Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 2, 1925, p. 3

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i the home of 6jije i dan jfrrr vms jjcmb weekl news t- association member selected town weeklies of ontario the acton free press is published every thursday morning at- tlic freetpress building mill street acton ontario the subscription price iajxoo per year in advance p05tnkcj5 chareddrlitionai tuoflicc3 in the united states the datc to which subscriptions arc paid is indicated on the address label advertising rates transient advertise- menu 10 cents per line agate measure for first insertion and 5 cents per line for each subse- qqent insertion contract display advertise racnts for 50 ipehes or njovcjpertonaum 18 cents ppr inch each insertion advertisement a with- out upeciiic directions will bo inserted till forbid and charged accordingly il p moore president and editor g a dills manager- and assistant editor telephones- editorial and business office nw residence of president nj residence of manager 13 prohibition closing jails a few weeks qgo one of the county jails in the stnte of massachusetts was sold at auction because under prohibition the building was empty practically all the time and was a needless expense to the rate payers nowprohibition is likely to result in the sale of another massachusetts jail proposals will be made to the county commissioners to sqjjthe jail at fifchbur whicloiasbeenicloseafpr sometime the questioning habi illy in- seven of the twentyone jails in masspchusetts have been closed since prohibition came into effect in the united sfates the cost of governments commissions some other method should be employee to nsceri tain information than the rpresent expensive manner of appointing government commission for in- timcinhe pulp wood jommission cost the country over75000 and thesrain commission overl67 600 these- bodies have special stenographic secre tariesand reporters bring witnesses from long dis tances etc when in many instances the information cquldtbe jsecu red bylthilacilitiesjufeiidjljiossessed by the government it looks as if these cdmiasions were created to give somebody a soft job newmar- ket era y two cxcollont person thoroughly in- lont upon bringing up tholr children irt tho wuy they ehouw go males a common practlco to dispose or tho youngsters cndlosa why with tho brisk rojolndcrjuat for a llttlo bit of fun thanks to tiat simple device tho chlldron havo learned not to think thoy mgdt know everything that la going on ovorythlng- tlint la sa nordouuieyoxpootvery neighborhood news town and coiixitry eden mills command to bo oxplalnod beforo it la obeyed that tho youngsters should havo learned those useful lessons thus 00 early in lifolo no doubt of great con venience to their parents but there aro other par aits who will wonder whether the result may not havotieed nttulnod at theoxpense of thochildrcii fershaps the information they were so keon to got may have been just the npuriahmoit tholr minds needed at the mnmpit pfiawl i jgdd thursday morning april 21925 editorial english dry crusade making headway the england that laughed when america went dry now faces- a prohibition erusade air its owil if prohibition inamerica is a failure thats the sort oi a failure wed like to haveover here is the war cry of thirtyseven temperance organizations that have joined hands to straighten out britains bending elbows with the secrecy arid myster of a secre lodgd cpnjslajjejb j outskirts of london such men as former chancellor of the exchequdr philip snowden sidneywebb laborite lord astor conservative and isaac foot liberal have joined the crusaders and the temperance forces are steadily gathering strength n ontarios mineral output the ontario department pf mines report on the mineral production of the province for 1924 places the gold production at 25669262 an increase of 5532975 over 1923 silver at 6691656 decrease 244515 copper 2258847 increase 200000 and metallic nickel 5313586 increase 25055 the grand total for mineral production of ontario in 1924 was 74412289 against 71682197 in 1923 this is the highest total in the history of ontario except for thewar year of 1918 when the total value was 80308972 -in- total production to date silver heads the list with 234392999 nicke follows with 197600000 and gpld is third at- 454419000 of the world gold output in 1924 estimated at 383600- 000 transvaal south africa- produced 1980000007 united states 51900000 and- canada was third with 31500000 choose your boss and- trust him the excellent philosophy of the follpwing para graph was given out a week er so ago to the ameri can magazine by james s mccullough president of the new york telephone company one rule that i have everlastingly stuck to has been never to ask for a raise in pay i figured it out this way i had chosen the company i wanted to work for i had faith in the company arid in the officials of the company if i gave my best tp them i was pretty sure that they would do the right thing by me i could expect fair pay and fair hours from them and they could- expect good work fjrom me i deter- mined that i would resign before i would ask for a raise always i hayebndtiiattoiea good rule if your bpsswont pay you a fair salary the thing tp do is not to keep asking him yor it but to get a riew boss the otjv- amendments if all the fourfour parts in theamendment to the o t a which mr nickle introduced in the leg- promise io strengthen the measure would really be made good limitation in the number of perscrip- dons for strong lifluors a physician may issue in a month is a real improvement so too is the re quirement that these prescriptions shall be on a form approved by the government the added restric tions on sale by druggists and the new powers of control to be taken in the case of dentists and veter inary surgeons are calculated to restrain abuses that have developed provision for imprisonment for a first offence for bootlegging is- provision along the right line in limiting the number of prescriptions to be issued the attorneygeneral would however have been wise to ive heed to the suggestion that the amount of liquor prescribedbe reduced even if an exception had to be made in the case of people living far from a doctors office the unpardonable offence however is in increasing the alcoholic con tent in the beer that may be legally sold farmers sun v curioajty may byon bo regarded as check to their first thlrat for r ledge or if the thirst remains as ar dont as ever way they not have cdmo to behove that father and mother are not willing or able to luonoh it and finally if they- are always left in ig norance of tho reasnj9yyh0icilv acrethfika given course of action beat how bhajn they tearql3 chodflo tho beatjiirtto of tholr own accord onofatli5rrtio has had some auc- cesstn training hie chlldrenjuo think and net fofi themaelvea well and wisely decutuatiiiit the secret lloa in answer- ins all their quootiona fully frankly nrfd sympothotically he tolla the child every thing ha knows on each question that la ohktja and if his knowledge is not adequate spares no tune or pains to make ityspf the method js not al ways convenient for tho foachor but it results in a surprisingly large fund of information ior the pupil an- evo growing desire for more- a habit of going straight to his father for en lightenment and h sense of respon sibility for htaown conduct aside from tho inconvenience tho reason why parents so commonly ob ject to this way of dealing with the questioning habit is the fear that the child will permit them to make ex ceptional but experience has proved that the fear is groundless instead of making hlmablf disagreeable tho child usually acquiesces ho is will ingfproncpto remain ignorant for having learned that his father and mother are ayminathetlc and- reason- able ho concludes that in this casa itfsinotpoeslble for thpm to explain is content to oboy without union aorvlccs on sunday wove con ducted by the pastor the rev j u stewart and during tho offertory mrs ellaa piummer rockwood wnng a nolormy task a special feature of the acrvlce was the baptism of tho in fant daughter of mr and mra gooro robertson the parents are mernborn of tho- two principal taranchoa of th church lnscotland which uro now ne gotiating toward union and it eoemotl fitting that their child sfiould bo tho first to bo received into the- united church in this district mrs l w frood acted as spojisor for tho in fant who recolvcd tho namo of oeor- glna tho silver chrj cup or the occasion was presented in the year 1851 by the officers of tfio in- nlakluing dragoons to sergeant major jaa mecartcr unclo of mr thos mccarter of edon mills ns a token of their appreciation of his twentysix years service with tho regiment plant r04nies georgetown and bo 1b content kno wlngr why an a8h barreli bible editorial notes xaborproposuruiitaebt7ofsale karl hbmuth hi p p labor member for south waterloo stated jiublicly last- friday that in com mittee the lpbor members of the legislature would suggest changes as follows in the proposed 44 beer bill trnttthe sale of 44 beer for consumption on the ppeniisesbe limited to standard hotels that the sale for delivery be from a licensed dealer or from a brewery agent distinct- from any ether business that the jieurs efsalebelimited to from7 a mto 10 p m on all week days except saturdays and then from 7 a rri to 7 p m and on sundays to guests at hotels and then only atrmeals that a substantial license fee be charged for the privilege of sale half the fee to go to the municipality and half to the fvovince that permits for sale be granted only to persons british by birth or by naturalization that any one under 20 years of age be considered a minor and sale to such minor be prohibited that for in- frigement ef the act the license be cancelled for a fixed time that the 44 beer bebrpught under the pftipood act and the peopleprotected against chemically treated beer the earning power la young man complained to his uncle that he could not seem to adapt his expenses to his income then said the older man adapt your income te ydur expenses earn mere money no doubt that is the more admirable way to solve the difficulty it means a more intense application of- the higher vir tues industry energy resourcefulness instead of a more scrupulous practice of thrift which is one pf the lesser virtues observe heweveri that the im- portant word in the uncles advice is the word earn he did not say get more mpney he did riotsii- gegt that the young man embark in speculative ventures buy stocks on margin or seek to make quick and profitable turns in financial operations that sort of activity is more likely te lead tp dis- grace and disaster than tp prpsperity few men get the best results of which they are capable as earners most persons followa routine spend se many hours uday at their employment and take it for granted that all they can- do toward bettering their con dlttpn is to put into the bank a certain sum each month bit if they will study the life of any man vino ever attained distinction in science government law business in any of the productive pursuits thiey will be struck by the faovthey dp not wprk near- ijfjo hard as he did if they think hpnestly about the matter they will admit that they fritter and patter and dawdle in the hours when that distinguish ed soul would have been increasing his earning capacity and strengthening his grinon opportunity and if they will continue to think honestly about thematter hey find to jnake profitable use of trosehpurs of frittering pottering- and dawdling then the time will come when with less strain they v putniore money in the savingsbank i y 1 in a speech made in the house of gommons file other dayrthe hon g p graham minister of rail ways and canals stated that the gpvernment was determined that the principle of public control of ocean freight vates shall be established walkerton is having its municipal books audited by a chartered accountant it is expected a few things will be brought to light regarding debenture debts and local improvement affairs which have not heretpfore been- given put fpr the perusal pf the ratepayers canada in comparison with nine of the wprlds industrial nations is first in extent secprid in the aggregateef hydraulic pewer third in the matterof railways sixth in the total production pf iron in its natural state and eighth in the business of export and eighth in population there is suspiciously little being said just now in the heuse pf commons about reforming the senate there are seven or eight vacancies at present and there never was a finer opportunity to effect needed reform or to reform this practically useless upperhouse put pf existence canadas experts tp new zealand are steadily in creasing in 1923 they reached the highest peak in histpry but in 1924 this high mak was exceededby 35 per cent in 1924 canada exported to newzea- land goods valued at 3973639 our productsare evidently worth while and in demand numbers of the large groceries and chain stores in toronto declare they will not handle 44- beer one leading chain store manager said in an inter view we consider it an alcoholic beverage and dont intend to handle it in any shape or form it isnt a question or convenience with us there is food fpr thought in the statement of an unemployment relief official pf tpronto thaffor several years not one of the hundreds applying for relief has been brouglit up on the farm this surely says much foj- the principles of industry thrift and independence inculcated in farm life and environ ment p c larkin canadian high commissioner in london has received from the british treasury on behalfof the canadian government 677000 repre senting canadas share of the sums already received by the imperial government under the dawes an nuity plan from germany further amounts are expected to be received by the high commissipner in the course of a few months the mftchelf advpcate has reachr the venerable age of sixtyfive years the advocate was establish by the late ppjico magistrate4avis father pf mr hd davis the present publisher the advocate has been through all the years a leading factor in keepingrttrctmimnnftylijtetewsvfo fneorett his won and maintained a wife prestige and its pros pects for continued success were never better than they are today a church inwew york city acquired itts pulpit- bible in a way that wan probably never paralleled during the ubsence of tho pastor rev john b shaw j i afl rie relates tho circum stances in tho presbyterian banner certain ronalrs and additions to tho church edifice had included the sift of a handsome now pulpit but the new- biblo donated as us companion piece was found to be too large to nvlts lectern or rbadlmjboard the same fibjectlon prevented tl use of- another one sont by a different donor ono day a woman camo to the doc tor- with a noiit jacjtafire whlcn she proceododto untie hb was nbtpiir- prlsed to see a beautifully- bouna ffllt- edsed bible unfolded in herrhands but his feeling chahsed whonsho told hiijrthat she had found it in an ash- barrel a fanslly ufter short residence in the apartment house where she lived had moved that morning and had left their rubbish with the janitor to bo carted away in the cityfirarbage wag gon- the costly bible was among this rubbish the facnlly record had boon cutout oitr bolns evidently the only thing about it that its owners valued the minister took it to his now pul- pit and it hdsbeen thero over since it fitted tho book- board exactly ho wrote out his thought about that ash- barrel bjble two columns of them but we cannot repeat them here thoro is a sadly pathetic vision of a sacred wedding fflft once prised rr resolutions forgotten of decaying household piety amid a hurrlod- city iifoand froquent removals of abirt1 andf doath and their littlo recordof the- final loss of religious faith and all tho nojth trpnto cpservatlvo- aj- soclatlon aboutvlxty irrnumbei vffll visit georgetown on ivlday ovoninij aprll3 the annual appeal for help in aid of gronfcll mission took the form of toa and shower held in the public llbrnry last saturday afternoon the firemen wore called out last tuosdny overling shortly ofter fl oclock to extinguish u couplo of grass fires that threatened adjacent property the steel for tho reconstruction of the portion olsnilth stone elec trical works recently destroyed by fire arrived in town by truck last week- the st georges athletic club was organized dnprldaj last with 26 mem- bers on the roll tho following of ficers were elected hon president rov p mayes president- und leader mr r k edwards secretary chns kirk tren3uroi jaok crichton messrs smith stone wero present and talked matters over with thn council and an arrangoment quite sat isfactory to all concerned was arrived at the burnedportion of the building is being reconstructed all obligations due the town aro being paid and tho security of the corporation has been largely increased by the thousands of dollars added to the building and tho plant herald either to produce e gree onions or splendid coakinsqnions one single bulb of rennie s yellpw multipliers will yield from 6 to i greeh onions within 6 weeks from time ofptmting or if left to gtyw to matur ity will produce ex cellent cooking onions of remarkably fine flavor planting instructions for multiplier onion sets brealctheclumpapart before planting a single section willproduccabunch of early greenonions or will repro duce a clumpih the fall rennie yellow multipheronionscts may be procured from your local seed merchant p car adelaide and jaayls st- toronto j v sou cqnnoi obtain focaltp please ioriu its gtoing your dealer s address rennie seed anniialthc mmt complctecnwliu seed catlobueffec on fequett tub william business iirectory medical dr j a mcniven physlolan and surgeon offloe and residen co b avenuo and ehgln street phone 88 dr e j nelson prhdhrick street aeton ontario legal phone kp 22 p o box til harold nash farmer m a banlater flollollor notary publlo conveyancer etc sometime why not this time perryman block actontont- monet ljsmt on mortgages houre930 ajn to o pjn saturdays 120a-ocloek- h g meir harrlatar solicitor notary publlo gaorostown onl im dental milton ttbatis good ie the orange pekoe is extra good try it jnvnrnnrft foyuaeyrobelfl toniliyy tt bible rncant only so many pounds of paper and leather a piece of lumber too heavy to carry away a place to leave the mexican indian dislikes nothing so much as unnecessary lador he 1b disposed to take ii ho as he finds it and seldom does anything to better his pobitlon in the world ifls knowledge is as rudimentary- a his ambition a correspondent of iiorestand stream recently tobfc a hunting trip with sev- erai of his friends in the sierra of pueblo one afternoon he stopped at tho door of an indian hut to inquire his way of a woman and a little girl who stood within the following con versation ennued goocl morning sehonu a very good morning at your or ders benor this is tho road to zacapoxtla m it not you aro quite rlgrlit senor and is it very far on the contrary it la a very little way a thousand thanks for your kind ness aenora there is nothing for which to offer them senor ib the llttlo girl sick aenora vsho is a little ulck senor what is the matter with her sen- ora shehns the tnnatipffs7onor7 ah good day sonora small praise a young man who had disappointed his grandfather by display ing no fond ness for farm life made his way right through college and the law school and in time became a judge his grandfather watched his pro gress with a sort of unwilling pride but nover by word or look gave young john the least encouragement or praise when the appointment to tho judges bench at last came the grand son took heart and asked for the old man8ongratulatldns ant you glad for me grand- father nie askedv- almost wistfully glanclhg at the stubborn old face be- bldo him well yes i am glad for ye john admitted the otftogeharlan in a grudg ing tone i am glad for ye but i dont want you should feel sot up and imagine you amount to any great fthakes jest on account of being mad o jodge i want you should always re call when anything llbo this conges to ye that theres plenty of folks- that when theyre in need of u stopper nd havent got any cork theyll make ahlft witha corncob you jest bear that in mind msimmmmmh rijty a m what he wanted mr arthur h knlebnch in hie collection of anecdotea of the bench tolls this story about lord braxnotd q vwrto nmong th last of tho scotch judges thht rigidly ndhered to tho broad scotch dialect hae yony counael monl he pal i 10 klourlce mnrgot when placed at the bnr wo was tho reply do yewant to hue dny appolntit continued the u4go no said margot i only want i5 interpreter to make me understand what your lordship bay mru it e qolllns who underwent an operation- in the general hospital toronto has returned home charles gibson of nelson had hid right arm- almost severodat the elbow when ho fell on a clreularflaw one doy tttst week mr j ai hamilton tho first principal of milton high school and his talented daughter mi eg hamilton left this morning for brantford where in future they will reside the seventythird anniversary of the milton methodist church will be held on sunday april 5 tho special preacher on the occasion willbe the hevdrrspeerof duhdas mr g strickland thompson organ ist of tho methodist church is train ing about sixty voices for the produc tion of the cantata under th palms at tho easter sunday evening service last thursday forenoon the firemen were called out by the alarm a chim ney on j h elliots residence martin street being on fire and blazing pretty badly however j burnt out without any damage of consequence resulting a tfoclal ovenlng was held- at tho home of mrs w b clements queen street tuesday evening a good programmo was provided an offering was taken for thow m s the first farmers in tho milton dis trict to do his spring plowing is w 13 mccready of trafalgar township who began tuesday ho reports tho land to be in good shape this is several weeks earlier than usual in haftoh county mrs r mcdonald of trafalgar had a narrow escape ono morning last weok when an explosion occurred in the stove on which she was preparing seofthaxarplirannrt demolished a portion of tho kitchen blew out the windows and smashed the dishes on the table reformer burlington assessor cotter has practically com pleted the assessment in wards ono and two and has already commenced work in wards throe and four he ex pects to finish in april george foster of nelson township slipped and fell wnilodeacenfling tlia cellar atbpsathls homo the other day breaking his right arm and collar bone mr and mrs james almas return ed home from florida on friday lat where thoy spent tho post throo mpnths mr and mrs andrew morrison ar rived homo today after spending tho winter at west seattlewash florida and otherpolnts in tho southern states the midweek mooting of the metho dist and presbyterian clmrchcs will bo held in the school rbonvvf the meth odist church on wednesday evening at olght oclock the subject jfor this woeta was a church brokon up there is some talk of- reorganlztng the townband for the season this would be a stop in tho right direction a band is a valuable asset to any towi and there 1s no reason why burlington should bo without a band if given the- right enc aomnranlct1h was received by the council from tho chamber ot com merce ro moving their quarters to tro council chamber they wero pre pared to allow tho council tho use of their table otcr in lieu of having the use of the council chamber for their meetings he council decided to grant their request a consignment of whlto fish fry has been received from the provincial hatcheries at norman dale and emp tied into the mouth of the twelvemile creek this is the second consign ment this spring the other having been received two weeks ago and contained over ono million fish the canada night programme ac the methodist young peoples league on monday night was most interesting tho opening exercises were patriotic our canadian poetsworo splendidly represented by the young people who gave short sketches of each poets ilfo and read one of his ppoms qazetto enquiries by men out of employ ment ore frequently mude at tho frkb pjucss office for farmers requiring help would it not pay tho farmer needing help to place an advertisement in the want columns which is always closely watched by men out of work- r sthma fmrt m1iiu kuef the known remedy of the english qhsmtota mas tnrsna stuue is now on nlo in cuma 4mka rnrraicama oo mtithouiadua p0trersrr4l 5r j jh bell d d sf l d9r dntlat honor graduate of toronto tjnlrar- slty tho latest ancothotlc used 1 desired r n olllco at residence corner of mill and frederick stroots dr i g gollolr dds lds dental surooon offlce over bank of nova sootf hoursrsisff to b80 bvenlnars by aiipointnijnt m miscellaneous prancis nunan bookblndar account books of all kinds made to- order periodicals of ovory description carefully bound ruling neatly and promptly dono wyndham streot quolph ont over wllluima store acton 5 -jjitr- ifcjfc dr- j cadesky of toronto eyesight specialist wirt beat a t brotvns drug store jvgton monday april 6 anyone suffering from eye- atruin defective vision or headache should not miss the opportunity of consulting this eyesight specialist appoint ments may bo mado with mr a t brown druggist ggnshitation free- office hours 9 a m till 4 p m chassis demonstration saturdajry april 4 192s v at barberree implement warerooms acton ontario q 6q no other small car has so many big car features as the new chevrolet otb now fuel taik is rigidly faiteimrd to the rear of tho steel channel frame a atcl covar protect the tank and adila to ita pearadcc alcvnow larsor brakes- cloven vqfjnched wide positive brnke oper- t tlon la applied throiurh ntronrc tel pull rods tho brake -ml- jailment is very caay to rcsujatn mna readily accessible fff rear axlo completely now a pj big ijturdy rear axle that will handle alt tho famous power of the chevrolet motor under any conditions artrr stronger bevelled driving xemn quietly deliver tho power to the axle l on ncplccc banjo tyfo rear linff new automatic brake equaluinir harts axo- houninff cadcvlco entirely distributes tl9 power to the service brakes 0now drmlelllptic rear springs underalung for better rosd- nhllity the new fromo is strong and sturdy it hits ave heavy cross members one more than was previously used new dlso clutch completely en closed four friction surfaces instead of two it has no internal adjustmcoiji it requires no lubrl cation simple yet delivers all the power to tho rear axle with out allppnge new steering control of semi reversible typo worm and gear i construction with foreandaft llnknge to front wheels jfjh the chevrolet motor reflned tts ban ilnu3uul power at all speeds undef every qriyjng condition ouick ietaway in trafno low fuel consumption practically all moving parts ore completely en closed fjv cord tires on open models 20- ltj 440 low pressure tlren bn closod models av new honeycomb haduttor with til a new more beautiful nlckelled radiator shell i niw nchi elliptic front spring anadlum steel s vking agent for acton and georgetown the new chevrolet r j kerr auctioneer and real eslate- 20 years experience list your property with me ontario start onjhpndayj at gtmjph business college gummor bldo guolph ont for thorough trainino by individual instruction frombuainaaa exporioncod in- atructora courses secretariat bobkkeepers stanoqraphbrs s guelph business college gvidtlatea aro in demand a l bouck prinoipal and proprietor dont neglect your eyes take advantago of spoclalisl sorvlces- orferod by this estab lishment and- know youvglasscg aro right experience is a good teacher 19031925 wo have had over twenty years at it and horo patrons aro assured of the best in op tical service a d savage optometrist and mfo- optician savage building right at tho post omco guelph ontario ibrlchwondsrwtst toronto ganaofl the old and reliable granite and marble worjcs wo aro manuiactur6rsand dfroct importers of all ulnda of monumental and hoadstono work wo sell direct to our customers at wholesalo prices thus saving our custom or 40 per cent we havo the host appliances and tho only mechanics in the dominion who can operate pnoumatfc tools properly wo can glya reforoncob froui hundredtt of our customers in toronto and othor places whero others havo to havo law tfults in order to collect wo hao th largest and best slock of granite in iho tjomlnion or moro than any thros doalcrs in tho west wo aro legiti mate dealers and employ no agenti and do not annoy or post ouatomors by sending out ignorant agonta solicit ing ordorsrwo employ only moohanlcs and defy competition hamilton sons guelph ont 4 subscriptions for all maqa- zllnes taken at the free pre88 office fejisyvif ai v

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