Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 26, 1925, p. 4

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vv jv v i r mvvvij v v c k a jiiiwiayiiiitiriiiirii ohf artim 3ffm inrbfl tinjrbday aiargh 30 lllib cooperate if you would boost tho same along v -co- operate even though your plans go wrpng- cooperato r mm tt per chance tho other mart wants to work as per his plan work his way you surely can coopjbrnto toros just oho way to advertise f copperate dont take timo to crltlcuze cooperate when things go tho othor way after you have had yonr say if youre in tho gomo to stay cooporato j lots matto success our common aim cooperate its liebpbrtaand ploy tho ghmol cooporato if someone gives you a slap laugh it offpnt glvearaj boost the game all over the map j coojrpt6l a school mobnds com- petition t- department of aahoultur otuw gives silver cups for beit rural j schools grounds i a competition 1 in the ornamental planting of rural school grounds la being inaugurated by the canadian horticultural council tho purpose of the competition is to encourage tne- planting of such ornamental and hardy shrubs as will not butter for lack of attention during the vacation period tho abundance of native ahrubbory available- locally in many parts of tho dominion and the finer things equally as hardy- obtainable front the nurserymen stye oncourago ment to the cpuhcil and the promise of a charming transformation in tho achool grounds of tho country tho competition though domjnlon- wide- is divided provlnclolly nine silver cups have been secured for award one in each provinco to tho t rural school accomplishing the great est degree of boautiflcatlon in 1u grounds during the year the cup will bocome the property of the school winning it throe times hot necessarily in succession whth each oup the council will alio givo an award of merit certificate which may be framed and kept by the achool as a permon- ont record j to enter tho competition the schools are required to submit a photograph of the building j and grounds and on duplication of entry to tho chairman of tho provincial committee or to mr l p burrows secretary of the cana dian horticultural council at ottawa details of the competition which will lie conducted- under the immediate charge of the provincial department of education are available from the secretary of the canadian horticul tural council at ottawa or from any of the following ctathanen of provin cial committees british columbia jprpfjbv8 buck university of brit ish columbia vancouver alberta prof goo harcourt university of alberta edmonton saskatchewan dr b c patterson university of saskatchewan saskatoon manitoba prof f ot broderlckv university of llanito bo winnipeg ontario prof a bv maclennnn ontario agricultural college guclph now brunswick a g turney- provincial horticulturist 2hederictannova scotia prof shaw college of agrlculturo truro prince edward island j a clark dominion experimental farm charlottetown tell the old folks now if with pleasure you are viewing any work a man la doing if you like him or you lovo him tell him now v dont withhold your- approbation till the parson makes oration and ho lies wfrth snowy lilies oer hia hrow for ho matter how yout shout it ho wont really care about it he wont know how many teardrops you have shod if you think some praise is- due nows the time to blip it to him for hp cannot read his tombstone when hes dead v more than fame more than mdney is -v- tho comment tclnd and sunny and the hearty warm approval of a friend forlt gives to life a flavor and it makes you stronger braver and it gives you heart and spirit to tho end if ho arns yonr praise bestow it if you like him lcuvhlm know it let the words of true encourage moht be said do not wait till life is over and hes underneath the cldver for he cannot tfead hia tombstone when hes dead unconscious of danger i 1 t i ii w fefc- f ty j c svi- u i kt x fe sfc m sfi- kg m in tho coarse of mr boss coxs ex pedition along tho columbia pjtver flome years ago one member of the party hod a dangerous experience of which fortunately ha was entirely unconscious of at the time the men wore preparing supper on the bank of tho river and ia crosse worn but with the fatigue of the day stretched hlmilelf on tho ground and fell asleep a few mfhutes later is passed him l- and was hprrifled at sooing a large rattloslake moving j over his body toward his left breast my first impulse was to alarm la orpsse but an old canadian whoih i lackonad to the spot sold that we mut mako no nblse and the snake would go across the manr tjody and go away in this he was mistaken for on reaching the chest the serpent coued itbolf quietly as if meditating a stay if la cross inovodor wakened we shud dered to think of what would happen others quietly joined us and hr was determined that two men should advance in front to divert the atten tion of tho snake while one should approach from therear with a long stick and dislodge the creature v on seeing the men in front the rat tier raised its head ployed its evil- looking tongue and shook its rattles indications of anger bjvory one was in a state of feverish tnxilety as to the fate of- poor la crosse who stttl lay asleep the man tohind now came up with a stlpk seven feet lbng quicjriy placed oiio nd under the reptile and sucoeedod in pltehipg it ten ieot from the mans tjody a hbut of joy was the first inti mation la crosse had of his wonder xul escape the snako was pursued and killed y wrunq fromthe soil even when there la an undercurrent f reality the stream of irish humor howe smocthly a man walking along a country road met a- peasantdriving a wrenched donkey with a load of turf that seemed to rtax the strength of he unfortun ate animals to the utmost why said the man vcu ought to be taken up for cruelty to animals or loading an ass so heavily offthat begorra sir said the peasantwho was on his way to the morkettown to sell the jturf bogorro if i didnt so that td be took up for cruelty to a wife and six chllder teachers all exp kn8e tour to the psolffo coast tholudino can- sdlsn and amerlcin national 1psrks a complete thirty day alfctsxpehae tour of being arrahged from toronto to the north paciflc coast special r trains leaving toronto via canadian ktitlonal railways july noit westbound the party will pass ttirough some of the moat important cities of western canada winnipeg fikakatoon sjdaionton stopping over ot jtasperf national park thence to jprinco rupert and a canadian na tional pacific coast steamers through rhir wonderful soenle sea of the north rftdflc coast to vancouver returning via portland yellowstone national rprk salt lake city an estea na- krt tlbnaf park through chicago thence sjj1iv bftekto toronto- v- hv vithe toiir is being arranged under oi direction of bfrl a b bryson pwhiclpalof sllvflr thorn school tor- onto and mr martin kerr principal of vttid barl kitchener school hamilton ontario al1i particulars may he se- l cured from mr bryson ii siiverthom avenue torontar junotkm s4sw also firommr kerr 4- beulah avenue ham- uurhegent 843 whfle primarily designed- for the tmneflts of teachers in thq province i of ontario the tour is open to raom- hr of thoi general public and any ibocnre to join- ihs party win be most welopmehll- actons former doctors no doctor was ever more in tho lime- filght during hia practice in acton than dr john m macdonald the dr was a student in hia boyhood days ho was a student whllp- practicing in acton ho alwaya will too a student bugs microbes germs bacilli were a con atant study with htm but withal he was a student of surgery as well and no practice in this town up to hia day was attended with more operations than was that of dr macdonald and ho was remarkably successful in these operations too appendicitis became quite a popular ailment during his stay with us up to- his advont an operation for appendicitis waa rather rarovwo agreed with the doctorsin the earlier days that imtamroation was the trouble if the patient was re lieved by the usual treatment for in flammation well and good if not there was no help for him dr macdonald came to acton a little over twenty years ago his rop utation as a doctor who investigated things proceeded htm his home was over in peel coimty and there oven in his school days he was called surgeon johnny during his early achool days he would dissect a frog or a mouse to and out for himself thoj principles of their anatomical con struction and ho had a tender heart a chicken wltha wire foot a dog with a wooden leg a calf with an artificial tall a rabbit with a homemade ear a purblind mulo with spectacles it would all a column to give tho whoiej list of surgeon johnnys patlents4cl under treatment and cure nr john macdonald- when only 12 or 14 tyears old got tho sobriquet surgeon john hwrnu f he succoasful op- eratlons that he performed on domestic fowls and animals he always meant to be a phystolan when he grew up and his ambition his gentle dispo sition arid hia sympathy for ajifforlng all led him to put his whole soul into his work hia hospital waa in an old wagon shed his surgical outfit consisted of a pair of bclaaprs a sharp jack knife sharp enough to shave with pliers cotton strips of old linen splints of wood and certain pieces of wire twine thread and needles his first patient was one of his mothers chlckena that had frozen its feet during an unusually cold spell in place of the lost feet johnny con trived a pair of wire feet attached to soft leather boots that were held in place by an elastlo band that passed over the backs of the wings on these wire feet the chicken learned to walk fairly well and it even tried to scratch with them although without much nuotew j another patient was a fox- terrier whose right hind foot had beern cut off by a railway train the dog was the playmate of a neighbor boy the boys father paid surgeon johnny 5 to treat the injured leg until it was well and to make a wooden loir with that b and somo other fees the young physician bought real surgical lnstru ments and hooks on anatomy and sur gery ono of surgeon johnnys patients was his own- registered jersey helfor a vicious bulldog had mangled her toil johnny performed a neat oper ation leaving a teninch stub as soon aa the stub had healed he got another tall similar in color from the butcher he eplit the skin of the tall took out the bones- and tanned tho skin so that the hair would not loosen then he punched holes in both- sides of the leather arid laded it to the sjtub as a shoo is laced on a foot the artificial toil gave the death blow to many a troublesome fly the blackandwhite rabbit with the homemade ear was a comical sight it waa tho pet of n little girl in john nys neighborhood a stray cat iri trying to catch the rabbit had torn tho ear tn several places surgeon johnny removed it when the wound had healed ho put in its etead an oar made o wire gauge covered wth white velvet splotched with indelible ink that operation gave less satisfaction to the patient than the one previously 5 described the rabbit spent much of his tttno trying to remove the velvet eak but surgeon johnny grew up to manhbod passed jus medical examin ations at the medical college with honors and chose aoton as the first placer in whloh to seitle and practice his profession he- soon built up n largo practtcerand was never happier thari when engaged in studying the symptoms and treating the patient af flicted with some intrlcato nllmont- dr macdonald was ono of the first aurgeona practicing in the country in the province to introduce anx ray out fit in hia surgery he is hieased with a rich undo who ns much admiration for him and his unale thb qeneral manager fef the confederation life insurance company of toronto do- ctdsd to encourage him fn his work by presenting him vjth- this now andex- pensive outfit u wgstjbe first and oly x ray machine ever installed fn acton reeiy indeed are they to be found in any places outside the hospitals while busy and studious dr mac donald teekt time forvsociat activities when he first came to aoton his two maters acopmbnled himnd kspt th house for him but ho was riot long in flndlnff that acton had young ladles eligible to preside over a doctors home after- a law months investi gation he decided thaf miss laura plank eldest daughter of mr william plank was the finest girl the world produedd and he laid beige to her heart and with success thoy were married and lived rvery happily for a faw years and then this splendid wife and mother was solxed with an- illness whloh neither the skill of her husband nor hia contemporary physicians were able to cure she passed away at an early age greatly mourned- by hor stricken hueband as well as by her fathers house and numerous friends shortly after this sad evont dr mac donald moved to toronto where larger snhero for hlsskth and atten tion opened tothm toda ho la practicing in the eastenqpf the city with his home and surgery ori pape avenue he hsalargejractlce and does an immense amount of philan thropic work the poor receive hia skill and attention just as promptly the welltodo no ono is ever turned away becaubevofino fundajto pay the doctor when tho dr looked for a second wlfotouperlntondhlshohiodndcueor his heart another acton young lady received his attentions mabel chap man tho daughter of mr w j chap man who resided in acton when the drcwos hero became his brldo shortly after ho remoyod to toronto mabel has alwaytttieen youthful and attrac tive in appearance and was quite girl ish looking when they were married tho story is told thatwhen they moved to their now- homo on pape avenue she took hector her stepeon to the public school to introduce him to tho teacher- hector waa a big lump of a lad and as tall as mrs macdonald when he was introduced the teacher addressing mrs macdonald said and what class was your brother in in his former school oh corrected mrs macdonald hols notmy brother- he is my son- mary has just read thla story and exclaims dhf father you should not have told i that story onthe little wo man well i rdpued whari havo written i havo written anyway mrs macdonald told mo this story her self one time when i mat her dr macdonald still makes an oc casional visit to acton there are citi zens here that j think the dr under stands thelr physlognom better than any other medical man who has over j treated them i news from the other acton items of interest gleaned from the acton england gazette of march 6 1925 a tlunting story a newspaper published v apt in southern france la prosse publishes on account of an extraordinary hunting adventure which lately befoll a ciu xan of that town a parle j6umal in copying tho story explains that voo- currences of the kind never take place except in southern franco but that la not true s into any hunters camp in thevwlldand woolly west and you may hear yarnsjust as ingenious and not a hit more truthful than this a hunter who had spent a conoid erable part of thp day in annsuccei ful quest for eamo and bad dlechnrfted his shotgun many tlmeavlthout result caught sight on his way homo of a superb pigeon well up in an oaktrco which grew on a very steep hillside the hunters gun was charged with powder but ho was entirely out of shot in this emergency and resolvintz firmly- that ho would have that pigeon ho eat down on tho ground and tdok out his pocket knife and with ifc pull ed several nails out of the sole of his shoes these ho lbaded lntohis gun the pigeon attll sat in his place tho hunter aimed fired and the pigeon was nailed tqv tifo oak- tree with tho shoenails the hunter was almost in despair seeing the game apparently fastened beyond his reach but he climbed tho tree ascended with difficulty to tho place whero tho pigeon hung and had justvtakeji the bird off when he lost bis footing arid fell through the air l as ohancq would have it tho hunter landed in the midst of a hares nest he began to rplv rapidly down the ateect hillside hut bpforp he did so ho seised a largo bare firmly hy fho hind legs rolling downwards the hunter slid plump into the midst of a covey of partridges and striking about with the hare ho succeeded in killing nine of these admirablo birds y he thon picked htmsolf up and went homeward with his pigeon- hfs haro and his partridges well satis fied with the results of his shot tho items of news selected from week to week trom the english acton which is the municipal progenitor of pur town havo much of interest many of them have a remarkablo singular ity to incldonta which occur in our canadian acton tpho acton league of topnff uber ajp haa arranged a firstclass variety concert which will take placd in tho central hall at 8 p m on tuesday additional arms have joined the acton hospital payday scheme and thero are approxlniateiy 5000 mem bers sir harry and lady brltkafriwero among the guests of theczechoslpva minister and mme mastny at lunch eon on friday of last week thv bishop of kensington will hold a confirmation at the acton parish church at 230 pm on the 29th inst for being incapably drunk at acton lane on sunday night james donovan waa fined 5a at acton police court onmonday mn edward w chalmers a railway goods guard arthurstreet nothor- fleld notts died suddenly at a railway piona hoatct in acton on friday night a team r ifrom acton conbervatlve club captained by jr w g funt visited hanwell conservative club on tocadny evening fer a games tourna ment they were dofcatod the next popular free lecture- at all sainta pariah hall acton will bo given next monday at 830 pm when tho subject will bo bohlnd the bcencs of a great liner annie norton a cook with no homey wis fined 76 at acton police court op monday for being drunk and in- aapablo at old oak common lane acton the grand hallactonbathq waa well filled on friday night foradanco on behalf of the funds of tho first aid station acton yate tho acton hospital secretary wrote abking the committeo to- assist in a achool childrens arts and craft exhi bition which would bo ono of the features of the forthcoming bazaar for the hospital pending tho completion of a shed in tho acton ffre brigade yard tho motorambulance purchased by the town council for publlo service la being housed in tho firo siatlon it- sejf tbosumof 110713 istequirod for elementary sducatlqn in acton noxt j ypor of tlfat sum it is estimated that 65020 will bo rccolyed n grant and c 68000 provided froro tho frus- tho four oclock express fronvbirm ingham to paddingtqn on tuesday afternoon reached tho speed of 86 mllesyp an hour for over a rnlo bejtween bacons field and northolt- s the annualreport of the acton cen tral old boya cricket club states that the second season was not so success ful as its predecessor mainly on ac count of the lncjemont weather which caused too total abandonment of four matches a fine meeting of the acton brother hood whlchrervoked much enthusiasm k place on sunday when tho local branch of tho acton adult school gave a demonstration ofthclr work t boys between the ages of 14 and is are wanted o form a band drum and flfe also a copipdny of cadets for acton under col plelojv a wedding of thjpclal interest to tho local jewish community took plaoo pn monday in tho acton yriagpgue irhon a large number of relatives and friends witnessed the picturesque jiebrew ceremonial the death in foypmbefl923 of mr james falthfull fpr fiftyfour years bollrrlngor and steeple chaser woho the free press cirose word puzzle r f cloyers aridlimothy jrennies clover and timothy seeds are sown by the most grititxtlfarmers everywhere u k clover nd iiowttiyticcdsaregnybirflrfir districts supplying seed that i beat uittd to c canadian climate and the cooaoous incrcue in thedeaund for rcnnics seed is due to thrwtduutindlngfcituicp trttyfydhtyahd hijih germination w hitfihf recommend our grades o tht 7 folldujlhgtartetlcv rcnniea brands of medium red glover all northern grown rennicbondcmamnxthpqoveiv- all northern grown rennica brandt of aualfp clover- a ontario grown j kcnnies brands of auike ctoyer all ontario grown renniea brands of- sweet clover all ontario grown jpinoies brands of timothy i auortnern grown ordermamica ctooetmndjlmtfhusll from yow 7oco dtnlcr or aired from wiixiam renie uumo oor adelaide and jarvissts toronto ij iou cannot ohialn locally pita ieritc us giving your dealer address kcnnles seed annual tie most-comput- cnadio seed catftloiuc free on lxqot horizontal 1 given as security 7 a play upon words 8 section of the british army 10 timo oast of fort william 11 articles of aiottilns 16us 16 a mossage 18 english school 20 title 22 thoreroro 23 act j- 25 ialaria near new york city ab 26 a cohjunction 27 ofllcer of a company ab 28 adjective 29 nearby v 30 god of the midday sun egypt myth f 31- behind 33 assist 35 novice tyro pi v 38 ono 40 a white plague- ab backwards 41 proceed 2 none 46 human being 47 vehicles key to gross word puzzle vertical 1 divide 2 above and touching 3 calm 4 at all times 5 royal academy at backwards 6 a statute one who walka 9c uniting in a league 11 a french policeman 12 a style of typeab 13 for example latin 14 designed to preserve health 16 a preposition 17 a parent 19 pulled to pieces 21 greater in amount 24 on top of 25 ono of tho u s states ab 32 athletic association iab 34 bachelor of surgery 36 tuberculosis 37 and french 39 nothing 41 matter in its most rarefied state 43 long island ab 44 negative 45 ono of the uhlted states ab 46 myself tho purpose of tho certiiicata is to intro duce dr caldwolla laxative syrup pcjp- sin the great family laxiiuvc if you will present the cer to yonr druggist he will allow you teh cents on the pur- chase price of dthcr a lar or small bot- tie constipation is the scourgeof health dr caldwells laxative syrup pepsin will rcstoreyour health and bring you happi ness cash your certificate today dr caldwell s laxative pepsin principle at the ppll8 while it is confidently bollovod that the woman candidate for any posi tion is tt creature far too good for the politicians daily food it must be borne in mind that some temptations are very enticing the chicago news invents the story of a man who wished to jien hlovotec the woman candidate faced hlrii resa wo sir she said i wllf not give you mft dollar for your vote it i not worth lt 4 it for ninety cents lady jrald jthe man why djdritvou saythat before but honor triumphed tho woman candidate turned away- no- sr alio said not even if you offered to vote twloe for n dollar and seventyfive cehts babys restless nigikts might be avoided scalded skin and otfcer alciu troublea are common causes of reue9flcs8 and often could- bp avoided by care- ful bathing with by own scraps its fragrant latlter el conies and beunklre akin and prepares mwtepvr acton jporh church waa f ollowod ori thursday by that of his wlfo mrs susannah falthfull at the age of seventyeight on thursday oven ing last week at the costlo hotel north acton a smoking concert was held by tho g w r signal department staff in honor of mr w j crews formerly telegraph inspector tho royal aaaocfatlon in aid of the deaf and dumb of whloh the king iff patron will hold a flag day in london and greater london on thursday may 28 in order to ralso funds in connection wltl the news buudlngs now being erpptotjin acfon thanks to an estimated substantial balance in hand on the 31st jnt- to laatmqment reductions in some esti mates jmdto the upward tendency of tho rateable value of tho borough the acton rates if the town council pass es the estimates next tuesday will re main the same as last year v acton chamber of commercesocro- ltary considers thero are at least 1000 townspeople eligible for memborshij sai4 m t w davenport president of tlp airtop chamber of commerce at ths annual mpetlng f that body- held in the actpn council chamber on monday night we havs nesy 48i members reriiarking that lthvos d matter for j civil action mr whberforce tho mary 1 e bo ne mnglstrate d ism issednrcharge against john matthews labourer act on of imallciauly damaging a plate glass window value 20 at tho dairy of daniel peters it has been decided not to illumin ate the acton parish church clock the ppuce have been notified that if they obsprvo fl- mystorloua figure climb- ing up the building at night it is prob ably a ratepayer desirous of knowing the time and not a ct burglar the humorist f acton baptist church whch opened on thursday march 9 1886 with tho bev c h spurgeon as preacher will celebrated its diamond jubilee next week tho famous preacher arrived late and he humorously improved tho toccaslon by taking nshs toil whdt think ye that he will not come to the feast a musician whp achieved connlder- nble fame amongst his contohiporarles especially during the victorian era has died in acton where ho had lived a retired fife for fifteen yenrs he waa mr gebrgo hammond j the sum of 10660 la needed to i build the ghriroh of st gabriel north j acton it is the avowed aim of thai bovw marsh bopson tshlonaryll clergyman and his coadjutors to build this johurch with putlla help and for tho greater glory of god and open it free of debt before august 31 li2r eighteen months from march 1 1925 i want to prove that i aca a man i have been a fool i have the best wife in tho world and she has stood -by- mo several times this state ment was made- somewhat dramati cally at acton police court on wed nesday by a youngnnari whose wlfo had cpmplalned to the magistrates of her husbands negloct to maintain her and hor children when a woman ovsked for the advice of tho magistrate at acton police court on monday ullcfflnx that her landlord had annoyed hor magistrate kemp naked her if tho landlord had struck her no lr tho woman replied with vlgrtfir he would not strike mo if he did i would smash everything ho had in his ihop tho magistrate said ho thought the woman could take care of fierself and advised her to leavo ths premises ns soon iib she could get accommodation plaewhoroi r8tful noowiria the energy of the oldest inhabi tant of an ontario town is a byword among his neighbors and a trial to his grandchildren who havo not inherit ed their full share or his active tem per f his grandson john particularly suf f fern from the old mans untiring in dustry for johh is his assistant- in tho little grocery storo whore every thing from codfish to brooms may bo found a purchnaor of gingorsnaps ungerod ono dny to hear tho noorf- timo address delivered to poor john by bin grandfather v no johnny inri sol rug homo for my dinner said the old man briskly and on tho wny ill carry up these pails tq mis manflon nnd fetch back her koroseno can i shall be gono upwards of half an hour llou will iaye plenty of time to oaf your lunch eon and whlls youre resting after it i wish youd saw up that llttlo mess of wood that lays out by tho back door and split hup for stove kindling for tho woathers turning sharp al ready most likely ill jo hack before you get out of wovk and anyways i dont want to keep you at it all the- timo so if theres a few oxtry minutes jot set down and make out a bill or two the fu st of the monthu be upon us fore wo know it t y answer to last weeks puzzle lalsltil igimiaitii 15 sag qsnteja sag ran aaa a mm qui ana osa aa an naa huh mm plenty of cgffa winter and summer dont 1 your hens loaf or just beboaidera weguar- antee your heris will lay more eggs or your money back from your dealer we will send you a cony of pratts poultry book free write for it today pratt food co of canada itd toronto poultry regulator a tea your grocer recommends is usually good tea r sie clbj cajl c e u l sshhlr altleblt sh cq saa a an sle opja l l v ebjfj eje an n3r e d 1 en1t 5g simple method is gooti tea and most grocers recommend it n dr soper dilwhrrs tho best means- of maldng children geptlq npd pplite la to treat them gent ly and politely it is especially true in manners that nothing teaches like exafnple- educational news prints a dialogue which bears happily upon fths point a mother noticed a remarkable change in the deportment of her eix- yearold son from being rough noisy and discourteous he had suddenly bo come one of the gentlest and most consldernto little fellows ln the world ho was attending tho kindergarten nnd his mother naturally inferred that the change had something to do with tho change miss smith teachieh you to bo polite she remarked in a tone of interrogation no sntdthe boy she never says a word about it tho mother was puzzled and all the moro when further questioning only brought moro emphatic denials thnt the teacher had never given hor pupils leusons in good breeding well then the mother said fft miss smith doesnt say anything what does sho do she doesnt do anything persist ed tho boy she just walks around and we feel polite we feel just as polite as as anything that was all he could tell about it and his mother began to soo through tho mystery itpayfq use senour 100 pure paint varnishes whte to haul office monfrmj ftr free booklet home minting made easy sold by wdctdbot acton ontario one good turn snecuusbl in dlioasm of bkln blood nerves ladder and special all- meats of mon one visit odvllnhle it lmnosnlbl end history- for free opinion and nd- vlre question- blank and book on dlsew of- miti give coqultalloit i i free medicine forntshod ittbi6t i i form hoars 10 a in to 1 plwuul4 to j pm sundays 10 am to l pm orcl sopbrtt white toronto filrix onk i i mil sir henry hawkins v0 was raised to the peerago as baron brampton aftr a lung term on tho criminal bench was a notable terror to tivll- otuh towiird tho close of his enr- cer ho happonpd to inlvo fj rail way station and was nt once accosted by a rough fellow who seemed very anxious tojiiiinlrt jitm lri handling his irvknge struck by his friendliness sir henvy huld youaegm to bo very desirous of helping moymy man f thats what i am sir replied the man you npo air once you jljdjifliol ii good turnv i yob abkfcd tho judge wuen and where pray well said the fellow lt was- when- yo ung crooked billy moan billy once waa phis bu we fell ou and billy says as ow noxt rime o dropped cyetx on me ed do for mo with a knifa i knowed billy and knpwed e do as o nald and so e woul sir if you adht ung lm in time so id liko to do you a good turn too sir jqnry internal and external pains dro promptly relioved i be thomas eclectric that it has been sold for nearly fifty years and 13 today a oreater seller than ever efor2 is a testimonial that speaks for its nuueroua curative qualities ial pains cream cream for our new creamery highest prices paid specialism ivo 17 ffoz4 ship direct phom farm to factory anp receive more money write for our shipping tags swift canadian co a limited creamery dept ntmmmmmmmm toronto free press job printing is always neatly done m ssfi km if fl l fv w m-

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