Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 30, 1925, p. 1

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ft j v fiftieth yearno4 thursday morning april 30 1025 acton ontario canada thursday mornin april 301925 single copiesfive cents the methodist church rev josephus culp pastor parabnanewillow 8t 1100 u m tho mlnlutor subject clocks and chrutlana jj30 p m sunday school 700 p m tho mlolbtor subject jobeflli a prince presbyterian knoxchurch acton minister rev a c stewart m a manecf willow street 10uo a m sunday school 1000 mbiblc clam tho closing ot tlio series matt chap 28 1100 a m tho minister subject comounto mo 700 p m tho minister subject invasion in the name of tho lord strangers leaving address with the ushers will bo collod upon by the pastor t special notices advertisements in this column 3 jcents per word minimum charge 30c ir inertlon tq1e3 accommodation for gentleman room and bonrd conveniences apply to post office box 37 132 phqnb 105 r 4 for sale radio 1 tube complete apply for particulars to p o box 439 acton to rent comfortable roorri with or without board apply to bor13fhee press for sale late 1922 ford touring modal in firstclass condition apply to j e dobib s brock avfc flat for rent t a flat for ront flyrooma and bail immediate possession apply to w d talbot hardwaro store acton to rent on may 1 a brick cottaso all con veniences garage and garden aji- ply to j a smith telephone 105 x 2 farms for sale 45 farms in the counties of halton and wellington varying from 40 to 200 acres let us send you our list a number of homes and business places in acton for sale mro and life insurance money to ldan j a smith real estate agent ijlono106i aotonont what salary do you earn do you want a position paying from f 6 to 12 dally our now 40 page free book sent to you on re quest explains how you can fit your self in a short tlmofor a big jjay yosltloirandearn whllolearningany of tho following big paying tradosf autotnobllo enginering eloctrlcnl liattorlcs woldintr brjoklaying plastering barborlng mechanical dorrturtry dont die a laborer act now wruo homphllls gov ernment chartered schools 103 klnjf st w toronto until saturday may 2 no time to lose but time enough to secure an enormous- saving on fresh new wallpapers for a whole house neat patterns for all kinds of rooms included both up- starrs and downstairs regulai15cto250papersfor justto -roll- theres a- prica jmagic about it worked out as indicated in the- group quotations below a price magic that means to those with homes to redecorate this spring practically savings of 50 reg 15ctroll reg 25v roll reg 45c roll reg 50c roll reg 65c roll reg 75c roll reg 85c roh reg i00 roll reg 150 rol reg 2v50 roll 2 for 16c 2 for 26c 2 for 46c 2 for 51c 2 for 66c 2 for 76c 2 for 86c 2 for 101 2 for 151 2for251 d e macdonald bros ltd guelphs leading and largest store news of local import beautify your cemetery plot it ail who havo plots in fairvlcw cemetery will boo that thoy are beautk fled and tidljy trimmed tho oltoct will bo surprising a little work now on tho plots will mean an improved ap- pcarancoair summer tho ladies aid of mohawk cross roads again to-night- theplny the ladles aid of mohawk crossroads featured last evening in the town hal under the auspices of tho ladles aid of knox church will be given again- this thursday oven- ing at eight oclock admission 25c bad roadway at- fairy low avenue tho roadway at the junction of fairvlew avenue with main street is irivcry bud condition a day or tfo of intelligent work there would create a decided improvement as this la the route to palrviow cjemotery it is much travelled anddeserves the im mediate attention of the council manufacturer wants new location a alibomahufturrnjvylmfirja anxioub to fetnovohla plant to a town haying larffor premises than his pres ent factory tho ryder mowat olove factory would accommodate such on industry several outside manufacturing concerns have been i oo icing over this property a valuable class in nursing class in nursing under the super vision of mrs dr lowe of toronto will complete a formiffhfscburse to morrow evening many valuable fea turesof home nursing were skilfully explained and demonstrated the 25 members of the class are greatly pleased with the instructions recoivud and they feel they aro under obliga tion to mrs lowe and to tho acton womens institute under whose auspices tho class was hold a beauty spot now that the fences surrounding the ajthletlc grounds have been cut lower he general public aro appreciating the beauty and attractiveness of jho place as never beforo the new ten nis court opened last year has been lighted this year and tennis js now in full swing on bpth courts at all times the young people of tho town aro enjoying tho faculties provided to the limit tho bowlers will boon be on tho greens again too and a oneday bowling tournament has been arranged for juno 24- a e nicklin insurance agent ufo fire auto accident ov health insurance guarantee bonds burglary nd plata glass insurance truateo for estates collections brain entrusted to my coro wlll be carefully looked after and troated confidentially mohqy to lorr ftn fa prnpprfy- layorablo rates and terms for re payment box 44- bower avb acton termination of lease h w- binton waichinaker acton ont we aro having a special bnr- aln bale during tho month f alay on account of the lease pf tho premlsos tcrminatjngjtri6 15 w all goqdft must j0 oplc tq re duce stopk tor removaf to of her jprotnlsca joyfollory vnfohca pipeks china plana stationary sqhqpl supplies waljpapor witldoiv piifiies tpyn rtocords hymn boqks blblos and prayer bqokfl jresbytprian hjothqdjst paptlht unci anglican brilics baxors cornba machine oil noedlos pio all bargains special di8c0unt m m wonderlani3 yi- friday mav1 w cyclone bier high speed molodrapia star ring evelyn brent comody vblg business with our gang rcjcllx thctat chs-tnqrt- saturdav way2 itdniorrows lioye m cpmcily ilramn tarflng agnpn jiairo- cqriiey vcrusher slnr- ivijng uqyfl hamilton kar hunl pflrtqonywo hphpql h tuesday way 9 cla88mate8 btarrlng blchord barthelmess nrld madgo kvrljis in her flrst vgrowrlup role tho last chapter of tjie fortieth door comedy present arms watch for the nsw 8erll into the net coming he vhb gels stopped north of 36 ily15meraon hough r l gnegoby son r weekend specials l turkish delight fresh turkish delight in vanilla arid strawberry flavor c regular 30c tb weekend special tb a uidc r assorted chocolates assorted ghocolates with scream and caramel centres weekfend special tb 49c assorted chocolates assorted chocolates regular 40c and 50c lb week- oo- end special lb rr- oca have you tried a dairymaid brick something entirely new mill street h wiles tt l rw historic gathering at guelph in may last session of hamilton confer ence of the methodist church j tho torontosarnia highway the now highway between here and rockwood stood the test of winter and- spring remarkably well a few places were heaved with tho frost in the sec tion running through the ward i aw and mccutcheon farms a few hours work on theso points wobld result in bring ing them to normal condition again and attention should be promptly given by tho road builders a similar weak ness cropped up on the crossroad be tween the seventh and eight llne leading to georgetown opposite the mccuilough farm the constant drag ging of the road with tho steelbladed drags is keeping it in fine condition bad language on eleotrlo car- one night lost week a couple of georgetown boys who were returning to that town from acton got into an argument with tho conductor over their fare profane and obscene language was used and the conductor made complaint to provincial constable atkjns a charge was laid against them which camoup for hearing be fore police magistrate moore on frl day tho boys pleaded guilty to tho offence and promised good behaviour in future tho magistrate imposed c minimum flno of 200 a cpau and aeujeyouiifl cliujth uolina advice as to conduct new footwear this weefe arrived patent leatppr pompq new tan pomps ojfforps nrrii sandalq poys ojofopds youths oxfords misses and chus boots sljppebs and oxfords childs sandals lowest prices all sizes j 5 the proof of the boot in in the wearing we close wednesday afternoons all he year round with the exception of december harry harrisonjhe sfre man jmpi ww i m returning to england mr and mrs h ingroywho came to actbn ubout a year ago left oh tues day for their old homo jn england durimj their stay here they made numerous friends mrs ingrey was a very occeptablo vocalist and was al- waysrjeadytq moke uap of her talent when desired indly yfovda ynte spoken at niprnlng soryiceof tho methodist church by the rev mr cult respecting her services in the choir mr- jrigrey was an active work er in connection with the sons of eng land air apd lirg jpgrrey will make their honio at bbuhtemotn in hants bngland- a few frlenda gathered nt mrs o cooks on saturday evening to spond a social farewell hour or two when hupdeamo gifts and a neat ud- dresswere presented to them lights on carriages and waggons those who aro driving horsedrawn vohtclea on the highway must ac cording- to tho ferguson government euhor get home from town beforo dark or have their lamps trimmed and burn ing on their buggies or waggons bills to compel drivers of vehicles after night to have lights oij their rigs have boon introduced in the legislature for beveral years pant but always were de feated in tho municipal committee this sasslon the light bill was intro duced by a cabinet member hon o henry mlnistor of highways and was therefore passed the bill reads every vehicle drawn by a horse or other animal whenever on a highway aftor dusk or before dawn la required to carry two lighted lamps one on each side of the vehicle so affixed that they shall be plainly visible from the front and rear of the vehicle v- egrmr atgnuns wed ea ihjhpyery dplghul hauvpwed- dlfig t tnp hpmo ox mr nndmrsjwjf lee 177 qraoo btreet toronto last thuradfty nftqrnoon april 23 when their daughter elva madalene became tho wife of mir noll pennlson mc- kondrlck of toronto the bride wlit ontorod the drawing room together with her father wore a smart gown of ivory satin irimmed with tulle and front panel of sequins her veil of white tiille was in coronet style em broidered with pearls caught up with orango blossoms and she carried u shower bouquet of opholia roses and lily of the valley miss helen smith cousin of the bride acted as brides- majd she wore a most becoming frock of nile green crepe do chine with silver lace and carried a shower of ophelia roses tho ceremony was performed by threv t albert moore p d who know mr lee when he wan n young man and mm lct whon nho una tltn hfntjntnb fiiivi nll iham lility oil the wedding march mr ana mrs- mckendrlcuwlil establish their new bottw ia tmt 7a gathortiig historic r character wjube held inquelph whott thoonaj session of the hamilton conference will bo hold in norfolk street metho diat church and in the new memorial hall at th ontario agricultural col lege tho last session of the con ference will bo orieof much intoroot to thet methodist people within- its bounds while there are many re grots nt the- passing of tho old order of things methodists look forward wlthfulth and optimism to the future whero under ajiowjiamo and with a wider sphere and with enlarged fellcfv- shlp the work will go on mbroef- fectlvelv tho general session of tho confer ence will opon in norfolk street church ori thursday ofternoon may 21 at two oclock prior to this sessions of tho stationing committee at mem orial hall oa c and of the lay delegates association in massoy hall will bo held principal reynolds bft hb ontario agricultural college with tho en dorsement of the provincial govern ment placed tho splendid- accommo dation of the col logo at the disposal of the conference and not ony tho flno now memorial hall and massoy hill will bo used for conference sessions and committee picotings but the resi dences and dining hall arid all their conveniences aro made available for the members during tho week con- ferencqia in session v the opening session of the confer ence oh thursday afternqonwill uo a memorable occasion afjer the prayer and praise service a sermon will be preached by revj r p schlater i d of old st andrews presbyter ianchurch torontosv following this the sacrament of the cords suppsr vin be administered tho agenda then provides for the roll call adoption of tho agenda tho election of conference officers reports of committees elected by the district meetings resolutions reclearlngof the district books appointment by presi dent of conference of committee on thanks and appreciation- greetings from city and tho ministerial associa tion report of hay delegates asso ciation nomination of letter writer and christian guardian correspondent by secretary of the conference and pres enting of the flrat draft of stations at 520 the sociaxfenulreof the con ference will be held this la the an nual banquet of the iay delegates association and will bo held in the schoolroomofnorfolkstrebtchurch7 the banquet address the church la doad long live tho church by rev j r pi schlater dd of toronto will bo significant ministers lay dele gates and ladles and visitors are in vited but the sale of tickets la limited to 400 tho work of the hamilton confer encc will be carried on as usual dur- infftho session ministers will be sta tioned and tho regular routine followed special prtejukratlons will be made however forychralng up the wqrk tho church under the old order and merg ing into the united church on juno 10 the ordination- sermon will bo preach od in norfolk street church on sunday morning may 24 by rev k pi hughes d d of chicago bishop of tho methodist episcopal church this service will be preceded by the timehonored and hallowed conference lovo feast and will be followed by the ordination service rev dr pougall of onkvillo is the president of the conference and rev r b zimmerman- b a of hamilton actons now pastor la the conference secretary news of local import play to bo repeated the play dust of tho earth will bo repeated in tile town hnu on wednesday may 20 under the ausplceh of the worn ena institute tho pro- cdeds will bodonatod- t6 tho boy scouts camp fund acton a year older thanouelph guelph iiitit week colcbrdtod thd founding of the place by john gait in 1827 a movements on foot for a contonnlal celobifutlon in 1027 acton is one yoar older than its neighbor with tho royiil name the adams family founders of the tovn settled hero in 1826 daylight saving not adopted here h steps to be taken to allay the dust on main streets social and personal guelph post office official prombiod morley walker- w ho has been iden- tifled with the staft of the guelph poet ofllco for the past 25 years has re ceived word of his appointment to tho position of deputy postmaster to sue coed j a sullivan who was appointed postmaster recently after 14 years as deputy postmaster anot h o r wee k ly pbp evsuc c urn hi a week ago mr warner who pub lishes the arrow and the sundrldge echo hinted that tho latter would cease to exist on may 1 tho purpose will be to amalgamate tho two papers at tho arrow plant carrying a sun drldge section the high- cost of oper ating tho two plants is responsible for tho change j beautifying the electrlo railway- y grounds president scrfvon of tho horticul tural- society has persuaded tho authorities of the canadian national electric railway to have tho grounds at acton station put irtto condition and beautified with flowers and shrubs he hopes to see a beauty spot there this summer tho regular session of the council jorf tuesday evonlng had all tho coun cillors present and tho roeyo injtho cfidlrl tho finance committee presented their ninth report nnd recommended payment of the following accounts general account kenpay bros rubber boots acton fiieh poess printing and advertising hn farmer salary etc 4 76 19 so 148 j 3 172 g8 1925 football schedule garnet to be played in the guelph and distriot football laagus a general meeting was held at the guelph y m c a on wednesday aprjl 15 for the purpose of drawing up the seasons schedule mr a trotter e- ing present to represent the acton rangers mrw- e dean president and mr r b mufr secretarytreasurer of the ontario football association was present and a good seasons football io assured to tho citizens of acton the acton team is hard at training for thoy intend to try and bring some of the various cups to acton they are still holders of the walker cup which they won in 1922 and if they can defend it this year it becomes the property of acton and the boys are golngto make an effort to retain it mr t bailey having passed thu guelph district football assoc iation being affiliated with the ontario referees association thus making him an official referee throughout ontario all registered players are to turn outf or training on mondays and wednesday nights at 730 pm at the park tho following is tho schedule of games arranged for the season the first named club la the homo team in each case may 2b acton vs taylor forbes guelph vsgcorgetown may 30 taylor forbes vs george town georgetown vs acton a juno j acton vs guelph taylor forbeava georgetown june 18 acton vs georgetown guelph vs taylor forbes june 20 taylor forbes vs acton georgetown vs guelph- juno 27 acton vs ooorgetown gaelph vs taylor forbes july 4 guelph vs acton george town vs taylor forces july 11 apton ys- tft fprbps guelph y- penrgaovn july 18 qeorgatpp vs afiton taylor fqrbes i ftulph july 2baciqll vs guelph taylor forboa vs georgetown august 1 guelph vs acton george- town vs taylor fbrbes august 8 taylor forbea vs acton georgetown vs guelph the annual clruw for the cups vis the ontario ctfb round august 1 theconnaught cup first round juno the plfnty cup first round juno is will take place soon tlie first round has been taken as noted after each cup v r the aberdeen football club ts coming out- from scotland and vvii play a scledted team from hamilton ontario at hamilton canadas grand old men the manitoba legislature a fow dnys ago did hennr tof w stvn- master tx jnambop of iarllmentcele bratod his poth birthday on april 3 and john t- bootbv ottawa the vet eran lumberman his 08th birthday on april 5th canada has a few grand old wtnye truoking over the highway the niotor trucking business appears to be growing rapidly tho number of heavy trucks passing through acton daliy over this section of thotoronto- sarnlu highway is amazing thoy carry loads of stock bdlldtng material and other commodities which formerly were bhlpped over the railways the number of them appears to bo in creasing weekly fatal accident at 8tptonburg vx t d j former has sont to this office a copy of tho st petersburg florida tlniejr glvlngan aqcount of a fatal accident when tho gigantic pro jection screen of the airdrome theatre fell when 400 spectators wero in at tendance- one person was killed and four seriously injured dr and mrs farmer were in attendance and the falling screen just grnred them the dr says theirs was u fortunate escape prohibition campaign in peel a membership campaign will ba un dertaken at once by the peol county prohibition union along lines laid down by the provincial executive and laid- before the county executlvo to day by rev dr f j oaten he road the recommendation of tho provlnclbi- actlon committee of the provincial union urging thoelection of u block- of members pledged to support only menof jxcunowledgcdprohlbitlon prin ciples and men who would not per mit themselvoato be biased by party considerations in tho riding in the local legislature or in tho federal house a defect requiring attention a spring has developed near the centre of the roadway on main street opposite mr d a hendersons pro perty as this is but a few yards from tho intersection of tho hi with tfain su th la a great deal or traffic at this point old road buildera say the difficulty can bo readily over como by running lines of field tllq at points two or three yards apart to tho roadside gut tor it should bo re- paired at once as tho water running down tho road keeps it in an untidy condition and ton da to damage jhv roadbed further ulong make aoton 8till more beautiful tho fnxa pmcfis has frequently called the attention of business men and citi zens to tho desirability of aiding the council in keeping the streets- free from all waste material a few min utes spent by every business place ofie morning a weokr will add much to tho appearance of the streets and to their cloanllness lot each and every one try to beautify ourtown it will make our homes more attractive- and more valuable the council has provided receptacles conveniently situated on the streots for waste paper envelopes wrappers etc if these aro used in stead of carelessly dropping the paper on the streets the effect will bo most satisfactory esteemed residents moving to windsor mrnnd mrs george cook who- havo veslded in acton for upwards of n years have rdmoved this week to windsor where mr cook has secured a good situation during their resldenco here they have been good oltlzenn and they will be especially missod from st al bans church where they wore active worker miss phyllis was u member of the choir master george and miss thora were favorites of many mr cpoft served overseas dur ing the war and woa the distributor of thv the sold tor a socks which the acton lied cposa forwarded the best wishes of their many friends go with them ta their new homo improvements to elliott home guelph wjth ceremony befitting such ah auspicious occasion the beautiful new sunrooom and newly furnished living room in connection wfth the elliott ijomo at guelph were offlclnlly opehod friday afternoqn by mr john m tay- lor who presided mrs william tytler on behalf of the pro perty committee of which sb6 is con venor fornailylmndcd over tho keyi to the loard of directors of tho insti tution oh tho wall of tlie sun room is a targe bassryrnjletf in memory of a former momber of the elliott home family mr charles p mills whose legacy made it possible to erect tho room the living room whjch has been refurnished throughout is evi dence of the gftqfl aste f the lftes wkia hart he wwk l ehurge u is nttrpy rft wuh pbtnntial walnuj the cuuu- aeheme bolng mul berry nnd om gold tho hangings u work of nrtlstery k is also etpjlppod with a set of old grandmothers china so that tljo old folks when the notion takes them can go 9t in the sun room and have a cp of sociability doth rooms are homollko wall lighted and canbe heated when conditions make it nec qualph mercury waterworka account h n former stamps jo 07 tho report whs adopted mr david elliott was present and made a payment on his account scoutmaster ferris and rov7ai c stewart on behalf of the boy scout movement addressed tho council stat ing the scouts were ready to cooper ate in any good movement and in clean- up- woekbrdaysetcr tlieyhad started on- tho old cemetery but had been stopped they asked the coun cil to designate certain streets for parado purposes thechargo for the rental of tho park for- a july 1st cele bration was also qsked and a request made foj the use of tho hall for tho concert to be put on bythe womens institute on their behalf the council consented that ihe scouts go ahead and clean up the old jojibetejxanavgave the scqutmaster- authority to do- this work arrange ments for street marching were to be left with chief mcpherson the pack for july 1st was- given to the scouts provided l did not conflict with other arrangements tho hall was required to be paid for as schedule and any re fund wouldlmvoto bo considered later a largely signed potltiop was pre sented to the council requesting thit they consider the advisability of oiling mill and main st roots to allay the dust this petition was supported by a depu tation of business men moved by a mason seconded by i thetford that action be at once taken toward abating the dust nuisance on mill and main streots by oiling pro cess or otherwise and that enquiries at once be made with regard to prices etc carried moved by f holmes seconded by l e atkinson that the court of revision for tho purpose of hearing complaints against theaaaessment roll will be held at the regular council meeting on tuesday may 26 1025arled i smovod by te atkinson seconded by f holmes that tho word midnight used in bylaw no 575 passed on tho fourteenth day of aprll 1026 shall mean vtwelvo oclock midnight car rled meshrh alex trotter arid e j hos- snrd on behalf of the football club requested gome arrangement be made whereby nil teams having gumes in tho park on the same day could dlvldo the gale receipts amicably without tho trouble incurred ldfit year tho club agreed to assume the rental of the park for their six schedule games ut home and in a case where two games werelillpbfess on the same date tho guto receipts would be divided and the rent pald by both organizations moved by e thetford seconded by f holmes that the acton football club be given the park for six days as perllielrschcdule andthatifanypther club desires tb use the park on any of these dates for pitbllc games the gate recoipts and park fees bo equally divided carried mr mason brought up tho hall rent question and requested the schedule the charge for the hall was 1z 1 for all concerts and rebates must be se cured from the council mr mason also brought upa pro posal that had been handed him mr c a g matthews of tor had jfjnftv nffmnl xrhitwiinw af ihfr urtlats make n suitable design for the towns advertising signs when being painted tjie council expressed their appreciation of the offer and agreed to supply the information required moved by a mason seconded by i e atkinson that jus symon be given permission to locate a second gasoline pump and tank on mm street riot to bo at a greater distance than noees- sary from the pump and tank already there installation of same to be made under the supervision of the municipal officer mr symon- to be responsible for any damago which may be oc casioned thereby and to remove same if required to do so at any time by council carried the daylight savijfg question- was froely discussed and the council de cided to tako no action in the matter the methodist official s board officers elected and preparations made for memorablecongregational meeting uev j culp presided at the may meeting of the official board of the methodist church reports or the year were presented and officers were elected the stowards for the year are as follows j c matthews w j akins a t brown miss minnie z bennett n p mclam basil johnston and or well johnston j c matthews was reelected rocordlng stewurdt mr h p moore was elected dele gate to the district meeting at bloral- next week with mr a e nlcklln jp as alternate district visitors mrs fred cfeavt mlasbertie speight li j kerr dr e j nelson frank gamble a 1 el njck- lln b lies wick walter lamb charles mckeown n f moore jsvan jones orwell johnnton frpd cooper evangelism and social service com mitteemrs j c nelson miss mlnnlo z bennett h p moore a t brown religious education committee mrs a t brown miss clara e moore mrs annie johnston missionary committee mrs a t brown mihh bennett miss bcrtlj speight mlaa vida rammmw a t brown w j aklns committee foil congregational meet ing early in juno h p moore ae nlcklln a t brown tho lad ten aid society and the- pifcfllrtrehi of each church organlchton plans are being mado to make thh last congregational meeting of the methitdlot church ft memorable gatn- n8 an interesting epitome of the eighty year uf ohurch history with roferenoe to the londlng workers ill throghthe years will be glvejn amj this being the jubilee year since the laying of the emmer stono of the piesent ohurch building events relat ing theroto will bo featured the con gregational banquet will be under the uupcryihlonmftbo -ladled- aid soolely- it la expected thin gathering will bo one of much historical j n tores t and will slgitalfze the giving ovor of yo church property and the lodal miod- uulioritageiwiuv tmditlonavxthr tinn ed church of canart mr cecil hucston of toronto spent sunday in town i mrs q a dills spent a duy or so last weeki in toronto fr will robortson of toronto woo homo over the weokond mr ernest brown was homo from toronto for tho weekend miss 1 margaret garvin spent tho weekend with friends in toronto mr and mrs george edwards spent sunday with frlenda at bradford mr robert v stewart of burllnff- ton was home over the weekend miss emma l robinson spent the weekend at her homo in kenllworth mr t bennett of toronto visited with his mother and sister on sunday mr james symon has quite recover ed ttnd ls now at buainosa again daily mr william mcnabb of toronto was here for a few days during tho week mr james loutett returned homo ff9 last week messrs angus kennedy- and earl cooper of guelpb were homo for the weokrond miss mae wilson spent a fow days during the weok with frionds in georgetown ut mr and mrs p a smith and miss pearl returned from a motor trip to bracebrldge their former homo last wednesday mr and mrs roy rumley and babe of toronto spent the weekend at the parental homo here mrs d l jones of windsor was in towij tor a few days this week re newing acquaintances mr james cree spent a fow days last week with his brother rev mat thew cree a london mr and mrs ashby and little shirley of toronto wero guests at mr j e gambles crcseritvilla mr and mrs j xjnton kenney and babe rt kitchener were at the par ental home over tho weekend miss mary mcpherson of colling- wood general hospital spent a fow days during the weok at her zonie herc mrs julia azmcarthur who has been in new orleans la the past few months returnedto heir homo here this week misses hazel and xottle mason were in kitchener over the weekend visit ing at the home of their brother mr- charles mason r mrs john henderson and mr and mrs j- r henderson and babe of hamilton upent a day or so with their aunt mrs julia a mcarthur mrs george somerviuo and misses alice johnstbno and bessie woodhall attended the provincial convention of the daughters of the empire in tor- onto on wednesday mr jus gamble mr and mrs geo luntx and mrs william miller were at murden on monday attending tha funeral of tho late mrs george goy a former esteemed resident of crcwaons corners mr and mrs oscar downs an nounce the engagement of their daugh ter ina elixabbthvto mr nell me- eachern son of mr and mra jos mceachern both of muton the mar riage to take place in may thos f mcmajion editor of the richmond hill liberal who for the past six weeks has beon in wollesley hospital toronto where he underwent a serious operation is now making good progress to complete m- -oovery- the following friends attended tho funeral of mrs s h goy at marden mrs george butpn miss cbaroletto blltop mr and mrs john bilton mr rtobert bilton mr and mrs w beaver mr and mrs rm jollcy mr robert and mr molvln dunbar mmr and mrs john h bennett and mrs charles lambert k h m tho regular meotlns or tho duke ot dovonahlre chapter of tho ioje will be held at tho home or mrs boy arnold on tuesday evening may 5 at eight oclock sudden call to mbs r campbell an esutmad ruldan stricken with apoplexy t her home sudden indeed was tho call to mrs uohert compbell at her homo on tues day mrs campbell was in her usual health and busy with her household duties orr monday when she was sud denly selied with a stroke she was olono in the homo and was not seen after tho milkman had called about eleven oclock until about three mr tuuh who wob building a fonca for her went to the house to ask for some instructions he found her lying uncooacious notified the nolghbors anthe doctor was sont for for a few minutes she recovered conscious ness then lapsed into a comatose state from which she never rallied death followed on tuesday afternoon just twentyfour hours after sho was found mrs campbell was the daughter of the late john hanley of trafalgar in which tbwnship she was born sixty- ono yours ago last week potytwo years ago she was joined in holy wedlock to herlato husband robert campbell of ksquesing who predo- ccasod her two years ago lost august for twentyone years after marriage thoy llvod and wero very active in boston church whon leaving to come to acton twenty years ago in may tho friends tlicro presented thorn wth tt beautiful clock with cathedral chimes which thoy both priced highly thoy settled here on tho old nlckllu farm on tho shore of fairy- lake where mr campbell died a few months ugo mrs campbell- purchased the now bungalow at the corner of church street and viotorltt avenue this shohas mado a loveljmtlo homo nowiy decorated f urnlshedvlth bath and ail conveniences and was engaged in beautifying the exterior surround ings with flowers and shrubs when she was called away the surviving daughter mrs qeorga a fisher of esqueslng- has tho sym pathy of the community in hor great sorrow tho loss of such a mother is a loss indeed mrs john cameron to a alstor of thd late mr campbell and 2 he and mr cameron havo been mrs campbells friandsjiejo mrsr earnpboll was a momber of the proabyterluu church and prised great ly tho help and association this gave hor y tho funoral wlllbo nelrr this alter- noorj at three oclock to falrvlew cemejto a- m sim vtfi

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