Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 26, 1925, p. 3

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wi he iioml or in artmt brtyttm member canadian weekly newspaper j association member selccied town weeklies qf ontario tiii5 acton free tress is published every thursday moniinffatthc free press buildinff- mill street acton ontario the subscription pricci3 jtoo jpctk year in advance postage is ctiarficil atditwril to officejt jnthe unlted- states thtdote to which subscriptions ore paid is indicated on the address label advertising ratestran stent wftcrtlifl- mcnti 10 cents per line affate measure- for first insertion and s cents per line for each ubse- qiiciit insertion contract display advertise- meats for 50- inched or more per annum 18 cents per inch each insertion advcrtioements with out opeciqc directions will be inserted till forbid and charged accordingly ii p moore president and editor g a dills manager and asoistant editor telephones editorial and business office iiw residence of president 11 residence of manager 131 trnaferyjfj 7the first tax repeal measure to come before the ontario legislature tin several years- was introduced last week by the provincial treasurer hon w h price kc in the form of a bill yielding to munici palities the poo and billiard room taxes it is the intention of the government that the license fee heretofore collected by the province should be addeji neighborhood news- town and country erin concessionohhetntirrfctpntrty ran ttnot intended as a means of relief to the poor room proprietors mr eugene i crosby ban taken over the butcher business roccntly pur- chadctl from mr f if arocott mr kona matthewn haa sold hla o thq fee imposed by the inunlcipaliti tnlcoppaeobolon ubout april 1 t tho erin horse jbreodor6 tlohhttvo reorganized for tho ensuing eur thfb la tho fourth year of the oxlst6nco of the organization which hasproved very succesaful mr m sarspnt purchased tho form belonging to the estuto of the late malcolm mcallister at auction the price paid- v0 undoraant was i700 mr hathway ofwycliffo colicffe toronto wiua tho preacher ut all saints church on sunday last mr thomas blneham of north bay la vislfing with hla brother mr wra bingham and other friends on march 7 the inglewood riflemen went to hillsburg and engaged in an oft hand rifle qh 00 tine contest with tho hillsburg shooters and aucccedod in blind ing the locrir markamen their third consecutive defeat this winter the hotflo of mr and mro a j roberts- credit jtorita was tho accnq of a pretty wqdding when thdlr daugh ter bertha became tho bride of wil liam hifllurd son of mr and mrw thos hilllard- of altonj bev h pawson of inglewood methodist church officiated advocate n a yeekly market every once in a while some enthusiastic citizen ogives expression to the idea of establishing a regular produce market in acton the experience ol ths small towns which have tried this method of im proving trade has not always beeri the petrolia advertiserstopic says the mercury wantsa weekly market for renfrew our advice is dont petrolia- tried itqnee and iithax icemainstaits pro moters is the market building as a matter of fact it never functioned properly from it inception and many towns in western ontario can bear testimony to- these facts z government of the editorial notes a lot of ontario constituencies arethe unwilling victims of misrepresenftttion just now says tho shelbburne economist the economist editors own county of dufferin is rather a glaring instance of this too burlington thursday morn1ncj march 26 1025 editorial cooperating for business revival the 500 weekly newspapers of the canadian weekly newspapers association are cooperatingfthis week for the revival of business and each of these newspapers- is publishing the slogan buy madem canada goods patronize jhome town j mex- hantsin display typein their columns without charge the weekly press is always ready to do its quota to encourage loyalty to madeincanada goods and to induce their readers to patronize the home town merchants abolishing the liqfuor traffic on the afternoon of thetlay on which he was assassinated lincoln- is stated to have said to a friend we have cleaned up a golossirl job slavery isabolished after reconstruction the next great question will be the overthrow and abolition ofthe liquor fralhc and you know my head and my heart and my hand and mypurse will go into that work less than a quarter of a century ago i predicted that the time would coinewhen there would be neither slave nor drunkard in the land i have lived f see thank g6d one of those prophecies fulfilled hope to see the other rcalzedqriliia times the influence of the country newspaper the class in journalism at toronto university has been hearing about the country newspaper from xiorne eedy editor of the walkerton telescope and president of the canadian wpekly newspaper associ ation who is well qualified to deal with this subject this leads the financial post to say while more and more people are getting their national and world news through the big city papers they still get their jocal news and the views upon whichtheyj0lthejr trtgmenttnpwficaeatid other matters through the home paper the iocafnewspaperis edited to render a service to its own constituency just as a business or trade newspaper is edited to serve a particular class in the whole community this is quite a compli mentary view by a great city trade paper mr geo t shaw guolph line has twohtythrce- bred to lay whlto leg horn hens which laid 1021 eggs bo- tyeon november 14 and march 1g which is considered an exceptionally sooav record some days ho gathered as highas megigs town cleric sykeffrecelved a cable gram from englnmd on saturday an- nouncjng the death of his mothor mr sykes visited his mother last year spending four weeks at his old home he will have the sympathy of the citizens generally in his bereavement mrs harry bowes received word on saturday of the death of her father mr thomas rogers at prince albert sask- he- was 67 years of- age and left burlington three years ago to re side in tho west ho woflih in tho hosxltal a month prior to htsdemlse on tuesday evening about 60 mem- hers ot-burungtoh- lodge- no- 106 a f a- mr paid a fraternal visit to oakvlllo lodge the meeting watf held in our sister towns now mosonic temple which was inspected by tho burlington members in view of tho now contemplated temple here mrqijas s allen wife of mayor allenwas suddenly stricken with a stroke on saturday evening last and her condition is causing her host of frionds considerable anxiety she attendod tho womens institute moot ing on saturday afternoon and took- part in tho programme her condition thlh wednesday morning is roportod about tho same a meeting of the chamber ot com- beer must sit down in hotels and not stand up aur- morce was held in the ch rooms mr thomas whalley of toronto has purchased the meaford mirror from mr a s thurston mr whalley formerly owned the pembroke standard which he sold to mr a logan of wiarton and was for some time previously publisher of the oundas star abolition of the sales tax as soon as possible and in the meantime a reduction from five to two and onehalf per cent in the sales tax on plotting in the forthcoming budget are among the demands being made of the government by manufacturers of wear ing apparel the financial post finds fault with- the tendency of municipalities to issue debentures for a term of years for deficits incurred by councils rightly if states that each generation should be made to pay for any expenses that it incurs and not leave poster ity to pay them the 44 beer seems to be intoxicating when drunk at a bar but nonintoxicating when drunk at i table it surely is a magtetirev consumers of the jiew ingtheir 4ibations effects globe this will helptoconceal the the permission to sell thenew 44 beer in grocery stores looks to the general public much like going back to conditions which existed fifty years ago or more in canadian toyns in acton for instance there were then four grocery stores- which were licensed to sehintoxicating liquors the county jails should now be cleaned up and got in readfness for the gufcsts that magistrates uill be sending them when the new penalties for viola tion of the o t a will be in force mall and em pire does the mail and empire expect this result will follow the introduction of the new 44 beer who is the editor and publisher a bill which will be of interest to almost everyone has been introduced into the house qf commons at ottawa stipulating that the editor publisher or own er of every newspaper or other publisher file twice a year with the postmastergeneraf a sworn state ment setting forth the names of the editor managing editor publisher busmess manager and stock holders and also the qiame of bondholders mort gagees or other security holders the bill further requires that all editoral or reading matter for the publication ot which money is received shall be mark ed advertisement if this law is just or reason- able why limit it to the newspapers why not de mand of every business on the street just who are the real owners mortgagees bondholders or security holders- interested it would be just as reason able concludes the carleton place central canadian a true canadian citizen the good citizen must in the jirst- place reco gnize what he oweshls fellow citizens if he is worthy to live in a free- democratic country he must keeptefore his eyeshis duty to the nation of which he forms a part he must keep himself informed and must think for himself on the great questions of his day and he must know how to express his tlfoughts he must possess an intelligent opinion upon the issues that arise jor in a government like oursthe man who- fails to keep himself informed is only less harmless than the knave above nil he niust be in the truest sense of the word deeply and broadly patriotic there must be nothing narrow in his patriotism the welfare of the whdle country must be dear to him and he will have but a poor soul if he can ever see the young folk without feel ing a thrill at the thought of iall that the flag fm- plies in political life whether a man acts without or within party lines is not of very great nroment ifonlyhe always opts honestly fearlessly and ef fectively but remember that it is necessary to be bothtfifflcient and upright too parties are necessary witljljut association and organization and the neces sary partial subordination of individual preferences no great work can be done but on the other hand no man has a right to condone crime to excuse moral shortcomings of any kind because of an al leged party necessity wrong ideals should have no place in bur public life or in our private life it is the duty of every decent man not bniy to stand up valiantly fprthe right but to- war mercilessly upon the wrong triese are some of the genera character istics -of-a- gornjemzen of tfiecflnada we love how do we measure up to them last nlgtlt vtlti a good atteridaheo the various committees submitted their reports which frerc discussed it was decided to start a drive for new members at once a committeo is meeting mr skinner of the c n it today with reference to improving the companys property at the entrance to tho town at tho brant house on thursday evening last tho local intermediate and junior basketball teams journeyed to grimsby to play -two- games winning both of them tho intermediate game was first and was very close and fast tho- score is enough to say what kind of a game it was being 1612 tho second game was also- fast but not so close the local juniors being too good for the grimsby sextette the score of this game was 26ipriazott6 georqetown- the work of restoring the devested areas of bel guim has beejijractjcahycompleted tsotooo homes destroyed during the war have- been rebuilt the belgian government has replaced tho houses barns and outbuildings destroyed with sub stantial brick structures of modern type and trie farms and homes thus restored are superior to thofeo which existed before the war the recent knighting of sir gowlaftd hopkins who announced his discovery of vitamins in 1913 prompts lens the medical correspondent of the new statesman london to make the assertion that the master wordof this century in medical science is not heredity nor infection but nutrition the science of food has now reached a standard which offers unlimited possibilities goderich is the seat of an agitation looking for a municipil audit by a chartered accountant go to it they may but if they knew the experience of col- lingwood as to the costs there would be some hesita tion and some more time elapse before the sugges tion was acted upon never again for collingwood if it can be avoided barkers on the street are scaring sometimes but fortunately not always collingwood bulletin in spite of the unfavorable weathor tho st patricks tea and sale of bak- 95 000outofm t ln be-xbrary-baturday-attet- loon proved most successful residents on main street complain that the voices qf tho young men who try to sing about 1 a m aro not ln harmony and thcrofore they commit a public nuisance mr wm roszel has disposed of his house and four acres on tho 10th con township of esqticalng to mr h l ostrander y rev r m hamilton of brockvlllo has disposed of his house on guolph street georgetown to mr scrymgeour j b mackenzie has purchased from mr h t arnold tho parcel of land bounded by queen murdock and al bert streets it is mr mackehxloo intention to build small modern homes on same a bright and interesting annual meeting of tho gronfcll mission was hold at the home of tho president mrs h p lawson on thursday after noon march 5 most gratifying re ports wore submitted mrs robt harding who underwent mi operation at brampton hospital last week is improving airs r d coutta of toronto was the tdwn beautiful idea in canada is growing but it isnt- growing fast enough the economic value of beauty is- not fully grasped it is hard to make our practical minds realize that attractive sur roundings are a very definite community asset yet much business has been diverted to many villages because its such a pretty town any village can be made attractiye if the spirit of beauty pervades its residents and fortunately the cost is very small the will to do is the important thing st marys journal the temperance question will not down it is becomingmbre and more a live question in the old country the belfast northern whig of monday march 2 said yesterday was observed as tem perance sunday in over pne hundred churches in the united diocese of down and connor and dro- more the sermons in the belfast cathedral were preached by the archbishop iof dublin tho most rev pn gregg think of it temperance sermons in one hundred anglican churches in one diocese in ireland on one sunday ireland may lead ontario yet in effective prohibitityj of the liquor traffic while the ontario department of highways con siders that it has been extremely lenient in past years in the mfiuetot collection of municipalities shore qf good roads cost hon corgc s henry the pres ent minister has corqe td the conclusionthat tcrsamo extent the province has been imposed upon by de- linquents to meet the situation he is now having prepared an amendment- to the highways act which will require- municipalities topaj the province in terest at current rates on money owing to the depart ment in respect of good roads construction the guest of mrs r i croelmon oyer the weekend dr and mrs p r watson roturnod homo from florida on saturday oven- ing v- rev dr williams who prcachodln tho mothodlst church on sunday was tho guest of his son dr c y wil liams queen street during his stay in town there wus a full house at the meth odist church tost evening to hoar the organ recital given by mr c franklin lcgge assisted by mrs ada richard son loggc l t c m of toronto arid tho choir of tho church every one present was delighted with ttfo jyiqgrammo provided at the regularmooting of tho ltb lodge no 303 liold at tho ar6na build- jog on tho cvoning of march 12 the- occasion being- a visit from the mem- lorh of maplo leaf lodge of aoton n very pleasing ovont took placo when sister n b long was presented wlti ji past mistress jewel as a slight tokon of appreciation by tho members of said lodge for her very ablo leader ship during the two years that she tills w m herald place of meat ithu unique roatt tm the main dish oiihemel yourfolkswill be delighted reclpa and i arg en tine natl o externatsinldrig fund 6 gold bonds of 1924 du december lstj9ss a w principal and interest payable in gold m new york we recommend these bonds for the following reasons areeritine credit ranks higher than any other south arnerlcar country andsheeadsah such countries in yolurne of foreign trade argcatinejias goldjorj handjisa reserve r against currency fii circulation of 75- one of the highest in the world canadas position in this respect is 4605 vr populatiori is 9500000 average wealth per person 1533 totaiaverage government debt per- person 103 total debt represents only some of the national wealth canadas aver age government debt per person is about 350 united states about 200 great britain about 800 argentine credit in europe ranks very high before the war argentine government bonds were sold in london and europe at coupon rata from zy s these bonds are rated very high by the best authorities they are also listed onthe new yopk stock exchange which assures the holder of a ready market for same ap all times j i price at the market yielding about 625 telephone or telegraph your orders at our expense business directory medical r a dalyco baxik of toronto 3uildla0 toronto did you ever stop to thmkihat this newspaper is yours the editor and all his force are work- ingforyou they want totmild the kind of paper v that you know will be in the best interests of the home and the codamunitv why not help them what kind of news do you think should be given what feature of the paper interests v you most these are simple questions but rthey ar big questions with the editor jhe is spending his time and the money the business earns every day and every week to make this newspaper the kind of a paper that you want in your home and you vant to boost your home paper why not cooperate if something in the paper pleases you tell the editor if there are articles that dont interest you tell him too and tell him why no two communities are alike the editor is all the time studying his town and his people and the community gen- reralty a word from you now and then wotdd help wonderfully if y6u have any suggestions send them in this is your paper lets cooper ate to make it equal to the best paper of any community in the country i j -rt- s acton jetee press notnuiwiftihyeaf dr j a mcnlven phyaloun and buroeon n offlonilbeiaeiicttqrirer boirar avonuo and ulf in traot pltonb 88 x dr e j nelson predbricir street i aoton ontario leqal phono no 22 p o box ttl harold nash farmer a barrister dolfoltbr notary public convoyanoar to perryman block acton ont- mone3t lent on mortgages hourbtllrnjit to 6 poa saturday 120p ocluok barrkkor solloltor notary public gaorqatown ont dental dr j m bell d d s l d a dantlat honor graduate of toronto trnlrer- blty the latest anesthetic used if desired lofllce at residence corner- of mu1- nnij frederick streets l dr f g gollop dds lds dental surgeon office over bank of nova scotia hours oso to 680 hvenlngs by appointment mi8cellaneou8 francis nunan bookbinder account books of all kinds mado yo order perlodlcais- of every description carefully bound ruling neatly and promptly dono wyndbam street 1 guolph ont over wiluams store r j kerr auctioneer and ileal estate 20 years experience list tour property with mb acton ontabio start on monday at guelph business college cummer btdg guelph ont for thorough training by individual instruction fcom busineaa experienced in- etructora courses secretarial bookkeepers stenographers guelph business college graduated are in demand a l bouck principal and proprietor dont neglect your eyes take advantage of specialist sorvlcos offered by thlb estab lishment- and know- your glasses aro right experience is a goodjfcacher 19031925 wo havo had over twenty years at it and hero patrons dro assured of the best in op tical service a d savage optometrist and mfa optioian 8avage building rlbht at the post otnco guelph ontario i h3 richmond st wot ttorontto canaqa the old and reliable granite and marble works wo nro manufacturers and dlroot importors of all kinds of monumental and hoadstoho work wo soil dlroot to our customers at wholpsalo prlcee thus savlngr oiir customer 40 per cent wo have tho best appliances and tho only tnocbnnloa ln the dominion who can oporate pnoumatlqtools properly wevcan ffive roforoncos from hundroda of ouroustomers in toronto and other placos whero others havo to havoiaw suits ln order to colloot wo havo tho largest and bost stock of granite in tho dominion or more than any throe dealers ln tho woat- wo are 1ob4u- i niato dealors and omploy no agents and do not annoy or post oustomdrs by sending out ignorant agonts solicit ing otdera wo ompjoy only mochonlca and defy competition haltotonsons quelph ont r j subscriptions for all maga- s5ines taken at the free press office t ifii iz m tjvswvvg

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