Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 9, 1925, p. 5

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thtjltsday april 9 195 ea8teb april the nrut dull ami gtay two weeks more and iaotei day at kafjtei lot join clothes bo now ot elm lxljueyuuiylllilrut only a pansy hlobsom and a very em till hlonaom at thnt with a bit of wire and a feather twllf make a ton dollar hut the sundayschool lesson for sunday april 12 twenty years ago from the issuo of tho froft prea of thursday april 13 190 for 8j cents jj ix mouhiei s opened a coal and wood yd miss belle stephenson gave a very highly intel eating description of her visit to the great exposition at st luulp at the jjpworth league on tues day evening ir a c chupnvjji son of w jf chapman izmi has purchased tn business of jhe dominion leather co- toronto and is manufacturing nevf lines of glbveif and mitts acton gun club lias been organize for the season with w t chlsholm president and w stark secretary members of the club will hold trap shooting on tuesday evenings and tho rifje pi actico will be on thursday even ings n mr isaac francis has been elected president of acton coronet band in place of mr dovitt the latter having removed from acton mr harry j ans has been appointed chairman of the band committee they ex pect to have a strong organization under the leadership of mr c w- mauon engagements may bo mifdo through tho secretary j b lake a number of our young people havt a surprise party on mr and mrs joha hiir at hillcreat last- fridays when mr and mrs harvey arrived homo from waterdown where they had been attending a wedding thoy found tho iioubo occupied by about thirty young people a very pleasant evening was spent in games and in music owing to continued 111 health it i graham municipal officer la re tiring for more than fourteen ycara mr graham has held this office an1 given careful competent and satlb- factory supervision of municipal af fairs the ciuppli3 at the beauti ful gate acts 3 111 golden text i am tho lord that tioalfftlrthcc ehcodufllg26 time a l 30 place jet usalcm tho temple door beautiful tho toxt explained 1 tho lame beggar- 13 peter and john were men of prayei and at tho regular jo wish hour of prayer wo bee them wending their wi to tho temple tho ninth hour was tho jiour of prayer b it was tho h of s riftcjijinilallameoaeli 1 q carrying the canadian flagtiound tieeorld easter time god in prayer mxjfi bo done on the giound of shed blood it was tho very hour at which jesus tlcd and by his atonement for our slnj by his death opened up for us a wuy into the holiest of all the very picsenco of god the man had been there often beforo and was expecting nothing un- uhuiu thfctday but something very unusual was to occur simply because two men who really knew godwcxo to pass that way 2 the man of god 47a peter first took a good look at tho toian and then demanded his attention here arotwo good points for ilny one who would bring chrlats power into the llfttof another poter did not givi the man what ho asked for he did not have it to give hie pockets were empty but he was full of power he peter had had an excellent oppor tunity to get silver and gold as a rule ujma been the men without tho silver or gold who have done the most for the worlds highest good it is an utterance full of meaning that fell from peters mouth what i have that give r every christian ought to bo able to say that peter bado tho man do the very thing ho couldn t sfco but that whlch is nat lm- p6bslblets possible in the name ot jesus christ tho power that there was in that mighty name came into that mans impotent feet the moment ho believed and sought to obey peterj not only bado him to walk but took him by the hand and raised him up he had learned that from jesua ani we do well to learn it too 3 tho man made whole 7b10 lukes training as a physician comes mat in his details about feet and ankle bones it was the gladdest moment of the mans life ije leaped up stood a moment in wonder began to walk and then began to leap and pralso god no vondor he walked to a good plac- with his new power godff own house he couldnt do much but praise god there was no guess work about his miracle tho man was well known to all observers and the reality ot tho cure was evident and unmistakable it was utterly different from tho caaes of many today who proclaim that thoy are as sick as over the people who witnessed tho change were fluod with wonder and amazement and many were converted 4 jesus the holy and righteous onc of llfg ui6 the healed man held fast on to peter and john he was afraid they might got away from him ilo had not yet learned to lean directly on jesua ard not on tho instrument ho uses tha miracle drew a great crowd looter immediately turned tho attention away facts about tea series no 2 tea production today urn c if the chinese who first discovered tea had realized the liossiwlitieoltmjtrade rrandfiiad studied the nature and require ments of the plant china might still be the largest tea producing country cen turies of neglect however stunted the growth and caused the quality to deterior- n ate in the mountains of ceylon and india tea was found to flourish scientific methods of cultivation and manufacture jvere introducedwith remarkable results now the finest tea grown in the world and by far the largest quantity comes from these countries salada is mainly blended from flavoury india and ceylon teas railway time tables anadian nationalfrallways at acton golno wnt no 29 809 am no 31 1036 ajn no bfl w 220 pja no 35 609 pm no 39 8 39 pm no 25 sunday 1020 ojnu going east no 2g 70ettm no 30 1118 mm no 34 335 pjxu no 3g i r c17pmu no 38 i 813 pnx no 24 sunday 708 pm- the empress of scotland now on a tour of tho world and lur smaller sister the montreal now on a cruise of the mediterranean lying in the boy of phaleroii namod from tho little summer resort about four miles from athens canadian andunited states passengers are seen landing from the empress of scotland with a view to taking tho automobile trip into athens know that my t liveth redeemer the resurrection of john and mildred kent galeupon tho waves and both are happy perhaps if we could listen we too might hear on this desert world of ours some sound some whisper borne from afar to remind us that there is a heaven and a home an when we sing tho hymn upon the shores of earth perhaps wjo shall hear its sweet echo breaking in music upon the sands- of time and cheering tho hearts of them that are pilgrims and strangers and look for a city that hath foundations wowlu all got homo at lost and all our voices will swell the music of the coi onatlon hymn feeling tho power and thro glory of ids resurrection amen o p fitzgerald tfd a strange- combat a traveller in south africa tells of a queer combat he once witnessed ho noticed a caterpillar crawling along followed by hundreds of small ant a occasionally tho ants would catch up with the caterpillar and one would jump on his back and bite him pausln the caterpillar- would turn his head and bite tho ant and thus kill him after slaughtering a dozen or more of his persecutors tho cater pillar showed signs of fatigue and tho ants made a combined attack tho caterpillar climbed a stalk of taltttrsir followed by the antd aa each no approached he seized it in his jaws and threw it off the stalk y ants seeing that the caterpillar hod too strong a position resorted to strategy thoy began sawing through the grass stalk in a few minutes the stalk fell and the cntlro force of ants pounced ujion tho caterpillar and kill ed it a reversed autograph vthlu is a little trick that is certain to bafflo tho person who performs it and to amuse tho onlookers ask a member of a group of persons if he can write his own name when ho answers yes as of course he will give him a pencil and a sheet of paper folded over and over into a narrow strip ask him to hold the strip across his forehead and as quickly as pos sible to write his name on it if ho docs t without hesitation he is al most sure tttjboglnlo write at the left end of tho strip of paper to tho great amusement of tho other members rtr the company the signature in that cne will bo reversed as writing ap- poars when reflected from a mirror the astonishment depleted op the fat4 of the confident writer when he ex amines hie curious signature wiu in crease the general merriment comparisons are odious when little amy was three years old she was taken to visit her maternal jrrandmother dutfng her stay the entire household made much of her and on her departure she wan hugged and kissed and wept oyer by each member of the affectionate family in tuxp the scene made a deep im pression on her young mind a visit to her fathers home followed at the conclusion of it her paternal grandmother and her aunt mabel stood smlllrfgly waving their audleua to the little one until tho carriage was out of sight amys mother was beginning to won der what made her so unusually quiet when a aolemh lttjo voice rang out from her corner of tho carriage jiliot a tear shod i a logical lunatic lunatics frequently return rtmuamt answer says tho superintendent fc agreat insane asylum one day a keeper was out walking with n number of hui mless inmates it nd tho party met a pedestrian not far from the railway tracks with a nod toward the trackw the traveller hskcd one of the unatlcs yvlieio does thin rail way go to the lunatic surveyed hlna noorn- fullyfor a momentand then replied nowhere we keoi it hee tp run trains on our thoughts these easter times go out of tho places where our dead lie sleeping under tho weeping skies and our eyelids are wet as we think of tho voices that are hushed and of tho faces that havo vanished from our sight the minor key dominates now in our easter song or wo live in a world of grief and graves i have read somewhere that on the shores of the adriatic sea the wives ftho fishermen whose husbands have gone far6ut upon thddbepare7inthe- hablt at eventide of going down to tho seashore and singing aa female voices only jean tho first stanza of a beauti ful hymn after they have sung it they listen till they hear borne by tho winds across the desert sea the second stanza sung by their gallant husba as the are to by the from hlmb how unlik many modern claimants to healing tower peter was not puffed up at all by the wonder that had been wrought through his instrumentality nor did fee fancy for a moment that it was due to any peculiar power or codll- xicss of his own ho wished them to set their eyes on the lord not upon him with an almost distressed earn eatnesa he cries why look ye so earn estly upon us in the original there is strong emphasis upon us he uael that name of god which would ahow tho jews that it was not somo now god that ho preachod but the god of their fathers verso 16 tho one- doc trine that he emphasized was that of the resurrection of jesus the sin he especially pointed out was tho sin of rejecting and denying tho ono whom clod had 30 exalted there are four counts in peters terrible indictment ofhlti hearers 1 yo delivered up 3ods servant jesus 2 ye denleu the holy ono and the just 3 ye desired a murderer instead of him c4 ye kitted the prlnco of life he used four very significant titles for jesus gods servant r v the holy onei tho rightcousoilo the irlnc6 of life and this was the ono they had delivered up denied and killed and this is the one men re ject deny and trample under foot to day but whllo tho jews had thus misused jesus god had glorified him j3o had raised him from the dead and eaalted him to his- own right hand liow awful mans treatment of chris appears as seen over against gods porhaps it was tho recollection of hla own denial of his master that led peter to dwell so sadly upon their denial of hira the samo monstrous cholco that tho jews made in desiring the murder or instead of tho princo of life is re pcatod by many today indeed by all who roject jesus and accept satan wo should note carefully the titles that peter gives jesus 1 his son verso 13 2 tho holy one verso 14 this title is used of jo ho vali and jehovah only in tho o t and shows that jesus occupies in n t thought the position that jehovah oc cuj i en in tho o t thought 3 the juat or better the righteous one cava in r v 4 tho prlnco of life verse id whllo verso 16 is not one of the verses that tho com has appointed to print it is really tho heart of tho chapter it was not peters own power verso 12 but the power of jesus namo that had made this man strong that they all could see the condition upon which ttve name of jesus exerclbca its power is faith in his name the more one studies this account of tho healing of thin lame man the more he will be im pressed with tho striking difference at every point between this case and those so much vanted by modern olvino healers the man was un questionably lame and uttofly help less verao 2 he was not worked ujon phychologcnically by boig com pelled to attend several overwrought meetings beforehewas healed hojwai undoubtedly completely cured not urficd or torcedoroven urged to wnlk when he scarcely could and when forced to walk really walked no better thin ho could have walked before if he had willed to wallc the cure was immediate verse 7 n day by day in every way im getting better and hotter and no autosuggestion hypnotism of any kind pious or im pious daily reading for nect wek- slonday april 13 peter and john imprisoned acts 4 112 tuesday april 14 poter and john threatened acta 4 1322 wednesday april 15 tho church at prayor acts 4 2331 thurnday april 16 a common purae- acts 4 3247 fviday april 17 lying punishment acta 6- 111 saturday april 18 tho christian spirit rom 15 17 sunday april 19 brotherly love psalm 133 to have the children sound and hcilthy 1h the first care of tho mother they cannot ho healthy if troubledby worms use mother graves worm exterminator they could tell how it started when the first words wero spoken that created coldness and yav the socla of distrust were sown in the hearts of john kent and his wife mildied on the wedding day tho guests had said that they had ntiver seen a finer wiuplo wedded mrs toplady told mrs yhoropson tho brides mother that thoy were made for each other and they themselves must have thought so for when thoy had left thotjuestsnand lights and feasting and were sittings in tho carriage that was swiftly carry ing them to the depqt john had put his arm around his wifes waist and had whispered cautiously lest tho driver should hoar him my own wlfo at lastt and she had answered my husband it was a mystery to their friends and an anxiety to their parents this coldness and indlffcronce thpjigh hid den under an exterior of politeness and extreme courtesy wns evident to all who associated with them it happen ed during the wedding tour for in stead of the usual praises and ecstasies of brides on their travels mildred only wrote that thoy were returning earlier than they intendcdrrmjiecomit of business for several weeks after ttrolr re turn they attended no church john kent was a pillar in tho methodist while mildrqd was amember of tho anglican church loving the htury and cjnmojifjjwhjch flhe had hfqnhnrn and bred when john kent nad proposed to her she gave no thought to thoir re ligious differences if sho did it was only to laugh and say to heiself that when they were married of course he would go with her any one sho thought who loved as john kent loved her would bo easily managed the sunday after their marriage was spont in new yorfc and john pro posed in tho morning thoy should go to- an anglican chuich and in the evening to a methodist that was the beginning of tho cold ness that was such a mystery to their friends in tho evening after coming home from tho simple service and stirring sermon of bishop turner john said to tell thojruth wlfey it would ho hard for me to sit sunday after sun day listening to tho lntonlngs and readings of your service it nftiat bo terribly monotonous the same words every- week no room for ones own individuality i afways think of tho pharisees who for pretence made long prayers now john would havo died for his wife if necessary but ho made tho mistako which so many make he had thought thaftto tho right to in sult tho ono he loved why john sho said stunned by his cudencss you surely do not mean what you say i do he said stoutly and more tho curato who read his schoolboy es say in such affected stylo this morn ing me mo think thnt ho was only playing at religion i 7 rather hear one such sermon as wo heard tonight than fifty of the curates mildred bit her lips as you aro so honest in your opinion of my church i will bo equally so about yours i thought to night whllo listening to that bishop with a slight sneer and the inartistic singing of the choir that i would not bo a mot hod fat not even for you our clergymen at least are gentlemen and speak good eng lish do you mean to say that you will not so to my church you will not bo a methodist he had struck the iron will beneath tho swoot extorjor and sho had an swered no j will not over then ho lost hja temper and sneer ed i suppose they are not good enough for you that la tho first truth you have spoken tonight sho said and left him dazed and angry he did not droam of blaming himself but wished ho had known of mildreds temper be fore marriage they returned 6 om their trip settled in their pretty homo received callers paid visits and when her mother aaltod mildied if there waa any trouble between them she an swered lightly no only john will continue to bo a methodlstand you may call for me mother when you go to st pauls but john kent did not want to go to church alone so he fell into the way of staying at homeland moping over tho newspapers mildred was tired of the coldness and restraint that had grown up be tween them her heart ached for the faith of the first week of their married life but those drodful words could never be rocallod nor forgotten she excused herself by saying angrily he la narrow and so bigoted so set in his way pharisees lndeodl i never knew worse pharisees than tho meth odises sho did not reflect trtktlho was narrow and bigoted ahjo wo good angel whispered it in her car and if ho had her ears would have been closed to his voice thus ft wont on till easter morning if there is any timo in tho year when gods angels fly tin ough the world rolling away stoncu fiom dark sopul- chros it is at the nustsrtldo when mildred tosci on that bright sunday morning she could not but feet the jnfluonce of the day her pew hat and dvess jay ready to ba donned and ncr mother was going to take her to tho beautiful service in st pauls only when she saw john go down the street nlone did her hoart smlto nor poor fellow she sold almost always discontentment has a background of unwillingness to under go tho diaclplinc which alone can win content and its alllod emotion happi ness there are persons so blind to the eternal truths ot human life as to wish for an existence of comploto idle ness with no tasks no duties no oc cupation busy pepple aro invariably more contended than loafers industry always breeds content achievement in eom lino of habitual endeavor does more to dissipate discontent than all the efforts of men to get the valu able rewards of service without earn ing them honestly tho criminal never is contented nor what u mistake to marry out of ones own church then the bells began to ring and they all seemed to sing the same song catholic anglican and mothodlst joy love joy love joy love tho stone was rolled away from her heart and she made a sudden resolve when hqr mother called from the hall hurry mildred youre lato siio an swered i am going er with- john this morning are jou cried ber mother i am so glad dear goodbye when tho congregation of the grand avenue church rose to sing the open- ins hymn mildred walked swiftly up hie aisle till she reached her husbands pew ho looked startled but quickly controlled himself and found the hymn for her sho looked very pretty in her hat of violets and her suit of gray cloth many admiring eyes were turned to ward her and the minister dr smith looked down from his desk understood and thanked god for john kents sako when tho service was over ho came to tho pev and shook hands wkh mrs kent hoping that she would come often yes sho said earnestly i would ilko to join your church if t may then she spoke to those sh knew nsshe came outwhiiemrssmlth whispered to her husband wflat a gain it would be to us if mrs kent would come with her husband and the pastor replied she is going to my dear in their home john stood before his halton post offices wifenrnd co7nre3sfidntwaaalirot 40r92ana the expenditure to zj305 fault mildred and she laughed at him through her tears wo were both narrow and bigoted but thero is no difference i knew wiieni heard tho bells and dr smiths text he is risen that is all we need to know john b jeffers graham holloways corn remover takes the corns out by the roots try it and prove it discontentment r the oil for the farmer a bottle of dr thomas ic ice trie oil in the farm houso will save many a journoy to the doctor it is not only good for the children when taken for colds and tho croup and for mature who suffer from pains and aches but there are direc tions for its use on sick cattle there should always bo abottlo of it in tho house a novel transfer ticket a somewhat amusing- way of guard ing against unfair practices has been hit upon ty the street railway officials of hegerstown maryland they found that transfer tickets were sometimes transferred to a new paaaensfefto xtiv loss of the company to prevent this a pictorial transfer ticket lstibed near tho lower right- hand corner arc pictures of four typical malo passengers a boy young man mlddleased man and an old man when tho conductor gives such ticket to a passenger he punches it at the figure that to him appears best to represent tho person to whom it is offered tho punching is a gufda to the collector who ean at a glancojiee whether the picture and person tally an amusing difference la aeon be tween the arrangements for keeping track of female passengers and those omployed for the male part of the travelling nubile at tho lower left- hand corner ure figures of women but only three a girl a young woman and an old woman jfour wore originally seon but the use of such a ticket wave serious of fence the conductor found it danger ous to look aa lady passenger and then r over the figure of the young woman punch the label upon tho middleaged one the company solved the problem by removing ono figure show growma revenues during tho year in the accounting office the annual report of the postmaster general was issued during the week tho revenues from tho accounting offices in ha ton were as follows acton 9086 39 bronte 1726 73 burlington campbellvlllo freeman georgotown glenwllliams hornby ldmehouse milton moffat norval i oakvllle port nelson 3587 in 1493 87 1848 74 11764 21 8m 77 10665 g7 500 os 1236 31 15287 36 1028 05 the revenues at neighboring post offices areas follows balllnafad 147 51 belfountaln brampton krln everton elora fergus hihsburg orange vllle rockwood 394 22 25547 23 2395 50 251 14 6480 33 13968 10 1465 29 10984 03 2836 49 tho dominion of canada has 12370 post offices the net revenue for the year in cluding war tax amounted to 29100- tiowyou hav6toir me aeiectoct 936i7 tho revenlie for tho year ex ceeded the expenditure by 79455535 j the poor mans friond put up in imall bottles that are easily portable and sold for a very small sum dr thomas eclcctrlc oh possesses power in concentrated form its cheapnosa and the varied uses to which it can ba put make it the poor mans friend no dealers stock incomplete without it remarkable power a dear old lady was taken one day to a musical service in a city church sho had heard sq much about the fine voice of the soprano and was prepared for a treat she sat in rapt enjoyment until the service was tover and then turned a radiant face toward her escort who was a young grandson dear boy sho sai4 you havo given me a great treat her voice is parfectly beautiful it made th6 cold chills run up and down my spine its too bad grandmamma said the boy but she didnt sing today though she was there tho gentle man sitting next me says that shoa the man who tries to get by with the been suffering from a bad cold and ono least possible total of physical or men- r tal industry work la tho best cure for discontent known on earth be cause work is service and service filla a man with joy service to his em ployer his family hu friends his own country and his god service is a builder which rewards both the man who renders it and his fellowmon discontent is a corroding thing that stifles all better things in his soul it is full of envy malice bit terness and unholy and unjust desires that unfit a man for any of tho true plcaurers of life and for duty in any direction of the chorus had to sing the solos foi her what dear said tho old jad looking momentarily distressed then her faced cleared and sho patted his arm reassuringly never you mind sho said wo can come again some tlmo but after all if sho can make me feel that way without singing i dont know as it would be wise for me to hear her now would it there is nothing repulsive in millers worm powders nnd they are as pleasant to take as sugar so that few children will refuse them in somo cases they cause vomiting through their action in an unsound stomach but this is only a manifestation of- their cleansing power no indication thaj they are hurtful they can be al ways thoroughly depended upon to clear jwonnafrnmthe system how to study birds treat all birds with tho utmost kind ness n6vcr destroy the birds nest or eges if you wish to learn about bled lfe one of the best ways to know birds is by their songs and musical notes homoniber that birds sing when they are happy and are enjoy ingiife but not when they feel that they arc in danger when watching and studying birds keep nn still us possible move quietly and avoid all loud noises or talk keep a diary and write down all new facts that you dbicover about birds licorn to iahk pictures of thirds make sketches of nests nnd eggs and observe carefully the parent birds feeding the young ones do not try to approach birds too closely when they ore feeding nesting or nest building watch then through a fleldglass if you can set up a bird table in winter when the birds are hungcry feed them crumbs crusts grain scraps etc and watch them at closo range fountains or wnterbaalns and bird houses placed whero all la safe for tho birds in summer will attract and hold the birds nnd make a constant study of them possible refreshes tired eyes wrumurtncoclikoiretcreno l doctor not needed tho doctor rushed out of his studi in a state of great excitement get my bag at once he shouted why whats the matter inquired his wife somo fellow has just telephoned that ho cnnalivo without me gasped the medical man as he reached for hln hat ills wife gave nftf relief just a moment she said gently i think that call was for our daugh ter dear tho story is told that many years ago in an old french church in berne switzerland a great choir under the fantousold leader refchel was having its ftnal rehearsal for the production of the messiah tho chorus had triumphantly sung through to the place where the soprano solo takes up the refrain i know that my redemmor liveth the singer was a beautiful woman whose voice had been fault lessly trained ah the tones fiamo out high and clear the listeners were filled with wonder at her perfect technique her breathing was faultless her notu placing perfect after tho final note there was j a pause and all eyes vfero turned to ward tho old conductor to catch his look of apirbval great was tho sur prise however when with a look of sorrpw tho leader said to the singer my daughter you do not really know that your redeemer liveth do you she replied why yes i think 1 do then sing it ho cried sing it from your heart tell it to mo so i and all who hear you will know and know that you know tho joy and the power of it this time the young woman sang with no thought of herself or of tech nique and applause fiom her hearora she sang tho truth that she know in her heart and experienced in her life and that she wished to send homo to tho hearts of her listeners as tho last notes died away there was no wonder at tho craftsmans work but there weio quickened hearts that had been movpd by the glorious message they had received aa the singer stood forgetful of applause the qld master said with tears- you do know for to asthma sufferers dr j d kelloggs asthma remedy comes like a helping hand to a sinking swimmer it gives now life and hope something he has conio to believe impossible its benefit is too evident to be questioned it is its own beat angument its own beat advertisement if you suffer from asthma get this timetried rem edy and find help like thousands of others canadian national electric railways westbound dally except sunday 743 flm- daily lt 943 ajn dally t 1143 am- daily 443 pm daily 343 pm dally m 548 pm dally 743 pm dally 943 pm dally 1232 ajn eastbound daily 743 am- dally except sunday 943 am v dally daily daily dally daily daily dally t1148 am 143 pm 343 pm 543 pn 743 pm 943 pjn 1140 p ra freight delivered by special express freight freight picked up at any ad dress in toronto to which class da you belong 80 of the merchants in any line of business follow traditional methods and are con tent with a small profit says a well known authority theother20 find old methods too slow are continually devisinjj new ways for getting new customers for making larger profits how many now customers could you find among the 60000 new telephones ia- stalled yearly in ontario and quebec cotu a family ism than b qfu annual outlay it pays to use martin senour marbleite floor finish nothing like it for hardwood floors it wers like iron wrrte to hand office maotcchl for free booklet home bwntinc made easy sold by w d c talbot acton ontario jldren tve gibbons expert shoe repairing prompt attention to orders left t e gibbons main street notice of application for divorce noti ib hu wal ter ernest colwell of tho town of oakvillp in tho county of hal ton in the pr6vlnco of ontario manufacturer will apply to tho parlia ment of canada at tho present aesalon thereof for a bill of divorce from hla wife edith eppie coewelu of tho town of onkvllle in tho county of hal ton in the province of ontario on the gr of adultery and deeortlon dated at tho city of toronto in tho county of york in the province of ontario this 17th day of march a d 1d25 heyd heyd shorey newman 514 confederation life building toronto solicitors for the abovenamed walter ernest col well the applicant 306 notice to creditors of the estate of jessie martin deceased tho creditors of jesalo martin lato of the townehlp of esqueains tn tho county of ha i ton widow who died on tho seventeenth day of march 1925 and all persona having claims against her eatate are required on or before tho twentieth day of may 132g to send 4y poet prepaid orntherwlae deliver to the undersigned solicitor their full narnea addresses and descriptions and full particulars of their claims on and after the said twontleth day of may tho executors wilt proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among- tho parties entitled thereto and thoy hereby give notice thatthey will not be responsible there after for any clainx or claims of which they shall not have received notice dated this second day of april a d 1925 george stewart martjn ajid thomas d j parmer executors by h n farmer acton ont their solicitor 403 cry for castoria mother i fletchers castoria is a harmless substitute for castor oil paregoric teething drops and soothing syrups prepared to relieve infants in arms and children all ages oi constipation i wind colic flatulency to sweeten stomach diarrhea regulate bowels aids in the assimilation of food promoting cheerfulness rest and natural sleep without opiates tq avtiid imitations always look for the signature of 6bwa fcpvfrn directihni on nrh picliagc physicians everywhere recommend it free press job printjmgis always neatly done advertisers the free press ii anxious to orv you and aarvo you well wo can give your odvortfe- mont batter attention and there for make tt mora attract ivo if tha copy is aupphed to ua on monday or tuesday if copy faila to reach us until wadnaidayforanoon thero is a rush to sat it up before tho forms close and tho result ia likely to ba less satisfactory send in your ad8 early does your watch keep lme try our repair de partment we are getting wonder- ful results and we know we can please you savage co jewellers guelph ontario a r 1 r

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