Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 16, 1925, p. 4

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ip rtoit steprpu member canadian wecldjr newspaper association member selected town weeklies o ontario the acton i- bee press is publlshed every thursday morning at the tree press building mill street acton ontaro tile subscription prce is xoo per year in- advance postage is charged additional to offices in the united states the date to which subscriptions arc paid is indicated on the address label advertising rates transient advertise ments 10 cents per line agate measure lor first insertion and 5 cents per 1ne for each subse quent insertion contract display advertise ments for 50 inches or more per annum 18 cents per inch each insertion advertisements oaritli oul specllic directions iitbe inserted till forbid and charged accordingly ii p moore president and editor g a dills manager and assisfant editor telephones editorial and business office xiw residence of president nj i manager redistribution favors thdweta the biu redistributing the seats of ontario passed in the closing hours of the sossion of the legislature is regarded as unfair to the farmers and very favor able to the wets the new bill wipes out nine dry seats and adds ten wets making a difference of nineteen seats it js significant that every constitu ency wiped out is a dry one a leading temperane worke lay i u u iropef qrtntlfattiotrtbatfhe ar scared of the temperance sentiment of this province and they are fortifying themselyes against it most money for education the canadian provinces spend more fqrducntiofl than for any other purpose according to a sum mary of provincial finance just prepared by w a mckague editor of the monetary times toronto debt charges are now it is stated about 38000000 annuallybut these of course represent capital out lay for varied purposes about 25000000 per an num is spent on education alone total provincial outlay has advanced from below 4000000 in 1870 to 135000000 in 1923 in 1910 it was just 33000- 000 and in 1920 89000600 neighborhood news town and country burlington noted britishers opinion rnnfidentthnt-the-wnrldjs-onthe-verge-of- tho lights on tho wator tower arc fast disappearing and should bo ro- nowotl mrs a b colornan and family ro- turnedhromofrom xlbridaonthura- duy last mr coleman will remain in florida to a few tlayu tho ladles aid of st lukou will hold tholrannual easter salo ot aprons and other dainty articles also homo- mado baking candles eto in tho parish hall on april 16 v- mr and mrs william powelcxaw- vllle aniiounco tho engagement of tholr only daughter vera irene to harry percy king son of john o king of campbeltvllle tho marriage to take place during the easter week mr and mrs h p graham arrivod honto from florida on wednesday after spending the winter at palmet to manateo and bradenton known as the friendly cities mr and mm graham made tho trip trom tho south by motor and report an enjoyable and intel ouflne trip gazette the clemati8 georgetown thursday morning april 18 1925 editokial exports of cheese to britain i in the last three yearsaccording to figures given injlhe dominion dairy news tetter grent britain has imported 039383200 pounds of cheese of which canada hassupplied 33 1143588 pounds new zea land 464046800 pounds the netherlands 56002720 pounds italy 31699604 pounds australia 20930- 000 pounds the united states 9069424pounds and other countries 23531104 pounds a gratifying feature is that canadas exports of cheese to the motherland increases each year the same is true of our exports in january this year compared with the corresponding month in 1922 and 1923 another satisfying feature is that the quotations for the best canadian cheese usually run from four to eight shil lings per long hundredweight higher than for new zealand into the first two weeks of february this year the quotation for canadian cheese per 112 pounds was 93 to 102 shillings and for new zealand r- 92 to 96 shillings the greatest expansion of trade ever seen and itbis movement towards prosperity canada has obtained a running start said sir george paish distinguished british economist in an interview with press repre sentatives on njs arrival at winnipeg recently the year 1924 sir george declared was the turning point wmich would always be remembered for the first tima since the war a reasonable attitude has been sho vn on international problems 1 cannot emphasize too greatly the fact that the world is a unit whicji stands or falls together he added i anticipate high prices for canadian wheat over a considerableperiod of years canada is ready now to increase her production greatly the railways are there all thpje is needed is farmers to till the soil and these should be easy to get thus in the next decade sir george asserted i expect to see the canadian fanner prosperous and the vexing can adian railway problem solved through increased traffic the situation in canada today i confronted in canada today with a situation which ispartly an honorable warscar and partly a selfinflicted wound ids essential that our obliga- lions be met and cheerfully met all must be dis charged and none increased if business principles tf ytcvuiled the discharge should be rendered as easy as is proper and possible the reduction of obligations being aided by individual exertions curbed expen ditures and public and corporate thrift this is precisely the attitude of the liberal government to the position in which the country is today in the first place they have no apprehensions regarding the future of canada and they are taking elaborate care i to avoid false economic principles they recognize j t that there are certain difficulties which we ourselves must surmount the government knows- that more people are needed in the country and the reason why we need them is that we are not able to realiza 5upon our we lth without their assistance that we are not able to reduce the burden of taxation on the jjgjpt population without more production and the addition iiof afore shoulders over which to spread the load n they will be the first fo admit that our immigration progress has not been spectacular but the matter 4 has- not been lost sight of at ottawa much money t is being spent in order to attract people to this gs country and the cooperative effort between the government and the transportation and immigration agencies is now so much improved that the machinery jsjrtfle to work smoothly and well with inestimable advantage both to the numbers received and the facilityjwith which they are handled and placed letter writing frequently it is asserted that letterwriting is j lost ar certainly it is not in the oldfashioned aensef a much practised art the increasing use of jif ihelephone and the typewriter has been attended tsfr a d use tne p people are rather pleased to fancy themselves busier more driven ff with work than preceding generations of men and jc to took upon letterwriting as the ignoble occupation ofan indolent age they have a feeling that with automobiles and railways and telegraph facilities- for speeding up life they crowd twice as much experience into a day as the people of a century ago could i doy and that if they are to liye busjf active lives il aey can only write the briefest most necessary leters if fifed those who arenot churlish or ungenial about expressing themselves in speed write dry and meager ltw in which there is little flavor of personality t petltaps the decline in goodieterwriting owes less to an increase in the number or individual tasks pind duties than to the restlessness promoted by the various contrivances of modern life arfd to the lazi- nets intellectual and physical begotten of them jmjty a physically indolent man will prefer to take violent exercise rather than to sit at a desk and wrte especially in these days when exercise can be p had in so many attractive forms the intellectually jfeindolent man will not urge himself to the mental fcftsbtfeentration needed to write a good letter he will ffjot down a few commonplace statements and ex- j cressions and feel virtuous over havingperformed an irksome duty too busy to write more now jltoo- bflsjr to wfite before are there any phrases mj that fljow i more readily and shamelessly from the jpjen the best letters that have been written have gjnbeen those of busy men moreover they have not jjtsjeen exclusively those of men oftenws soldiers jailors explorers and statesmen in the midst of fp mo8t active and burdensome undertakings have contributed to the memorable correspondence of the tfyorld not that they tiadt unlimited leisure x i at they did not grudge what leisure they had only rttto person who is generous with his tine can writ jw letters jjf i looking forward buoyant optimism and abiding faith in canada and canadians these are the encouraging words that more than any others have given direction and im pulse to liberal doctrine liberal policies and liberal principles these fundamental ideas have beei translated inter political action by prime minister mackenzie kfng and bis government at ottawa we are a young country we have problems the new conditions thatwe face are unlike any that have gone before but just as our political history has shown that the fathers of liberalism in canada met their difficulties with head erect and knee unbent so too in this day and the days to come we canadians must face the conflict meet the problems and solve the troubles with a new application ot- the old princi pies and policies that is why in this virile young country with so much to do so much to be finished that liberalism blows its trumpet call to all men to do service for their country patriotism without service or practical works is an empty sound any thing that is easy to do is not of any value our problems are severe they must be faced and we must acquit ourselves like ted blooded canadian men and women our vast mineral treasurers lie before us to be revealed by the hand of toil our smiling acres call to our strong young men for tillage our in land streams and lakes and oceans wide teem with their millions for the fishermans net our forest stands ready for the woodmans axe and industry and manufacture follow in behind these vast virgin re sources liberalism means to work unceasingly to build big in this great vast land flung across a mighty continent it is a day of hope for faith for eger enthusiasm and optimistic endeavor will we- tarry in the dark grottoes of gloom or will we for ward looking with vision and glad faces advance korty of tho bualneps men in town have agreed to obaervo thursday nftei nooim us a hif holiday from april 16 to the end of o k iiursbry farm lstobo established on a glcnwnilanib farm mr thomas eaflon has disposed of his house on john street to mr john davidson j georgetown branch of tho womens institute spent an enjoyable evenlng- at the homo of mrs coo on wednes day april 1 s mrs c c boe has been appointed a member of the public library board in place of mr c w pnpat realgned uolno 24s andiitb no 383 will hold a grand ball and supper lit the town hall georgetown on fri day april 17 the proceeds to be do nated to jbne fire r alarm systom on thursday afternoon last mrs l 15 fleck rocolvectthe sad news that her brother mr j q anderson of brie pennsylvania had been fatally injured when struck by an auto the annual celebration of georges day wut be held in tho public library on saturday afternoon april 18th under the ausplcos of the wo mans auxiliary of st georges church mr and mrs josoph beaumont of glonwliiiaros ontario who are travel ing in- europe reached rome on tho 15th of march and wore received by his hollnoss pope pious xi on wed nesday march 18 a fish and game club is being or ganized ingeorgotown for the pro tection of game out of season at present there are a number of persons fishing streams contrary to law and the provinciate game inspector- has been notified herald the clomutlu in one of the most handsome of tho porcnnlul climsirfi plants unlike tho virginia ctecpcr or tho boston ivy the clcmatli requires a trains or other buppqrt as it doea not cling to tho wall ot us own ac cord tho ideal soil for clematis is a fine loam inclining to sandlneoa al though a heavy soil can bo mado suit able bytho udaltlonof uulkyfertlllxor and sand clematis doc6 well only in a well drcaincd jocatlon where tho sun does not strike directly on the lower part of tho stem- on tho southern wall unless shade can bo given if liow- over a southern wall is chosen a dwarf shrub planted in front of itwill provide thq necessary protection tho spring is the best time for setting out the clematis and it should be done on a cloudy day as tho plant is to re main for soveral years it is well to sivttffood lweparutlon by digging deep ly and fertilizing weu usng rotted stable manure particularly at tho bot tom of the hole the plants should bo set rather more deeply than moat o the other peronnlals and particular care should be taken to spread oat tho roots well in the hole arming the soil thoroughly and wittering well so as to bring tho soil attd the roots info very close contact the vines of the clematis are rather brittle and tho greatest core must be taken not to break these at tbo tlmw of planting it is recommended whon setting out a new plant to hill it up ten or twelve inches to protect it trbntinjury all oftthe vino above thh height should bo removed tho clem atis requires pruning in after years some sorts such as stella and duchesa of edinburgh flower pn the old wood wltn these varieties pruning simply means thinning out allowing some of the old stems to remain other var ieties among which arc the jackmanni flower on the now wood the pruning for these is to shorten the vine to about three feet when this is done strong new vines are produced to bear flowers at their proper season epitorial jjotes the- burlington gazette commenced its twenty- seventh volume with last issue the gazette is a real home paper during ail these years editor harris has very effectively kept burlington on the map and he has had the satisfaction of seeing the place grow from a village to a populous town of im portance the statement of the finance department issued last week covering all returns up to march 31 the end of the fiscal year shows a decrease in the net debt of canada during the month of march of 9101372 it shows an increase in ordinary reven ues during the month of march of 1882272 as compared with march 1924 and a decrease of 2- 878182 in ordinary expenditures owing to the territorial extent of canada the cost 6f government is probably mote than in any other englishspeaking country the total cost annually to the dominion is nearly 3000000 viz 18 cabinet ministers 9 lieutenantgovernors members of parl iament senators 1644000 andof the provinces 1278000 there fc nearly 900 legislators all told in the federal and provincial parliaments with our increased fire appliances and good pave ments to reach a fire in an almost incredible rime the council should take up the matter of reduced rates with the fire underwriters newmarket era newmarket council may just as well savethemselves trouble and disappointment the more a municipal ity does to meet the requirements of the fire under writers the more this exacting body is prepared to demand from the towns anxious to meet their re quirements after nine months travel and observation in both urban and rural areas of canada s frank mussared of the south african irrigation association johan nesburg is perfectly satisfied of the possibilities canada has toorfer to the right type of settler i may aay i landed in quebec coldly critical of a country of whose colonization schemes i had heard such varied criticism and af tr aine montha strann- ous xyork in urban opdwal- areas entirely on my own initiative i conciiide4 w jfoftr warmlyeiithubl- astictnd perfectly wiafled m pauities can adk has to offer to thfrrijht fypj of jottler vy v x i r j 4 r 1 erin mrs j 1 lettch has returned homo after spondfng the winter with he daughter in montreal on friday evening students of miss edlufculllgan put op a very successful piano recital in mcmillans hail when a large audience thoroughly enjoyed tho programme mr nell mcktnnon has rocently sold his clydesdale show gelding buster to- mr e t stephens of richmond hill mr stephens intends mating this gelding to compete at tho largo shows durlngtho next fail and winter this is the attn good horse mr mcklnnon has sold lately messrs r leitch and son pro prietors of the local grist mill and they will be obliged to shut down the mill for a time tho temporary dam built to tide them over until tho sum mer months failed to stand tho pres sure- thoy now have a gang of men on the job preparing for the erectloi of a concrete dam which will stand permanently on march 51 1825 one hundred years agotthe first marriage took place in erin township tbe contracting parties being george uemshaw and ami wheeler grandparonts of george mc- ailstcr of shelburno there was no snow on the ground that day as mr mcalistor heard his grandfather tell the story at the golden wedding an niversary fifty years ago tbe war ringo took place at what is now bills- bur tho ceremony being performed by a magistrate named mcbrlde who came from dundas street on horse back to perform the ceremony george hemshaw and ann wheeler bad seven children all of whom are now dead but tho youngest daughter mrs john nodyell of erin township formerly of tbe 16th lino east garafraxa who was elghtyblx years of age on april 1 advocate wi6p8 of wisdom any time is a good time to start carrying out a good idea if ou are ashamed of your position you should be ashamed of yourself optimism is the secret of achieve ment nothing can be dono without hope tour mind like boll will produce nothing unless ftitelllgcnuy tilled nothing that is but weeds he who loses money loses much he who loses a friend loses more but lie who loses courage loses all every thought generated in tho brain is a seed which must produce its har vest thistle or rose weed or wheat many foolish persona add to tho bur den of comorrow before thoy are call ed upon to bear it we can all in crease our worries it is as simple and surely better to lessen them sad is theday for any man whon he becomes absolutely satisfied with tho life he is living tho thoughts that he is thinking and the deeds that he fa doing when there ceases to be for ever beating at the doors of his soul a desire to do something larger which ho feels and knows ho was meant and intended to do dead turkey milton a rummage sale will bo held in knox church schoolroom on saturday may 2 mr and mrs donald q hannlng pusllnch announce the engagement 6f their eldest daughter elizabeth grace to harry d finn of milton the mar riage to take place in april yesterday seven linemen arrlvsd at the milton inn to begin work in tho repair of the nelson township co lines lately taken over by tho bell tolophono co prof tomllnson of agriculture col lege quclph gave an address on roses their cultivation and care on wednesday evening in knox cburcn schoolroom on surwuyr november 30th last edgar h carter employed by stanloy aghow nelson near lowvllle as n farm hand stole 70 while mr and mri agnew were out and disappeared the money belonged- to tho presbyter ian church of which mr agnew is treasurer carter is a convict on par- v from burwosh ref ormatbry ho has been arrested fn toronto where there about thirty charges against him the annual meeting of the ladles section of the milton lawn bowline club was held on monday evening at the homo of mrs s b mosher when the following officers were appointed president mrs d crawford vlcrt- presldcnt mrs j l king socretsry- treasuror mrs e b moshtr the 73rd anniversary of the metho dist church was celebrated on sun day last by special ieryices vtho preacher for tbe day wis rev dr speer of dundas who delivered two fine addresses to large congregations the special music by the choir under the leadership of g strickland thom son organist was qf high order an j much enjoyed by all atjthe clojjevpc the evening service a nil oft orgs cltnl was given by mr jxhonfetok slsted by dr gavld tonoif oftoront- and each ot his numbers were greatiy enjoyed as were also organ selec tions by mr thomson the financial results of the nnnlversary were hlghlx satisfactory over 11000 being placn1 on the plates on monday avonlng under the auspices of the young pooilev league dr speer gave hi lecture ot crawlers crulchsr iitl cllmberb champion a precedent y 4 the gnilbv had men showing thelady visitor over the ship in thanking him she said i i if see that by the rules of your shl- tips are forbidden t tor bless yer eart maam re plied jack so were the apples in tho garden ot bden titkits london how a dishonest hobltmay mislead is illustrated by tho story of a com mission merchant who js an extremely close buyer whon he receives a consignment ho never fails to claim an allowance for something alleged to have spoiled on tho way this habit is well known to tho trado and has led to manycomplaints from shippers but the merchant had always mapuged to come out on top during christmas week as the story goes jibitoeetved several harrala-ox- fatdresaed turkeys from a poultrynan in tho northwest heretofore ho hpi dealt exclusively in live iowl8 and probably the correspondencefclork grot thlngs mixed at any rate the ship per wus astonished to receive a letter by return mail running about as fol lows dear sir wo regret toadvlse you that four or the turkeys in your con signment of december reached here dead pleaso make deduction lor tho same and returh correct amount tours truly the poultryman communed with himself and replied thus dearsir i am sorry to say i find it impossible to make concession re quested i havacstalnlshcd a rulo requiring ail customers who desire llva dressed turkeys to notify us in advance so wo can send them in heated cars turkeys without their feathors and insldes are liable to catch cold if ship- pod in the ordinary manner the mor tality among dressed turkeys was very largo this year tours mournfully that ended tho correspondence danger of contagion vhen bobbys mother returnedfrom her shopping she found nor young son in a flnotagc and the pretty nurse maid in tears is the matter nowt asked the mother sure maam hes roarln because i wouldnt leave him go to play with the burton children said nora and it wasnt that i wanted to deny him but mrs burton called across they was hjtving charades and i didnt know whether bobby hatl ever had then ar not maam corn business directory medical rennies selected pure bred seed corn is o uniform hltfh fionnlaation and to tho bes jtiat caiverored mtjwhcr it is caro- ruu selected and thoroughly acclimated to canadian growing conditions we hiehly recommend the following vaneties luted in the order of their popuunty i wsnnies best strains op dents luroviid leauino wlirre cap bail golden glow rennies best strains offunts courtoxs lofhoreixow north dakota woconi no 7 glant wlurs cnsltacs kid cos enaacs fwrjail scj 5t cwi anuja uvu ucmljojir or jlrtufrom william dor adelaide sod jarvis si rennie torqnto if you carina obtain locally please vfrlte us floing jout deater address vfvtfateu t chatham ont- seed com establishment equipped with tbe ipott modem machineryfar handung- high erode seed corn andm which ha been installed all the latest improve cleaning jesting and drying machinery of the moat modern scientific invention tw dominion sj npsw in s recent report trt fju impor planting at n hmtmg caoiw cnmrwu dmmaf to sted dr- j a jhcniven physician and surgaon lontdiine ornor bower and elgin street phonb 88 dr e j nelson preberiok 8tkeet acton ontario legal phono no 28 p o box si n nash paffmfp m a osrriater solicitor notary public convsyancar te fbrsaje in abgooddtuq stores dr caldwells laxative syrup pepsin perryman block acton ont monet lent on mortoac1bs ioun- 030 n m fo 6 pjn saturdays 1240 ocloelk- h g meir barrister solicitor notary publle fisoraatownr pm dental dr j mbell dd s l d dsntist honor graduate of toronto ttnlirw slty tho latest anesthetic used it desired ofllce at resldenco corner ot mill and frederick streets dr f g golfcop dds lds dental 9uraeon offlce over bank of nova sootla norms o to eso stvenlnga by appointment miscellaneous it pays to use martin senour woodlac stain for furnituvbfloors woodwork write to head office montreal for free booklet home painting made easy sold by w d c talbot agton ontario francis nunan bookbinder account books of all kinds made to order periodicals of every description carefully bound ruling neatly and promptly done wyndbam street over wmiamtt quolph out store r j kerk auctioneer and real estate 20 years experience list tottr propbrtir with mb acton ontario lagging spring appetites can be bolstered up and stimulated by letting us do your baking dont worry and stew over a pio for- dinner rr some cake for supper when you can buy such delicious homemade baking at fairbanks i our bread isthe staff of life in most acton homes fairbanks bakery phone 116 mill st acton dr j cadesky of toronto eyesight specialist wiix be at a t browns drug store acton monday hay 4 anyone suffering from eye strain ihsfectlvo vision or headacho should not miss the opportunity of consulting this oyeslffht specialist appoint ments may bo mado with mr a t brown druggist consultation free office hours 9 m till 4 p m kneourfva dont ducourajr points of superiority single bu bearing snapeoib the bowl it pin like top bowl is self balancing cannot get oat of alignment this is an exclusive melotte feature it tarns easier than any other seaamtor of similar capacity sanitary milk anal cream chamberfined with white bathtub enamel retrace tinware onehalf makes cleaning easy is always sanitary bits a life- ferguson bros ballinafad ontario phena otorgitown us rlnp 6 square cut gears not spiral all enclosed verti cally aixfinounted running in oil on steel ball bearings u suspended selfbalancing bowl no bottom bearing to wear or cause vibrfctian and poor shimming self draining howl insures clean discs prevents cream waste milk cannot sour in the howl if it is left standing before washing som ct icon baae and ftaiufr ilid andsanlfasry mtimmm a e nicklin insurance agent life auto accidant and health insuranca guarantee bonds burglary and plate glaia insurance trustee for estates collectiona bualncsj entrusted to my cans will bo carefully looked utter and treated confidentially box 4h bower ave acton start on monday at guelph business college gumnnor bldg quelph ont for thorough training by individual instruction from businesa experienced in- structors courses secretarial bookkeepers stenographers guelph business college graduates are in demand a l bouck principal- and proprietor a- dont neglect your eyes take advantage of specialist services ottered by this estab lishment and know your glasses ore night experience is a good teacher 1903 192s wo havo had over twenty years at it and hero patrons aro assured or the best in op tica- service a d savage optometrist and mfg optician savage building klght at tho post omco guelph ontario the old and sellable granite and marble works wo oro manufacturers and direct importers of all kinds of monuments and headstone work wo soil direct to our customers at wholcsalo prices thus savinfr our customer 40 per cenl wo havo tho best appliances and tho only mechanics la tho dominion who can oporato pneumatic tools properly wo can givo references from hundreds of our ouatomora in toronto and other places whero others have to have law suits in order to collect wo havo the lorsest and host stook ot granite in tho dominion or more than any three dealers in the west wo nro legiti mate dealers and employ no agents and do not annoy or pest customers by sending out isnorant agonts sollolt- lost ordera- wo employ only mechanics and aery- competition blamilton sons w guelph ont m begiairaluagmat subscriptions for all maga- 3inrs taken at the frebj j bess office ftr

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