Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 30, 1925, p. 4

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yf- iv u s k thu apiui so lsae the home paper an hour week i tflvo to memory thats when tho old homo paper comes to- mo- ttffc only link that binds that ii fo to this and hringa buck days that i try not mlhh tr p j u t i rend the personalu and learn they mado a right smart showing at the ladles aid and j can taatb again the homemade cake and spicy cookies mother used to make i read with sorrow of the passing op of some dear friend i loved in days now crone and someones babe i hold lgponmy kaco in married now how old ive grown to be i road tho ads and stroll with eager feot down that familiar shady wide main street i bee the windows of tho town ba- xaar ahd nod at folks and ask them- how they are tho paper that the newsboy sells each day v is lots more clever t am bound to say this townri too bis for them tp pause to tell i that mrs andy currleo cottlnjr well but just such items i tan glad to 803j tne village as he passed when the home paper cornea each week to me v across the miles my lonely spirit wends to chat awhile with older dearer friends blue sky i m i tear i do not understand you she was the daintiest loveliest little lady possible and hea manly looking cleareyed young man gerald tnorne lawyer far a year and surprised yet glad that a case bad come to him un solicited and gladder still that his client was a radiant vision of youth and beauty pardon me he spoke tho phrase is so comprehensive i casoally used it blue sky miss wayne precisely expresses the fact that the two mining companies named in the memoranda you have submitted to m ax stock jobbing propositions of the most viruf lent type then the fifty thousand dollars in vested in them is lost questioned miss barbara waym anxiously absolutely and irrecrlevably a veil of sudden tearfulness crossed her clear blue eyes she sighed and sat like one striving to recover from a shock t hope you have not invested all that money in this wildcat stock he now said not myself but my half- undo and guardian has replied miss- wayne there la a man named oorard who has visited our home frequently for several months 1 never liked him but my uncle seemed to have some busi ness with him and i did not interfere just today i saw something in a j newspaper about the bankruptcy of refining companies my unojo broko down- charging- wmaelf with liavihg lost my fortune and confessed how ho hod been hoodwinked i see the futility of hoping to recover any thing from the wreck- there is an other matter of business i wish to refer- to yon and the fair speaker noction with another phase of our folk yours truly isiia pur now acton old hoy in a bit no tray- about dr shookfs rosldenco and surgery u was not- the site of tho homestead of tho storey family but two blocks further imuiu it was where dr mcgarvln- lived after ho left his flrst homo near main stroot hut ho in doing very well undwluiio doubt get most of tho old places cor rectlylocated news from the older acton the spell of august lay he walked as one who treads again a long- familiar wax yet those who met him merely met a stranger grim and gray he saw the old house through the trees that crowned the little hill the hush of twilight held the world and all the fields were still but in the woods beyond the fields he heard a whlppoorwlll the little windows of the hoube with lights became aglcnm he paused again where shadows formed outside the cheery beam and saw the bouso with eyes of ono who dwells within a dream for lo a womans form la there beside the trellised door she scans with eager longing eyes the road that runs before yet on her grave the grass has grown fnr twenty years or morel and other forma of other years a girl with braided hair a manly lad with laughing eyes a woman young and fair and four men coming from the houso what is thb lojjd they hear he turns andleavea the house the stranger grira and gray too many ghosts are gathered there he cannot cannot stay yet ever calls that house to him a- thousand miles away v- v john clair minot the new acton pld boy isla the now writer for this cofumhrrmade a very good beginning last week it la quite clear that ho is in possession of anecdotes and incl- dents of the early days which never come to my ken- i feel quite sure that tho readers of this column of tho old man of tho big clock toworwl1 find the contributions of the new acton old boy full of interest i have some what the advantage of himiir the fact that nearly all my life has been spent in the old town and he has been awajrpr upwards of hair a con- removed from her handbag a roll of tury so occasionally i may have to buis straighten up his geographical lines thero is fifty thousand dollars she a it said which i wish to entrust to you the old man for legitimate investment except mlfllclont to house my guardian mr the backbone of the burg wayne and myself in a modest way thm is all there is left of tho fortune wehave in a casual way mi l inherited from my father two years ago my dear young lady exclaimed thome in amazement i cannot un- derstond bow you can unqualifiedly trust me a stranger you are not a stranger he gently corrected among some papers of my father i found aovoraj his at torney woo named as mr gregory covered somo of tho bounds of tho village andit being a somewhat long wayperhaps some kind ono would of for you a drink seeing you are thirsty bf44 beer what no not 44 beer wny i am astonished when so many think that life is not worth living un less they can use their body as a ktoragetank for hog swill well every one to their taste as tho old thorns inaturauy sought otptoc j j cow see itirr hi- uvz ln w oant havo our drjnk tbuppoao lag my tangled affairs in nls xnargo mt r k 3tt jit z m t iii4- w resume our dander from the h2i- tartta point main and m1u stroeta i i stt r velrft thla until now aecw n ikfe u iflthe back bone o tho burs ana tho son of a map in whom my father t hn x had the utmost cohfftence i j that possibly i may bo hasy t wlij 7tzm ijs ir7- but will as far as i can name v tho 1 thank you bowed the youqg man m k irreauy- moved 1 will net in your bebof aou though you wero an own matui- ip t tifit th j i im sultatlon those two parted she re lieved arid trustful he feeling that a sweet entrancing presence had come into his life v- r barbara went- home full of resolve to make robert wayne feel that she 1 tould forgive the u in be bad caused ho was her only living relauve he r old and 111 her father had loved and trusted him what little thoy had she would shoro with him to the ihubt to her surprise as she reached home barbara caught the echo of voices tho highstrained tones of her undo well- raised to an echoing pitch j you serpent you scoundrel ne shouted and barbaralolscerned that his visitor was the swindler olrard you dare after robbing my niece of her fortune to propose to marricher if she will give you the remnant- left jo work up some new nefarious scheme o rob confiding inveators and the phvroan rab the flrephice sielaed a heavy pair of tongs started for his unweloomo visitor suddenly threw up bis hands and fell prostrate in a fit olrard fled from the house preolpf- tately within the hour the afflicted girl know that her uncle was in a criti- cal condition and that even if ho re covered it would be mpnths before he would be able to be about as fornaer- ly in v halfdased ffqndminiy mr avayne lay helpless week after week people and make such comments as may moke it interesting i mjght i what un lunumee and thereforo how long tlmo tho late j mrs storey had to do with the poclalj api commercial interests- of acton the greatest thrill i over got was the night when the cry fire fire brought every body on the jump to see what and where our folks rushed out and me -too- tpflnd mrs sccords store in- flames itwaathen on the south east corner like every such occa gloh it was hurry hurry carrying the feather bed down the stairs and throw ing the crockery out of the upstalr wiudows a ladder thrown against the railing of the upper verandah brief items of intertst showlna lifo u similar in the old and the 1 naw tho following interesting items of local news appeared in the gaxotto and express or acton england the visit of tho bishop of singapore to all saints is proving a real help and inspiration tho rev gv b eulot all barits south acton will conduct the thrco- hours devotion at st odundtana eabi acton the annual visit- of the british wo mens temperance association to tho acton brotherhood took plaoe op su- day afternoon at tho acton congrogatlonai church on sunday evonlng an impreaslve and beautiful rendering of mauhdera olivet to calvary wao tfiven by tho choir the thrilling film version of saba- tlnfa nautical romance captain blood is attracting record crowds at the globe klriema acton for tho boat race on saturday week tho mayor of acton was tho guest of the- ehlawick council on their new promenade just above the handsome j flight of steps to tho river the annual monthly meeting of the southeast ward of tho acton wo mens branch of the national unionist association took place at soutbdeld- road school on friday mlsss i buch assistant mistress at beaumont park infants school has re tired after completing fortyfive years of service under tho acton education authority the death occurred at a nursing h6me near canterbury of mrs sarah jane harvey agod 71 widow of the late- mr john w harvey chemist 20 church fleldrond acton the inter ment took place at rotgate two instrument makers francis ednoy- c52 of beaumontroad apton 3reen nudgeorge w smith of percy- road shepherds bush- wero each fined 10a at acton police court on friday for being incapably drunk at high- fstreetjactbn the napier social club do voted tho proceeds of its last dance of the season to the first aid station acton vale with whihaj3 it is just opposite the works it is fn close alliance i georglna moon independents who i gave an address at xelnsterrbquarc bayswater was charged at acton police court on saturday with being incapably drunk at churchroad at tho brentford police court on thurday-in- lastweek john anthony sterlingroad acton was summoned by the brentford guardians for ne- jrlecting to maintain his wife agnes antnony the west london federation of the adult schools avio proof of their varied educational activities in an ex hibition which was held in the acton adult school on saturday afternoon and evening the early closing association con tinuing its two years propaganda work to establish a six months permanent summertime operation is working in cooperation with col iambort ward j d s o- m p to sooure the third read ing of tho tbill twenty acton elementary school boy h of ages from 13 to 14 who attend tho sou th field road sonlor schqol will leave on thursday evening via new- haven and dieppe for paris where thoy will spend easter- returning hqino next tuesday after a service of passion music on monday evening the choir of the acton hill wesleyan church presented po the rganlst mr pearce hoakon sjl co a silvermounted ebony baton in case us a mark of apprcciatidn for tho way he has worked to bring the choir to its present state of efficiency there wore two unusual features about a public meeting held in the frinndn meeting- house- ayonuo-roaay- preaent in the grand hull of tho con- naught roomw nt tho nrinuuliaiuov festival hold under the auspices of tlu borough of acton lodge gunnorsby park was- thocuuao of- a special meeting of tho actqii towu council on tuesday a report by tlio reprchontntlvch of tho town countlla of ealing and acton way tabled show ing that mr l t le tiothflchlld wni willing to accept x lm0o plub tho agents commlhoion and logul chnrgotj ill do tho th divf you- thlnklm going tu keop tho hit oh of j the bublneasman of this- a little htory told jby ln annates shows that mtiilanie- stmunn the wlfo of ulchurd strauss the compoaor win a woniun with u koon buolnoha scnuoi lwijfl perlmph hiid ivlni mado her husbands iopututfon nn tho hhrowdoht italer umong muhlolitiih oho day a young muciciuii culled on ytrauaw and nuked u to pl fothimnnrfatodyoitlli i futnoun- com- you with ilnoa said aimlo mo nick u lundreos ofno fixed iibiido to tho magistrate at acton pollco court on friday whon oho wastold she youll be ylned 3gn or aeut t prison foi- thlrtecn dnys for bolng drunk and dltj- orderly and using obneono lungunko at shrnffordroad acton an exehango of views has rooently takh placer between representatlvos of ihti acton town council anil tho mlnlstryof houlth on thotjuoutlon of town planning mid agreements have been como to oh such ouostlons as th6 heights of buildings tha width- of tho rouds und the donhlty of buildings nil qf- which havo more or lose beurlnk on publlo health t a group- of several of tlo leading concert hall pcrforipjra of tho day do serve thanks foi onotpftho best con certs given in acton this souson and those thhnks should bo all the heartier because thoy gave the 12th acton scout funds tho programme which was in the nature of a rccitnjlof sacred music was given on tuesday evonlng in the wesleyan church acton hill which was crowded i surpriao wns tho chief nature of a i party held in connection with the acton priory habitation of tho prim rose league in alt saints parish hall acton on wednesday eveolng and ap parently it was an attmctiyo feature for over three hundred and fifty mem bers were present presence of sir harry and lady ilrlttaln was one of the bhxgest surprises lady brittain appeared in bardie dress in which she was initiated at the same tlnte as hrh the prince of wales and bho was introduced to the audience by her welsh name tejynoros y golomon wen meaning tho bardcss of tho white flower ijy the deputy mayor of acton- pofluts sutonrio slrauijn grunted tho request whotl tho young man hid inlshed suuusn viih fliithusiustlu in hln aprovuh very droll voiy droit ho cried it will bo ti huocouhvh grout huccossi 1 congrntulnto yoii a tho young mudlclnii wan 6n the olnt of louvjng miulnrxitt hiiuubm en tered and hor husband nt onco leffhn an untltuslastio explurtiition thin young gontluman ho cried lias just composed a parody on flnlomo a truly romurkuble ploco owcfki mudanto strausw ralootl jicr oyo- brows whut terms havu yom made uho asked in it ipw voice whyno terms j that in no way to do domantl twontyflvo per cent royaitios and turning to tho writer of tho par- ody madam o strauss atlvlnod him with soomlhgly mutornal solicitude to nccopt tho udvtrhtdgoouu offerthat tho master was willing to malm him thus lfc riimx nlai a it jtivst how oow0ell8afie made cowbolls that chlmo on the west ern plains shoepbells that tinkle on tho big canadian sheopranchos bolls for gruzlng horses and mules undi ac cording to7ouliir mochunlch all kinds of bellrt for lofurm and ranch ure made in ono factory which fltnnds on a hlllsldo street in u little town i connecticut to ayejl4ucutcattlora nohen ri tho west wttitnt lately n tot iif bolls tuned in sets of an octave each ho that the hollucurorh among tint shifting iiuinih answered each other in icujxrteaaem homes in aid ortheisth acr iwwon n strauss pro- phosled was very succcflsful was a sourco of n considerable income for the strausses the wav to boston basts own soap earlier in the day lie rind boencelx- toon miles from boston he was now only oleyon miles away tho condi tion of his pocket was such that there was no way for him to reach tho city without further- wear on his shoos several automobiles had rushed past him toward- the city but although he had looked at thorn nppoallngly the drivers had made no sifiri that- they were willing tolielp tho footsoro ped estrian ho grow a little bitter as ho put ono foot up and tho othpr down on tho dusty roud finally he was ballad by tho driver of a car that boro a pennsylvania uconso number hoy thore do you know tho way to boston just follow me musical chimes kanohmun hays that bells echoing ip tunos acrou tho plain dator wolves from attacking tho herd9 tho jnotal for tho bells is received ut ie factory in large flat vheetm of thin froii direct from tho rolling- mill and is piftscd under a steam- driven cutter which turns out tho properly shaped ploces like patterns for a dofjblobludod axe then a ring for a clnpper in fastened into tho centre of ouch pltice and it is spanned with a little iron strap for a handle finally the pleee is bent down into the familiar bell shape arid its sides aro riveted together on the- anvil the bell is now in shape but it still lacks in tone and color these aro galnod by a coating of brass find a bath in a ftery furnace in nostv of fourtfr five the bells ranging in bizo from the little threeinch sheepbells to the seveninch cewbolls are then placed in a mlxturoof charcoal andj brass filings around them in plumbago crucibles the lids of which areheld in place by a plastering of wot clay these are now immersed in the fire within tho crucibles the brass now spreads lteelf in a thin coating over the imprisoned bells and tho bell ob tains a clear note all that nocd be done afterwards is to burnish the bells which is done by throwing them with a few leather scraps into a big revolv ing cylinder in which they polfiih themselves ofonta i writ 7 dfcribinp t many thbtg crdy and tend a 8ihppinq container i am yes i do going therby the driver grinned the tramper reached boston in twenty minutes eqjotj fa fbc urns qflccnadbns breaking the news whon according to answors pat hoogan burst into the house crying mrs fldnnlgan yure monmlke has just foil off the scaffolding and killed himself- bedad mrs plannlgan col- lapaedlnto a chair alsy nisyl pat continued tis only his leg thots bruk its rejoiced yoll bo to hear it when yo thought he wuz killed furrst gems or thought the warmth of the fire is better en joyed when shared than when mon opolized at the cost of crowding the others into the cold a man ought not to be so reticent as to sit like the owl and think and blink his wisdom away in silence he gets more for his bread who casts it on the water- than he who devours it himself no man can serve himself except indirectly through the service- of heavy- burdens carried make ordin ary burdens light we are built by our reactions to our environment no- send their cleaning and dyeing to the we langloy plant in toronto druses suits and all kindn of personal apparel rues carpets curtains draperies and all kinds of household furnishings come from not only every county in the provincebut even from more distant points lilco winnipeg- montreal new york chicago parcels have been sent from as far as vo angola xanglcyv in the most successful cleaning and dyeing business in canada its fame has spread all over the continent the rea sons aro simple 1 real craftsmanship backed by the most modern and complete equipment in tho dominion 2 fn mr vf j fontaine wn have one of the most ex pert profcssiabal dyers in america 8 langfcys have set a standard for careful thorouh work which our staff enthusiastic ally tries to maintain wepay return shipping charge and charge only our toronto prices sujtpiy send your parcel to mr geo 3 langlsyslae write a tetter stating what yon have sent and what you want done hell give yomr order his personal supervision laiufe- r i m ij tce i cleaners dyers of pimm ft z1w bk head office 249 spadina road toronto perhaps you are using good tea we think rod rose extra good wont yoa try if qeniua heeds obatructlon acton on thuraday evening in last week to dlscusa the foundations of peace the mayor presided- at tho acton police station on wed nesday afternoon mr w mccoil won presented by the ojucora and man of tho station with an inscribed silver clmretto case osa mark of apprecia tion tor assistance rendered on march 7 1m6 h we regret to announce tho death of tho rev dr joalah plow a former superintendent minister of the ealing and acton wesleyan circuit who pass- od away on sunday at bayford lodsro wn txj e is good test the same good tea for 3p years solve it today and win a pri717 t hatch end pinnor at tbo age or cs served as a slide for tho piano and that pollclmen cnn ughtlyaaj st- jj to c aoyrtt and weu as wal o boau wlth nrmnees whue the flre permitted it served waa afteeahly proved at too acton good purdpsebutthe loss ihubt have bauja tuosday nlbht wen the last been heavy for mrs secord to bear ina future aruole- i will tell more about this as i didnt hear of any acaldents pr mcgarvln was nqtcall- d on but it vfonllnotijiivvoboqn bard ib set him as hla home and hie surgery were but a tow doors cast the burning store every correct answer receives a reward danco of the season under the auspices i of tho acton police sports club took i plaoo musiclovers were interested in tho passion music sunff in the acton wes leyan church- on monday it included the beautiful motet o voo onnos morales 16th century waah me thoroufihly wesley tho 22nd psalm i glean that thie old man of the big clock tower la wriunssome com- mondelssohn and tho anciont enff- ments on the doctors of the village hah passion tones i mhrhtadd mv fluotfl rt -n-i- good tho election for the acton seats on those i w uio acion seats aenlal dr mcqarvin 1 know thai i tho brentford board of guardiana uiose words sum up tho opinion of monday resulted in the return of tho those who have- memory of him the six economy c and inclnrled ara hiswifeahd jmuiitf- solve the puzzle it can be done and someone is going to yrln a magnificent piano phonograph or other prize absolutely without cost of liny kind think of it if you do not own a piano here is an opportunity to get one for only a few minutes work there isbnfliii work there is nothing to buy nothing an advertising earapa r r be the lucky person fu carefully and send in your answer wt nuuiing to puy nothing to sell this is simply an advertising campaign for canadian manufacturer you may be the lucky person to win one of the grand prizes keadth w yuur answei soon as possible the contest closes wednesday may 13th stera tor eddy was one of my chums then thj syraqn brothers jamoa and cbarloy and x understand that one or charley boya oorrle on buel neas in the somo old town their seed- shall live and barbara found iorafoxtand cpopeta tjon in the vlslta of young tnorne it was nvo months laterwhen robert woyns felt- his way slowry back to normal living he lay on a couch in aroonibtrange to htm- the air was soft aihborny tho so odor of flowers tiled the house barbara by nls bide quieted him as he burst forth jn selfaceusatlona of his port in wast inff her fortune thota ol poatunelo itobcrt she said brightly bo you know where you aro in the sunny south right on tho ocean and this pretty bungalow is ours and beywid it acres and acres nave or thataro dally growing in vahio a the ono wh6 willow troohblter- frlend of mine invested my htue sllljoi homo of tho late mrs steele in thla place knowing of its prosji and now wo are at tho so called winqw street r have in ray hand just now a souvenir of the old willow tree this souvenir was given me by the editor of the praai fnsssand tho enterprise shown in getting such into shape and his courtesy lngivlng such to all was very highly appreciated as i it is by isla in cfnnectionwith the wlllow treoj is tho vivid- remembranoe i have of pvctlve boom and we wlllnever want n the doctor said you needed blue sky he groaned anfl winced oh real blue aky and health and air andfor- gotfulnesb of tho past and hope for the future see barbara drew up the shade through the open wlndov space robert wayne viewed a panornme of fair viernal beauty and we are going to make you happy she continued we he questioned yes oh bo much has happened elnoe fllnoe the old life there he la now asa welcome footstep sounded unclg bobemfemy husband gerald tnorne j 8poilinq hlft aim an irishman van shooting dacka with u friend who noticed thit although mike often aimed his gun al the flylpg bird ha never shot it off xt last ho said mike why dldnt you shoot then the whole flock was right in front of you i know said mike 1iuteyery time i aimed me gun at a duek anothel wan would conie right between us i bhs iii the days of which i write tho greater number of housewives in acton baked their own bread- and to do so itwas necesssary to have yeast mrs steele made this for all and we youngsters were usually sent to get mothers nupply on monday- morning it was put in moulds like bunnja dogs lambs etc and wo could have our choice ofbhapes at thlalato date i will not guoraptee that i could placo each and overy place somewhere about tho storey homestead was i think dr shooks home and he was a clever doctor but more of an horb specialist tlmn a medicine practitioner the llghlheart brothers specialised in the manufac ture of cradles for the cutttlng of wheat and they were superb in their i liner my fathar one of tbelrl moke for years whin he helped to eut the crops and he would usano other make and i amsuro that thera are many old men who will tentlty to their usefulhoss and it was many days after this time when 1 saw w first crude reaper v chiirley hill the grocer and general storo keeper ocduplpd a store hearty opposlto john ughthearts x moyl bnvr something olio to say lh oon- vvnom pollcci over 2000 vdtcs and of mrs forrester yho headed tho abour candidates with 075 the funeral took place at the acton old cemetery on wednesday in last week of mr h xiujrer who died after j pylons and painful- lllnesss at tho a so of 71 years mr luarff who was an old actonlan had for the past ten years resided at 2 chaucersroad much alarm waa caused amongst shoppers in the hlgljstrect near the marketplace acton on saturday when a private owned ear mounted the pavement and knocked down two wo men when thoslde- walks were crowd ed i tho social sldo of freemasonry was well illustrated on monday night when a company of upwards of 2co waa prfaes will be given for the best neatest most original instructions write your name carefully and plainly to the best neatest most original correct answer will be given one 47500 piano abso lutely free to the next best neatest most original correct or player a 15000 purchasing voucher acceptable on any piano piano shown correct answers directions place any number from one to fifteen n each of the horaeshoes- shown above in- such a manner that when added horixontally vertically and dia- gonally the total will be 33 it is possible to do this correctly and not use any number more than once when you have solved the problem mail the answer to the canadian selling agents lit the address given below moil your answer promptly for in case of tie the prize will go to the first answer received things to remember answers may be submitted on this or on a separate sfieet of paper or any other material there- is no limit to the size of the solution only one member of each family should send a solu tion employes of the newspapers carrying this announcement should not enter this contest per sons engaged in selling pianos should hot enter this is a piano and phonograph advertising cam- paign and our hope is that- the beautiful piano and phonograph will be awarded to families who do not now own a piano or phonograph for this rea son families who are supplied with pianos should not enter all solutions entered are and shall temaln the property of the canadian selling agents esch and every contestant entering a reply hereby agrees to abide by the decision of- the juftgwj from which there shall be- no appeal send your answer to 32 wateitstrllpij ii4viv ont w t j a j ip 1 j sssv

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