Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 30, 1925, p. 5

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t i zstieciati 3te ftoss tiiuksday april 30 1025 my cooky man with currants for eyea and nooo and raisins for i1i3 earn you cully cannot think how flno my cooky man aplieara ami when lies baked a golden brow pnttibubal tlislenine whllo uiiun his fuco and on hlj coat 1 take a tiny bite beginning ut ma toes and then 1 it is bo hard to stop i eat some more and thon somo more until i reach the top and then my cooky man is gone and i am very sad but noiih says cheer up my dear tfou mustnt feel so bad u vouio learning- now a lesson that tfoull find through life is true tberes no one ever et could cat ills caktr and kc it too bertha gerncauac woods twenjy yars ago from the issuo of tho free press of thursday may 4 1005 the sunday school lesson for sunday may 3 the leaves of the maples are open ing thos b akin a is moving into the houac on mill street he recently pur chased from edward matthews municipal officer price has moved to liis residence on willow street lind is now much more convenient v bis duties i cellars are excavated for tho new houses to bo erected by mr william snrnckhammer and contractor mac kczizle xho stables at fairvlow place have been enlarged and a water tank erected for the accommodation of mr a a wliitea horses w bi denny jia sold to messrs durston and turner the large double frame house on the north bldo of- church r street in cooks survey tho property of james brown for g0o tlie- now flro escape and exit thereto at tho town hall have been completod an dl citizens will feel much safer here after when the hall is crowded as it is it numerous public entertainments the work on the new road beds la progressing satisfactorily church and john streets havq been graded and flake stone is laid over the greater part tho depression on church street opposite the properties of t p martin and samuel laird has been filled in until the roadway is almost level ttio license commissioners of the county held their annual meeting for considering tavern licenses a burling- ton while not so sweeping in their reductions as in some of the counties they have caretfully discussed each application andos a result halton will have threo or four less licenses than last year 17 licenses granted one extended 90 days and four 80 days 1 married smithhawthorne in toronto on tuesday may 2 1905 by rev q- afiar ba- david b smith son of daniel smith to lucy daughter of william bawthorne all of acton mckeownmcpherson at tho home of mrs- mcpherson esquealnff on friday april 19 13057 by rev mr edmiston cheltenham mr al bert aickeown erin township to mies jenniemcphersom born mas alas in hepworth on wednes day april 26 1905 to mr and mrs norman j masalas a daughter appreciation probably you have complained to the floorwalker or department superinten dent when a salesgirl has been inat tentive or discourteous have you ever gone to tho floorwalker- or super intendent to say that a girl has been xceiuonaly attentive and anxious to plcaao very likely you have written to the general manager or tho electric road when a conductor rang the bell too soon or did not notice your signal to nop have you ever written to tell him about tho conductor who is always courteous arid obliging k you think orya act necessary at times is not the other fair and gen erous aro kindness and courtesy always to be lakcn for granted in small business relations among the strangers or are you readier to find f t atta a ifaan in an ohio city has founded what ho calls an appreciation leabme ito members agree to re port employees who are considerate and courteous to emphasize the amiable things that people do to watch more keenly for virtues than for weak nesses and faults the league is an informal organisation you can be come a member by beginning at once to practice its principles a simple idea yes but if it could spread from ocean to ocean what a wave of kindness and courtesy would sweep over tho land he made it right a smojl boy was asked to take din ner at the homo of a distinguished professor tho lads mother in fear lost lie should commit some breach of etiquette gave him repeated direction aa to what he should not do upon his return from the great occa sion the mothers first question was harold did you get along at tht tablo all right j ori yih mamma wruxnaugb you are sure you didnt do any thing that was not perfectly polite and gentlemanly why no nothing to speak of thon something did happen what wn it but i fixed it all right mamma tell mo at onco why i got along pretty well until the meat camo but while i was try ing to cut mine it slipped oft on the floor what did you dor oil i just said sort of carelessly thats always the way with tough meat- tact the stout lady struggled with diffi culty into tho railway carriage ah she gasped that door might lu been made by old sam she paused for breath and then pro ceeded to explain you sec old sam was one of them chaps ood got on went from a three and six cottage to a big ousc rut in mlbblfl wasnt used to a big ouso and spent nil of er time in the kitchen wlt servants old sam didnt like cr dolnfc tills tut c never argued wi wo- xon now she was stout hkoyne so he takes her away to blackpool and while thpy wore away hed tho kitchen door built up nnrrer so the servants could get in and out but not t missis that did r that did em what i call tact an id a man opposite and all mt lost in admiration of the txictfulnesa of old sam the last straw the ledger tells about a scottish uoy and an english boy who were fighting desperately when the mothers of tho boys appeared and separated thorn tho scottish boy although tho umhller was the more pugnaqjous whnt garred ye ftcht a big laddie like that for iiaid the mother as she vwlped the blood from his nose and ill flcht him again said the boy if ho says scatsmon wear kilts bcstooxnetjttfel are loo 6it fp gft into their trousers i the benefits of total ab stinence daniel 1 817 fi uldentei4j3auielu uruos c tlinjiia heart that ho would not deflie himself with the portion of the kings mout nor tho wine which ho drank daniel 1 8 time 606 bc place babylon tho text explained 1 daniels noblo purpose 813 the book of daniel la one of tho most remarkable and instructive books in the bible it has been well said that no man is a thorough bible student who is ignorant of daniel or whoo study of it has been shallow daniel purposed in his heart that ho woull not deflie himself this is the key to daniels llfo and the secret of his power and success daniol had a very sound heart and bo hie whole life wau sound proy 4 23 tho real pur pose of a mans hearl tells what the man is ir is this that god looks ut 2 cor 7 812 luke 1g 15 then can ho no steadiness of llfo and action without steadfastness of purpose tho purpose of daniel was fixed and un alterable carrying it but involved a great daily sacrifice and great perjl but there daniel stood und god of course stood by him daniels pur pose was a good one in itself not to defile himself the kings meut and wino were very agreeable to the pal ate much more agreeable than puljo but hey had been offered as a sacil- flco and libation to false gods and daniel would keep himself free from all compliance with dovll worship ho would bo absolutely clean from any partnership with the whole miserable business what a lesson daniel gives us in this day of easygoing worldly conformity ho was in babylon but he did not do ou the babylonions did he lost nothing by his unwavering fidelity to god no one ever loses any thing by such fidelity psalms 84 11 there is no surer road t gods favor and to gods consequent blessing than to come ouftrom tho world arid im questionable practices and be sopor ate but daniel was not arrogant and selfassertive iifhla fidelity there was no parade of his conscientious ness he requested of the price of tho enuchs that he might not defile him self ho was very modest and very courteous in taking his stand modt men who are unbending in their loyalty to god and his word spoil it all by their pharisaical paradeof their fidel ity to conscience how seldom it iu that a spotless puritanlsm and sweet reasonableness go hand in hand if we aro careful to ploase god we muy safely leave in his hands the matter of our pleasing men verse 9 rv when a mans ways please the lord he maketh even bis enemies to bo at peace with him prov- 1c 7 this great truth is illustrated hero in tho hook of daniel it was illustrated in joseph and it is being illustrated cyory day if wo ore in gods line god will bringthings into line with ua all wo need to see to is that we pleas o god prove thy servants i beseech thee ten daysthia suggestion was born of faith ho knew god would not leave one of his children to suf fer because of his loyalty to him daniel had enough confidence in hi religion to have it put to a practical test his wisdom was indeed tho wis dom that cometh from above jas 3 17 2 how jehovah rewarded the fi delity of daniel and his friends 1420 daniels faith was not disappointed at the end of the ten days their countenance appeared fairer and fat tcr in flesh than all the children which did cat the portion of the kings meat some would see in this argument for a vegetable diet what strango visions some have it is an argument for obeying god and seeking to please him in everything comp ex 23- 24 deut 28 114 pa 37 16 god gave the knowledge and skill in all learn ing and wisdom true wisdom is the gift of god ch 2 2023 1 kl 3 12 28 4 2931 this is true of wisdom in all its forms but it is preeminently true of the wisdom that is of perennial worth the conditions upon which god bestows wisdom ore first as il lustrated here unwavering obedlenco to his will second prayer third the rtim f tio ujnrfi t ib t his horizontal 1 a parent 2 flower 6 male parent 8 personal pronoun 10 grain 12 a childs thanks 14 southern state ab 1g metal in raw state 18 a map id migratory bird 21 tho high card 23 to offer 25 thus 27 cry of sheep 29 childs nanut toi father 30 kitchen utensil 31 money english 32 a numeral 33two odd lettei h 35 devoured 37 each ab 38 a beverage 40 ontarios dry law ab 42 song of praise 43 cuts off 45- to discover 47 before fpoctlc 49 toward el single ls exclamation used in bible 54 a point of the comrmas 65 a flat fish 5g one of the united states ab vortical 1 myself 3 thus 4 sailor 5 afrcnch conjunction 7 near 8 exclamation 0 to locate 11 means oftravel 13 onct 14 denoting pleasant surprise 15 part of the verb to be 16 a sphere 17 finish 20 a tree 21 talks loud noisy 24 a water coui se 2g an idiot a simpleton 27 a girls namo ab 28 a catil 29 river in scotland 34 strike 3g to put away foi preservation 38 an animal 39 a cathcdinl city 40 mineral in rock 41 an animal- 41 a pronoun 46 a girls name 48 a river in europe 50 upon 51 ah correct ab 52 eastern time ab 53 noto in vocal scale solution to safety cross word puzzle spirit that- wisdom is given daniel had wisdom given to him in an especial direction in all visions and dreams this was because daniel had a special work to perform in tho purposes of god and an especial placo to fill in the plan of god it illustrates thq principle that holds in the church to day that while thero is one spirit there are diversities of gifts minis trations workings and manifest ations and that the one and the selfsame spirit dlvldoth to each one severally even as he will see 1 cor 12 411 hv there is wlsdom through the spirit for every child of god hut whether there shall be unders landing in all visions and dreams depends entirely upon tho sovereign will of the holy spirit and tho work to which god in his wisdom and grace calls us therefore stood they before the king their loyalty to god had paid where did thoso israelites who had compromised and eaten the kings defiled meat and iwl drank his defiled wine stand 7 it seemed three years back as if daniel and his friends had sacrificed every- thlng by their stern conscientiousness but in reality they had gained every thing it always comes out that way in the end but those who arc loyal today will stand some day before a greater kins than nobuchndnczxar earth bom wisdom will never bear comparison with god given wisdom would thojt we might forgtot that thero is oho more thing that must be noted daniel continued he had good staying qualities what was tho secret of it others came and went even great kings and dynasties but daniel continued 1 john 2 17 daily readings for next weak monday may 4 philip in samaria acts 8 413 tuesday may 6 philip and the ethiopian treasurer acts 8 2639 wednesday may 6 tho cleansing word psalm 119 916 thursday may 7 the illuminating word psalm 119 105112 friday may 8 tho love inspiring word psalm 110 97104 saturday may 9 the invitation isaiah 55 1g sunday may 10 tho suffering saviour isaiah 53 712 mr peaslees retort the pretty llttlb waitress in tho hotol in du mouth was very prompt and of- ficlcntras if to atone for tho culslno of the hotel which war very bad she was perhaps inclined to be a little pert at imes but that may have been merely her means of defense against the complaints of the patrons about the quality of tho food and ydrlnk so when mr pcaslce asked for hla fourth cup of coffee she brought it speedily as ho thoughtfully stirred the weak yellowish solution he girl remarked you seem to be fond of coffee mr peaslce nothfpg abashed smiled upon her benignly i be fond of coffee he admitted placidly my i aint you quick tt notice things im dretful fond of it if i wontho concluded slowly while his pleasant old face lighted whlm- slcally i dont believe jtd drink jjo muctt water fortke savc of gottlng a little coffee v tlw v 1 s rr t 5 e 4 p s s a r f e im a l a s p m a l e he o n 15 f 1 f e l l m a s o d ii n e g l e c t c a r 1a- s t o p 14 o a u n t s o r e s t a b o r d m n a s 5 s n i 33 p s s 33 n a 1 l 1 l l it 37 e t c e c l a 30 t a c k s a v k s 3 h e e h e i a t a p p y s e r e s 46 r 1 e l 4 b e y s3 s c r a t c h 34 l e o 1 d st s n a e s8 h a u l 66 m o dm s o a r b r a t ik c o o p y r e a bit of color everyone knows the effect of colri in dress a black hat w j a touch of red or yellow in it quietly and tastefully disposed is far more striking than anyjblazo of manycolor ed gorgeouanchs a plain whlto frock of a morning nedds pink or blue rib bons nt tho neck tor waist to givo it frcbhnesu and vivacity an evening gown gray may be veiy rostful ycry uerxott very personal still- it you know how to usd color with it and when tho charm is more varied nnd more complete so in a room a subdued color scheme of deep tones und oliadowt may bo trtinquilixlnff to llvo with you may resent the idea of breaking it by sharp intrusions of harsher huey and yet jubt a email vaseful of guy tinted flowerp may give something that you feel was lacking may give a watmth and cheerfulness that will alter tho wholo curront of your thoughts it i is so with some lives with many womens lives especially whoru tht sombre hue is not a matter of design but the fatal result of circumstances that cannot be controlled we do not mean the tragic lives the lives of in tense and blttei misfortune we mean the gray uvea tle uvea that seem to run in one eternal inevitable rut of dusting and cooking and washing und sewing al tending withoutx end or change or hope none of these things aro hateful in themselves often a mod bra to indulgence in them might be chai miner it is tho monotony that kills the dull prospect of the same old clothcu to he mended in the same old ways forever and forever all that such uvea need is just a bit of color a bright flash of some kind to lead tho cyo over and beyond tho wash tub and the sewing machine to some winning possibiiliv cf dlversloi and forge tfulncss think of this husbands and brotherfl and fathers yqur lives have their hard spots their tired spots and their discouraged spots often you come j homo for cheer and consola tion and you get it and you think to yourself ah she dqf have to take tho hard- krfoeks pcfltnpu she has enough even of those but the wont to her im that long gray monotony and such little things can break it a days outing at the beach will suffice if you cannot afford a week at tho mountains ox an evening ut the con cert it does not much matter what it is but juat devote your idle minutes to thinking of some little hit of colo that you can pin upon that too gray life and make it sparkle it will be a surprising addition to her happlnesr ajid youn facts about teasellitisno s 1 what o pekoe means c p c p ii u ii i ii i mmkmhbw im many buyers of tea have come to ask for orange pekoel beltevkithat it signifies- fine quality this is not however neces sarily the case in the trade orange pekoe is only a name given to the first leaf below the bud or tip on any indian or ceylon tea bush an orange pekoe leaf grown at a high elevation usually possesses a very fine flavour if however the plant is grown at a low elevation it may still be orange pekoe but also be of very poor quality the consumers only safeguard is to buy a tea of recognized goodness high grown orange pekoes comprise a large part of every blend v of salada and give to alada its unequalled flavour salada railway time tables madian nationaltrailways at acton qolno weat no 20 no 31 no 33 i worsb 8001 10361 ts20 pjn b70pjmt no 39 839 pm no 2b sunday i 1020 axa going et 705 oj11 1118 ajd 335 p4u ju7pm 813 pm no 20 no 30 no 34 no 30 no 38 no 24 sunday j opjxl no need to suffer from corns or to run risks of paring them hemovo them burcly and painlessly with hollowqys corn remover thackeray as a reporter keeping turkeys turkey raising is not the dihlcult matter that rriuny believe it to b writes mr a g taylor of the poultry division of the dominion expoiimen- tal rarms who itemizes tho essentials to ducccba in this line of poultry keep ing as follows wcllidraincd soli fro a rango welldeveloped healthy unre lated breeding stock and pnlatable foods properly and regularly fed tho birds me not confined to any houses and for winter nights require only tho shelter of a btrawbarn or cloaedin shed nor is the f coding expenslvo matter turkeys es pecially the bronze which is our largest and most popular brood are great foragers and gather much of their food from the fields altogether thero is little labor requited in keop lng i flock a small initial investment will provide a suitable start and tho market for dressed turkeys is good botli at thanksgiving and christmas a imllfun written hy mr tnylpr entitled tui keys their care and management no 46 new series is now in tho pi ess in it aro to bo found discussion of breeds practical di rections for successfully managing fl an n i o t p cure of disease copies will bo sent free on application to the publications branch department of agrlcultut e ottawa experimental farm note e althou it mig sa edga to wh many mothers can testify to the vir tues of mother graves worm ex terminator because they know from experience how useful it is unlucky moses economy has its pains as well as its ideaaurers says a washington preachci if tho experience of an old- negro of my acquaintance counts for anything ono nprlng moses was going round town with tho faco of dissatisfaction when i questioned him lie poured forth his tioublca inthoao words muise tom he come to mo last fall and ho says mose doya gwlno to be u hard winter so you bo keerful and- save yo wages faaj fcd tight and i believe morse tom yasauh i bellers him and i save and save nnd when do winter come 1 aint got no liardnhlp and dero i was wld all dat money jcsta thrown on my hands yawn for your health doctor naegell proresaor of mod1- clno at lclge university commends the practice of yawning as a physlclal reviver a good yawn tho professor maintains is exqefient for tho lungs nnd for tho hieathlng organs as well dut there in nn nrt in ydwnlng ho uay juwt nh there ih an ait to breath lng is very yawn should bo n loop as possible so as to bring all tho muaclen of the throat and chest into action und ulso to 1111 the lungs with a cur- icnt of fresh alr rftctdr nacbfth hojj known many casob in which a noro throat has boon alleviated by persistent yawning thackeray onco acted as police re porter for the london diogenes and performed hla work in no perfunctory way how the future novelist must have enjoyed observing and recording this bit of courtroom humor pat fogarty went all the way from manchester to london in order to lick mick flikpatrlck7wh1chbedld wind ing up the performance with the as sistance of an awful horseshoe ho was detocted and brought beforo mr justice slraplemon well air began the court you camo here from manchester did you your honor has answered correct you seethe compainants head it was out by a sharp instrument do you know what cut it aint your honor afther sayin that a sharp insthrumlnt did i secyou mean to equivocate said tho court becoming restive nov sir you cut that head you came hero to cut it did you not now sir what motive brought you to london the locomotive yer honor equivocating again you scoundrel said the court waxing warm raising up the horseshoe and holding it be foro pat ho said do you see this rorsfeshoo sir is it a horseshoe yer honor dont you see it is blr are you blind can you not tell at once that it is a horaeshoo begad no yer honor wo angrily no yer honor but can ye yersllf tell of course i can you stupid irish man oh glory be to goodness see whnt educatio l nouloqulsodta nlo a full vote getting out the vote bus always been tho aim of n politicians existence and the proof of his ability that they had some lather advanced ideals us to the means of accomplishing this de sirable end inhewsnglnnd a century ago is shown by an extract from dr banks histoi y of marthas vineyard the- voting which oecurred in 1807r was on the question of tho removal of the count seat extraordinary means wore taken tj get out a full vote in edgartown the sailing of ships was delayed for weeks bo that their crows might vote and on the day of tho town meeting it was found that the contest between the two fuctlons was to bo close some- oho-uggebted-that-thero-wra- several votcis who unfortunately de prived of their liberty were languish ing in tho town jail and if the jailer would kindly allow them to step across the street and vote jt would consume uut a tew muiients at the time the prisoners owed to tho county tho jailer did not feel that fife had the right to allow a general jail t1o- llvery even for such a worthy object it wuk then ji oposcd that the ballot- box bo can led ovor to tho gentlemen who wore lncaicerated the point was then lalsed that all ballots must be cast in open meeting und in the pres ence of the election officials never theless astute minds found a way out of this awkward dilemma a motion as made and carried that the meeting adjourn to the jail there the ballot- box was carried to the door of each prisoners coll and tho imprisoned voters reached through the bars and depositor- then ballots ready made medicine you need no physician for ordinary ills when you have at hand a bottle of dr thomas kcloctilc oil for coughh colds soto throats bronchial troubles it is in- valuable for scalds burns bruises spi alns it is unsurpassed while for cuts horea and tho like it is an un questionable healer it need no testi monial other than tho use and thaf will satisfy anyone aa to its effective ness a sensitive soul a minister must be veiy careful in chostng his words if ho is to give no offense to any of his flock in a certain congregation there was a dear old lady who loved flowers and had a beautiful garden each sunday it was her boquet that adorned the pulpit she was especially fond ot tho sweet peas nnd brought them several sundays in succession suddenly other flowers appealed tho minister noticed tho change and after tio ser vice asked the old lady why she brought no more sweet peas sua umtled sadly and anawerod you dont like them last sunday you pointed right at mv sweet pcau and said god loves even the mcojrfclnv flower that grows sure yer honor a poor ignorant per eon like mesllf wouldnt know a horses shoe from a roaros proof positive on a chicago street the following conversation was overheard between two ir in i men i understand mc- gulro that yo was fined fioive dollars for assaultin cullen i wna and it was a proud momlnt whin oi heard the slntlnce and why begorry im thinkin it showed which of ub had tho beat of tho fight didnt itt an oji of mtrlt dr thomas ec- lectric oil is not a jumble of medicin al substances thrown together and pushedbyadvertisolng but the jresult of the careful investigation of the heal ing qualities of certain oils as applied to tho human body it is a rare com bination and it won and kept public favor from the first a trial of it will carry conviction to any who doubt is power to repair und heal women pearldivers the pearldivers of japan are alit or nearly nil women along th shores of the bay of ago and thjs bay of kokaaho says the oriental review the thirteen and fourteenyearold girls after they have finished their primary school work go to sea and learn to dive th6y ore in tho water and learn to iwim almost from babyhood and spend most of their time in the water ex cept iri the coldest season from the end of december to the beginning of february even during the moat in clement of seasons they sometimes dive for pearls they wear a special dress white unilerwmr and the boir twisted up intoa-had- knot the eyes are pro tected by jfflasaes to prevent tho en trance of water tubs are suspended from tho waist a boat in command of a man is as signed to every five or ten women dlvert to curry them to and fiom tho llhhjngkroundh they leap into the water st once and begin to gather oysterb nt the bottom the oystera are dropped into the tubs hung from their walstu when these vesnels are filled the divers are raised to the surface and jump into tho boats they dive to a depth of from flyo t thirty fathans without any special apparatus nnd re tain their bceath ttom one to thlfle minutes their ages vary from thir teen to forty years nnd between the ages of twentyfive nnd thirtyfive they are in their prime strang ltd with asthma is the only expression that seems to convey what is cnduiod from an attack of this trouble tho relief from dr j d kelloggs asthma remedy is beyond measure where all was suffering there comes comfort and iest breath ing becomes normal and tho bronchial tubes completely cleared this un- oqualled ronaotlyib worth many times its price to all who uso it victory bond interest jj7hen your interest coupons become v or when you receive cheques for interesf on registered bonds deposit them in a sav ings account in the bank of montreal the money you receive on your investment in bonds will then earn interest for you acton branch l b shorey manager bank of montreal established over ioo yeaxa canadian national electric railways westbound dally excopt smlay 743 aftb dally 943 am- dally 1143 ajn dally 148 pjn dally 343 pm dally w d43 pjn dally i 743 pjn dally 943 pin dally 1282 ajnl eaatbound dally l dally excopt sunday dally dally dally dally dally daily dally 743 oon 943 aun 1143 am 143 pjn ui 848 pm g43 pjn 743 pm 943 pra 1140 p m freight delivered by epocfiu express freight freight picked up at any ad- dress in toronto t e gibbons expert shoe repairing prompt attention to orders left t e gibbons main street acton itpcnrs to uso haotinsenour red school house paint for barns and outbuildings it has no equal wwetohot0temontrb flor free boomtjt home jvmhtinc made easy solo by wdc talbot acton ontario notice of application for divorce notice la hereby given that wal ter ernest colwell of tho town of oakville in tho county or halton in tho province of ontario manufacturer will apply to the parlia ment of canada at rho prosent session thereof for a bill of divorce from his wlfo edith eppd3 colwell of tho town of oakville in tho county of halton in tho province of ontario on the ground of adultery and desertion dated at tho city of toronto in the county of york in tho province of ontario this 17th day of march a d 1926 heyd heyd shorey newman 614 confederation 14fo building toronto solicitors for tho abovonamod walter ernest colwcll tho applicant 395 sp roberjm yrup tunpte tfk1 castoria jsnnsvsvvnnvvvv mother1 fletchers castoria is a harmless substitute for castor oil paregoric teething drops and soothing syrups prepared to relieve infants in arms and cbiwren all ages of constipation wind colic flatulency to sweeten stomach diarrhea regulate bowels aids in the assimilation of food promoting cheerfulness rest and natural sleep without opiates f to avoid imitations always look for the signature of aj proven directions on each package physicians everywhere recommend it aoruuot i ifoles 03 luaniond sr vtor tforotto canada advertisers the free press isnnxious to serve you and ssrve you well we oan give your advertise ment better attention and there- feremske it more attractive if the copy is supplied to us on monday or tuesday if eopy fails to rsaoh us until wednesday forsnopn there is a rush to set it up before the rwn w m 11 up nware inn forms close and tho result is liksly to be less satisfactory 8end in your ad8 early get your job printing at the free press does your watch keep time try our repair de partment we are getting wonder ful results and we know we can please you savage co jewellers guelph ontario 1

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