Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 23, 1925, p. 1

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tic lilvl r fiftieth year no 43 thursday- morning april 23 1925 acton ontario canada jyiyrspayjmffinikgaerll3-i825- wglfc copies five jenm the methodist church acton rev j08ephus culfv pastor parsonaao willow st 1100 a hi sacrament of lords supper and fellowship 230 p mt sunday sahoou 700 ij7rh tho mlniater subject joseph a friend presbyteitluv knox church acton miniter rev a- c stewart m at- xfanne willow street 1100 o m the minister subjoct arwllllne mind 300 p m blblo class studies in matthew chapter 27 p sunday school v 700 p in the minister subject tho essentials of salvation strariffers leaving address with the j ushers will be called upon by tho pastor special notices advertisements in this column a cents pct word minimum charge 30c per insertion -to-tet- accommodation fbr gentleman room nhd board conveniences apply to post office box 37 432 phono 105 r 4 piano for sale helntzmnn co piano for sale a7 1 condition excellent touch a bar gain apply to 413 mrs revj culp clearing auction sai-e- mra george cook will hold a salo of household furniture in al condi tion on saturday april 25 at two p m r j kerr auctioneer mortgage wanted first mortgago wanted for well so- lected toronto and suburban property 7 and 8 per cent hunter hunter solicitors 707 templo bldg toronto ont wanted r horse suitable for ladyd driver must bo quiet and bo ab100 do farm work and bo under 10 yoara apply tq phone 137 r 24 georgetown something unusual one cent sale taper everybody with rooms to- decorate this spring will waijt to take a trig to guelph this week or next waiapaper up to 250 roll for just it this is how it is worked loutt regular 15c roll 2 for 16c chlnts and qther bedroom papers in beautiful colorings wltlrbands and borders to match regular 15c single roll on salo nt two rolls for 16c v regular 25c roll 2 for 26c tapestry patterns and plain eff ccts oiefbr rnbsrawn stairs rooms borders nndbayids to match regular 26c rollr two for 26c regular 75c roll rxorjz6c a group of conventional de signs suitable for diningrooms hails otc beautifully colored regular 7cc single roll every other roll for just 1c regular 85c roll 2 for 86c a croup of bedroom papers in thootteterades wanted de signs arid colorings but a umjtcd quantity regular 86c two for bfio regular 45c roll 2 for 46c r chintz alloyer patterns and plainer effects tapestries and fabric designs regular 46c a single roll in thin one cent sato two rolls for 40c for 8ale banner oats 90c per bushel also quantity of irish cobbler early eureka doolies and early sunrise potatoes these potatoes oxo cleric toed having been treated for blight lust year r n brown 43j enone40 ri2 carj of thanks the prosidont and directors of the womens institute on bohalc of the society wish to thank thoso who took part in the play tho orchestra- and othci musicians and all others who helped to make their concert buch a success also ttio public for tholr lib eral patronage 16 fapm8 for sale 45 farms in tho counties of hajtoh iq wellington varying frosi 40 to 10 acres let us bond you our list a number of homes and business places in acton for sole ftro and xjfo insurance mtonoy to loan j a smith real estate asent phone 106 acton ont men wanted 600 to 1000 per day good automotive mechanical and electrical experts bricklaying me chanical dentists and barbers are always in demand at large salaries join pur training institutions and become one of the many thousands of successful graduates short tlmo taken to learn opportunities and salaries unlimited write to dept 8 for special offer- act now hemphill training institutions 103 king st w torontq special notice it has come to my notice that soma poraon in town has stated my repair prices are above the prices usually charged for work i wlgh to state and can prove that repairs which aro properly done in this store by experienced workmen cost less than tho prices iof the canadian jewellers association minimum price 11a which can be seep at this store call in and see for yourself and dont- listen to ignorant reports i can compete with toronto stores for price and quality of jwork eachweek i have long dist ance- orders telegraph and mall orders to repair work in toronto this would not kg the case un less prices ahd duality wore rjgfi repairs of all kinds guaranteed h hjnton jfwellor aatchmkr t etc- acton and toronto wdwerland roay apriils4 he tory without name a radio tale starring antonio moreno comedy haunted woyd a rlix the cat cartoon a edition of plnbtigrams the screen f novelty glasses which are essential wllr be given to encti naurdh 8at0rday april 25 jprairie wife stnrrng tjorothy dovoro anil hurbbrflitawjlnson a aim rb- mancew tho plalnsy oomody djrty h nd earl huru car toon vox hews to 8dav april 28 stnrrlr e richard dlx chn p- tjr o the fortieth door comedy harem follies coming he whotjotb slappod and north df 3d k l gregdry son te regular 65c roll 2 for66c fabric patterns and nearplain effects twotone dcslfrns with bands to match regular 65c roll in this 0no cont sale two rolls for 60c k regular 50c rdn 2 for 51c a group of domestic and im ported papers in tho best styles and colorings for bedroom dec- orations regulur 5qc slnelo roll7two for 61c regular 1 roll 2 for 101 a group of fabric and convon- tlonal designs and embossed papers for downbtairs rooms regular 100- single ro11twb for 101 regular 150 roll 2 for usir a group or 30inch imported goods suitablo for downstairs rooms beautiful patterns and colors regular r xi bo two for j1js1 regular 250 roll 2 for 2i- agioup comprised of leathcretto papers suitable for halls diningrooms and dadoes regular j2b0 single roll tw6 for sp tblsi unique sale begins on friday april 24 and continues untii saturday may 2 it meanspractically a halt price saving on redecorations foryourhome tfiisseason the sooner you can get to guelph the more advan tageous your choosing d e macdonald bros ltd guelpra leading and largest store news of local import y w a thanofforino meotrno tho easter thankolycring meetlns of tho young womens auiluary will bo hold in knox school room on fri day ovoning at 8 pm mm w eakino of hcspeicr will address tho meeting everybody wolcome thofh whoat looks wll reports from all over the provinco indicate that tho fall wheat outlook has improved murvellouuly during tho last fortnight and is now fully up to thutof last year which was gonorally regardod aau banner bno the plant iw a gro thrifty- rarjbrwith very few vacant spots and all that is now needed la warm showery weatnor new basabau league the baaoball fans bt actqnwjulbe glad takri6w that arrangements are being made for the forming of h now baseball league for the coming sum- mor georgetown hihaburg rock- wood and acton arethoteriras that will compose the league the teams aro to play stflttly homo talent and no w will bo allowedra meeting will be held in actonshortly to cqm lilct oi0arrrtngemnta and to draw up a schedule dr farmer at st peteraburg fla a note to tho fhkb pjuess from dr t d j farmer who with mrs farmer has hqen spending the winter fit st petersburg fla says they are the last canadians left thero the dr says he has been playing golf all win ter and has had numerous games with mr r j corson off tho morkham economist real estate prices aro absurd in st petersburg tho- dr ayera and higher in now york interesting local papers accompanied the letter y f- 1 f should improve knox avenue roadway knox avenue has become ono of our best residential streots it deserves more attention to its roadway care ful grading and t- good coating of gravel would greatly improve knox avonuo is becoming a favorite drivo- way to the park and will become very generally used when motor touring begins the tourists accepting the in vi tut ion of tho town to utilise the privilege of tho park as a camp for tourists dust of the earth fine fouract puy preiented by the womens institute last thursday evehlna a crowded houso- greeted tho unwteur play presented by the wo mens institute in the town hull last thursday evening and the perform- hnce presented vfoll deserved tho liber al patronagcr accorded tho duties of chairman were ably fulfilled by imr w j roid tho meth odist sunday school orchestra pros onted a varied programme botvoen tho acts and previous to tho performance mrs ft ingroy fayored the audience wjith a ctfpplo of vocal solos and miss jean orr renderedopitoiobolotnnt oliolteda hearty en6ore tho play was a most happy selection and combined a good moral and enough humor to keep all amused nell the dust of the earth had boon taken in by her uncke david moore when her mother had died and left her motherless tho mother had never regained stifllclent strength to reveal tho n amp of the childs ffttlror and the harboring of the niece was n source of annoyance and strife be twecn the adopted mother and her daughter elizabeth and tho fatherof her jnowjlqpondjerry who- took weekend specials assorted chocolates in a big variety ohhrd centres and a lovely rich chocolate coating made by the same firm as smiles n chuckles extra special lt assorted caramel roll with pecan brasil and walnut coating reg 60c ft weekend special it assorted jelly bean8 regt 40c tb week end spech pep h assorted chocolates reg 40c and 50c tb weekend special per lb arid soft 49c 49c 25c 32c ask for a dairymaid brick tjiese are an entirely hew flavored brick mill street acton m wiles footwear ins for spring our footwear this spring has been very popular and with the atyld at the prices offered f6r both men and women our business this spring has been larger than for months back and at the following prices every one should have new footwear for spring guarnhtecd oak sole- rubber heel black for i s435 sole rubber heels balmoral style bargain patent colt oxfords aoodycnr mens goodyear welt double price mens cair kid y makes 1 r all welts boat s500 to- s700 slscs in tho wombnfs patent slips also kid and calf womens model aooayear welts patent colt all black and black and grey s00 for i mb- 4x6 womens jcalf strap slippers qoodyeor welts regular price 1600 some sixes for 308 womens 6xfords in patent brogues calf and fine kid all prices 3jt tb t86j0 chiliiriijns hurlburt shoos j 185 to sbo uccordlpg to alio meins alhrboys school and worit shoos i7s upiseo these y i f 1 i it- f vvhgre quality counts wfi i wh wo close wednesdavaf terrpjaall the ymr round with harry harrisonjhe shoe man flamboro farmers son killed by roller crushed bencatn a heavy roller freddy paunor aged eight was in stantly killed on his fathers farm west flamboro last thursday aftor- nbon the little lad was playing in tho born at tho farm afndhad climbed upon the top of a land roller as his father was stabling his team a trace caught in the heavy implement and moved it forward it caroono down tbqeanewtty with the terriqcd child still on top of it tho father called to thoboy to jump- and fred not understanding throw himself forward in the course of the roller he was dead when bis father reached him- township plants trees a now feature has sprung up in the municipal works in tho township of woolwich in wellington county reeve woods with the support of his council has bought eighteen acres from one of the sand hill forms and is having it reforested with small pine and other trees under the agreement the township furnishes tho land and agrees to keep it well fenced and pro tected against any damage or destruc tion from live stock the govern njent not only furnished the trees but bears all expense- incurred in pre paring the land and also in tho pro cess of planting the work will be commenced as soon us the season wj ii allow entertained the fre praia staff tho members of the staff of tho fibre press and a few othor friends were entertained to the usual anniversary dinner at moorccroft on saturday evening an enjoyable social evening was spent mr e j moore bjv f toronto an approntlco of thirty years ago was home for tha occasion and enlivened the proceedings especially in relating reminiscences of his ex periences in cutting wood for the old steam boiler carrying water cleaning nells port throughout a large estate the maples adjoin ed the farm home of david mooro and this was oqcuplecvby ft young bachelor david rydor who had inherited the place when tho rightful heir had boei supposed to be killed by falling- down a mountain in switzerland tfcll the niece was a boyish sort of a glrli who liked everyone and particularly those who wofo poor like herself tho love part of the story was sup plied by rev dr templeton the par son wooing the hind of elizabeth the daughter of the home however elizabeth bad higher ambitions and wanted jphn ryder the master of the maples but john ryder preferred tho more genuine nell to tho sham elizabeth wandering tom who had lost- ms memory and his negro companion old mose were friends of noll and were often visited at tholr poor cottage by her when she was lonesome the comic thread was supplied by miss arabua the village newspaper who kqpt tab on and spread all the village gossip tho climax is reached when nell is driven by insults from her uncles home and goes to wander ing toms cabin for shelter wearing jier mothers wedding gown toms memory is restored by tha sight of her in thisgarb and ho pieces h is story together and claims noll as his daugh ter and tho maples as his estate all the past isforgottonby the fbrgiv- lngnelk j to pick out a star or say that ono played their part bettor could not bo done all were admirably suited to tholr respective characters and took their ports exceptionally well thecaat of characters was as fol lows david moore of maple farm cot tage mr archie mochrle susan moo re his wlf e mrs j e gambia elizabeth their daughter miss besslo gardiner jerry their son mr frank xjook rov dr templeton a young divine mr a jack mls arabella tho village newspaper miss e hawthorne jobnr ryder the young master of tho maples imr george bishop wandering tom a mystery mr james newman old mose his companion mr j e gamble nell the duatofvtho earth miss addle hurst acton certainly has no dearth of amateur hlstponic talent and the wo mens institute deserve much praue for this splendid production bishop cl4rk qied on saturday after brief illness his lordship the bishop of this dioccie passes away right rev william ricd clark ba ma d d d cl of the anglican dipcese of niagara died shortly bo- foro midnight qaturday at his hoipo in hamilton aged 77- years death was not unexpected his lordsblp had boon n failing health for some timo yet irvak ablo to uttend to his- duties until twowccka ag whont7ladyjcoof physicians ho agreed to rest three day agv his lordbhlp took a turn for the worsoand his condition became critical friday v night hopes of ihia recovery were despaired of when bo lapsed into unconsciousness the late bishop clark was belovtdr by tho clergy and laity and his death vtvnoves one who for half a century has bean actively engaged in reflgibus work tho end camp ono month before tho celebration of the jubilee of the niagara diocese elaborate prepara- tidns were under way to mark th important evont and his ixrdahlp was ho coal oil lamps ot tha office and feeding uncooked meat to pigs which delivering tho fran piubss at tho doors of the half thousand readers in town every thursday morning rain or shine the members of the staff were quite anxious to celebrate the fiftieth an niversary of the paper on july 1st witli arcunion of tie men and women who had been members of the staff during the half century if it is considered practicable they are scattered over the continent and beyond now harold wanabrouqh suataina broken leg a sorious accident bef dl one of our aoton boys and two others in toronto on tuesday evening of last week harold wansbrough with two other bank boys were rjdtngeast on bloor street on a motorcycle when scaring shaw street they camo in contact with an auto coming north both drivers tried hard to keep away from the othsr but in vatnv tho motorcycle was hurled some distance and fell ori harold and one of the other young men the third escaped by jumping they were freed by willing hands and rushed to the western hospital where it was found that harold had sustained a compound fracture of the right lejj below the knee the other young fel low was worse hurt having his skull fractured and sustaining severe lnt ternal injur jos ho jkto still uncon- s clous at the last report harold is making good progress but will be laid up for some tlmo tho ma a a sutton prasldant a neatly printed pamphlet which proved to be the fortyseventh an nual report of the board of water commissioners of the city of johns towii y found its way to the edi torial desk on opening to the title nige tho portrait of a well set up busi ness man with force and attractive ness delineated in orvery feature wus soon underneath were the words thomas a button president it was discovered in a- nlomcnt that this importantlooking president was nono other than a popular acton boy of a quarter century- ngo torn h niade good in hts dpptoa aty auricesaful in his owjnj busfneaa he luens ftaturally turjnea to ujn q asf 1st in admll8terfngoio jj 1 lending uthl- tica ppd ojcatrt fym member of the bard of wator oommlanlonara this yoay hft yfn honqred with ol potto n sh reaidwt of th iipmd the johns- town waterworka system lu ono of the best in its state its revenues last your reached 6062420 and ufl ex penditure for maintenance and pro- widingfor sinking fund ore several thousand dollars less the fasta press onors congratulations to president sutton pouce court news tho case of george g allow on a breach of the 0ta in which magis trate shields reserved his decision was disposed of an tuesday when a fine of 200 and costs or three months in jail was impospd iawrcnce b davenport of gait was charged- by chief mcphcrson with creating unnecessary and unreason able noise in driving thrpugh town on sunday he pleaded guilty before ppllce magistrate moore and paid a fine and costs of 1000 l henry barnard farmer froia north vork township was fined 960 and costs in tho county p61ico- court at toronto on monday ori a charge of was intended for human consumption evidence showed that he was feeding diseased horse meat 16 the hogs and this was his aetbhdffencb after imposing w sentence of ten days in the county jail at gtlelph on saturday ort ieliebryco for driving a motor car while intoxicated magis trate watt commented that such a driver in such a condition was a de cided monaco to everybody bryce had pleaded not guilty to the charge but after being taken back lnto the cells on remand appeared again and altered his plea to one of guilty mer cury edmund varey charged his neighbor john h maud wit 11 assault before police maglstrato moore in police court hero on fridny the evidence snowed that maud committed an as sault but it also proved that varey took- the law in his own hands and proceeded to punish maud an un seemly fight ensued tho magistrate suggested that the case be dismissed and the costs bo divided between the plaintiff and defendant c ii wiggins barrister acting for maud agreed to tho proposal nhdewh paid 265 iaw breaking motorists are toeing tho line these days during the wee the following convictions have bon made in police couhere hugh walker son guelph 600 and costs for infraction of tho high way traffic at russel hillock erlnllo0o and costn for driving with 1024 markers thomas allan son georgetown for reckjess driving on mill stroot 1000 and costs chief lcpheraon and provincial of ficers recvey ind atklnn have thou eyes on all dothhiionts r af 1080 on saturday ovoning con stables allen 4ind bedford of hatpr- ontbtownahii pqlkio fftrcc foun4 n car parked pn ho tihvyay wlthqut lights chi eearchlng ha cur- they found one ma intoxicated and another in charge hoitle dvgin thoy were uqth placed under arrest and taken bf fore e j pallctt j p whero they gave tholr names up qeorge franks of mount- denni hndfred liud two voupft ladles with them and the hour wob so very into constable allen made enquiries over the phone iintt foumr thoy had given their cor rectnajmo und addresaee thoy were then sorved witli a summonsto appear ul cookavllld monday morning and al lowed to go home their motor was hold as security fred askej wfla rtnod 200 and goorgo franks 1000 and costs looking forward with interest to the ceremonies on october 28 1924 ho celobrated his fiftieth anniversary of his ordination to the sacred ministry and ho was honored by the members of congregations from practically very church in the parish a reception was held in his hon6r in the school room of christs church cathedral apd he was made the recipient of a substan tial purse of gold from the dlocose the la to bishop clark was born- in it uuse i countyjn june 1848 and spent his boyhood days on his fathers form ho was educated privatoly and later purued his studies at bishops col lege lonnoxville que and trinity college toronto whero ho obtained tho degreesof ba and m a in 187d he ronb to the rank of deacon and in that year was ordained in ottawa cathedral a year latetvuo camo to hamilton and was ordained priest in christs church cathedral for a tlmp ho was instructor of mathematics in tho college at uxbrldge for eighteen months ho had charge of tho mission work at paimerston and for two years was curate in charge at burlington jthon he was appointed rector of the combined parishes of barton and ghxn- ford and ifpr three years remained there and his next rectorship was in an coster where jhe served for21 years throughout the rural districts ho was particularly wellknown and under hi dlrectlonthe different parishes ho had chiargeoflehjoyedbuceess- rr in 1003 he camo to hamilton and ia short tlnio afterwards ho was ap pointed archdeacon of the diocese for three yoars he sevved as secretary of the provincial synod and resigned this post tobecomo secretary of tho gen eral synod of canada on may 2 1911 he was appointed bishop of niagara diocese which po sition he held until tho tlmo of his death besides his wldow he la survived by pno son p s clark detroit mich five daughters mrs t w farmer and mrs r s cutbill hamilton miss may at home mrs e b m powoll and mrs a a toopoc toronto and seven grandchildren a son ernest died about fifteen years ago bishop clark officiated at confirma tion and other services at st albana church on a number of occasions his earnest impressive manner was always noticed and his kindness of disposition was greatly appreciated a memorial service will be held in st albana church acton next sunday evening news of local import thb april snow storm the usual aftermath of winter in april came on saturday night with a considerable full of snow and an ice storm of some considerable weight on trees and wires the grpund was cov ered with several inches of miovv on monday morning the ladiea aid of mohawk craaaroada thla interesting drama will bo en acted in the town hall next thurstfuy ovenlng 30th lust it is- intorestjng andnuslngandhtrsnflno niorat tone it will bo- presented under thv auspices of the ladies aid ofkrioi churchi with ah all local casto the filan of hall will open at hassardi drug store tomorrow at two oclock counterfeit koney in circulation merchants and others have boon nds- vlscd po bo on tho look out for spuri ous five and tencent silver coins qdunterfelts of canadian currency which are reportedvto bo- in clrcula- tlon they look goodbut thoy ring bad was the police comment bank- the acton athletic asociahon the officers elected for the corftlno season and thalr committeea crs declare tho coins to be apurioos and th cleverest court terfelta thoy havo ever soon mrs w wateon and oaughter njurod mrs w watson and her daughter miss wllma of esqueslng township in the scotch- block were serldubly injured tuesday when the apirlted horse they were driving becarno un manageable and throw them out of the buggy mrs watson received a severe scalp wound which required seven stitches to close while miss watson sustained painful bruises ralief tominara in cape bretort shipment of food and supplies for relief of the miners and their families in capo breton will be sent forward over tho lines oftho canadian na tional- railway by freight free of charge when consigned to mr f p dunlop citizens relief committee sydney mines c b rev m a mai adam glace bay n s or glace bay general ftellef comraittoc glace bay repairs and improvements numerous tho people of acton wcro evcr more alert in any springtime in the matter of repairs and improvements- than at present homes aro being reshlngled repairs of various kinds are being ef fected improvements arc under conv atructlon pointing is going on and this lonot confined to any onoscctloji painters paperhangers and decoratdra are also busy in many homes with interior work death of a former resident t news reached here last weok of the death on wednesday at her homo in saginaw mich of mrs john r forbes her husband and two murricd daughters survive mrs forbes was a daughter of the lato hugh akfufl of nahsagrtweya and a sister of mrs john locker and miss laura akins acton for a number of years afte her marriage mr and mrs forbes re sided in acton tho kino of glory repaattd the sacred cantata tho king of glory which was sung so effectively by tho church choir of the metliodlut church on easter sunday evenlng repeated last sunday evening with equally effective rusults tho presby terlari congregation with the minister rev a c stewartc ma very graciously attended after a brief ser vlco in their own churchy the mem bora of tho choir are receiving worm congratulations upon their splendid rendering of this cantata mrs e donnld mrs amos mason acton hydro system profitable nat profits last year 547e8 and an overpayment to credit of 132322 the annual statement of the audi tors of tho hydro eloc trie commls slon of ontario of the accounts of tho acton hydro system as shown in the annual statement in another column lp highly gratifying to tho people of action tho report shows a net profit to tho acton system on tho years operation pf 264766vjn addition to this tho statement shows that acton has tho good fortune of- a credit on the years payment for power of 132322 this is sufficient to meet the amount re quired for a full months power gp that during 1026 pur local system will really be required to pay from its cprreht rovenues for only 11 months for power supplied this is in striking contrast to the experience of some it the other municipalities which- havo been so unfortunate as to receive the always dreaded istti statement name towns for instance received at the iwginnlhg of the yea a 13th state ment requiring payment of somo l10 j tb ffenvral flnanolal standing of tin system hero is excellent the plant hero is conservatively valued in tho books of the hydroelootric com- miaslon ht 3678673 with only the sum of674654 to be written off for deductions it ib romarkablo that since mr charles w wilson superintendent askey of tordnta ae the yotinglmen took charge of the plant in 1917 h has appreciated in value from 18r 03024 and thfrf extra valueif the plant has been created out of the regular revenues of tue acton system not a dollar has been borrowed for ox- tensions or any othor dxpcndlturea these conditions give our citizens n good dea of tho value of the hydro system to the community anjj the vtry gratifying financial position it main tains social and personal the annual meeting of the acton athletic association was held in the club house last wednesday evening reports of tho year were presented and passod officers wero elected as follows honorary president 3 w beurd- more esq president a o t beardmore 1st vicepresident w j gould 2nd vicepresident f j lyle secrotayteaourci j wood asst secretarytreasurer c mat thews bowling committee e j hussard f e sweeney goo hynds t bailey h smethurst g green mrs dr e j nelson mrs d lindsay tennis committee c s moore h macdonald v b rumloy n h garden h brloker miss h mcdonald miss jean kennedy miss stella mc lam miss jessie anderson social committee mrs amos mason miss hannah wallace miss l macdonald miss vlda ramshaw executive committee a o when moffat ranges are the medium t beardmore w j gould f j lyoj jjfher efforts a largo number of j wood e j hassardc s mfipfo ladle attended the demonstration both j nelson miss heleijmoc afternoon und evening and it is be lieved a number of them decided havo electric ranges installed mrs mclean was in st john nb demon strating last week the school board adopts daylight saving at the regular meeting of the school board wednesday evening of last week tho adoption of daylight saving was very live issue when the motion was put a division in the vote of tho five members present was made trustees goo mann lawrenco wh- hams and w j held favoring the adoption for the schools of daylight saving time jand trustees j p war den and c h harrison being against the proposal daylight saving tlmo will consequently take effect in tho schools on and after may 4 in actoit dernohatratifig electric cookino a very interesting demonstration of electric cookinir was given at tho hydro shop on tuesday afternoon and evening by mrs e mclean of hamil ton mrs mclean who represents the moffatrrangcs is a skilful woman in culinary products nhd on excellent ex ponent of electrical cooking especial fy selling tha 44 bear the toronto telegram says issue of beer permits is to be left to the judgment of conservative members of the legislature and defeated candi dates according to arrangements made in the prime ministers office this week another feature whicb has cm- crged is that premier ferguson has receded somewtjat from his original sasiuon that the beer should bo made b easy of access as possible the view is now takan that especially in dry localities the permits should bo held down as tightly aa possible and that indiscriminate salo should be dls- courogod the mall and empire said yesterday premier ferguson told tho members who met him- in conference that it would bo useless to recommend for sale permits any persons who wore not of good character death of rv jamea coburn peath came on monday night lb lih 80th year to one of the most plctur esquo figures in the ranks of canadian preachers rev jumes coburn i6t toronto ho was for many years an ardent orungemah u methodist vnn kolibt and a strong prohibiten 1st far all but tho first year of his life mr coburn was totally blind he was born in belfast ireland in 1845 and though his homo was anglican he be carno a methodist when a boy and al most beforehls boyhood was passed ha bogan ttfpredch despite the handicap of his blindness he managed fcp get a good education ho did a great deal of ovangellstte work and when in hit irlmo conducted special services in the aton mcthurliat church mrs coburn nimnt hdr girlhood duyv here she wn i miss stewart and her parents livau on scone street which in those days had but two houses mrs coburn htirylvps and his son rov john- co- burn and his da ugh tors mrs w 0 ellis misses mluy hp4 cuui cobantv mr john st mooro vp homo from iundas on saturday f mr william robertson of toronto was homo ovor the weekend mr n f mooro visited friends in beamsvlllo during tho week iii william kelly jr spent tho weekend with friends in guelph- mrs charles e bailey of guelph visited acton friends on thursday r mm charles havens of quel ph visltedmrs wllllaro syfblowek miss jean moffat of richmond hill visited friends invtown ovor tho week end- ilra george nollis nnssagawoya spent tho post week with friends in norval miss mlna tasste of guelph has been spending a few days with friends in town msa frances b hurst returnod to her duties at richards landing n saturday evening mr and mrs e mallo and babeof tbvorito were guests dt tho home of mrs e f collier miss macdonald of hamilton was a weekend visitor of rov and mrs stewart on sunday principal and mrs sanderson and children of oakvihe were guests at knox manse on sunday mr and mrs j campbell clark of chatsworth spent the weekend at tho home of mr w j gould kev h g l and mrs baugh aro attending tho funeral of tho late bishop clark in hamilton today mr carlos williams of sault ste marie pent several days during tho week with acton relatives mr and mrs clarence winflcld of union spent the weekend with mr and mrs thorrias p watklna mrs h h wansbrough spent soveral days in toronto last week with her son harold in the hospital miss laura akina went to saginaw mich on friday to attend the funeral of her sister mrs john r forbes mr e l deceu mrs a donald and mrs j e baldwin have been spending a few days with friends at pictbn master bllue i mccoll of toronto silent the weokend at tho borne of mrs john brown church street zijrs wh gurney marjorip and- wiuldcq of wingham spchi a few days last woek with friends here mr and mrs gordon hoyward of toronto spont the weekend with their daughter mrs bertha cook main street r m mrs robert watson left last week for niugara falls where she intends to spend several months with her daughter david hutcheon esq county treoa- utr la at preston springs taking treatment he has not been well for some tlmo jp miss lillian watson and mr and mrs charles ruddy of georgetown spent sunday at the home of council lor holmes f miss beatrico doble of wlngham spent a few days last week at the home of her brother mr james e doble brook avenue mr harold pcrryman of toronto epent the past week visiting at tho homo of mr goorge nellls pleasant view farm nassagaweya mr f a mclean motored from watford pn saturday and spent the weokend with acton relatives mrs mclean and blllle who havo been visiting here returned homo with htm ihi it iim v sctim the electric railway officials visit ad acton last friday in spaoial car on tour of inspection a special over tho canadian national electric rail wayifronx- torontocallcdr at acton last friday just before noon tho railway officials on board were mr david e galloway montreal vice- president of tho canadian national electrio railways e w oliver man- ager of tho electrio lines cn r tor onto b e walker electrical engineer canadian national electric lines h l vercoe construction engineer for electric systems n s cummlng superintendent toronto to guelph line and c j oliver engineer for the same unet when interviewed by thefnim pzucsa mr galloway who is supremo head of all subaidary electrical lines of the canadian national railways slated that his visit along the line to acton and guelph had no special significance thai the trip was made simply for the purposo of making a general inspec tion of tho line 1 interrogating the vicepresidont as to the proposed new connections by which passengers to toronto will aa takerrajhrough to the city the fac piuess asked how soon will tho earn run to parkdale mr galloway re plied we oxpeot to havcall arrange raonts completed so that passenger wilt be taken to parkdale station with out change at tho latest by the ond af 1926- mr galloway and superintendent csrnraing both said they had l in their plana to visit acton somotlme in the near future and have a look ovor the buislhess section and the raanufao- orieu and get better acquainted with tho town generally about ten minutes after twelve the special pulled out for guolph so u uf reach as hoyal city- in good time and not interfere with the schedule if uio regular cars thp guolph v mercury tells this story- of tho vicepresident in hfs younger days mr tialioway resided for a time in guelph arid fxrv several years attended thp central school he jokingly remarked that while a boy in guelph he spent most of hs leisure moments in playing about- the cars in the c er yards which may have had something to do with his taking up railroading as a profession f 1 m frmor complain aboiit iiioqi fuhing sovcrai of tho farmers of puellncli township jmvo complained that fluhor- mon beam guelph on saturday in- vudofli their promises and flshod ncar- lyal iluy in tho trout creeks abound- in in tho district the trout season does not opom until may 1st but those poachers did not appear to be nwuro of tho fact tho parties of which there wero two or throo arriv ed at the sceno of ttiillr depredations by automobile ono farmer slmilfled hla intention of taklnb tho mattor up with this provincial authorities and tho local same mrs mercluy f dy yyy smmmm ilsmtai z- ita r kwwstrsttf

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