1 artmt wxtt um thursday april 3 1926 eastertide tho mica aro puro in their pallor the rosos aro fragrant nnto owoot tho muola pours out llko a oca wav broaldne in pralso at hlo feot pulhlne in passionate prnloos that jcoub has rlaon fiffuln but wo- watoh for tho signs of hla living- in thoifo oftwnninaratr of s u whorovor a mantlo of pity falls soft on a wound or a woo whorovor a peace or a pardon springs up to oermanter a foo whorovor a soft hand of blessing out- reaches to succor a need wherever springs healing for wound ing tho master is risen indeed 1 whorovor jho soul of a poople arislns in couraso and might 1 burst forth from tho errors that hath i shrouded its hopes in tho eloom of the night whorover in sight of gods legions tho i armies of ovii recede and truth wins a soul or a kingdom i tho master is risen indeed soldiers fling out your banners brave tollers bring lilies to altar and bhrlitoi n king out eaatir bells he is rlson for you is the token and sign therob a yorlfl moving sunward and godward yo are called to tho front i yo must lead behind are tho grave and the dark ness the master i risen indeed i selected i thoughts for ea8ter this week will be commemorated by tho pious of all lands because the foundation facts of- the chrlsflan re ligion tho death and resurrection of our lord jesus christ will be brought vividly to our minds tte are remind- od bf tho great love of god in christ as manifested in his passion and his death wo think of tho buffering en dured to secure our redemption wo think of tho uhiimo of the judgment hahthejioeneon calvary nt the blbit ofwfiich tho sun hides bis face as jf ashamed to look on tho tragic scene mmmkmmimmmmimibyuymmmt tyty 3vm ijiirt tat the easter gown by jostyn gray cf he jtussells lived two miles from town in a big comfott- ablo houe on a htusldo farm that waa ono of the finest in the county in tho morning fanny ran down tho hill to join ho others in the bought tho material a figured cotton wi ell might the sun in darkness hldo and shut his glories in wfcen christ the mighty maker died for man the creatures sin for three days the city is convuised by fearful thoughts the disciples ore sad only to be cheered again by tho glad announcement that up has rifl0n jnimed from tho dead now their doubts rof movqd their fears sj gone and their fondest hopes reallxdd if ever there was gladness in this world it was tho gladness of these wondering men and tho echo of that joy has come ringing down through the ages the apostlo of the gentiles caught tho inspiration of the event some ten or twelve years afterwards when with a glowing heart he proclaimed to his countrymen as sembled at antioch we declare unto i you the glad tidings how that the promise which was made unto the fathers god hath fulfilled to us their children in that he hath raised up jesus again lrai what are some of thfbaster les- bons joywillfquewjqitow is one big omnibus that took tho girls and boyeof theneighborhopd to tho hjgh school leaving them at tho same point upon their return in tho after noon she was very likely also to run up tho hill in hen eagerness to rotate the happonlngs of tho day tp her dear mother so when one afternoon late in a mild march about three woek beforo easter mrs russol loolcod out 6t ko window ami saw her daughter walking slowly up tho hill with bent head she said tejieraelf tmt some thing had gone wrong y after greeting her mothor fanny would usually rush out to ilnd the kitten and returning with it would sit down and play with it as she talked but today sho dropped her bag of books to tho flopr and flung herself into a chair o mother sho cried every slnglo girl in jny class and as far as i knowj cyery single girl in school is going to havo a new dress for easter except me her mother glanced up from the cap sho was making for grandma russell tho merchants must be doing thriving businoss she remarked very pleasantly fanny flushed i know ono thing she declared emphatically im not going to church eaater sunday i simply will not be a laughingstock to everyone so there a laughingstock o fanny pro tested her mother if the weather re- ihains mild you can wear tho checked silk that you had made last summer and i am sure nothing could be nlcor or more suitable that old vagi id rather stay at homo than wear that tho girl ex- then as sho saw hec mothers look of wonder well of course it looks decent and respect able but that all you never let me have things made in the latest style and then you expect me to wear them two years so that theyre fright- it over carefully befoto y ou decide but havo your own way fanny was almost wild with joy she considered that sho hnl already khn giving young people their own thought sufficiently tho next day she voil that was dainty nnd pretty not d urabloa n d cut the gown and basted it all her spare tlnno tho fol lowing week sho devoted to sewing and up to wednesday night all hei thoughts centered about tho cown that was rapidly taking form beneath hr alallful fingers but when she returned from sjiboar oh that afternoon she found a iottcr- from her couain tom jennings who was also herncioscst fiicnd sho open ed it eagerly but ns she real her faco grow grave fanny waa a child vt nany ways hut where tom waa con- cerned although she wntt two years his junior she wna ati elclei slstei cafofui and troubled foi all that af fected him toms father owned tho adjoining farm and until tom had been aenl 10 boarding school tho cousins had boon constant companions tom differed from his threo other brothers who woro much older than lie in being hotheaded selfwilied and generally unruly ho had been oxpollod from the high school two yeajrs before ho woud havo graduated and his fattier who wished him to go ti college had sent him to a preparatory school tho pre ceding fall with strict injunctions as to his beh an jiqtlilxqblthreala him to woik at theplough if tam did not cuie to finish his educutmh hia f jit her mount to make a faimer of him and tho boy was to take tho place of ono of the men who had recently moved oway and would bo expected to do a mans full work mothor do you think undo thomas is wiso to treat tom so fanny asc- od presently pooi tom simply hates farm work und hell just bo proud and hurt nnd will seem worse than over vr uncle thomas is terribly disap pointed fan said her mother in a troubled tone ho might sympathize with tom i anny ventured he might mrs russell half smiled you might talk it over with your uncle she sug gestcd youre a great favorlto with him you may say for mo that some myuelf and do it lie fculil crossly but you neednt do umt i want to alio insluted no you d6nt its nonsense cul tivate youi sinso of humor fan he said uldlng with masculine finality dont think any more about it now fnnny roo curly tho next morning and hid ncai ly two hours for sewing befoic school time silo mild to her self that she would not wear tho now gown until the sunday after caster jinleas tom aim ply i imlbud if ho electrical treatment in case tilings went wrong nffain at first fanny h opened each letter from her cousin apprehensively but as the weeks had gone by and there had been no hint of troqble she had ceased to worry so now the trouble seemed to como from a clear s3ty tom who was as frank with fanny ns ho woo reserved townrd ovcryono else informed her that t was about to go to the office where he hacl an ap pointment with tho head master op april fools day some ono had hung a dress coat round tho neck of n young calf and put tho creature into tho classroom of an unpopular instructor who had promptly accused torn of th- mlsdcmeanor a i happen to bo innocent tom went fully dowdy the second and poor k though old calfskin will never bo- way works mijrvols at least tompoi urily fanny laughed porlmphtorman ently too sho replied just wait aiftl sco mra russell did not havo to wahr loflg for ono instance she knew that i anny still had a great many stitches to put in her dress consequently she felt troubled when tho choir icadci sent word tq tanny to como to tho church to practlco the easter carols at half past threo that afternoon in stead of at seven in the evening as they had planned she was ready to placate iicr daughter by agreeing to- work upon tho dress while sho waol gone but when she told her fanny although her faco grow sober madoj no complaint and when tho glrf foufcd that tom was to drive her ove her faced lighted up tom was moody and had nothtnj to say and fanny did not venture spoatc to him about his own affair sho began to talk of what had bei until recently uppermost in her mln explaining that sho had hated waste the precious daylight practicli carols when she might be sewing el was not permitted to sew in tho eve ing seu itold him all about tho ni gown and confided to him all r longings and difficulties tom responff- ed hand a adjhiciarfid thai should come to htr again to night nnd icptat what he said yesterday sha uupposcd aho should liavc to give jn bccuuho of cousin ijelen for if she was to went the notv gowijj she could end tho checked silk to helen in tlmo for her toyear it at easter as she tmt sewing after school hei mothct cjmo in why fan ita nearly done she lclnimed and taking the gown from icr daughter examined it critically evidently fiha decided that iffwoutt do for she sat down and took pj letter i from her pocket i had a letter frjm your aunjt ellen today as tho resurrection was only three days removed from tho- crucifixion the sweet waters of ellm were not far dis tant from marail in life joy an i sadness are strangely mingled and f wojsuffcr todajr god will give us a ray of sunshine tomorrow tho sad ness of calvary was transformed into the joy of easter tho best lesson however is that we havo a living saviour a avlour in the tomb would havo but little value for us we need a living one that sympathises with ib in our sorrows succors us in our t i tlonb and sustains us in curtrlald because i live ye shall live aiso we see in his resurrection a pledge of our own victory over death we are immortal for christ is the frst fruit of those who sleep it is possible we do not t p predate as wo ought the memories t f easter in the absence of othls sup erne fact the whole fabric of christian ity would fall to the ground this is evl lent from the plain declarations of scripture notably that of paul and if christ be not raised your faith is rain and ye are yet in your sins whilo all thejsaster memories aire thronging our minds let iu seek to so appropriate this truth as to derive thorefrom the best possible spiritual results ere and christ tempta- lay conns ye saints look 1 wonder see the place where jesus he has burst his bars asunder he has borne our sins away joyful tidings yes tho lord has risen topay 7 rogers production of baby beef in hur annual report for 1923 1 mr c f bailey superintendent of the do minion experimental station at 1 fred cricton n b records the result i of an experiment in the cost of producing baby beef two steers one a 1 third cross shorthorn and the other a third dross ayrshire were fed in order to compare the merits of dual purpose shorthorn bteers of the dairy breed for tho production of baby beef the method of feeding was the same as s that used for dairy heifers except that tho ration was more liberal statistics given in the report show that dual purpose shorthorn steers cost less per hundred pounds live weight than the steers from the dairy breed that dual- purpose shorthorn steers have a higher dressing percentage and that dual- purpose shorthorn steers carcasses have a higher percentage of high priced meats issued by the director of publicity dominion department of agriculture ottawa for farmers who fiqht flies farmers whose barns and outhouses uttmatjbgxfra in the summer by ilea may be interfestevt in jeaxning how to jbonlsh the pests according to farmer who had many coirs housed in different sheds saw without being ablo to prevent it the to which the animals were subjected tie hap pened however to observe that one shed the walla of which were of a somewhat bluish tint was free- fton files and the cows unworrled by their attacks thereupon he added a bit of blue color to the lime with which he covered the walls of his sheds an 3 cousin jfjolonl honestly i should think shed be j perfectly furious by the time tfaeyget to her theyvo so hopelessly back numbers why could i not send the checked silk to her and have a new one a voile over silk or a taffeta with crepe sleeves youre not old enough for voile over silk and to my mind a dress with crepe sleeves is absurd mrs russell said besides you couldnt get a dress made sow miss stephens is engaged until after easter she la coming to us as usual for the last two weeks in april fanny saw a ray of hope i could easily find some one who would make it if youll let me mother she cried eagerly ob and i should so much like to have something for once mado by a real dressmaker ono that doesnt go out by the day i mean miss stephens is all right but she hasnt 3 bit of style my dresses look for all thb world like grandmas- and oven if i couldnt find anyone we could send to aunt rachel and lot her got something readymade theres a lot of style o fanny how you do run on her mother broke in i shouldnt ha made an excuse of miss stephens i am afraid i wasnt attending strictly to what i said because i took it for granted that you understood how much i dislike tho idea of considering easter sunday as a sort of dress parade i well who docs demanded fanny hotly do you mean to toll me that all the girls in schools mothers do that its only she paused and spoke with less warmth its llko this mother everyone brings her loveliest flowers for easter youre hoping your self that your lilies will como out and hope the weather- will bo sunshiny and why shouldnt wowant to wear fresh pretty things to help make the day sweet and fair her mother added yes dear that is a natural deslfo t think that we should all put on pretty things we happen to have and thn forget all about them what i objec to is this feverish anxiety to have somo thing brandnew and in tho very latest stylo that brings people to the day in a worried wornout state of mind but mother if i gotoric readymade it wouldnt to that mrs russel sighed she hemmed the fine frill silently fanny waited as long as she could then o mother may i pleaso send for one sho pleaded no fanny i am not willing to have you do that mrs russell replied without glancing from her work then may i stay at home from church i should bo very sorry to have you do so fanny and i think your father would be very much mortified and you know very well that if anyone asked him if you were 111 ho would tell them iho truth i know very well that there isnt any other girl in school that has to put up with what i do retorted tho girl fiercely and if they all say be hind my back that my father and my mother roust bo st queer to let thel only daughter go about looking like a scarecrow why lot cm she flew from tho room und let the door slam heavily behind hei liovo it hes got firered hair qnce there was a cartoon of him in tly brlstonlan and i cut out tho page and got somo hair off one of rarm daviss calves and mado tho dinkiest little wig and stuck it on and used it as tho frontispiece of my virgil ho caught sight of it ono day in class and remarked in his nasty way that t was a regular calfs trick well all i was going to do april first was to get a bunch of carrots and put it on his desk or a boquot i swiped somo off old davis two days before but woke up in tho night so blooming hungry that i ate them nil up every one i had cramps like fun all tho next day and about four oclock i got so low that i went out to tanner davis and paid him for tho carrots his wife never said a word but bhe beckoned me out to tho kltci en nnd gave me somo rodhot ginger tea that cured me but bellovo me i didnt want anything but sleep that night and wouldnt let any of tno fe lows in so i was just as surprised as calfskin himself at tho calf in tho classroom well now for my alibi so long poor boyl but its as well he had tho cramps now theyre all over ranny reflected tho sensation of danger escaped seemed to add to fannys content her wdrk progressed and she had it ready for mrs apploton to do tho neceaaary fitting on saturday although tlicro was still much to be done upon the gown it was far enough along to con vince fanny that it had stylo nndl that it would be tho most attractive thing she had ever worn ono day when the gown was nearly finished fanny came homo and found her mother looking grave for a mo ment fanny feared that it was on ac count of tho dress mra ruaaell ox- plained howovor that sho had just heard that tom had appeared at homo tho day before o mother what is it ifl tom sick fanny asked anxiously no dear he was sont home for misconduct fanny put her sewing by but nlic was too restless to do anything lso and presently she took it up again and began with the hooks and eyei she hoped that tom would como in but he did not appear and she did not bee him until she sat in church on sun- day tho sunday before easter h came in with his parents so stem waa uncle thomne and so sulky was tom that fanny knew well that tho boy had como only under compulsion that afternoon he presented himself half sheopish half haughty and pres ently fanny found occasion to inquhc- whether his return had anything to dowlth the calf tom shrugged his shoulders in a way yes in another no he sail airily o tom dont bo so lofty tvi mo about it fanny begged and after a certain amount of coaxing ho corn plied wo had hardly got to tho calf tan he explained rather jauntily i toh you tho doctor sent for- me well old cnlfskln was on the spot when un doctor asked mo if x waa responsible for the critter and x said no calfskin should jome m the next day and the gown you are sure you wouldnt rapier wait until i wear it easter she asked eagerly for sho hungered for even ifls masculine appreciation i want to seo it tomorrow tie declared i the next day ns early as he con d get away from his work he nppeai d at tho russell house although the color of the gown wldch ho pronounced poach wis buff it reminded tom of marsh maii- golds and he told his cousin that tho cowslips wero out down in the swamp they had gathered cowslips there every year sinco tom was six years old and ranny four seeing that ho looked lowspirited and wistful tho girl pro posed that they should go and get some right away o fan you dont want to leave your sewing ho protested although he could not keep a little eagerness out of his voice shant i go and brlug somo for you no sirce i want to go myself she declared til get on all right with the dress for i shall be home early to morrow both forgot everything in tho old joy of gathering tho blossoms onlywhen asking if ivb nnd any pieces llko tho organdie ijtve sent helen last year sho wants ito let it down for easter ibnt it nltee helen has boon asked to sing av soto at phujeh in ihe morning we can ieon tho chocked silk right along ill wrap it up now and you can mall it when you go to school in the morning im glad we can surprise tho dear child a few moments latpr- aho came in wllh the dress and laid it on tho bod to fold fanny glanced from it to tho soft buff colored gown in her lap i wish it werent bfue she remark cd for helen was do very dark and rather plain and light blue was a trying shade for her ill hunt up a lace collar that will help out said her mother cheerfully af tei a short- silence jperhaps dear you were thinking of helen next year when you selected that pretty corn color fanny sighed im nfraid i was not sho owned but it ia just the color for helen i suppose shes simply wild over having the chance to do tho solo tom did not come in fanny worked fast and had tho gown so nearly done by tea time that her motlier permitted her to finish it by lamplight when the girl went to hpr room at bed- tlmejgtno tried it on tiefojre the mirror to her eyes it seemed almost un- evon the blrdu arc coming in foi a share of tho benefits of modern oclcncn an ostrich in the cincinnati zoologic al gardens vwia last summer a vittirn of paralysis tho blid which is a re markably flno one md both icgn cf fected it occurred to tho supcrlnten dent to try tho effect of elcctilcltj a special tncklp was artangcd tho ost trich was plac in it and tho aji plication began at first tho bird showed no signs of feeling the current but after it time the good effects became apparent tii ostrich was ablo to swing first ono leg and then nnothei apd in less tfian two weeks was on the ro ul to completj recovery you have been intending to try rcd rose why not now before you forget red rose tea good tea the orange pekoe is extra good try it bellevably beautiful 1 they started for home did fanny re member the very next day fanny tore up tho i up and told me i med dont open your hill after school in more than lierloyes fan he same as told meany usual high spirits she came dancing how and he said he saw me wlth his from that moment ho tho promises the following jo tho formuu he used in providing this eflfecttvo ftpeclflc against flloa to twenty irallons of water add ton pounds ofslaked lime an1 one pound of ultramarine tie waah should bo applied about twlco durinff tho summer into tho living room with the yellow kitten in hei arms o mother what do you think r sho cried eagerly mrs apploton mar garets mother you know says- that i can make my dress myself easy as pie you wlu admit that i can sow and she says shed just lbve o cut and fit it for me he makes all mar garets clothos you know and tnoyro perfect anil it will oost almost noth ing ive got enough money of my own to buy tho stuff r never was bo happy in all my life what are you planning to get inquired mra russell cried fanny j excitedly i thought by the way you spoko you had it all arranged daughter only said if mother you will let jftie wjont yfcur if 1 spend my own mflhey lej- fanny you know well that it was no becauso of the expense that i ob jected 1 a cautious estimate 9 s fianiy was an elder in tho church apd a truly pious man lie had on eye for beauty and a love tor it but ho married tina because he knew aho would make him an excellent wife i suppose tina la n bandsomo lossy said sandys cousin who met him in glasgow not long after the murrlago and had never seen the fcrlde 1 ken ypva gude tneta sandy dt all said the girl quickly but im sp excited that i hardly know what im saying may i go ahead and lo it then i could send tho checked silk to helen you seej mrs russel started- to say that if fanny wm willing to do what sho knew her father and her mother dis approved of the could go ahead but she checked herself she knew that she waa an old fashioned mother and that she and her husband were-e- garded as over striat with their gay own eyes dickering with old davjn about tho calf the day before you saw no such thing with your own eyes or anybody elses said i acorn fully mcnnlnga said thexoctor that is not the way to address mr calkins before wo proceed i shall havo to ask you to apologize to him o tom cried fanny and yov didnt what do you tako mo for fan i if i had would i be hero but you could havo explained why you wero with davla sho protested thoy didnt give mo a chanco i had to apologize to hla calfshlp or go i and i went fanny could never help sympatlilz ing with her cousin sho bolloved him to bo thoroughly amenably wbpn approaches in tho right manner bu everyono seemed to take him tho wrongr way jaw however she secretly folt that ho might havo booh more reamm- able and less toploftly nnd when uro finally drew from him that if ho sont i know i didnt mean it that way a written apology within a week ho awool sold the bridegroom cautl ounly shes the kords landiwork i pretty lovable daughter tiimmos fm no prepared to- aay ah i 1 wrll leave it entirely to yon jlsn- la hla masterpiece ny she sold after a mlnne think could return to school slip urged lilm with tears in her eyes to do sp but tom waft obdurate he would not hoar of apologising to a man who had pib llcly challenged hu word after a little fnnny gave up but only for tho moment she determined that tom must be persuaded to oo- turn to school to puepnre for collcgo and the law school from that mo ment although she kept on nlendllv with her sewing her mind dwelt upon hla problem when she returned from school on monday and inquired about tom her mother told her that his father had t o tom she said softly do apolo gize and go back and finish your school so you can go to college all youll havo to do is to sit down and write a few words nnd send it off and then st will be all over ho doubted my word tom said etubbornly well anyhow you can be sorry you spolte so to him even ifho waa un kind unkind laughed tom scornfully and isnt it like a woman to ask a man to lie to a boob that ho would llko to challenge to a- duel for doubl ing his word im not a woman tom said fannj with spirit tro only a little girl that has bossed about from half past eight and nover was allowed to have her own way in all her life except about this dress and neither are you a man meh dont they dont flinch from hard things tom flushed i think thats the difference be tween men nnd boys fanny went on quickly a man just does the hard thing and thats nil there is to it a boy well ho sulks if you were i soldier now you wouldnt give up tho chance to be a colonel or a general as youro giving up tho chanco of being a lawyer tom if you couldnt stay and become a general without apolo gizing you would just swallow hard and npologize even if id be telling a he while i did if it wouldnt bo a lie youd make yourself sorry evemif you had to look away ahead and think how tho gen ertll years and years afterwards would bo son y if he had been rude and hon id even if it were to an enemy its easy for a girl o talk tom said gruffly i cant help it if i am a girl i think it is glorious to do hard things nho retorted with her eyes yihlnlng i think military obedience la wonder ful you know theirs not to make reply theirs not to reason why again tho boy laughed scornfully as they halted before tho first bars he dug his toe in the soft earth look here fan ho said suddenly suppose you get your dress all dope and then your mother should up and tell you you couldnt wear it eastei and perhapi nover would you lay it away without a word o tom thats perfect nonsense not nt all that would be a flno example of the grand military obedience you admire so highly fan it wouldnt be anything like so hard as apologizing to a booh that has call ed you n liar but tom what would be the senso it would bo foolish to spend time nnd monej on a dress and then not we it you couitl hand il out to tlvi heathen he insisted heartlessly she laughed an old one would 1i junt ns well and bettor for it would wear bottei- mothers great on getting stuff that wears forever she said o tom dont get off the track this wn for tho weeks going by fast pleaso think it over and see if you cant make yourself do it i would sooner make myself go to church in overalls and rubber boots on banter sunday he said coolly they went tho rest of tho way in silence as they stopped again wtiito ho let down the bars nearest the house fanny said suddenly ill do u if you will tom do what ill give up wearing my new dress on sundny if writeto tho pro fessor and apologise she jad softly o tan i wna only kidding you never mind i mean it f who said i ii do this if youll do that ann yours la harder of course will you tom if you only understood ho began impatiently look here fan please tom she urged i stump you to i he thrust hla hands deep into his pockets youll finish up every stitch nnd then not wear u ill flnlsli up every stitch nnd wont wear it till you eny so if you never nay so lll never wear u artd ill never mention it now will you agree tom he motioned her to go through and replaced the barn oh if youre so blooming anxious i suppose ill havo to make a fool of but she could wear any color or shade and sho wabnotgx to up before vveryono in a great city church and sing a solo besides she had new frocks every year and in truth most of them were pretty even if in a quiet way there was not much sense she knew in not wearing a new dress out for pride simply to show that you could do a thing that half killed you but if you be almost as perfectly happy in giving it away as some one else would be in receiving it why that was another thing she took the parcel addressed to helen from tho chair untying the string and removing the wrapper she substituted the buff for the bluo-and- whito gown wrapped and tied the box and replaced it on the chair with her echoolbooka for tho morning and the tears that wet her pillow were of joy as well as regret when sho woke n the morning she said to herself that sho really felt ready fpr easter it was saturday before she saw tom again late in tho afternoon as she sat in tho living room alone ho camo rushing in with his faco beam ing tan old girl youre a brick ho cried im going back to school mon day week this lotter is from calkins himself i ll leave it for oil to see after all you know hes pretty decent my im glad jou mado me do it i wanted to all tho while really shrugging his shoulders tom mado a funny face im glad ho added to bo out of tho way before hoeing time you know not a bit glad to get hack to the boys or books instead of potatoes and corn you get me i got you sho said joyfully o tom its perfectly splendid i wont it bo the loveliest easter for us all you and i and uncle thomas and aunt nell i sure fan i havent told anyone else so far i wanted you to know first because its all your fault and youllwear your new dress to cele brate wont you of course i would not have had you not wear it for any thing that why i made ou say youd finish every stitch you know youll weai it ran as his cousin started to reply hef expression was so strange that tom broko in you were game fan you meant it arid it was harder than my stunt because i knew i ought to apologize and yours was real military theirs but to do and dlenesa you kwowyou snld you wouldnt wear it at all if i order od vey wellpi order yutlnor wear it sunday next and whenever you like thereafter alias tanjiy jen- pings russell fanny laughed rather tremulously tom fm going to wear a dre 13 thats mothers favorlto because its most exactly like one she bad when sho was a girl she said softly if it comes to me that im wearing ity i shall be much happier hue where thetos so much else to think of i dont suppose it wjw you know really easter day means enough all ty itself to moke us happy and there a you besides nnd after you couain helen i dont believe shes had a brandnew dress beforo since she was a bahy and now shes had n sui prise of a perfect love of a one oh yes and mothers lily has tlvo huge buds that will blossom before sunrise irfs xfrkfrrxiv the coach as mclaughlinbuick builds it front seat passengers in the new mclaughlin buick coach do not need to get out of the car to enable rear seat pas sengers to enter or leave either doof wider doors this is only one of the many im provements which the mclaugh lin buick coach with its fisher- built bodyr offers to those who prefer the coach type no boxlike corners refined graceful lines body of hjeavy material deeper upholstery iijh 1- thirty and more improvements on coach design including 4- wheel brakes sealed chassis automatically lubricated motor duco finish are yours in the coach as mclaughlinbuick builds it s v king representative for thi8 section georgetown ont master six coach 2095 special six coach 1820 prites at factory taxes extra mann knows the spirit of business there aro things mateilnl and there are things spiritual and thoy word woll together ethics aro comine more nnd moro into business so much that it ia winning recognition from tho spiritual nuthorltici of church and re ligion to an extent hitherto unknown a religious wilter says it is obviouj on all sides that busi ness in nilingcarth with enchantment of its splendid skills ingenuities and trlumphants business has seized up on the most enticing things in the world for its slogans improvements advancement progiess prosperity l each of these slogans is essentially a thing of tho spirit a spiritual pur pose one glory of business nlono and it has many 1b sufficient to win fflimt pip respect of all religions that ih its gallant fight against poverty the worst foo of human happiness and progress business builds the founda tions ot every church and spiritual aflyjknce upon ft profits depends every charity and material generosity of mankind now says tho writer quoted rellglon is showing an in creasing skill in propagating itself os good business fred j mann is a small town mer- chantheoriauctsar smallenctatstore in the little town of devils lake north dakota but despite the necessarily con fined area from which he draws his patron age mr maim won the reputation of sell ing more merchandise than is sold in any store of equal size in the world the secret of mr manns success is best told by a statement he recently made coricerniinewspaperradvertising i would feel i was tied hand and foot if i failed to tell the public through the home papers what i have to sell tlie best rinieovetrisisvlien timearrhard or business is bad and your competitor either curtails his advertising or is not ad vertising at all h believe the newspapers of this country are the greatest business builders the world has ever known i have tried to do business without printers ink as well a with it and my conclusion is that the merchant who thinks he can prosper without advertising his goodjs foolish the free press is always ready to help you with your advertising problems jv rcrtsrtmxxmr