a vblrtln maniaa and dcatlia are bow charged io at ka following rates jbrtfia mc marriaircs s9s deaths mcj memorial girds 50c ioc per line extra for poema born doldham in georgetown on sun- day april 12 1936 to mr and mm h aoldbam a daughter dobbie at potroiia oh tuosdoy mnrch24 1955 to mr and mrs a 13 dobbio a daughter margorex isabclle died jtrpwk at oalfvulo o htnndoir ri 7 april 20 1025 edwin brown in his 92nd year sorby on sunday april 19 at bis homo on collogo holghts quelph pswald sorby in hie 06th year ibveraux in esauostng on thurs day april 18 1925 james allen dovcreaur in his 72nd year orr in trafalgar township on sat urday april 18 192b borah ann mecnllum widow of tho lato bamuol orr in her eightysecond year foitbeson wednesday april id 1925 at sib falrwou street saginaw o j akin w otjohn rforbea formerly of acton mitttonvittbs thrrjtspay apbil- 28 192 brief local itemis cobourgtf tax rate this year is 47 mills t mr william miller apent thaxreelt- end in peterborough you will never vget there it you aro content just to t by tho fellow who looks for an easy jolrla tmplainnir of bard luck- tho snow and ice storm put damper on gardening operations for a few days a new horticultural society hoa been organized at all is ton with 76 members somebody says if all croon words were in crossword- pussies it wouldnt bo so bod 1 cut out the cross word puxxle another fad on tho wane esquesihg township council met tn the new council chamber for the first time on monday an auto driver with nd life in surance is neglecting liis family when ho admires tho scenery w howho mates two pouims of pork to grow where only one grew before deserves well of mankind tho absenco of fairweather chris tinas was quite noticeable at the local churched on sunday morning last news of local import l larneat enn on record 1 i mric r qiiild kocewooal hna in hl posaoaalon an egg from the flock of- mr roy hlndloy of aoton which cllpoa nil previous records fob irtse- the monotor gg measured 8h incuts round tho long way and 8 inckoa tho other und weighed five ouricos the egg was produced by a olnlocomb whiteleghorn hei quclpri mercury neigorjhood news- town and ftirgx bumpis nace the ldatowol planner wrote tbo de partment of customs arid excise at ottamra to find putlf it woo necessary to put a two cent revenue stamp on a receipt mhoh- tho amount is paid by cheque the ruling is that it la neces sary to jiut tho stamp on tho receipted bill a number of pconio have been fined for neglecting to place d btamp on receipts guslph woman killed in toronto mri harry norrls 53 years oft of 55 waterloo avonue guelph was in stoutly wiled at toronto on nature day afternoon whon eho was hit by a cn r locomotive on the esplan ade aitho foot of scott stroot- ac cording to the assertion of those who- saw the accident- the unfortunate woman soemed to throw hcrsolf or fall honeatb tho wheels or tho engine which at the tlnto was shunting in tho yards 80th birthday celebration alt guelph a very pleasant event was celebrat ed in honor of mr joolab kcan jcean avonue guolpn on friday lost whon a number of bis friends assembled and wished him many happy returnsof the day on tho occasion of bis eightieth birthday friends wero present from burlington alderehot wnterdown coinpbeljtllie wdodstoclc corwhln bm nndaetoh many nreaent added to tbo lntoroat of the occasion the birthday cake was adorned with eighty lighted candles r gutlph firs chief injured fire chief robert knighton lies in st josephs hospital in a critical con dition angering from bruises cuts and shock as tho result of being thown from an automobile in which he was driving to o lira at tho sterling rubber cos plant on sauirdiiyfliomnjii gray wlio was driving the car was also tartovril from the machine hut escaped unhurt- the car was travep- ling at top steep when it collided wlti truck driven by lealle nolleo at kdlnhurgh boad and waterloo avenue oueiphilorouty inspect he makes i v clever arrest v two men returning to weston war intoxicated while drivino car 08pringe mr harold allclna loft bin homo oil tho second line last- week to take position inhnmllton t it is roportod jliat mr james lcalio hss aold his 160 aero farm on tho third lino to a brampton manfor o fanoy figure mr hoy tlnnoy la noy sportrng a fine new ford coupe oakville mrs c w oootb mother of mrs w hi tuck left for montreal ycatcr- day morning to vlalt her son professor j a cooto who la lecturer on olfp trlcai onglnoorlng in mcqlu unlvor slty there will bo a novel and bpccialtrt tracuon in tho gregory theatre on tllerfd evening thoro will bo fanhlon parade with living models showing porla and now york cos tames surely an the ladles will be eager to see this display of latest fash- ions there will also bo amoving pic turo after the exhibit star- limehou8e mr isaac nowton of sarnla spont a few days during tho week at the old homo here ho was the guest during tho week at tho hbmdof mr- and mrs john newton i during- mr newtons visit- to umo- nouao during the week ho toqk a- walk through tho cemetery at the alxth lino church ho was disappointed- to fine it not so carefuuykcpt as in fopnef dayl owing to- the fact that tho fathersof thocommunfly eloepthore some of them united empire loyal r lata he thought it was due them and quite worth while to keep tbla hallow r- ed place alwaya nttactlvo and neatly cored for terra cotta the annlveraary services hold lnlho texro cotfa mlothodlst- church last sabbath were a fair success rev dr jn creemoro tho curfew la rung at 9- p m and all children of fourteen years and under must hustlo borne do not allow the making of plans for tomorrow interfere with dolug what yxu planned yesterday to dp to day a good many people think when a few flno spring dybare experienced that n atorma nor cold spells should foirow mrs f a mcloan of chealoy sang the sacred solo face to face very acceptably at knox church on sunday morning the junior daughters of the em plro held a delightful social evening and dance in the town hall last friday evening in the country places by the silver brooks april airs ben graces laughter in her l hints of alien glamor ovon rcttfitrtno town knox churcn ookvlile has en gaged cyril mosa of toronto as or ganist and choir master his salary will be 1000 a year in dundas tho board of trade works in harmony with the hortloul- tural society in their efforts to beauti fy the town with flowers and shrubs a man who sorters from corns say its funny if balloon tiros look good on cars why cant they start a craze for comfortable balloon shoest rmr e wilson trafalgar had the misfortune on monday while operating a circular saw to lose two fingers off his right hand and have the others painfully lacerated rumor that the new bee is- to ii ill ten cunts a glass ins five may mean that it will be cheaper to got drunk at bootleggers prices fergus newsrecord about a dozen automobiles passed through acton on saturday afternoon with students from st andrews t2oi- logo toronto en route for guelph on a saturday excursion advent of spring has brought forth many perennials among the most un welcome of which aro the detouf signs which are already blooming on the unfinished highways of the province it was rather an unique sight n monday mornirffc to see tulips hya cinths daffodils and jonquils peeping up courageously through the snow which blsnkettod their beds several inches deep- provincial treasurer frlco said op monday ho expects the beer tax- would como into effect on may 16 bind the gasoline tax probably before that date better novo them come on different dates mr treasurer thoy wont mix nohow a now scheme is being tried out at iorguj public library newer and more exponsive books that are pur chased are lot- out to- readers at ten cents a week until thoy have paid for themselves after which they are placed on the shelves for free circu lation on sunday night when inspector reevely was returning- from a visit tp the goro along the brampton sido- road be come upon a coupe golnjr eastward at the fifth line that was wobbling backward and forth in the roadway the inspector stopped tho car and found twomen in it who were evidently pretty drunk opening the car door lio pulled out the key before the occupants realized what was going on afterwards it turned out that the two men- lnthoc were fatherand son james and ben mills of weston who were returning homo from acton with a log they had acquired in that district from a native product there was a sample lno pint bottle sitting uncorked on the seat between tho two men- when the two men realized that thoy were under arrest they became ugly and one of them kicked the in spector in the breast fl tho key was out of the car they could not proceed and were nicely cornered the inspector held them in the coupe until another car came along and- he not the driver to go to a form house and telephone for chief herkes the chief went out as quickly sis possible and found the inspector hold ing the elder mills while tho young fellow wast aklpplng across the holds young utile hadnt started quite soon enough and chief herkes soon cap tured the znon tho mills father and son were brought tp brampton jail and locked up on monday in the police court be fore f m crawford the men pleaded guilty jaxobs mills the father and owner of tho car was fined 200 for unlawfully having liquor and 10 for being drunk and resisting arrest the son was fined 10 for being drunk the car license- was suspended for two and-ithe- eartlooked up the elder mhib went east aa soon as court was over and returned next morning with the money to pay his fines and the son was released brampton banner to his mother dougat president of hamilton con- ference dcllvored a very able address in iho afternoon and in tho evening rov mr caldwell of georgetown preached a very appropriate sermon the glonwllllams and norval choir furnished very excellent music for tho occasion liberal collections were re ceived miss f mcleod is making some decided improvements ho her resldonco here tho officers of the terra cotta ball team purpose holding a big social in terra cotta on friday ovcnlng pro ceeds in old of tho ball team mlsaos norma und wllma hunter who have been spending their eastar holidays with mr and mrs c mc- keown and family of acton havo re turned home mr ed townaend has purchased a new uptodoto chevrolet car mr j stokes also is now sporting a now chevrolet r the play mr deacons entertainr mbntwlu bo given bythojrounbfolka of terra cotta tatho terra cotta methodist churah on monday evening mrw g lyons is on the alck list we hope soon to hear of his racovery mr j l cralno is now able to bo around again after his recent hhiesat the holton brick co ore erecting a co foot- brick chimney at their kllms tho plant is now running at its full capaclty mr frogera of toronto will erect a large summer house on tbo mountain this summer 0 mr f c thomas expects to opon his quorrie on the 10th hno shortly miss margaret townbend entertained a number of her young frlonds at a birthday party on monday evening and they all report a good time the terra cotta orchestra is making splendid progress with their music and report having a number of engage ments booked ahead rockwood among tbo vlaltpra in tho village lor tho- eaotor holiday woro evelyn und iolcanor tubmnn of acton at tho home of mlas margaret locker mustor mark collier of goorgotown at tho home of mi- anil mra gcorgo laverty und jack sfjulres of georfifetown for il couple of days with hhi friend jumes mcaleur mr gordon homo was a weekend vluitor at thouomoofmrandmr georgoh pcaren miss bcaslo gardiner wnu in toronto the convention of school teachers our fbchopl tcachcra aio back again to their work for tho renialntng term tho christian endeavor socfbty- of tho preabyjterlanchurcb hbld a plcjus- unt social laat lldayovonlng at- the homo of mr and mrs james wataon gamea tf various klrida were indulged in after lunch tho happy gathering dispersed for- their hoinea after thank ing tliolr- and lioatcab for tboir hospitality after an- illness of sonic tlmcmra bernard- schulz puaaed away in tbo onelp q il ww- day evening she leaves to mourn her loss her hubband four sons nnd threb daughters albert at home charles irwin walter mrs crale mrs me- cutchcon and gertie at homo olw- daughter mrs mcphall predeceased her aomo years ago tho bearera were as follows pasraoro henry maude robert johnstone j d mci- nobb ctios hill and vpnl mcnabo rov j uro stewart ofllclatcd jl targe number were present to pay thelr reapecta to a wellknown neigh bor the citizens of tho village wero very much shocked the budden death on sunday morning of tlios hanna after an illness of a few daya tho late mr hanna was manngor for the harvoy lime co for eome years and his sud den pasalng away wi l a gap barcl to oil he leaves t6 mourn his loss his wife formerly maggio wilson and daughter gladys tho funoral was hold on wednesday afternoon at tho presbyterian church preceded by a private service at his lute- home mr w b bragg who went west many years ago arrived in the villatxo recently to renew acquaintances he is staying at mr and mrs george boltona homo do you want to be successful associate with successful people and have them for yov fiends r of course you dol talils the llrst step now enroll at guelph business college l for thorough tninlug 2rby iiuhlncsa exerlencoj inatructora 3 session tho ontlro year v a l bouck principal and proprietor got particulars oti our homo study course jn ahorthano p ft dontneglect your take advantago of spoiilaliat bfervlcoa olterod by this ofttab- llshment and know your filassos are right experienco iff a good teacher idpau1925 wo hiivo had oyer tyrontv years at it and hero patrons are assured of the best jn op- ttfialj service ad savage optonietriat and imfa optloinn savage bulloinq right at tho poat offloo guelph ontario g w a lasa tiv arc av knows escosiob wmfmubiraihllls ictonontl luel the errjcexfrianundexstand y-oupainly- and thoroaghiy- ordcr excelsior flour bran 27t6ff ca 29455 acton flour and feed mills d hrmnd3ay proprietor t mltl- street acton cmt unmxtchbd for volume and clear tone quality sure and simple in opcr otionamazlnbiy selective ruggedlv built exquisitely finished quodradyne is known da c stan dard recelverr ii brings you everything in the air it holds the ibvr price record in canada for hljgb- classradio ftmrbtuclim jva in prict 4tube quapuppvne btube qladbodynb 115 na88agaweya soft ball schedule the following li at of qsmsa hss been arranaed for the season tho oft boll club has arranged a schedule of twenty games to be played between the 6th of may and the sth of july asfolloyf may 5 beardmore cova town may 7 acton tanning company- vs howetsons may 12 married men vs beardmore co may 14 town vs acton tanning company may 19 hewetsons vs marrled men may 21 aoton tanning company vs beardmore a co may 2 town vs- married men may 28 beardmore a co vs hew- etoon jjiho 2 acton tanning company vs married men june 4 town v hewetsons june 9town vs beardmore a co june 11 hewetsons vs acton tan ning company june it beardmoro a co vamar- riod men june j8 acton tanning company vs town xu- jfune 2j married men vs hewet sons r i june 25 acton tannins company vs beardmoro a company june 30 married men vs town july 5 beardmore a co vs hewet sons july 7 married men- vs aoton tao- in france the relation betwoen son and his mother is very sweet and tender even the boys of the least cul tivated class show an almost invar iable courtesy and unselfishness to their mothers x was in paris during the first two months of the war writes mrs lillian hoyden hieaton and a woman who worked for me spoke often of her only child a bay whowas in ono of thu very flrt regiments ordered to tho front i had never seen anythlns so sweet aa tho letters ho wrote to her lo alloy tier fears i am sending you tho last one he wroto borrowed it off her that i might copy tt in trans lating it literally i have kept much of the charm of the original little mother so dearly loved thy boy la aray and joyous as tho birds detroit tho bride travelling in a navy nine company july heweuons vs town that sing host thou hear that little one thou znust not worry not in the very least ray mother indeed thou canst not imagine how happy wo have been nor what dellclouathlngs wo have to eat we caught a rabbit to put in our stew and we found potatoes in a field thy bey grows fat my mpthori why shouiast thou worry thou must not worry when we ore jaughlng give to all the friends my loving greeting and thou dear heart look not for letters it is so seldom thit we can write remember that i am safe and that i love bee i send thee a thousand kisses and lam thy son s this letter aent to the mother by a comrade of- her son had been written orii scrap of paper with a pencil while he was in tbe trenches before the engagement in which be lost bis ufa he said nothing of the terror and the bloodshed nothing of bis own weari ness and dread nothing of the agony and cruelty and death ho had seen rlo wrote only whatjhe know would real- sure and comfort her the letter did strangely comort tho lonely sorrowing mother it made her forget tho ww and think of her boy as a gay and laughing child again there had been no funeral she hod not seen him dssd his joyous letter was far more real- to her tlian what she knew of his death- his lovlns thought had lifted her intantijat realm of the spirit in which there is norreal death a pretty wedding was aolemnixed on saturday afternoon april 11 nt tho home of mr and mra a j cor- gtil whon their eldeat daughtbr agnes ellcnore was united in matrimony to mr peter j mclean son of mr peter mclean of pusllnch tho bride en- th n nn t arm of her father to tho sbrains of mendelssnons wedding march played by miss grace norrlsh and took her jilaco under an arch ox evergreens decoratod with lilies and doves tho ceremony was performed by rov j t strachan of nassagaweya presbyterian church tbo brldo looked lovely in a gown of embroidered georgette trimmed with pearls and woro an embroidered voil held lii place by- orange blossoms she carried asliower bpqtmjt of roses and lilies little dorothy djredga acted aa flower girl and looked sweet- p a peach dress and carried a basket roses and sweet peas during the signing of the regiatcr mrs illnnlo moore of acton cousin of tho bride song tho crown after congratur lotions all adjourned to tho dining room where a dainty supper was served tho dining room was prettily docorated with daffodils yellow and white streamers xho presents wore beautiful and useful esumg them be ing a walnut gateleg table frpm the brobkville base boll girls and friends the young couple left for chatham and pos sals sv tour local dealer can obtain these or write direct to factory or gorhnrd hointzman toronto mets ariombt tssm of tstttriej rszs slu neiu wmtntanummmottm llwtsrp vjimntdok our good things to eat from spfys meat shop every timejweflll aijorder we gets great jeal of pleasure l out of knowing that it fs another package of vgood things to eat frqrh spry 5 meat store we know we can please pur customers daily by serving them with strictly firstclass meats which our long experience has taught us how to serve- once a customer alwaysa friend is our motto fjspry syccessor to orrie lamb mill and main streets r acton ont mclean co look over list of specials fpr thi week i icayser twobutton silk gloves in black and sand qc grays and white good valuef at 126 this week adc holeproof silk hose in black sand fawn tfj aft light brown regular 125 hose for ipliuu silkbroadcloths all shades- all pure silk d oc extra specialthis week per yard jlaaci5 bleagjbdtable damask at reduced price this jjamask is 58 inches wide dice patterns good value at 100 yard special this week i tc all pure linen crash towelling special for per yard 20c crunjs prints in light stripes navys etc for per yard 30c a ca feather ticking good value at 60c for peryaril 48t fancy towels regular 65c 75c and 80c for each50c cotton crepes in cream pink and blue- for per yardv 28c birdcrepes in pink and blue regular 50c for per yard s7j4c mens fine shirts odd lines of our 200 and 225 shirts for l65 mens merino shirts and drawers for this weather for 100 mens cream combinations regular 200 for l50 mens felt hats- all this seasons styles in greys browns and fawns carharttand big r overalls the best overalls made all sizes jn stock watch window for specials in grocery department mclean mill street acton ont store closes wednesday at 1230 k i l latest modes in millinery with the piorlaswanson ahapo in the lead in all the pretty new shadings of crabapplc penny brown i- tiond green terrapin rosewood and purple 4f its new w have it now is the time to buy wool for your summer sport wear we have a fine range of colorswhich will suit your requirements millinery and fancy good8tore miss j galbratth phone 109 acton ont i- bluo suit with ookwpod brown hat trimmed with french flowers sho wore a beautiful fox fur tho gift of the groom on their return they will re side on tiio mclean homestcad- on saturday laat three colts belong ing to mc nelson mclaughlin broke away from- bis place and wandered on to the radial railway track betweon stops 91 and 02 one of them was struck by the car going west at about one oclock sunday morning and was killed- the loss is a heavy one the united choirs of the methodist and presbyterian churches of rock- wood wh give their cantata in the ebenexer methodist church next dun- day morning mrs george stokes arid family- ot campbellviue visited relatives and friends at xsalchbull over tho week end the many friends of mr thoa han na of rockwood who died suddenly on saturday evening were sheevsal to hear of his death ho was a former resident of naaaagoweya omrnpllemng rtatthef llotiltjb through their uuveruslaf may rod and gun feotareel is tbo maylssuo or rod snd gun in icnnads too special qucboo tourist number are- ihs fjpllghtsand possibilities of this provlik far the tourist and sportsman an editorial sensage from tho hon j bj porrault inlator of colonization mines and fisheries introduces the province to 4he tourist and iolnts out tho many charms it holds for him in remem ber- the tlmet harwood steelt recalls in the aocoimt sf one ashing trip the a number of motorists ore core- hers or do r hm h sztsliup pisf p nsmng irip tne shs nreli will getthlaswonsr or later a ftuayssads surely return won detful results very week we have occasion to neueo the work done hf these lltuo want sds and tt ulmnuty ins annuai am l liv which may b enjoyed ty ny flsher nan who so wishes this aumraer the storlest from bbnnycsftlo dst ri slsrtirl hunter and the various da- pertmimts joshing notes outdoor tduk guns and afnmunitlon kennel qtjr ice cream is for the whole family- dont rusk ut- an incidental pleasure ot it svryo it oa u dessert ut ullinsirmnje our sodas have fouhd favor because- of their flavor and of the manner in which wo servo them this is a candy sore that will add to your stop af antlsfac- alon our csndy makes aopd -ba- cauae its mad good ins to note flint aavertiabrs fwly bhdmlfsvkrsiii h pome up to their mlt sottlpt ulr worth mt rsoju aufrkiot sjeeellsnoe publlahed jz2i rtwv7 w saturday treat weekend chocolates 32k lb assorted hard and sott centrea reg 0c and bo lb saturday special 32c lb maple fudge 25c lb a fjch smooth ltudge mopls fctf jjtfg 35c and 40c tb satnrday treat 25cfb trys pound of our milk chocolate velvets reg 60c lb s9ett 20c y lb ask for our golden stripe package that tells for 60c you will like il the ladies aid of mohawk crossroads a two act play depicting scenes of 50 years ago in the town hall acton wednesday eyg april 29 at eight p m jjnder jhe au8pice8 of knox ladies aip the oldtime gride and fijropm will he there also the minister each character a stafreflch eogtume an heirioorn a laugh in every tine a memory in every movement a whole evening of wholesome mrth rev a c stewart chairman plan ochsll open on friday april 29th st two oclock and sale if tickets at haeearda drua store annual report hydroelectric commission acton 1924 toronto march slat 1828 mibsb m spelffht secretary hydro eleotrlc commission acton ont bear madam wo tako plcaauro in enclosing a copy of the operating report for tho ajrton hydro system for 1924 aalt will appear in our annual report you will note a net surplus of 2g4768 in addition to a provision for jocal depreciation or 81900 which should prove very uratifylnff to all concerned we lip to that at thofirotof ho year you hnd a cash balance of imreftpi pr po avc wu c t larbq an ampunt tp cafry in an open account jind we would suffest that you mxlkohpplfcatlon to this commlgslon for authority to lriyea jiiboa00 of this n brdvlnce of ontario bonds ypurtj truly r c mccollum- auiptr munlclpa accjjunto auditors report of acton hydro- electric sybtem revenue special for friday saturday sm jepggcuts side pork by the ja piece per lb swvc shoulder oa oo hpsit rt zuc tozzc riti pork chop per ftjo freah ham whole or ott half lb c pickled ham whole sw fr half per lb scpc smoked meats smoked rolls whole or half lb icc smoked hams whole jo or half lb i ejstic side bacon by piece ojt jb olc veal cuts ss- 10ctol2c shoulder roast- per lt 20c domestic llflhtine commorclal llghtlnff commorcinv power municipal power street liffhtlnff expenses power purchased 13c7g 05 dlfltributlng system cporating- nhd maintenance 217194 iuctro malistcnttnco street clfthts ojiorutlng -ahd-imaliitonance- hdvbblocirlc shop adnlivilitiafl ttnjjfjenoralexiopso undistributed expenses debenturesjprlnclpol and sinltlng fund jc188 68 264d 50 9740 65 731 79 2120 00 121730 52 labd 3 and 5 lb pails per av id z0c i lb brlck9 of urd ol each mic 3 lb pails of shprt- am ening r tttrc homemade sausage ic 3 lbs for tjc total operating expcnaea depreciation 10 15 260 70 311 23 1233 ig nq i4 440 03 18j63 84 819 00 419182 84 12547 68 trial balance december 3 1924 with every order for 280 or over we ydll gwe you a 3 lb pail of lard for 40c ljipflf ald bulifilnbrt- slfljstuhpn pqiiiilpilt slbtrlbutlun syatpnl ljno transfqiunfira mp slrpot lrlt jflqulpropnt mlbopllaneoua bqulpmont the old plnnt bank deposits and cash soourltfea and invehtmenta accounta hecclvablo invontorloa equity in rlydro syutem skps im 1860 5i 127b7 3 1w s5 6099 ib 1139 30 1033 04 84n 50 1412 30 1000 00 2192 10 1002 28 8282 31 r0c3s 72 ltabilitibs balance due on debentures other llabllitlea r roaervo for equity in hydro by8terri i reacrvo for depreciation u debenturcb puid t 0071 00 additional jporatlng surplus 20429 63 total surplus 1 4828 04 164 24 8u82 31 7172 64 w j patters corneh mux and main streets v getyour job printing at the free pres i 50538 72 power account for 1924 ji arh8 i fta p accounts 1ondftvod monthly 15080 12 apr finnfb ferjfat p poffcv pop ychp 13t0j j8 bkoubo pnldto aolona urylt h k c mccollum auditor municipal accounts u ytooasnoes ubtfarlbc rt bfbbfbajjjjjjjaeblaisbbbsaelll nftvl jlflll imvnf w sssg mc i nr s ssijassn ttv vfisifei wbl v- t lirf linlsmssssssssssssssss m via iw mmmms