j gtyactwjfeftatf thursday april 23 1025 little things not every day tharo comes u chance for doing somp gloat deod fot overy day a mesauffo clear that ho who runbjjmay road tolling him yaot wlmt ateps to tako whoroby ho may huccqcu bu th in qlwnyaany day somo hind word ho my apeakr somo llttlo path ulonff llfofl llttlo roaq that lu not fur to seek whoro wo can lend hla strength ito netp a brother who ib wcolc can apeak a kindly word to ono who biloht walku apart a friondly erlpnce a pleaaant omlhx may tako away the smart and bring a glow of chcorfulnesa to many a lonely heart so if no nofoo dood la yours kail not at unkind tate for ho who sighs for fflory may find when it is too late tho worth of little things dummod up will far exceed the great idam thomas in success jride and thrift when benjamin rranklln preached his hard bound dootrino of thrift and solving to a people well prepared fo profit by his- words ho had in mind more than the accumulation of money moro than the building up of comfort and prosperity lio knew hotter than moat men that tho driving power of thrift is wholesome prido that the shrinking of tho sonsatlve soul from pauperism in any shape is tho only influence strong enough to support the hardships and selfdenial of this life and ho also knew that this indepen dence of character la tho backbone of f national sanity and self repoct jprudonco is an unlovely quality- tho saints of the eastern and of tho west ern world have been alike disposed to condemn it but pagan homo ranked it with justice and christian theology borrowing from rome gavo st place with tho cardinal virtues if it asks much it gives moro the careful hus ban dry of early puritan and quaker laid the foundations of wealth and made possible education and self development a race of men and wo men reared in robust simplicity look ed tho world in tho face feared no frugalities and whined for no favors they did not like to economise any more than we like it now they waatod what they coqld t afford just am we want it now but they were prouder people than wo are- now genteel mendicancy was as distasteful to their spirits as holding out a bat on the street corner wo have grown kinder since those etern days service is now our watchword in our anxiety to smooth our neighbors path we have pressed the state the city the church the club the college into work we have made the world a better and a- softer place to live in but the pride that promoted thrift and factored independence is waning visibly an immigrant family for whose sore need a charitable asso ciation had appropriated six dollars spent boll that money in having their pictures token they sold truthfully and toachingly that as ioqjt as they lived they might never again have a chance to be photographed and- that if anything happened to them tfrs pictures would be a consolation they belonged to a recognized type they were simple kindly people but tney would fio on a wiring and receiving alms walls they lived three years a funotu prftp it gave a concert in a small town in tha middle west the tickets were two dollars and a naif and a certain min ister and his wife music lovers irriag frugally on a small salary dc term toed in give themselves the rare deligni of going 31 was a great deal of money to spend on a nights ester- came ifctslr way when th point was iatjscy settled ihrr iieard that friend and parishioner had 2m thrown otxt of work fie was in great distress and there were little children to consider the ministers wife had a nard half hour of rennndsiisn then ss sent the five ovulars and a pretty not to her neighbor and tried not very successfully to forget the pleas ure she had foregone two days latei she received a rapturous note of thanks the grateful parishioners wrote that the money had come like dew from heaven they had mo longed to hear the concert and they had given up all hopes of nearing it when that blessed letter had arrived fly dollars was just enough to buy the two tickets and they would nmver never never forget the enjoyment that mo kind a friend bad given them mrhm1ivjmm1ta1 ft 3t pre tfovt fttorg a lucky nap jhlgeqbgk s wasson- no more petbh8 q o ahv declared old capt bowuoas ho stood at the helm of his ashing sloop aboaid vchboi in pertlclai a ntun cant tako and go to sleep on his job without he u liable to git into all manner of trouble samo it dont always woik juat that way neither 1vo got a soninlaw over acroat tho rivor from hoio that turnod to one timo and slop himself right plumb into un almost bran spangln new boat and tho ablest little thing of her bigness thata fishes out of this river too i tell him that nap of hisn was the luckles tone on record senco adam wa aarlln at the necktie counter m- black neckties if you please pmmmond the salesman stared across the counter at the speaker am if his thoughts were in egypt what was ltr he said at last block neckties 811k jdrummond threw a box down the customer opened it these are red and not silk he said quietly nobody wears black srflo now said the salesman yawning and looking in differently at the plain old man be fore him then he took up the box and threw it back into its place have you none of the kind i want asked the old man no that kind of goods went out years ago w dont keep em said drummond insolently there are plenty of black ties said sanders the man at the next counter in an undertone i know but whats tho use of bothering with an old back numbei like that methodist preacher ill w ave to one but i was telling you about my cousins the harts the three brothers all left the village and camo up to town one is now a rail way boss ono a banker and the third is a sugar man all of them million aires 1 a lucky famjjyj how was ut they all had capital to start with the man with tho capital wins out evory time perhaps you have neckties black silk the aid man said to sanders ho ttad been lingering near the counter i thin it there aro some sir said sanders taking down some boxes ho opened one after another but there were no ties of tho kind inat the old man wanted v v drummond with a halfamused stale at tho persistent customer turned away to gossip to a salesgirl sander anxiously took down boxaf tor box i am afraid im giving you a great deal of trouble said tho old man kindly thats what im here for said jhe salesman pleasantly i am sure ji shall find them the box was found at last and a necktie of the right width chosen wrapped and handed to tho troublesome custonler with a smile the next morning saiders received a printed slip notifying him of his promotion in tho store drummond also received a slip but it informed hrm that after the end of the next week his services would no longer be required by colton co undorneath the printed form was written the wflrdh civility and efficiency ore cap- ltnl as well niv monoy you will fall because you have neither who was the old bore derawidod drummond in a fury t it was john couonthe silent part ner of ihe flnm sold one of the trrtn that sounds interesting captain ono of his passengers stud why cant you givo us tho yarn woro all ears as the donkey said oh wal capt bowse replied modestly taint no great of a yarn as i know of but anyways twos ono of them kind of things that seldom ever happen every day in tho week you bee this ere jim ralrway over acrost here that married nay clarrj he had him a little old schoonerrig ged boat that he jeep oh tho movo pretty nigh tho year round scrabblin and ecratchin overy way ho knowed how to git a living out of her jim was always a master young chap to work and its safo to say that nobody round hero ever fished any harder than he do os but thcrol hes had a scandlous lot of sickness in his famly to buck against for a considerable spell back ahd his doctors bills has benn some thing tremenjla but hes kep a-plug- gln right at it early and late in that old drag boat of hisn always in hopes somo day hed be abh to git hold of a better ono but same time never once seeing no great prospects of gottjn a dollar ahead for boats or nothln else theres coneiablo many summer rustlcators stops over acrost here you know and jim hed make a fair thing of it for a few weeks summer times takin em out ftahln and plcasurln round like jims a nice clever-ap- pearin feller as ever you seen and seems though them rustlcators always so quite a store by him but tho thing of it was his plaguy old boat want nttln for the business and was no torious dull too dear sokes she couldnt sail no moron a toad in a bucket of tar and didnt have no ac commodations neither but seems though there was one old rich feller in perticlor amongst them midsummer folks a preacher ac- cordin to tell he used to bo in some one i of thembig churcheajiptq tha wesfard he was possessed to go fish in along of jim fairway and allowed how he knowed where to find flsh the best of ary man in this river the pair of em though got left out overnight once or twice for lack of wind and then i know one time they gotketched in a heavy norwester and like to went adrift altogether in the old basket wal this last foil we hod a- spoil of consldable good fishing chock off hero on the 3onhegin fall ground you see there was flsh there all right but fie way i look at them things at my ag this ere running fifteen or twenty mile broad ofltn the main with these small sixed open boats late in the fall of the year aint iest what its cracked up to be- i seen that the fust trip ever made out there in this boat of mine htrt and when she wont fetch ya back to turf there aint many of her bigness that will wal thoughri run in one pretty good trip of fish to market there to portland and then come to the con elusion i wouldnt resk no more sech chances i aint quite so spry as i was fifty years ago and besldeji i quess likely toy blood may have cooled down like a little mite too but laud i jimmy there he hung right to it same as a dog to a root and made nine tripm ronnln that fall out to the mon- hegin ground all soul alone mind yt in that- crazy old packet of hisn wal sir come to take the ninth time ever jini fairway went out there he was pretty nigb done up and beu out complete now i tell ye what tou see thtf way u was was this way with him beside hand unin them cod and pollack tight as ever he could jump by daytimes hed have to be up by nighttimes too ajiggerin squid for bait to work with then quicks ever hed mode out to git a trip of flsh hed have to hustle for market thero to portland and taint no great wonder that nine trips of them kind one comin right atop of the other should tako the kink clean out of ary man no matter if ho was built of boiler iron wal this ore ninth trip in to mar ket was an extra good one consldable mpren an average good fare special ly for one man all soul alonp ho had aboard two thousand pounds of cod and pollack besides three blgslxed halibut and beln that flsh was chpek up an fotchln a master prico jest thon he naehally callated to hustle em to market fast as ever hyoujd shove bis old hooker eos to make euro and git all there was com in to him secmss though ho held a nice pretty httla air of wind from tho suthard at fust and had run in quite handy by to sequin when it como nighttime but about then the breeze commenced to peter out on him and finally modrated down like till thera wasnt nothln loft of her to speak of but still seems though there was this scandlous heavy old easterly soa a hoavin in bos every laldge along the whole shoro was breakin a clear torch jim hed kind of fanned her along njip abreast of boquln nomewherch somes i said but blmboy after tho wind had let go complete he begun to git so terrible sleopy soemss though he couldnt hold his head up noways he could work it the pore fellor was oil tuckered and beat out you see ana not to blame neither but to git woke up a grain ttflblmeby ho seen want the least mlto of good in tho world to flght natur no longer he soon ho was juat bound to so to sleep in spite of fate and all tho thing ho could do was to take and fix his boat sqsho would look after herself the best while ho was takin him a few winks below of course he might havo hove his killlck over and all tho reason he did not was that ho knowed tho bottom was so terble broken all along down the ways dnd the sea being rough an a grate he callated twould chafe oft his warp in ten minutes time seguin unlit ho flgured laid a doxen miles inbubie of him and whot little air there was goiri had give up till she was nigh stark calm he took and hauled down hjs jib give the main- sheet a few foot of slack sot his alarm clock to go off in jest one hours tune and turnod in wol sir nobody cant nover tell jost exactly what did happen after f thjtf here nighs ever yopj can como it the wind wept to work and anyways tho fust thing ever jim talrway knowed hla bo it fetched u all standing with a unrighteous ghl crash and tho nokt secont a big pile of soa piled aboard of her till jim ilk to havo been drowned right there in his bunk but he got out nnd fetched a leap on deck and by the good luck tho next sea swung the dory chock along side so ho jumped into her cut the painter and anally was hovo onfl over end clean up in amongst tfto rocks consldable bruised and raued but alrvo jest thojmmt twas jest heglnnln to come duv- ught then and he soon sco that hp wnn on small pfn a uhoit piece to the westard of kejinobeo entrance and pretty nigh the raggedest berth his boat could havo picked to lay herself top foi in no time at all thero want no sign of her to bo setn without it wasomess of rubbldge tho aea had tbrowed up about him amongst thrm laidgca wnl now that was some hard lines to jose his boat and geai nnl all ifa trip of flsh so fashion jtant it though total wreck aho was novm once savo so much as a tholepin out of tho dory even and pore jim ho finally come ploddin of it homo ther feelln blue as a whetstone now i toll ye wal of course folks all allowed twaa too bad and a plnguogono shamo and all thorn things but this ere old mister preacher over acrost soons ever he- heard tell of it off ho starts right away with a paper amongst his acquaintances to homo and plants his own namo down on her too for a clean two hundred dollars fust thing irialdo a weeks umo after hod commenced to amplify round with his paper them folks had chipped in monoy enough sos jim started rignt off downeast to buy him a now boav hed had his eyeon ono for quite a while back you see and so never lost no time lookln round to flni what he wanted all tho thing this one lacked was a gasoline engynb and thero was pretty nigh cash enough left over to buy that with but old sh acrost hero down he wont right into his own pocket again and hadeho machine ordered slapbang for he al lowed he didnt callato to resk stop- pin outside nnore nighttimes when ever he took a notion to go flahm along of jim rairwoy so thats all tho reasdn i tell jim that little nap of hiah was tho luckiest thing ho ever done and whats more i tell hlni that settln under a preacher sames this one over acrost must do folks an extry lot of- good and id admire to take and try it on a spell myself there are pioro churches dedicated to st potor than to any othoi saint but thero has nover been a pope petei tho custom according to which popoi cjianeo their christian names on tholr elevation was introduced in ait 684 by peter dl potcn ho fcjt that it would be presumptuous to havo himself styled potor tho second following in tho same lino of sentiment no pope hus ever retained or assumed the name of potor got wrat he didnt want ror matiy years carl jiteriih elm hnd coasted of his covefouoneaa and iiih knack to accumulate among his neighbors he was known as a greedy map and he did not deny it stornhelm died recontly tho day after his fun eral a chalked signboard appeared us a tombstone it read hero lies c s ho wanted everything excepting thin the informer the limit rjehdu were h living im in- dlgnatlon meeting of their own both had suffered domestic strife undrrow they wcro comparing notea arent women tho limit growksd tho first we huab dont know anything at all and ou wives know everything well said hip companion in misery reluctantly theros one thing my wife admits she doesnt know what on earth is that why she married mo an oh without alcohol rsome diu and many medicines have alcohol as a prominent ingredient a judicious mingling of six essential oils compose th- thomas eclectrlc oil and there is no alcohol in it bo that it effects are lasting such a boy oh such less for hunting eggs such arms for raking hay such an eye for apploplo and such a boy to play a llttlo glil was left alone for a few moments in ft mom where a number of cakes i itlily ulmonded woro dis played upon the t iblo triwhon hci mothci iotunjcl some of hie almondu wore missing my dear eno said to tho llttlo girl in shocked tones surely you imvont boon taking tho almonds tho child lomalned sllont dont you know child continued tho parent that god saw you when you wore fftealingthemycs mother t sup pose he did murmured tho child but i didnt think lie would tell you about it ezia gem8 of thought aitnms cannot fcsat when tho greatest of all nsthma specific in used dr j i kfcuogga asthma itemcdy assuredly desorves this oxalted title it has to its credit thousands of case which other picpuratlons had failed to bcnpflt it brings help to oven thj moat sovcto cases and brings tho pa- tlont to u condition of blcssod relief surely suffoilng from asthma u nooi- lc a ipinfrdy 4ike this isso- easily sgcuicd the laugh neatly turned who is thcio cried tho impas sioned orator win will lift his voico agslnst tho truth of my stntomont7 just thon a donkey on fhe outskirts of tho crowd gavo vent to onp oftho perclng of his tribe the audit was on tho oiator far a moment thon with rtady wit ho refiiarkod very quietly i knew nobody but a jacknsb would try u boston evening trans cript no need to onfluio tho agony of corns with holloways coin remover a hand to remove them the- fallurt of tho mlnxl in old agj im often ichh the result of natural de cay than of dlhuse ambition has ci lined to operate contentment l indolence and indolence decay of tin montft power ennui and sometlmta death mon havo been known to di literally rqicaklng of disease induaftfr by intellcr tual vacancy sir u brodk a tho nowhpnjwr tfroncbt tho fore moht wonders of tho modern worl 1 tho family tht docs not take and carefully r ad at leant pne newspaper is not living in tho nineteenth century j a bi oaduh t thoro ih something among men mor capable of shaking despotic power thin lightning whirlwind or earthquake that is threatened indignation of th whole civilized world d tnlel web ster afurh un we implore- our rondltloi ioll nothing would rnnkf us mon jmtlsntd with ft than tho changing of place for a fow days with our neigh bors i w n cho what many men d- nffc berauno i wil not jump wii common spirits ahd rank me with tho barbarous multitude 8hnki- pcjiro juvenile version of genesis mrf j c writes ono day a i entered the nursery where my llttlo girl was teaching her dolls a sunday school fasion i overheard her ay now children you know god made adam and he was very lonely 00 qoa put hinrh sleep and took out his bralnrf ancnmadfr a fine lady ft pays to use martin senour mabbleit eloor finish atothtn tike it for hardwood moors it wears tike ir w t trhiwt offk mowhjfat for frc booljot home painting- made ca3v solo y w d c talbdtt acton ontario look money take notice that we will handle your troublesome notes and accounts on a strictly commission basis no collection no charge w phe 31 yoir expcrlenco it your dfiidnsal and auume all your coimrtlon troublei senrt ua your liir we will do the res no- jjota or account 1 considered too smautoo larsc too old or too tar away we will taclcto any honent debt kelly aiken collectors oranqeville owen sound if aikbv ifannflrer jos j iccliy manager ftfennc strlinff eanlc nf canada wise cutting not miserly hoarding is sound conservation miserly hoarding is not conservation- in the case of the forests it is merefy wasting something that might as well have been used t j a forest is notdestroyed by sound cutting it is improved and made more productive y the proposed embargo is hot a reasonable regulation applied to resourses in which you svc a cornmoninterest it is an arbitrary interference with private ppopertyin which you have absolutely no right these striking statements made by ralph p bell the chief public champion of the anti2mbarga forces are a forceful challenge to some popular misconceptions that have grown up around the embargo controversy subtraction the teacher was elvinc her class thf first lesson in subtraction now in order to subtract she ex plained things have always to bo of the same kind for instande we could not take three apples from four pears nor six horses from nine dogs a hand went op in the back part of the room teacher called a small boy oant you take three quarts of milk from four cows with so thorouffh a preparation ut hand as millers worm powders tho mother who allows her chlldran tqjiuf- fer from tho ravages of worms is un wise and culpably careless a child subjected to worms is always un healthy and will be stunted in its growth it is a mcrcifuf act to rid it of these destructive parasites especially when it can bo donowithout difficulty preserving eqq6 to preserve eggs in salt thsy should be packed in a largo box filled with salt tho eggs shoulil ho packed in layers so that tho whole docs not have to bo disturbed when only using few at a timo keep in a cool placo not to church questions where tho alios go have been answered more or less to every onos satlcfaction don john wants to know whero the golfers go in tha wintertlmo on sunday to breeaehed lip from the eastard aulto pileful and instead of waldn him at lie thus she- was sot hi blame alarm clock mast hye went back on him altogether or else ha was so log tired ho never paid ho attention to he r all jdr dr white bpecuiitti la dfffamm of skin blood sim bladder nr fhlol ail ments of man ono visit mlrlinblc if lraponibj md hiitory for frtea opinion nnd ad vice fijjciuon blank and book on dlmak of tatn free consalta tlon free moufffft fornlbbed laxublet form bowi t am tonvftni and 3 to 8 pjm bunakfm jo a nfto 1 p m dr8 sopkft ml whit k t toronto street toroate ost the public health citizens are requested to i comply with the public health act be er notice is hereby glvon that all resi dents of acon aro required forthwith to clean tholr cehars drains yards pis styes wator olosets outbuildings and other premises nnd removo there from all dirt manuro and other sub stance which may endangor the ivublla health and tohavo the same completed by tho sixth day of may next on which day tho sanitary inspector will commence b general inspection and further take notice that the section of ihe public health act prohibiting tho ooplne w hogs botweon the 16th of may and he isth of november ex cept in dens at least 70 feet from any dwelling bouse and so feet from nnj sfcrepf or isiie mth floors koptcloar from all standlril water and regularly qleansed will be strictly enforos all cjtlmene kt earnestly request to keen their premises constantly dlear and thoroughly disinfected i qh0rgbs baiiber reeve of tho municipality aoton april 3 im5 404 conservation he says lies in sound cutting and utilization not in miserly hoarding and justasthinhing and pruning and cultivating a garden gives that garden a chance to thrive so properly regulated cutting helps a forest giving thyoupg trees a chance to grow if you properly manage your forests and cut the mature growth the young seedlings wili have a chance and in thirty to fifty years your land will produce its second crop that is true conservation the advocates of this embargo bell con tinu te us that ninety percent of our- ann forest consumption is a total loss from fire winds bugs and fungi by proper cutting we not only profit by tie- utilization of what we cut but while we are thus profiting we are simultaneously savmjf a considerable proportion that might oterwisev through sheer waste hive been added to that ninety per cent loss wliose resources are they there has been much talk of the necessity of saving our forest heritage why do so many of you people keep harping on that word our all the time bell demands our forests those that we as a body of citizens actually own and they form 85 of the total forest area of canada are already under embargo so far as export la concerned the forests that we are talking about now in relation to the present proposed embargo are those owned by individual fellow citizens of ours just as you own your house ancj lot r yplir farm and yet you join iri the cry our forest pur land our national heritage have you paid gpod money for these lots tha t ycu re nil of asiidden pp generously patriotic about have you elaved for them suffered urw bclieveoble hardships for them w some settfer owners have every time the big paper com panies mention their wood resources they speak of the interests of our share holder but when they talk about the wood of the man who owna a little plot of freehold forest land they talk of our national resources they arent our resources at all they are his and only his and neither you nor i have anything tb do with them private enterprise put ffije rpady objecter interposes iff he fpreats afe cut down indispnminately all canadians suffer yes bell retorts and if your big business gets it self into a jam you aregoutg to suffer too but you 3ont ijll ihe owners that their pukiness a national re- gpurcp audtfiaf as such you have flgn tp rfjgrfgre n its manngament- fte they mfs pp2j enterprises you say i tcliypu pse businesses are no more private enter prises than the woodlot owners trees are his private enterpriser as for that indiscriminate cutting that ww r adqut vou t tne woodlot owner i sv fcgf do you tn he is going to throw wy hts ppf not much he was born and bred bmfi free pe has spent a lifetime in making them his they are his business and by and large hes taking better care of them than any other class of timbor owner you have no more right to tell hint what he must do with his trees or where he may sell them than lie has to tell you how to run your private business its sheer presumption anjassump- tion that isnt supported by a shadow of right or justice wise cutting it is asserted on the excellent authority of dr clifton d howe dean of forestry at the university of toronto that canada owns young forests of over 50000000 acres dr howe maintains that under rigid fire protection and wise ad ministration this 50000000 acres will supply canada with adequate tlmhep to cover future needs waste energy wky wills tints u las birmlail unit fellow wbeo s big infcr ibftittns certdas fnrttl rllh saved from pulp but not from lumber but will the imposition of an embargo prevent the woodlot owner from selling his wood as pulpwood yes as lumber po and will a tree cut for pulpwood decimate our forest heritage more than the same tree cut for lumber the cases are not cjuite similar some one says one is a manufactured product and provides work for canadian workmen he gther is an unmanufactured product pulpwood vs lumber a popular and perhaps natural miscon ception bell replies but erroneous never- thplpssj an eggf ta f pqled s just as much cooked as one that is poacfeed a giien piece of material mav be just as much manufactured by hand labor tn the woods- pi by machinery in a mill and the benefit to the community depends after all- upas bow much money is expended in the process suppose we just examine this idea a uttie bitr two neighboring woodlot owners can each cut from their woodlot logs scaling thirtyfour cords one selt to a pulpwood dealer by whom he has been offered 800 rough or 10 50 peeled he has agreed to- deh er the latter and he and hi sons cut peel and jutik their wood and earn the additional s2 so per cord over the price they would have received for their uood ia the rough state his neighbor takes his logs to themill where thev are sawed into rough lumber for which work he has to pay the null s5 00 per thousand feet when his 3 cords are sawed out he onl has 7000ft for it takes two tordsptloga to make a thousand feet of lumber the cost of making those logs into rough lumber is therefore 3 30 a cord which the mill earns thej fost of turning the other feu lows logs into sap peeled pulpwood is also 92 50 a cord but in that ciue the owner earns it the one is processed at home on the woodlot by hand the other is processed in the mjll by machinery the expenditure is the same the one is as much a manu factured product as theother an unreasonable idea buf this isnt all it fakts ttvojajlroad cars t carry the 84 cords of pulp wood while the 17000 feet of rough lumber which re quired the same original quantity of raw material fills only one car the railroads receive twice as much freight for the pulp wood asjhey do for the lumber so remember that when you advocate imposingan embargo ypuarpfimnlyeyjpi you may not from this on sell your logs ft pulpwood you- may npt so secure for your self and your sons employment for an idle season but you may cut your logs into rpugh lumber you may throw away fifty per cent of the cubic content of those logs you may load only one car where you might have loaded two you may not sell your wood to an american paper mill in short round sticks to manufacture int paper but 5t lift wintt tlb emw wllrirt long hat sticks to manufacture into boxes in which to pack its paper s such a propos jio cither robpn pr gensiplef i if the canadian pulp aryi paper association js sincere in its commendable desire for forest conservation let them purchase in the open market the wood now going to the united states let heip popserve their own standingvood instead of asking the government to apply a regulation group em gyp serve men uwh bianumy wuuu maiwu ui aowug n vjuvciifmciii lo appiy a regulation licji would bjace canadian woodowners and producers at the mercy of a powerful industrial oup eoeh the newsprint ring if their industry needs wood why dont- they buy it canadian pulpwood association temporary address p o box 1081 halifax nova scotia president amaus moijba bathurst oorouany limited bathurat nb vtctprtlidtnti a g aua ov auger bon limited quebec p q jamkb tiiomwon of thompson ft heylund lumber co limited toronto out j ralmi p bill halifax nova scotiu estjcqilve commitib j o atras quebec p q jo amor qucboo p q f w tnnit dreoofleld rq tj j kahih egantillo om joans giqmk juobco i q n k wimt sherbrookc pq h girouasd smiths falls oflt cba b cumi frsjerfal na ck daotoii quobsoxq w hot smith annannliailb b u t ju i j an omanlzauon of canadian citizens nd companies engaged in the production of pulpwood which believes tn the ridht of us i 5 jl i product in the best markets ouu world j nfehmp i i- z fit jildaa- wr