Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 16, 1925, p. 1

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fiftieth year n6i42 thursday mornind april 16 1925 acton ontario canada thursday morning april 16 1925 singlb copiesfive cents the methodist church u rev josephu3 culp pastor pamonaoo willow st fr 11 a tho minister subject a jioiect walk before god 230 p m sunday softool 700 p m thoehter cantata tjio king of gjory will bo repeated at tho evening service presbyterian knox church acton minister rev a c stewart m a manse willow street ll00 a m tho minister subject marching or marking tlrae- 300 p m blblo class studies in matthew chapter 27 300 p m- sunday school 700 nkm the minister subject pauls first missionary journoy strangors leaving address with tho ushers will bo called upon by tho pastor color in the home used in new ways special notices advertisements in this column a cents per word minimum charge 30c per insertion to let hrneo to let for particulars apply franjc kefttobdy for 8ale a now hawaiian art violin will boll reasonable apply in ovonlnea j j smithchureh blr for sale ford touring aal condition snap or ensh leaving town mrs harold kbrney piano for sale holntrman co piano for salo a- 1 condition excellent touch a bar- euin apply to 413 mrs rev j culp l08t string of pearlf near mcbanns weigh scales last thursday finder pleaso return to mrs w prccltu9 church street and receive reward for sale good young mareweight about 1300 lbs also u wood bawlng outfit con sisting of a 6 hp falrbanks engine belt baw and frame apply to lot 13 bth iine nassagaweya ford truck for sale ford delivery truck four new cord tires and tubes new coils motor in excellent condition guaranteed in ovorv way 1022 model prlco 8000 apply c h harrison acton brightcolors aremoreim portant than ever in furnish ings for the home thiskspring in ruffled curtains for sleeping rooms the vogue for color is increasing due to the fact that color- in bed rooms is generally more fash ionable bettepreadsand blankets are usually colored and cur- tains harmonize with thee furnishings theres so much that is new and interesting for you to see -next- time -you-can- come to gtielph to mac- donalds notice tho junior i o d e wlsh-tocor- roct an error in tho admission for extra lady on the invitation issued for their dance on tho 17th tljls should read coc instead of 75c the committee for sale 1 oak buffet 1 oak and leather chair 1 tapestry rocking chair 1 oak lib rary table 2 small tables 1 davor- ette open for bed 1 childs bed 1 kitchen- cupboard and other small ar ticles 1 mrs harold kbrney card of thanks tho undersigned dcslreo extend their vory sincere thanks tothe many kind frionds for their sympathy ani kindness in connection with the great sorrow which came to our hearts an1 home last week wo appreciate nil tho kind exproqalons and kind dcedb wotatao thatc tho quartette for their services and tho many donors of beau tiful floral trlbutesr r n brown and margaret farms for bale 46 forms in tho counties of holton and wellington varying from 40 to 200 acrefl let us send yon cur list a numbor of homes and bualnoaa placoa in acton for sale fire and llfo insurance monoy to loan j a smith real estate agent phone 105 acton ont l- v special notice it has come to my notlco that some person in town has statod my repair prices are- above tho prices usually charged for work i wish to state and can prove that repairs which are properly done in this store by experlencca workmen cost less than tho prices of the canadian jewellers association minimum price lis which can bo seen at this store call in andsee for yourself and dont listen to ignorant reports x can compete with toronto stores for price and quality of work each week i have long- dlst- unco orders telegraph and mall orders to repair work in toronto this would not bo tho case un less prices and quality were rlgt repairs op all kinds guaranteed 1 h w hinton jeweller watchmaker clockmaker etc acton and toronto ft wonderland friday april17 married fllrte drama starring pauline fred- prick comedy ills royal sly ness with knrnld lloyd koltx the rat cartoon v saturday april 1s 1 warrens of virginia adapted from david bolnscos stage success with an nil star cast comedy stupid but t bravo eurl ilurd cartoon jfox nowh i tuesday april 21 plfrunff with love comedy drnnvi with colleen moore chapter 8 of the foi tloth door comedy hero ho comes coming a now -edition- of plastlgrums r l gregory son puritan cretonnes in the beautiful patterns and color mendings you see pictured in magazines 1 op sunfast and washable per yard plsj colored huffles on white voile curtains with tie- backs at 350 pajr to be used with overdrapes in solid cotored to match the frills blue rose gold and aa lilac shades per pair vtteuu icqlqheobots oiu ruffled -curtains- of fine marquisette per pair p jv black dots very chic too when other jj j a furnishings are very colorful per pair ptid ruffled and dotted cur- jk or tain nets perjai c 1 odc hearth rugs in oriental patterns two special prices 27 x 54 in 450 36 x fl3 in 790 tapestry pictures that will 9 ta 0t not fade 4we i u to p sttjt net bed spreads coloofcft m 7 fast spu to j 1 i silk nets for windows glass t jjo oc curtains or overdraperies per yd pjovto ttvf francopersian rugs- beautiful qualities and splendid reproductions of oriental patterns manufactured in france with prices the lowest that have yet been featured on floorcoverings of this character 27 x 54 inches at 950 36 x 63 inches at 1375 4 ft 7 in x ft- 7 in at 3000 6 ft 1 in x 9 ft at 5000 6 ft 7 in x 9 ft 10 in at 6000 1 all of them seamless and fringed with colors guaranteed d macdonald bros ltd guelphs leading and largest store daily closing 530 p m excepting wednesday at 1230 noon and saturday at 930 p m easter services were inspiring i able sermon by rtfv dr moore of toronto and beautiful cantata by church choir easter sunduy will bo remembered as having services of unusual interest to tho congregation of the methodist chtirch aild the numerous eastortldo vlsitora rev- t albert moore dd of toronto preached u powerful dis course at the morning sorvlce and tho splendid sacred cantata the 4klng ofolory w r rirnnnwinmiiihiininiiiiiiiaininiiiiiiidiinmiim weekend specials social rlppleslovely soft caramel and cream oo- kisses reg 40c lb weekend special lb jstlc caramel roll soft cream centre covered with caramel and rolled in nuts reg 60c tt weekendspecial ia per lb flf c assorted chocolates with a large assortment of hard and soft centres weekend special per at lb hkvci assorted chocolates regular 40c and 50c 00 lb weekend special lb oec try our canadian beauty sundae we have a full line of ice cream in bulk and bricks mill street acton h wiles r ull footwear bargains for spring our footwear this spring has been very popular and with the style at the prices offered for both men and women our business this spring has been larger ttan for months back and at the following prices every one should have new footwear for spring mbn doodyenr welt guaranteed oak sole rubber heel black for 416 mens double solo rubber hcoih balmoral stylo bargain prico 325 mens calf kid pntont colt oxfords goodyear welts best makes 600 to 700 womens patent slips nlso kid and calf all sizes in tho lot 275 womens model onocycnr welts patent colt all blaclr and blaok and uroy g50 for 486 womens calf strap slippers goodyear welts regular price jr 00 some sizes for 306 womens oxfords in pntont brogues calf and pino kid all irlce 335 to 800 childrenshurllurt shoes 185 to 360 according to size mens and boys school and work shoes 275 up see thono where quality counts we win we close wednesday afternoons all thji year round with the exception of december j harry harrison jhe shoe man evening service by tho church choir in a masterly manner the church was decorated with n generous supply of easter lilies and otner flowers skilfully arranged and hiirmo jntcd with easter mottos and symbols when rev dr moore arose to ad- dross tho congregation he said l am vpry glud lndeod to be at homo again with the people whom i know and whom i love in his introduction he spoke of the joy of easter day and said that tho resurrection of jesus chrjstls the supreme mlraclo of tho ages thank god for the teaching of tho resurrection of our lord it is an enduring foundation for our faith the dra text was col 3 12 if yo then be risen with christ seek those things which are above where christ sltteth on the right hand of cod sot your affection on things above not on things on- the earth jesus christ gave us tho great joy of the victory of the resurrection it was because of this that tho gospel reached out to all people it is the joy and the challenge of service dr moore gave an interesting re sume of tho activities of the depart ment of evangelism and- facial ser vice of tho church in cunada over which ho presides ho referred to the liquor traffic n which must bo over thrown was sorry for the enactment of the 44 beer law and afraid of its effects this is too dangerous a pro position to experiment with he satd we must fight this foe until it is over thrown an educational campaign for total prohibition is now being organ ized vory interesting information was given respecting activities of f the church in behalf of the children and young people throughout thetdominlpn concrete cases of rescue and perman ent results achieved were rehearsed the care for the babes of unmarried mothers irrid their adoption into chris tian homes was explained tho plac ing of homeless boy in helpful en vironments by the department was also explained the church said dr moore is earnestly endeavoring to do effective service in the rescue and improvment of thousands of chil dren and young people and wonderful results are being accomplished jv generous contribution was made by tho congregation to assist in this meritorious work the evening ervice was devoted almost exclusively to the rendering by the- choir of the sacred cantata tho king of glory by fred w peace it proved to be a beautiful musical pro duction and the worshipful spirit was maintained from beginning to end the interpretation by the choir of this masterly cantata was worthy of much praise it was given glider the direc tion of mr amos mason choirmaster and the soloists were mlsbes bertie smith nelllo roes or and hazel mason and messrs h m kennedy i splel- vogol amos mason grenvllle masalce ray agnewand dwlgbt evans all took their parts with credit the sing ing of miss smith and mr kennody were especially fine the choir as whole sang with splendid harmony volume and technique and tho can tata was greatly enjoyed by the large congregation which crowded tho church the work of miss fern brown tho talented organist of the church was particularly fine and received very much favorable comment tho mem bers of the choirmade practical mani festation of their appreciotlbn of miss browns efficient and self- sacrificing services by handing her vc cheque for 92500 accompanied by kind words on monday morning in recognition of the much- appre ciated services of tho choir tho con gregation gave a generous easter thankoffering for tho choir funds at tho service newsof local import the ladies aid of mohnwk crossing a wholo evening of wholosoiuo mirth is in store fovyou if you attend the 4lay entitled tho kadlesafd of mohawk crossing given by tho ladles ad of knox church in tho town hall on april 20 watch tor full announcement next weok first loaguo game of the qo the llrst lenguo gamo of the guolph and dlstrlot football lcngue played in acton took place on saturday george town tried conclusions with tho rang- rrn t result wan 90 in f of tho homo team georgetown is n youny team but has good metal cantata to bo repeated jn rcbponso to repeated roquoota tho choir of the mothodlbt church hosde- cldbd tomieat the cantata tho king of dlory at tho evening service next sunday this anlondld mublcal pro duction so- full of worshipful inspir ation will be rendered with the full choir activities amooo the 8couts tltiout seventy boys toolt part in the hlko on good friday all except til- advanco party walked to rockwood ijrfvorslty eastertide visitors to and from town hromeomers and guests were numerous over the easter holidays miss maud cook of toronto miss ruby clark of toronto mr prod warren of toronto miss allie brown of aberfoyle mr gtyargo jlggins of aurora mr charles mann of toronto mlsalenacostellovoc toronto mr heber williams of trenton mr w o c kenney of toronto restaurants must close at 12 pm the acton restaurants must close hereafter by mid night the regular sosslon of the council on tuesday evening had councillors holmes mason and atkinson present and reeve barber in tho chair the finance commlttco presentod thoir seventh report rcommondlng pay mont of tljo following accounts in tho absence of chairman of finance thetforoncotnicinor uolmes assumed tragic deatli of mrs r n brown was subject of a stroke on wed nesday and died in a few minutes rendering unto caesar etc tho fium pjtess has no warmer friend than mrs jennie b wood of guelph for years an esteemed resi dent of this town her kindnesses are practical and encouraging the following vory kind lottor was received last week guolph ont v april 9 1925 editor fjikh pjusss dear friond i havo just received from the rev mr goodfleld my old friend now pastor of tho first baptist church of santa barbara cali fornia and i enclose tills quotation from- the letter it is very com plimentary to the acton fiuobprsss and ns i believe in rendering unto caesar the things that are cuosars i quote the following paragraph tub acton fnm piuess i have always felt to bo a very superior publication and it reflects the highest cred jtjiikrp t nftnum ency in which it thrives and the high standard of its editor and publisher 1 a little praise when richly de- served wont hurt you with kin regards mrs jennie b woods police court news harvey klause an austrian who has resided hero for several years was charged by chief mcpherson wth be ing intoxicated on sunday ho pleaded guilty and this being his second of fence he was fined 11600 and costs when put on oath as to the source of his liquor supply the defendunt said ho bought it in guelph from an italian named charlio he got five bottles of wlno for which he paid 9250 r said to bo tho first arrest in peel county for b p ta slnco tho plebis cite last october inspector rtyvey with tho assistance of chief of pollen herkes of brnmptoiir rented jams and ron mills off weston sundny nlght on a chnrgevof drunkenness and having in their possession a bottle of whiskey the inspector found the two stien nt the corner of tho fifth lino cast of ihampton side road hi iifordcoyjie 1cru niter h tutcfowtth the men phoned for chief herkes after a strugglo xhoy woro eventually lunded in tho briwhpton jail a bottle of whiskey was found in tho car the morning and returned by train in tle evening tho day was spent in sports and in having a very interesting tour of tho surro rocks an j caves a scout summer camp la propoaod for the acton boy scouts at alton change in meat busmen mr orrle lamb has disposed of his meat business to mr f j spry of bowmanvllle who has already taken possession and is serving tho cufltomv ers of this longestabllsned business mr spry has had long experience in the mpt business and naturally under stands it thoroughly ho comes well recommended is a married man and intends to make xcton his homo per manently celebratod their 16th wedding anni versary on tuesday april 14th mr and mrs g h swtzormain street entertained their brothers and sisters of he coi- tractlng parties at their fifteenth wed ding anniversary u was a very happy and enjoynhle occasion mr and mrs switzcr hove spenfttbotit half of thoir wedded life in acton und havo made innumerable friends during their resi dence here all of whom offer cordial congratulations daylight saving not popular it was iuitc evident at tho meeting of tho council on monday evening that daylight saving is not popular in the town th councu was very wise in deferring action to read correctly tho pulse of tho community daylight saving confuses train time as railwaya refuse to adopt it it is not popular with the farmers and therofore our merchants do not wish to run counter to their preferences and citizens gen erally prefer standard time officers raid an erin farm provincial police officers secured quantity of liquor of the variety known as moonshine in a raid bn tho prem ises of an erin township former mon day afternoon- two square jars and one bottle were seized while con ducting their search of the premises county inspector grant states that ho beard 1 crash and rushing to the pantry door discovered tho fifteen yearold daughter of the house smashing bottles containg what he al leged was liquor a charge of keeping liquor for sale has been laid as the result of the raid another rooney aftermath at the mooting of the council on monday evening bills were passed am punting- to 12507 for construction of a new fence fronting the lot where tho rooney shoo store shackp waa erected and removed after tho protest of citizens through the chamber of commerce rather an expensive blun der by some one so far as tlictown treasury la concerned tho 15000 law suit against tho free pobss referred to by tho reeve at the nomination meet ing as projposcd by mr rooney ims not yet materialized when it docs that will be another aftermath guelph dalinquencies in fire fighting guelph had a fire on saturday in one of- its ancestrakbomes which ap pears not to havo been effectively handled by the flro brigade owing to low pressure on tho water mama ttnd inadequate flro equipment the mer cury says that al bovorly rob- son who hurried to tho scene of the conflagration stated while the fire was in progress that the firemen woro try ing their utmost to get the flames under control with poor equipment and inadequate water pressuco that what waflneeded is proper flro lighting equipment und tho sooner the city gets it the better for all concerned thank goodness no aldorman in acton could justly characterize actons flro equip ment in such terms its value to the community tho london advertiser aptly says there is hardly another business in tho country that deals with so many indi viduals as a newspaper and for that reason it becomes nil tho more diffi cult to depart from tho strict and fair pr of prompt collection of sub miss florence holmes of toronto miss gladys huffman of toronto miss mamie mainprise of toronto mr william robortsop of toronto mrs harold anderson of toronto mrs annie qomnjervjlle of toronto miss marguerite stewart of toronto mr and mrs edwin mnddock of toronto mr and mrs fred cleaves visited friends at brampton miss jean kennedy of toronto uni- scrlption rates the reader who pays promptly is helping to make his paper a better paper ho is giving encourage ment to the whole organization to go and do better work to provide more complete news sorvico to discuss with greater point tho lssuos of the day if the read infer public could get the sldo of tho question that the office of publi cation has to face it would be quicker to realize how necessary the paidup subscription is to the successful carry ing on of the newspaper an expeniive motor smalhup onsttturday evening a rattier ex pensive motor accident occurred on tho acton crossroad at mr it n browns gate which fortunately was not attended with serious results to the inmates of either car mr jntn woods who v was assisting with the farm work at mr browns was turu intt into the lane afterglvlng tho cus tomary signal when a georgetown man with a mclaughlin car who was driving n load from tho football match collided with tho ford car tho im pact wa such that both cars were badly damaged thottord car sustain ed damages which cost about 2600 for ropalrs and the georgetown car was damaged to the amount of aboui 8000 tho driver of the inttoy car admitted that ho was iesponsiblo foi tllcuccldont and agreed to pay the cost of repairs to the other cur on monday o yon tug ho came tu town to endeavor to cpmjiromip it is ronorted that owe of hp inmates of tho goorge- tqwrvcar hod tile ndfe broken mrs f a mclean and bijly of chesley mies francis hurst of richards landing mr and mrs richard somorvllle of london mrs newton poweu and babe of brampton mr elmor henderson of toronto dental college mr and mrs ernest near and family of toronto mr and mrs j linton kenney and babe of kitchener messrs barl cooper and angus kennedy of guelph miss ettle dills of toronto was home for tho mrs m h moore is spending a week with toronto friends the misses conway teachers arc home for the holidays mr j creemofe of toronto was homo fof the holiday mr gordon mcleodof toronto was home for the holiday i miss margaret brown of toronto was with actoh friends miss margaret bennett of toronto is homo for the holidays miss elizabeth kelly- spent or fow days in toronto last week miss jessie galbratth spent sunday with friends in shclburne mr george andorson of oshawa was homo for the holidays mr arnold mcdonald of oahawa was hmieforthe weekend mlsa dorothy nelson is homo from ayonmore for tho holidays s mr w h stewart of muton spent saturday with acton friends miss margaret kennedy was home from toronto for thq holiday mr maxwell boll of toronto was home for a few days last week mr and mrs stanley russell ani children were here from oakviho rev father mcreavy spent good friday with friends in hamilton miss barbara plank is spending the weekend with hamilton friends mr and mrs a kan na win spent sunday with frlonds in shelburne mr harold l wnnsbrough of tor onto was home over tho weekend miss taylor of blyth was a guest of mrs dr gray and miss laura mr and mrs a e nlcklin spent good friduy with friends in guelph mr and mrs r mckcchnle and chil dren were hero from rochester n t mrs b w masters and babe spent the holiday with friends in toronto mr james a matthews of orange- vllle visited acton friends oh tuesday mr william k miller spent tho easter holiday with friends in water loo miss margaret j maadonald of tor onto spent the holiday atr her homo here mr t morion of toronto spent good friday and easter at his home here mrs r f johnstone and children of london are visiting with friends here mr joo lasby of toronto spent a couple of days inst week at his homo here master knox beard mo re of toronto spent holidays in tho old home this weok rov and a c stewart and children visited relatives in oakvllle on good friday miss clara brown ofjifiy hamburg is spending the week with acton friends mrs a v galbralth is spending a couplo of weeks with shelburno friends mrs cole of georgetown visited nt the homo of mrs e f collier on good friday miss emma mills of toronto visited at tho homo of her brother mr george mills mr d a evans of tho bank of montreal spent the weekend at nln home in erin mr albert wjidguat of london tho duties general account g h ritchie teaming 17 15 hydroelectric power comm street lighting 170 00 hydroelectric power comm town hall lighting drummond leatham sup plies bell telephone co services j b mackenzie fence at tho gregory property 11 02 j bell fence at the gregory property j3 75 h m do war law costs tony scynuk n co 7 8s 50 g 15 c 31 ii 30 1 80 22 50 2 70 1238 ob waterworks account hydrofi lee trie power com mission power at spring 43 28 hydroelectric power cottt mission power at pump 18 75 bell telephone co services h a coxe supplies drummond latham sup plies canadian electric equipment c6 l w j kentner supplies 10fl4 th6 report was adopted the bylaw providing for tho closing of restaurants and public eating places between the- hours of midnight and 5 oclock a m was given tho required number of readings and passed by tho council the penalty for conviction of persons guilty of a breach bf the bylaw was set at an amourit not ex ceeding j100 at tho descretfon of the magistrate the daylight saving problem came up for considerably- discussion and as tho problem had many angles that required looking into it waa decided that tho 6ouncll would defer definite action until the next meeting whjch would he sufflcent time to take action if any before it is adopted in toronto chief mcphersonpointe4outthat some improvements might be made to help traffic at the corner of main and mill streets the council agreed to jook into the matter moved by l e atkinson seconded by george barber that in future all tuxes instead of being paid into the bank of montreal bo paid to w j reid direct this resolution to take effect from the first day of may car ried misses olive jessie and marie mowat of toronto are spondlng tho week at their home here mr george- mollis- who has been taking treatments in a toronto hos pital has returned home mrand mrs alex wylio and sons pf guelph were holiday visitors at tho home of mrs h mcdonald mr and mrs arthur barren of tor onto were guests of mr and mrs w f mooney over the holiday miss mccartney of tara wrao guest of rev and mrs gulp at the parsonage during the week misses verahurst and nellie hall of toronto normal schools are spend ing iho week at their homes hero mr j a smith and isabel and miss jessie mcnabb of toronto- spent easter with relatives in creemore miss charlotte mackle of toronto spent the easter holidays at tho home of mr james mackle church street- miss margaret e currie of bronte spent a day this week at the home of her brothfir mr a currie brock ave miss norma hunter of alton aid miss wilma hunter of terra cotta spent eaateir with mr and mrs charles mckeown mr and mrs j c mcarthurand family of rockslde vlsitedattl home of mr c h harrioi on sun day mr stephen guest travelling auditor for tho canadian oil co camo up from montreal to spend easter at his homo here r rov and mrs j culp went to port dover on tuesday rov mr culp per formed a wedding ceremony there yes terday mr w d forbes miss marjorle and mrs brunt of toronto were guests at the home of mr n forbes church street miss elizabeth mdleod of west iiui is spending her holidays with her grandparents mr and mrs r j kerrv bower avenue miss margaret mcnabb and master cameron mcnabb of toronto spent a few days at the home of mr j a smith this week v mr and mrs george brandow and mr elmer johnston of hamilton visited at the home of mrs h- mc donald second line mttbter bruco mackay ofc toronto spent easter holidays with his grand parents mr and mrs r h wans- brough lake avenue mr and mrs neil mceachern of spent afuwduys wowvuii ure and miss francismall in nf acton frlonds mr and mrs a reonor miss nelllo and mr frank spent good friday with aurora relatives miss crnddock of toronto was the guest of mr and mrs e t thetford over the holiday mr and mrs k e knapp and babe spent good friday and easter with toronto relatives mr and mrs w j mokechnlo of toledo ohio vifllted aotop friends during the week mr jumes hymon is now rapidly recovering and hopes soon to return to his butheh duties mr cook of meaford spent a few duys ithis week with mr and mrs f spry at gordon hnll rev a c and mrs stewart uii family ftte spending eoster week with relatives at rlvorsdule misses jenn and anna lindsay and mr j c lindsay of toronto woro homo for tho holiday messrs ernest and roy brown of toronto spent tho holiday with their mother and sister here mr m beattle of hamilton is visiting her brother mr noil mcnabb over the easier holiday mr and mrs m b collier and chil dren of toronto spout the holidays with mia e f collier ftpv dr moore was a giest at moorecroft tho home of his boyhood during bis stay in town gait are spending tho week with mr and mrs william mullln mr harolds kernoy who jiaa been with mr w j patterson for the past year has taken a position aa traveller with swift co toronto mr and mrs c h moore mr john s moore miss- ruth moore of dundas and miss laura large of woodstock woro at mrs james moores for sun- flay pto jam ob loutott who has novor been well since he was gassed in france during the war la now being treated at christie street military hos pital toronto mr and mrs g w thompson ond family und mr thompsons father of hamlltop were guests at the home of mrs thompsons parents mr and mrs a rcosor mill street over sunday mr h p mooro was in toronto on wednesday and thursday attending the annual meeting of the board of management of tho methodist book room the thlrtyflfth annual meeting for him in succession tho friends here of mrs jennld b wood guelph will learn with regret that she tuui boon confined to the house through illness slnco the beginning uf october sho is now residing with friends at 44woolwlch street mr j w jonofl brought hla son jimmie fronr tho sick children hospital toronto on eahtcr- sunday good pt ogress has boon mado toward recover but it will bo some weeks vet before tho plastor oast is removed from tho injured limb the tragic and unexpected death of mrs ricluud brown on wednesday afternoon was an overwhelming blow to her husband nnd daughter and brought deep sorrdw to the entire com munity mr and mra brown had motored to ft west toronto in tho morning and a short time engaged in business at the stock yards they had lunch mrs brown did a few minutes shopping for easter remembering a number of her young friends in her purchases and they left for tho return trip home the weather was delightful tho roads excellent- and mr and mrs brown thought and bpoko several times of it en route that it was one of the most pleasant motor trips they had over en joyed together they arrived at homo between four and flvo oclock mr brown wont to do the chores at the barn and mrs brown commenced pro- paratlons for an early tea in a little while johnnie hornby who lives there had an errand to the house ho found the house full of smoko from burning meat oh tho range and mrs brown was sitting unconscious in the hall a few feet away he hurried back to the barn to toll mr brown tho doctor- was summoned but in a short time death came mrs brown nevor re covered consciousness the sad sudden event caused con sternation mr brown waa prostrate and miss margaret the only child who had not returned from tho high school in tho afternoon was naturally overwhelmed with grief when the news was conveyed to her peceased whose maiden name wa margaret storey tljo daughter of our venerable fellowcitizen robert sjtoroyv esq who is in hla eightyfifth year and resides with his daughter mrs jeremiah boll church street her birthplace waa the family hpmestead 1 n nassa gawey a twenty years ago she married richard n brown son of the late alexander brown jr who is a pros perous farmer occupying aportion of the homestead upon which his grandfather alexandcrbrown esq settled over ninety years ago tough they have had i the busy ufa incidental to tho care of a large farm mr and mre brown were happy together they werolooklngforwardwithverypleaa urablo anticipation to celebrating their twentieth wedding anniversary on tho 22nd of november next to this end plans had been made for tho ro build ing and enlarging of their home and the brick and stone are already on tho ground for this purpose four children were born lnth6 home but three died in infancy and only- margaret who is in her fifteenth year survives mrs brown waa greatly attached to tho farm home several times lately mr brown suggested retiring from the farm and settling in town so aa to havs llfo easier for her but she always de clined saying they had been vory happy on tho farm and sho felt it wan better to stay there mrs brown waa a member of knox- church and attended tho last com munion the first sunday of this month the funeral waa held on saturday of ternoon and waa largely attended rev a c btewart conducted the ser vice and waa assisted by rov j culp the pall bearers were messrs n f lindsay thomas coxe a m mc pherson a g clarrldgc w j altlnn and rolwtrwallace tho floral tributes were numoroua and beautiful mr and mrs c e wood mr and mlsri stlnson of burlington mr and mrs r a storey mrs donald mc- tavlah miss margaret brown qf tor onto mr and mrs j thomas andtheh daughters mr chas e balloy mr and mrs r b black of guelph and mr tcoxe of milton and miss alllo browf of aberfoylo attended tho funeral 1 tl easter young peoples rally the baptist y p u the methodist league and knox guild at tho invitation v of tho baptist young pooples union tho methodist young peopios leaguo and tho pres byterian young peoples guild mot in a rally servico in tho baptist church- on easter monday ovening there was a good attendance the church being filled mr ernest coles president of- the baptist young peoples union exjtond- ed a cordial welcome to tho visitors and presided during tho evening the meihbcrs of the three societies were grouped in different sections of the church a song service was held after which miss minnie z bennett presldont of the methodist society road tho scripture lesson and miss may wil son president of knox guild led in prayer rev mr johnston pastor of cal vary baptist church toronto gavo a vory fervent evangelistic address hla theme was christian llfo sorvico nnd conseqratlon and was based upon psalm 92 the righteous shall flourish like thsspalm tree they shall grow like a cedar in lebanon- mr johnson earnestly exhorted tho young people to remember tho trees irithelr iwward growth thelrontward naeveiolf ment and their growth tqwartl high er christian experience mlsa annlo martin gave a recitation and messrs fred- and ernest coles choster plank and leslie martin sang solos tho mooting had a fine spiritual tone throughout one of fortythree editor fjucb press doar sir i was rather surprised at reading ittst weeks fame press to obaorvo that our council had granted one of our local merchants tho privilege of erect- lng a sign nt the junction of main streot and the toronto sam la high way now i wpnder what would happen if each of tho 43 morchinta und husl- ness men in town would oak tho coun cil for similar privileges and when they granted tho privilege to ono of course in all fairness they would grant it to all can you imagine the result signs of all sizes and shapes and color a real conglomeration and how would it jpear to visitors i it has been tho airjl of tho provin cial highway authorities to discourage tho placing of disfiguring signs alon the route of thohlghwnyr i sincerely hope aa fellow merchants we will discourage this plan of sign on tho highway one of the fortythree acton april a 1025 1 i

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