Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 23, 1925, p. 4

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i -h- r tyty artmt m tw tyxtza t1itjrbpay apml 28 1026 sx i a country cemetery tjioso though one thoy ownod ull parental jilun tliat bqskaholr qpticlouu uplnndt in tho nun hov twin i ii space it iu that oaoh ono fllla nowtbut hln duy ihdonvi tivlxljjiiitliandilcauitiittruoijomo wandered fur from tho old homo to boo cnrthnwtdo ilonrmin but in thin ucr mnny authored are about hm itnoeu uitaln while 3cmo with luxury abode nnd uonio where pining wnnt and routlosa care wore found all on ono level mootijwhen hero thoy corno to minglo whl tho ground wo flntt whore each ono lived another name and other feet pawn through tho well- known door bur urn uld wotiu a uuay juat thft same thoueh it knows thorn no more ndorxfrftwv raw cm aj a matter of personality you iooifllke a gardon of awool pout mies stauton said and smiled at hilda who stood lit tho doorway prottlly dressed in whlto and violet tho quick color flashed into hildas face miss stauton you famous miss stauton as aoraldlito gates called her was her ideal oh would you oar to see my room she askod easterly its just a elrls room you know hut its ta violet too if it wouldnt bother you id love to said miss stauton fnow i can lfyoucanhldaftia ktlisplly thoy wont npstalra together joans room sunny homely full of uaod and shabby things faced them first mis stauton bad boon there the night be fore hilda threw open the opposite door and then stood waiting while tho color camoand went in her faeev she did not have to jjrait long its eocaulsltol miss stauton cried plil you planlt all yoursolt every bit hilda rcpllcj an i irorjioalt out too 1 did tho stonolung th oldtowwano the olp streets v for tho curtains and all the embroidery r tljpuslrta llttlpof having a violet on mlfiien butt liked the white nano gram better i designed it 1 put it on my shirtwaists too- sometimes in wkltoand sometimes in lavender and white i have it on my stationery lookln nero she opened her upper 1 drawer inside wore handkerchief and glove and ribbon cases of crash and orabrolderod with the pretty mono- gram i thought id make them of silk at flrst hilda explained you con get suoh lovely silks but after theyre soiled thats tho end of them tho crash washes i i love to have things individual dont you think its a duty to be yourself in every way you can mum stauton t shsj stauton smjled into the pretty wistful face x certainly do she answered although i never saw tl worked out in exactly this way not many people have the taste even li- they did havethetlmebutevery strong jlerson ls1ndlvldual neverthe less 1 think your sister joan has the strosjgest individuality of any girl of her sge i know joan hilda errin hirim ins tinctively licrglanop went to the room across the arf xuom staaton ianued eye a dont mean in monograms fcnt she stamjis herself on life none the less to -ven- ture to guess that her room is lived in hy all the younger ohllnran isn 4tj x could see they all csane to her with every interest of than- lives and jack especially ant it isnt easy to hold the cemfiaenoe ut a soy at dtpnr- teen j can see jonn sun nor mark en every one of lhnse ctifldren as plainly as 3 am see 1he mr on roar jii linen 3x iftirnns liar tho old alroots looks familiar as i wander back today to walk in sacrod places where my young feet used to stray tho bulldlnga- old and crumbling were once modern in thoir time touothor eyes thoyro shabby but they soom not so to mine scanchow a fitdod glory almost holy too it seems surrounds tho llttlo village vhore lvedresmed my okllutab dreams its good to see the old place after wandering all these years but why tholonebome feeling and those softly falling tears there sweeps oer mct a sadness that i cannot aultb explain it leaves roe vainly yearning for the good old days again i watch the llttlo chnaron romp and play and laugh and shout a t fel nlv nirml back to our atarlng point doing to tjieinuth w0aro attho thtirtell home- stood and others the names i oannot recall but all nlonv- thoro now are many dwoliitiffo anil lmprovomonta tho lund is belus qccuplod undhouues built mrs modoniild llvoo oh tho mc- phoo ilot then tlio manso up thetffli on tho east ulcle the boardmorp tan nery is the big thing but tho tannery in my day wawno sucli impoyintf ntructuro i cun yot sootho old whlto horse going 11h vrtiivy way round while farshlngthouowrforgrrndtnrthi hemlock baric and the yard itself wnian- good plaoo oit which to play and wo boys wore sure of a ploco from mrs wilds f roferred u the old swimming iti but in spoaktiifi df tho tunnory nnothoi- rreok whloh i ho isnow yrlbbed ty conflnod in n numc it wiih in ituml umlor tho bridjo that i got my idea of how to uwlni in which i got to hi- quite export thtijjlbgor boys used ti- uo to ponatsnd to malio tho trial reasonably safe tor u llttlo follows they had n eodnriol drove hqiiiiiv the free ftesv gross wordtpuzzle b- into a stump on tri pond bottom tiiih mude an ideal holding ploco and ww arbuwe to mnko huriiocsdojibj bthholiwolttre some of tho oiler iioh would go out to tho pole to bo on imndln case of any trouble in my own cnsooneo i wont out but whether front onrolessnoss or over conddonoe iroisaed entohlng tho polo went down nd got uirioutbftil of wntornnd iiosulbly it might imvo onded to my domttiont but ono of tho nlolilln boyws ouhnnrt ho caught mo by the hair or whloh imd much more than i hnvo iiov pulleil mo un with the remark whefo were you going after the fluh and all ivaf woll u- on the cornoroc main and church streets soutbeaat llvod georg qlbbs of whom it might bo nald as of thqduke ofjguokrashtmstatcaman iffddlert courtier courtbuffoon every thing by turn and xiotblus long mr qlbbs was a butcher i saw him kill anddrcss ashcep in twelve minutes was auctioneer nndjgenoral handy man ono of tho boat nolghborb anybody could wish for r horqdntal ju w6 bttar thna i clsmtyou aauat siwsyi- vmtch 5 bttar thnaomr artxtrwljnolrabtf wlua ct adieu until next time isiia with theso younger ones about where are tho doarold faces of the folks i loved ao well 7 ah long ago theyve scattered wjjcre or whence icannot toll dryeyed again i wander through tho wide world up and down but when j jlo just take ma to that little old home town for im very sure tho angels have reserved a place for me knowing how much i love it its my old homo town you see catharine elizabeth hanson woll isla hao crowded in a lot of stuff at o nlttlnf- ttil ntnnr is full- of interest in n few instances hes a llttlo off in utltu but his memory- is really remarkable after sixty years out of town new8 from the other acton items of interest sodworthy efcom- parison from acton england imnesty and nnselflalniuse 3air play aend anpaxirjr- jte irmuurrrca tfalnc tofmairl p btcramc2b jaxve jua 3 iy g never thntsrh- asida tftiwtnt hiuh fltirmrmlsjejwab mel 3mam with a new old acton bo writes tho readers of this column will no doubt enjoy- tho contributions penned by isla who had his birth here some seventy yeors ago he will no doubt cover muchof the ground that i have goneovcc during the years of my re irilniscences but his description will be from a different angle no doubt many incidents of the old days will find their way into print ofr the first tune j and feel quite confident fubk fnxss readers will glve him a real oldfaah laned -aciob- welcome i from i exprcr rnhcreoidax0-ithsniiirjjenob- jllxanxks jixue xtnr o maml hwwtbxf tbximtjueii aae ai axttie aago am anis join 3hejxaibemitiiiiakta jprwaed to amrrtiagc enjetb anesnjfew jsenluttbiuai atotliii nssitiiiiiiil jssbxt r vw auuli aui jttmqe mac hm cjllii xtai aunter rtke itsao jasismr at eenttoiexitnorpxlf jleed tiutrtsie jnentaavt acmnlertiiittc btprsrlf ita ynd iiiatotiaay jmhsc- sittt0mi seuebetl amr amsbtr jme iiehma jmt avfttxk iwtter ibm uetotiigihitm- sua iium thjiec tanlote mbiab sm0 te be aam vuguf ajgupwb rlasrg mt ocaioji ait jam otimw atbs tmm- tn oo4 hi jts ti atmaiuuoj jiiinasssfly hlnr jtimt at itgsrttw bc wear at k ubxr ant hat inhur mot tsr cxx jt in aspjoac mh i rrpurtat to aarne iv mr mymfti vl smbm mmi fruit u mmim bat i 4ttft expect to oij times and scenes in striving to recall old times and scenes about the old village of acton remember tnat some few days novo passed sixty odd years in fact since 1 lived there some changes have taken place we have not much time in irnlch to review the changes nor to recall snore than a few of the incldenta that lay in the corners at my xnlhd to what ve can it is well to- have a point xrnm which to start and if yon will kindly meet xoe ln imagination at the rnrrmr nf ituj and main streets tarlrjc the north ice aa v no- isain iii iw and see if here are any j xobe noted as we aander toward the railroad ihe lot on the northeast nrhsre jum secord icedt store was itltb the exnentlon of a shoe store kepi ity jdovie jsalonry and nis annrenljoe comers 1 think called jimmy vacant land and was our joay owt lor ball and marntes jcear there saerarge ttrvt and medlrlne gos hop and sn3nus xnrt neord oovtheir ommni lor very gate jxstuc atone and horn m nasted and decorated mub their imte snt all this is txmr nleo ttbcse sebo 1oa- ihvir tfeooetions tlnnmfl this- feerubie by t snd cenaus th alexander mcfhea from the school efci vaylo wnldi money t is very extraordinary it t here anat it is cone and you do not fed as if you had anything to show for it- ot course you have the bast of husbands but just beconw tu is the best you do not tike to be forerer tormenting hire and some people must have husbands who are not the best- there is but one way out nf the tangle and bat is system with sysem there may be drag find worry but there cannot be a tangle first dud out exactly what yon ought to spend toyr husband will be glad to tell you if ho seeslast you are anxious to abide by his decision then dts- 5r- can possibly afford it in food in dress in service in amusement ascertain tho price of things and allot a oroper amount to each department with of course a luwrnl margin for the un- expected then if one field of expendi ture exceeds adjust it by reducing what is least essential neither this method of preceding nor any other method will- enable you to gef something for nothing but order and prudorice and foresight will atleast ahow you where yob stand and will rid you of that desperate distress that comes from always living in tanglo above all 31 you have a daughter begin earlyto train her so that she may not gt into th tangle at all laf1aff- larry etatee in vat d wlildh jcro beoord atonic smehes- after lier sudden resnoral ihroibsb fire two dwelling a vacant iat mu what i jaxmn a jattrer dtexnikr ajmxe was another vacant let then saucer vnm blacksmith shop mai- oplm kennedys jbome and then seyeral dsaungai nnltl we come to the old adng and rump mills in charge cf zaun hhoak hirer street runs tbrougb bl rojertr nowj the suoeasi that stors from the upper pond to the lower oe or utekutf pond and now to meet the matbetic oafsettir today tairy zsucer over the stream lu vain street was squire grants borne then the sidney smith estate on which was built the new school and the first one to wield authority within it was grounds was vacant land up to tb railroad beyond which was the stave mitt operated by the moore brothers from thence overmaln street going south was the cameron home and then was the temperance hall since moot below that was several old bouses and then the tavern i can recall a family called stull wht kept it then over the stream was over tons blacksmith shop and past sonio dwellings was the old school house in the corner of the presbyterian church rounds beyond that lived thos kb bage tlie planing and pump mill proprietor and there was a few houses here and in one lived charley wolger from thosxprcas of april 6th the following news from acton middlesex england is gleaned princess mary viscountess lascelles will open tho now bexuliiuarters of tho deaf and- dumb association in old oakroad acton oo ay 5 when bernard bolgcr of east molesey was summoned to the acton police court on wednesday for driv ing a pirate bus at highstreet in acton ina mannerclankerqua to tho pubilcvhe was fined 2-5- inquests nn two cases of sudden death were held in acton on monday morning by mr r kemp divisional court j for assaulting ivilllina barter of rosiynraaov acton joseph batten of potterylane nottlng hu1 was flhoj 20a art acton police court on wednes day at the acton petty sessions on-wed- nesday the magistrates aljowod a poor rate for acton of 7s in the tho same as last year the very lnterestlngr address given test week to the actonworoen eiti- cens by mrs travers humphreys on the work of the holloway discharged prisoners aid society was thoroughly enjoyed at acton police court on wednes day helena goldtar of pork-road- north actopwas sent to gaol for two months for neglecting her children in n manner likely tocausei thern un- eeeasary suffering j two shepherds bueb boys one aged fifteen and the other fourteen were charged at acton police court- tl week with being in possession of quantity of lead plplnar supposed to have hero stolen the newlyformed jors club in connection with the actonlabbf papty held its ijbjatneetlnf on tueadqyln week and elected mrw honslmtt as secretary and mr r s wulker as treasurer the bishop of kensington held a confirmation trvice on sunday after noon in the acton parish church which was crowded there was scarcely a vacant seat ut tho young peoples service held at tho acton congregational church bn sun day evening when an instructive ad dress- was given b ihottev r o da vies- afte ten months slicccwf ul stay at acton captain foutapre co hun taken up an appointment at the train ing home clapton hr successor capt smith froxn manchester was wsiaomei to aoton durinst last wook- end 1 1 a dbpoml of somb 15 tq mootli od jxiiuli 1 1 wht k did wgohi didnt intch when ho wttat 18 pnnt 19 updvilch you msytand if unlm 2 1 tli uumof fnott accidents 23 wjialtowktchfarwhancitmvinbsthmt 24 one word of kifaai yoa sliould boed 26 to discourse u 27 how yoa fsel when hure7 2a a jblowwith e pointed weapon soj accompuahed 31 mem of net acad oi science abbr 32 cut 34 an an prererbully alow 36 indiipoeed 32an4teoiortkel 38 splendour etriklnr effect 40 acauaeof blood pouonlns 42 what careful workman doe when in donbt 43 used with haw 45 hotweether 47 cockneys way of amyins happy 48 what e rechtot tool doe u you are 50 leader of enortnwest rebelllan 52 thosoveraorof eturklfa town 53 the cause of much laiecboo j 55 mens name 56 boy name ebbr 57 scotch for snow- 58 dre 60 part of v year abbr 61 tolly 62 saucy child 64 a wirecaso 65 ancionttnblkalcltyeqtirelydesiroyed vertical 2 babys way oi eayins thank you 3firy 4 whatyoufeelwhenlturtlnansrcldsnr 5- a eeasonins 1 6h ji 7- last word of e rilweyiliklug to cauf sthecostof bains careksm 10 a vehicle used in winter 1 1 followers of a ceruln dofma 12 what wduld nrevsftt mo accidents 14 expression of negauon ll 16 oldfaahtaned excumatioa pl 1 7 wards offaupport 16 whaeftredoe to the landecep 20 small round mark 22 him french 23 used for warmth 25 udreeaonins fearcames w adj 29 what you set costocjauhlfcaii ethousands tar an accident rile 27 a euppreased laaab alt 31 ijauaeeurousands of dollasiyaerly waste 33 provincialle8liativsaeniblyabir- 35 new ensllrh art qub albrx 38 to dlecorer unespectediy 39 thai pl 40 prt of body often neabcted csusee much preventable rltikrine 44 poriod of tlour 46 to rii lnsvily 47 wjwa you ro tr tn uijnt 48 tht mrkn mn mccititht nitmn uvs 49tht iljfta f hsfduiy waitbd wbeo hijinsf 51 whstt to do ftt pdlway crowiiir- 53 to crack or break uddenly 54 wheat hnpp4ioif you ra cinuaw 57 saultsto mrio blir 59 to set down 61 ju 63 lnitiaoliktmmoaameriaaprttuient a coyerlnir altar and whero aho rogn- iarly puts fresh flowcra ia mvich com mended in hia pariah magazine b tho rev h q pcile- who asks whothor thetown gouhcll would accept sacred picture frorp his parish to hanjr upqn the njhapdotau pew schemes for the benefit of acton hospital have bcon taken on mora quickly than that for eutabll shine link between thankfulness for tho good health and tho collection box col sword tho secretary telle that be fore ionsr upwards of 2000 boxes will have been accepted by local house holders and fhat about 150 stewards are at work in prpmptlpn of jho ex cellent pohonie ipbdplp drop ljf two pence every weok they fepl vyoll and thankful- another of those jnterastipi and p- structlve visitnto control pflndufltry which form a pleasing foaturp ip the activities of the acton- chcimbfir pf commerce took place on wednosday in last week when a party of tho jnerm bers headed by the presfdont mr w t davenport and the sdcretary mr j taylor paid ii visit to the london docks by permission of the port of london authority an amusing story is told at a recent acton meeting- of a misunderstanding by children who- had mechanically fol lowed the words of a trained teacher the moral bain that an enthusiastic amateur was often a better tralnol nerson than a trained person who did tilings by rote instead- of snylnff goodness and mercy eta tho chil dren wero overheard repeati in uni- binicffioviiioufflit aiftcr tfieir teach er and ffoad bid jdve murpliy shall answer to xast weeks puzzle oi rlttkl tatf drataqca ata h d qdq d 30 thisjta emma ti t3t3s shhtaq him niimsrotu aslep friends will be sorry to baar ol the dsolb of mi v7pl tlngolsh what you must have if -you- a tinsmith and of whom i may tell a tptst- pi aiusgoiw is only four hundred miles otn xonfton but uhe bgllslvof tho formor u not o english of u so a tourhjt front merfdri ofl jeor nod jlenh trteit tfrjtm formatjon frora carfw mxtt m iievr vvsysgaj there had been lomekiijjji npcident indva crowd f tllo jjngllbhnutfr joined fivm unable toi se what waif gmfjm usual questont i7ls i whntsthe rtatterheretf mtmfuy pft is joke at some time in the column then there wak corrlgihg store and in it of mome tlmo there waa a family called wetberall ptomthut down to the- old perryman home i am somewhat hasy but i think duncan kennedy lived about there fin the perryman lot i think there wa a tailor shop nd that allan mcphet arid his brotherlnlflw bobert mclxmnan carried on business i think that between this shop apd the old- atone tavern- was anestof tenement houses in one of which allan mcdougal carried on a butehar trade he had a son ronald who enlisted ns n member of the woth regiment- he dropped out of my ken uiitll 0h0 nlgbl in milton wtiom should i meet but bonald that was kyeiirs gone by but i know him and gave him the aaelic he died a tow months later in toronto- on tho corner wits tho old stopi tavern and tom dork was joe proprietor if we go wost live will go iiitd a territory which is worideri fully ehanged and to my idea it ft jf to locate but ft uotmuoli to commenl slii l tbe klokhn chopping mill and a saw mlbniamtiat t hat therewrnr hrtiuu wtfwtjtipn clroiik av an si7w iqtnowherer i-xl5-a- mr ur bushwortb formsr proprjewr of tbe times kestnurant morn-lane- who succumbed in mildhiia hospital on saturday to heart failure following dropsy charles harrison a fllrn drummer of spencerroad acton irai remanded at acton police courtr on wednesday on o charge of stealing front a hand- bag in the kitchen at that address two ei notes the property uf ur- 5llu- beth cannon because john white bartowroad acton a crippjp was druxtk und re fused to pay his fare on a train tn which ho was travelling in baling broadway on tuesday afternoon his conductor called n police ofllcer who ejected htm miss j at- cox headmistress of tlio south acton oh lu school wlio bus re signed her post in view of her uti proachlng marriage with sdr ii mn bryde of 48 perryrood acton was last week the recipient of sovoral presentations thore is now godd reason to believe that pfl agreement for tlio purchase of aunnersbury park on terras extrcmolv advantageous to ho public will ho arrlvod at between tho tarn and acton town councils thdbov dr townley lord is one of pur youngest p djhdi not tho youngest the bey vf hi orchard who gained tho some ddrreei fenm titer london university in 11101 ma i be lieve about the same age at that imo as the aoton baptist minister is now whatever has happened to liberal ism the acton womohs liberal assoc iation proved itself vory much alive at its annual meeting on ffrlntny after noon gut then the womorr liberals always did nris do take their pontics much morej seriously than do men of the same faith the spfnr of adventure vlilchhaii tooently caused several aotort girls ta leave homo is probably ib the ex planattun off- the sudden dleaipoavanee of wo bosorp friends both aged 17 from colvlllerbud south acton is rather surprising liow long it tokes tome of our neighbors to get used t the fact that acton has a wjpuin fpruayior was it nrmeoynn upivtlur borders last week 4 mooting bf educauonists tooftnd sne was doa- avi i tiul ug miiyoross the follow us all tho dnyrf of our lives a joyrldo culminating in a collision at hayes had a sequel at tho uxhrldbo police court on monday wlionjomoii alexander qordon rnior meohanlp of acton was chnrgod on remund wltn being drunk whilst in charge of u motor at high street hayes and with driving the ear inomannorddrigerouh l publlo and heston albert noal motordrlver acfon was charged with being drunk and incapable thoy worn imprisoned and thoir cars impounded and he felt 8eedy too a young profossor in a bastorn ool- lege is said to hnvo had his baolielor upartmont done over in a shade of pink mour boqornlng to his brunette dothilpxl ifls shining blaek eyes dnd mustache ont wjlhlnlnif black hair jtot long afterwards he uns ifolipi ii and called ono- of his college clasi- matos a rlslqg young doctor to at tend him as tho medical frlond opened thi door ho spied tho sleek black head of hlspatlont tuolted awny under a can opy of pfnk silk a nliilt eiderdown coverlid bound in wide- rutin ribbon pf ho sanio shade drown up to his obin t huh ohub snorted the duotor with a piisculfue intoloraimeof ony- thing nronching offomlnnoy you look for all tho world llko a wotor- rnollon seodl adrift on ian iceflow fl6liiur thrpugh tho ico ohhe great lakoh particularly toward tho close of tho season is an ocqunatlon that purht to be followed onl- by men ct courabo rosourco arid great powr pf ondurancc n highwayh and bywaya of the great lakes clifton johnson seth down a story told hirti toy one of the old residents at machlrfno ono march while a couple of tho mackinac jalfhiccds were put on the ce at tho fishlnsgrounds about two mllos from tho vlllago the freat floe on which they wero brpko off there was a ilorco snowstorm at tha tune und they did not notlco that they wero afloat until tliolr lines begnn to dirag and thon the crack was too wide to jump that was about nine oclock in tho morning the- wind carried thorn ton milcscrtst wli thpybotiatoa cur rent that brought them back eight mllos toward bobldo island each hud a ulodko druwn by two dogs and thoy made tho doga run nmlmn therrt solves to keep from freeilns thoy must hnvo bone tyentynvo or thirty miles vanning tliat day tho uftuatlon wiih totting more alurmlnff all tho tlmo bocauno thovitao was blojlltlllg up- i was on jiobloo island at ray fund and i suw tho men on the lceoake but it would ho only for n fow minutes ut a time thon tlio atorm would tliloitop unr hide thorn a rowboat could not no to them tlio waves arid tho plooos of loo woud liavo smnahed it aiul i could only watch- tlio snow froxo stlft on my mous- tucho ns soon uu i stepped out ani i aould not keep my eyes open i tliought that tho two mon wore gone sure tho logcnku drifted oil till it toualiod tho uhore und then the wave bogiui tn wash norush it tlicy made a running jump for the ahflrev ftnd the dogs followod with the nieigtij an rnstant inter tha icocnke tlriftod awiiy liii tlio htcirui tlioy imd not lost iiiiytlrttig thoy oven lioil noma huh lu tlio slalgns hut the doh wore no played out that thoy diiipiioit light down and i toll you tho mon dirt ome eating when they got tii my holiso and riont yi forgot itl a terrible bxpcbikn0b tllf ailiw ixailjifk vbit till dyjfayotv ond most omrlatlcnlly wtert paid byte iarffe otn f oxnihclilflr to tho abfon cemetery lvwff y fer jv- r the first symptom the church of a small town lu tho malaria country had a hptnlr plunt installed ns h provision for the cold wouthor says a oontemporaiy on the sunday whon tlio nw appliance was first used a widow lind hor yolloiv- sklnnod aguestrlokeh son- camo 10 the ohuroh from their hqnie sovornl i ffny to attend tho sorvloe as luck would liv it tho qshnr ejioortod the pair to a pew that wa dlrntly over a register frouently as tho janitor fed tho furnaob in the base ment below the boy began to wriggle and twist r ma lib whispered i gilt to go i aint foclln tell wjhjts tho mnttor inquired ills mother air you fixing to have ou- othor spell- tossum must bo said tho suf ferer- i kin fool tlt foyer oomln up my lalgs n- allshoaaaraeashi s mmm tbaafanctatilis value avutjtuluinr fheeutrni compare isequantjiti the munwhono wife hua a lint with willow plumes on it in lllioly lo havn nutloqd how tenderly tho pliimes arc nursodand rniod fuiv uu will there foru imvo an idoa of tha feelings of tho woman whouooxperloiior in doh- orlbpd in the olnolmintl- tlraonystar hholind a now hut of whloh she was something more than pruml jt was a small luif originally about tho sisn gf n miihliandtmlllt howlrlmt uu owner hail luonritod it vltli willow lihiinoh attuoliod to- wire baokbqlics hliu wore tlio hat to tlio imisio festi val the dny tho fitmpus inlmit iloidm was to sing and felt a rboi deal drppnpd up ya she loaned bank itaoe- fuily mid oiimpinopntiy in iip niinir she felt some one bpljlud inn twglng ut her hot 1 r sliotuhod haughtily to face a hart- iiossossed young womun who looked lior pteadlly in the eye does ray hat nnnoy yotiu-tho-wo- mnn with the willow plume asked inlly not at nil said the salfpobtvsaad young woman exhaling ohooblnlo tho lady with tho hot- thought it over for a whlto then bho feared alio had boon somewhat ungracious sim turned again inihaps the plumes interforo with yourvlow of- the stogo alio aflkort thoy did at first admitted tbe olf- pessossod young woman butjll bent cm dowfi c rmmercfallr3d jmaoam fisher mrt5 cb looj bnrlght ave i tlejiisw europe i ee europe the best way us the organized methods of vsaaj travel und sightseeing which we have devibed and which havs proved thefr value for almost a century pur conj venltmt1jfotedfiicriryoursr facility steamship tickets by all lines canadian pilgrimage tours to rome for the holy y 1925 degsrture frcm moneai may 30th by the white stardominion line steamship meganhc attending the i fnr thr hrt i ipwture from lmontresf june 3rd by the canadian pacific steamship minnedosa under the spiritual dfrejctlon of hls vordthip the tit rev m v vaooa dd btkhop of leondon thgs cook son 526 st catherine st west montreal m ypnjrs st toronto 723 georgia st west vancouver iiantiakrmjjfai four- wheel brakes owners of fcnirwbeael pctaughjlilspbdrck brakes have been izxmmgtiisf tested not only hy mrttjgbbmck and general motors engfirieera init r thousands of brake mclaiighliii- to these ovners mfrt ttfj four- wheel brakes have jtraveti hoar increased control and safety by fairtt operation through nearly two yearsnt every extreme of wcajther rsevtlong representative fq thissecttoma georgetown ontario what is in plain every day english it tell ing tht otlieriellow what you want him to know wouldnt you jike tlie thous ands of people within the acton trading district to know about the goods you have in your store if they knew how suitable they were for their individual needs wouldnt you stand a good chance to sell tliem no paper covers this field so thor oughly us the acton- free press tlir6ugh its columns you can tell these people about the goods nearly as well as if they were in your store put your story in words and we will present it in type to uiousandsof readers within this trading otrict r the acton agt il44ajk rbsmfflffismjlf styhuyilff rvl i ilfl n i y f kaitesstf saisf

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