Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 16, 1925, p. 2

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thursday april 16 1025 i l reading the home town paper whon you road tho hometown rpor and youre miles- away from homo theres a thrill that comes to no one but thofolks compelled to roam f or tbtlada iookd sototalllar an6rtnopunurmtairai arer that your fancy boos aroamlnr downed sunny hometown otntot whon you read tho hometown paper in a gloomy hotel room theres a something tugs your spirit thoroa a lifting of the sloom for across the miles alluring ib a picture looking grand and your folks como out to meot you from the pages in your hand when you read the hometown paper in a train thats homeward bound theres a keener satisfaction than in any you have found and somehow while you are reading youve a heart as tight os foam for to read the hometown paper brings you mighty close to home anno campbell nbw0 fhow the aoton over- 8kaa ittmi whlollour readers will ap- preolatt from aoton england m fir the oraoeft of canadian eggs tho value of egg gradlus wlllnot havo reached the limit of its poaslblll- ties until the buyers for the family iable have learned to dlatlngulsh be tween the different grades which oro specials extras first an j seconds until one has learned to ask for specials whan th finest quality of nnxv laid eggs is desired lie win have no assurance of getting that auallty of rreahnesa said delicacy of flavor so dealranelshk4ojungbgir this which la the highest oitiestatan- dard grades is a product largely of tho specialist poultryman who ob- serves every condition for producing the highest type of egg and of getunti it to market at once egga o this grade are tho largest requiring to be 25 ounces to the dosen and of uniform slxe egga of the specials grade are not on the market at all seasons of the year the next grade extras to all but the most exacting la a brat- doss boiling egg lacking only that delicacy of flavor that goes with ex treme freshness this is a popular egg for the breakfast table and la obtaln- able at practically all seasons of the year it might weigh a little leas than the specials the standard bcjmi t ounces to the doses firsts come into a class of smaller eggs bains zxk ounces to the down and while stui good they lack the flavor and textoro of use higher grades seconda come within the culinary class stw sound to quality but not ao fresh as firsts during a discussion ofi these grades at a session of the agriculture com mittee of the house of commons it was brought out by an oflleer of the department of agriculture that the grocers who are wide awake to tho adr vantages of advertising ulb best grades ofgga are rapidly vjeveloplng their trade in this commodltiliaaued by the director of publicity dominion department of agriculture ottawa n the- modern skirt mr- wv- is there not perhaps something to be said in defense of the light cloae- fitting modern skirt why view it with hostile- eyes merely because it is something ouherentt why judjre it by the form it takes in its most indiscreet and extreme manifestations compare it with the skirls ot oarlter fashions the hoopskirt the elabor ate draperies that accompanied the bustle the foil skirt that was stiffened into enormbus gtse- by- crinoline anil horaohair linings the plaited skirt with yards and years of excess material the trailing skirt that gathered dust and flltb from the street in any such comparison the modern sldrt is a tri- umph of common sense comfort sim plicity neatness and health by the modern skirt is meant the skirt that clears the ground by two or throe inches and contains only halt of the material as its predecessors the new fashion does not distort the figure at tho present time women wear no absurd hump in any part of their toilet no bustle- no poffedup slsoves no ruff no pompadour with the lighter sldrt has come also tho onoplece dress which allows all- the weight to fall on the shoulders that la n great gain the whole tendency of the change is away from the distorted and the art- flclal toward the freedom simplicity and beauty of the greek costume a tendency not imitative but adaptive as such the change hasjnoch to com mend it it is m the abuse oftne new fashions not in the- use of them that immodesty lies or flfty years qrantlsir crnns- ton had lavished his lovo and caro on the old cranston farm ho had been born there und he had lived and worked tliero all liln life year by year he had cleared the fields of stone otonred them with walls the farm buildings looked neat and well cared for the elxtyaore wood lot that stretched from the tleulo up to the toot of hodgchoe led to had been cleaned tind cleared of unfler- growth until you could drive a team from one end of it to the other among the three hundred or more immense old sugar maples and yellow brohts that wood lot indeed had been the old farmers special pride ho loved thosej big oldgrown manles loved them so wpll thst he would not tap them in the spring for maple sugar it shortened tho lives of trees he bald to tap them particularly largo old trees it was therefore very distressing to see how after qrandslr cranston died the farm was allowed to run down and go to ruin his wife had died years before they had no children and the only relatives were a nephew and a brother in portland and a nelce in bangor cranston had left no will the three heirs could not agree about dividing the property tho case went to court and stayed there for live years meanwhile tho farm was rented first to one and then to another ten ant who cropped the fields let weeds and briars and hushes grow neglected the buildings and opened aoroo un sightly gaps in the hitherto tidy stone wails the taxes went unpaid none of tho heirs would pay cent toward them and the fifth year- after tho farmers death the place was adver used for sale at auction for delinquent taxes tho place was about a mile and a half east of bur old farm in maine and in march of the fourth years after qrandslr cranston died two young neighbors of ours willis and ben murch wrote tq one of the cranston heirs and got permission to tap the maples in the wood lot at the foot of the ledge and to moke maple sugar there they tapped two hundred troea three spiles to the tree and had a great run of sap addison and i went over one afternoon to see them- boil- down they bad built an arch of atone for their kettles up near the foot of tho great ledge and had a cosy little shed there sap was running well that day and toward sunset since they had no m safety first safety slogans as a rulo are solemn depressing and terrifying but occa sionally a lighter vein is introduced by advocates of caution some of these ore clever and punchy a sarcastic railroad man suggests to careless motorists better stop- a minute than forever not 4o be outdone a locomotive en glneor offers this one try running into ono of our locomotives thoy satisfy a hotel manager is credited with thlx ono stoprand let the train go by hardly takes a minute your car starts out again intact and betterstlll youre in it the mans theqold for a that class distributions in england are supposedto be clearly defined but a nice story which comes from the lon don globe shows n pleasing variety of answer to the question what is a gentleman 7 hearing a house carpenter spoken of as a gentleman by a furniture re- mpvart a county magnate sought delicately for explanations lor bless yer sir answered the furniture remover we calls every man a gentleman as pays twenty shillings in tho pound tr- m tdfyr lowcost tuip to pacific coast a capuvsiung fourweek tour of western canada and thepaciflc coast with a trip through the hnked states on the return journeyi is being planned for canadian toachers and their friends this summer i those who take advantage of this trip will- see the greatest scenery on the continent the buffalo herd at woinwrlght jasper national park mount robson- with its unsurpassed mountain scenery mount robson the highest peak inthe canadian rockies tho totem poles of kitwanga and tho mystic beauty of the skoena river at prliico rupert the party trans fers from trrjjrt to the boat for tho glorious water trip of 760 miles through the sheltered scenic beae of thenoptli paeina coast to vancouver victoria and seattle on the return trip five wonderful days will be spent touring yellowstone nationalfork u motor with a- trtp to salt lake city and threo days at boeky mountain national park cnv onulo then its denver clear creek canyon- idaho springs and lookout mountain before heading for chicago and toronto the tour loaves toronto july 9- and you cannot afford to miss it full information fares etc can be secured with illustrated booklet iron a id bryson 4 bllverthorn are toronto martin kerr 4 beulah ave hamilton or any canadian national railways agntv7-41- teain we helped them jtougnther tho days run in jjoila by wfio it was 10 easy task for there were two feet or more of soft snow on the ground and there was as many as three hundred brimming bncketfulls that had to be carried to the sap holders in the shod several times i thought addison was ahirktogijjoticed th a nearly every tree he stopped put down his sap pails picked up a handful- of the auger chips that lay in the snow at tho foot of the trees and stood there turn ing them over with his angers the boys hod used an inch and a half auger for inthose days people thought that the bigger the auger holeani the deeper they bored the more sap would flow v dont hurry ad i said smiling as we passed each other the snows soft palls of sap are heavy he grinned but sold nothing after ward i saw tilm slyly slipping hand ful of those chips into bis pocket what he wanted them for i could not imagine and later after sunset as we were going home i asked him why he had carried away a pocketful of auger chips he looked at me shrewdly but ho would not reply then after a mo- mept he asked me whether i thought hat bcn or wtllls had seen bim pick them up what if they dldf i asked but i could get nothing further from him almost al year passed and i had forgotten ads pocketful of auger chips when we saw the notlco that the tax collector had put fn the county paper announcing the sale at public auctin of the cranston farm on tho following thursday for delinquent taxes the paper had come that night and thodora read the notlco aloud at supper the announcement briefly des cribed the farm property and among othrjlues mentioned five hundred cords of rockmaple wood ready to cut and go to market thats the old sugar lot up by the big ledge where willis and ben mada syrtp last spring said l ad what ever did you do with that pocketful of auger chips addison glanced at mo quocrly he seem disturbed but said nothings the fbllowiag forenoon when he andi were making a hotbod for early gar den vegetables he remarked that he meant to goto the auction sale it was not the kind of an auction that draws a crowd of people there was only one piece of property to be sold and that was an- expensive one not more than twenty- persons come to it mostly prosperous formers- or lumbermen who intended to biiy the place as a speculation if it should go at a low price the old squire was not there he had gone to portland tho day before but addison went over as he had planned and willis murch and i went with him hllburii tho tax collector was there and two of the selectmen of the town besides cole the auctioneer at four oclock hitburn stood on tho steps and read- the published natlca of the sale and the court warrant for 1l the town he said would deduct 114 the amount of unpaid taxes from the sum paid for thtr farm the place would be sold intact to the high est bidder the auctioneer then mounted tha steps read the cranston warranty dbed of thefarm as copied from the county records describing the premises lines and corners- a fine piece of pro perty he added how u much am i differed for lt after a pause zachary lurvey the owner of lurveys lumber mills siart- ed the bidding by offering 11000 one thousand dollars repeated the auctioneer i am offered one thousand dollars of course that isnt what this farm is worth only one thousand who offers more fifteen hundred said a man named haines who had arrived from the southern part of tho township while the deed was being read sixteen said another shd pres ently another said seventeen i i noticed that addison was edging up nearer tho stops but i was amoied to bear him call out seventeen fifty 1 ad i whispered what it colo knocksltoff to youf xou have only 100 in the sayings bank you could notpayjforlt v t thought he had made the bid for fun or to snow off addison paid no attention to me but watched the auctioneer ojoiely the others too seemed surprised at adduona bid lurvey turned and looked at him vary sharply i suppose he thought that addison wag bidding for the old after n fewmoments lurvey eullcl eighteen hjmdrod i blghtccn fifty until atldlsun nmt now i grow uneasy for him in rooi earnest you liad hotter stop hint i wills- pored thoy ii got it off on til you if you dont tuke enro and i pulled ills leevo liniiatlontly willis was grinning bromlly lie iiiho timugut that addison was bluffing tho other bidders ilaines then said nljlotcen hun dred and lurvey nt once cried nine teen hundred und tyoltynvot it was not apparent that lurvoy meatit to got tho furm if hp oouldv nnd that haines also waited it the auctioneer glanced toward lis much to my relief addison npw backed off a wit as if ho had mado his bpbt bid and was going away but to my con sternation he turned when lie nenred the gatonhd cried nineteen fifty i aro ybii crnsyt i whispered- iind tried to get him toiaavo ho backed vii against the gatepost however watching the auctioneer lurvey look- dod suspicious and disgruntled but aftor a pause said in a low voice nine teen sovontyflve haines raised it to 2000 and the auctioneer repeated that offer several times we thought that haines would get it but lurvey said two thousand twentyflvo ahd tho auctioneer began calling golng-7go- tng for two thousand twontyflvo when addisonshoutoor twothbusattia and fifty 1 lurvey cast an angry look at him haines turned away and colo after waiting fo further bldnt cried go ing golnggone at two thousand and fifty to that young manby tho gate if he has got the monoy to pay tor it youve done it now adj 1 ex- clatmed in distress how ore you going to get out of this i was frightened- for him i did not know what the consequences of bis prank would be to my surprise and relief addison went to hilburn and handed him 100 ill pay a hundred down ho said to bind my bid- andtho bdlanco to morrow tho two selectmen npd hilburn smiled but acceptod it i remembered then that addisn had gno to the village the day before arid gubssod that- ho had drawn his savirfss from the bank but i did nof see how he could ralsa 1960 by the next day all the way home i wanted to ask him what lio planned to do howevor i did not like to que him be willis and two other boys who were with us all the way homo addison seemed rather ex cited tho family were at supper when we went in the old squire was back from portland grandmother and the girls had told him that wo had gone to the auction the first thing he did was tousktlswhcther thofarm had been soid and how much it had sold for two -thousand- and fifty said i with a glance- nt addison thats all its worth tho old squlro said whorbought it addison looked embarrassed and to help him out i said jocosely ob it was bought by a young fellow there what was hla name the old squlro asked in surprise he spells it add1son said i thoretwasa sudden pause round the table xes i continued laughing for i thought thp best thing was jfor ad to tell the old squire at once he paid 100 of it down- and ho has to get round with nineteen hundred and flfty more by tomorrow noon food was quite forgotten by this time the old squire grandmother and the girls were looking at addison in much cpneern havent you boon rather rash the old squire said gravely vmaybo i have addison admitted but tho bank has jiromlnctl to- lond lne the money tomorrow at seven per cent if if ho hesitated and reddened visibly if you will- put your nam on tho note with me sir the old squires face was a study he looked aurprlsod grave and stern but his kind old hoart stood the test my son bo sad utter a short pause what led you into thlail must tell me before- wego farther it was something i noticed over therein the wood lot a year ago i havent said anythlngabout it so far but i think i nm right hewent upstairs to his trunk and drought down a handful of those auger chips and also -a- letter that ho had receivod somemonths before he thou spread- them out on the table by tho old squlros plateand the latter after a gjance at them put on hla reading glasses- small and dry as the chip- had become we could stilt soo what looked llko tiny bubbles and pits in the wood birdseye isnt it tho- old squlro asked taking up a chip in his fingers birdseye maple was there more than one free of it more than forty sir that- i saw thyself and ive no doubt there are others addison replied ah tho old squire exclaimed with look of understanding kindling in his faceiseel i see ffrtsf we did a great deal of lumbering at the oldruqujros and wo boys had naturally picked up- much knowledge about lumber and lumbar values yes said addison ive planned toxet hold of that wood lot ever since last spring i wrote to jones adathfl to see what they would give for clear birdseye maple lumber for furniture and room finish and in- this letter thoy offer 00 per thousand i havent a dbdht we- can get a hundred thousand feet of birds eyo out of that lot iflurvey had known that said r he wouldnt have stopped bidding at two thousand you may be sure he wouldnt the old squire sold with a smile as for the quarreling heirs said- addison theyll bo well satisfied to got that much for the farm the next day tho old squlro accom panied addison to the savings bank and endorsed bis note- tho bank at nce lent addison the mdney necessary to pay for the farm no one learned what addisons real motive in bidding for tbo farm had been until- flip fplloiying winter when wb out the largor parf of the maplo trees in the wood lot and sswied lujrii into throeinch plank at our own mill afterwards wo kllndrjed the planh and shipped it to tho furniture com pany otit of tho three hundred or moro- sqgar maples thnt wo cut in that lor eightynine proved to be birdseye front which we realised well over 7000 we also got 000 for flrowood and jwo yours later we sold the old wiwr 1g00 making in all aiiand- sbmer profit it seemed to nil of uno more than right that 3 000 of it shaul 1 go to addison the follitvlntf- was ftleiined from the acton ltxpioss of acton middle- soxisiiglnmll of auiruti tlinre wim a uuoil gathering at lite acton ilrotlioitiood meotlng in hun ilu when an iuuhosm wim plvon by alrtini wpirubbnfdttrtoh itc- llglon and hervloe linir itusaultltig lucliuril j culoinitii of poterslldld ioail acton jfihii itaiunoy of acton wits lined uh iiiii conth ut aelnn olloo court on weil- ncmlhy a o w ii motorvan wfth iiomgoihi- iiih acton hill n weiincnday uftcr- liuon whon itii front offnlde whbl camo off juut outslite hie police hlii- tlon r the lute mr 1- hpeleyj of alfred- roud aoton lutr heiidnurvoyur of tllo london ami nortliweiitcin hallway co loft estate of tho gross value of 1077 the ilodleahoii tohtlvul of the acton luiluh churcli took piaoo on woilnos- day holy communion was celebrated nt 7 8 und 11 a in theiejibliig a large number of comiriinilcuntivnt each ser vice tne blslrolt of kensliiglbirwih lio ufi preuchor ut ht martins went aoton on humliiy morning ludybrittulriluiir bocn mado u mem ber of tho exocu jyo oomtnlttqo of tho society of welsh musicians on wcdriesdnjr-a- ladles night wns jield at the acton priory constitutional club and to entertain tho ladles a bohemian concert of which mr d f rico was the dlrootor tool placo undcri the nulcc8 of the acton branch of tho junior imperial lcaguo a successful aoclal and whist ilfivo took place at the acton priory con stitutional club on thursday ovonlng last week on wednesdny evening the last of a sbrles of talks to layfolk was given nt st thomass church actbn valo by mrrcr w hanaall tho bubject being bringing souls to christ tho primary duty of christians was tho service of god he said and that ser vice was most imperfectly performed if tho work of souisavlng did not form a groat port of it over 1300 boxes have now been issued under tbo acton hospital thanksgiving for licalth scheme elisabeth ihomuis of essex park- mews actonwaej fined 10s at acton police court on wednesday fbr using obsceno language sir harry brlttaln gavo a locturo on roumanla at the ladles carlton club on thursday afternoon last week tholecture was illustrated with lan tern slides from photographs taken by him when he wis on a visit to tho queen of roumanln miss emily mloslna scotchcr cath erineroad who has been missing since the lzln8t has acton friends and it is possible that she may havo wander ed in this direction a woman who having boen roduced to a st of beggary in poland oame qivinq a friend face to england and found her husband living with another woman in aoton took proceedings against him at the marylebono pollco court for desortlon charles knight of goldenmanor hnnwcll was amonigr tho number of motorists who- were summbried to tho acton pollco court ort wednesday for- exceeding tho speed limit hla speed was stated to havo- been thirty- four miles an hour and he was lined 3 10 8 the wives nnd children of the aoton branch of tho london united tram ways clubs and institutes were tho guests of their own husbands and fathers at a delightful tea and enter tainment held in the recreation hall of tho acton depot on friday ovonlng the useful and religious socio work carried on in tho crowded area of south acton by the united mpthodit church and what it oweb to tho gen erous giving of moraboru and friends found illustration ot a sale of work for the funds held in the ohuroh sobool room on satbxday axternoon and mbn day evening sir harrybrlttolns bill for the pro tection of british birds dealing with various phrases of cruelty o english singing birds paused through the re port and thirdreading stage in the house of commonn on monday night it is now ready for submission to the house of lords how by means of a flngerprlnt pollco offlpjajs formed the opinion that ths same naon h4 orokpn into gun hereby station rmtfmrftnt on f oc casions was explained at aetoh pollco court an wodnosilay when john- j cievcs 24 labouror ot no flxod abodo was chargod on remit ml with attempt ing to break into truv robtaurant of the thirteen canilidates nomin ated for the seven aton seats attho brentford board of g unrdlans at pre- enu filled exclusively by conservative or economy members seven are members of the labour party and six are understood to be willing to join in a general conservative oroconomy ticket m i an engagement is announced be tween w h mldaletbn son of mr and mrs h m mictdlcton penylan cardiff- and- marjorlo mary only daughter of mr and mrs samuel lord lyntonrond acton the minister of pensions has ap pointed miss m e hutchings 40 mattrockiane ealing to bo a membor of the ealing actoa tjxbridge and district war pensions commlttco- in place of lady lamford reslgnod thf funeral of mr b eydmanh n former captain of the acton fire bri gade took place on wednesday after noon tho first part orthe service was conducted in tho acton parish church and the committal part at fhe of the family grace in the old cemetery cliurrhflpwroml the llev a a ful- cherr mejraft olf6ltjtf th annua1 dinner ppd danpenif tlio eoung flod brptrfforij llpsnsed vlc- tuailerv nnd berselbf yrade pro tection society wn held m fhp hol- born restaurant on tuoflilny week under the presidency of col w grant morden m pandthoxe was a record attendance and a- gratifying list- of donations a branch of tho girl guides move ment that has made great progress lately is that of tho post guldoi this branch caters for girls suffering from any hind of physical disability and the training as the name implies is carried on by mcansj of lotters and frequent personal visits acton is not behindhand v so faiturtfls pbsslbto to db so at tho present stage in the course of sombwhsj delicate negotiations- tho ealing and acton town councils have supplied the public with informatloa concerning tho- origin arid progress of ono of tho most beneficent projects for its benefit thnt has ever been launched in this neighborhood the joint agree ment statement with regard to the pfffltosed purchase of gunnersby park publisher tffml iaper lost week put concisely the ellpf reasons that actu ate two jocnl authorities fn fljolr en deavour to acquire a noblo hpritjiffe for the inhabitants of this dlatrjof in par ticular and the people of london in general i an inletchtingstpry ihutillustratcs tin- loyally of tho clihielnf lnfrlbnd- iihlp in tulil by mr ibiiiio taylor ffoatl- iimil in ilbmii life in china mr hurt a former iircnlduiit of the union inciflo itallroutl wan staying with mujor conger the american mlnfstor til pcltlnir nays ml heudlaild and lie wlilltedto bet hlime cholco pieces of tin- best chlnei iireein wjih hiilrilwlibtliei- i could go with mr hurt which 1 wuh iflud t dif in one of tho shops we found a larbe nnl very line yiiiik mienk viimi amii him hotv milch he wuiltn foi- it hiilil mr hurt i did ho unit tlio hliin ntfsweiihl throe htimliiil fifty ilollnrs j i think idinll buy it mild mi- hint iiut iot tnflny wiih no busy with my work tic next liloililnir hint i could not ru hiiop- pliilfr- iinrtao while mr hurt- and n friend willi inbuilt ttilk cihnuso weio wutidoiing nlniig tho street thoy drop ped into the shop iikuiii mill inqulroil the iiiiee or tho vnse uur hiiiidroul ilolliirs snld ther uralor jlut miild mt hurl ho- told mr heltilluml ycutoitfiiy that it was threo liuhilreil iind fifty dollars kour liutidrctl dollars repealed uio mcrcliiiht wlietvi culled on mr hurt tliat aftornooii ho silil to mo llowinuch did that man waiit for that yung cheng vuso throe hundred nnd fifty dollars t answered y wollj wo were down tho this morning and he unlicd us four hun dred for it well lnquiro ngaln this nftcrnoon i hnldj when wo got to tho shop i said to tho -dealer- howmuoh is -this- vase- threo luihtlrod nnd fifty dollars ho told us four hundred this morn ing i said to tho dcnlorwhydld you do that to givo you face ho answerod tho dealer thought thoy suspected that i was getting a commission on tho vnse and thai thoy might be able to buy it oheapor if thoy wore alone ho intended to show them that both he and i wcro honest mon and that there was no collusion between such is tho attitude of a chinese mer chant toward his friend ontaiuo iraite pine for britains warships thopii olograph 8h6r oin3 of four trafnlomls of viiln whit pin 6jr cat from tho egan limit in preston and clonoy townbhpb in tho alfifonapln park diatrict which wfffl recently sent via tho crinadlnn national railways to quebec for shipment to enffland on tho ordm of tho brltlah admiralty- the timber waj hand hewn hy tho j r booth company of ottawa- and it tho flriest shipment aunt from ontario in tho memory of lumtonnen onie nstancei tho timber wan three feot fn dfnm4er and fn no caso was it leni than two feot through tho ahipmrt required 120 flat ears and aflgrerhted 120000 feet of timber inset are seen from left to right the following members of tho j h booth company c jackson booth vice- president j r booth president and j srred booth managing director mr j rt booth canadas venerable lumber king visiter tho railway yards to sen thj timber anct in irpft rtf the ftt that he i in hu ninelynltith year hr cxhibtirrt lively inrerest tn th ship- ment and wtlfcm nlmost the full lengjh of the train during hit inspection tc wan mr booths foresight whrch pre served tfiv his et3mpany aiieh remartc able stonds of timber aft thftt from which this vfrgfn white pthe was cut- experts agree that iis tlie finest white pine wft in canadi the efiao with which corn and worti can bo iemoved by holloways corn remover is us strongest recommenda hon it seldom falls -7- the pride of the poor at tho present stage ofaoclology no onlooker need doubt this story of tho rnight havo beens of a great city so many men to whom the city mls alohnryhad given money for a nights lodging had expressed a preference for a certain east sldo lodgi that he wondered what constituted its par tlcular attraction it makes us feel selfrcspeotlng the men said when questioned so far as the missionary could sec it was a typical lodginghouse whose induc torcnectveren ot aliparentto tho ordinary eye he ap pealed to the manager by what method did ho fan the flres of- self- respect in his guests the manager pointed to a sign above his desk gentlemen are requested to leavo their ataluabloa- with the clerk bore on t0o heavily this wont go for only one stamp said the village postmaster to old mr kloh as the jatter handed a bulky and muchsealed missive to him whats de roaddahwld whuf for dot too heavy re jilled the post master balancing it on his hand umph i tolo dat boy sbwhon ne was awiitln of it i tolo him he was wrltin too heavy a han but he ftep on abearln down an abcarin down on de pen lak a load of hay- im take it- back sah an make him write wld a- pencil i aint gwlne spen no mo two centsos jes ter hl3 jdgheadedness order from yoqr grocer h bet tta and hell usually aend red rose teais good tea the same good tea for 30 years try it what she must have thought royal pcoplo often have to do things like ordinary folk but when thoy do the ordinary folk always get a mttlti shock xtt surprise the other day o telegraph clerk got one of these sbockd when a motor car stopped outside the villagepost ofllceln which she worked and a goodlooking young man flight ed where are your telegraph forms asked thoyoujig man as he entered tho glrlold him he wrote a ones sage and when he had slipped if across the counter bho read arrivp bupkiprhum pnlace tpiilghu rrqeorge in the middle of thovghoak frlnco george spoke again n i sayivho said could you give nio a match oh yes what kind she replied whether sh was flustered or not the historians do not relate but such a meeting- must have been rather a test of her nerves itpr ytoart mother graves worm ex- t ttfsnimrtor ha ranked na a reliable srpuue nut x knfw thai th 0d squlrfcjwarm preimratlon and it always main- had nt thought of buying ttt farm italna lupuuuion dr soper or white dlacoses loodnerres bladder sndbseclsrall- bpeclsllsts r nerrei 6nsof men lilt sdylulile ttptjr for free opli wo if impoulbls or ocd ad 3 to a pjo bdoot 10 sm io 1 pta pro sopbr a whitk xerssi btntt totssts oat europe spje europe tlie test way use the organized methods of tmvel md bightbceipg which we have devised- and which have proved s their value for almost a century our con- yeniently located offices are at your service with every possible facility steamship tickets by all lines f canadian pilgrimage tours to rome jar the holy year 1925 departure from montreal may 30th by the white stardominion line steamship megcaftif attending the ceremonies for the beatification o thp jesuit martyrs ppaxtore from montreal jimp 3rd by the canadian pacific steamship afiiffiedqsa under tie spiritual pirectibnof his lordabip thp bft- rey mf- fallqp ld bishop of itodqn thos cook son 526 st catherine st west montreal 65 yonge st toronto 723 georgia st west vancouver the public health citizens are requested to comply with the public health act notice is horepy givin that all resi dents of actbn aro requlrofl forthwith to clean their y collars drains yardd hlff etyoa water cloaota outbuildings nnd other promisee apid remove uiorc- frdin all dirt mannro and other sul- atanoo which may endanger the public health and to havo tho aaxno completed by tho sixth day of may next on rhlch flay tho sanitary inspector will commence p gehoral inspection anfl further taco notice that tho section of tho public health apt prohibiting tho keeping of hogo bet wee rt the 16th of may and the i5h of november ex copt in pons nt least 70 topt from any dwelling hause and 50 feet from any street or lane with floors kept clear from all standing wator and regularly cleansed will bo strictly enfprced all citivciia are earnestly requester to itcep cnelr premises constantly clear and thoroughly disinfected oeoroh harbeit j joyo of the munfclpauty aoton april s jm9 tl 0 far only one 4- wheel l brake device has been outside front wheel ivhen turning corners today thousands of own er s of 4 wheel brake mclaughlinbuicksknow the supreme ease and safety of thismclaughliin- buick feature first with the latest and safest s vking representatives for f hl8 section georgetown otarion mclaughlin- valveinheap motor cars d430 vvf 4 iiixi 1 w

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