Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 2, 1925, p. 5

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-j- ije arimt 3te anw thursday afittx 2 1025 dont worry dear dont wony doar theblcakcst ycai h that clogthe forward view jjuch thins to nothing when it noars and wo may uuuntcr through tho darkest moment never cornea it only looran before the loaa of hope 1b what benumbs not trouble at tho dooi dont wony dour tho cloudb aie black butwith thorn conges thk lain and btlflod souls that paich and cfack may tin 111 with nap again the burdon bear as beat wo can and thei ou be none to bear hum wot k has never killed a man but wony did its abate dont wot ry dour dont blanch dont yield but date the ycais to come noi give the enemy the field because ho beuts his drum thtao llttlo woea that hover near ate nothing- though they gull wo know that lifo li love my deur amkjlfo and lovo are all- samuel merwln the sunday school lesson for sunday april 5 shiek of mena village host to canadians twenty earsago the blussinj 6v acta 2 3047 goragirtuvt iititl tio uatt ujscd evety pne of you in then name of joatis chiat foi tho i emission of youi slna und ye nluill tecelve tho gift t tho holy ghost acts j 38 tlmo monday may jfc a x 30 place jei uaalem tho leiaon exftlainid 1 god hath made him both lord und christ tills jcbuh whom yo crucified 3g0 tho thoieforo in vorae 30 referu back to poteiu urgument in veraoh 14- 35 by which ho prove the cortalnty of tho hesuirectlon of jeaua from the dead thla proven teauirectlon proveh aloo that god liath made jesus both lord and christ peter told his heat ers that j0u hud boon exulted by god to bo both lord and christ this from tko fa tup bfha fros prss of thursday april 6 1006 gaidenlng oporatlona mo becoming general george wilds will have chaigo of thai yincthelrotia matthews market garden and 7 or- chard thld season that fiftycent coin nulled to tho walk at noblos flour and feed store fooled a good many pedestrians on saturdayapril first mr fred maddock wwo1eft lasf week for winnipeg was on the c p ie train which was wrecked near sud bury fortunately ho was pn a front car which did not leave tho track contractor mackenzie has torn down tho cottage which has stood at tho corner of church and maria street for upwards of thirtyfive yearn to make a sight for councillor lackeys tftne now brfck residence fifty and sixty young people from kasaugaweya and grows cms corners were very hospitably enter tained by mrtrnd mrs wm anderson at their home bower aye acton on monday evening itjc jaflt party orheeasonanacair who were pres ent declared it one of tho best the annual meeting of acton lawn bowling club was held on monday evening and tho officers for the year were elected patron d henderson m p hon president a a sccord president h p moore vicepresjdont w stark sec treasurer corner c adams green committee h rumahaw j r kennedy i francis james wilson and w sayers management committee james mc intosh a j mcklnnon a e nicklln w gould and d m henderson on saturday forenoon george ben ton received a painful flesh wound hi his right arm while at his work in the yard at tho actoritanhing gos works the millinery openings at tho glas gow house and tho busy store last week wera favored with delightful weather und many ladies inspected tho display of new hats and bonnets an enemy of the railroad tho following letter oaya railway and locomotive engineering was re celved by the ctaim agent of ono of tho big westernrailw4xyq not long ago for some weeks past my dog has been in tho habit xz sicking himself unto the cars as they sped past my place and he never harmed no ono ny floing so nor never would as i have known him from a child very peace fully and fond of youngchildren and awful fond of tho butchers shop be fore where ho would sit up on his hind legs and bog with a voice of joy for anything ho requested when ho would run at your cars ho would act savage but still would nlver injure tho train by word or deed if you had a hundred trains whirring past by day or nlte but what does tho fireman on the stick in tho mud express- do but en- tlcee-my- dog to close quarters and throw chunks of coal and squirt hot water upon him which he tells me in a bllth ahd frlvllous tone is to take the bark of my dog that is what mantes mo halt your railroad and that la not all by a loxu choko for yeater- dayvttbey misled mysdog and got him in front of the engine when theyxpull- ed her wide open and smashed my dog in a way that hurts your rode and causes it to do looked at askance by every thinking taac payer and mother l say fy on such a rode as yours with its sandwiches that have a thin rim of ham round tho edge so when you lock your teeth with it yotf get left and tho road has got your money in dennis fy on the whole thing is what i say ruct cu the holy spirit produced tho deepest and sharpest con viction of sin ono other truth- is cal culated to produce such profound con viction of sin an tho ti uth concerning the glory of jesus and our consequent enormous guilt in tho rejection and cruciflxiqp of such a one tho spirit camo to thorn and through them con- theso convicted jews cried out to know what thpy were to do peters answer was very pjajn and perhaps nothing in tho bible makes the way xt salvation and blessing plainer 1 repent 1 e changcl theirminda about- jesus they were to change from that attitudo of mind that crucified jesus to that at titude off mind that accepted him as that which god had exalted him to bo lord and christ this of course involves repentance of sin i o re nouncing all in and it involves the absolute surrender of our wills to jesus us our lord 2 bo baptized there was to be outward water bap tism but there must be more than tho inere outward symbol there was to bo great inward fact for which the outward symbol stood tho renuncia tion of sin faith in christ and tho putting on of jobub christ being baptised ii4henameofjeaua qhrlav photographed above ate nust enanl k licit tab who recently succeeded his fathor ah tdieik of menu villagoj and deane h dickason wellknown news paper man accompanying tho canndlun paclm s s kmprcss of franco on a cruise of the world rwho nent the following interesting dispatch cover ing the caravan trip of tho canadian arid ameiican tout lata and the death of their host eimnl khattab right thirtytwo of ua left cairo by river steamer debarking hixteen miles up tho river at bedraahen whence wo journeyed by camel donkey and sand- cart through old memphis and its- necropolis sukkara another sixteen milesouton the-ljybiun- desert there a bedouin camp was pitched we ato bedouin food listened to bodouln music and watched bedouin dancers fat into tho night we did not reach camp until 8 oclock the last two hpurs riding having been made in the light of tho moon at midnight the moon was at eclipse our host ennnl khattab undoubtedly the most popu lar and probabjy the most wealthy of tho bedouin sheiks of egypt had been laughing dancing and conveialng with tho icat of us at one ho went to his village mona at tho base of tho pyra mids toieat nrlor to returning with ur i news of local import keep things clean and 3nitry the hist warm days of uprhig when tho plant and insect worlds shpw the first ulgns of returning life ato an oppoi tune tlmo for hunting tho fly nwatter cleaning the back yard atfl ridding tho iremlseu of stagnant pools jchcae unttho da ye- wh ich wll 1 decid e- whether man ot insect will rule- the community next summer john l clark got 19000 insurance john l chirk of not vul whose barn und a large number of valuable cattlo were burned on decembor 13 1923 received from tho commercial union fire insurance company last week cheque for 919000 in settlement of his loss for insurance mr clarks total loss on tho are was estimated at 40000 and he filed a clulih for 928000 insurance following the fire cam a an lnvestlgutl6n extending over u lengthy period the company made two previous offers jn settlement orie for 116000 and a necond for jib 000 to caro the next morning ho was conveilnt with his young daughter when ho was seised with an attack of the heart and died almost lnbtuntly his son nasr 24 popular and hand some dragoman who had guided us from cairo to the camp succoeds him as sheik of the menu village with about 6000 inhabitants tho guest were pctmltted to flnshthelr break fabrberdr tho hows was broken to them we returned an hiimble hord saddened and grieving after a night of exqulfllto adventure more than 10 000 attended his funeral in the qualnt little village among them a consid erable number of our passengers who had grown to respect and admire enanl aftct a few short hours with him he spoke soven languages and in a gentle well modulated voice that must have earned him great reverence from- his subject who as sheik mayor police magistrate justice of the peace city council et ni ha ruled nobly and well worms in children if they are not attended to cause convulsions and often death mother graves worm exterminator will protect the children from theso distressing afflictions a cool one if politeness can ever bo considered n fault it would be in such a case ai tho following which is reported by 4 fireman and printed in colliers week- r the coolest man i ever saw said a new- york fireman i met at a fire in a dwellinghouse on fifth avenue wo found him in an upstatrs front room dressing to go out the fire by this tlmo was surging up through the house at a great rate hullo there 1 we hollered at him when we looked in at the door tho house is afire would it disturb you if i should romnlh while you are putting it out ho bald lifting tho comb from his hair and looking round at us ho had on a white evening waistcoat and his dress suit lay across a chair seeing us staring at him he drop ped his comb ino hhi hntr again and went on co but in a mutter of fact he was about ready he put down tho comb tut on ms coat and hat anj lipped up his overcoat 11 4 im ready eon tl omen he mim m w started uy tho stairway ha now been closed up by fire wo turned to the windows the boys had got a ladder up to the front of the house now then we said to him wholl wo came to- tho window after you gontlomen he- sam standing back and im blest if wo didnt have to go down the ladder first ignorant teacher what djd you learn at school to day dearie asked the mother of little mabel when the child returned from her first day at school i didnt lenrn anything was mabels disgusted reply there was 1 woman there that didnt know a single thing i had to tell hor everything a housshold medicine they that aro acquainted with ho sterling prop erties of dr thomas epleotric oil in tho treatment of mnny ailments would not bo without it in tho house it truly a household medicine and as it is effective in dealing with many ordin ary complaints it is nn inexpensive madjcjnft so keep it at nana on thjj call for it may como moat unexpected- six sharp means more than having some water sprinkled upon you or being im mersed in some water while certain baptismal formulas arp repeated jt means confession and renunciation if sin faith in christs death and resur rection in our bohalf lndentlflcatlon whh christ in his death and his resurrection when there is rear re- pontance and real baptism there wih be remission of aln and there will bo reception of the gift of tho holy ghost verso 38 the gift of tho holy ghost la the bloodbought birth right of every believer in jesus christ if one does not have the gift of tho holy spirit experimentally it is either because he does not claim his birth right by simple prayer and faith or elso because ho has not really marfirj jesus lord and christ by absolute surrender of the will to him and by lndentlflcatlon with him in his death and resurrection by a real baptism of which his water baptism was a symbol the promise 1 c ns tho language used and tho context unmistakably demonstrated the promise of the bap tism with or gift of tho holy f3plrit was for them na well as for the apostles and not only for them but for their children and not only for them but for all that aro afar off even as many as the lord our godj shall call unto him 1 0 for gentile believers of evory coming century of the worlds history in other words by gods own most explicit statement the baptism with tbehoiy spirit la for every child of god jewish or gontllc in every ago of tho church it must be confessed that if the bap tism with the spirit means anything real and doflnito anything like what it meant in apoatolic days many pro fessed christians do not havo it but we may havo it and ought to have it and are under the most solemn ob ligation to havo it 2 gods pattern church 4147 petera sermon had n tremendoua effect 3000 wcro saved by it no such effect had followed jesus own preach ing and his promise that they should do greater things after his ascension than ho himself had wrought during his humiliation was thus fulfilled the inward reception of the word was out wardly expressed in baptisms theso 3000 baptisms in a day were the out come of tho ten days of waiting upon god in prayer the work lasting theyj continued steadfastly tho four thlcgs fn which they continued stead fastly l tho apostles teaching there was no running away after every new ro11ious fad that camo up 2 the apostles fellowship fellow ship is ono of the necessities of healthy christian growth the ono who seeks to grow- in seclusion from tho brethren 1h doomed not only to disappointment but worse still to sad distortion of character 3 in tho breaking of bread they did not neg lect regular obedience to jesus com mandment to- show his death and to feed upon him in tho communion ser vice 4 in prayera just hero is the point where the average christ- ian of today departs most lamontably from tho example of tne apostolic church tho apostolic church was a prnylng church and hence a constant- j ly victorious church since they con tinued steadfastly in prayor they wrought many wonders and signs unity and lovo abounded unity andi lovo aro seen in genuine christianity in every age but the forms of their expression may differ even as they did in tho early church for we find no community of goods outside jerusur lem but no true christian regards ought of the things which ho possess- j es as hie own tho distribution was not according to distinguished ability or notable service but according to heed the church was also char- acterlzed by gladness and singleness of heart and pralsefulness thcoe- three things churactorlze every true church they imvo favor not only with god but also with all tho people any body of people oiled with the spirit and thct oforo displaying tht graces pf the spirit sooner or latqr will havo favor with the people it was a growing ohuroh they did not deppnd upon spasmodic efforts but wartime blunders the lord added to them day by day those that were being saved daily rsadlngi for next wok monday april 6 tho cripple at tho beautiful gate acts 3 111 tuesday aprl 7 tho mission the mastor luke 4 1621 wodnesday april 8 healing crippled woman luke j3 1017 thursday aprlr flrocalllng friend to life john 11 3344 friday april 10 the design miracles deut 11 112 saturday april 11 in tho namo of jesus mark 10 1420 sunday april 12 tjhe blessings the gospel isaiah 35 110 of of cf a soft answer that a clover as well b 11 soft an swer often turns away wrath is aptly illustrated by an anecdote an official with a frowning count enance one approached father htaly tho irish wit mealy said the official 1vo 11 crow to pick with you make it q turkey said father hcaly quicklytxftno ill join you at what could thoollclal do but amlle tho unlettered soldiers of tho late war who calls ypres wipers is not tho first englishman to mispronounce tho name the manchester guardian tells us for the patterned linen known as dlnpei formerly written dipre or dyprea and famed nearly as early as the time of chaucer took its name from the cloth made in that town fighting men do sometimes give thi right pronunciation to tho places they havo reason to remember nelsons sailors rightly spokeo of trafffegar but old sallorraen pronounce rio grando as if it weie an english cinque port rfo0 and sing an old flong- in which the coast of chile is made to rlmo to tho smile of the pretty spanleh girls who live along it in the earlier days of tho war point d nppul played pranks with the nows- papers wo read of tho cnpturo of point duppui on numerous occasions a mistake that recalls to mind the joke of tho d gendall a journalist on tho staff of the hull morning news in 1864 ono morning ho slipped ji paragraph into that paper announcing under the heading of th war in denmark that the danes had taken umbrage umbrage was given as in the centre of the north sea and its population and other par tlculars were added the joke succeeded and he taking of umbtage was the talk of the kendall was dismissed ftom the morn ing news on account of his ioke but quickly found work on the scotsman many have been relieved of corns by holloways corn remover it has a power of its own that will he found effective as gobblers do the pulpit manners of clerygmen a re j so exempt from frank criticism that many a minister continues all his life in faults of delivery that he might havaj corrected had he beep plainly told of thorn in one such case a little girl was instrumental in curing a famous american preacher of an affile ting pompus air his habit was to pause at the end of each division of his discourse look impressively upon the pews take a brcathso long that it seemed to in crease his size and then go on with an air of ithe utmost importance one sunday this good man paused after his tenthly for an usually long time little janewho had beenjtry- ing to keep awake moved as though greatly 1 olteved but the clergyman had not finished i ho was about getting for another head when little jane audibly whis pered o mamma hes going to blow himself up again doing what h waa told a story has just come out concern ing one of the boys who went out of towndurlng the holidays last summer when so many boys wcro helping tho farmers one bright boy willing and eager to help but wholly unacquainted with farm work was assigned to a farmer who was careless in giving directions ono day he told rho boy to grease the wagon an hour later the boy came in and said ive greased every part of the wmon except the sticks that the wheels turn on i didnt bother jwiththem theydont show much prspare foryour cardan medicine if you do not already know how far superior garden medicine is to any other that you may obtain in the medicine chest as a tonic in spring or at any other time of the year try it no drug store can take the placo of the vltamlga and iron and lime found in fresh garden vegetables and garden greens- and the invigorating effect of garden work to the point of mild fatigue especially if one will take care to maintain as far as possible an erect posture and to breathe deeply during the work has no substitute in the drug store or the medicinekit if you have never tried it before try the garden medicine this spring beets for bio cxtops sow rihnus tested northern gh0wnsud ffjrstock feeding sugar becta being rich in both search anil surar arerexcellent at stock feeding and arc highly nutritious growers who demand tli best should insist upon iccuring rennies selected strains of seed to jroduce immenie crops of tic richest feeding quality ilrtominent amongst the best varieties it rnnie famous leviathan sugar beet first produced on the rennie gold medal seed farms other popular varieties are retinie jumbo and rennie s improved giant ordtr rennien ftdd root stcdkfrom tfvar local deaur 1tkz rennwnss t tar adkvmdb and jaftvlst 4 toronto iw cannot obtain locally pteate lirtte us glelng your dtalert addrm ftatife seed annual rthe moat complete canadian seed catalogue free 01 request how one trick isiplayed almost everyone has read abojt tho are walkers of the fejit island priests of a native religion who walk ovor redhot stones barefooted and who yet lomain unscorched and unharmed not long ago professor honry cramp ton of columbia university was traveling in tho south sea islands and was one of- the spectators of a ure walk ho did not protend to under stand it but felt sure that there was some trickery about it not without fear but inspired by scientific enthus iasm ho and threorcompanions hided there time when tho priests has passed over tho flaming stones tho americans to the amazement of the assembled spectators followed they did it first in tennis shoes then they walked across with baro feet tho secret of the imposture as prof cramp ton explained is that tho stones pumlco lava aro poor conductors of heat tho baro feet of the flro walkor move from stono to stone so quickly that not enough heat is conducted to tho skin to burn it k cause of arthma no one can say with cortalnty exactly whut causes tho establishment of asthmatic con ditions oust from the street from flowers from grain and various other irritations may set up a trouble im possible to in ad lea to except through a bupc preparation such as dr j d kelloggs asthma remedy uncer tainty may exist us to the causo but there can bo no uncertainty regarding a remedy which has freed a genera tion of asthmatic victims from this scouigc of tho bronchial tubes it is hold everywhere worse to come tho regular trombone playet of jgtifwwhti orchestra wan 111 yrltha cold and the conductor reluctantly accepted tho services of a mitn who played in an ametour brnaa band ho was natuially a llttlo doubtful however of the technical ability of the substitute after tho first performance the new player sked the conductor how he had done tho conductor replied that ho had done fairly but that perhhps he would do better tho next night tho newcomer eying him gtatefully answered man ye sec tho music is a strange tne me the nlclit and im no jlst stair ot yet hut you wait tae the morns hlcht and yell no hear ane of thao fiddles at a her method there is but one way of ensuring good work tho oldfashioned one of being on the spot how do you always munuge to have such delicious meats asked one housekeeper of another well i select a good honont butcher and then stand by htm you mean you glvo him all yojr trade no i stand by him whtlo he is cutting tho meat m morning 61 keep your eyes clean clear and healthy externally or internally it is good when applied externally by brisk rubbing dr thomas ecloctric oh opens tho pores and penetrates the tissue touching the seat of the trouble and immediately affording relief ad ministered internally it will still tho ir ritation in the throat which produces coughing and will relieve affections of the bronchial tubes and respiratory organs try it and be convinced qne step too many the australians are said to be lather solemn people but circum stances sometimes amuse them in spite of themselves the recent elections in victoria supplied several laughable incidents a candidate for a melbourne con atituency in a burst of eloquence asked tho question what is it that has mado england what she is mighty revered feared and respected t olrciand was tho prompt and un expected reply in a fine brogue from the rear of the hall another melbourno candidate after laying down a somewhat advanced programme exclaimed yes gentlemen and irwlu go one step farther saying which he stepped aver the edge of tho rostrum in short sighted enthusiasm und fell among tho reporters beneath millers worm powders act ao thoroughly that the stomachic and in testinal worms pass from the child without being noticed and without in convenience to the sufferer they are painless and perfect in action and at all times will bo found a healthy medi cine strengthening tho infantile stom ach and maintaining it in vigorous operation so that besides being an effective vermifuge they are tonlcal and healthgiving in their effects before grace a young man who has an informal not to say discourteous habit of help ing himself to bread or crackers as soon as he is seated at the table re ceived a merited renroof one duy from an old country minister tho ministers pretty daughter was the lodestono that drew tho young man to the parsonage and one day ho wan invited to stay to supper a plate of bread waa near his place an j as ho seated himself he put out his hand and tuklng a slice proceeded to test its quality by a hborapmouthful tho aid minister lookod at him and then folded hli hands and closed his eyes in prcpuiation for grace for what we are about to rflrnlvs ho said with slow distinctness and for what our young guest has already rccolved the lord make us truly thunkful another pair a new anecdote to show the evils of intemperance in found in modern so ciety a russian peasant roturnlng frpm town where he had bought a new pair of boots and drunk a few glasses of spirits fell asleep by tho roadside and was stripped of bis boots by a light- fingered tiamp the fellows sleep remained unbroken until u passing wagoner seeing him lying half across the track ahouted to him to tako his legs out of the way my legs echoed the halfaroused sleeper rubbing his eyes those aint my legs mine hud boots on 1 1 i i srs jsiwf rivntt oouene ceuoa wana cniti whom ymat with tkay wonwwrwuv wreenvt u mtm death of milton soldier the death occurred in milton on monduy afternoon of thomas a van fleet eldest son of mrs van fleet and the late robert van fleet deceased who was in his 20th year was a veter an of the great war and was badly wounded as a result of the wound his body became paralyzed some weeks ago from which time he slowly sank to his death he whs unmarried and a member of grace anglican church the funeral took place yesterday after noon at23r oclock from the resi dence of his mother on commercial street to evergreen cemetery a married sister and a younger brother of deceased reside in acton the licensing of saw mills it may pot be generally known that an actaa passed by the provincial logialykir last year requiring that all sawmllls must secure a license from the minister or lands and for ests tho uct every person who constructs erects or sets up or conducts or operates a saw mill with out having obtained a license from tho minister shall be guilty of an offence and for each such offence shall incur a penalty not exceeding 200 and in default of payment thereof shall be liable to imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months upon con viction of any offence under this act the minister may cancel any license issued to the offender have a garden of your own if you wish to livo long and be healthy make a garden the plaything fyour advancing yea you will soon loarn to enjoy it as a child enjoys its now toys your boredom wlll van ish life in tho open will paint your cheeks red give you a good appetite and once more open your clogged senses to the beauties und enchant ments of nature which you know as a child but had forgotten during the years when you were paying your whole attention to accumulating dol- lars start a garden this spring and in a few weeks you will havo an inter est in it which will soon develop into a mania a passion that will keep you altvecbusy absorbed enchanted it will add 20 years to your life giving millions of trees six and onehulf million forest trees will be avallayle for free distribution among farmers by the foreat of the ontario government thlnffchbw in 1s24 over 3000000 trees were pmnt- ed twothirds of which went to pri vate individuals the remainder being set out by government officials in the recently created county forests un der the present policy the government is prepared to give sufficient trees to plant up to two acres and up to five hundred trees for windbreak purposes to persons applying for- them before the inst day of march material in cludes all the wellknown specimens of forest trees both hard and soft which are natives of ontario as well as a few of the best imported varie ties j- it pays to use martinsenour woqdhlac stain for jfurnitutefloors woodwork write to hand office montreal for frectjocmot home painting made easy sold hv w7lertalbo1n acton ontario railway time tables anadian n at acton qolno wt no 20 sodiun no- 81 nnr loahtutt- no s3 220 pjo- tfp sb 1 6 00 pjn no 3d 39 p m no 25 sunday t ajn going et no 20 1 705 am no jo 1118 mil no 4 385 pjn no 3g 6 17 pm no 38 813 pm no 24 sunday 708 pjn canadian national electric railways westbound dally bx bundmri ijd3 bally 0 43 ajn dally 1148 nro djilly r j 143 pm dally i 343 pm dally 7 5 43 pjn dally 7 743 pm dally 048 pn dally 1282 ajn eatbound dally 743 am ijlulyjecopt sunday 048 am zlltt am 148 pjn 343 pm r 643pm wlntr whut has fin apparanoo report from this district indicate that the fall wheat crop has como through tho winter remarkably well very llttlo of it belnr killed and for the most part it is green and luxur iant the occasional light falls of snow since the disappearance of the heavy fall which covered it during tho have unti tin prusunt svrup pra tec ted it from the coldwlnda if there is not too much thawing and freexlng during the next three weeks a con dition that tends to damage grain there will probably be a good crop this year clover has wintered well al though according jo a member of the staff of the field husbandry depart ment of the o a it is a little too arty to say definitely that it will es- capo frost damage when to spray fruit trees the time of application of spray ins mixtures la vitally important bo ready when tho buds start to break let no other jog interfere to control your apple scab spray the younfc leaves and buds as soon as they appoar as they grow keep the new growth covered all the time srivay always before the ruin if possible it is rain that develop the apple scab watch the weather keep the scab on until after blossom tune there la uttje dan ger after that for the pink and bios som spray you will of coarse add the polaon to control aphla use soluble sulphur 12h bs to 40 galloiu of water for your delayed dormont spray or add black leaf 40 one pint to 80 gal lons to your lime sulphur spray om that time get your outfit ready now and your spray ordered r it doea not coat anymore to ordtrenrly there la every indication of an early spring beat out the apple scab this year you want to grow good fruit to havo the best in your district- do your spray in energetically dnd you can then have the confidence all summer that trou will get quality in the fall this farmer knows he has a memorandum on the cheque stub of every account and an entry in his b3nk book as well a double chexk on his business the incoming cheques ot cash are also shown in his bank book in a flash he can tell when he paid any par ticular account or when an account was paid tojiim his bank book tells him he has no need to go tptohisusiaess jf he is rushed a cheque by mail pays an item or makes deposits almost as quickly as he could jo it himself tcday the safe efficient satisfactory method of busi ness is through the bank bank of montreal established over ico years urta assets ineacceasof47oooooooo dally dally dally dally dally dally dally freight delivered by apeelal ezpreu freight tfrelght pleked up at any ad- dreaa in toronto 743 pm 043 pjn 1140 pm trees and shrubs progressive farmers and home gardeners will do well to purchase from pelham nursery company special inducements givon for now orchards wood lots and wind breaks apply pelham nursory co representative at once j bubun6ham r r no 4 rock wood 3 csl lastoria vxynnvvcnvnjvc mother etchers caatoria is a harmless sutstitutefor castor oil paregoric teething drops and soothing syrups prepared to relieve infants irt arms and children all ages of ctihstipatton wind oolic flatulency to sweeten stomacfc diarrhea regulate bowels aids in the assimilation of food promoting cheerfulness rest and natural sleep without opiates to avoid imitations always look or die signature of wvqa6t pfovg rflwthnu on each package phyalciana everywhere recommend it t e gibbons expert 8hoe repairing prompt attention to orders left t e gibbons main 8thbet actol ferrys seeds enp for seed annual good q or donors are those who raise good vegetables and flowers good vegetables and good flowers como from good seods wo produco good seoda the inference la obvloua por sale everywrore d m ferry co windsor ont advertisers tho free pre88 la anxioua to servo you and arv you wall we oan give your advertlaa- menl better attention and there fore make it mora attract ivo if the oopy fa supplied to ua on monday or tuesday if copy faila to raaoh us until wednesday forenoon thorn is n rush to set it up befora the forms close and the result is likely to be lass satisfactory 8end in your ad8 early free press job printing is always neatly done does your watch keep time try our repair de partment we are getting wonder ful results and we know we can please you savage co jewellers guelph ontario 3fo kki

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