Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 16, 1925, p. 3

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l gtye artmt 3vtt taii thursday april 1c 1825 earth how wondorful is oarth this noil at precious worth though gold lift gold t hao no life to give n but la- tho furrow dark thcrodwflllh il yual fiimr that whispers to tho seed awako aim live sunet and downs of bloom moo from tharraylesgloom and thenco the oak receives lite mas- slvo crown tho timid wilding flower frail fairy of an hour from duat has made her artless gown for in that night profound each trco its fruit has found eoch eeason jjruwn from dust its jreaa- ures atlll in happy flower and treo dust utters joyously a languago of eternal tone and will toiler beneath the ood o worker calm with god in grandcur of- a silent vast design in lifting to light out of an ancient night loves purpose in the human nean of thlno archibald rutlcdge locality and arrangement of the apjarv canterbury bells without an abundance of nectar secreting flower a crop of honoy cannpt bo expected therefore tho flrnt consideration in selecting a location for an apiary is the flora as bees gather nectar from a distance of two or three miles from the apiary it la necessary that the location flhould contain a plentiful supply of nectar secreting flowers within this rouse a good location is ono that will provide a continued supply of nectar and pol len from early spring until fall ani with at least one source from which the main- crop of honey will be gather ed most locations in the city or tho country will provide enough nectar to make a few colonies profitable but where it is intended to establish a large and permanent apiary the ques tion of flow must receive careful con sideration other points to bear jn mind when choosing a location are other apiaries accessibility ore and flood an apiary should be easy to reach by team or truck so that supplies can bo transferred back and forth with little difficulty locations that are already occupied should be avoided overstocking a location cuts downthe crop apiaries should notfbe less than 1 four miles apart unless ther location is on exceptional one places that are likely to be devasted by fire or flood should also be avoided tho site chosen for tho apiary must be well sheltered from high winds especially the cold winds in the spring which usually come from the north or west if the bees are to be wlnterei outside good windbreaks are of ut most importance it is also necessary to have the hives partly shaded during tho hotest part of the day in summer this can be accomplished by plant ing a few evergreen treeborshruha in the yard or taking advantage of natural shade the bees should not be placed near a public highway nor where children are likely topjay near tho hives the arrangement of tho hives is t matter for individual taste but neat noss and arrangement are secondary to convonieuce in handling the hive may be arranged in pairs or singly in rows but in any arrangement thev must not be crowded together or heavy drifting from one colony to another will take place there should be at loost three feet between the hives and six feet between rows so that each colony may be handled wuhrease and that necessary supplies may be moved to and from any part of the apiary with hand barrow or truck if the site is in erosa- this should be kept closely cut during the summer so as not to choke tho hive entrances c b good- erharn dominion apiarist in grandmas pleasant garden they blossomed long ago with sleepy scarlet popples and lilies white as snow the canterbury bells that seemed like flowers in gardens i hud dreamed their musky fragrance tempted the bees in droning herds into their deep cells darted the jeweled humming birds drooping and halfasleep they sung hut always in my ear they sung of far and lonely countries across the wide blue sea of bells in lpfty turrets that spilled sweet melody in gardens by somo river gay where quaint par bed folks keep holi day j of stately cities lying neath fair cathedral towers that on the blue sky blossomed like pinnacles of flowers of stately swans that seemed to float to music on a castle moat r but now that grandmas garden is lost in mists of years their blooms as blue and dewy i pluck today in tears but holding them against my ear chimes sweeter than of old i hear with the same spell they take mo to a country arranger yet more beautiful and fairy untouched by regret for with their fine faint melody they sing my childhood back to mo reason for calling the doctor heres a little story i intended work ing into my series on the acton doc tors but i overlooked it in some way but it will answer this week all right mr harold begblo quotes in the happy irish an amusing story that he got from tho doctor of a lit tie town hovislted intho course of histour of ireland i was rung up pretty late one night by a peasant from an outlying village fifteen miles away it was in tho days before i had a car tho wind was blowing horribly and tho rain was sweeping against the house and it was deadly cold tho peasant askod me rather shamefacedly if i would com 4ind seo his mother i invited him to come in patrick i said to him your mother is a very old woman i know that doctor he admitted shes over eighty patrick shes all that doctor and nothing that i could do to night would be the smallest use to bcr sure doctor said he 1 know very well its the truth you ore telling me but mo poor mother do you see would have me come and fetch you because she does not want to die a natural death guilty by proxy those who wish to find fault can always and a way says an aid adage grandma flake was the censor of the neighborhood in which she lived to carp and criticise is not dlfflpult since every one has some weak point and bfrandma had her hands or rather her mouth full all the time she found special fault with young girls who were perverse enough to dress and behave differently from the fashions of fifty years ago and ono girl stella dorsey was grandmas pet aversion ono day the censor saw or thought she saw stella drive past the house in a buggy with u gentleman carryln on rfawful i declare to goodness said grand ma it was scandalous talkin an laughln an scrcechin like all possess ed ive a mind to tell her mother j i wouldnt grandma said her granddaughter smilingly its my dooty persisted the old hidy l f no it isnt especially since it wasnt stella land sokes i know no you dont it wad dr barnes and his wife stella went to montreal yesterday morning on a long visit for a moment tho old lady was silenced but she quickly recovered and said firmly well thats the way stella would have carried on if she ad been there the hollyhock as a peren- nial in many plant books the hollyhock is classified as biennial that would mean that they bloom one year only and have to be resown yearly x have found that by proper treatment the hollyhock can be kept on for many years just as soonos the flowers are passing the stock and all foliage should bo cut down to the ground so that nothing is visible of the plant above the ground this may seem to one who loves his flowers as harsh treatment particularly if tho stalk pf hollyhock has ono or two flowers left on il no thlnjf is more untidy thai stalk of hollyhock covered with seed pods nearly to the top such a plant resembles a bean pole with a colored rag at the end by allowing these conditions to exist the hollyhock is made biennial if however it is cut down as suggested now plants will come front the old root instetad of having one stalk next year there will be from four to six to enjoy this cutting down process does npt stop with the first operation but must j to continued aa the new growth of eaves attain a fafrlygood sice thoy should be removed individually al ways allowing the centro and the heart leaves to remain this process of keeping the foliage off has a tendency to develop a harder root which can withstand the severity of the winter furthermore hollyhocks improve with age coming true in color year after year popular consulting doctors i spent a month or more in telling you about the twentyono or twenty- two doctors weve had in acton in the last seventyflve years it would hardly bo fair not to add a few para graphs referring to the doctors so often called in for consultation the past fifty or sixty years dr clarke of guelph was perhaps tho first or one of tho first doctors brought to acton by local doctors for consultation in critical cases he was a skilful physician and enjoyed a wide reputation then later there was dr herod dr herod won somo note as a surgeon and between forty and fifty years ago was colled to acton in somo cxtremo cases i remember thathcl cam to acton to consult with dr lowry when edward moore the father of the editor of the fbxb press was so suddenly token ill i think that was in 1879 or 1880 his- attention was hpwpver un availing and death ended mr moores sufferings at the early ago of fortyflvo years and this reminds me that c s smith the husband of tho elect lady of falrview place who still survives died also at the early ago of fifty and robert little a personal friend of both also died fthen ho was fifty prvkeaungwasapopular c here for some time and then dr henry howjtt came into great favor and for years was often seen in acton his son is now quite frequently called here but no doctor from outside was ever so popular in acton and t tho neighbor hood as dr petor stuart ho wo brought hero occasionally whon ho was in milton but during tho twenty years and more ho has been in guelph his calls to acton have been multinous- there has been very aovoro regret hero tfiat thodr himself has been seriously indisposed for several months and has not yet resumed his practice dr atkins and dr cotton and dr n a powell of toronto have occas ionally been called from toronto and dr pattullo of brampton dr wob- flter of norval dr freeman pf georgetown dr mcnaughton of erin dr currte of rockwood and dr winn of nasoagawoyn all had their favorites here in extreme cases i think this ends my- reminiscences of he doctors practicing and consult ing in actons history for two days- new flower and ribbon tri hats at 395 flowers are the chief trimming item this season so most of these special value hats are gloriously flower trimmed we are not inciting you to select a 395 hat because they are all worth much more than that price we dont wish you to conclude that price is the chief selling point in this grqup of one hundred hats it is attractiveness of form beauty of trim and their accuracy of style interpretation that stamps these hats as djo ac i exceptional at our entire show room with sixteen tables will be devoted to the display of these advertised hats trimmed hats for matrons at 395 these hats were nil purchased by our buyerin new york city the week of the 22nd of march while they are all strictly ma trons styles they have a little more dash to them than is often the case in hats for matrons wear 300 of the newest style untrimmed shapes at 195 i untrimmed shapes of fine milan tagel in a large variety of fhe most fashionable styles small medium and the very newest large sized summer styles colors black wood sand pablo jade thistlebloom crabapplc henna and tile not only are the shades the newest but they are the most successful selling styles with the american as well as the canadian city trade this new shipment which w6 intend showing for the first timel saturday and monday offers hats worth 250 to 350 according to shap and size but we have priced them frl qc trimmed hats at 495 there arel i7hafs inhthis lot no two alike offering a superior assortment of styles colors and materials they are all new york hats and a glance is enough to establish these 1iats as a rare bargain 01 r 495 mourning hats at 500 a little group of eighteen mourning hats appropriately fashioned and especially priced at 500 they are regular 650 750 and 900 hats makers clearing lot pf flowers priced at 29c and 45c this new shipment offers a large variety of attrac tive flower trims worth oq from 5c to 100 and all new priced f saturday and monday at jm jjand childrens hats at 79c and 95c 45e 144 patent milan hats for children at 95c 84 sennate braid streamer trimmed hats for children at 79c other hats for children in a wide variety of materials and styles at 145 195 20 295 smart spring coats special at 1495 fashioned along the correct lines for spring these coats are made of yelour or duvetyne with trimming of braid embroidery or bands of material full lined the colors are rosewood green sand and brown sizes 16 years to 44 bust special dj m at new hand bags special 195 under arm bags with strap handles in sand brown grey and black leather also black patent leather have coin purse and mir- fr f ror reg 350 values for pl j printed crepe dresses they reflect the leading tendencies of the spring and summer mode with their ripple skirts godets and ensemble effects colors leaf green cranberry rosewood russet sand and blackand tfocftfll white price prince of wales coats of tjveed or covert cloth priced 1950 and 2750 other coats priced 2500 u 3750 hosiery and gloves service hose womens pure thread silk hose rein forced with fiord silk for better wear spliced heels firm garter tops au the new shades as stucco sand sponge pongee peach canary fauve tango pink indian orange fallow and black sizes to 10 special 7a pair i 7c fine silk hose pure thread silk hose of extra fine firm even weave shown in twenty- seven authentic spring colors dard 200 value featured by us at pair stan- 175 rayon shjc hose womens artificial silk hose firsts colors stucco med sand light sand peach pongee fauve pearl pqudre blue mauve and black per ak pair ttlc spring underwear note the good values silk and lisle vests womens lisle vests with silk stripe colors white pirik mauve and mnh jong sizes are 36 to 40 price r 55c bloomers to match price 55c childrens hose 11 ribbed cotton hose fast dye sizes tg 10 in black sizes 6 to 8 oc- in brown- price per pair a9c silk gloves heavy quiujtyiilklove3jnpjnge8 black and white sizes 6 to 7jj the lot regular 125 values for per pair 69c their name liveth- 7 tho nunc at ovory british and every french aoldlor alaln in tho battle of tho somme will bo inscribed in 4pldeh books to bo placed in the side chapel of a memorial sanctuary to be built outside amlenb k v at first it was intondod to write thr tiames of the dead on tho walls of tho sanctuary but there were so many thousands ot men lost in these battles that this idea bad to be abandoned i the side chapels of the sanctuary wll i bs dedicated to different divisions silk gloves wrist length in black and white sle 6 and regular 75c oq- for per pflif c lisle gloves womens lisle gloves wrist length style whitony sizes 6 to 1 q vz- special per pair ji7ce staple dept news factors cotton 36 inches wide yard 14c heavier quality yard 19c naincheck for underwear also used for childrens wear colors pink blue helio roe honeytjew 4 wiite 38 inches wide at per yard 29c womens vests harvey make no sleeve short sleeve and opera top styles and 29c prices 25c omens bloomers subbtandnrds feniftedbloomers in- white pink and special mah jong 33c 19c misses vests knitted cotton vests in sizes 30 32 and 34 bust special womens corsets gorgets for the average figure made of pfnk coutj medium low bust long skirt lightly boned sizes 21 to 27 special 89c satinette plain and striped satinette in a large variety of colors 36 ca inches wide per yard s7c broadcloth english broadcloth in a splendid assortmentofplain colors 38 inches wide per yard 95c and 125 broadcloth in pretty dress stripes in light and medium and dark colors per yard 100 fcnd 125 dress vohxs normandy and bedora voiles stamped on salvage shown jn spots and figures in a good assort ment of colors 38 inches ja wide yard 0c flannelette blankets largest size ibex blankets ryans price pr tailored dresses flannel dresses in plain bright colors alsd sand and brown sizes 16 years to 20 years j qff price putf d kashone dresses in plain and checks tailored and pleated styles sizes 16 years to 40 bust the d f aft natural pongee silk yd 49c another shipment of all pure silk pongee 34 inches m wide saturday and monday yanj f wash satin all silk light tvejght 7 wash satin white only yard i c wash satin heavy quality satin in pretty lingerie colors 36 inches wide 1 4a yard- 1j7 crepedechine heavy quality all silk even ly woven crepedechine many high colors also navy brown and black 33 d ac inches wide yard pl7d fugi silk striped fugi silk for dresses fine finish shown in a variety of new colors for spring and summer prices 135 and 195 yd poiret twill botany wove soft finished roiret twill in colors green oakwood terra pin alcaza red sand navy an 4 ga black 54 inches wide yd check faille all wool self check faille shown in popular colors for the d a ensemble suit 40 inches wide yd p17d ottoman faille all pure wool ottoman faille soft cord finish colors rosewood oak green sand goblin blue navy and black 40 inches t hth asus tricotine botany wool tricotine and poiret twill 54 inches wide in colors sand gocog geal nuvy j and price per fri fkti back yard guelph g b ryan co oems of thought tho warmth or hi fire is better nnjoyeri when shared tlinn whan mono polized at tho cost or crowding othern into the cold a man ouefrt not to e qo rqticent d to sit like tho owl anil think nnl blink hla wisdom awjiy in nllonce he ceta more for iln bread who casta it on the wtpt tlinn ho who devours u nlpisclf no irian can urve himself except indirectly through the aervlc of others heavy burdens carried xnuko ordin ary burdens light wo are built by our reactions to our environment y genius nceds obstruction secondhand win8 a young physician was buying the furniture for tho equipment of his office the salesman racked his brain to think of something else to sell him he had sold almost everything that was ttpproprjuup or necessary when he had u happy thffujfnt oh ym 1 nearly forgot ho ox- clulmed you nedo a dormat not a now one sufii tho young doctor ni get that at a second hand store a worn one wifl be a mucli bettor advertisement for me pitts burgh sun some 8ane advice eat less chow- moro loss walk more clothe less bathe more worry iphh work more fdlo les play more talk loss think more go less sleep more waste less rive mor scold less inugh more preach loss practise more there hj a pretty good lot of ndvlre in tho above forty wbrctn and itms worth going over several times giving thought to each sugges tlori better observance ot these rutes would tend to promote health happi ness and consequently a longer and moro useful llfo a wi8e fool the long and short of it detective can you give mo a goodniescripton of jour tumbler who vanished 7 hotel proprietor i believo he is about g feet 5 inches tall and about c7o00 abort 8arety essays by school pupils two hundred nnd forty cash prison totalling 3o0 aro being oftorod for competition wmong the school pupils of ontario for essayh on how chil dren may- help to avoid motor ac cidents the prizes jire being do nated by the ontario motor loaguo i9 part of its campaign to ellmlnato tho loss of life and limb on the street and rural highways the rear 8elf somo one has wild your chnrnctei is what you are in the dark somw- times- wo mlntnko tho personality wo jwuadcr before our acquaintances ami friends for oirr real self our character jtf what we aie when wo are not con- hcious of observation when the opinion of others ceases to be taken into con sideration and all that counts is our own selfrespect those whom we are pleased to look down upon as underwltted are not soldom very much better equipped with native shrewdness than we realize in a scottish village lived jamie pteo man who was known as tho in no- cent or fool of tho neighborhood peoplo used to offer him a sixpence or a ponny and tho fool would always chooso tho big coin of small value one day a stranger asked do you not know the difference of valuo that you always take ho penny aye frlni kpn tho difference re plied tho fool but if 1 took tfioi six pence they would never try mo again mmercij 0woh0tflvhjytas culinary courtship rramti fisher hte co 1003 rnrlght ave 3rluin janet had molded tho domestic af- fnffrs of a boston family for so many ytfarsp that tho itowa of her intended murrlag had much the effect of an carthauakc have you and david boimigaged long ventured the mis tress of tho household one week when next sabbath comes stated janet briefly and and had you any thought of marrying befdre that aaked her mu- tresa times i had and umes i had not said tho importurabla janet as any person will- but a month ago when i gave david a weo bit of the cake id been making and ho said to me manot have ye the- recipe firm in your mind lass so you could make it if mrs manns book would bo far from your reach i knew well the time wah drawing short and when said janet closing her eyes at the recollection t said to htm davldr the recipe is copied in a jittjo book of my ownpnd i saw the glint in his eye i reckoned twould be within tho month hod oak mo why brother said ituth to teddy ono day as the children were out in th yard at layi dont seo how the little plants know they should send their leaves up unci their roots below how do you know ho scornfully said you ftaould stand on your feet and not on your head use babys own soap its best for baby best foryou

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