Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 30, 1925, p. 3

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v tire home or in rxtxm 3te ffaraa member canadian weekly newspaper association member scl cited tovp weeklies of ontario the acton i ree press- is published every thursday morning at the tree prcsi building mill street acton ontario tiie subscription price is zoo per year in advance 1ostage ii charged additional to offices in tlic united states tlic date to which subscriptions arc pajd is indicated on the address label advertising rates transient dvertiae- meats 10 cents per lino agate measure for first insertion and 5 cents per lin lor each subse quent insertion contract display advertise tnents for 50 inches or more per annum 18 cents per inch each insertion advertisements with out specific directions will be inserted till forbid and charged accordingly il p moore president and editor g a dills manager and assistant editor telephones editorial and business office liw residence of president uj residence of manager 01 how to run a town successfully either run a town with vim or jjist sell out and leave it one- or two things must be done run your town for all it 13 worth or quit the whole thing slide out and let nature take her course do you want trade bid for it do you wint business to come to your town encourage that which docs come do you vant a prosperous community where people will feel- disposed to make a home then bury fromsight allspite worknoi more for a few- individuals or for selfish ends but pull together for the common wealth and mutual benefit mitchell advocate i neighborhood news- town and country milton 1 start at the beginning- for success much of the trouble and failure in the world today is due to ithe general reluctance of young people to begin at the beginning the beginning seems the proper place to start yet many young folks object to starting there the son of a con tractor who began as a daylaborer now expects to start in a highsalaried white collar position ir respective of his fitness or training for such a situa tion many young people who marry wanta home quite as fine and wellfurnished and convenient as the home their parents are enjoyingafter thirty or forty years of hard work and economical adminib tration young people of today will enjoy the future years immeasurably more if they commence life rea sonably on a par with that of their parents and at least if they start within their means thursday morning april 30 1925 editorial much less liquor now exported it is quite evident that real progress is being made in curtailing the unlawful transportation of liquor from ontario to the united states border points a number of circumstances are contributing to a grad ual and by now welldefined change in the system employed by international rumrunners between these two countries in the first place unitedstates authorities have increased the fine from 500 to s000 imposed upon the person caught unloading contra band cargoes of whiskey in american territory then the federal government df canada has closed two ontario ports for liquor export kingsville near windsor and chippewa on the niagara river there fore with the actual rumrunners discouraged withjn- crea comp at home a once flourishing and prosperous but iniquitous industry is disappearing motor bus will otart to run from milton to hamilton on saturday may 2 a bylaw regulating the rato of the speed a motor vehicle may bo driven oniafa of milton iton h passed by the town council counolllor georgo smlluo has ten- dercd his resignation as a member of tho council as he intends taking up his residence in strcetsvllle in the noar future the peoplo of milton and all others from outside points who attend will see one of tho biggest days celo- bratlon ever held in milton on the kings birthday juno 3 next rev t h hole pastor of yie milton mothodlst church has received and accepted a call to tho walkerton methodist church which will of course bo one of the united churches of canada after the loth of june next there appears to ho quite a boom in the brjok business air ovor wo understand that every brick in mtkon pressed brick cos yard is sold and orders arc pouring incvry day that thrcuten to tax tho capacity of the plants to all xthst friday afternoon about 320 as bei t jonei wan treating tho root of j johttiiiiu garage on martin street to a coat of tor ho slipped and fell to tho ground a distance of about 30 feet landing on one foot resulting in oakville a 1 oot and shoo manufacturer at arylmcr hno written tho mayor indi cating that oakvllle is a place which apnoals to him aa the location for his business which ho proposes removing from aylmer tho local post omco will adopt day- ilffht saving tlmo on may 3 but the mails will still be in accordance with the railway tlmo tables king and holmes oakvllle havo b a tor llvo miles of concrete pavement extending from proncott east that oakvllle has a good supply of atnntcur actors and entertainers was again demonstrated at tho gregory theatre last thursday evening whe the local basouall cluh presented their mtrifltrel show to a capacity house innpector berlenghoft of tho s p c a has been making some oulclal calls aimeng tho rural districts of tho county warnings hnye been issued in com cases of unsatisfactory surroundings nndi there has been at least one proso- cutlpn for cruelty toanlmals mitch enthusiasm has been shown in tho organising of tho girlquldes in oakvllle since mrs warrens talk t few weeks ago an executlvo committer has been elected with mrs rtylaml new president and mm quest hon orary president- record georgetown badly sprained ankle the milton high school board has awarded- the contract for building tho now addition to the bchool to mr hen derson of this town the- cost of tho addition two rooms was not to ex- aoedftlo000aml with thatunderstand ing the bylaw was submitted to the ratepayers and carried last januan mr henderson expects to begin the work next mdnth and have everything compelling men to work the art or accomplis or acquired habit or whatever it is of loafing soem to have been well and efficiently learned by a number of men whose onlytrouble seems to be to put in time from c ij t j i ready when the school reopens for breakfast till bed time if their minds are no more and wlluor term active than their bodies they are just putting in time and waiting for death to remove the burden of living some day the state will compel every man to work whether he wonts to or not the state al ready regulates hours of work and minimum wages paid but it wont be long before it will takelhe loafer in hand and make a useful citizen out of him this may not be a piffely local topic but is was sug gested by local observation winchester press such a law would be incomparibly better than the law in the british isles providing for the dole system the one makes paupers of men the other way encourages independence and serfsupport the moil carriers on the kural routes very general sympathy is felt for the rural mail carriers in their effort to secure from the dominion government fair remuneration for the onerous and very exacting services they render to their large- constituency throughout the dominion they are again presenting their case to the government and the public in the main what they want is abolition of the contract system with competition and the placing of this public service on a basis of permanent salary and a living wage there seems to be no reason why competition should prevail in this par ticular branch the service contracting for great public works is a different matter the big tenderers are usually experienced men or men who can afford to hire experts to prepare the estimates required so as to make the tender as low as possible with the minimum of risk of loss tije person who applies for a mail route haseno such experience and may easily underbid hisrival in such a way as tomnjure both a good man loses his jb and an mexperienc- a ed man taked his place and possidly sutlers loss it is said that the average mail route is twenty miles and the average income 732 while the expenses very generally runover this amount this js compared by the applicants with salaries of 1400 to 1600 paid to city letter carriers and 2400 to 2800 to railway mail clerks it is stated also that in the united states the rural mail carriers arc engaged on an permanent salary basis of 75 p mile and ar given tree uniforms and equipment with two weeks holidays in addition to statutory holidays the can adian rural mail contractors are asking only 70 per mile and the statutory holidays the request is surely reasonable and the arguments jgamst tho contract system are strong no clamor for general election all this talk of a federal general election this year is in the face of various indications that the king government is apparently making no plans for an election before 1926 one evidence is in the fact that a conference has been called for the latter part ot june of the representatives offlievafious british west indies with the dominion government with a view to laying the basis for a new trade pact then again there is to be the conference between the provincial and the federal governments on the ques tion of amendments to the british north america act as announced in the speech from the throne at the opening of the session for the purpose particu larly of effecting some reform of the senate neither of these moves would conceiveably be made if the government had in mind rushing into a general election at the conclusion of the present session again as was pointed out in the house last week by george iw kyte chief government whip it does not look like a preelection session when the con servatives have omitted to call a single sitting of the public accounts committee to investigate any of the expenditures of the present government since it camo into power nearly four years ago despite protestations of various conservative speakers in the budget debate nothing is more certain than that the official opposition does not want an election this year and it is doubtful if any section of the country w thft pyppnsr nnri turmoil nf nn election until the expiry of the regular constitutional tint in the autumn of next year safeguarding the sale of the new 44 beer premier ferguson declares that the government intends to do everything possible to safeguard the sale of the new 44 beer fii an interview the other dayhe said the members of thehouse who pass ed the legislation are vitally interested in the en forcement of the law they have been told that its sale will not be a matter of patronage and that it will many members of the legislature urge that only standard hotels in tlry counties be given permits to jsell 44 beer and the rime ministerhas to some extent endorsed it says the toronto telegram halton being a dry county may therefore expect the sale to be confined to standard hotels be useless to recommend that undesirables should be appointed to sell the new beer they have also been told that their views will be considered by the governmenf jast as theywere in the house not necessarily for the purpose of being accepted or re jected by us but simply that the government may exhaust every means of information in order to see that the proper people get permits the goftern- ment is determined to administer this law the premier said jn such a way that it will have an op portunity of proving that thegovernment was right in its contention that the 44 per cent beer was not intoxicating and would reduce drunkenness there will be no sale of ter 1 1 oclock at night and no sale l oil sunday except with meals all hotels and all restaurants are not going to have permits each application is going to be treated on its merits there must be a demand to be met in the district from which he application comes the government is not going to fly in the face of local sentiment if a district does not want the beverage the administra tion is not going to place it under its nose we in tend to make a special effort to see that the people handling the new beverage are not permitted to dis- turb the public or violate the public sentiment of a community this supervision is commendible ami if carried out will do much to avoid the great harm which would naturally otherwise ensue the premier emphasizes the determination that only persons of good character will be granted permits for sale or the new beer the interpretation of suitable per sons of good character will of course exclude persons who have already been convicted for violation of theqntariotempcrance act sterling has reached par on saturday it was quoted at 48 1 j6 in new york and the presentation of the british budget yesterday was the signal for the re sumption of the gold standard this will render it necessary to import gold further from the united states editorial notes bob rogers is casting an eye toward toronto for a safe conservative seat wonder if he thinks that would be safer than in his own home riding guephmercury t a measure before thee legislature of quebec will provide for the presentation of works of canadian authors as school prizes instead of other works as has been the custom the other provinces of the dominion might well emulate quebecs example in this respect the fi t in t yeais the british pound an organization called the order of the mystic union has been formed in an attempt t deal with the divorce evil the new order is for pastors only and is open only to such members of the ministry as will engage to refuse to marry any divorced per son no matter for what reason divorced good re sults should attend such an organization eat more fruit is the slogan throughout britain this has brought the canadian apple into prominenre and they are being sold in the groceries arid fruit shops and from push carts on the streets of london onllia times and we in ontario where canadas best apples are grown are just now buying winesaps grown in washington us at the prices paid for oranges u upon the determination of the intoxicating qualities of the new 44 beer depends the prospect of its sale in the town of parry sound when the original town site was sold by the late william betrtty it was stipulated that no intoxicating liquor should ever be sold within its borders now of course some anxious prospective vendors of the new bev erage in parry sound are most anxious tq be as sured that raney is wrong and mr jjickle right abqut its intoxicating qualities huntsville forrester erin mr and mrs william dickson and family moved last week to mr prw tons form near marsvlllo having leased tho farm messrs ronald ldtch and son ex pect to have tho mill dam completed and bo in a position to run tho mill this weelc tho citizens of erin are organizing a mustclal band ajad have hold several outofdoor pracuccs already on sunday evening april 26rov burnslde russet unionist presbyterian minister of hamilton proached in uio erin mothodlst church mr and mrs mundell have returned ttomo softer spending the winter in vancouver b c 1 mrs e warden is at a toronto hos pital where she will undergo lis oper ation on her eyes the united church of canada ser vices were held in the chrlsuon church in hulsburg on sunday rev burn slde rubsell of haitlllton preached mr and mrs f h aracott and family moved togrand- valley last week where mr arscott has purchased a butcher business and wul take pos session on may 1 j mr alexander mcdonald was seised with a paralytic stroke on sunday at last report he was doing aa well as could be expeoted under the circum stances why not a baseball team in erin wo note hulsburg has roorganlzed and arrangements are under way to organize a league to include acton rockwood georgetown and hulsburg thoso who attended the lecture in the town hall on thursday evening were well repaid in the privilege of listening to the very interesting and practical address delivered by prof a h tomllnson of the oac guelph and tho numerous beautiful slides shown were indeed a delight another successful spring horse show was held at hulsburg on satur day april is 192g tfie attendance was not as large as usual nor the en tries quite as numerous as in some former years no doubt on account of tho farmers being so busy with the seeding but all things considered it was a very good show advocate all our merchants who signed the petition commenced their weekly half holiday last thursday afternoon and will contliiuo to take thursday after noons each week a number of the members of the locsli committee of women will at tend the luncheon at the royal con- nauerht hamilton today mr j b mackenzie has do o suverctjp and daughter competition on the georgetown golf links dr peter stuart of guelph was in town last week attending a directors mooting of the georgetown coated paper mills th library tea on saturday after noon commemqratlng st georges day was one of tho most successful as well as the most enjoyable of tho season an interesting debate took placo in j knox church on monday evening bo- tween representatives of norval young people and members of knox church guild- refreshments were served and a pleasant time spent the itev p mayes rector mossri h corke and j b wallace wardens and messrs d l herbert and s kirk lay delegates together with mr a beaumont warden of st albans church were in hamilton on wednes day attending the funeral of tho late bishop of niagara as representing st georges church and parish horald business ditjectof t medical dr j a mcniven phyaloian and 8uron offlcft and rmldenco corner bowr aqnuft and blglo btroat phonic 80 dr e j nelson frederick stiu3ejt acton ontario j legal phono no 22 k p o box us harold nash farmer m a barrfatar solicitor notary pub ho convayanctr etc we uns and you un8 burlington at a ooclal gathering held at tho village inn wodnenday night it waa decided to procood with tho orant xatlon of a i4ons club in burlington tho mothodlst church choir held their annual concert in the mothodlst church on tuesday evening hon xs martin minister ot agri culture will b the principal speaker at the chamber of i commerce ban quet to be held at the eatamlnet on thursday evening may t tjie drummers snack clubexecu tlve will hold a meeting at the queen hotel on friday evening may 1 to mako arrangements 1 the annual outing to bo held here a july mr and mrs george w taylor have returned home from spending tho win ter in california florida and texas they both look well after their so journ in the sunny south messrs fred w taylor andw j cannom were at chicago over tho weekend attending the big re- union of scottish biters they report an enjoyable outing the anal meeting of the young peoples league of the methodist church was held on monday evening and the programme took the form of a missionary exhibit of chinese curi osities the gaxette understands that the sale of the brant military hospital for a brewery to a milwaukee concern is underway two representatives of the milwaukee concern were here last thursday on- friday evening may 1st tho womens institute will hold an orator ical contest in the mothodlst church sunday school the subject will be tomneranco and will be open lo all schools of nalaon township mr j s freeman and family re turned home on saturday from spend ing tho winter in florida they made their headquarters at st petersburg mr freeman reports a nno climate and the family enjoyed the outing very much friday evening last the home of mr oralstavs h kurts was the scene of a most enjoyable gathering the oc casion being the 26th anniversary of their wedding the many friends of fered their felicitations and a pleasant evening was spent mr and mrs william graham of water street quietly celebrated thelr fiftleth anniversary of their wedding at their home on tuesday nearly all the mombers of the family were pres ent and the happy couplewere autt- uiply remembered on the occasion at the meeting of the town council on monday it waa moved ami seconded that whereas j s boothman has in stituted an action against police mag istrate barr and chief of police lee j smith for damages and whereas the acts complained of occurred whllo the police magistrate and police con stable were acting na municipal of ficers in the performance of their duty therefore we do hereby instruct mossrs cleaver cleaver to defend the action brought against the said officials gazette keep your clean cuaft and h a fjunammisimmi eyes tlalthy northerners who visit cot tain purls or trie southwest are sometimes amusod by what they call southern provincialisms among theso are we una- and you uns as a matter of fact the expressions are not strictly souuieinj50xajrejiiedby jjmse who live or used to live in the alleghen- les the mountain population seems to be largely homogeneous as if de scended from a common stock the mountaineers havo mingled little with the people of the lower country and toeing isolated havo preserved some of the peculiarities of speech and custom brought from the mother country which the rest of ua have abandoned we una is not even a true ajnerlcanlsra it is common even now in scotland whenco it was doubt iesa imported to our mountains by thy hardy scotch immigrants the phrase la an ancient one it may be found in tyndales new test- amenl in matthew 3 9 can bo read and bee that ye ons thlnko not to saye in yourselves we have abraham to our father as tyndales translation was printed in 1526 nearly four hundred years ago thisforn of expression has the pres tige of age and belonged to tho lan guage of our ancestors ttpays to use martinsenour woodlac stain for fumrturbfloors woodwork write to head office montreal for fnoe boowot homc painting mapc easy sold bv wdc talbot acton ontabio perryman block acton ont money lent on mohtoagbs hours 980 ajn to 5 pro saturdays 1200 oclock h 3 meir barr ur solioltor notary public gaoraatoyvn ont dental di j m bell d d s l d dentist honor graduate of toronto nnrras- slty the latest anesthetic used if dealred office at residence corner of mill and frederick streets the dour scotch engineer tho dour scotch engineer of mc- andrewa hymn by kipling is al most aa sure to be found in tho en- glno room of a steamer that plies to asiatic ports as the steam gauge or t h fa alm aa- lnevltablo on the liners and tramp freighter of the atlantic or lake and river steamboats of europe col t prendergast a retired officer of tha british army tells an amusing story to illustrate that fact he wan crossing tho little lake of lugaao in the italian alps on one of the small steamers that ply in those waters when he paid his fare ho asked ror his change in silver since the italian copper coins would not pass current on tho swiss side but the fare collector had no silver i never had seen this steamer be fore tho colonel says but i knew that a scotchman is never without silver coin and a steamer never with out a scotch engineer so i stepped to the hatchway that opened into the engine room and called mac are ye there i jiy ay what dyo want came back in strong scottish accent hae ye any siller m and i soon had a handful of silver coins a blow to her pride an old scotswoman who had re sisted all tho entreaties of her friends to have her photograph taken and who waa at least induced to consent in order that she might send her like- ness to her son jn canada is h heorlne of the following anecdote in tit- bits on receiving the first proof she fail ed to recognise the figure thereon rep resented as herself so card in hand she set out for the artists studio to ask if there was no mistake is thnt me she queried yes madam replied the artist and us it like me she again asked yea ynadamit a speaking like ness arool she said resignedly its a humblln blrm deadlrtead8 a missionary was returning to basel from patagonia bringing with him for the purpose of science a collection of fatngfonlan skulls the custom house officers opened the chest and in formed the owner that consignment must be classed as anlmnl bones and taxed at so much a pound the missionary was indignant so the ofllclalb agreed to reconsider whn the waybill had been revised it ex empted he grhn relics from duty in the following words chest of native skulls person 1 1 effects already worn a false alarm the aeoiton was showing a holiday party round the church says tho man chester ounrdlnn when some pno asked htm if he feared u suffragette attack rd quite a turn tho other morning said the eexton i see ono of our ladles going in the church with a am- mor in of find i crept up behind or and mnym not ere she turns round quite upt and says bjow dare you qilnk im irolncr to break windows that mrs x who alts in my icw will use my hnimock im going to null it to tho ftporln my place and she did fbrsalein all good drug stores dr caldwells laxal dr f a gollop dds lda dental 8urgaon oflloe over bank of nora sootu hours 9s0 to 6 80 evenrogs by appointment miscellaneous francis nunan bookbinder account books of au kinds made to oraer periodicals of every description carefully bound ruling neatly and promptly done wyndham street guelph ont oyer williams store p syrup pepsin dr j cadesky of toronto eyesight specialist will be at a t browns drug store acton monday hay 4 anyone suffering from eye- strain defective vision or headac a not mtaathe opportunity of consulting this eyesight specialist appoint ments may bo made with mr a t brown druggist consultation free office uoura 9 a m till 4 p m r j kerr auctioneer and real estate 20 yeara kxpcrlenco list your property with me acton ontario a e nicklin insurance agent lifa fire auto acoident a hoafth insurance guarantee bondi burglary and plato glaaa insurance trustee for- estates collodions business entrusted to my care will be carefully looked after and treated confidentially box 444 bower ave actqn saving a pint of cream a day meqt7s73oo ayear pfprl itself on fr of sviriqs do you want to4e successful associate with successful people and have them for your friends of course you dol take the first step now enroll at guelph business college 1 for thorough training 2 by business experienced i instructors 3 session tho entiro year a l bouck principal and propria tor get particulars on our homo study course in shorthand jr 3eu3i2ej te cream separator dont neglect yow eyes f tafte advantage of spoclallt services offered by this estab lishment and know your glasses are right experience is a good teacher 18031025 wo have had over twoiuy years at it and hero patrons aro assured ot the best in op- tical service a d savage optometrist and mfot optlcitn savage buildinq rijlght at the post oflw quelph ontario many old machines which you may think are skimming clean actually waste a pint of cream a clay this is 20 cents wasted each day or 73 a year on this basis tht melotte would pay for itself in eighteen months stop this waste at once by using a melotte ferguson- bros ballinafad ontario phono georgetown 95 rino 6 get your job printing at the free press the old and reliable granite and marble works wo aro manufacturers and direct importers of all kinds of monumental and headstone work wo soil dlroot to- our customers at wholosalo prices thus bavins our oustomer 40 nor cent wo havo tho best appliances and ths only mechanics in tho dominion wb can oporato pneumatic tools properly wo can glvo roforohoes from hundreds of our customors in toronto and other places where othors havo to havo law suits in order to collect wo have tba largest and boat stock of granite in tho dominion or more than any throe dealers in tho west wo aro lerltl- mate dealers and employ no asents ana do not annoy or peat customers by sending out ignorant agents sollok ing ordors we employ only moohanlcs and defy competition hamilton sons guelph ont subscriptions for all maga zines taken at the ree pres3 office

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