Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 26, 1925, p. 2

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jn ttommtttw thursday march 20 1926 the rising of the 8ap round tawny foathery tufts of oedgo tho nw groon oortly fiowa tho raaploii tint tho woodlands odgo tho hyln woleomo blowa tho npldlark lutes good to bo horer the starlings wlngod lamoa drift oer ahd countlosa friends up- -poar- n i ir tho wooclu that have no names with gurgling tinkling aonga of joy tho blackbirds charm tho oky ewnrt glpny ertmsa that find employ in lovo and melody tho old leaf ofcne white oak fallfl to mnko room for tho new and ferna unrold their tuny balls and tenderer jrowa tho blue i hear tho redheads tap tap tap tho flickers quick quick qulckl tho catkins foci tho thrill lot sap and lengthen soft and thick tho now ground smoko float far and low ah mo its smell la good and oh tho call that thrills mo so tho spring- call of the wood ingram- crockett f h f when a turnip puts on air8 j labt winter an ontario farmer spent a few mokths la florida tyot many ontario farmcra can afford that lux ury theso days lmt there ore thoso who still nave some money they made out of twentycent hoffs atorod away in pickle p one day he entered o restaurant of the rather exclusive sort the kind that farmers do not habitually patron- lie what havo you thats good today ho asked tho waiter well sah wevo some fine nothn grown rutnbagcfl replied that digni tary 3 rutabages had a delightful unfa miliar bound to th ontario farmer ho had never hoard of them before when ho looked them up on the bllofaro and found that they were forty cents a dlsn they seemed more exclusive than ever his curiosity was aroused and bis order included a serving of this strange vegetable with the foreign sounding name when his order arrived hla curiosity waa satisfied and when he paid his bill it included forty cents for a help ing of what ho hod always called swede turnips his boys at home fed 3060 bushels of them to the cows while he was wintering down south whennn oxpertertn ontario buys a cnrload of rutabagas he pays the farmers for swede turnips but when those same swede turnips reach tho american market they are sold as rutabngaa ica jourely a matter of geography and momonclature but there are swede turnips and swedo turnlpa the cow doesnt know tho difference but tho american con sumer docs tho philadelphia hensc- wlfo for some reasonswell known no doubt to herself but never yet dis covered by tho grower prefers a dinky mule rutabaga about three inches in idlameter now york and some other markets profer a nico small round smooth root from fqur to six inches acrobs buffalo and pittsburg name tho speptflcationa but will take them a little larger tjndor tho in discriminate method of shipping- that has prevailed liorotofore a fair sprinkling of dig- whoppers up to ten inches in diameter and any old bhapo have found their way into the cars though everybody knows that tho mar kot doesnt want thiun so much for shape and suo jjrhen tt cornea to quality tboro isa small section of ontario that seems to be the promised and chosen land of the rutabaga tho tj s department of agriculture knows oil about this the soil has something to do with it but it is chiefly a matter of climate tho swedo turnipja a northern vege table it rovels in a cool bummer cold wet weather which stunts the corn is just to its liking it makes its best growth of tho season in oc tober most food plants succumb to ifrost tho swede turnip does not develop its full flavor till the frost strlkea it the american consumer who hnw nnypriiannpiftrtfihw at m kvmm1 ml a1 ai ml sty 3tm frwhs ljiirt 0torg trading horses by roe tchcnprtck wmmwmmmm wi rutabaga doesnt inow what the real article tastes like on this high ridge of land 800 feet above the level of lake ontario out- side the fruit and truck belt the ruta baga attains a peculiar perfection of form and flavor the average bum mer temperature ib low by some vie ffrecs of latitude tho nlghu are always cool with usually heavy dews the fall frosts cowo early and recur frequently every october morning there is an invigorating tang in tho air on towarda tho end of the month comes siuaw winter when tho farm animals bag sblveringly to be taken indoors then comes indian summer seen at its languid best in this hill country where eight out of ten trees are sugar maples it is then that the rutabaga arm and crisp every cell turgid with juices of its own flavoring reaches its full perfection rutabagas have been regularly ship po from this area to the american market for over forty years one old shipper who hnn turned his business over to his boy as he calls him the boy is 62 years old claims that he shipped- his first cflr to the united states 56 years ago shipments now total around 4500 carloads annually thoy are the cash crop of their- dis trict hundred of formers rely on them for the ensh to pay their taxes no inconsiderable- item of expense in these hectic days in tho past thoy have been mostly shipped in bulk to jobbers who put ttiotn up in 100 o 140ib sacks far the retail trade thte season a good deal of sacking js being done at tho shipping- points altly in oui experionco aa in- dopondontfttrmes my cousin sam archer and i made a tiado thnt effectually cured us of horse swapping for tho reat of our lives sum had taught school after wo had boen graduated fiom tho old wcatboro- academy and i spent two years sell ing fruittrees for n nurseiy company then uncio thomas archer had a atroko of apoplexy that left hla mind r clear but his body pormnnently cilp- pled when it became plain that unclo thomas would nevci again be able to do farmwork sam oamo to mo and suggested that we form a partnership buy tho tools and fltock and tcasp the farm for a term of years wo had each saved a few hundred dollars it was not jmough to pay for tho farm equipment but unclo thomas gave us all tho time we desire on tho balanco and wo took a live year lense on the 200 acres tho farmwas not an easy one lo cultivate tho soil in tho valley was as stiff as clay and there wero two steep hills both of which wero under the plow we soon found that tho little chestnut horses which we had bought with tho rest of the stock wcro too light for tho work a team of that slse is all right for driving on thc road said sam and tho little mares are dandles for that but we need a span of strong heavy horses besides well have to get along tho way we are doing this year i replied until one of thoso notes is paid it would n be safe to go in any deeper y not unless we had a good chance to trade sam admitted and thero the matter rested for aoveral months one afternoon early in octobei when i reached homo after drawing load of grain to market i found a wagon plied high with furniture s tanl ing in tho yard and a team of gaunt horses in thp spare stajl tholr owner waa talking with sam jthib lssandy mcciwe billy said sam you havo often heard father speak of him iccluro shook hands with mo ho was a tall redhaired man with more freckles tjian i nad ever seen on a human being before he was married ho hod worked fpr uncle thomas for several years uncle thomas always epoko of him as a very capable hand but too tricky ever to succeed in life mcclure explained that ho had boon working tho emerson farm in derby township on shares but had thrown up the contract and waa moving to pattersons mills where he had aiv ranged to do light earning for tsx patterson aa the distance waa more than thirty miles and was too great for tils old horses to cover in a day ho had atopped to rest and spend tho night ot course tho family made him heartily welcome td like to swop horses with you- thenamc upnrt i don t belloo thoy over weio hitched up tills way boforc in thol lives wo at once tiled them io veined thuy drovo peifoctly und it was cleat thnt that was tho way to which thov hud been uccustomed sandy hnd just got thorn tyuld sam and hitched them uj wrong by mistake unclo thomas shook his hoad ho knows how to got all thero lu out of a team both in rooks and condition if ho hitched them up wiomj ho huou what ho was doirtir we puklod over tho muttor btu could reach no conclusion in the afternoon we used tho pintos to draw two loads of cornstalks and the new horses gavo en tiro satisfaction tho next day was unusually warm for october at noon the meicuiy in tho thermbmetor roae to eighty do greos tho big horses sweated pro fusely for the heavy loads of fodder had boon hauled up a steep grade after dinrter i hnd backed tho pinto i from their stalls and was adjusting their bridles i when sam called sud denly from aci oss tho barn floor what on earth is tho matter wit thoso horses buly tho off horse stood where tho sun light poured in through tho opon door i hurried around besido him and stood gaping in amazement at what x saw the greattr part of tho largo bay patch on tho animals flank had tuiped to ft greenish purple and at tho jowei edge of color had run with the perspir ation when wo cxaminod the othoi horse we found tfie snme thing when ever the animals had sweated freely the shopo of the spots had changed wo droyo the team round to the porch and called foi unclo thomas theyve been dyod ho enid at on co but what did ho do it foi sam exclaimed wd luyto traded with out tho spots juat as quickly as wo did with them it looks like a foolish piece of trickery youll and theres a reason if j were you boys id get over to patter sons mills just about as quick aa 1 could drivo thero j wo harnessed our queerlooking plntpa to a buggy and set oft at once pattersons mills was about sixteen miles away to tho southwest wo reached there shortly after three oclock patterson tho miller was an elderly man who knew uncle thomas wvll although wo boys wero strangers to him as soon as wo had introduced ourselves wo asked for mcciuro wo told mr patterson that wo understood tho man was in hjs employ and had just moved to tho mill ho looked puzzled 1 1 dont know any such person he safd mcclure i cant even recall the gloom view to tho confirmed pessimist there la no good or pleasure in life that has not its corresponding evil or unhnppl- ness your house looks hiuch better since you had it painted remarked a cheer ful citizen stopping on ms way down town to speak to a neighbor the neighbor waa standing in front of his premises looking with lowering brow at the newly painted front of his mansion yes he replied glo6mlly it iookh aonift hotter but w havo to wash the windows twice q often as we did beforo to dress up to it stung a farmer in bergen county was nlt- tlngon his back porch on a lato fffter- noon trying out a linger exercise which ho had been told would drive off the rheumatism from his ancient digits a professor driving pan l stopped nndt allkhted from his car went toward the patient rheumatic noticing tho old mans gesticulation a with his angara the professor jumped to tho conclusion that here was a deaf muto drawing an envelope from hls- pocket ho wrote ii want a quart of mltte tho- farm er read it and went and grot the milk how much wrot jehfl profeiuar the farmer held up hla spread hand boyo aajd mcclure ao he looked ad miringly at tho trim little team of colts theyre not very big but they are all horso what would you bwap for them sandy sam asked with a grln woll ive hardly got the stock here and thats a fact our visitor replied ill have to admit thoso scarecrows are not very tempting if you had a good sound team of heavy horses said sam we might bo willing to talk business with you it may be mcclure drawled as if thinking hard that i can accomma- date you ill be along again in a few days with my last load dont be in a hurry to do any trading till thon he wentjn his way the next morn ing we did not see hm again for more than a week then ono day about noon he drove into the yard loadof trunka-and- boxes- drawn by a handsome team of big spotted horses whatabout them bbys ho shout ed just cast your eyes on that span they certainly wero flnelookng an imals thoy wero fully sixteen hands high and weighed at least 1200 pounds apiece their marking was unusual the bodies wero almost white with irreirular spota and patches of light red bay scattered here and thero tho tails and manes were pure white and very long and thick thero was only ono thing about tho horeea that i didnt like they travel led tno far apart in tho harncs and q and timid uncle thomas hobbled to tho door what breed do you call them alec he naked they are western horses said mc clure pintos i think they call them out there theyre different from any pintos i ever daw tho old- gentleman de clared a pinto has a rounder barrel and shorter legs thero must bo a cross some wh ere theyre too rangy maybe safd mcclure carelessly i ne jjaw uiy of them before mr patterson bought this team off a stockman from southern colorado who brought a carload bast to sell ho said they wore pintos thats all i know about them what makes them travel bo far apart i asked well said mcclure i sunnose it is because theyro notyery well broken to drive together yet they never had a harness on them till last spring im told and were driven single at first theyve young only six and seven but theyre perfectly true and kind see i can throw the lines on thp ground like that and they wont stir theyll stand nnywhero without hitching sam waa pleased with the horses whose are thoy sam yours or pnt- tcrsonat he asked j theyre mine the day i was hero i sold my old team to a bananaped ler and bought these theyro too heavy for my uao but you said some thing about wanting to trftdo yes howll you swap them fo tho young chestnuts i dont exactly know there is something like two hundred dollars difference in the value of the two teams oh no no said sam derisively wo wouldnt think of asking you as much aa that mcclure grinned and accepted an invitation to dinner after tho meal we apent ah hour dickering beforo wo could- make a deal in thittoid the man drove away with the light teajat and a platform aprlng wagon containing a single strap harness we estimated tha boot at fifty dollara flnd tlncte thomas although he had silently did approved of the trade admitted that on the face of it we tiad made a good bargain i nevejr saw alec no easy ohandlo before ne remarked usually ho wants every ndvantngo in eight and then a few thrown invbxtra unleai there la aomethingwron with tho team that dosnt ahow xm the tjurfncer you boya hav4 made cjosa to a hundred dnllnrn r three tlmea and the learned instructor dollars laid down fifteen antt started dowe i had been going over the unlmak thotpath whan he heard behind him inbh by inch theyre absolutely tho farmer call to hla wlfet aound so far ns i can see bat x mother i juat sold quart of thtl1ieve well try driving them shifted about the tuga havo worn off the hair on the inside hind legs of both of them and yet aa how they aptead l aour milk to a dummy i aint afraid of his complain in the professor kept on going judge sam then described the man and the old man raised his bushy eye brows oh yes he exclaimed ho is the fellow that used to work for youi father a halfdozen or so years ago i remember him now i havent seen him since then and ho certainly hasnt moved here wo told him tho story of tho trado from beginning to end nnd mr pat terson nccorhpanled us to an adjacent shed to inspect tho team well this la queer do said medit atively stroking his chin come bacl to tho offlca for a minuto i want tj show you somothlng from tbo wall of tho room ho took a hanutiutthat waa signed by a man named judson hamilton it desciibed tho loss of two light gray horses thiyt had etrayed or had been stolen fr his pasture in the town ofpheip3 sometime between saturday october 10th and monday october ljth and it offered a reward of twentyflvo dollars for their recovery i guess that a the team he said tho dscription tallies anyhow but phelps is twenty miles north of hero isnt it i asked pretty closo to that its eighteen at least its nearer your place than it is to us theres a telephone hero you might call up hamilton we did so and hamilton agreed to come to our hooo tho nxt to look at the horses prom sams de orlption of them ho believed thoy were his our homeward journey was unploas nnt tho horses wore tired and wo were in low spirits as matters stood wo faced a loss of about four hundred and fifty dollars which wo could 111 afford and we hud no clue as to the whereabouts of aloxahdcr mcciuro and our sturdy little chostnuts probably ho could be traced and captured but it would be an expensive chase if he had gone very far then next morning whllo i attended to the choressam drovcpbno of our other horses to tho emerson farm to try and learn something of tho miss ing man tho now tenant thero knew no more than we did mcclure had told him that ho was going to patter sons mills shortly after nine oclock mr ham ilton arrived with a man whose iwme i have forgotton both of thm lit once lndentlflcd tho animals and we sui rendered them without protest hamilton hnd never heard of mc clurc he was evidently sorry for us and offered to pay us tho twentylive dollars reward that the handbill find promlaod but after sam nnd i had consulted together we declined the money tho horses nro youra said m cousin speaking for both of us it wouldn t bo right to tnko your money we couldnt square it with our con sciences after they had driven from tho yard leading tho partlycolored pintos be hind their buggy thoy halted anil mr hamiltons companion called to u as we approached he said i was talking to mr archer when you described that follow and didnt hear what you said but judson has just told mo that he is a big red- haired chap and about thirtyflve yes i replied and his face and hands are covorcd with freckles havo you ecn jilm anywhere i dont know there may bo noth ing in lt but i deliver my milk at parkefs stntlpn three miles beyond phelps when i went there about six oclock this morning a tall redhaired mnn a stranger to mo was loading a box car on a biding juat below tho milk station i didnt notice him particu larly but i think thnt ho had a chost- nucmenm nnd i know ho put soma household goods into the car a fioight lain that hhrt uppuiontly juot nnlflhtnl mnmng np was at or ntatipiv when we uwlvml uesldefi tho locomotive tendoi and cuboono thoio vio u doaeii mlllicuni font t out jlmmlih und u box tin mccluto wah looking out of tho dout of tjio box cat 5 he saw um at the name momant that wo saw htm llo jumped fiotn tho cat tun down iho trade and dlh- nppunod into a lumbct md wo ltd not follow but made foi the uiij out horses weio itihldo hitc al ono lint out wagon fipm which mc ciuro had removed tho whoolm stood behind the iioihoh the fuinltuie wan piled at tho othot end of tjio cat tito little uiohtnutti tccognhacd us and jumped nimbly rtown fiom tho lilni dooiwoy when wo lot thm out then wo di tigged out tho wagon and whtuh wo did not havo time to hunt for tho harness i tyrtx wo had out pioporty on tho giound out audacity to stupufy the tiain ciow ujnd stationmaster but aftei a time they started to lntorfote these aio btoten goods said tiur now ft iendi who who woll know to tho statlonmustei do you suppose- thnt man would have tun away if he had had a right to them there was somo fut titer protest but tho railway men could not wait and wo stood our ground jtinally tho ttaln pulled out and as it passed tho lumberyai d sandy mcciuro leaped upon tho steps of tho caboose that was tho last wo ovcr hoard of hlmfor wo took no steps to arrest him jn the town to which ho hud had iho cii assigned the joss of tho harness did not greatly trouble us on the way home sam puezlod out the steps of sandys trickery to hla own satisfaction nt any rate tho man coveted our team but was afraid that we would imrsuo him ifhe stole it outright instead he stole and dyed tho others his idea in shifting them about in the hat nes was lo malco them appear badly broken probably he thought that he would bo fat out side the state with hla tracks effect ually covered bcfoyo any ono identi fied the horses had it not veen toi their sweating so profusely tho grays would no doubt have remained pintos foi a month or more such was sams theory and wo ac cepted it heartily glad to be dopo with sandy mcclure opd with horse- trading as well he knew n tdului wm irlvtng the googiu- ph i hum a uhhoii on tho cattle i anthi b hlit itpnltp of thelt boot all tmuliiu- now tho went unit wlnhliiff to it tit h t hljdutii obhtivntlon she nuked c and what iw i onion from thotio iiinohen fhut wiw a pomfm hho lookd alitor tfliopfi hut no uii took tho hint she ti lul ukntn what hwglfromrnttlohcbidmr bpf t ono liny iiitfmlv tntitd lis hand i itttou what it t ith ctippt ininmiim d ti liiiiiphiuitly ho an appalling predicament tho fdtiiatlon of tho youilr it tubman about whom answiia tolls thofollow- llir mniiloto waa indeed unusual ho bad juh infni med a ft loud that his mlatoi had hmm bli smod by tho nrilval of a now baby hoy oi glrw nfluctl his friend thntri juht what lu bothetlng mo wiu tho reply dodad thoy dbnt way in tho lcttoi nnd now 1 drfnt know whetlut im an mhclo or htl aunt lorenzo dow and the cob bler renzow sl preacher widely known through now england and tho south over a hun dred years ago lives iiutradition chief ly for his oddities but he was a man l 5ie work and loved th4souls of men his sermons and his ways of doing good wore peculiarly his own but they were often surprisingly effectual not merely because ho was singular but because he was alncere an aged ladv whoso father s large farmhouse waa ono of mr dows favorite stopping- places in rhodo island r elated somo years ago tho following story of him from her earliest recollection ono winter afternoon my father overtook tho eccentric preacher ojri lute way to fulfil an engagement and took him into his wagon a t am glad to rldo said dow for there is a thaw coming and one of my boos has sprung aleak as they wont on my father suggest ed a way to repair tho damage a cobbler lives in that llttlo rod house yonder he said ho is poor lame crabbed and cross but a good work man just the place for roe said dow jumping off and going into the little shop ho snt down silently in front of a few brands smoldering upon tho hearth and pulling off his boot hand ed it to the cobbler tho man looked nt tho leak nndsworo i am afraid you aro not a christ ian my friend said dow qyiotly there aro no christians said tho cobbler there aro plenty who pre- tepd to bo and ho waxed bui thread with an angry jerk that seemed to emphasiaewhathenid your room is so cold that your wax is hard shall i put more wood on your are said the preacher i work to keop warm was tho shoemakers retort as ho pushed a last ntoheottindtidubtcdlitscintntt sthma 1 rancrtatthiukuifths wolllaiovm rcmody of tho enguih ch8mtetutirmiraguuke now on ule in cahjwu uibhsikj i not avulabl broutnyour t wtitotbocfeiuldhui dutributoni british aoincies limited 441 imuri il asthmai ipotters reliefl mortgage sale under and ly virtue of tho powers of sale contained in a certain mortgage whph will bo produced at the time of sale thero will bo offered tor sale- by public auction on saturdayt tie 28th day of march 1925 after ontario by r j kerr auctioneer tuo following property lately occupied by charles laven all and singular that certain parcel 4ovdi9ot and promises situate wo thanked him and they drovo away how far la it to parker a station sam asked about fifteen miles maybe a shado hwa- j i lots set there whhnut getting the gross grow under oth feet we drove the older jjonlea a b panic ipg good p team andeovered tho diatwic in leas than jwolvotira jut befonr6fetwhotl overtook hamiltons bvffgy and as hamilton had only a short distance farther to tomili frlnd got in wth as i ve llttlo enough wood cul and no ono to cut more and this lame leg wont allow mo to do for mysolf dow removed hla long caped cloak put bis bootless foot into an old shoe lying near and went to work before tho boot was ready ho had split and carried in all tho wood in tho shed piled it neatly in a corner and made a blazing fire of tho chips when the boot was done ho put h on paid for the work and taking his cloak said thank you my friend you rave proved yourself a workman that needeth not to bo ashamed tho reply came this time with real civility im much obleeged to you i shouldnt wondor if thero was somo christians in the world and you are one of cm i try to lie one goodbyo and dow was off leaving the astonished cobbler saying to himself wnl ef hes tryin he dont toko it all out in talk ho never preached to me so much as a word that evoning dow who often pickoa up his text on tho way to mooting spoko from the words that had come to him in tb shop 2 tim 2 1g study to shew thyself approved unto god a workman- that neodeth not to bo ashamed he had a largo aud ience and he preached practical rolig- lon to them enforcing in hla original way the truth that everywhere thero wero poor and unfortunate people for christians to look after and this work must be done if we expect tho world to bplleyc in our cjnlstlanlty dow spent that night witty us and the next mplplng ono oy my fathers teams left a load of tifood at the lame cobblero door pausing th shop on his way to ms next appointment dow looked in and said qood morning my friend i woylj saw this wood for you but there aio duties awaiting mo further on jthlnk there must bo christiana enough in this community to look after a use ful citizen llko you befote tho cobbler had recovered fiom hla astonishment at being called a useful citizen two or tbiee school boys came to have llttlo jobs of cob bling done and while they waited they acted op the hint given by down in his sermon and worked at tho wood pile 3om that time llttlo kindnesses done to the cobbler became ao common jhat he quite lost his crabbed temper his neighbors gave him no use for it everybody seems ro be helping mo he said if im a useful citizen i ought to bo ashamed ndrto help somo op myself tho next time dow came to our neighborhood ho was told tho cobbler has given up hla cldot nnd pipe and ho sings hymns instead ojlfijollsh aonga nnd rendu the blblo to a blind neighbor dow replied a llttlo leaven leaven- cth tlttr whole lump nnd a llttlo good exompl6 goes a long vny whatever lorenzo dows singulari ties wero he understood the religion of tho now testament ho knew that a christian is at his best only when ho makes hlmrfelf an objectlesbnn of his dnctiino lying and boing in the township of esqucslnk in the county of hal ton containing by admeasurement one hundred 100 acres bo the somo more or less and boing composed of hnt portion of lot twentyfour 24 in tho fourth 4thcbnces3lon of tho said township lying north of tho grand trunk hallway excepting that parcel of land containing threooighths of an acio or less which was convoyed by instrument number j820l on tho said farm thero aro said to be erected a good dwelling house with suitable farm buildings thw farm is also said to be located on tno tor onto and guolph radial lino tho lands will bo sold subject to a roservo bid terms or sale ten per cent of tho purchase monoy to bo paid down at the tlmo of sale and tho balanco within thirty days for further particulars and condi tions of sale apply to harry w page 16 queens park toronto solicitor- for tho mortgogeo dated at toronto this twonty- sovonth day of february 1326 3g4 r 0ea9onadle tho sago iuih had bin way agalimt mat tying in huitte hcto la tho same thought with a protttoi coloring a uolomn nnd awotnsplrlng bishop wns examining class of glrhi and nrtked what la the bent piopuintlon for tho nncramont of matrimony a little cat tin mo lord was tho unexpected tcnly of atia of tho ntimbri whose nationality may bo guenned the other way aout hello tim t um told jhat yon have trtlred fiom 1uiikh not exactly won anothei foh oponod a icory htoro uctohh tha way fiom mine advorllhod and tho htisl nc no totlrpd from no tea of quality salada is blended only from tender young leaves buds that yield ricnly of their delicious good ness try salada today clearing auction sale farm stock and implements has received in- tho undersigned structtons from jas fiddler to sell by public auction at lot 7 10th tine ksqueslng 1 miles south of norval on tuesday march 31 the success of the coach as mceaughlinbuick builds it u everyone wfao has seen the coach as mclaughlin- buick builds it knows why this coach has received such sweep ing public approval i the mclaughlin buick coach is 9 real closed car built to wdlaughlinbuicks high closed- car standards fisher body graceful lines two wide doors enable rear seat passengers to enter or leave either door withi out disturbiniwople fn front seats duco finish different colors for each of two coach models every detail of mclaughlin- buick power comfort depend ability and economy is present in both mastersix and special six coach models yet the prices are lower than youd expect to pay for open cars of such quality- sv king representatives for thissection georgetown ontario ask aboutihe gmac plan of deferred payments c som it has many qualltia the mnn who poafieatjeji a battle 0 dr thomni bolootilo oh la armed ngalnit many ills u will relievo a cough break a coldjjprevent oro throat if will m- duco the nwelllna from a sprain re- hove tho moat pernlatent aorea nnd will uneodlly heal cata and contunlonij it la a medicine cheat in itaelf at ono oclock aliarj tho following horsespair of csroy march 3 yearn woll matched weight 2000 ltn r groy maro 12 yearn food worker buo- poaed to bo in foal bay drlvlnkmatp rialns 8 yoara rood driver porcherpn filly rising 1 yoal by ialy cows holateln cow 8 yoara calf nt foot holsteln cow b voara foot holateln cow 5 yearn oajtat riot durham oow 8 years duo may t holateln cow c years duo july fl holsteln cow 8 yearn duo july 9 in full flow of milk holateln cow years duo july 9 in full flow of milk hol ateln cow j years duo august 20 in full flow of milk holateln cow 6 year duo sept 0 in full flow of milk hol steln cow 3 years duo sopt 8 in fuu flow of milk holatojn cow 8 years duo october d in full flow of milk holateln cow 3 years duo october 0 in full low of milk holstoin cow 7 j cars duo oct 16 in full flow of milk holateln cow 8 years duo october 26 in full ffow of milk holsteln cow 3 yetrs duo novcmbor 8 in full flow of milk holbtoin cow i years duo pe- ccmbon 2 in flow of milk holatojn cow 4 yoara duo docombcr 5 in cull flow of milk reg holateln holfor 2 years pretjo fayno kassle duo oot 14 holateln heifer 2 years duo oct 20 jaolatolnhelfcr2ycaro duonov 10 2 yearling holstoin holfora eligible for registration 3 yearling holateln heifers 2 holsteln helfor calvoa s months 2 holateln heifer calves 3 months reg holateln bull 2 ycarb piqs reg yorkshlro sow with lit ter of cloven v implements dcerlng ideal bin- dor c ft out in good lepalr deerlng mower 6 ft cut in good repair in ternational hay loadci massoyharria side delivery lake horso rako mas soyharria dlso drill 13 liooa now spring tooth eultlvatoi 3 horao dlac team dlac tudhopo anderson manure spreader now steel roller 3 sections cockahutt double funow walking plow pcrrln singlofurrow riding plow 2 shantz plows no 21 wllfelnaon plow no 3 4 soctlon harrow geo day make 3 section harrow geo day make tudhopo anderson uuck wag gon new hoavy wagon milk wagon good as now auto scat top buggy good as new top buggy in good re pair ouftcr now act of heavy eloigns 2 soufflcis sot of light sleighs with polo 1 long sleigh 2 flat hay racks chatham wagon and box good aa nqw doublo wagon upx buggy polo ginvol box cyclono grass scado weigh scalca capacity 2 000 lbs fanning mill bag truck loot pulpoi grind stone pig crato 3 feed bign milk wit mollotto cioam separator milk palla churn oldoi press whlfflotroos neckyokes chains ladders forks ahovols crowbars co tongs bags and other in tides too numerouh to men tion also 3 h p gasoline onglno theso implements havo all been kent under cover lumber about 1200 ft pf pino and white ash lumber harness fiet of heavy team har noes with breeching sot of hoavy tonm hnrnesv sot of light doublo hai- noss sot of single delivery harness 2 seta of single driving hnrnoas horse collnra poultry about 0 barred rock hens grain about 200 bus mammoth cluator oats tho above cows ale a veiy lugh piy- duilng herd and havo been tested by the n c t a for tho past four years all radlala will bo mot at norval on morning of sale in caso of stormy weathor the aalo will bo conducted under cover everything will bej sold without 10- acivo aa tho prcnrktbi has sold his faim terms grain poultry calves and nil suma of 20 and under to bo cash ovorfhat amount bcvcti months credit orf llllprovod joint notes fl per cent nei annum on for cash ben retch auctioneer w a wilson clork 8 when advertising fails the publisher of a large new york city newspaper is credited with the fol lowing statement to hi advertising staff when advertisers tell you that their advertising is not paying or that your paper is not pulling dont be discouraged jlall advertising paid at once the mills could not produce enough white paper to supply the demand advertising is based on business and business is often a failure if you will note the failures in any given line of busi ness over a period of seven years you will understand that a business often fails with and without the assistance of advertising how then can advertising be a sure suc cess when based on something that is often failure the best advertising in all the world cant make a successful business man out of a boob and the weakest kind of adver tising nevefdenied a good business man progress fcf9 k advertising fails when business fails you can make both successful wiwrw i isfeliul

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