Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 23, 1925, p. 3

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lu a rtou 3te wa member canadian weekly newspaper association member selected town weeklies of ontario the acton free press is published every thursday morninff at the free press building mill street acton ontario the siduxipuon price is 100 per year in allvilncc posrag ik charged additional to ofucca r in the united states the date to flitch subscriptions are paid is indicated on tho address abcl advertising ratestransient advertise- racnta 10 tents per liacagate measure for first insertion and 5 cents per lint for each sullsc qucnt insertion contract display advertise ments for 50 inches or more per annum is cents per incli each insertion advertisements with out specific directions wiilbe inserted till forbid and charged accordingly h p moore president and editor 0 a dills manager and assistant editor telephones editorial and business office nw residence of president iij residence of manager 13 the cost of dying in an address during the closing week of the ontario legislature advocating the claims of small town hospitals among other good points hon dr jnmieson made was the following while many committees as well as other interests have from time to time made investigations and reports on the high cost of living i believe it would be desirable and propor thataninaiestigationbemade into cost of dying i am sure every member of this neighborhood news- town and country milton legislature realizes that under modern conditions when a case of illness occurs in a family and nursing and medical attendance liave to be had according to the latest ideas of the prevailing fashion it be comes a burden to secure the services of a highclass sufgicfal specialist and a corps of registered nurses then if the patient happens tpqie and a fashionabie funeral is held by onevof these newly named under takers or funreal directors or morticians followed by the tombstone man the savings of a lifetime of an ordinary citizen will disappearven before the estate falls into the hands of the lawyers mrqoorgo cottroll bronto street- was bolzod by a puralytlc btroko yes terday and in in a bcrloria conditio thursday aiprll- 23 tho oliolr of cliulmerjach thursday morning april 23 1925 editorial to reduce hazzara from fire with view to reducing the hazzardfronj fire the town council some years ago enatced n bylaw pro- hibiting the sale of firecrackers and fireworks within- the limits of the municipality and also prohibiting the letting off of firecrackers and fireworks in- the town this action was taken after conflagrations had been caus8d through the use of fireworks and firecrackers in several places in ontario while this action debarred the young folks from the customary noisy sport when celebrating the twentyfourth of may and other loyal holidays it engendered feelings of security among property owners which previously they did not jiave there has been an occasional violation of this bylaw but this has been inad vertent rather than deliberate canada a nation lota colony there is a certain class of people who come to this country from the british isles whopersist in referring fb- canada as a colony s5niehave gone so as to use the very objectionable expression we owns you and we governs you wholly due to lack of observation and study of the pro gressive history of canada ilt is well for these people to be informed and for all residents of this country to be impressed with the fac that ca is a selfgoverning dominion of thebritish empire that is to say that while canada owes allegiance to the cown of britain she has legislative control of all affairs relating to canada only such matters as might conflict with the general interests of the em pire at large are reserved for the control ofjthe im perial parliament canada controls her own revenues and expenditures she makes her own laws regulates fortysix fewer industrial deaths in the first three months of 1925 there- were 4ti deaths due to industrial accidents in ontario in the same period in 1924 there were 92 deaths this decrease is quite extraordinary especially when it is remembered that the number of industrial deaths in ontario has averaged oyer 0 a month for the past several years the value of these 46 lives can hardly be estimated but the reduction at least in dicates that there is a little more care and thought being used by all concerned- the total number of accidents reported to the workmens compensation board in the first quarter of 1925 was 12655aiso a noticeable decrease from the first three months o 1924 when there were 14144 accidents reported to the board- accidents- in the past three years have cost industry in this province in compensation pay ments alone an average of over six million dollars each year and in this manner have added to the tax burden that the province miistface accident prevention makes greater returna to the employee whose life or limb is saved than to the employer whose compensation costs ar reduced her tariff without reference to the imperial authori ties and in the making of treaties relating to canada she is consulted as to her interests and in the case of members of trade treaties is giverf practically a freehand i varied progrummo or vocal and inatru mental soloctlona at knox church tho choir numbora front 30 to 40 voices tho attendance dt the euetor sun day oorvlcoa at grace church mornhitf arid evening was vory large and the offertory totallbd 1200 tho number of communicants more than 150 was the largost in tholstory qf tho parish mrs abescobyhas sold the harbor ing business of her lato husband to an orangoyillo man named cox who will take peasesslon on may 1st mrs bcscoby will leave milton for windsor to join her two daughters who havo been thero for some time george mcmillan of milton passod sway at tho gonocaxflospltal toronto on tuesday night of last week after undergoing a serious operation do coased who was highly est bi all who- knew him was in his 70th year ho was a ufolong conserva tlvo and a presbyterian- about a year ago mr mcmillan retired trdin bjs farm on the 8th line trafalgar townr ship and moved to milton at the lust meeting of tho town council ope of the mombors brought up the question of sewerago that was votod upon last september and want cd to know what tho council intended tp do in tho matter of commencing work thereon as people were inquiring about it ho was lnformod- nothing would bo done in tho matter until ibecqtincil worejibaured that thero georgetown tho rovonues of tlys hydroeloctric system for 1024 wore 43201720 and the expenditures 288co0c a net pro lit aftor allowing l33d0o for depre ciation of 4o0025 mr w a millar has dlsposod of his tailoring buslnoss tho many friends of miss young of the public school staff aro ploased to know that she is able to be around plvjklluglv-a- itorihnftorhraortmnrnmobsr ren n i es swede tu rn i ps for a bumper crop of swede turnips for stock feeding in fall and winter sow rennles specially selected northern grown seed ss directory medical would be water avaliablo to make the sewerage system a suc cess the shortage last fall and winter left this matter in considerable doubt o t a offlclalsraldcd several houses suspected of selling booze in milton last week one house being visited twice the officers will make the re sults known in a day or two- it is said that a desperate- effort is to bo made to makeva complete cleanup of the bootleggers in milton and thqt at a mooting of tho ijt b lodge no 303 hold in tllo arona on april the members of tho above lodgo on- tortalhod the members of tho i o ij no 246 and their wives and friends and also tho members of tho acton t b lodge dr j hugh laldlaw of ottawa spont tho weekortu with dr and miss mccoll mr and mrs j a early and sons bob and donald miss beldn lawson and mr hillary of toronto were weekond visitors at mrs h p law- sons 7 the annual colobratlon of st qoorges day was hetd in the public library on saturday af terntiqn- under the auspices of the womans auxiliary of st georges chiircb the georgetown horticultural so ciety is starting to solicit members for the coming year the work dopo by this organization ib workhat will be appreciated- by the citizens cf georgotovn the premium to bo given with membership- aro- 3 dozen aaters 2 dozen verbenas- 1 dozon snapdrugon 2 dozon innlas horald kennies swede turnip seed is carefully tested for germination and purity and will yield heavy and profitable crops tw- we highly recommend the following leading oarieltes rennies canadian gem purple top rennies jumbo nennies derby rennies prize jennies kangaroo 8hort tempers ihese raids will bo made as often us neoossary keformer burlington our band as an asset in- speaking about bands and town bands in particular we sometimes hear people carelessly say what good is a band in a town anyway wejj first take inventory of the fellow who makes the remark you may have reason ip allow the silly question to go unanswered but regarding tjie re mark more seriously let us say that a good band is one of the mpst useful things a townor com munity can possess it is one of the best advertise- intents a town caa have- emerson says something about the world making abeaten path well a good band will make all the roads leading to the town beaten paths even though the towns other attrac tions be not enormbus every merchant is benefited by a good band the prompters of business and musical enterprises always bavqthe satisfaction of knowing that their civic demonstrations from time to time will be successful because they have a first- class band to lead the parade and attract the crowd a band composed of able players is a tower of strength to any town or section of country it cuti- vajes- the public ear to a high class of music and does it right at your door wo every enterprising citizen wju hooat the band wherever a gpes-r-pet- r advertijjertopic and evry word written ajbove by the petrolia paper applies toactbn citizens barld i a- thousands of united states citizens are seek ing information from the ontario government about and tourin in on the government j canadas railways getting together sir henry thornton makes the highly signifi cant statement that tentative negotiations have been opened on the question of the cooperation of the canadian national and the canadian pacific rail- wayav- definite propqsals he says are being consider ajj so far as i am personally concerned he tells tb globe i am heartily in faor of any action wt will promote economy and reduce the dominions pfinsportation costs always provided of course that efficient service is maintained equally reassuring is the statemeni issued last week by the president of the c p r mr e w beatty on the same 3ub- jct whether the initiative earn from sir henry qvmr beatty is unimportant the head of the j r says his company is entirely agreeable to any fair rearrangement of the countrys railway siprvieds which will tend to reduce uneconomic dupli cation of services where such exist though the train services of this company have been only slightly changed since the war we are hinder existing lessened traffic conditions anxious to do our full part in work ing out the situation in a manner which will best serve the interests of canada as a whole jnd with thatend in view certain defin prnpnoiy fl i jiscussion between sir henry thornton and myself tfhseh i hope will have satisfactory results tor onto globe a warning to temperance people not only has the camels nose forced its way into the ontario legislative tent but his head and neck as well andit looks as if his whole body would sobn follow it is evident that mr fergusons 44 beer will not slake the thirst of the mccausland- currie party at a recent- meeting in toronto mi mccausland is reported to have said you are going to get a glass of beer but that is only a start he gave tha assurance that after the session of the legislaturewasover he was going to continue his agitatipn for what heregards asia satisfactory meas ure of liquor sale which is practically the return of the bar- with all its attendant evils this an nouncement that he is out to destroy the ontario temperance act has at least the merit of frank ness the temperance people of this province can- notnow plead the excuse that they did not anticipate- any further change in the o ta having been fore warned therefore temperance people should be fore armed organization and instruction along temper ance hnes are imperative if more ground is not to be lost and if the tide of intemperance is to be turned back presbyterian witness edi l notes imtorial in repbrting the prorogation of the ontario legis lature last week the toronto telegram refers to it as the beer session that is frankness by a friend with a vengeance these aria the days when children hundreds of them swarm outdoors to play there is only one iaflfdcoursef the stroot aigne votoa for at the annual oloctlons jiavo not yet boon erected cltlxono ftre aaklng why mri angus horriaon and her son ortral who have ben vleltlne nee stater mra c r- preacott for tho paat nine months have returned homo to santo barbara california mr john moodlo will leave about april 25 for new york where ho will ball for england a week later on the vhlte star line s s majesuc mr and mru w p w tfiorfer re turned home from florida on satur day whoro thoy onent about alx woeke tho womens institute entertained about 30 ladles loaf wednesday after noon at tho horrle of tho president mrs karris bumby elisabeth street during the afternoon a delightful pro gramme vas given tho nelson and burlington agri cultural society is again conducting standing field crop competitions with oats and portfttoeo 7500 in prizes in oach competition will be divided a flro in a stump fenco in mr w v hopkins grove at the rear of the property- of mr a t enslow port nelson- caused some excitement on wednesday afternoon last fanned by a breeze the are began to spread and for a time looked as if it would get beyotid control however a bucket brigade was formed and aftor txh hours fight extinguished the flre hon j s martin minister of agri culture in the provincial government hoa accepted an invitation to address the chamber of commerce at a ban quet to bo held on thursday evening may 7 the banquet will be open to all the residents of burlington and the district and it is hoped thoue will bea bumper crowd of representative men shortly after one oclock on good friday afternoon the firemen wore summoned to virtues gasoline sta tion to extinguish an automobile which had taken ar it is said that the owner had emptied out about five gal lons of gasphno on the ground and was getting ready to reflll the car when sorne one dropped a lighted peopic long for the good it bears with drivaaborse ing signal watch the children match nrid the auto waa immediately tiarlow down 5qhnjlwrjl damn 35000 were caused the easter meeting of the clara e mooro mission circle was held at the home of mrs e h cleaver ofllcers were elected as follows president miss esther hopkins first vicepresi dent miss ruth blessinger second vicepresident miss muriel freeman third vicepresident miss hattle dun- bam recording secretary miss mona allen corresponding secretary miss annie alien treasurer miss ella brockon at tho close of the busi ness sossiona social halt hour wan enjoyed gazette has a hew map showing all the main roads land these are being sent to those making inquiries buy canadianmade goods and buy xhem at home chorused canadian weekly newspapers from coast to coast two weeks ago thousands of readers heeded the plea and yet some critfes will aver the weekly newspaper has no place in the stm simcoe reformer the town of cobourg is reported to have two idle factories on its hands as a result of a bonusing or financially assisting concern anxious to locate there and start business without sufficierit capital and there are other towns not so far away as co bourg which have similar experiences from the same cause thefoakville tannery bylaw carried last week by 583for to 134 against the people of oakvilleu nativo offho olo country mr moss evidently appreciate thctvatue of manufacttnes to a ton after having this one closed for several months and its employees out of work excepting for school purposes ana local improvements thq assessment will now be fixed at 1000 for ten years on the first of april according to the dominion bureau of statistics the quantity of wheat left in canada was 121084000 bushels whereas the year before on the corresponding tiate 202493 fioo bushels wre still in the country of this 1 2 1084000 bushels 39225000 bushels are still unmarketed this is the smallest quantity jhidby thetarmers at this season in five years the bill providing for legalizing christian science practitioners in alberta met with such strong opposi tion in the legislature that it was withdrawn the chief opposition to the proposal was that practition ers would be permitted to treat children who were not in a position to decide for themselves whether they wanted to have treatment by trained physicians and surgeons or by christian science practitioners the importance of having some period in which religious education shall have prorninerice in the curriculum of tne public schools was stressed by leading speakers at the ontario educational assoc iation at toronto last week present regulations m t p and it i though t pfofestaitt churches should assume responsibility in accorn- plishing this and not be too jealous of each other abbujtt- oakville this 1b a great town for joinings a few weeks ago the lions cubs wero organized last week a rotary club came into being the officers elected are as follows w alec chlsholm president a s forater vice-preai- dent j b l out sectreaajohn r byers director charles m heddlo director mrs john a chlsholm is herefrom new york for a couple of weeks ar ranging to summer in oakvllle the methodist ladles aid will hold a rummage sale in the church gym nasium on- saturday april 25 knox presbyterian church has se cured tho services of a leading toronto organist in jlfjeerson of cyril moss career and he wiu fill the double cap- arilty of organist and choir master there willbo a novel and special at traction in the gregory theatre on tuesday evening april 21st thero will be a fashion parade with living models showing paris and nw york costumes mr and mrsv- harry glddlngs sr and mr and mrs harry glddlngs jr returned homo last week from mexico where r hey spent the winter the oakvllle buseball players and others will give ah excellent minstrel show in the gregory theatre on thursday and friday april 23 and 24 re dr munro who with mrs munro has been visiting in the west ern provinces arrived homeiast week he and mrs munro wit bo cordially welcomed a horticultural society has been formed in oiikvlhe this decision vrxn tho outcome of a meeting hold la the council 7o numbers on wednendoy ovenlng when he following officers wero elected 11 r ponovnh presi dent vicepresident lyman root f cnrr second vicepresident dlrectoch mrs l v cote mrs a d chls holm mrs ryland now a g dlettc sam garner john douglas william cole w w mooro ho use w durant 1 the form displayed bv tho oakvllle football team against toronto scot tish at trafalgar agricultural grounds last saturday augurs well for the com ing season to rn the scottish to a 11 daw wasa meritorious achieve ment whon it la borno in mind that tho latter have the distinction of an nexing the senior football chamnlon- ghyp of 1 canada on- three oco trie cdniaia pondered by the choir of the methodist church on good fri day evening is declared tfa have beto one of therjioiit beautiful musical pro- ductlonsof tho year mr james dyer choir leader wo the dlrtretdr fitar excessive monotony in a mans- way of hying doubtlose tehda more than any other circumstance to shorten hla emportqfeelthatyou aregolng- on and on day aftor day and yet that you aro not making any real progress indeed that instead of getting any where you are gradually slipping back inclines you to bestow blame freely and fully whenever there is an open ing and in the bosom of your family such an opening is seldom monotony in the ordinary familys way of living is largely attributed of course to the slendernesu of tho ordln ary fa purse severity on the woman than the man the man has two bases of operation hia home and jiis ofllce or hla shop or hla farm but the woman has only ono her home she does not share ih tho daiily ohange of scene and fellowship tftat isher husbands por tion her work js usually more mpn otonous adun interesting than his it is also of u naturo moro trying to tho nerves cooktng sew ing swoop ing keeping small children in order enjoy only intermittent and- oc casional intercourse with ho r friends lnstoad dally companionship with them- such as is her husbands lot if the ordinary husband would atop to thlpk about it he would wondor how his wifo manages to keep hei temper as well as she does still more would he applaud her success la bringing up the children to have good manners and considerate feelings- inr stead of harsh voices and quarrelsome dispositions such as characterize the family next door intelligent appreciatiohby the bus hand helps wonderfully to migitate the monotony of the womans life and to lengthen out her temper tho man who comes home from his days work silent preoccupied or glum who then spends his evenings with the news paper without even condescending to read tfte headlines aloud and who confines hla tabletalk to a few per functory inquiries or a complaining dlscussioq of ways and means miy think that he appreciates his wife but he has no right to reproach her if aho grows cross and badtampered if in any way it cun bo arranged husband and wife should take a short vacation away from each other pneo a year such a vacation promo tod in each a perception and an apprecia tion of the others good qualities anil forgiveness of obliviousness of ths others faults husband and wife then return to each other with a now con tentment and settle down together to a now happiness caraton top v bronze green cop purple top bronro green op order rennles swede turnip 5w through iothr local dealer y cor adelaide and jarvi3 slifcj v toronto r iwu cannot obtain locally pteaie tctlte us giclns your dealer e ajjrtst rtnule seed annual the tnott com plete canadian bctd catalogue free on requett dr j a ilcniven physician and 8urqon pmpo and residence corner bowar ayenuo and elgin street phonic 88 dr e j nelsbn frederick btricidt aoton ontario legal phono no 22 p o box sll harold nash farmer m- a barrister solicitor notary public convayancer etc perryman block acton ont j money lent qn m9 hours 930 icm to 6 pjn sat urdaya- 1200 oclock h s meir barrlatar solicitor notary publlo georgatovyn opt aint it true many a young man is put to it to understand why it is so hard for a ghi to walk half a dozen blocks instead of waiting for a atreet car an oven- ipg dance that lasts from nino oclock uptll after midnight reciulres tnrenty- ilght thousand steps or a little more han eleven miles it is easy to be boss in your own homo all you httvo to do la to sond tho rest of tho family away fjcjr babysbathl more than that of any other member of the family babys tender delicate skin needs the- greatest care and attention the goft soothing oils inj3abya own soap make it specially suitable for babies and its clinging fra- graiice-remiudboneof-thetoseaof- france which help to iiispireit lb itsl for you and baity too internal and external pains are promptly relieved by thomas eclectric oil that it has been m1d for neaiuy fifty years and 18 today a greater seller than ever before ib a test uonial that speaks for its numerous ourative qualities dental dr j m bell d d s u d a ointlit honor graduate of toronto ttnlvajr sity the latest anesthetic urfed tf doslreot office at residence corner of mill and froderlck streets dr f g gollop dds lda dental surgoon hank oittfifova bootia hour bao to 0 evenings by appointment miscellaneous francis munan bookbinder two standards listen first to a busy dressmaker ive lost my new forewoman before i really had her sho came to see me last night to say that brown com pany had ofcof44ier more money and sho had arfjepted tholr offerv- signed a con- tract with yqu for the season inter posed a listener so she had moreover tho contract was her owrr suggestion i should have been content with a verbal agroement but of course i cant compel her to keep it even if i wanted unwilling service it la hard work dealing with women now hear- what a successful young wpman teacher in an academy says to the principal i have just had a telegram from blank college offering me two hun dred dollars more than my salary here and i- suppose- 1 must go i hate to leave you in tho lurch but the money is too tempting but you have promised to teach in this school for the year yos but when i did that t diet n6t know i could have tho position at blank college i am really very sorry to make you so much trouble bat it really is not my fault as you must ee r r listen again to a sturdy boy who runs errands for tho banking arm of carter and company it has hard luck to ioso that chance at shepherds but id just agreed to come here tor three dollars and ahalf a week and i couldnt go back on my word oven if they offered me twice u much that extra seventy cents that shepherd offered would have come in handy just now when i dont know whether i shall be able to get into my last winters overcoat but im not going to fret over the money i haveto refuse so it appeared that neither the fore woman nor the teacher but tho four teenyearold boy had- learned tht meaning of the phraso in honor bound one might not bo able to prophesy in detail his future but he is af least on the way to dcisorvo popes splendid tribute td addison statesmen yet friend 1 of truthl of soul sincere t inaction faithful and in honor clear who broke no promise servod no private end who gained no title and who lost no friend i the decline of the classics greek may have gone out of fashion but greeks have not tho being who used to live for us only in tho pages of ancient history is now a famllur figure in overy olty tho episode re ported in the tribune may therefore horve had a foundation in fact mention the name some well- known greek said tho teacher of a juvopllo class in history george spoke up the curlytmlred little boy george who i dont know tho rest of his name maam ho comes round to our houoo every thursday with bjuu oranges for constipation 1hkc dr caldwells laxative syrup pepsin account books at all kinds iado to order periodicals of overy joscrlptloa oarofijllx bound runiier nau ana promptly done wyndbani street ouolph ont over illlalmwfttoro r jkerr auctioneer and real estate 2q years experience list your property wqhme acton ontario people who use red rose are uually those whb like tea of extragood quality riais good tea the orange pekoe is extra good try it the forest shall we crop it and conserve our forest capital stabilize industry ensure future prosperity or shall we mine it and deplete our forest capital undermine industry menace future prosperity national interest and national security demand the treatment of our forest resource as a crop the obstacle to proper treatment l fire the cause of fire is careles8ne88 the cure of oorolosncia i aroused public opinion we must all play our tart- hon charles stewart mlninw of the interior v w irritatbd bv we v sun winftdust cinders udahhmho a uadjpf dju00uu ofllcianj miffafm r caabi mk htfmiri co ifllcianj free press job printing is always neatly done ae nicklin insurance agent life tire auto accident a health insurance guaranteo bonds burglary and plate qlasajnsurance trustee for estates collections buslhobs entrusted to my coro will bo carefully looked after and treated confidentially box 441 bower ave acton start on monday ay guelph jbusiness-college- qummer blda quelph oht for thorough training by individual instruction from business experienced in- structors couraos secretarial bookkeepers stenographers guelph business college graduates are in demand a l bouck principal and proprietor dont neglect your byes toko advantage of spociallat services ottered by this estab- uahment and know your glasses ore right experience is a good teacher 1903 1925 wo havo had over twenty years at it and hero patrons aro assured of the best in op tical service a d savagie optometrist and mfa optioln savage building bight at the post offico guelph ontario the old and reliable granite and marble works we are manufacturers and dlreot importers of all kinds of monumental and hoadatorie work wo sell dlreot to our customers at wholesale prides thus saving our custqmer 40 per cent we havo tho beat appliances and the only mechanics in the dominion who can operate pnouniatto tools properly we can give references from hundreds of our customers in toronto and other t places whoro others have to have law suits in order to collect we havo the largest and best stock of grantto in tho dominion or more than any three dealers in tho tvoat wo aro legiti mate dealers and employ no agents and do not annoy or pest customers by sending out ignorant agents solicit ing orders we employ only mechanics and defy compotltion hamilton sons quelph ont subscriptions for all maga zines taken at the free press office i

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