Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 30, 1925, p. 2

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gtyg acfamjto press thurspayarrll30 ww gone again finngln suprlntlndlnt wua flannlgan bojuof tho olctlpn wus flnnlgan t brack wsionovcr the kyars got often tho an muddled up things t th dickens and back nflnnlgln writ to flannlgan after tho wrick wqh nil on agin that is thin fflnnlgan reported to t tiamtgan v whin finnigln first writ r to flaunjgan ho wrltodtln pages did flnnlgan- an ho told just how tho smash oc curred full many a tajus blundorln wurred did fmnlgln write to flannisan afther the cars had gono on agin that was how finnigln reported to flannlgan now flannlgan knowod more i than finnigln hed moro iducation had flanhlgan an it worom him clano an cbmpkttoly out uv3 the shyer king jd give fifty dollars down for a hundred and seventy ave pounder in good condition declared the host of tho anglers anchorage poof id givo flvo hundred tho now yr laughed who owned several wee trie roads and was a direc tor in ono or two banks- j on your own hook und lino air j amended tho host sua n course on iny own hoowv he to- toll what finnigln writcd about in his wrltin to mister flannlgan so he wired back to flnnlgan pont do such a sin agin mako ean brief flnnlgan whon- flnnlgin got this from flannl- can he blushed rosy red did finnigln anhe said ill gamble n whole months paay that itll bo mannyah manny a day before suprlntlndemt thats flannl gan bit gits a whack nt this very same sin from finnigln to flanbjaji rpoorta weighed at least ono hundred and wont be so long agin thirty ono of the salem kehta caught hundred and ninety ppunder laut wdn daay on the alcuon avflnnlgdr j season but that happened at tamnl on the road supvlnjundld by flannljco a raitgwe way onl bit of a curve l i doubt that the mexico a the boatonlan dropped a bead of oil on tho axlo of a dismembered reel and delicately smeared it over tho stool with his fingertip ihada good ono yesterday but t tho new yorker and tho man who favored an eightounce rod exchanged tho glance of cynical brotherhood l know that one thoy said wear ily the ono that might have boon but my reol was gummy and tho line parted conttnuod tho- boatonlan with characteristic deafness i think an somo kyars went off as they made theswrvev theres nobody hurted sex flnnlgan but repoorta must be made to flanl- en an he winked at mccorrlgan as mar ried a finnigln ho mix shuityn thin wux finhtgin as many railroaders been agin i an the schmoky ol lamp wux burnln bright in ftanighva shanty all that night bmbv down hla report was finnigln an he writcd this here mister flan- nigan off agtn on agin gone agin finni gln the lost coin a successful banker of new york tells tho following story of his first experience at earning money how ho earned what then seemed like half u fortune and how ho lost itmnuch more quickly than he had earned it john smith as we will call him was a httlo shaver living on a farm down in maine ono day a neighbor came to ask mr smith wbettfof he would take hla oxen and help him haul some wood from home and john offered to drive the oxen in his fathers stead now john was a little boy nine years old so little in fact that he could not reach to yoke up tho oxen himself so the neighbor put on the great yoke and john gaily drove the oxen down tho road all the morning he worked etutdiyrtina hauled woodinto tho neighbors barn then when the job i was done mr brown gave him a bright silver coin a fourpence half penny and a prouder little boy you never saw do you know ho much money that was it is an oldfashion ed coin long out of circulation and worth about six and a quarter cents with the money in his pocket john drove his team v home rejoicing he felt that ho was almost a man and wellstarted on tho road to wealth he could unyoke the oxen himself by standing on a bench and reaching very far and working very hard all this he did and then just before going into the bouse he thought he would show his money to his oxen and so be held it out triumphantly on his open palm and said good star see what you have helped me earn but star misunderstood he was used to having the family feed htm sugar and he thought this was sugar too quick as a flash out came his tongue and ucked up the lovely coin a more s or a more broken hearted utile 007 than john never lived before or after indeed he says that he was not yet over the disappoint xneixtnd it was sixty years ago that it happened since that time he has bandied vast looked so big and glorious to him al wile ona by one tho other i gentlemen accompanied by their negro fish run heavier said tho man who alwaxajtel l hldcalratoapol oglsox or the boatonlan but these are big and gamy enough for me when i get ono three days without a bite its a httlo early assured tho host the main body hasnt struck in yet when they do therell bo fishing the boatonlan tende asse the oiled blta of steel smiled coldly yet you offer fifty dollars for a hundred and seventyfive pounder a minute ago sure and i expect to pay the money sold the host if i had tho time id go out and wfn the reward njysebv t a nlce fish for tho hall mantelpiece thats alt as be bustled indoors the new yorker and the man with the eight- ounce rod exchanged another glancs of understanding hla arty la safe said the new yorker wish i could feel as safe about my little pile said the other this place is too far up only the light scouts will ever get- here wish i had hot exchanged old camps for new on the lowest step of the veranda bert christianson and sidney james listened reverently the new anglorv anchorage hod dropped like an alad dins palace into their aurroundings and every day they came to bosk in the atmosphere of elegant leisure here were grown men from tho north stout and florid with good living who talked of fishing as if it were tho business of the land- it was upsetting yet fascin ating this new light on tho unfamiliar waters of thotluotagoott they were fishermen themselves al though in the surreptitious fashion of boyhood seining which is hard work had the family approbation but balt- tlshlng was frowned upon thesemen of the north would as soon dynamite the lagoon as sweep it with a net and here was host simpson offering half a hundred dollars for a mere herring bert and sidney exchanged looks that recorded a common vow but where are we going to got the tackle mourned bert i have nothing that- will hold one as big as that neither had ho nlnnnoil a flailing expedition merely mcntlqnodtliofact within looi hearing and it was then uiulurstuotl that tho darky was to do th rowing tho idea of- fishing for tuvnon ilia do genrnon from do nolliroflatcrt loo with an unusual senco of import ant at the appointed time ho ap peared at tho landing with a brand- now rag round bin porennlully hoiv too and tho left hind foot of a rubblt infstrouttjpoakctv shoil ahowbrlmraslijclc too ho confided shes do samo what yallo jake bruck do iuh- dry spell with bert sniffed ho kattnot much fnlth in charms at least when it enmo to ashing ho put a popeyed slippery dnopound mullot on tho hook and swung it overboard tho velvet cluck ot tho btg reel whs inspiriting music ho had novev- boforo hold such a per- foot rod in his lmndo and hla ptilao stirred bravely there was not a rlpplo ofl thc-sur- faco of tho dead blue lagoon tho scattered boats from tho hotel lay off to the north as motionless as if glued there bert had chosen new ground rioar tho narrow inlet whero tho tldo runa in from tho sea in long pulsating jots ilk blood in nh arte holutrt dropped anchor sullenly to tho strain ho how lay within six yutulh of tho boat dorsal on out his six foot of silver gloaming tiivourh thowaterr coax him mister bou pleaded loe gaff in hand lonimo got jus ono jub at him with thloveropiko dort touched tho reol with numbed flngern but gontlo nn the pull watt it rouuod tho tarpon to u last fury out f tho suddonly swirling wntors ho roue oponmouthedr and boforo iho boys could moyo ho was upon them with un impact that sent leo und tho oiirn flying und fhrusthobunjiloof thv boat boneath tho surfneo llort and tho firpon and tho broken halves of tho center scat thaohotl about on tint flooded bottom tho boyn htroiigth whs iohh than tlmt of tho grout fixh but ho thruiit hi 11 hands into tho wldo gills and wound hla icgn round tho slippery body and fotlght with eyes shut ho wum fighting in hlir own element and tho tarpon wno not tho muscular body qeauod to hcavo under htm und when tho streaming loecaullounly npieurcdit tho gunwale tho rabbits foot luo- trudlng from hrn lips tho ieal struggle j was over tho trtrpon atufteil and varnlnhed luinga ovor tho hall flroplnoo of the fushlonublo anglors anohoriigo und undor it la the inscription thp silver king caught ny herbert -chrlstlan- hon juho 3 1007 weight 204 pounds and when the now guests stands bffen- mouthedybeforo it tho host adds aomo- thlng llko thlu yes sir thats tho record fleh for this coust if id known you worn coming id have tried to nrrangd a day with bert for you hos our bout guldu and his tlmo 1h booked wny ahoad a rtou3ekeepers friends that fourpencehalfpenny and no loss that he has ever suffered in the world of finance has ever been to him such crnahing blow as the sudden loss of that dazzling coin- an humble autocrat the wayside station master has hot been exploited as a ehajaetejljtndy any novelist r dramatist in search of a type would be repaid by a visit to a certain ayr shire station says a writer in the glasgow- news the diminutive gentle man in charge regards his wbustle em something imbued with all the majesty of the law woe betide the guard who dares to signal for starting at his particular stopping place the sidney as he was considering the problem the host ro- oppeared and called to him here you sid take mr worthington but will you its no use waiting for that htxy darky he added to the boston- tjke as not he wont come round and the boy knows where tho fish are all right the man from boston studied the boy through bis glasses the eyes be hind them were sharp but kindly perhaps youd like to try for that fish of simpsons he suggested ive several extra rods and you may use one i thero ut alack water btit tho irrldescent film that gathers nt tho surface at such times was now beginning to break into lihes and darkening feathers that glid ed toward the head of tho lagoon soon it was all gono then tho first clean cufthofae-v-watop-oame- lifting thej boat a httlo and letting it sink gently as it rolled on when tho tarpon came it- was a descent of norsemen boring their wny up tho inlet their bright backs rising nnd falling they came in rush- ink fleefs eager to bo the first on the feedinggrounds thoy stretched from ahoro to short like the metal plates of or 7 steel corslet racing iio cljae to tho boat that thoy cast spray into it but not ono noticed the hooked mullet ho was too insignificant all by himself they wanted d school lo charge and devour worry and scatter in a few minutes thoy were gone with the inflow that had brought thorn wes too far down walled lee in despair doys gone up to do boats and sldll catch our fish sure piil up do anchor mister bert pull him ur pull up nothin said bert sturdily although ho was somewhat pale he bad novcr seen so many great fish be foie tve watched this place ani 1 you cant catch ono here you cant anywhere ho drew in his lino and put on l vlfitorous mullet from the bucket the badt scooted here and there feeling the danger inrevery- wayitdldits best to draw that danger down upon its defenseless head but- tho sun passed the zenith and sank stswly to ward the west and the reel hum silent on tho rod the fish were not biting as the anglers say they were there and nt work patches of shadow and patches of foam mottling the blue of thd la goon showed that the mullet and the other small fry were being harried but no silk line tautened anglers are patient folk but thoy have their super stitions and ohe of thorn la that when fish show a disinclination to blto thoy cannot bo made to one after another as the sun sank they quietly took their rods apart and stole back to tho landing all but bert and the bostoni ian- who had made it a principle- to combat oil conventional conclusions it was high flood six hours had passed the drowsy leo camo out of his capnap suddenly and with inarticulate exclamation something had surged in the water close by the drooping line took life and straighten ed mysteriously but before bert could strike tho water broke and boiled noisily ani a wido dorsal fin cut it like a knlfa friends of your husband you do not qulto llko them al though you mny loyally drf your beat tr tr thom and that is enough i dont ex actly see what it is ho ukosv but ho likes them generally speaking tho friends he has made slnco your mar- rldgo appear moro tolerablo than tha older ones perhaps tho influonco of your tstohaattomethng to dowith- that still it does soem odd that at best you do hot quite llko them tho reason is that thoy givo your husband something that you cannot givo him you mny dispute it you may deny it yiu may shut your oyew to- it you usually assign reasons quite different frank rwell it must bo ndinlttod that frank la not dulto tidy honry of course is most amiable but ho does talk intolerably loud you say that those aro the reasons and you think that they are but tho real reason is that your husband foels a certain ease and freedom with his boy hood friends that he does not feel with you thoy like his old clothes thoy like hlfl slang they like his mosf off hand manner you do not and to be with them is tis comfortable to him as it is to wear tho old clothes i and you show your dislike do thy best you can you may not know it ho may not know it they may not known it although thoy generally do thoy treat you with an exaggerated civility which you return but now and then you drop a word to jim that depreciatory or bneering and it does hurt jim and t regret it all of which is human nature and perhaps ic is vain to struggle against it but there is- some gain in thoroughly understanding the situa tion if you can overcome your in stinctive prejudice- and can really make george and the rest feel that thoy aro welcome it will bo a great pleas ure to jim and will help oil the ma- chlnery of life i homettimeu the young housekeeper thinks iilib him no friends just a few yearn ago- how near margaret and eleanor tjoomect to her she had no secrets from them she hud no nccrots any wny although it took long hours to tell tliohu hmo did not havo sho took it for granted then that tho ro tations wouhi go on tho mi mo ns bo foro unit thero would bo no vffjxn hour whon margaret and eleanor would not bo wolcomo or whon they would jiobhonj thing with tho sumo doliciouh franunohk well being engaged did- mar it a utile thero was a dim veil dropped botwoon her and thono glti companions but xho hardly noticed it sho dip noi caro ono bit osn fot thorn only moro for somo ono el ho and that col- ontfnl coring did nut loavo much time for other iovoh or ovon for rogrottlng j thorn not noma ono else l uwny all day ulumt aftalrn odious but iiocosoary afinitn likloed that ho ratiicr appears to enjoy and nho has moments whoh the hoojety of margaret und kloanor is dinlnnutly desirable tjioy aro just as cordial as ever uhi un interested huve not forgotten till tho good old tlmoh would bo very glad to ronow them but somehow tho veil is there ntiri does- not lift u dim intanglblo voll but jpralstont andbaffllng and avhat annoys her most is tho lack of freedom that is tio ossonco of frieiidulilp sho cunnpt hoc hor doar frloudii whon sho wlshos to and often does not want hem ovon whon sho does wunt them shb sots a day for a visit and armngen everything thoy cannot come thoy sot a day and it lu extromoly inconvonlent perhaps hp mo one elso is to havo visitors that ovonlng and she wnnth to give hor thoughts to them perhaps tho cook la 111 or away or some bit of hduao- cloanlng is planned and should bo done his proud title it was a very small student who astbhlshvd his father a practlonccr of medicine by propounding the follow ing question papa do you know what tho great napoleons nickname was wishing that hlfjhoii might havo tho plcanure of bestowing this infor mation hlti father evaded ji reply by asking anothorquestlon what was it on7 hu stato of mlndcnnbojmngini whontlralltefollow proudly respond ed ho was known as tljo lltelccor- piiscle 1 a cry for help good advertising benefits uriy form of bunlnoan tho right sort of adver tising gives you n friondly fooling to ward a firm it makes yoiii bollovo that it will be both plennnnt and profitable to deal with the ndvortlse a certain grocer- onco insortod in tho newspapers nn advertisement that had this merit it ran r tvln iiro como to mo for tho third time thlstlmo a boy and a girl i boacoch rriy friendw to support mo stoutly i lagging spring appetites can be bolstered up and stimulated by letting us do your baking dont worry and stew over a pic for dinner or some cake for supperwhen you can buy such delicious homeihade baking at fairbanks our bread is the staeeqp life in most acton homes photfe 116 fairbanks bakery mid st acton free press job printing is always neatly done same but her heart is not in it and if tlioy como unexpectedly the first thing sho thinks of is not how glad she is to see them but whether the houso is clean and whether thoro is unythlngilnjthu kltchon that sho canglyothcnxtaeat foriiheknows that tho moro thoy lovo hor the more they will criticize her housekeeping so it doo soom as if sho had no friends any more of course she has sweeter things but lot her cling to tho old friends still for with the pass ing yearn sho will miss thorn and need them and sho can neyor make other friends who will mean so much to hor millers worm powders destroy tho worms without any lnconvonlenco to tho child and ho cffoctually that they pusa from tho body unpercoived thoy thoroughly cleanso tho stomach and bowels and leave them in a condition not tavorablo to worms and there will be no revival of tho pests getting round the law on mclaughlinbuick the heathen in ne88 his blind- poor berti he could not help ieellntf envious as he watched the joyous sid ney tuck the rod under his arm and boatmen went down to the landing no one noticed blm sitting there on the step the clear blue of the sky and the flashing water mocked him x spose they think im too young he said to himself sids two years older thais why it was not much of a consolation lit was none in fact he sat there trying iiard -to- hemaniy7bltd6tng the- little scattered flotilla of boats through a mist again the host came to the door and bis eye rested on the rather forlorn figure hello young man he said how are you pretty quick on your pine whot sir asked bert good with your legs can you uso em mdke em move faster than n on the hook wero tho staring bend and bleeding shoulders of a tarpon tho rest of the body lay in tho maw of o-thtevisir- s dr frank garret who has been a missionary to china for tho last seven teen years says that the first thing you have to do is to get the chinese vlowpolnt like many of their cus toms it oeorris to us upside down in canada if you call a man a liar you are likely to get into serious trouble in china the man would be rather cbmpllmontod than insulted a missionary had established a lit tle church somewhero in the interior and put a native preacher in charge whllo ho visited eomo other mission points when ho returned ho mlssod ono young man from the congregation the native preacher bald they had put him out of the church why what was the matter what did he do asked the missionary responding to tho appeals to thous anda of nlghf workmen who have to tako tholr sleep in the daytime the city of chicago passed an ordinance aimed particularly at the fruit-ped- iers and decrcding that they should not cry their wares unywhero within tho city limits most of the pedlarh are greeks and somo of them paid no attention tbthemw regulation of fleers arrested several and took them beforo the police courts whero they wero either fined or reprimanded and discharged on their promising good be haviour in tho future a policeman in plain clothes while stroking pjong his beat ono morning heard a stentorian voice calling out bnanooo ho proceeded to in vestigate a fruitpedlar driving in an adjacent alley was pausing every few minutes to emit his cry the police man hastened across a vacant lot and intercepted him hi thero he exclaimed stop shouting bananas or ill run you in its against tho law i no shout said tho pedlar i talk to my horse whoa bnano v is his name banana yes sir j look here george ive soon you i and your horso before last week you called him bill yeh i change his name havo all of you fellows changed tho names of your horses yeh jaomo of em appul some peach us same horso new name glddup bnarioooo wrigleys explanation four- wheel brakes mclaughlinbuick fourwbeet brakes have been thoroughly tested not only by mclaughknbuick and general motors engineers but by thousands of owners of four- wheel brake mclaughlin buicks to these owners mclaughlin buick fourwheel brakes have proved their increased control and safety by faultless operation through nearly two years in every extreme of weather sv king tirephe8entative for this section georgetown ontario train is at once stopped and the stir darkys i want an errand dope at the tionjnaster shows who is lord of the village and z want undone quick dlace i reckon im quick sir said bert place a couple of plasterers from another town were just sslsslng the last train home the other nlght the autocrat blew his wbuftlo and the train stop ped unfortunately one of the men was annoyed by the yelping of the factotums dog and made a kick at it whit kick my dog7 yell no jtroy thnt t a smnrrhh follows and off goes the train without the plasterers- a couple of small boys were looking out of the windows of the carriage as tho train was leaving the station one of them exulting put his thumb to his nose at the station master immedl- ately tho strain was stopped and the delinquent hauled out soundly chas tised and put bock howling into the compartment then tho train pro ceeded tib a plan darted into his mind lean and wiry from much outdoor work he made tho trip to the village and back in less than half an tbftlk surprising mr simpson exceedingly what back so quick he exclaim ed youre nil right ill have to use you again jouto height qua b bert flushing put his hand behind his back not mi88ed there is ho one remarked a poll- tlclan who has been a candidate for governor of missouri who cart tako tho wind out of a fellows sails so ef fectually as an old time leisurely mlssburlan for example after a twelveyears absence dur ing which i had graduated at the uhl- versltygqt my name in the paper a fqw times and bought a new suit of clothes i went- back to the little old country town where i had been a poor but ambitious youth r i expected a reception committee io moot mo but lt did nq hdwevor seeing tho grandeur of my new clothes and stiff hat my old acquaintances camo round and shook hands- quite cordially all except old bill mcclan- nnban who kept the general- store old bill still sat at tho b ok w he stove handy to the sawdust box ho never noticed mej didnt even ylance ray way twaa piqued mad in fuct i walk ed back to the stove and got right in front of my old friend op thot he h4 to look upon me in all my glory slowly casually he looked up from under tho flap of bis old whits hat and- remarked j v yirfliur youhave beeh awdy- somewhere havent vou j id be mighty glad to run errands for you auv ho said but i dont want money- if youd let mo haveif youd 7f id whot if you lend aieon old rod id try to catchthat tarpon for you mr- simpson slowly pocketed the quarter you think fifty dollars tin he lagoon are hotter than a quarter in the hand oh well i dont know he eyed tho boy meditatively ever used a rod lots of times ive caught sea- trout and cavally and klngflsh and tarpbn too hut thoy wero small ones bert added truthfully i dont know mused simpson well all right ill lot you havo a rod and fixings if youll prpmlso to do more errands- a rod costs good money th promise said bert after a man is tired of trout and bar come to be a match for the skilful salmon ho is likely if he is a constant nglerto turn to southern waters for new conquests there he will find among the hordes of strange flgh e to take his bait giant herring that for weight agility and cunning is the king of all gamefishes with the plv- slble exception of he leaping tdna men who hays fourfd salmonflshlhg an easy sport have and their pride lowered hen shey came tb east i reckon weall better go home sold lee shudderlngly i dont llko flflhing fo sharks bert put on another mullet and cast it clear of the cloudy spot in the water thfa is where we got info action ho said some of em aro going out hungry the bait hjujlhardly73utik0tov tho aurfaowhon tho samo uncanny up- hcftvou broke again again the line crept out and out stealing away from tho boat then burt struck and with a ahowcrof drops tho line ilgntehcd llko a steel wire and tho rod creaked under tho- weight it was a dead weight only foe an instant a after that it was so much allvo that tho reel shrieked high to the fierceness of its rush m one hundred feet from the boat the i tarpon shot out of the water up he wont his cheeks flaring from the red gillii till he seemed nil enormous head still ho rose foot on foot of blinding silver and at the great length of him loo gnapetl and pulled tho rabbit foot from his pocket conjure him conjure him ho yelled and shook tho little hairy pad at the flsh as it curved in a high arch and fell back rtrly fo frnt h ho stol a bamboo r retnrnod aliuwinium oatlmateil at flftv million t proaoh why answered tho missionary a bamboo rod is worth only about ten conts dont you think you were a httlo severe no no and ho shook his head in dignantly we cant havo a thief in the church the bible says a thief cant go to heaven and wo couldnt havo anyone in the church who wont go to hcavont besides ttwoulo ua a bad name in the community well returned- tho missionary tho bible says a liar cant go lo heaven are yougolng to turn tho liars out too oh cried the preacher that hi different entirely different we all lie having piled up habits bont now he rushed steadily and straight jfor trio head of the ingoon thb railed tip of the rod puts its stran upon hlmbut aj six foot long is not to bo turned or tired by such tricks irtoot after foot of tho line spun from the- reel bert had no finger stalls and the thin silk at right into tho fleeh of tho thumb with which ho tried to brake the line two hundred and fifty feet ran out and the fatness of tho reel was gone boforo the tarpon swung ho camo straight for tho boat beitf reoled frantically it would not do to give the nsht too much slack there was a dreadful droop to the lino when tho second leap came and the tarpon rose higher than before and slattod his great head vigorously when he turned in mldalr he bent llko a steal bow and snapped out- straight again with a jerk thnt tossed tho line bhjflw but in the heart of the suds and j brdkon water tho line stiffened and bert knew that he had the fish well- hooked woihopked is far from be- lhgrjifetly landed a tarpon can per form more acrobatic feats than almost any other gamefish in the sea and abtrftlgril ryah if not stopped in tlmo will inevitably end in a broken lino not once did tho tarpon sulk it was straight fighting every minute with rod and reel and bloody fingers bert fought hack and the hours that passed seemed a dozen he was bathed a w vua mnswoat and every muscle ached tsrpoh lfhe in some plaold lagoon hero i even hlateeth ached under the dogged ned was watching grandpa put on his shoes why do you turn em over to shako em before you put em on he asked did i said grandpa tviiy yes you did but i didnt see nnythlhg como out i have to shake the sand out of my shoes most every morning grandpa laughed i didnt notlco thnt i shoo my shoes ned but i got nttrohnblt ot shaking my shoes whon ft was in india why did you do l thero to shako out scorpions or centi pedes or other vermin thnt might have hidden in thorn hut you dont rioed to do it horc for wo dont havo such things 1 know but i formed the habit niil now i id it without thinking habit is it quoor thing isnt it 7 said nrrt thoughtfully its u very strung thing said tho grumlfathar romember that my boy a habit in a chain hat grows stronger every day and it mo emu as if it bud habu grows stronger than u good ono if you want to huvo good habits wlnn you are old form them whllo you are young and 1st thorn bo growing strong nil tho whllo you ilvo mayflower dollars mr william wrigloy who ro ijccptly retired from actlvo control of his organization has been explaining to tho members of an american y mca- how he did it jiard work ho said is tho secret of success thero aro too many grumblers in tho world llko pat- who expect overythlng for nothing and tho quaint way ln which pat grumbled cirutaietlsttcaf the failures tho world i hear youre on strike said pat to mike i was that was tho reply a strike for what pat for shorter hours and did you get them qure wo did its not working at all i am now of what is dr 90per dr1vhite there n noruqnliw waters or eddy iwufjled rboi to eempllpate we bt- ue notblnt ibutthe bjglteh wnhelf 10 ngbt but the iilmnee re thuti wtll wmytm bwrt 11 hl own aoty jwtoau unrt wh lk who atgod jxwv lo roenlllmrorrhjravtflnrvwilu irneverbntermvtfie yi6ulito jsemjmm premure of hla jaws loo chowml on hla rahblte foot with snvngo dle- reinrt for lt vnluo ho mlijht huvo groilnil it up if tho tiupon hnd rtot interytna durinir the first half of tho eocond ioir ihjaih moomed as froah ae over bit sorles of huge uoaps nnd tholr mklhir falls tlrort him for tho llrnt omibros able toither in n hun- j bpeclillsts in dlhssss of 8kln blood nairn dladdor aud special all mhta of men jv 2 impoaibl bead jiutory for free opinion olid ud- f ce question blank and book on diaea i of men free conialtatlnn free uedldne fnrnlahm in tabit form hour io t xi 3 to pm sonosya 10 nt i i ps dlia sopkrjk whitk jahrataemta oau eager to work for you whether you reap the full benefit or not the telephone goes right ahead roundmff up potential customers m an overwidening markets 50000 now telephones are added yearly we can help you list those in any section who might prove profitable customers if you wish it c on rural lines there are over 1254m0 you can now do business with by telephone in plain wery day english its tell ing the other fellow what you want him to know wotddnt you like the thois ands of people within the acton trading district to knowabout the goods you have in your store if they knew how suitable they were for their individual needs wouldnt you stand a good chance to sell them n no paper covers this field so thor- oughly as the acton free press through its columns you can tell these people about the gb6ds nearly as well as if they were in your store put your story in words and we will present it in type to thousands of readejswrtmn7tihd8 district ciata a family hu than eojut qjuuujwii thea w sfjl ls5s2ssshgrs5sakrag si l u- xvlssifftiiiatitsssisi sasrfeiaa xiuxmiiitzs jvtss5na3srsss

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