Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 16, 1925, p. 5

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lie artan3ffiw ppflfl thursday april 10 1026 oh to be in england tho littlo hinoh of fine land from gumborlnnd to kcw are dressing up fat- aprlne in the april dew kiiikois dnrfdiia tall ycl lowbroom j will mark the road to london in a i31u3g6 of bloom oh the red cliff a of devon- arid thp wjjlto cliita of kent and tho breath of tho pownn and tho wild sweet spent of thymes in tho rain when tho wind blown over lyom the wold a to tho weald on its way to dover theres- a wild brlarroao and u blue harebell iii a littlo ei lane by rqbln hoodh well and down by tho pool 1h a pink hedgerow therell bo popples through tho jporn wher the buttereupa go r oh its wild 6a the moor where tho swift- dart flows and its bare on the lillla and a blealc wind iilowe but tho april fairies and the elves of colitho aro making eoata at heather and gowns of goxfle j dovo neju wateramcetr canterbury town oods hill fairy crosa littlo berry dowp dear names of melody soft as a prayer f theres love in tho english lanes and aprils thoro- vilda sauyago owens the sunday schooi lesscn for sunday april 10 hfh in th bahjly church- acts 4 3237 twenty years ago from tho issue of the free preu of thursday april 20 1905 april has had moro wintry weather than march tho schools fcloae this evening to re open on monday may 1st for easter holidays easter sunday april 22 a now waste gut and othor repaint aro being made at the mill dam foot of mill streol w gimson painter has quit trans formed the appearance of tho new mens store in mrs secorda block both inside and out mr e s rice haa purchased thu homestead belonging to tho speight estate at the foot of willow street a rumoif is current that another chartered bank proposes locating in acton rev j gbrbwric a- rector of st albans church has completed ar rangements for removal to- -tho-bar- badocs he will leave acton sortie time during may during hhj two yearshere he has endeared himself to hhjconkregatibn and won tho highest esteem of t hoco mm unity for sale or to lietthoue two love- ly lots opposite to mr grind ells shop sa secord tho baseball season opened jnsat- urday with a- somewhat exciting mutch between acoimle of ou junior team captained by fred smith and john clarke jr tho score was 1211 in xavordfjtheeiarko-nion- tfie acton greys baseball club waji organized last week under the follow ing officers hon president a o board more president l francla 1st vicepres a a wttlte 2nd vlce- pres henry sherman 3rd vlcoprch w s chlsholm managing committee n mcnabb p brown arid h o adams manager geojhynds secre tary- treasurer o brown park coro- mitteo p wilson o cook mr arthur a white has gone to toronto to be fn readiness for tho horse show next wck he ha twenty- one entries distributed over half a dozen classes born rath at popular vale farm ka- quoalng on tueaday april 18 1005 to mr and mrs james rath a son died- brunt at hler home lake avenue aclon on thursday april is 100b thomas brunt in his sixtyeighth year oibbons at tho family residence hecqnd line- ebciuesinsr on wodnea- day april 12 1905 james gibbons in his eightysixth year mann at- orangevilte on wednes day april 12 1005- donald mann formerly of acton in his 69th year mjllst alexandria hospital fer- jus on wednesday april 19th 192 g ames mills of acton used 66 years h 18 own schedule golden text tho multitude of them that believed wero of ono heart and of onosoul acts i 3h time a d 30 or later place jerusalem tho lesson eytplainod 1 a spiritfllled church acts 1 3237 somo time has passed since pente cost a year or wpre tit still the unity and lovo of tho early church abldo 11 was dcepjjeated and permanent jta sourtfo is found jn verae 31 they all wero filled with tho jjoly ghost unity and love aro t bo seen in gonu- ino christianity in every ngo but tho forms of their expression may differ even as they did in tlio early church for we find no community 61 geodrf outside jerusalem but no true chris tian regards aught of the things which hfa possesses lb his own verso 32 cf 1 john 3 14 17 18 th power of tho holytttioutwas manifested not moro ly ia love and unity which ho produced in brotherhood but in- their testimony for the lord jesus with groat power gave -the- apoatley witness to the re surrectlon of tho lord jesub there ia evidently nothing moro needed by tho individual boliver and tho church to day than a new filling with tho holy ghost that there may again be manifestation of love unity and of power like that of which wo hear hore tho greok word translated gave in verse 33 is a peculiar- -vord- uoccurs 47 times in the now testataent arid al ways has in it the thought of giving something duo vthojr witness of the resurrection of the lord jesus was something the apostles owed to v the world and it is some thing every one who knows jesus christ owes to tho world to give their witness to him when one is filled vith the holy spirit it is of jesus chulst and espec ially of his resurrection tha he will bear witnessi another result of tholr boing flued wth tho htoly spirit was that great grace wan uijon all grace means favor we arenot told whether it was gods favor or mails favor that was upon them it seems there fore to imply both tho reason why great grace was upon thotn allwas be cause love arid selfoacrjflce abounded no man looked tip on hu own interest but every man on tho doings of the other the principal upon which thoy- made distribution wis a chrlsilan principle unto each according as any ono had need not according to dis- tinguished abilities onotaljfe service but according o vneedv every true chriatian win consider hia property not as his own but as belonging- to thj whole church and to bo japd for thorn tho preeminent illustration of chris- tlan love in tho brotherhood of jeru salem was barnabas if we had moid barnabasea tbdaywe would havo loss troubles and less missionary deficits r 2 devilfilled hypocrite ch 6 15 we havebeen looking upon an ex ceedingly fair picture but the scene changes tho berpent again ehterd den- up to this point the- churchs chief danger has been crora- without but now it faces tho greater peril of foes within no- wonder god who lovos his church dealt wih this mat ter with a stern hand- the atmosphere of love and entire consecration in which- the deed of ananias was done made it tho moreunpar do noble the same words aro used in describing his action as those used in describing the action of barnabas up to a certain roin but what a- difference in the one case we have a- deed of eelf-for- getting love in the other a deed of elofiely calculating hypooricy the early church was not perfect as some seem to imagine that it was shore was in it ananias and a bapphlra us wtell known as barnabaa the he ananias was more- than an ordinary ho he had seen the wholehearted barnabas ocjcuvi4 3ffs7 how he had literally brought all that he hadanrt laid it at tho apbstlea tiet ho had safely back in rsv nd mr their heotor mchlun fiaijich mission station india key to cross word puzzle horizontal 1 like m 3 three all 6 vehicle- 7 a growth ooa certain liiild of tfcge- 1 tation 9 in the direction of 10 printer- 12 soldier ab 13 amansr nnme ab 14 to make love in low murmuring tones 16 not uo- v 20 to support give succor 23 a rion commissioned member of an army 24 asmall sliver coin used in several spanlshspeaklrigcountrles 25 what we should keep out of 28 near 29 a signal used by sailors v 32 bend 35 a largo body fresh water 36 a domestic animal vertical j part of a house 2 bashful 3 a gait- 4 of clever mind t rwhnt peelers- are sometimes called 6 coarse grass 8 combat reslht 9 polute tincturev- 11 a personal pronpun 15 a cereal- j17 a bone 18 an organ of sense 10 a kind of fish 21 lowest th lowest ebb 22 a member of the tiger family 23 to take an attitude for a picture efltoronto tranffpottauen com nils sion ab 27 an abbreviation- for a canadian city 30 a conjunction 31 seventh note of the platonic scale 33 an exclamation 37 an abbreviation for department of 34 latin abbreviation for year of puc war used on military trucks and lord- 7 equipment i major grant and the stones everyone was delighted to see our worthy citizen and veteran curler major grant- present at tho curlers banquet and enjoyed ilstenlng to his seen tho admiration the consecrated reminiscences of curling in bygone no- man ever succeeded in his work 4t is said who was not overworked a days work to man who is master of his own destinies may mean much work as he can squeeze into tho hours between rising and going to bed a workman came out of a little car- ponter shop juflt after dark and was met by friend who had hn his sup per changed his clothes and aalcratiojj ia not unto man but unto in do wii town again for a rood time l y- hallo fcald the man lii tho koou clothes just getting through not quite through yet replied the man in the overalls dot to go back for a fow minutes and onieh up well arent ou working overtime no v what tlmo do you beifln sevan sharjv- but tho union bchodule is olglit hours and your employer will have the dolegato after him no ho wont i have just bought this shop and lam my own employer theunlon has notiilng to say about how long an employer shall work booo facts about canada 6000pacts about canada is famous as a rich storehouse of information v the dominion it is the produc- tlon of prank yclgh the recognized authority oh this country aa writer an lecturer the 22ndnnnuitt edition is out or 1925 and will as in- former years be welcomed by tlie apprecia tive public- fifty chaptersfrom agriculture to yukon- include ft series or striking facts presented in u crisp terse form that fastens them on the mind the 1b2b issue contains much hew matter including u striking epmparatlvo table of our national growth during tho quarter of a century since 1800 tho book may be secured at leading dealers or by sondlng 36 cents to tho canallan tacts publishing co 588 huron street toronto ho who would know canada will find this wonderful little book a means to that end would remember her v r mrapmith was an ardent worker in the causer of the provent6n bf cruelty to animals avnd when mis brown came to ten told her a psrhotio ale- t of n donkey tnat she bqd reeouod t from-acruprmaster- the day before- thi visiter was very inlerestednd wen- she rose to go imld f wn 10 glad you havo told me all tlise fasclnntlnff things about animals dear mrs smith i nhall never see u dbhkey again without thinking of you swetfts for the veet my sister is uwfth lucky said one little boy to the other yhyr she went to a party last night and they played a game in which the men dither hftd to jclss a girl or pay a forfeit of ft box of ohopolates of chocolates peatfon barnabas had awakened in the apos tolla company ho decided togain the some applause forhlmsoir but without paying the full price he too vsold a possession but secreted part of the price and brought the rest with tho intent to deceive the church the holy spirit guided tho early church and an attempt to deceive the spirit- guided church was an attempt to de ceive tho spirit himself furthermore he pretended full consecration whea ho did not possess it now consecration is to tho holy spirit und to pretend to consecrate when ono does not is to lie to the holy ghost his pre sumption brought swift and- awful judgment ananias fell dead tho mo ment his sin was uncover edtht aw ful warning to all who attempt to de ceive god not all lying can be prop erly bo called lylnjr to god but when therelsftt false pretenso of entire con- peters question implies chat while the plan had originated with satan ananias was none tho less re sponsible in that he had given place to satan and permitted him to fill his heart the fact that his sin originated with satan did hot lesson but aggra vated his guilt r had entered into partnership with the devil and this is what every liar is doing every teacher of error instead- of tho truth of god in chapter 4 we havothe truo dis ciples spiritfilled chapter 4 31 but here we have c ananias dcvinfllled the heart that is open to the holy spirit he will fill tho heart that is open to satan he will nil- the ono who pretends to an entire consecration that docs not exist is tempting trie spirit of the lord verm 9 it is a dangerous thing to do it may bring physical death in eyciy lnstanco for god gives illustrations of sis feeling toward certatnslns as eft of achan and hero then it is not asaln visited with immediate judgment but there will be great loss nono ttxti less for every one who pretends to full conse cration when he has not caadelt and thus lies to the ghost the ef fect of this stern judgment in the prest ent joining tfie church from mercen ary motives wete held back from doing so verso 13 would 4hat the spirit were present in such itovfcr in tho church today that hypocrites would regard it with terror anijrtot dare to join themselves to it but while ot the rest no man daren join himself to them real bellvers wcr the more lidded to tho lord multitudes both of man and women the deception of annnlas imperiled the infant ohuivh it threatened to choke tho fountain of dlvlpe love that had sprung- up in ths selfish world th stern judgment wn a richly merited and masv grstolqusfror itolfted and saved the church onily ussdlngs for nsxt wssk monday april 20 stephen chosen deacqn acta 6 17 tuesday april 21 stephen before the council acts 6 815 wednesday v 22 the martyr dom pf stephen acts 7 67fl0 thursday apri 28 heroes of tho faith heb 11 3240 jtldny april 24 the first martyr gen 4 38 w saturday april 2r the glory of the martyr bev 7r lfl17 sunday april 2s jehovah our strength psalm 27 a truthful juvenile mother johnny whacnre you doltt in tho pajitry an mgst news of local import new canadian 25cent paper bill the third issuo of 26ceht paper bills commonly known as shtnplaat- cru to appear in the fifty yiers since the rtrst billwere usufdcj8now-belng- put into circulation the new bills are considered neater and more artis tic in design and show a decided im provements over theold typo of bill hon huph guthrie off foveurops hon hugh outhrlo m p for south wellington who has been suffering jtrom jj severe bronchial affection for somo weeks which has temporarily af fected his speaklngvolcc has been or dered by his physician to take a sea trlrifqr his health he left now york on a visit to the south of lyance where- ho will spend flvo weeks mr guthrie is accompanied by mrs -cluth- rle their son cliarlea and j daughter miss helen i f a bible in halton 292 years old a rare old bible has been handed down by family relations to charles cooper of oakvllle it is an english bible printed in tho university of cambridge bngland in the year 133 and is therefore 292 years old it is 914 inches long 6 inches wide and 4 inches deep the cover is made of wood covered with leather and brass corners this bible wouhjt probably rank among the oldest in private pos session to have been handed down from generation to igeneratloh in the same family and would be valued at qulto a large sum were it for salerocord answer to last weeks puzzle huwljlii hliiiiiii mwsj lmill i uludll lj 1 iin w i usii tij ii limh ii 11 1- i- 1 iririi niiiri iii liimh jrot iij iiji mmh na iii idnii ji ij i r iiiti in 1 u- ijiiij ono rniii vuk w u rii h uj u i iii mm iuja 110 idwfl uau iiiroik in khii riiiu iii 1 mviimis jjj j ml rulirfmil lutil nil i wifiiiu u wna liiiuairc ioiujn i content a letter wis received lost week by miss jean mclean from her brother rev hector mclean stating that ha and mrs mclean wero nearing tholr destination in india the scene of their missionary labors f j and took tho steamer at 8u john nb the next afternoon on tho montlaurler for liverpool they had a very pleas ant voyage and upon reaching liver pool were met by a lady friend who entertained them at her fine home for a week in liverpool tho grass was green and the flowers were still blooming in tlie park jr while in liverpool they srvnttb s the one new cathedral which the king and queen opened last july- it is huge structure lias been about 20 years in building- has cost about 10 000606 and is only half built yet one wonders if this is a wise investment when there is so much poverty and distress 1 in the land on trie evening of january 23 they crabalked on the steamship pegle for rougeom there were forty passengers on board tlie first port called at was port bald which was reached in 12 days a few hours were spent on ho shore where mr and mrs mcleap visited some missionaries who are doing good work there two missionaries connected with the american baptist mission were fellow companions on the boat v they were solng to take up work in burma the missionary werk ln burma is among the karens who number about 3000000 of whom tibout c7o00 are christians we have justjieen an account in the paper of 200 ch n eseclirls tlhhsbe ing beheaded for refusing to grow opium the lives of- 1500 more are in danger for the sam4 reason in concluding this interesting- letter mr mclean soys we praise the bora as we recall the very pleasant time spent in the old home lost year and tfarthejdnd words of encouragement and the generous gifts which enabled us to reurtn so early to our field the letter was written on the steam er on february 16 facts about tea eriesno 3 mountaingrown teas best tbe tea plant grows ibest in the pure coof atmosphere of a mountain tea garden the higher the garden the finer and more de licious the flavour of the tea this is part ly due to the clear sunshine on a niglm mountain side partly to the more invigor- a tingair partly to the more frequent rain fall and perfect drainage the largest and roughest leaf grown at an elevation of 700o feet is much superior in flavour tp the tiniest tip grown only 2000 feet above sea- level all teas used in the salada blends are grown front 4000 feet to 7500 feet ele vation the trademark salada is a guarantee of quality railway time tables anadian nati0nalrahways at acton qolng west no 29 np 1 tfbraf no sb v no 3 no 25 sunday 809 ojn 220 pjn 609 pjn 839 pm 1020 ojib oolna east no 20 no 30 no 34 no sb no 38 no 24 sunday 70g ajn 1118 ojn 33spjn 017djjj 813 pm 708 pjll a credit to all the following letter from a former resident will be read with interest dear- mr editor ypieasc findenclosed 2100 for your valued weekly newspaper the actoy ftudf fttsss i consider your paper a credit to the editor stuff the town and the community things are rather quiet around here just now if it were not for church union 44 beer and the 3 cents extra per gallon on gasoline all-three- are a conundrum to me but time will tell results- wishing yqual success 1 remain subscribbr for tears bclwood march 31 192s canadian national electric railwav8 westbound dally except sunday 743 am bally dolly dally dally djilly dally dally dally j 943 am- 1j43 ajn 143 pm 843 p inv 643 pjn 743 pjn 943 pm i i233 omu yoonq qirl8 daya the major was a member of the first curling club organized in georgetown in i860 and is today the only surviving member of that organi zation he has taken part in the game for the post- 69 yeorsywas one of the most enihusiabtlo players on the ice during the past season und it was a rare occasion when the major- did not put his shot when it would do the most good may he continue to grow young and enjoy the roorln game is the wish of every citizen hjerald major grant enjoyed aurltng in acton whenhewua a resident here over half a contury ago many a game he ployed on tho old mill pond with actons crack- curlers- ofthose early days orowina alfalfa fpr foddr sit oyery farmer in halton- county were growing alfalfa nnd feeding it to good llvo stock there would he less taljc about hard times and no money- ln farming says an experienced- farmer alfalfa is not a new plant its merits as a cattlefeed were recog- nlzod at least 2600 years ago and wherever grown it has always been highly esteemed as a forogo plant it- has been grown in canada for- moro than fifty years and la very popular wherever farmers have grown it suc cessfully and have learned its great value as a feed a number of fatrmers are growing it successfully invarious parts of halton county but its use is not general enough every farm should have its fields of alfalfa one of the reasons for this valuablot crops slow distribution in tho past has been because much of tle seed sown was from warmer ciurtates and not being hardy was quite unsatisfactory qood hardy ontario grown seed is essential for succeas such seed is available how but should bo purchased- without delay as the supply in the province is getting low and tho price is going up v one night out fixes the tea kettle here is the remedy to got the lime out a tea kettle with little trouble efrnpty the kettle removing the top set outside over light during hard freexlng weather tho molsturo in tho lime will cause it to freeze and bo- come brittle thus early the following morning it may be taken off the sides in largo chunks depending on how hard it is froen this method has been used several times with success by members of fho homo ccobomlcs staff of purdue uflversity who bavo found it quite successful thpor mans ifrlsndrput up in sma41 bottles thatwro easliynortabje and sold- for m very small 6m thomas ecleptric oh possesses power in concehtrrted form its cheapness and the varied uses to which it can be put make it the poor mona friend no dealers stock im complete without it tabasco sauce thats a remarkably stronif sauce you have mrs tnbasoa- bald tho visitor as he wiped a tear from his oye yos was the reply we always have a bottle on the table although we dont use it ourselves- the visitor looked puzslod well you see came tho explana tion it does so amuse bobby wheii take on overdose and pretend why 1 llkemy wqrkl la jheblb- ject on which a newspaper of cech6- slovakla recently invited contributions from itaireaders one woman vroto my life and my work aro just he simple humdrum of a gpod houie- keeper i take my dally life and all its cares simply- as they come with out posing oa a martyr 1 do not ask anybody- to understand me becauae 1 have learned to find an outlet for my creative instinct within my own fourwalls i have assumed responsi bility for the happiness of those who are near me with the result that my own troubles retreat increasingly into the background it would be hard to imagine a woman more contentwfth her lot and yetbefore her tmxrrlsgq this woman ahranlc from the task of homemakef her ambition was to be a doctor makes broathing eaaythe con atrlctlon of the air passages and thtr struggle for breath- to- familiar evl- dence of asthmatic troubla cannot daunt dr j d kelloggs asthma item edy this is the famous remedy that is far known and wldefor its complete effflctlveness even under very severs conditions it is no untried experi mental preparation but one wlthmany years of strong service behind ity buy- it from your nearest dealer certainly not scotch quests- of the latesir henry csmp- bollbannerman were discussing thtf nationality bf j h taylor the formisr gold champion writes a contributor to fryar magazine and one of ths party asserted that the player was a scot sir henry- was inclined to agree with blm well said ono of the visitors all i know about taylor la that hes a very nlco man my club engaged hlm to play an- exhibition match at a axed fee but it was so wet that play wai impossible when he was offered th fee- he firmly refused to take it an1 would receive only his bare travehtns expenses compbellbannermon turned toths other man- who hadbeen so sore of taylors caledonian birth and said im afraid that fact is fatal to our contention testing nephews knowledge there vis a certain old german of wllkesbarre pennsylvania whose pride like that of many selfmade men leads him at times into a sort of pat ronizing condescension towards those things he did not have- time for when hewas making his life upon tho occasion ofthe graduation of a nephew he asked veil wllhelm vdt did dey teach you up there greek und luttln said the boy and german and algebra so sol murmured the old ger man and vots oer algebra for pota roes nowt if fatheri and mother only knew 1u they could often get light onfthe prob lem of training their children from the experience oi experts in dealing with other peoples children even when the children j read a very different walk of life for obvloasly all sound conclu- alonr- drawn from experlenee with a roup of human beings must apply in ome degree to other human beings of the same age and sex a book entitled young- working rls recently complltcl for the bene fit of social workers supplies a cosn irt iiolnl it gives the views of settle ment workers oil over the country on the question what is best for young forking girls the book contains nearly all there is to- say on the sub ject it is illuminating and thereader feels bound to accept at least those conclusions that are unanimous the testimony- is especially convincing when itcrrabrates traditional viows for settlement workers are free lances and seldom err in the direction ofcbn- servatlsm thref such traditional views the book restates with conviction first girls have a natural inclination to purity and modesty that exercises remarkable effect for good on men secondly this natural protection is not effective beyond a certain point protection from without is sometimes neoesgary to save them from- going beyond it- itlle not wise to letthem have their own way in tho matter of going about unattended lastly the best protection o girl can havo la a rood home fathers and mothers who are try- ilm to protect their daughters who -call- them unsympathetic and oldfashioned should take heart to persist some day the girls will thank thtm fathers and mothers who are letting their daughters have their fling and do as the rest do should take heed before it is too late finally since girls feel that they can protccftheijelve parents cannot ex pect them to desire or enjoy super vision unless through the home can hove all the fun and freedom possible one household must join hands with another they must take turns in using their living- rooms for games their dining rooms fof sup pers their kitchens for candy pulls and their horses ana automobiles ami tennis courts for the enjoyment of their young people whenever home pleasurers arjnnot enough- parents must take turns in playing chaperon elsewhere and tfiey must do it all not grudgingly but cheerfully and with enjoyment every bit of sym pathy and companionship of which they are capable la none too much for itoe need the worma that infest children yfrom their birth are of two kinds those- tho find lodgntont in the stdmach and those ttfat are found lh the intestines thj latterare the most deatruouvev as they cling to the walls of the intestinch and if not interfered with work havoc there millers worm powders dis lodge both kinds and while expelling them from the system serve to jrepalr the damage tkey have caused no 1orway tonyearrold william came home ono day in a regrettable atalo ofdls order and a somewhat brulsedljac o wilhel wiulol exclaimed his mothor shockbv and grleved ryou have disobeyed me again- nr often hva i teld you not to play with that naughty jones boy mama said william in utter dla gust at this feminine reprimand do i look aa if i had been playing with anybody hard on the guest the important guest was sitting at lunch opposite a little girl whose yi were rlvetted on his face fory time ho raised his glass to hi lips finally unable to restrain herself any longer she turned to her mother and exolalmed t mummy why did you say that col weeks drinks like a fish he does ipk-v- t the oil for the firmer a bottle of dr thomas eciectrlc oh in the farm house will save many a- journey to the doctor it is not only good for the children when taken with cold an j croup and- for- the mature who suffer from pains arid aches but there are dlrectlens for its use on sick cattle there should always be a bottle of it lathe bouse too slow a certain blackamlth although an expert at his trade was quite ignorant of surgical methods when he sprain ed hia wrist one stfternoon he hurried to the doctors office the- doctor examined the- wrist and then took a small bottle from a shelf but found it emptyv james he- said turning to hia as- slntsnt go upstairs and bring me down a couple of those phials whats that exclaimed the pa tient suddenly showing signs w emo tion i merely askedmy assistant to bring rue a of phials from up stairs answered thri doctor mies cried the blacksmith no ypu dont if that hand has got to come off use an axe or saw j for coughs colds j f jmd bronchitis g reporton a canadas m h tj afcvs vvs at frequent intervals throughout the season the bank of montreal issues reports on the progress of the crops in canada these re ports telegraphed to headquarters from the managers of the banks 600 braioches cover eyery prov ince and form a reliable index of crop ronditions the reports are furnished free upon request at any branch of the bank your name will be placed on our mailing list total assets in brats of 70000000000 esatbound dolly u dolly except sunday dally dally dally pally dally dally dally 743 am 943 ajm 1143 am 143 pjn 343 prn 643 pan 743pjn- 943 pm 1140 pm avi freight deumered by special expresa freight frelgbt picked up at any ad dress in toronto t e gibbons expert shoe- repairing prompt attention to orders left texiibbons main street i r3 l m 32u m it pays to use red school ousepai fbr barns wd outbuildings if has noteouai vrttatoheoftkftmortrejej ftr ft boowsrt home aintlfmc made easy soilb by wdtcrtaibot acton ontario notice op application for divorce notice is hereby given that wal ter ernest colwelew the town of oakvllle fh tho county of halton in the province of johtarlo manufacturer will apply to tho paruat tnent of canada at tho present session thereof for a bill of dhforeo from his wife edith effie colweli of the town of oakvllle in tho county of halton in the province of ontario on the ground- of adnltery and desertion dated- at the city of toronto in the county of york in tho province of ontario this 17th day of march a jd 12b heyi hbyd shorey kbwman e14 confederation ufa building toronto solicitors for the abovernamed walter ernest colwell tho applicant a 395 jtidtherl jtctiers ostorja is a harmless substitute for castor oil paregpric telling drts asfjothing syraps prepar to relieve infants in anps and children all ages of constipation wind colic flatotoicy to sweeten stornadb drarrhea regulate bowels aids in the assimilation of food promoting cheerfulness rest and natural sleep without opiates j to iroiol imitations always look fbrthe sigiurare of owvstvxi proven direclionji on each package phywans jevetywhere recommend it notice to creditors of the estate of je88ie martin deceased the creditors of jessie martin late of the township of esqueslng in the county of halton widow who died on the seventeenth day of march 1925 and all persona having claims- against her estate- are required on or bofore the twentieth day of may 1926 to send bypost prepaid or otherwise deliver to the undersigned solicitor tholr full names addressoa and descriptions and full particulars of their claims on and after tho sold twentieth day of may tho executors will proceed to distribute the assets of tho bald estate among tho partios entitled thereto and- they horeby give notice that they will not be responsible there after for any claim or claims of which they shall- not havo received notice dated this second day of april a d 192s george stewart martin and thomas d 3 farmer exocutors by h n farmer acton ont their solicitor v 403 21 advertisers the free pre88 ia anxious toserva you and aerva you well we can give your advertise ment better attention and there- fore make it mere attractive if the oepy a supplied to us on monday or tutarjay if eoay falls to reach us until vadnssday tonnoon there is a rush to t it op before the forms close and the result is ilkaly to ba less satisfactory send in your ads early does your watch keep time try our repair de partment we are gett1n wonder ful results and we know we can please you free press job printing iv always neatly done savage co jewellerb guelph ontario tmmmi

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