Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 2, 1925, p. 6

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jp charged for t tfle fpltowlnir rate dirchi soc marriages sodethi 50c accrabria cards soc loq per line extra lor poems k born stcairt at quelph on monday march 23 1025 to dr nnd mrs peter stuart a daughter married winf1eldwatkins at tha homo r- of the brldos iajnltijllrflllllruv tssquostnir on wednofldny march 25- 102g by rev a c stewart m a clarence s winflold oon of mr and mm gcorgo winflold scotch block to isabel daughter of mr and mrs thomas p wntklns 3s soft ball league ib organized five tesms will play in town durlno the season at a mention an monday ovonlng- a soft ball lakuo wan organised with the following ofllciary t president n h qojrdon vicepresident noll mcnabb socro macdonuld tivetonnnhb win comprise thexoaeruo acton tannine company boardmoro f- ivar-i- died patterson in trafallrar tbwnahlp on tuesday march 24 1026 william patterspn in his 80th year west at tho home lot 7 con 1 erin townbhlp on wednesday march sb 1025 adollna bydor wife of lemuel weat in her 00th yoar- harding in brampton hospital on friday march 20 102 phoobo jano flatter beloved wife of rrobt hord- ins of georgetown ased os years frankxt the homo of iiorparonta lot 20 con 7 nassagawcyflon thursday march 28 1028 hazel bllcon infant daushtcr of john st and hazel frank aged 11 months battpijas at vancouver bc aen- oral hospital on monday march 10 1926 frank d barclay son of the late francis barclay and brother of councillor wra barclay george- town v shearer at his lato residence 3 wlllcocks street toronto on friday march 27 1025 tbo rev john g shearer b a b d general socre- tary of tho social sorvlco council of canada co j w howetson co tho town and the married men a roprcoontntlve from each team wiu compose tho committee as fol- lows f 3 lylo j m mcdonald k sweeny k- j- currlo and dr b j nelson if wan au jesus ted that tho soft ball ajid hard ball committees cot to gether and arrange times for oaoh to uso tho baseball diamond an entry eo of 800 was decided upon for cachi team to cover equip- mont such aer balls and bats and mod als for the wlnners- tho- leoffiib will commence its schodule nbout the 27th of aprlu cmplrcs crimen orb messrsimurray mcdonald aeorao hynds f j iie joe jock b joiiuovlh undrib1ra mcdonald all pdstntni games are to bo run off consecutively at tile end of tho season 1 oftlclal scorer lloyd d forbes assistant scorer grenvuie masalcs neighborhood news- town tuad gjiiptry v lorne school tho showing is tho roport of lorno school for tho month of march jr iv lrfsllo swaolchammor loouu waller qoorfto gralt wilfred me- enchorn 7 sri ill teddy harrop criaalo swackhammer willie harrop vorna murray rohotta wallor jr ill thclma graft iind corlnno macdonuid cqual brandon crow- son harry murray and roy benny equal ruby murray pansy troup howard graff l jr ii iaura johnston wulladp swackhammer prlmor etta- swackhammer grace grdit douglas gutiiric honors 1 miss i anderson teacher news of local import farm gold tho blmrp tjvm naosuffdwoya hau bocii uocl to is puubury toronto this form lino bcoii aold twlco ahpo inot fall it- j kerr heal estate acont 11 offot luted tho uuich locnl play in t hall churchill thl community loat ono who wna for years a voswent and whose to mr7 armand ruop hero aro numocouo when mrs robert kieffil sj jgmowatihu brum p ton hospital on friday march o mrs hdrchne whoeo maidoh name waa phbeho jano fjahervwoa4prnjn erin townnhlp on tho fifth line ct- yoaris nffo and hat been a rcaldent of goorffctown for over thirty yeara glio wan a good neighbor and a hind and lovlnsr mother and wna esteemed and april 16 dust of he barth in rcapected by all who know her bo th town hall idhjos iier husband ah loaves a family joftwo mra qeorgo waltero and mrs ien hardlnr two brothers and four tlhtflfornuli tiiiitituto iiro nrran- hiic to foatvrbji play emitlcit duit of tho enrtlvnvthdradayiapriiifl in tho vrowxi tully this play included fiiur uctfl anl r momborfl cornjpoo tfitf caat th6cast lnal lojcalchar- nctovfl nrtl- alrould prove iriteroatiiik und lnutriictlvo v ur p v 12600 to py for motor dnio at tho spulng aawlsoant- milton on tucuday mr juatlco r m jlxorodlth anaobiiod ernest wilcox of gnlt 12- 600 dummies as u reaultofhlatvbmash iriffinto gustavo armanda cr ori tho highway noar oahvlllo on tho 29ttf october last tho judgmonu affnlnaf wilcox ore tin fallows g0o0 to mrs auction sale hitfm utoclc and implementh of w s aldcraou lot g aevonth lino trafalgar at druimiuin a 1 p m ahnrp on thuradny apu 9 sovon monthu credit on approved joint nptch fl per cont per annum oft for cauli vt salter auctioneer to fvod carr and 3000 to mrs can wllooximirv bpoodlng was costly v uijp attmi mxtt te0 thtmsday april 2 1926 in jt brief local items mr good naturo is good buslirosa tho builders- are srettlnir busy i thotuentbn season conoludos noxt veelt i effierianceojiridtbloushton credit the time of the slnslne of birds is como births ma deaths in th- province of ontario and in ths county ojfjjullenlvytir i mrfih 15- the last hard pull beta us over tho bin the man who does nothing dooa oomebodyi tho lawns ore assumiria their ver- nal tint asaln march behaved very well all tha month thank youl the roads will soon bo in fine shape for -motoring- our stores ore now aglow with tho newest thlnss for spring watsons dairy is out thut week with ajlno now delivery rtjr motorinb is rapidly cettlnjr up to its- annual summcrumo voluine tho tulip and hyacinths are poep- lng throufb- the rich brown earth spring- plowing commenced last week on some of tho farms hereabouts guelphs tax rate this year will be sm mills two mills higher than last year the ico is largely out of fairy lake this is considerably earlier than usual it is estimated that tho bood in brampton caused losses aggrejratine j6600 7 boy scouts are naturally very proud of the new uniforms they are bettlne v the weather of march was 603 degrocs higher than the average for thai month v the pussy willows are the favor ite wild growth which people are gath ering just now plowing was commenced on mr jtf f i farm acton crossroad on the 27th of march v this is the timo for spring clcan- lng and tidying tho homo surrounding generally as spring opens the prospects for more building during tho summer be comes mord eboouroglng last oummcrtj loitering leaves blown as in play now scamper across the jawn and whirlawny tho spring number of the dally suntimes of twon sound issued last thursday was very creditablo boon shall springs qulckonlnj spirit earth endow and crocuses poor from their beds in glowinggold if nowspapers printed all the ed itors know general conversation would be more animated and interesting make a note of tho fact that tho temperature on thursday maroh 28 was up tor sixty degreesln the shade rseyflubarber is heading the list of amateur gardeners as usual he is already getting in vegetable seeds hoy barnes son of w w barnes of esauoslngy fell and broke his right arm whllo at play one day last week trth is ono consolation for those of us who are obliged to get along on small salaries r we skip tlio income tax spring peeps in at the window i put ray work aside the tasks may wait for oh the fields and woods in vite the maple sugar season is about oyor the buds ore beginning to ap pear it was abort this season for most makers a special meeting of tho county council win be called for april 7 when the countys share of the oakviue hrldge will be discussed mr jonathan xjiino- has purchased tho new brick cottage on bvwer ave- which has boon the home of mr and mrs ingroy the past year rnow spring with golden key un lookhtrus theyears while treasure from tho reports of births marri ages and dettbui for the past year the following intoreitlng facts are gleaned births in ontario 70065 of these 80141 were males and 33015 females the largest number of children wero born to mothers 25 years of age one mother was 58 years of age there were 1679 lllegltlmato births during theyeor- io per cent of these were born to xn6thers under 20 years of age there wore 74 pairs of twins and 11 cases or triplets in halton ceunty there wero 470 births which is 188 per 1000 the jcauofiarithapvinooris2aprlih0r in the provlaco ixutt year there were 24842 marruujes this was an increaso of 1482 over the previous yitar hottongou had 11 imiuln there were 3536 deaths during the yeor1989 of uioso wore from tuber culosis a rate of 668 per 1qdd06 the lowest ever reachedl in ontario in our county there were 258 deaths belntr 108 per 1o00 the average death rate for ontario was 118 per x000 there were 15 deaths from tuberculosis in halton sisters also remain robert and hiram fisher of erin mrs brbnaton mrs grlfdnbom chicago mrs j tuck milton mrs acqutlla peavoyos prlngo ho funeral on sunday after noon was conducted by rev mr har- ton baptistuiniatcr ma8saqaweya stock to warkt bytruok tho plan of convoying stoektcattle sheep and pigs to- tho city xnarkots by railway train la gradually changing to hauling them by truck dally there passes tbrough noro on the highway to toroflto truck loftdo of cattle sheep and pigs it- i clalmod that this method of shipment saves tho farjnor tho tlmo and trojiblo of dellvory- to the railway shipping yards tho ratea for cohvoyaneo ia lower aqd the stock gets tomarketrjulckev tanat in better condition it looks very much as if mothoda along this lino will rjmngo completely as many others havo done auction 8ale av j iealhon lot 3 townllne erin and erumosa will hold a clearing sulo of stock im 1 pure brcd oxrovd btioci poultry unit valuable liouaohold effects oh friday april 10 ut 130 pm no rchorvo us tho fal is sold it j kerr auctioneer charles kelly singing teacher i i atcnoiv sale roy hlndleyxklll hold u sale at his fdrmllot id nrstllho of erin on tues day abril 7 at two oclock bharp 8 milch cpwejo calves 30 htobueru 20 otcs 4 sows il ehoats a vega sop- nfntornnda quantity of uwcot clover flood stocuers muy be fod hbre till giuus tlpio at a rcasonahlo ruta oi50 mcaitister and roy lunddky auctioneers farm8fqr baue 48 linrmaln tho counties of haltobj and wellington varying from 40 to 200 acres lot us send you our list a number of homos and business fire and llfo insurncoi money to loan 7 j a smith real estato agent phono 105 acton ont the nansneaweya- juiiipr farmers association wasroorrafllod lost wednesday at brookvllle with the fol lowing officers for this year pres- dent cecil- early vlcepreaapdrew frank secretarytreas i g worofold the naosogaweya 7 branch- of the bible society met in tho presbyterian church on monday of last wookrav m mclajrenportporbhto gavo on ad dress the following officers were olectod president g t wilson -vico- pres elwoodjtogqn flecroarv cllf- totatjonffinlvsnltteb j p kltch- ihg r j anderson and c a darby mrs c a darby of knatchbull j do not fall to see tho womens institute play on april 18 the cantataji rendered by the mcthodiat choir from tlrse to time have invariably been irapressive and in spiring the iclng- of glory to be given on riaattr eunday evening 12th of april will bo exceptionally flfte rr eir outfit tho head of the house- as ho search ed in his pockets and found not a cent was incited to xnusei the wljes bought her bonnet and outfit for boat er tho girls bpexit the rest and no doubt more could use 00 it seems all thats left if i want to dress up some is to press my old pants andshlnemy old shoes now js tha time to go through your offlco stationery and sort up lines in which you arc lew thojetaat pnxss is prepared to give you service and suggestions and satisfactory prices i likes to see er man take an interest in de country said tjncle- ebon but i koint approve ob is neglectin ia oivn tator patch while ho wocrles bout whut we gwinter do wif dem eflquinrauxu spring is welcome to everyone but to none7morettatttberaairwhotias been shovelling coal into a hungry fur- t nace all winter to him winter really t visited relatives in dundas over tho weekend mr and mrs david nightlngalo of guelph visited at tho homo of mr and mrs a- nightingale at knatchbull circular sawing bees are the order- of tho day in this district tti thuradoy the atork called nt tho homo of mr and mrs harland wilson nassagaweya and loft a llttlo son both are dolngjwell shortly after returning homo from the xuneral of mrs gcorgo currlo last week john ingles of nassagaweya was jtakon suddenly illandlaisaed away- within a few minutes he was twice married his first wife being a daughter of the late james mahon by whom he had throe children his second and surviving wife is a daugh ter of w howard by whom ho had seven children between twenty and thirty brethren ofstclalr idgc no 135 af am milton visited on thursday night campbell lodge no 803 oann- bellville of which a goodly number of members were in attendance with w bro thincnn campbell in tho chair w bro peacock of st clair and his officers assisted by p ms oxempllded the work of the- third degree after which refreshments were served in the banquet room james johnson owner of tho famous team of oxen here who went to toronto last week at tha invitation of the hunt club to draw tha wagon t tho carni val at the coliseum friday night had hot been in toronto for- more than 30 years he lives at capipbellviuc on land settled by his father who es caped from slavery jfrorri the urittod states r quelph hydro oiatriot gets t372 jbarticuiars- ofamounta aidasbon usoa for hydro construction wero tabled in the house by tie premier who explained that those payments are made out of the legislatures appro priation of 81000000 for the current year the guelph district comprises the- section in which guolply jslora fergus acton rookwood georgetown erlntahdollfersurroundlng coramunt- ties are situated and the amount of tha bonus for this district la 13672 this amount is applied to construction and extension wprk and helps to re duce the cost to tho peoplo of the district notice of application for divorce notice is horoby given that wal ter ernest colwell of the town of oakvlllo in tho county of halton in tho province of ontario manufacturer will apply to the parlia ment of canada atthe presents session th6reofror otbui of divorce from his wlfo- edith effie colwell of tho town of oakvlllo in tho county of halton in tho province of ontario on tho ground of adultery and desertion dated at tho city of toronto in tho county of york in thd frovinco of ontario this 17th day of march a x 1925 hevjj he yd shore y a newman 514 confederation llfo building toronto solicitors for tho abovonamed walter errlest colwcll the applicant 895 lotter of rtecommondatlon clilcagotll- october 14 it la witll ooilfldcnco mill lleitironrtbnt clmrlcn kelly to tlio mumlunl public am a alnkor and voice tottchcr in both rohiiectshti is tn artlut hih method in hinging una voico teuohliw ih purely of 1i10 old itullnn school mr kelly let u superior musical conductor aiul an excellent voice teacher all who may orlgago him an concert soloist or voice teacher will bo highly grottl- flod ut tho artistic results mr kelly mukos oratorio work a specialty earnestly recommending hlmt i am respectfully j haiuly wheeler voice toacher also principal of vocal doiwrtment at tlso worth western university evans- ton principal of vocal de partment chautauqua n vy voico examiner lrt college of american -muhi- clans otc thorough instructions given how to uluy spanish guitar tonor banjo regular banjo ukulele hawallan steel guitar and mandolin apply for terras to mrs currlo brock ave or 6 s park ave guelph will bo in acton every thursday fr milmbi 11 mclean go do you want to save moneywe can help youlook over this weeks specials notice to creditors of the estate of jessie martin deceased oakville newr inspector in col craigs place owing to the fact that col j j craig school inspector for south well ington has been preventod from at tending- to his regular vlsita to the- schools of the alatrif t through illness tho department of education has ap pointed mr noumcdougall b a to assume tlio duties temporarily until col craig- has recovorod sufficiently t taka them over mr- mcdougailt has boon inspector ol lombton county for many years and latterly has been in the employ of tho department in an important caiiaeily- col craig con fidently exports to rraamo his active duties in tho course of a ahort tlmo v a suggestion as s test here is a bugscstlon for those who mako a pracjlee of buying from the mail order houses the noxt tlmo you are sending an order to a dc- pdrtmohtn store enclose a polite note requesting a donation to your church your school your fair tho childrens aid the hospital or some charity in which you aro particularly lntorsted- and see what a generous response you get it will bo a nice encouragement to your local contrlbutbra to theso in stitutions tho pounty roads bylaw on friday a deputation from the county council of halton composed of- tho warden tho momljers of tho standing committee on- roads and bridges and ho county treasured tho creditors of jcasle martin late of tho township of esqucslng in the county of halton widow who dlod on tho seventeonth day of march 1925 and all persons havipg claims against her cstatb aro required on or before ihe twontloth day of may 1925 to send by jjost prepaid or otherwise deliver to the undersigned solicitor their full names addresses and descriptions and full particulars of their claims on and after tho sold twentieth day of may tho exocutors will proceed to distribute the assets of tho said estate among- tho parties ontltlod thereto and they herebygivo notice that they will not be responsible there after for any olalm or claims of which they shall not- have recebed notice dated this second day of april a d 1925 george stewart maivmn and thomas d j farmer executors by h n farmer acton ont their solicitor jlo3 plain pillow covers soc for the regular pricir of tkfese was crash towelling at reduced pricesrthis towelling is all pure linen in stripes and plain our regular price is 30c oa special this weelc per yar3 acllc- ifaiicy towels at 50c eachjusj i0do jrlthii lot of fhcy towels the regular pnceis 75c and 85c eacli special ra thisiweek at each- l- jlicv 35c mill esnds table damask in lengths of ij iy and 2 yards you can save 25 on these ends mens cotton combinations at special phce these combina tions come in long sleeves ankle length a good line for this- of he yesr sizes 34 to 42 special price t fh per suit v ibldu ladles silk hose in black and sand with 7 in rib top a good yalueat 100 special per pair uca 25 pieces floor ou to sell at old prices store closes wednesdays at 123 ends when he has shovelled coal into the furnaco for the- last time for that season l rev t h- ibbot ph b rector of grace church artliur has announced his resignation to take place on april 15 in order to undertake missionary work on the welland ship canal rev mr ibbot was mlnislor of the metho dist church erin several years ago bcauy- bros umlted of ferguay havo let contracts for additions to their two local factories totalling 51576 f oet of floor space thobe changes are mado necessary on accountof tbe fact that they are moving one ojf tho fac tories from london tofergus this year rhlllsburg peopleseem not to be moved much by romance at 1l and take audi lncldsnta quite prosaically the news correspondent reports the folks busy maklns ayruk sawing wood plowing roads and getting mar ried just that and nothing more guelph mercury much interest was manifested in th mission held in st judos church tho earnest apjjgala of blahop doull of do you say you lont need to ad vertise because everybody in town knows whore you ore so does every body in town know whore the other fellow is and who he is but what are ybuidolng to induce them to coine to you for your ebare of trade along with the other fellow ithe council will be doing many pedestrians a good turn if they mill spend half a bag of cement- an wheelmurrow load of sand and gravel and fill in the deprestsionjn the-sldo- walk- at the southwest corner of 14111 and main streets it has oeen a menaco foe two- yearan sir ificivar k- v 5s istt- ftw- ftffe7 c 5r fjv- bbfpi sounds natural doesnt ltttuo old town road roller will roll no more after having rpjjed itself into a decrepit heap of junk bui m bos not rolled in vain long after lis nuury parts have passed tho various stogas of anjplbll atlon its memory will be cherish by port colborno ratepayers box and takes hor myriad jewels out to scatter lavishly about t mr bn brown intends erecting an addition to his farm residence thhr hs he has the brick on tho sround for the new section- a number- of bur cltrzehsf have aecurod temporary positions at the tannery in adtorr bdep mills cor- respondent to- the auelpb mercury the income tax forms haye been received and may be obtained jt the post office am usual income returns must bo filed not later than april j the fergus board of education has deelded to ask the fergus council arrant of 75000 for tho purpose pf building a new high ichool tbla year thb epidemic of badj colds eon- tlnues to be quite prevalent thrfe of tho members of tho teaching uiff of the public schoorhave been til during the week maple syrup requires to weigh i pounds j ounces to the gallon this year to be in kjollng tile govorn- rnont regulations according- to the de partment of food and drugs- a- jjenue wind stirs through tha bare brown bough a aiantuig aun- gpnwtantwaau ed the air la warm and sweat sfsisrs ajjlcz1 illi many people ovdently have short memories some ponton went to the trouble to write four pages of ji canadian army sloif and send it to this office without the authors name last week according to our lnflexlblo rale it cannot be inserted without the writers name being supplied now that spring gardening tune is about duo those wbo raise chickens should out of nil fairness tcrthelr holgbbors if nbt because it isithe law take stn fo confine poultry flocks to thajr own yarq a ooi deal of dam age is done annually by ahlckens that are allowed to wander oaytfrora thslf own homes eastertide in another week and a world awakening- u the spring flowers are the splrjfana easence of baiter and spring dowers that bloom again in all their lory blaster flowers colorful fragrtuit baautlfnl bring springtime into your homathey will jbe much in evideni on oobfltwl- day and blaster 1 warm and the flowers appear on tho earth again the early flowers are bloorn- ing in some gardens and the pretty wild hepatic is in blossom in some of tha worm glens in ths woods 1 mr john rome who purchased a farm on th south lji in bmnttown- sbip nvj years ago tciuw0 jia-d- chjjta thlaprt pcrtyfor the arjoumherarioe against it and will state out- after lowing a bold kom incaah bealdes servecal yehraof barawont- he hoo when farm prices were at the peas taora mx- the byiawgrhntlng s fixed assess ment to tho marlatt leather company will be voted oh by the ratepayers of oakviue on tuesday april 14 a rummago sole will be held in st judos parish hall on saturday after noon april 4 at 230 thotannerywlll bfe reopened next week ilr tho first at least only pat ent leather will be turned out and the firm will specialise on this- with tho object of retaining all their former customers passlorfweok services wilt bo bell in the methodist church this year a number of promlnenr preachers from hamilton will assist the oakvlllo cricketers recently held their annual nfcotlng lnethe hotel gibson when reports wore received and officers elected capt scott and his south polar- ex pedition was the subject of a moat interesting and instructive address by rev dr dougail at the molhodlst young peoples society moeting on monday evening passengers alighting from the ton- thirty train from toronto on wednes day evening were surprised to hear a band of frogspiping their spring rnol- ody in the water pool at the cnlt station four sections of the detour brldgo washed away here by the spring flood have been located nejir fjow tor6nto and mlmlco- throe of these will be salvaged by tho highway commission as they remalnedwelllntnct and not greatly damaged building permits amounting to 812- 000 have been taken out this year mostly for alterations reports are that the hepatic nra hush flower of spring is already blooming on the hillsides of the sixteen mile creek at mcrton this la un usually early 0 tursday evening tho local salva- uos artfy ftgf honorted by a visit from commissioner sofytn hb has charge of the army wk a u cfflpjjy jlew- foundlana and bermtulav the -juocot- ing was laid tnth army jaiuj was a real enthusiastic salvntlpn array gathering the flrunenhad a brisk run en wedt- nesday shortly before noon to w h pitts rrsldeneo on tholnkeshoro near stnrflws church the chemical ehglne wns sent orst but soon a gonr erol alarm was turned in when the 9cw turiiedon the blase was soon under control the fire was due to d grass fire gettuig beyoad control following a somowhat serious illness mrs john crampt ojt glenorky wont to florida in kaljrtjiry hoping the warm climate might restore her to rood health this did not prove as desired for mm tuesday she passed way atdelray and the remains wers brought to oakville on monday after noon the funeral service was held at knox church slptteen star the pubkc health cittzens are requested to comply- with the public health act notice is hereby given that all resi dents of acton arc required forthwith to clean their collars drains yards pier styes water clo90ta outbuildings njid other premises and rewiovothore- from alrijdlrt manure and other sub stance which may endanger the public health and to have tho same eompletod by tho sixth day of may noxt on j inapector will commence a general inspection and further tako notlro that tlio aectioi go acton ont waltcdon tiis hon lhomlneer of public worlts at tho parliament build- ngs toronto nxnlalnlng-that-osrlaln- thoprrbllchcalth act proeihltlng tho provisions in the uniform county roads bylnw which the department has ask ed all county councils to pass were t sati8tactoryto some halton muni cipallties tlicy asked that halton uld bi permlttea to pass the by law with certain alterations permis sion was given by the minister forthe making of the desired alterations petor pan sit wonderland this paramount picture will bo shown at wonderland on friday night and is a film- whiclr everybody will enjoy seeing thoso who havo seen it declare it is more than a tonic ho cauae it not only revivea memorlca of youth but makes orio youthful if you areyoung you will livo an triumph with peter pan in all tbp frlorlous episodes your imagination over dream ed if you are old you will fld your self young again there js so much that is worthy in the picture that ono lslsft wondering hour ltw all 4nc bo flawleanl sir james barrio wrou tho stpry herbert brcnnon dlrsotod tho picture and betty bronson llyed peter pan mary brian was thb spirit ual weindy evory other member ofthc cast is nlbo entitled to praise from torrencodown to the tiniest tot in tho picture the mission at st albans the weeks mission in st albana church for the deopening of thw spiritual life of the members of the congregation concluded with very 1ms presslve services on auinday the ad- dresses b the von archdeacon mac kintosh d d of pundas were practi cal scriptural anil forceful the arch deacon n a very informal manner ad dressed the large congregations which assembled from nleht to night on spiritual themos and- emphasized very kindly and impressively the import- once an nfifotinl 1 fhn hrti keeping of hogs between tho 16th of muy and the 16th of november- ex cept in pens at least 70 feet fmm any dwelllnfe house and 60 feet from any street or lane with floors kept clear from all standing water and regularly cleansed will bo strictly enforced all citizens aro earnestly requested to keep their premises constantly clear and thoroughly dlslnfoctcd george barber reeve of tho municipality acton april 2 1925 401 eastor is nearly herd and wo still have a gbodv as sortment to choose from including eggs baskets novelties otc drop jn and- lot usqhbw thorn to you we are sure you will like jhem fc nr gindig rjvxrvsa 94ctresiri individuality our millinery is distinctive and individual every hart was it oyn individuality catering o syit yoiir taste e know we can please you we know we can uit you best let us piake suggestions miss j gatjbftaith dllfinfry anjl fspcy gpodi store phoffe jo actq1j ow communion ihe forco and- effective ness of falthfulprayeravidtho joy of christian life and experience gen erally the cblohrationof the com munion each day was piartfclpatetl in by considerable menabers the ser vices on sunday gave ample evidence of the influonce of the mission by n lorge attendance- and an increased niuer of commuulfmnts themln- itrajoa jf soy kjr macklntosh am mb luurujjt wpftdus ybnfor m t meip dapmkf w jfo at- isndeii tha misss- ffiq ecftrl hbv mr bbuffl fs bjtoi psppvurnirsij iq tlie influences et le feliji iufin services mmercialjzed omtaimotaewtitymts m uhihamtnt mmavah fisnm wfc co 1008 knrlght ave tl vutrha bti isi in tsa easter frocks in line with the new mode silk dresses haveit flare for smartness front flares godets draperies and scarfs vary the silhouette of the new frocks satin face crepe canton crepe crepedechine flat crepe and satin are the smartest the lovely new colors are too numerous to mentiohu sizes 16years to 52 bust priced 1200 to 3950 specials for this week 48c 40c heh platform 4fl alb the marshall home thero was muejh discussio of wo aii tunf btnerjpoiiucfd questfonn and lit tie ver had always been a vory in- ierestedunn4r what will you do when yoi can v9terra visitor sakart hor y nut y o tha tree hat iui tha nnaspvetad rtu hr help wanted wanted psraons to jrow mush rooms for us allflprlxig and sum rner- commenoam 6ni jeatruiiiiv 7wards of fair weekly ualng woatft space ih out1iou sheds barns roothouses or oollara ught plea sant work for either sei illustrat ed booklet and pnrtlculnrs sent any- whore for stamp dominion mushroom cs toronto canned goods corn peas foma- toes 3 cans vctory pork and beans size 13 cans victory pork and yc beans size ii 3 cans rdc pritish colombia red salmon mc aritisn jolttmbia red salmon aoiie quality at oe fc shortening 3 fa pails ojshorfi ening 5 tb palls oftshorr- ening pails oplsrd 3 lb at 6 d pailg fcard at bulk it lard 48c 80c 60c smoked meats smoked ham whole or half lb side bacon slab or half xb smokod roll whole or half lb choice pickled ham whole or half lb beef cutts rib boil of ia i 10c lzc 32c 33c 27c 27c read every worjrj of this ail about beautiful easter mbllpey at 550 and 70 thq unprecefiented demand forfeit jjats in thestates has erioiisly interrered witfi the gtraw gnd fabric jiat phsiness in view of thi otir huyer made sonie mot pnusual purchases ifl new york last week enabling u to offer 750 and 900 hats for 50 and 1200 to i5f hat for 70 the bpccesp which will attend this special event will e baaed upon the uniisupl beapty and gleyer styles which tjese hatg portray the popular price are just an gdded feature which will m this special offer friday a fjahipta rrunre8njtib1e one to the woman of discrimination 144 hats offered in these two special assortments may we expect you fine quality prime rib roast petjb thick rib roast a per ib lt1 round roast steak leg lb thick shoulder roat per popnd jo roasts per ft 7 1 v it m m w j pattej corner mux and main stkebtb r k new gloves and hosiery silk glovsin plain and fancy styles new colors sizes 6 to 8- prices 75c to 200 fkldgtoves wrist length and fancy cuff styles sprinc colors price150 jto 450 pair silk hose fine firm weave silk shown in twentyfive spring ptilors pair 175 f ilkhose with wide ribbed tops firm even weave black and colors pair 125 7 n co vrswtifjrr jfjrml wptv printing h ivrsj hm-i- shwafa

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