy in the blocking of tho zeqhrugge and ostend harbors during tho groat war tho officers and teachers of tho methodist sunday school heldtholr annual mooting in tho form of a ban quet lastfridny ovonihg- with jhb superintendent c b cdrson in tlp chair a fino address on sunday school work was glvon tho gathering by mr moore of tho howard park methodurt church toronto thottnionhit memr bers of the presbyterian church wero quests at the banqiiet there was a full meeting of tho council on monday evening when u was expected there would bouvcly times in regard to salary reductions and other drastic changes humors had been astir and us a result tho council chamber was fllied to ovor- fldwlng standing roym oven was crowded alsb the ntalr leading lothe tnumijer while scoros could not gain g peri cent 300 the difference to the grower in tho above examplo is 6000 out to mr slater is only 360 so you can see the more turnips sold by mr slater in october at 10c per bushel works out to his advantage but tp the grower the more turnips sold the- worse off he is tills fact was plainly evident in the closing of october pool the aud itorsreport gave mr slater at 6 per cent gross receipts award 435000 the growers proportion was 5c per bushel now wo will take the car to birmingham in october the growers received 6000 and mr slater 2211 for selling them as mrslater charges tho grower 36 and two third por cent of the valuoof tho turnips therefore you will see my contentions were proven by auditors reports for octo ber i consider the contract made by the directors the most childish and shortsighted of any contract known betweon man and man but you say the growers received 8 cents per bushel in october true they did but the directors and mr slater put their names to a joint note raising sufficient funds to increase the pool price to 8 eents will you toll mc thoiux- foronce botween theso directors and tho directors pf the homo bank tho object in this case was to obtain more contracts which would tide them over as slater promised thorn improvements in november whon november ar rived- thoy were worso off than over in fact their condition wa serious and th e direct ors decided in take action but scd what they had to face ta contraetrslgnedanr seatodrdlctat- ed to the directors by mr slater aftor a stormy meeting mv slater began to realize that something was going to happen so ho agreed to can cel his 6 per cent contract and go on salary dated back to august 1 1924 ffioooooper year directors to as sume all expenses of slaters office the following amounts t grant cd tohigh schools by the county council at tuesdays meeting in ad ditlonto 1200 to each of those in hal ton paid in docomber oakvjue milton burlington georgetown watcrdown brampton streetsvillo total paid in december 12454 35 10378 03 8798 82 4233 27 455 04 339 ad 424 8p 37683 85 486001 total 12583 8a thero was a- long discussion over the return to each of tho hal ton high schools of the amount paid by each town towards tho cost of education of county pupils under tho section lg of chapter 82 of tho high school act some of tho members disapproved of ltr but as it was in accordance with tho ac it was carried the counctt approved of a recom mendation that it pay 12 per month up to junq 30 toward tho fees of each pupil attending a hamilton high hschqol kitcheners second elec hon this year new council to bo elocjted from 29 candidates kilchcnei february 23 of the 68 cand wero nominated fri day night for kitcheners second alderman lc election this year to be held next saturday twenty ni no filed qualification papers with the city clerk bysaturdaynight flfteenarc to bo elected beyond relief tho professor had been dining tut and os most of the guests were ardent fishermen he had had to ihiten all the eyonlnpr t qs totieaof theslzeofthoir catches he was extremely shortsighted and as he was crossing a field ori his wot home he came across a scarecrow with arms outspread memories qf the tall storios ho had heard that nighl- float- od back to himi and ho halted in front of the scarecrow my dear sir he exblajmodf f simply refuse to believe you theroj novor wau a trout that length i npemptlng sandwiches for a noonday lunch eon coffee chocolate and tea steaming hot youll enjoy a midday lunctf served here ice cream arid pastry served- as you like it candies whpso ex cellence is bound to meet with your approval our windy makes flood be cause it made good millinery and fancy goods saturday treat jiveefrend chocolates roff coc and 60c lb saturday special 32c lb milk chocolate buds reg 60c it saturday special 39c miss j gajraith millinery and fancy goods store phone 109 mill street fresh marabone strawberry ana vanilla flavor reff 3gc and 40c lb saturday treat 25c lb s v 3 1 jlr 1kb villain ho medical officer of health hia prderexl tjhllrtron to remain nt honte until hs lifts tho biro in an eflfort tovrdvont the con- taslon spraadinjr au entertainments ar cxocollexj imsonltsly admission to tho iiomsb and returh6d homo tne- flrot rhple was- canacd ml of scarlet jtver tmljtrwnejilaejtergasixftdf arrh folsndocjnrlng proceadlrilis would bo taken to unsenlasatyroevo blaho- lopjr boennso of nondnyrneit of taxetf tlis dentirroevo arose and declarotl ho had paid every cont of taxoa alnco rreroame to towrii star s isea comin widde band minstrel show oh man but she sure am some show dis year what ise didnt know last year ise larnt dis year de old town hall am never goin to hold dis crowd when ise pome home wid my dark- town show every number new every joke good de big attractions are the village band rigby cross miss cross de band minstrels wytch for the opening date of ptan of halu v xhoose youi6wn seats 35c take what you gel seats 25c gail seats free 3sa specials for this week pork cuts smoked ham whofe or half lb smoked rolls whole or half lb slab or 1 cottage rollat per lb- picnic hams at per lb 27c 22c 30c 27c 19c beef cuts cliojoe rib roast at per ttj thick lb rib at per shoulder per lb rib boil lb roast at at per steak rftast at per lb v 20c 18c 16c 12v2c 18c british columbia salmon whole or half lb 14c atch our windows friday and saturday for specials wj patterson corner mill and main streets acton ont y mmist s v tswfi

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