Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 9, 1925, p. 6

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ij births uarrutccs and deatbt are eonti charged for ftt the follotvipff rates blrtha sl mnrtiaffca 50 deaths 50c 1 memorial rjt socioc per lino extra or noero i born dilly in georgetown on saturday march 28 1025 to mrnnd mro w b duly a lujushtor dorothea married nodweltimceneilyat the homo otr c barbour 6th une krlnon wednesday march 25th 1925 by rovjohn llndaay elwood s nod i wflll aonto vmftix hottsm r tkouort nodwcll bant garafraxa to merle m mcenery daughter- of mr robert and tho lato mrs mcenery krin died bobrnson in erin on friday 27th of march 1025 eitaalra lundy widow of the lato gcorgo roblnuon iri her 85th year kerr in brussels on monday april c l025 v htlcerr oflitor of the brussels post for 44 yearn in l 70 t yea black at fergus on saturday i april 4 1925 helen poote widow of tho late john black- blackburn park aged 85 years lilndsay ovi saturday march 2 1925 barbara a xjndsay daughter of tho 4ate john r lindsay at 161 close ave toronto mcrabat tho homo of jrfn daughter 3gc ybeaconsflold avenue montroa on saturday march 28 1925 finlay amcrae his 84th y5ar stevenson at her home moone jawvsask on wednesday april 1 1025 ellon crlftps widow of james jht stevenson formerly of kramosa in her 81st year im memoriam mctjaugbsjin in loving memory of olive mclaughlin who passed away at her home naasogaweya on april 6 1024 neighborhood news town and country ballinafad miss boaalo colo duughtor of mr and mrs potor colo underwent nn oporatlbn for appendicitis a couplo ot weeks act and iu recovering nicely mr joseph swlndlehurst suffered a painful accident when assisting mr berlrogorslnmovlnghldeawihbrout i fit he was walking alongside tho machine and in attempting to jump op thojwheel caught his foot arid in fall ing ho fractured his log at tho ankle an estseemed newspaper man passes w h kerr of tho brussels pott died on monday 8 s no 8 erin 1 safo from this world of troublo takon whlio ypung and fair sleeping jn paradise jkarden tree from all borrow and care one year has past and lovos weot memories will al ways last mother father sisters and brothers vthe following is tho report for 3- 9 no erin for the month of march class v florence johnston mar- jorio iftold class iv loyola foretell viola allan kathloon mckcownhector mc- arthur maud mccralg class ui srjosepli force toir cal vin aitkon willlo johnston lawronco foretell class hi jrlulii mccutchoon thyra stono gordon xiosllo bessla foretell tommy coolo annie altlton mary mccalgr- ipiz class hrevelyh pcaron lola for estall eveline lambert blslo noloon james mccalg xiloyd mckcpwn primer orval stono john foroatell robbie allan mnrjorlo- mccalg erin 51f artfitt 3frr t fftjrsday april 9 ims brief local items i goodprlday tomorrow gardenrng work is now quite gen eral fliihultj tacuto is coming to the fora april showers have been on deck aa usual mount forest presbyterians voted in favor of union by 255 to 32 interesting palm sunday services were held jn tho churches last sunday hot x buns will bo on the menu at breakfast unto tomorrow morning the sugar season is over and most of tho augur orchards are deserted again if you cant do anything els for tho good of posterity plant a treo or shrub mr ber davids h purchased mr ernest cripps house on ckor1n street an easter hot becomes a lovely thing as harbinger of flowers in tho spring funny llttlo april with a cloak of snow march bad given it to her when ho bad to go actoiva municipal assets now stand at j23127437 and our utilities at ttwm88 v tho optimist says well when tho roads ore wet you dont get any duot anyway april abowers aro duo now they havent been ao frequent as usual so for tbio month mr c a downs has sold his 100 aero farm on the sixth line esqusslng to mr x burack tho west bower avenue crossing at main street is badly broken rip and should be repaired a prayer and pralso service will be hold in the methodist church on good friday evening at 730 oclock mrs jannle coleman has pur chased tho house and lot on bower avo belonging to mrs james- marlu bov a c stewart was atnorval on monday evening addressing tho young poopjoa society of the presby terian church in times son o by the womonvworel a gown called mother hubbard today the style resembles more that dear old udys cupboard nieols monuments works aro now established on- the new main street premises a fine showing of monu- j monu is on display the ejostor services in tha i churches next sunday will bo full of intorcst it should be go to church sundaytor everybody by motion of the town council tho union jack will be kept flying on tho smiths falls town hall every day from sunrise to sunset r april april are yon hero ob how fresh the wind is blowing see tho sky is bright and clear oh how green the grass is growing rtbe ploy dust ot the earth will be given in tho town hall net thurs- day evening 16tb inst under the aus pices of the womens institute tho welcome signs at th6towni limits are now rather the worsaqf 1 waar thoy should be repainted and oni rather less ancient designs if you have anything to sell let the publc know of it by placing a email adv in tho fbbh pmcsa others and this custom very satlsfactpry why not you umessrs beordmore co contem plate considerable building at the tan neries again this summer the ex tension to be made to one of the build- ings will roqulre tfoooo bricks spring seeding commenced at ithoj ontario agricultural college last thursday thirteen days earlier than j lat y in m y avemgfl date of seeding has been april 1c james cassldy the cluelph relief offlcer who was charged with lr- regularities in dispensing groceries and cash was allowed off on suspended sentonco on monday after pleading guilty messrs jjt smith arid reg stuart returned homo last w6el offer spend ing two years in california son duncan marshall was thoguoat i of dr and mrs abbott on sunday mr w j young assessor of erin township lhoa completed thoworko astieaslng the township wo bellovo he broko the record by finishing tho job in march i mrs malcolm mcallister has moved from her farm on the 9th line on monday to hlllsburg and mr and mrs harold sargent took possession of tho faxntts in tho death ofelmira lundy relict of tho late george robinson at her lato residence erin on friday marcn 27tb in her efghtyflfth year one of erins highly respected resldonts passed to her reword the deceased was born in erin village on february 1j 1841 and on christmas day 180li joined in matrimony with sgoorgo rob- lnson i a pleasanteventng was spent at the home of daniel mcmullan hllhjburg on friday evening lost when a large number of friends and neighbors as- sembled to spend a social evening and to present mr mcmullan with a token of tho esteem in which he is held bpforo his departure from the old home mr and mrs frank baylies 8 th line have returned home from their trip to england and mr and mrs c baker have returned to barrio after staying with tho misses eva and mabel baylies this winter ontario journalism la much tho losor through tho death on monday of w h kerr for over forty years editor of the poht at brussels in huron county mr kqnmittd boon in poor health for uoveral months and with a view to recuperation ho went to fldrlda for hiejtvintor butiiilaailmontwnfl deep aoated and tho end cam at his orao last monday j miv kerr was a journalist of ability and disoornmont ho nucccoded tho mcglllleuddy brothers in ownership of the brussels post over forty years ago and through loll tho years conducted that journal in a manner which re sulted in muoji benefit to4hqrt9wn n1 a fair measure of prosinirity to him flolf but mr kerr was more than u newbpnpop pubushor hp took a keen interest fc f town und community and did much to mutntnln a high mor al tone- and to encourago tho develop ment and material success ho was a talented speaker a very acceptable locak preacher and for many years was superintendent of tho methodhh sqn dstachijol inhfo town- when tho church wag destroyed by fire a year o0 mr kerr wssjappolnt fed chairman of the committoo for re building tjio sacred odlfjckand he spent many woelca in superintending this onerous- work its completion was a great satisfaction to mm for the restqred church was in many ways superior to tho oho destroyed the reopenlng services were a great de light to hlra but when all was over he felt cone id era bio impairment in his health he and his friends hoped a few months root would glvebim thoreat- jration- desired butsuch waatienied him w h kerr was a clean manly man a cultured christian gentleman his death will ho a distinct rloss to the community to tho church and to tho profession which he honored for so many years h was in his seven tieth year his bonmrjaicorr whofor a number of years published the clinton paper has for several months had charge of the post mr kerrs father was a methodist minister rev john l kerr who died at brussels on april 3 1898 rev w e kerr of jubilee b c1b a brother special notice it haii come to my notice that some person in town has stated my repair pricca arp above tho prloch- usually charod for work liwl8hto otnto and can provo that repairs which aro proporfcy done in this store- by cxperlcnqcri i workpen cost less than tho prices of the canadian jewellers ajtaociatlonmlnlmumirlcfrha which can ho seen at this store call in- and nco- for yourself and dont listen to ignorant reports i can compete with toronto stored for price and quality of work each week i have lone dist ance ordeis telegraph and mall orders to epa work 1 toronto this would not be the caso un less pricca and quality wcro- rlght repairs of all kinds auuvranteed rlwhinton jwllrwtohmlser eioekmktr7t acton and toronto- wemblets importance t6 canada prof dunlops instructive addrsss in the university extension course georgetown mr s kirk was in montreal last week attending tho annual convention of the dominion florist and gardeners associatlo miss gertrude dayfoot attended mooting of tho national council of women at ottawa last week wonder if we will have any opon- alr band concerts this summer sl georges church will hold a tea in tho public library on saturday afternoon april 18 on sunday evening the choirmaster of knox church mr a b castell completed a period of twenty years service in this capacity f6r over fifteon years be was bandmaster of the 20th regt halton xibrno bifles and a warrant officer of tho same reg iment over fifty local curlers and their wives wore presont at tho annual ban quet held in the spacious reception hsjl a t the arena last jfridw night thp occasion proved to be one of tho most enjoyable events of the season and displayed that splendid spirit of good sportdmanshlp which has existed among our local followers of the old scotch gamei there was a large attendance at james fiddlers sale at norval lost week and good prices prevailed the grade holstoin cows averaged about 00 one cow selling for 135 the imp i omenta also sold well mr fid dler bos sold his form and wo bolleyo bo is ukelyto movo to georgetown probably every one has heard of tho famous passion plny at ober-am- mergan in bavaria an excellent op portunity to learn all about it will be given on good friday eveninaj when rev dr dickie will give an illustrated lecture on it in the methodist church herald v rockwood acton high school literary society is to bo congratulatod upon its fore sight in arranging tliv series of uni versity extonslon lectures with which that students and their friends are being favored the second of the series was given in tho town hall last thursday even ing and was delivered by prof dunjop of toronto university his subject was the wembley exhibition at lon don england last year mr dunlop was introduced in fel icitous terras by mrs mew the princi pal of tho school who was in nor stu dent days a pupil of mr dunlop the lecturer had a fine opportunity of studylngthewemtn having been there for several months in charge of tiio exhibit of toronto university and of the several other universities which made exhibits there he emphasized tho prcpminent po sition canada held in tho exhibition with its magnificent buildings occupy ing a commanding position in the ex hibition grounds and in which there was on exhibit in very attractive form canadas splendid natural resources and many lines of her natural products thet value of this fine exhibit to can ada is already farreaching for it i manifested to tho millions of people j who visited wembley very vividly tho extent and variety of our resources and manufactures and the advantages i offered to tho people in tho congested centres of tho old land for swlc- ment and development amid helpful surroundings mr dunlop rehearsed numerous in terviews he had during his stay at the exhibition with visitors thcro and he showed how he was able with his wide knowledge of canada and her geography and resources to correct tho erroneous impressions held by numerous people even among the cul tured 1 and educated class mr watson- president of the high school literary society was chair man a preliminary programmo of school- songs a piano solo by mlh mabel kenyon and numbers by th class in athletics and numbers by the school symphony orchestra was given at tho close a cordial vote of thanks was moved byh p moorop m and rev ac stewart ma- messrs coiessimmons beg to announce that they rq pre pared w do all kinds of haul ing and cartaget work with motortruck your patronage is solicit ed prompt and satisfactory service is guaranteed churqh street opposite shoe factory easter candloa add cheerfulness to this chcor- upscason of the yea chocolate bunnies and easter eggs in grand pro fusion eastociacanuy time for tho youngs tora1 and tho grpwnups entir into tjio spirit pf the fflad occasion our candy makes good fao- causa iim made good iry sardytreat fig caramel 29 tu a rich chewy caramol jwat chuck full of figs hoff 40e it saturday treat 29c vt weekend chocolates 32c lb roe- boc ana coc lb saturday special 32c 1b just received 100 lbi cowane velvet buda try a pqund pe 0o lb saturday 39c lb or jboc young peoples rally tho anglican guild tho prcd- byterlan young pooplos guild nnd tjit epwotth loaguo will moot with tho baptist young peoples union in the baptist church on monday next u mclean co at8pttr thero is no age limit wo may all bo young people and attond this rally be on time and enjoy tho fifteen mlnuto song service tho mooting will start promptly fat 8 oclock an inirplratlonal address will be delivered by rev f jo hnstoni toronto ernest coles u woqds r president socrotary do you want to save moneywe can help youlook over this weeks specials crashtowelllnffat reduced pricesthisrarelhngistillpurc linen in stripes nnd plniil our regular price is 30c oa e zuc- p man u special this week per yard juata fevrmoro dayb till eastor and woetlll lmvo a 5slito3 nortment to chbosp from lot uajhow you our 60p csjf tgu yfil w- a- farmers attention a fow moro ohtrles nto requir ed for the 8ta n d i n g fi ie l6 a n d threshed grain competition which la being conducted by tho acton fall fair why not pro cure registered banner oats anu sow that best field the addlf tional yield will pay tho extra coat of thosoodabeeideg you- ghanco to win a substantial prize registered oats are being ad- yertloed in tho farm papers for full particulars as tp whom to procure seed apply to c b swackhamsr president w j akin- secretary fancy towels iat 50c each just jo dozen in this lot of fancy towels the regular price is 75c and 85c each special ca- this week at each jjuc plain pillow covers the regular price of these was qc 50c for iji ddc mill ends table damask in lengths of y and 2 yards voucah save 25 on these ends per suit westend meat market pull lines of tie very choicest of meats we always have thcuttyouwantflnucan8upply -your- everyneed inthe line- of meats cooked meats beef pork lamb homemade sausage veal canned goods we carry a line of the finest canned gods and the prices re the iowst consistcht withthe quality just phone your order for these iiri6jinl jjaye them delivered along with your meat order pjiono vs charles kelly singing t1ucher- uettor of recornmenditlon chicago jll october 14 it is with confldenco and pleasure that x commend mr charles kelly to the musical public aa a singer and voice tenaher- in both rospeots ho is an art lat- his method in elnglng andyolco toachjjig is purely of tho old italian school wr kelly is a superior muoleal oonduetor and an excollont voice teacher ah who may ongflgo him as concert sqlolst or voice teacher will be highly gratl- flcd at tho artistic jreaults mr kelly makes oratorio work a specialty earnestly recommending hipa apvrflspoc tf u uy mens cotton combinations at special price these combina tions come in long sleeves ankle length 4 gou line for this season of the year sizes 34 to 42 special price ja ladies silk hose iri black and sand with 7 in rib top caj good value at 100 special per pair 3c just to hand this week 4 pieces linoleuni 4 yards wide 25 pieces floor oil cloths to sell at old prices store closes wednesdays at 1230 v harry wheeler yojcp teacher asp principal of vocal poportment at tho nprh western onlvprelry eyana- tpp prfhclpal of vpcaj vfi- pjrfmaenf hautaiiqua jr v yptcp examlper in the cplogopf anjercan m clans ptn thorough instructions given how to play snaninh guitar tenor banjo regular banjo tjkjulelo hawaiian steel oulfar and mandolin apply for terms to mrs cunle brock ave or 5 park ave quelph will bo in acton every thursday individuality our millinery is distinctive and individual every hat was its own individuality catering to suit your taste we know we can please you we- know we can suit you best let us make suggestions -1j- miss j galbraem millinsry and pnoy qpijd qtgr farm8 for 8ale 45 farms in tho countloa of halton and wolllntttpn varylntt from 40 to 200 acres xet us sond you our list a number of homes and business places in acton for sale flro and lfe insurance mohoy to loan j a smith real estate agent phono 105 aoton ont baby chicks and ducklings place your order now for baby chicks and lludcllngh from our famous nlagroro strains hasan testoa hieh flock average pars pro duolne parontaso back of thorn best tjullty varieties 100 live arrival guaranteed l j stewart b k no 1 grimsby ont the alert euchre club of rockwood held their flnal satherinsr last friday ovenins in the continuation school room- twcivb tables were occupied during the games and miss kthel gib bons won the prize tho canadian national railway hava mado a very big improvement in ex tending- the east end of tho passenger platform this will afford passengers getting on and oil west bound train much better facilities robert hondcrson and daughter bessie wm brldgor jr miss jean torrance of stmcoc vvoro home for the weekend they returned sunday evening by motpr mrs wllbqrt j guild returned homo from ouclph oonoral hospital sunday afternoon and brought her infant bom with how miss hannah knah who map been keeping house for joym ferries passed away rather suddenly lust friday ai guolph general hospital- where she had- been for some time tjlo funeral was held monday afternoon from thei- whinuubun a homtvof albert jlush to johnstons rbrower burlington mr and mrsfrwl cemetery barrio hiu rev h g ifwuliamson nnd doaghierand mr an st after laughing at the deriding mr hanoy for putting a tax on race track betting which they claimed was un- constitutional the present oovarnmontj now la extending the application of tho tax star james mhla teamster for iseaarfl board moro a co hatt hia foot pain folly oruahed one day last week- ho was driving through an ajoyway bauarh of acton ofllclated fred hamilton highway oyoraeer had hi men cleaning up main street ant wftk if a rracitf to thflm ifor memorial window hornby on friday march 2j tin inter faiph ceremony took place in st stonhena church hornby when a beautiful atalned glass window wai unveiled in the chancel of this venerable chuvoh one of halton- countys t landmarks the window was presented to the church by mrs theodore brain a ijfo- long parishioner of st stephens relief for mine sufferer the canadian tfottpnal express co has authorized its agent 9 receive parcels up to 100 pounds in weight for free transportation to tho relief committees in capo breton if ad dressed aa follows for sydney mines belief committee care f b dunlop or for qlace bay belief committee care mayor morrison or kev ma macadam watch 6ur windows friday and saturday for specials w j patterson corner mill and main streets acton ont celebrated his 81t birthday mi duvia williamson- guelph street oelebrated his olghtynrst birthday on sunday surrounded by the members fit tho family thereof weie irbnt mr john williamson af the wprk thoy have accompllahod it la to be hoped that the citizens of the village wlndo their part in koep- ing- their premises neat and tidy for the odwcatlon pf vast numbers ot motorists who come and go throughout the season john watson of toropto was a visitor in the vlltago over sunday james hepburn who has been living clown valley road moved i last week into the house formerly owned by a i squlros mv roy waijibrough toronto mr and mrs albert young osprlnkk in addition to the acton members of the family- a very plensnnt family gsth- tlie methodist church r easier mifcatj a full choir will present the easter cantata arp ktnn at mm at the evening service womens coats for easter wear priced at 1495 a nice range of styles at this rrioderpte price in favored materials for spring mostly pi the straight type they feature the new collars stitchings embroideries and contrasting inserts all lined throughout with a good quality lining in tans wood green chucker brownv wigwam and rosewood included in this lot are coats of soft all wool fashonia cloth in youthful colors sizes 16 years to 44 in the lpt priced 1 a ac at erlng was held bandits in halton county about 4 a ny on monday morris miohntck ws holdup by threemaked bandits am relieved 6 32 ono mile nphi if bronto station whllo drlvingj bis truetc from hamilton to miltonm the bandits who mer 1 armed 6ver looked mr mlclmidlfu jwli acli which was in d mptal- case and tia4r od him bick 30 cents taken from his i- overcoat pockets telling him to buy awteelc ago saturday your car- cigarettes with it the police have sdent journeyed to guelph to oo no iue mr mlohnick canpot reoog- the exhibits of thej students of thol- quelph collegia to vocatf ono institute the products pf tile students 1ere whon his- root slipped umter the wheel i worth seeing vis architecture the toe war badly injured i aaughtsmansbipvjihowcara wrltinn m3ieanup thnoutim6ui with us the departure of thesnow left many very unsightly back yards that- will ro- qulra prompt attention dont negleot this important matter ofljclol riotlco is glyon in another column to clean up and t ready for the annual sanitary inspeotiqn yr perhaps you have neglkte4 to write to the home folks for s long i time now is agooc ii send a card or drop- friendly odaatsr greeting blaster is i such an appropriate tlma to ienovjfreet ingcand everyone likes td reoeive tbera nnd especially the old folkii at home j1- your cor it the police have jxishi clue mr mlohnick cappot reoog- nlse the bollirup mw-nt- their faces were covered with handkerchiefs mlltonivplmmdiou orsriue vlilt ouslph lodg at the regiirnr moetlsg of prlnco arthur x o i no 133k held in tho orang halt on frlsny evening april t wdfrmaster bro stiffen presldol vfith bro brunt in e deputy chair after a considerable amuuntof bui- ness wasmranssoti5dl tlje royal arch eeetrt6nntteiawplirtedu wlrlfil- showing on example of that work ln a paftlon of the wall of building furniture cablnot making dross mnkr- ing home nursing cooking amlak hreflected great credit to both teacher apid students ij- degre vwferres onsevsml mem- i new oddfellow tempi gt brampton hern ot v o so 7 actoj pvnr golden lr ixidge xp0rrframp tndreaatiotnfy membeni ifr tori have deh deaiaedto- bql present from georgetown an3 aotoi a ball that win ivi i mtroffuctin cbofur part i- 8oio tenoji zr chorale unaooompjpijy splo boss and chorus march and chorus instrumentni mortals awako ho shalj reign full thirty years hosanna smajt easter frocks r to a ball ttoat will erve them for 1u1 auirmnenu of ihe fcagt iifljs be avnllable a a oomsibjnllirthal wth- sltualonvwrssj groat jcredlt was given to the d team of rrinise arthurx cv i ijwcsp trianner in whtoh uioy part ii solos tenor and bass duet soprano and contralto atid ilhtthui in tho morning quartette soto tenor and chorus ocome and mourn part fit interlude organ solan soprarioandbawtuitjtojrjnn nnd contralto nnd chorun vhcn j burviy tho wondrous crosa bigsed wrvffwy ii solo contralto j2 solo boprnno i 13 quartette solo baritone nntl clwrus i wpntp sniart liftle cjress but i dont want to ppy more han 2yohsayj re membering that ypu want new post prsuif- well you may have a smart dress andnt 25 sey we of flat crepe canton crepe satlnfaoo crepe or printed crepedechine in any of the new styles hnd the- newest spring colors sizes for misses and printed silk feocks nevly arrived so much in vogue just now tthey are so bright so piquant and so charming they sponsor the straightline simplicity broken by rippling godets pleafings by ensemble effects and there are hardly tvo alike so y5jiis rrinteij- patternblocic prints flowered designs and border effects colors are fresh an4 itoi cqfi gpringiifee prjce 6v tojap 2 u 16 17 18 part iv quartette chorus i solo bnss soiovfsonrano and bans nnd chorus final chorus blessed areyt aljye thilt pass by our uord in rlson lift up vpur iiad fear kot awako olad soul i inlleiujah 80loist8 misses brtitfrnithanfiiuil-hoeoi- and heil mason and msssrirl m kennedy r 8pell- voflel amos maabn qrenville miwlu ray aynew n jwlgjit evans orgnnlbmias jtarn rya leader mr amos mason rev mr ciilp the pgstor win be in chrg nd will make brief address women pric at two easter specials smartly trimmed hats jn the hew colors there are fiats wit brims tliatroll unexpecf- edly droop or remain straight hatsof straw and straw and silk combinations tfo qc special at ipoirj iats at 500 at this moderate price you will find kill ful adaptions from higher priced models wid bnmswith short jacks smart straw hats with tiny roll hriins and straw and silk ciombinationb in the newest cpl g aa ore special foi tjrptv fibre silk sgabfs 79c4119 in plain and drop stitch styles hn- ished with fringe colors goblin and powder blue orange black white tomato grey brown sand arid yel- r the gloves of fashion arjfer4pnyand swiaitr jn our collection fojr spring youll nnj gloiis of mnoy gtylca auseem to be equal ly smart and desir- qc yl oc able priced 09c totl j matching shjideg silk hoiery ifein ue orebowing on exetiftijilly fine ilk hose in twenty bve o sftrirfglg autnerjtic colors tjms lpse is pyre tjjreai silk ot ependnhl6 quality peatured 01 7lj pf ppr pair j 11 wyndfakm street 7 -er- j3r rf sstt si co guelph ontario mr tv- f t

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