Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 2, 1925, p. 4

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lr tliyilbdat ajpltfli 2 102d the home light homownrd throuffh rho dnrltneno my wcnry way i tientl the chill ruin naaka down ceaselessly blafck clouds hntg overheat tli night winds moan complaining ita txilo of stlof unit woe anct the tall daik troea bcalde the paftr in badneaswblsimiw low gloom ovcrywhjtfe tho droary night tiio wind tho ruin tho cold datridon my anlrit and x lag llko one toll worn und old on in tho dead of tho darkness i plod then stop tq thrill bofopo tno shlnea a light of homo thoeloom of nlsht to kill jty heart beato fan tor and my atop grows lighter quicker frwc tha iklenm of welcome through tho dark brings joy 6t llfo to me nearer i draw before the light a shadow comes a form now someone peers into the night into tho dark nna fi aomconq-watclica- aomeono aaltu someone hopoa that i will cocao rrom out the world of rnln 4 and darknobs swirling hy oh happy thought oh joyous thrill the days reward haa come tor jaonoconea watting someone hopes someone cares at home q a be groat peculiar justice ip f to deal justly with ones neighbor requires in every land a wehadjusted mind and a readiness to see both aides of a question butto dealwlthono nelghbor according to that neighbors idea or justice when tho neighbor chances to be a native of africa would probably be beyond the capacity of the average man it would surely require an african mind to discover the jus tice of a claim nude by a native some years ago the story is told by doc tor grood and printed in the watch man a leopard was the cause ot the trouble the savage beast killed a fine call belonging to the rev william walker ofthe american mission in gaboon luckily for the missionary ho succeeded in driving away theblef before it had time to dovour fitto carry ce its prey it was in doing this that he acted unjustly as the sequel showed oa that same nlghftbo chief man ot one ot the little towns that make up gluon had a pie taken by a leo- pard it was natural tosuppooo that the thai was the same animal which the missionary had sent away hungry had ttu missionary allowed bis calf to be eaten the chief mans pig would have been saved to the african mind the obligation was plain the man came the next morning to mr walker asking or payment ot his pig and declarixir that the missionary was di rectly responsible for its death a still more wonderful claim was made on the explorer cameron not far nozn tho neighborhood of gaboon some of the 4angerji possessions proved unduly attractive to at native and he determined on transferring the ownership to himself he accordingly paid assothcr native two hundred dol lars to procure for him the covetted goods the assistant took the money and did his best to earn it but cameron bad perversely locked op the very articles that the fellows employer had sotniis ieart upon the man could not carry out his bargain and neither did he fol that he oould part with the money therefore he ran off with it what more logical than that the man who was the loser by two hundred dollars should expect- the explorer to make good the loss this ho assured ly did expect he went to mr cameron and tolll the five pair8 of twins li- polly polly polly tell tho flvo pairs of twins the tiny scraps of smnll onos the slim and toppling tall ones the cunningly dovlscd ones the four just mlddllngslcd ones we were going to havo n taffy pull tonight tho fun begins so polly pdlly polly toll the five pairs ot twlna polly polly polly tell the nvo nars of twins i they may mnko yinrpft jandydctmfiaj like the china orio of molllos and some yellow candy klttenar and a pair of candy mittens and a lot of tiny candy toads with walnut meat fpr skins and a pile of candy flubes with tho sweettst sot of una but polly polly polly if the flvepnlr of twins go to swimming in molassos or to smearing grandmas glasses or to setting lire to paper or well any kind of caper theyll all be tied together till theyre sorry for their sins so polly polly polly warn the five pairs ot twins and polly polly polly when tho live pairs of twins and tho children of pur nolghbors have finished all their labors while without the sleet is pelttnc and within the candys melting you must scrub those sticky infants till theyre neat as jewelled pins did you know your thumbs and angers were the flvo pairs of twins etholwyn wetherald this little childrens poem i came across the other day when looking over some of my old papers the unique little rhyme was written by miss etbelwyn wetherald the talented literary and poetical daughter of the late william wetherald the founder of bockwood academy mlaa wetherald was quite an acceptable writer and contributed to numerous newspapers and magazines she wroto many ar ticles and poems- to thechildren i had not seon tho wve pairs of twins tor over twentyflve years and when i reread it today i thought i would give it a place in this ai6led corner of mine and for two reasons first for the memories i have and i know many of you readers have of william wetherald and of hls daughter ethelwyn and second because i am sure it will please tho kiddles and perhaps some ot their mothers too honr tho hoail go thutnpl thump all ovoi tho hall upotulia bofoie thoy could gef thoil and roaauo hei anorinnrtfori nunlow both logs unit pnrt ot an arm and one choolt hud been knocked iiwny anothor had al most blod to dluth suwdunt of couiuo from a kioat holo in her body 8h wan bo wcalt sho couldn t alt up at last avo woro let into tho roon whore tho doctor was she woh a ladydoctor nnd slip was auoh a good one that thoy said nho hail ncvoi lost n patient dolls always got woll with hor iocto the roohvwnanfuli ot uolla imci some had rent quoerlooklng oloihes thono had como from foreign lamia foi dolls are sent to thin londbn hospital from nil over tho woi id sonip had boon doctored an somo wore waiting ftu their turn one was all blind nnd n good muny had last one oyo jt makes a doll loolc very strange to lose ono eyol l wll the dootor took clnribol out of the box and looked nt her and said oh yeb of course she could mako hei nit well again and i c6uld have net the next afternoon i was so happy i when wo rot back to tho hotel amv came to our room crying o evelyn oho uuld can thoy euro your doll i tbld her it course thoy could ivvcll law novei never canoufti mine i know suo said sobolng she got hurt this aftoroon tom wanted to play bunging and and ho hung polly and shes broken in two ho tied a wolgbt on her feet how dreadful i said but it dont matter how bad it la that doctor con euro hod for a ions time amy would not be lieve mo but i kopt tolling hor that i knew for surythat tho doll could be cured i wouldnt look at polly no i had seen ick dolls enough tor that day but i tod amy to put her in a box and sho could como with us to- inorrowwhen wewentto gotrciarlbe and loavq polly to bo fixed claryjel was just lovoly whon i got hor thsnoxt day you would novtr havo known sho had boon smashed by a trunklid it la a very great hospital and i want every little girl to know about it but that funny amy what do you think she did whon she got polly back she looked at her once and just screamed oh oh theyvo made her new she cried heyvo spoiled my dear old polry- andi think mysolf thoy had fixed up hor ce and hair too mutt she looked new anct not like tbo old polly at al tl but that shows what a good hos pital it is t think only if you want your doll left old and just mendod you must be sure to write it down in a letter to the dpctoi annlo wuus mccullongh there i agco with mary that this is a story the little tots will all on- joy and i shouldnt wonder if somo of the old folks wont enjoy it tooas they reaatit to tho kiddles about their knees another conslgnrndnt of tho story of aotpn doctors will appear next woek and i shouldnt wonder if somo of tho popular doctors who have been callod here for consultation will got their names in print too thefree pyus cross word puzzle increase in building in canada- sixty canadian cltlat increase their building estlrnatia 32 for two months kbyjro opioqs word puzzle horizontal 1 to clip 6 habitation 11 hahdlo of a sword 12 i pray latin 14 applaud ib weapon id dignity ib a duet 10 doflnito article french 20 to produce 21 canadian province ab 22 since in llko mannor 24 a country ab 26 endeavour ocagn 27 a looi qovcllng 30 to dioss fit ui 32 in addition 33 part of the verb to bo 34 a native of eastern canada 36 member of dopr tamiy 30 a vegetable 37 cold 39 electrical engineer ab 40 new england state ab 42 concerning 44 to think suppose 40 to execute 60 elf mischievous child 62 mohammedan bible 53 a vehicle 54 manner 5g a domestic animal e7 to lesson 58 blunder 69 to change r v- vrtloal 1 a kind of rock 3 to omploy 3 a cnnadlap tree 4 noni by 0 a conooitod follow 7 boforo christ ab 8 aged 0 to smear 10 a period of tlmo 12 mineral subatnnco from which mot- nl la extracted j3 shortpoom 18 two odd luttoru 17 and 1 rencli 22 pasango walk in a church 23 producod by hont 24 mlnuto puitlcle 26 kind of tree 20 malt liquor 27 to outline 28 the same as 33 horizontal 29 a bovornge 31 cheerful 88 boat part the height of 41 grave serious mood 43 arabian chief 44 alilght ab 46 a soft drink 40 a kind of plant 47 to find fault constantly 48 a point of tho compass back wards 49 engagement dt tor 63 domestic animal qg a refusal 67 a legal degiee ab an indication of the improvement in buslneaa conditions in canadnll glvca in tho ictonf report isfuuod by the dominion nureau a statlatlcs allowing that the value of tho hulldlng pcimlin isnued in 0 canadian cities increased from w3s04- in january 125 tir i67si 843 in 1ebruiiry it gnln of 348 038 oi 4 per cont in 1ibrunry 1024 the building iiuthorlecd was valued nt 4 027 780 there wn therefore an in orciiso in yobrunry 106 of fl 704 00 1 or 43 c pe cent in thin more signi ficant comparison some 47 cities furnished detailed statoments showing that tlity had issued nearly 000 permits for dwelling ontlmnted to coat ovor f 2 800 000 and for approximately 00 other bulldlnga valuod at more than 2100 000 in feb runry lit thla year tho aggregate valuo of oirtfmutod building in 00 cities during tho first two months of 1020 was 911214 840 as compared with i8418id and 19 813- 000 in the same two months of 1024 and 1033 respectively there win therefore an incrooso of 32 2 per cent in the former and 141 per cent in tho latter comparison t plower op the family mr watson tho postmaster of wll- lowby has four sons who inherit their fathers amiable disposition but are wonting in faculty that character istic of the successful new englander what are your- sons doing mr watson inquired former resident of wlllowby who had not soon tho postmasterfor twelve years well was the answer jack my oldest boy hes a minister without n pulpit fred the next ojio hoe a law yer without a client and william tho third one hes a teacher without schdol but i gotsome 1iope of sam tho youngest of the lot said the head of tho watson family with commend nblo cheerfulness hes set out to be- a former without any land but hes hired out a piece and worked it to halves and we ate vesctables off it all summer i paid him for supplying our family and- when hed settled his bills for what ho put into tho ground to start with he had within fifty cents of what he owed the boy that had helped him hoo and so on all summer and r handed hlntlivor that fifty conts with a real light hwart and told him he neednt ever think of it again yes his mother and i feel to be en couraged about sam we think in the course of time hell make a likely farmer facts about tta series no tea as a beverage ssshisw j i l uluuj l h l i i j tea first became known in china nearly 3000 year8beorecbxlat in that country tea was greatly prized both for its remark- able qualities as a beverage and for the almost religious ceremony attached to the drinking of it up to the sixth century tea was used only for medicinal purposes jp hi the seventeenth century it cost 2500 to 5000 per pound all tea caddies were constantly kept under lock anl key today when even fine quality like saiada costs less than onethird of a cent per cup it is not surprising that the consumption of tea is increasing tremen dously salad a v- iheady for emergencies number ninetyeight and now here comos a diversion mary came to me this nornlng and aid to me xou have been writing about the doctors of acton and the hospitals for a month and i know your sketches havo boon interesting to many him tho story demanding lrf the first i ot th grown fojks but tvo got place the two hundred dollars which he cameron by locking up bis goods had compelled tho complainant tp ilese and secpndly the actual prloo of the goods themsolves which bat for theso arbitrary- measures would now have been in tus possession it is nqt stated that ita expectations werotealised mixed relations kb the intimate relation between tho many and dlvora races in this country has its jtntohflrous as well as its tragic side colonel franchere ot louisi ana tells tho following truo story of tho mlngllnar ot tho races mrs blank returning to nitchei after some years absence was wel- corned by one of her old slaves woll cynthia she said what lore a you doing now you look well und znappy i taws miss llzsy iao peart cynthia- responded dropping court esies wltb broad bmllea widening hor round blade face i done got married miss lizz again ob dla time its for keeps i i got married to a chinaman you married a chinaman hon could you all in love with him daws sdkos miss tuuy twant no iovo ajjalr twos business yon knowlm a good washer nona better in dls tbwi ah yan hes good lronor so we goe into a laundry vehy com- fohtable jgot two children bat how about your religtont well rw u good stlrrln methodise and goes to raoetln nnd ah yano got his josabehln do kitchen doh and stays at home so it salts so woll t seems kind ob providential oh i seo but the children dochthtiirj vrtrbxeaapx we compromised on item bald cyntbla thlumphantly woro goln to mako dem jews a ploosaqtor illustration ot this mlx- ture of races occurred lately in an other southern town a stranger was thrown from a trolleycar and fatally injured a jew held his head in hie arms a heathen chinaman put water to his lips a poor negro chafed his hands while an old aan also a stranger kneejed beside htkoafctt spoke choering words to him as lie lay dying i dont know tnolold negro said afterwards if dat old man was bap tint or plsccpallan or some other kind be just told lilm of god god i reckon ddt covered it oll hospital story which 1 am euro will please tho children ive ofton tried to help you with suggestions and some incidents about the early days in this community but 1 havo never asked you to allow mo to contribute anything in tho columns the editor permits you to fill from week to woek up tm like vrin to send in mv dolls hospital story for this week woll mary has always been reason able and abo knowb what the llttlo folks like so i thoughf i would com ply with hor request and hero ij her story the doixs hospital my dpll clorlbel and i have had a dreadful experience clarlbcl met with an accident and had to go to a doles hospital q course i went with her and there i saw such sad sights mamma says she should think i would belad that there ja adolis hospital and that clarlbel could be doctored and matte well there so i am but any one that loves dolls very very much had better send 4holr to bo fixed and not pa with them you jseo so many poor sick dolls lying about that it makes yotu heart ache clarlbel got hurt on the stoamor when we were going to england i laid her down on a aeamer trunk that was open and just then tho boat gave a great roll and down came tho lid on clarlbel it nearly smashed her her backr was broken at the waist hor arm was crushed and her lovoly curl ing hair torn nearly on i cried and cried and cried until papa said if i shed any moro salt water into the ocean it would make it como up over the top of the ship and we would go down the rest of the voyage i was a very sad time for mo clarlbel was laid away in thesteamcr trunk and ob we wenroira swprtc6uia now doll not that any new doll could take her phpte though it never never could i i inn yes sir you learn queer things in a placo llko tbls said the warden of a great penitentiary i used to bo- ueve that thero was such a thing us total depravity but i have changed my mind since i camo hero i havo had to deal with mine of tho worst speclmenta of humanity i pvar saw or heard of and i novo always found somo good in tho worst of thpm i do not believe the lord evpr allows a mans conscience to become absolutel dead now you take old number ninotyeight back there in that row of cells on tho other side of this fioov did you ovor see a more criminal face ninotyelghty was certainly a repel lentlooklng man hln numerous crimes seemed to prove him dead to all right feeling well said tho warden not even he is totally depraved ho was sick hero a few months ogoj very sick w e rift him i ioapltal- department and one day whtcn i was in there hav ing u little talk with him ho uaya warden tberosaomethlng in my cell i want i was so sick i didnt know anything whon you brought mo hore so i didnt gotit and i want it what is it i asked well ho said kind of awkwardly its nothing but a bluo glass bead you mlased it when you searched me what do you want that for i asked him well tho mail wrs hlok apd jyoak or i guess he woidd peyar hoye broken down- the way he did but all pf a sud den he began to sob thsie was no stopping him and after awhile ho tod me why ho kept tho bend it had beer tho chief treasure of his llttlo girl who had worn it on a string aroun 1 her neck ho haul carried it over since hor death we found tho bend and save it 0 him and he novcr made any furthor reference to it but jio is a much more tractablo man now that he knows i know about that bead it la alwaystieat to be prepared for anything that may happen this seems to bo tho creed of the ameer of afghanistan for infills book the life of rahman amir of afghanis- tap ho says i am always ready ns a soldier on the march to a battle in such manner thatjl qouldatart wlthoutjlo lay in case of emergency tho pockets of my coats and trousers are always filled with loaded rovoworb and ono or two loaves of bread for one days food tjhjhr bread is ohanged every day several guns and bwords are al ways lying by tho side of my bod or tho chair on which i am soated with in reach of my hand and saddled horses ore always in front of roy- of- fico not only fpr myself but for al my pourtlcra and personal attendants i havj also ordered that a consid erable numbpf of gold cfllnn should be sewen info tlo saddles q my hqrses when roqiflpm fop a jpurhey anoj on both sides of my saddle apo tjvo rp- volvers i think it is necessary in such a warlike country that the sovereign and especially a sovereign who is a somier himaolf should always bo as well propardil for nn emergency as a soldier on tho flpld of battle alfbosi my country is perhaps mora ajaol- 1 ul and safe thant many other countries ono can novcr bo too cautious or too frell prepared answer to last weeks puzzle collatera piu nluhvl r a f ehr 0loves we t jsjx e g r a m h o et0 nhn ame jtpays to use martin senour red school house paint fbr barns and outbuildings it has no equal wrxi0ts head office maatmes for frm boeumt home raihtimo mabc easty solo by w d c talbot acton ontario getting personal a ha on eo aa acd aa an a ma tib am a ma a aa rami m mncn lh imioiujsii n teachers all expen8e tour to the paoiflo coast including can adian and american national psrka frightened by a- poodle perhaps burnss famous line might have been made to read a dogs a dog fpr a that but of all dogs thoroughbreds pr mongrels a shabby poodle would seem to be abqut the poorest kind of a dog for defence y a missionary whoso experiences has been among the savages nn canni bals of africa says that his lttlc poodle sally was ono pf hjs bgst protectors the favorite scottish method of dealing with sleopcra in church was publicly to denounce tho delinquents tho christian leader fells this story whon tbo rev walter otainlap min ister ot a united presbyterian church in dumfries saw a member of his flock nodding while ho was preaching he stopped suddenly and sold i doot some o yo has taen ower money whey porridge tbo day sit up or ill name ye oot another caledonian preacher on like provocation cried out hold up your hands my frlonds and mind that neither saints nor sinners are sleep ing in the next world then finding that this general ox- hortion was insufficient to dotor a cer tain wellknown member of tho church from getting his night b rest forward the reverend gentleman turned toward tho offendor and said james stewart this la tho second time i have stopped to vraken yo if i nood to stop a third time 111 ex pose your name to tho wliole congre gation free press job printing is always neatly done hot cross buns good friday will he next week and it wont seem like good friday unless you have a plentiful supply of our hot cross buns just enough spice and raisins ana currants in them to make them real hot cross buns and browned to a turn they are bound to prove popular for good friday the pricfi is 20c per dozen they will be ready at 5 p m thursday phone 116 fairbanks bakery ma a afton can you gue9s these birds w a flintyhearted bishop an englls clergyman onoe applied to his blshov for a hying saying that ho would prefer an english benefice to ono in wales mr v h dltehfleld tolls the btory in the old english country bqulre tfie bishop demand ed the reason tor this preference end the chaplain replied i should prefer an english living since my wife docs not apeak welsh your- wlfefblr what has that got to do with it she does not preach does she no my lard replied the parson but sho lectures the parson got his living but it was in tho wilds of wales as soon as we got to london 1 was to have a now doll but at the hotel i met a little girl who knew all about the dolls hospital thoy had sent her a card and on it was printed all about what thoy could do for sick dolls dqllys hospital open dally from 0 a ro till 8 p m all complaints of dolls curedtliroken heads or fractured limbs made whole loss of halr7 eyes nose teeth hands or feet replaced wasting away of the body restored to plumpness all acci dents aro successfully treated by the doll doctor patlens leave the institute looking better than evor childrens own hair inserted on their dolls dolls dressed to order dolls cleaned tinfc repaired fpaff a meadow a jolly outdoor lark what ltuntera sometimes do7 kill- dear used in decorations bunting a color quakers 4lko dove an unsteady light nicker jdateriau for slim trouaera bersoflhe general-publlc-apd- mrjr duck a stupid fellow booby a b name bobwhite whnt friends do chat a bird never soeri in summer snowbird what farmers need in tho summor thrashsr what a dog dopswhen he la happy wagtall a color toolf yollowhommor a baseball player flycatcher a llttlcvmonnroh 7 kinglet the bird that likes to punish wll 11am whlppoorw ill tho champion angler kingfisher a complete thirty day alixpanso tour is being arranged from toronto to the north pacific coast special trains leaving toronto via canadian national railways july 9 next westbound tho party will pass through somo ot tho most important cities fit wpaferp canada winnipeg saskatoon eflmonton stppplng over a tnipbf national papk thenco to prlnco ruporf nnd via canadian no tlonal pacific coast stoamera through tho wonderful scenlo seas of the ijorth pacific coast to vancouver returning via portland yellowstone national pork salt lako city and esteb na tional park through chicago thopco baok to tpronto the tour s being arranged under the direction of mr a b bryson principal of sllverthorn school tor onto and mr martin kerr principal of tho earl kitchener school hamilton ontario full particulars may be se cured from mr bryson 44 sllverthorn avenue toronto junction 2e4sw also from mr kerr 4 beulah avenue ham ilton regent 842 while primarily designed for the benefits of teaohors in the province of ontario the tour is open to matn- one of her oxplolts consisted in put ting to flight band of hostile natives tjiemlsslonary was travelling- some distance in advance of hls caravan accompnnlecl only by his boyservant and silly whea ho came to tho top of a hill a iprgo body of burungl warriors in full warpnlnt were sut- donly seen racing toward them calling sally to him the missionary whispered in her car somothlng about going after them then vas wit nessed the scone of a small shaggy dog with a very big bark tall in air charging at a company of armed men it was a great sight says tho traveller worth gofnp to africa for to see those warlike men running for tholr lives with llttlo solly at their mela bnrklng na if sho know bravo llttlo dog that she was nnoringa big bluff nnd it all depcndell on tho nolso she could make a he obeyed instructions who oare to join the party will bo most welcome 302 tho club womnntplla an amusing story qf a party of woroon who re cently visited pikes peak a youth still in knoepnnts although ho wote a collar of extraordinary height and stiffness was theh guide but his knowledge of the polntb of interest nppearod to bo slight eveiy few minutes ho stood up and shouted the names of certain boulders nnd streams whon wo were nearly nt tho top he called qui pn tho right is tho liens mouth cruel captain it 0uits phopkr i i should think you would much rather have your own doll nxod thau to get -a- new one snldamy toot was the little girls name x said of course i would and that clnrlbel should bo taken to tho hoipltaf that very afternoon and so sho was papa tpoyc us both when we got thero we found lots of little girls waiting to see tho top- to i wa glad iiavo brought clarl- uei in ft box somo of the uttle girls were carrying theirs and everyone could seo them and that is what made us all feel bad things you can seo make you feel tho baddest somo of the dolls had been tossed by dogs it is very awful for a doll to be tossed by a dogl it spoils her the tanp of experience evon a lunato may not wholly lack the power to roaaon this trnth ap pears in a story llto tells of fhe in spection of an asyjuni by the trus tees walking through the grounds they came upon a party of workmen who were repairing a toll ope of tile harmless patients apparently assist ing in the work was pushing a wheat- barrow along upside down w my trlend bald a klndheartod trustee geiftly you should turn your wheelbarrow over not on your life replied tho patlept i turned it over yesterday and thoy put bricks in it no accui er needed ajvtdently tljey dont advertise over in englahfl lute wa do in canada a lifer life unless she goes to the dona couple of new arrivals were standing i hospital one doll hod lost liar nose in front ot v hardware store ita tha i and hair and all arm ironoing tossed window of wnlch- was- displayed a rftiolby pel dor this dolls- mammn nw tollot otttnt one of the younjtltold me hat flitters that was the dog guys rrom throd sod femarked i found tits doll while they were at say osrtle juttfawnoy putting ones i dinner he ahook her juatttko a jones wns walking along whon it began to ran lit front ho thought ho saw his friend brown with an umbrel la he happed mm on tho back and said jokingly hellcl dive me that umbrella j when jones realised theroan was an utter stranger his nearly collapsed but the other nervovjly handed over tha umbrella it would not occur tqmany pooplo that si voyage in ono of the swan- bants which sail the littler pond in the public darden of a new bnrinnd city could be attended with horrors but that idea was firmly fixed in tho mind of a small maiden of seven years would you like take a ride in one of the swanboats ufafjede tho little maids aunt naked as they cross ed tho bridge oyer the pond ono day no indeed said marjorlo wltn sudden shrinking cpuldnt boar o see them throw the babies fp tho man saya thats whsjt he does sho asserted with rising excitement ob hor aunt looked nxuch perplexed hear hlml hes saying it now her aunt listened and of a truth tho mans statement viewed from mar- 1 jorles standpoint was far from re assuring take a rldo in tho swanboat ho called iqudly from thd landing- grown folks tan confs children five and then with a deooptlve mile he added babies thrown in his wipes question why is it callod tho lion a mouthi naked n skeptical lady who had pest ered him with questions all thy way aw i durlnor said tho lad tired of bolns asked for information l wui told to holler theso namoa i dunno why nothln its my job to holler and so i holier the la8t straw ho had worked for tho farmer for nlno years and until his employer added poultry raising to his list ot nativities ho was apparently content ed ihen the faimcr intent on con ducting tho now business nn scien tific principles gavo him tho task of tvrltlng with an indelible j pencil on ech egg thp dato whop it was laid jind tho name ot thit hen that laid f one day ho marched up to his em ployer and announced i m going to laavo tho farmer was aatonlancd tvhy aro you going to loave he asked otter working for mo olljthooo years weil said the man ivo done pretty man everything about this placo now hut 1 u starve berore ill be sec retary to your old hens bawtb in suol aawnplouous place py shakes an old shear and thsy ooold pup- filbft your pardon ho apologises mold didnt know it belonged to you j a a mnnjs known by the questions ho asks and the same is true of a woman mr hayes haa a mind that delights in facts he collects thorn is o boy collects postnsostamps tho othor night ho laid down his paper was sjlent for a momont and then said thats odd what s it asked hln wife why here is a man who soys that ft would tako twelve- million years to mmtp the sen dry nt he rate of a thousand gallons second zm the matter over then she sottd y wit all the water do you nlppoa exphanga mann knows fred j mann is a small town mer chant heconducts a small general store in the little town of devils lake worth dakota but despite the necessarily con- lined area from which he draws his patron age mr mann won the reputation of sell ing more merchandise than is sola in any store of equal size in the world the secret of mr manns success is best told by a statement he recently made concernin n i would feel i was tied hand and foot if i failed to tell the public through the home papers what i have to sell the best time to advertise is when times are hard or lousiness is bad and your competitor either curtails his advertising or is not adr vertising at all i1 i believe the newspapers of this country are the greatest business builders the worldhas ever known i haveriecl to do business without printers ink as well as with i and my conclusion is that the merchant who thinks he can prosper without advertising his goods is foolish the free press is always ready to help you witk your advertising problems x i i fcr sfii- c an a jfesaya xjie vi mtf mi tj 3k- j

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