Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 26, 1925, p. 6

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ls m r dinhn- marriage and- destht arenow tcharjrod for at tie followioff rates i birthi l 50c mbrriatebi 50 deaths wcj memorial 50c ioc pet line extra or poem married sargent- sclairv on wodnfa- day march 11 102g by tho rav john xandaay at the manuo erin harold son of mcj and mro matthow sarecnt to floronco daujthtor of mr and mro duncuri sinclair all of police court ne3vs two midland drufffrlots woro fined 9i00 for nclllnu whiukoy and thrco doctors woro fined 60 each for lasiilrttx b crip to ulogully laut weojc maglotrato pouglao davidson hold d highway court at mlmlco on monday 3cho calendar uhowotl 8v enscs uovcral of which woro nottlod out of court tliron defondantn m m bpylo an- neighborhood- news- towtiand country na8saqaweya mr and mrs john c blacklock of nasaaffawoya eolobrated tho flftloth ahnlvorsary of their wedding last wovk tho aged couplo verq joined in thlu happy event by their bomb apd day pi oakville jurnch piali srvwus hoforo poilc mngibtrato shields on a blot a charro and vfiia relieved of go anil court coata tho minstrel vhow to ho ircaontod by tho ioctil buaoball club will ha liu on thursday and friday- april 3rd and jmtlu tho crtrolliiu mlristrole of toronto guvo otio of their pcrformanccn in thu wednesday half holiday commencing wednesday april 1 tho morchuntfl of acton will nloiio their rotipectlyo plncoa of buslneaa on wednenflny afternoons at 1230 oclock and contlntio during tho acton citizens tako notico o tho- 25 spacjol reductions in our stock of aprlnff wallpapcra and window shados this month special prtcet on clocks imkiean store news m liiiln iiowniihin criteencoon at acton methodlat parsonnko by rev j culp on wodr noaday march 18 102g laura ger- trudo second daughter of mr isaiah coon of guolph formerly of acton i to james alexandor son of mrs j a- groon ofport pftlhouslo- j- died 1 ctjrrie in milton on wodnesday march 18 1925 chrlstena jjombnt mckillop widow of tho jato q corse cliow xofatoo and u gabarinu wero fsnod 24 go 12050 and j24gq ronpecl tlvitjly for reckless dxlvinff 67 persons paid thotusual penalty fort epoodlnfr in four cases sentence was suspended ouid one caso was dismissed for want otovldonco cjlrrjprfln her 01st year wp arfom 3 ttttyxteq thursday march 2t 1mb brief xottemb kastertlde in a couple of weeks fi plfst of april next wednesday all fools day cominff bo carc- ful tho vernal equinox didnt kick up much fusathhf year sprlnffwas ushered inon saturday with both smiles and tears tho vacuum cleaner brings smiles to many a householder these days tho dust was flylmy on the streets on saturday tho first day of spring some vory fine maple syrup has boen brought to town during tho week meafordu tax rate is 60 mills a reduction of three mills from last year if you want time to pass rapidly just sign a good sized note duo in thirty days the roads have dried up fine dux- mtr tho pastweok even on tho back concession linos clean up and roll your lawns now tin a fow weoka the lawn mower will be again in commission each succeeding spring the value of improved roads both in town and in country is more manifest oteotlvo holding of tho canadian national railways stratford brought tlirce georgetown lads boro police maelstrato moore last vvednosday on churgqs of wilful damaged the cass orooo out of the doings bf the threo boyo the previous sunday- afternoon tli oy woro trespassing in the canadian national railway station in the ab- bnco of any of tho officials and wil fully bmashed a largo pane of borst dhovel edged glass in the ofuco window tho dotectlvo ronded up jtho rnts- cieants7they pleaded guilty and were flnwl 500 and costs each and flo esni ior the damage jjioy inciirrod the sunday afternoon prank coat utaem 086 each r two motorists arrived in fergus on sunday night bound for mount forest tliey found that the roads abdvo that town were iot fit for motdrlng so hired awagon from ahvery inkn and proceeded on their way leaving the car in a fergus garage tho fergus constable got word of it followed them with another wagon catchlngmp with tbxena about four miles above that town one man escaped out tho other fred bnnom was arrested and the wagon was found to contain j35 bottles of wilakey a search of the car in the garoffo disclosed 35 more tho car has be on conflscajted and the man who is at present conjped in the county jail on a weeks romano will appear before mjifflstrato wfttt next saturday r-mor- oary tors grandchildren and srent-grund- chlldron mr and mrs black lock woro at home to tholr many frlondafrom3- to g oclock a wedding annlversorv dlhnor was- greatjy enjoyed by the happy couplo andthclrguotsnunn orous lottcrsnild tolegrdmu of con gratulation weco recpived by mr and mrs blacklock from relatives artd friends residing in different points tn canada and tho united states bannookburn tire rmohthly mcotlng of the ban nockburn womens institute was hold at tne bompof mrs thopaoa moffat fifth line on wednesday eveninc 18th inst about sixty members and their families enjoyed a splendid sociul evn- lhr i cadimjsjv solos hdrnusjcjbyl the youpg people compriijed an ex collent programme mioa howes of hornby tho district becrotnry gav 4 veryintorestlng address on institute work wlteh contained many helpful hints after tho programme was over contests and ffames wero played until lunch when alt idjd justice to tho dainty refreshmenta provided by tho ladles a silver collection was taken up for running cxponseflf the next meeting of the instltuto will be held at the homo of miss b iiowrie fifth line- on wednesday afternoon apro 1g rockwood measures by light waves precision systam suopmtad by pro fstor smith of m i t bvliig littd in thcjpaokard factory to check quaom m mrl james flriydor mill street saw a flock of wild goeso numbering 40 or go g51hfr north on monday night tho provincial highways aroin good cpndltlon generally heavy trucks have cut through in a fow places lower and lower the willows bend oer the swotlihg streams silvery buds of velvet whore tho sunset gleams tortsntq people are already talk ing of jboy cottlng the grocers i who handle tho governments new bew next tlmoa man tells you that talk is cheap ask him if he knows how much a bobs ion of parliament costs do you remember thebldtimo sugaring off parties at this time of the year what jolly times they were w bftw mi- a few cars ore otill running with out 1925 markers owners now nave no tenable excuse if the cops- get them thornbury citizens ore considering tho advisability of erecting a public horse barn at a cobt of froml500 to 3000 our canadian wlntr is all right but who will say that hd does not welcome the signs df approaohlng spring meosrfl a m smith and f mc- intosh havo engaged jn re finishing of automobile bodies by a now method of mr compressor spraying manitoba la putting a tax of thrao contfl a gallon on gasoline but at the same time is making a reduction of 5 in the automobile license fee- fifteen years from now the farm era woodlot plan tod this ytasr with trees that can be had for the asking will be worth a tidy sum of money frguscouhcilt has purchased a building next u10 public iilbrary for 3000 which will bc converted into a council chamber and municipal of fices r step- ladders polls scrubbing brushes brooms dustless mops audi vacuum cleaners ore now having their innings again its housoleanlng time tho enterprising merchant- buys advertising for the same reason that m farmer buys fertuiier to make two blades grow where only one grew before w seoda for school pupils are- being distributed by acton horticultural society this woekv a packet of needs is being give q to each scholar in acton public school the trenton seasons stock of salt flshin town is getting low now the merchants oro quite satlsned to clear out tholr stocks as tho end of the son approaches nqws was received here on mon- day of tho death of mr r a rickey of compbrn corners near sbolburnt mr rickoy was for some years a resl- dont of balllnafad thb local garagee have commenced to get busy and for tho next few weeks tho usual spring rush an over- haul ing and ropalrs to core will keep the employees op the hustle a dog dylaw has been passed in shelburne imposing a fee of 225 for males and 425 for females and pro hibiting the running at large of dojrs between s unset and sunrise air dogs were supposed to start on their jail sentence for the summer months yesterday dogs must now either bo tied up or led by a leash as well as wear tags dundas star now that putsle contests sre o popular the preachers might pull a new one by not i oiling where they get their text an letting the congregation guofls at itw shelburne kconomlat eaat luther township council will prohibit the erection bf a new rail fenee or any new fence that would cause an accumulation of snow along any public highway in the munlelpal- v 7- 1 the injury to the fractured jujib of little jimraie jones fins made jueiisurlng by light waves tho lost word known to science in precision of metisurement is- being 4on6 in the every day work of building automobiles the system has boon adopted by tho paxkard motor car company the first automobile company to uao it actual moasurement as fine as one millionth of n inch are made easily with the ljglit wave equipment in uao at thrf packard atctory such flncnoaa in ganging s believed to- mark a otlu further stop in advancing american prectaion methods of quality rnunu factiurlng por some time in the autopiobilo in- duatry precision blocks guaranteed to do within one millionth of an- inch of perfection have been in use as stan dard of measurement against which precision tools could be checked light wavzneasuringsalfurlhexjsafgurd of quality in manufacture measuring with light waves is done by counting delicate waves of light or ahadows under highly polished glass filaes when viplet rays areprojected j through the discs onto the piece to be checked the system that is used by the bureau of standards at washing ton nnd in the laboratories of a num ber of ainerldan and european scien tists it is being- given much study in tho laboratoriea of some ofihe bet tor inown universities professor robert h smith of the massachusetts institute of technology while at- the packard factory investl- gatixig precision methods of manu facturing motor cars suggested- the practical use of light wave- measuring aio part of tho dally routine inspec tion work of the factory inspection bureau study of tho system in washington and at mxt by heads of the packard bureau of standards and of the pack ard laboratory resulted in its adop- i tion it waa onlya few years ago that the try and fit method of manufacturing was employed in making motor cars demands of the public for better cars forced rapid advancement until now some parts of packard motors which have to fit as closely as one tenthoua andtri of an lnchinust be mode per- foetly- to hold this degree of perfec tion gauges have to be checked dally with a degreo of precision undreamed of only a few years ago professor smith is a brother of mr peter a- smith acton ralph richardflfm has been making alterations in his store painting and papering also installing an electric cash register for tho benefit of his patrons tho interior shows p to bet ter advantafire and ha is now in a posi tion to cater to the wants of nls cus tomers with greater convenience the bis storm last thursday morn ing swolled the creeks and rivers to a great extent james watsons house was surrounded with water over nigrht thebowltns green at waterside park was under a foot or so in fact- the river was one sheet of water from the roadsldo the opposite bank tho dam at the woollen miils presented a mihtature- niagara charlie royce pf fort erie arrived last saturday on a visit to his mother and brothers leonard mcdougal sr township assessor is op hlannriual rounds again in this district h h edmondsoh celebrated ht3 birthday on monday and had a fow friends in for tea mrwm burns attended the funeral of bis cousin mrs logan of thorn- dale last week rcgury theutro unuer the uuspiceh of knox church- kirkclub last thurs day evening the circle of- burnt- cork minstrels were becomingly 00a dined and vero ably aaslatedbyai otchc3tra-of- adozen tiwcffs thursday shortly before one oclock tho little detour bridge that had car ried thousands of outomoblllsts dnd potlostrluns over tho sixtooa mihe creek at onkvlllo during tho construc tion of the big now bridge was llftcci from its moorings on piles and carrlod out into tho lake wjioh last soon it was being carrlod rapidly by thoiforco of tho waves eastward kccojrd hiuiitiw of april may junot july august september and november cuflising hour on saturday ovon- ingnjvlubo l03oi mj atobforyou 6 to 10 daily eden mills the engineering stuff- of the can adian national electric railway jvcrc llieronst wecic looking ovor bo ground for thjroposed station and cxtcndod sldlnffs- b ttto womens missionary socloty hhd an interesting mooting- hero at tho homo of mrs a b rudd mrst h leslie the president was in charge miss heather missionary in alberta gavoovery interesting account ofher work among the ykranlans mrs a e rudd was elected as secretary and miss anna argo as treasurer dainty refreshments were served by the host ess members of the road and brldgo committees ptlhallon and wolltegton county councils were here last week arranging to let contracts for erection of a new bridge over tho rlvor at the miuvthls summer f- tho sfevhfb abraham of guolph- conducted services in the presbyter ian church a week ago mr -g- a mephall who has- taken over the choir sang a soio mr alex mitchell has purchased the old white farm from mr norman marshall and intends to work it in connection with his present homestead do mon wanted no pravious ex porlenco necessary wruo for 40pago frco book which explains how you can earn while learning to workin city and town shops as autfb mechanic knglncor electrical battery or weld ing export chauffeur sales mun etc also bricklaying plunteririg mechani cal dentistry and barborlng dont die a laborer writo now which job j artdppnft hfmpmil nnvimmflnr-fihnrt- 7 trade schools freo employment serfrlcc 103 iclng st west toronto a jo sllvekvuro beads french ivory andgram- ophono records special 20 discount stationery school supplies toys and games extra special 10 discount on all chlnn dines ahdcrocjc- cry j hepains of all kinds guaranteed h w hinton jeweller watchmaker ctockmakeri etc t6r0nt6 ized mtaom fisher mfucft 1003 enrlght aye 5tlouijms- cotta a number of the friends and neigh bors gathered at the home of mrjqtnl mrs e simpkina to bid farewell o mr and mrs j ajglo and to present mrrabjriewithttbilverhaviniretms an appreciation of his services as coach for the terra cotta ball team mrs- algio was presented with a silver sugar bowl and pitcher for the ladles social hour of whic she was a member presentation was made by mrs j l cralne and mr fred lyons read a suitable address mr ahjle i thanked them all very kindly for the ir klndness after which mrs slmpklrs entertained them to a sumptuous tea the afternoon was enjoyably spent mr and mrs algio are removing to p3uelph mr george townsend of chelten ham has sold bis bush larnv on tho fifth lino to mr clancy for 2000 mr tom hunter jr spent a fow days last weokwjth his aunt mrs d richie of cheltenham mr ferrler had two of his toes com pletely severed while cutting- wood in m clancys bush tho other day mr hugh jackson is doing a rustw ins trado sawing wood in pur hamlet the ladies social hour club met at the home of mr and mrs j edge on tuesday afternoon and re port a very enjoyable time the floods passed without doing any damage farms for sale 45 farms in the counties of halton and wellington varying from 40 to 200 acres let us send you our list a number of homes and business places in acton for sale fire and llfo insurance money to loan j a smith real ksrste agent phone 106- acton ont tviiieiy jviilh allthe newest styles in spring millinery on display now boss j galbbaith millinahy- and fancy qood ston phone 109 acton ont new spring goodsprints ginghams and cotton delaineswool and silk grepes our white cotton bedspread special 1 large size honeycomb weave extra good d oq 315 reg notice to the public from april 1st to october 31st the bank of montreav and the bank of nova 8cotia will clou an wadneadny at 1230 oclock u- b shoreir w k graham a njftoapsupehintendent qiorgt harrii appointed over nasa- atiawaya roadr for 1s2s l at a meeting of tho naasagaweya council last week the following ac counts were poaaed d uegwen ahovellinff anow a q jlcphau shovelling snow c ztaxnabaw ahovelllnranow jaflbiurvlce ahoveluns anew m john small shovelling andw j c blacklock shovolum anow trtaai esquealng work on town line 1z4 r white stationery tor treaa actok frota se advertlslna ed aaihaw expense roarf con tention 1 w wt dredge expense road convention colin mephall sanitary in- anctor j hckenale bupplleaboh george harris was appointed road superintendent for 1925 and the clerk was lmtriicted to write the dapart- ment of highways to send an engineer ta lnpaotrsome old bridges in ifcc tdvnajilp council- adjourned to meat on april 20 at- one oclock john marshall clerk milton 7 u3 7c 17 ze- s3 00 26 37 7 00 22 00 90 00 1 85 60 10 00 10 00 34 25 7 30 ift t m ntv- t at- asfactory progress hia father ex- poetito fake him to the sick childrens hospital toronto for treatment this week pr poter stuart has returned to rguelph from the mayo institute ro chester minn he is now convdlos- cingtjnhli home hnd it i expected will soon he restored to his former thoalth it was dlsoovered friday mornlnar that durlnjr thursday night tho safes in two widely separated com- panfea olces in brampton had been blown open evidently by skilled i cracksmen- the vsuoa jpmtss has space to sell not to fflve away do not ask for fra notices respecting- your particular or ganisation others payy for such no- ytlbes tou should he willing to our rates are low urhbtpoc uothmunicinaj and provincial havo received notice that the auto markor law must be enforced and request that automobile owners who have- not yot bought their 195 mens imtltufce markani dc so- at onoa of tbeesrui tthe rummage qnder tho ausptcei at the ladles aid of the methodist church yesterday of teftioori and evening created an unusual inters est tliere was a lively demand for the goods offered and large sates were made brantford grocers announce that their storee will positively not handle 44 beer they yely naturally n- cludef customer spend their money former they wont have as much to spend fcr necessary groceries and pro- visions th tunount allowed to the census comrafsffllonera of thla district for tak ing the last census were as follows halton j225 peel 9225 wellington north 126 wellington south 326 wenttfprlh i22 brant kfiok puf ferln 225 x bhelbume has decided to erect an addition to its pub schools and hojvft tho present hmudlng ove- haulod 7 and modernlsod and an ap- todate heating system installed the estimated cost of the proposed addition and alteratlona la 50000 if o fellow lovea a girl thats hi buslneea if a girl loves a fellow that 1 her uublneas if they both- love each otrjor thats their business hut jf they marry they will want the mum fossa in th n home thats our business afl6owwbo gftta iottietp them mr and mrs cl w martin and two children have gone to spend jl coupl of months in florida uv s geo foster of kelson township slipped and fell while descending tho cellar stops at hia home tho other day breaking hia right arm and collar bone inspltetf the big snowstorm and bllszard the annual commencement exorcises in connection with milton high school held in the auditorium of the school lost friday night was largely attended the methodist church anniversary will be on arllfir qjpd r drspeer of injndsa will bo nw preacher on the following monday evening the league ore having- a firstclass con cert the bakaar held on tuesday after noon by the ladies aid of knox church was very successful- the hand some sum of over 300 being realized the decorations of tho different booths jvcrs especially pretty while assisting in moving a- piece of hoavy machinery chaa war doll df trafalgar township had two of tho toes on his right fopt crushed so hadly when tho pleco fell on them that it was necessary to amputate the toes there were 68 applications for the town clerkship of oakyllle made va cant jiy the resignation of mr barnes whose salary was ajpeduced from 1300 to 1600 the salaries asked by the different applicants ranged from 800 to 3600 a year earl ryan recolyqdi the appointment at 1600 j on o evening lust week thejiome of mr and mrs f a forster- snldorv corners east of milton was the scene of a happy gathering when the mm- hers and friends of wesley churok met in honor of- mr forster and h w albertson mr porstev has just recently reiflgnecl from the poaltion of organist of the church which ho bad held for 42 years mr albertson baa been 4 member of the choir for tho same number of years and choir lead er for thirty years the annual meeting of the muton tawn bowling cub held in tho coun cil chamber last monday evening was the largest attended and most lnter- estlng of any that has ever been held by the club tho following officers were ejected for tho ensuing year hon president judge elhotr presi dent j k bell vicepresident jr jerflle rhlng secretary a z mac- kabb treasurer d crawford dlroc- j tors dr- gowland mayor iryingv j- lw blaln- xl graham and col- ptolemy the feos fo 1925 will bo as follows for shareholdoro 7 tor non- shareholders 9 reformer on sunday night flre of unknown origin destroyed fl bavn oh east maiy street owned by a t chnmbres by plendld work the firemfep saved a garage nnd motor cars adjoining the barn and kept the flames from spread ing to the surrounding houses while working in he pit at the milton brick companys plant- on sat urday robert brush uttered sever injuries to his feet and a scalp wound when a huge block of cjay lvhlch the frosltiatv evrjently loosened fell on him notice op application fob divorce notice is hereby given that wai- tkr ernest couvelil of the town of oakvllle in tho county bf halton in tho province of ontario manufacturer will apply to the parlia ment of canada a tr the present session thereof for a bui of divorce from ms wife edith effte coiwell of the town of oakvllle in the county of halton id the provfnco of ontario on tho g of adultery and desertion dated at the city of toronto in the county of york in thofrovince of ontario this 17th day of march a d 1325 heyd hjctd shorey a newman 514 confedcrauoni4febudlng toronto solicitors for the abovenamed walter ernest colwoll tho applicant westend meat market full lines of the very choicest of meats we always have the cuts you want and can supply your every need n thctiine of meats iji cooked meats beef i 7 homemade sausage veal cajn1med goods we carry a line of the finest canned goods and the prices ore the lowest consistent with the quality just phone your order for these lines and have them delivered along with your meat order phone 16 no value at 350 for no 2 large size htt- weave rich patterns price 375 for 5 dozen pillow jsiipsj hemstitched quajtyjcojtorj jhc material alone is worth more than we are asking for the slip made up regular price 75c for 5 dozen of a cheaper slip made bf a gobdrquality cotton plain- regular 50c for 60 yards pillow cotton regular 50c per yard for j ix we are showing extra good values in curtain materials scrims reguljar 25c and 30c values 10 ja for l ioc and auc 50c- 35c marquisette for in crea a regular 35c value colored marquisette for side curtains extra good value at 35c and 27c 40c keep your eye on our grocery window and keep posted on the specials in bur grocery department on april 1st store will close at 1230 mill street acton ont watch our windows friday and saturday for specials w j patterson corner mill and main streets acton ont a public meeting underthe auspices of the above society will be held in tohaij acton wednesday april 1 an address on the ftuairtifi cation of the home surround- lings illustratedby lantern slides will- be delivered by ivffi h x moore lecturer in horticulture of the dept of agriculture toronto musical numbers by local talent wfc chair to be taken at 8 p m everyone interested in the beautifigation of qtjr town is cordially invited admission fjiee frank scriven president no collection h ingrey sactraaa its tho kindest sort of a traat our ice cream is so good ttift everyone says its a perfeot tra and everybody ouht to hflow our candy wltoh is toll- lne xolun all about this shop and thby are telllne tholr friends omr jafltfy makas good be- cauaa t m good rkijop april 1ft opon for the wo a smith will bold a sals of play ontitled duatliitoeilf oara furniture etc bs ths aqctfon room next saturday axtanaeeo saturday treat maple fudge 25c lb freahand tasty reff 3gc and 40c lb saturday treat 25c lb weekend chocolates 32c lb kiual in jualty 4o siny 60o or wc chocolate saturday spedai 32c lb ordetyour eaater goods now a good assorrmont to chooaotrom lncludinc eggs novoltlea baaketa chickens bunnies etc f chassis demonstration saturdayv april 4 1925 at barberrees implement warerooms acton ontario no other small car has sorhaijjr hig car features as the atlwww poel tank t rigidly u tattmaad to tbe rmr of th steel chmmul frmnie a atawl cover protect the unit n adds to 1u tion upictwh ts ttml pall rod the brnfc jntancnt u wry mi to ttfrutete br axle haadeia thm fi tha chevrokt motor nndtrr any completely nr x ntr jti lit will mil tna famcim power of ovrokt motor under any condition larger atronser bevelled driving reara quleuy deliver tha power to tha axw haft oneplace banjo type rear v axla houtlnat j s onew automatla brake eoiauainr device entirely dj tribute the power toithe ervica brakes new amtetjiptlo bear sprim a i ttar road- the new frame itronx and tardy it has flva heavy croaa memhera oa 0naw aamuih underslons abuity prwlouely need onew dlae clotch completely en- ckwed foot friction atikacea instead of two it has no inicrnal adjottmenta it requires no lubri cation simple yet delivers ad the power to tha rear axle with- jtauppaffe -h- new stearins fll rverabta i apnatnip tfol ifnfcaa to the oherrolet motor-bfl4- ha unuaual power at all ipeeib under evaxy drtvlaa eondluort qukk rataway in traao low fuel eonaomptlon practically all movlnir parts are completely an- eioted fjv cord tires on opeefmodeu f sfr- m440 low prassoia tires on closed model awknjr honeycomb iladiator with iii a new more beautiful nlckalled n radiator sbco b new semjellipud front tprlncs cfot earoma vanadium itaal these spring coats show newness in cloth and cut each pres enting some variation of the new mode svking agent for acton and georgetown the new chevrolet truly the coats fashion introduces are charming this sea son when they folio the straight lines or vhry with flaring hems- v- cliarniecn twills kashonin charmette charmelaine and the soft flat weave tate on artiew ctiarrn in colors redolcqt of the springtime rogewood ctiuckcr brown aquamarine laqvin green wigwam rugby tan tuscany tigerlye copper rugt navy and black sizes i j to 40 prince qf wales coats extremely smart aro these mannish type coats known 85 the prince of wale they areif tweed in fawn or grey and fawn covert cloth with siuig sleeves belted back with inverted pleatqr beltless with vent doublebreasted front velvet- collars lined throughout with silk mercerized- lining sizes 16 18 find 20 prices 1950 and 2750 b ryan co guelph kw5 m ites

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