Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 30, 1925, p. 6

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liases a charged for at too following urates births 50c marriages so deaths soc memorial cards 50c oc per line extra for poems born moppat- at 291 east northwood avcriuo columbus ohio on monday april 20 192c to mr and mrs- george nmoitat a son william jamoa- r died miiiliali at hla latcj residence main strootrqeoreotownorrpridaypaprtl 24- 1920 w a millar in hla 05th year mctjeoi at georgetown on monday april 27 192g sarah barbor widow ot tho lato william mctteod ngod 80 years s got on friday anrll 24 1925 at nor lato rcsidenco guclph township sarah bonnott beloved wlfo ofc gh gby in her 04th year campbell at her home in acton on tuesday april 28 1925 lillian hanley widow of tho late robert campbell aged 01 years swtnblehurst at the home at balllnofad on friday april 24 1925 fhoobo ann isroond wife of joseph swindiohurstln her 69th year lafferty at chriatlq st hospital toronto on april 16 1926 gunner aloxandcr lotferty 40306 son oc mr and mrft x lafferty georgetown dewait at stanloy apartmonta on bloor street east toronto- on sun- day april 26tb 1926 aljco lillian fotherghl widow of the into w j dewar of mil tori ontario news of local import annual meotino of womens initituts t tho annual mooting of tho womens fiiatituta will ijo hold on friday may 1 at tno band room when tho reports of tho yor will bo given isloatlon of ofllcors everybody welcome a popular drama last night tho drama the- ladles aid of mohawk crosaroad frlvo l ove h actnh wvii rr hu thursday aprec 80 1926 brief local items may day tomorrow trout- fishing- season opens to morrow now its realnpring weather with lino growth oh it is fine in- the country on a summer day in may the lawns are now assuming thelr usual vernal beauty paint up its surprising how it wijl brighten up your premises tho worm weather last weolc in- duped the men to resurrect their straw rhats assessor reld has completed his assessment of the municipality for 1925 mr s cordlner is just completing a now garage at his mill street resi dence- v stonethrowers havo- broken 36 panes of glass in tho united church at kincardine waterloo county has authorised an expenditure of 277000 fpr county roads this year hespolers tax rato has been struck at- 364 mills a decrease from last year of 1 mills goderichs tax rato has beon sot at 43 mills a reduction of two mills on last years rate of 45 the town of barrio has luipald taxes amounting to 4630331 and a with tho temperature at 76 in tho shade a was last thursday april has been making now records tho family supply of that succu lent spring fruit tho rhubarb is now avoilablo in tho homo garden rlont grouch v it never gets you anywhere it is not fair to the rest of us it spoils your complexion this is the last day for putting in your income tax returns to morrow a penalty might be imposed there is one consolation for those tngby the ladles aid of knox church whs jretsted- with a full houaq the plan was sold out tho dny it opened tho play la being given again thin evening- came baok for mora motor supplies it soetas like a good advertisement for acton machine shops when tho burglars found the first samples ho good tbat they- came back for more and last sunday night made a haul of luggage carriers and other motor acessorlos county good roads cornmlttoa r at the county council mooting lost woek a good roads committee was ap pointed consisting of beeves mordon foster agnew and appolbo of tho four townships reeve blain of milton and garden mclntyrp of georgetown will represent tho towns j dapiand for perm help i them is a brisk demand for form help in almost every t section of on tario according to a statement lusuert recently by the canadian govern ment employment onyce nt toronto tho statement adds there is a general trond towards hotter conditions in rlgpmo offices the demand for farm hely tis greater than tho supply boys breaking windows complaint was made last week to provincial constable atkins by tho of ficers of milton golf club that boys had indulged in smashing windows in the club house the constable found that george cbllls and george tbomp- i son were ho guilty parties they were only thirteen years of ago and having admitted the crime wero not pronocutod the oqicer gave ihe boys a weliraerlted lecture advising them to behave themselves in the future and respect the property of others j not our louis 8tarkman a wek or so ago a case hoard m toronto police court was reported in the toronto papers that louis stark man residing on markham street was convicted- for violation of the ontario temperance act this was not tho louis storkman formerly of acton he and his family reside at 465 euclid avenue against him so such charge was evor lolldv toronto directories show that there ore a number of louis starknians in tho city the last com munion service in the methodist church befow entering the united church r of canada married in toronto the hastings star gives particulars of the xaarrlage of miss lillian may franks daughter of mr and mrs j franks acton to mr james everett fry at toronto on april 16 rev mr mckay performed the coromonynt the parsonase a wedding repast was served at the home of mr ajqdmra j p scott sister and brotherinlaw of tho groom at their home on clinton street the bridal couple went to peterborough- t orvrh onoymoon- weckr i they will spend tho summer in qupbc and ottawa and other easterly poirits a most lmprosslve loyo foust and communion t was hold in tho ftaetltodrsrciiuroh lasrunttayrilto loot eervico of this form tq jbo hold under the prosent organlmatlon of the motlio- diat church a feeling of sadnons pervaded the service owing to tho realization by tho mom bora that tho oldtime order of church government and usage were to celiac the much lovod namo to be discontinued and tlfo church emerged into an organization of new name and environment in tho numerous testimonies given at the sorvico fooling references ere made tohe hallo woa memorieaof tho fathers of tho church who took part in its founding eighty years ago and its maintenance arid service by their children and childrens children up to the fifth generation numbers of whom wcrb present ernest arid devoted determination was expressed hqweyjjr to enter into the united church otcanadft wlthjts larger sphere i of usefulness and ac complishment in the spirit of willing service and to pxtondto all wbo unite in the new communion the most cor dial footings of fellowship rev mr culp the pastor also telt keenly tho situation -which- came to him as the now element of experience as- a minister of tho methodist church at this service this was the fact that it was the last sacramental service at whlch ho would preside as a minister in the active work of the church into which ho- was received and ordained thirty- five years algo ohis feelings quite overcame him as he contemplated his chango of relationship owing to his impaired health the servkje throughout was unique and impressive and will bo remember ed by many who participated as an important event in the eighty jycara of history of tho methodist church in acton with but two or three exceptions j all who wore present received the sac- ram en t of tho lords supper j police court news a puay week in police circles in tho counties of halton and peel convicted on a charge of driving a motor car while intoxicated i hum mer guolph was on tuesday morning sentenced by magistrate watt to noryo a term of 10 days in tho county jail caught by the policainaguelih hotel with a complete opium smoking- sot in his possession lee chun boy a rcatauribit waiter was taken into custody and whea arraigned bofqro magistrate watt was fined 100 an1 costs j r cliff hair of hornby pleaded guilty on monday to speeding on mill street a penalty of 1000- and posts- was imposed chief mcphcrson ls giving motorists a practical demon- i at ration that the s provisions of tw highway tramc act must be observed neighborhood news- town and coimtiy na88agaweya thomarkloweof osprlnge evident ly failed to learn their lesson when flnod 200 and costs by police magis trate moore laqt year fpr handling moonshine liquor mrs sophia mark- low the- wife was fined by police magistrate yatt of guolph 100 for illegal purcnaso of liquor inspector john grant of guolph raided the premlsoa of basil schmidt of arthur township on friday and solzcd a still and a quantity of moon- ahhie schmidt was arrested and taken before magistrate helyer at fergus in the afternoon ho was fined 200 and costs for having liquor and 200 for jioving a still two young fellows who attended the dance at brookvillo nassagaweya last wednesday night were charged by in spector reevoly with being intoxicated they came before police magistrals moore oh monday and pleaded guilty to the charge were fined 1000 and costs and pledged the magistrato and their fathore who accompanied them to court that they- would henceforth refrain entirely from indulging in liquor mr sterling a studbht of victoria college preached nii educational ser mon at ehunezor last sunday morning tho quarterly communion and-sac- ramcntalbecyiccawlllboconduc ted- by- rev h irvine of guclph chairman of the diutrlct iextsunday motnfng in ebenezor church mrs h brldgoman of knatchbull is under tho doctors care mr and mrs charles king of camp- bellylllo visited at tho homo of mr and mrs w f darby knatchbull on sunday mr and mrs wllfrod jay and mrs ernest jay of lowvlllo visited friends in knatchbull on sunday mrv and mrs hezoktah nightengale and family and mr and mrs david nfghtengale of guolph visited mr a nightengales nassaga council accounts for 18492 for 8hovollinn 3now passod at tho april mooting tbo trout flshlner season opens on friday whon we will hoar aomo bier flsh stories eram08a arrested for selling liquor mr james forbas- plond guilty to 8aling liquor to boya new entrance to guelpb rumorad that tha national electrlo railway will enter guelph over steam road m- m m who are objiged to get along on small salaries they oscapo the income tax tnreio or four depressions over the water aorvlaes on mill and church streets should be filled in to the street grado what in all the world in all the world they say is naif so sweet so sweet is half so sweet aa may in canada a littlo expert attention just now would add attractiveness to th flower bed and lawn at tho soldiers monument a glorious summer morning dawn- 1 i ed on theiast sunday of april n thj temperature registered 70 degrees at eight ociock all is ton council will pass a bylaw to impose a license fee on pedlarfi who come to town and peddle stuff from door to door dont cut tho corners ovoivsome- one elsos lawn kep to the sidewalk nnd help the fellow with plvlc pride keep his grass- green the reason you see so manyjpeope going around with hmlling faces these days is because they are so happy over paylxig their income taxes a commodious pew plasxa haa been added to tho westerly front of beverley house the beautiful home of mr and mrs gordon boardmoro the swimming season in toronto has been opened but at is hoped the pictures of bathing girls will hot re appear on the motor carfl rgiobe at paisley the members of the omona institute decided ahanim- jausythajljlhey would -not-deal- with any merchant who handled 44 beer it is rather aggravating toi hear the dealers talk of reducing the price of coal just whon one has decided to oakvllie will idopt daylight saving on sunday may tf and will continue until september 20 the mayors proc lamation to that effect has been issued what is likel the lost cor of tur tho guolph mercury says that there waca more significance attached to the visit of mr david e galloway assistant vioopresldent in charge of c nr electric lines and government merchant marine and party to guepi last week than was given out is the opinionexpressed by a guolph s man well versed in local railway matters he believes the visiting officials were here for the express purppae of de elding on the advisability of going ahead with a projected cutoff on the canadian national electric whereby the- electric cars could be brought into the city over the c n h main lino although they wero only in the city two hours arriving at noon friday and remaining until two oclock mr galloway with tho other officials in cluding el w oliver of toronto man ager of electric lines cnb went over tho ground over which it- is said the proposed cutoff will run if it is decided to go on with the pro- 1 ject i from- what canbe learned tho pro jectod jeliort cut would dommenco opposite the ontario reformatory the crossing at the c- p- r where the suburban company is obliged to keep a watchman the year round would be dispensed with the electric cars be ing brought across the river over a new bridge east of the present c p r tracks wziore it would connoot with ithe cnr line wlilh would bo elec- trffled from the point of junction as far as txia cnr station which would be ued as a western terminal by dolnartbis the company would do away wltti the section of the road from the present speed river cross ing to brooklln and would not be obliged to pay annually several thous and dollars forerunning rights over the guolph hydro radial railway the watchmbri at the speed river crossing- whoso salaries are paid by the can adiannational electric railway comp any could also be dispensed with an aftermath of the dance held t brookvillo last wednesday night was th arrest on tuesday evening of mrs james forbes of nassagawoya on the charge of selling liquor two young follows sovontcen and nineteen years of age who were charged y provincial constable atkins with being intoxicated at tho dance swore when on trial on monday that they had bought their liquor from mrs james forbes at the forbes homo on tbo spoyside crossroad and paid her twentyfive cents a drink for it information was laid- against mrs jjorbimandonjt4iesdayeivoninigrin spoctor reevely provincial con stable atkrhsahd county constable mcpher son wont to the forbes placo and ar rested mrs forbes george forbes her fathorinlajstho reputed manufacturer of moonshine on tho mbuntaln accompanied her to acton where she was brought before magistrate moore bail was asked for and fixed at 1000 but forbes could not raise this coming back to court he said to mrs forbes tho officers say that they have four reliable wit nesses to prove you sold tho liquor you might as well plead guilty and havo it over with this mrs forbes finally did she was fined 60000 and costs or three months in jail her fatherinlaw said he thought he could raise the money in twentyfour hours in the meantime mrs forbes was taken to milton jail v eventful results are manifestly fol lowing this brookvillo dan co for smashing a bottle from tho hand of license inspector j grant con taining what the police claimed was liquor during a raid on his premises william carrero guelph lost- week was fined 26 and costs tho charge of selling ilquor wjhlch was laid as well as the one of obstructing an officer in the execution vdf his duties was withdrawn by- the crown crown at- tqrnoy kearns asked for a heavy fine stating that this method of destroying evidence was becoming altogether top common in guelph- district thostanding of the pupils of s s no 8 eramosa i for tho winter term is givenbelow r senior jtvmary black 84 hon lauretta mooroj 77 hon jean mil ler 7g hon ruflsel patterson junior iv harvey bayne 73 lloyd mcphall 70 gordon nelson 70 eddio maude 68 goorgo day 66 junior iv a earl mcphall 64 tom troup 581 senior third marlon miller 8g- hon marlon day 74- senlor third duncan mcphedran 84 hon charlie mcnabb so hon marjorio miller hon colin miller 74 junior ii margaret lonfcsty 66 gertrudo watson 58 verna lenfestry 68 firt class roy day go tom maudo 50 senior primer isabel watson 80 hon mary cmasales teacher niiusagawcya township council met on monday for their april session accounts wero paused aa follows w j bayers shovolllng snow 14 00 win lester shovelling snow a mckinhon shovolllng snow wm ea ri y hovel lingsndwtr alf taylor shovelling snow ciiah kinghbury shovelling snow h davenport shovolllng snow tib nolleu shovelling snow c w lnnby shovelling snow j mcgregor shovelling snow a k richnrdoon shovelling snow 1c0 alex near sjiovolling snow 16 30 arch- cairns shovolllng qnpw 2 b0 robt ins i is shovelling snow 21 05 chehtonfirvlqo ropairs- 10 5 c mortojdujnadlng 1740 a j cargill grading 13 75 tnw unrrton gipirnl a -3fl- 5 2 8 00 21 00 24 25 2 g 15 2 30 35 8 85 scxac crew sons corner8 nips to bo shipped from acton for this rii prolonged aeaaon went out on a can ndiaiu national luulway train on hon day ma minnie hobs ha sold nor brick bouse on main street to mr ccclostone of osprlnffe sale wftri miido by j a smith heal estate aent a man was fined at folic court last friday for allowing- his hens to run on other pipub property and tho line was qulto justifiable lis towel bonner if any of tho council want to know where lat years road la orates a main street lady will they come and take a couplo of whacka at my carnetatt there will be ho more tmatrlcta of tho methodist church after the may sosstons now called methodist divisions will hereafterbe known a9 presbytcriea r j do the days work be thankful that you have work tcr dor that you iuro able to work tho map who can not work or has no work to do is soldom happy abuslnesa man remarkod that wnenover ho heard a man complain of buslnesa conditiona he always aakod him if he knawbf their belna better in any otheplaco canadian parcel post rates to points in tne united states have gone up two cents a pound the old rata of 12 centa ajjountl will he advanced to 1 4 cents on may 1 home stirroundinffs aro befitjt cleaned up nicely inmany places abput town and tho goneal tidy appearance of the town la assnmlns the usual summer attractiveness acton athletic association has ar- raned for si towilng tournament for wednesday juno 24 the ftpleodld faeflltlaa provide will no doubt at- tract- lario number of bdwlaxa f of acton athletlc association are nqw visible to mo public as hover before the tennis courts and bowling groonp are now at the height of the sprlnsr- beauty itls luribua dllacult to accoiinor new baseball schedule hillibura rockwood georoetown and acton form league at a meeting in tho council chamber at tho town hall acton on monday ovenlng representatives from hills burg rockwood and acton were pres ent and drew up a schedule of the summer season the league opens on may 16 and closes on august 1 sovoral tournaments are being arranged be tween the four teams prospects or bright for good baseball in acton this summer the following is the schedule may 16 rockwood at acton georgetown- at hilbburg may 23 hillsburg at rockwood acton at georgetown may 30 acton at hhlsburg george town at rockwood june 6 rockwood at acton hills- burg at georgetown june 13 hhlsburg nt acton georgetown aj rockwood june 20 acton at hhlsburg rock wood at georgetown june 27 rockwood at acton georgetown nt hhlsburg july 4 hhlsburg at rockwood aoton at georgetown july 1 acton at hhlsburg georgetown at rockwood july ib nncvw ota hill burg at georgetown july 25 hjllsburg at acton georgetown at- rockwood august 1 acton at hhlsburg rockwood at georgetown a th e s p tastes the arguments of somo people would lead one to believe that they prefer a worthless mopgrel dog- to a wellkept lawn and lovely flowers a rn prior ctironiclo the scroots and walks committee should jut it in their plans for early attention to repair tho roadways of whiow street from bower avenue to river street and the length of rlverp street from willow to matrir the merchant who doesnttusetne local paper to invite business is en couraging farther encroachment of the mail order houses and hosfao right to expect cooiioratjon from the press in urging the people to buy at home ra dundadk man undertook to teach l his wife how to drive their car telllngh her friend next day of the experience the- lady explained v you know a ford is very simple only two parts to it th jimmyhummer and tho reaortipir hbrold typographical errors and mistake often sooni extraordinarily funny tor the great reading public but in the office where they occur they seeih more like tragedies and they seem fated to occur even when the most punotillpurj efforts are made to avoid them john clifford rold veteran clerk of dufferin county passed away nt his residence at orahgevllle oh the jldth inst following an illness of six weeks da ration deceased was ap pointed cleric of dufferin county oh june 8 1880 nnd has therofore served 45 years vtho agenda for the coming session of hamilton conference at adejph was printed at tbia office and forwarded to tlie distrlcta of the conference this week rey xi ej zimmerman b a the secretary of tho conference writes rpeotlng this important inrogramthe your office as usual turned out aplufluid work poned games will be played off whan the schedule is completed the first and second- teams will play off for the league- championship frhrik cohde convicted in the york county police court by magistrate r- j brown of illegal transportation of 120 gallons of alcohol and fined 1000 ahd costs in addition to hav ing a car and liquor confiscated ap- pealod to judge denton who has con firmed tho fine and confiscation of the liquor judge denton has- also sua tained the conviction of charles clarke whom magistrate jones fined 1000 orthrisomdnthflpluilonejnqnthixor keeping liquor for sale at tho gibson house but reduced the penalty to 50o or three months inspector reevely and provincial constable atkins while patrollng the lines about brookvillo during or dance on wednesday night came across a couplo of young men in a motor car who had three bottles of moonshine and were doth intoxicated they wero arrested and spent the balance of tho night in jau at mhtpn were brought before police magistrate moore next morning pleaded guilty and were fined 200 and costs the driver of the car was sent to jail for svven days for being intoxicated while driving a motor car both are sons of very respectable families j the first charge of infraction of the bylaw passed o few weeks ago by tho municipal council- requiring all res taurant- keepers to close their premises nt 12 oclock midnight and keep them closed until five n m next morning came up for hearing before police magistrate moore on tuesday after noon chief mcpherson gave evi dence that ing yet proprietor of tho empire cafe mill street on saturday night after o warning given a few days previously the chief counted seven men going into the restaurant at a quarter to one sunday morning a conviction was registered and penalty of 1000 and costs imposed claro pickottjhilvctt 1 10 sawyer masseyt repairs 1 07 municipal world supplies 10 03 levi eleley wood for hall 28 75 duncan currlo grading 8 so j w moffatt stamps etc 3 50 geo w- harris superintend dpneo i 22 so ht gltibohsr repairs v 2 00- w mcphall stamps etc 10 00 tho clerk f was instructed to wrlta tho weston sana tori uni to discharge peter zecca from that institution tho reovo was authorized to sign an application for insurance with the globe indemnity company council adjourned to meet on may 26th at one oclock john mafrshallv clerk kicw idea in merchandising angus m dawson was charsed by provincial constable atkins 04 tho court house milton on tuesday with having stolen a 20 bill from tho till in the store of russol- elslcy moffat on the 21st of april the young man who is a bright youngman ox good education jjlendod guilty andrsald to police magistral moore that he was overcome by temptation and committ ed the theft under the impulse evi dence was given showing his previous good character and that this was his first qffence a sentence of six months at tho ontario reformatory with an intermediate sentence of one year wa imposeoutws sentence was suspend ed during goodtbehaviour license ins reovoly and pro vlnclal ofilcors allan and stewart of toronto made quite n ftauon gt miss hazel dennis returned from bimira last week and spent a fow days at her home at crewsons corners death with startling suddenness visited thohomo of mr georgo goy of harden on friday and took therefrom tha belvftdwifo and mother mrs i goy was strlckon with paralysis she i soon lost consciousness and later jn i tho day had another selssuror and passed away that evening mrs goy was the youngest daughter of tho late johp bennett- of crewsons corners and was born in esquesing sixty 7four years ago slio was united in mar riage to hci sorrowing husband forty- five years ago and has been a truo holpmato over since they lived fpr number of years nt crewsons corners and then moved to pusllnch and later to guelph township where they have been successful and own a flno farm of one hundred and fifty acres mrs goy was a woman of many good qualities and a cheerful disposi tion she was a true friend and a wjruiyncighboxa faithfulwife and loving mother her loss will bo keenly felt in her home mr goy being in poorj health for several years besides her bereaved husband five sons charllo and george in guolph- fred in- brampton and john and thomas at homo three daughters mrs p sims rockwood and mrs r l gordon lin- wood and mrs w mcdonald mar- den and one brother mr john h bennott crewsons corners mourn tho loss of one they loved dearly the fun oral on monday to guelph cemetery was largely attended by many frlendi and neighbors testifying to the high esteem in which ebo was hold by alf who knew her tho services wero conducted by rev mr hamilton of guelph in the absence of her pastor rev dr mcgillivray she was borne to her last resting placo by her three sonsinlaw and three nephews george john and robert bilton of acton tik local mplotte cream soparator dealer has adopted in cooperation with tho hundreds of other dealers handling the same 4iroduct a- new merchandising scheme tho first advertising message ap peared several weeks ago and the bal ance of a scries of interesting adver tlsements will appear during the next few months this new policy in merchandising tbo original belgium made melotte which has enjoyed an enviable reputation here arid throughout tho world for more than thirty years- is attracting susinesb men of tho highest calibre who see q wonderful future in this stable buslnesss new spring goods cottokt delainesrich floral patterns in pink tfand blue etc with plain- to match special penyard 35c broadcloths in- fancy stripes at holeproof hose silk at 85c 100 1j5 100 125 150 and 175 silk hose in black and all the new shades reg price 90c special this week 60c sweater coats for summer wear in fawns oxfords etc special at i 275 and 300 floor oilcloths and linoleums we are showing a large range of this seasons patterns in floor coverings call and look them over and compare the prices with the large city stores 25 dozen towjels at a price itfojv is the time to lay in a stock you cannot keep house without them good large size easy to wash and will give good wear extra good value each 25c mmerciahzed on am oe tovntty basi msntawunmnab wraoan fisher mfc co 1003 enrlght avenuo 5rliwimi cbicular pdllow cotton 40 inches wide quality of cotton extra good value at 50c this week for per yard l j a good 38c ah pure linen crash towelling at per yard v 20c malis lightweight urrdershirts at each 60c mens merino shirts and drawers special at each 100 mens combinations in ankle length short or long sleeves- at a special price per suit 150 watch window for grocery specials mclean mill street acton ont store closes wednesday at 1250 officers of the young peoples league elected at the annual meeting on monday evening morning at cooksville samuel cad- esky who claimed to como from owen sound was driving- poscjn a ford tourlngfcar vhen they were attracted by somo suspicious movements they oxamlnod the cqr nnd fo 3 rflwon f knox young peoples guild election of officers and jsn enjoyabt soc is i cvonlng dp monday l3cha annual meeting for the election of officers was held on monday even ing iy knox church young pooples guild in the schoolroom offlcors were elected as follows honorary presidentrev a c stewart m a prfcbldent mrs minniomooro j vicepresident miss nollio ander son secretarymlss annie collier treasurer miss emma robinson pianist mi se olive cooper assistant pianist mifls josbio mc gregor r convener of devotional committoe- m1b isabel anderson convener of educational committee mr alex jack convener of missionary committee mlss bessie gardiner pconyener of musical commtte fwrhllico convener of lookout cbmmtttee mipa mario lantt r convener jof visiting commfttee miss mae wilson conveners of social commlttoc misses alice johnstone arid bessie woodhal v p during tho evening an enjoyable musical and literary programme woe given musical numbers were contri buted by misses olive coopiir and holon mcdonald and mastery mac stewart mr konhoth currlo sang aj solo readingn were given by miss alje hurst the annual meeting of tho young peoples leagub was held on monday evening in the methodist school room rev j culp officiated tho officers for the year wero elect ed as follows hon president rev- re zimmer man- president miss minnie z bennett vieepres christian endeavor de partment miss clara e moore- vlcoprcs missionary department miss yjdi rttjnshaw vicopres citizenship department melbourne oyerholt vieepres sooial pepartmopt mrs george spmcrville recording secretary morloy ram- shaw corresponding secretrygrpnyllle mosaics treasurer kitty savage- l mrs ostronder assistant pianist edna johnston convenor musical committee jltlss lottie mason j a feature of the evening wasan ad dress by miss margaret j moore of the upper canada tract society on missionary work among the soldi ere nnd snllo off pntnhv g w rye whiskey 2 cases argyle whiskey 18- one gallon tins of alcohol and 0 qnartcans of alcohol in the car cadesky was arrested and lodged in t3rnmpton jau he camo up for trio 1 befoce polios magistrate moore arrt brampton on monday he pleaded guilty and asked for leniency seeing this was his first offence a penalty of sg00 and 2685 coats was imposed and the motor car and the liquor were confiscated the liquor was yajued at between 4oi and wq cld- eakys brothers were fn jcodrt and paid the fine and costs county crpwn attorney morpby oppearsd for wo prosecution and joxnes havraon if c for the defence musical numbers wero contributed by miss edna johnston on the piano and misses lottie and haze mason and mr j chester matthows on piano andcello a very nnnntly limih wnn gnryri at the closo of tbo evenings program me the candy witch is of fering you tho finest can dles ever put into a box she knows more about candy in one minute than any other sprite this sldo of the fairies glen take her advice and buy a pack age of sweets that will put joy into your immediate surroundings our candy makes good be cause its made good saturday treat lady caramels 29c lb a favorite confection with everybody reer 35c nnd 40c lb saturday treat 29c lb weekend chocolates 32c lb dont fall to- go homo without a pound or two reff goc and 60c lb saturday special 32c lb j milk chocolate velvets a candy for all- tho fam ily refc 0c lb i9elb 20c rlb g thing jq eat from sprys meat shop verytimeweiiran order we get a great deaf of pleasure out of knowing that it is another package of good things to eat from sprys meat store we know we can please our customers daily by serving them with strictly firstclass meats which our long experience has taught us how to serve once a customer always a friend is our mottq fj spry successor to orrie lamb mill and main streets acton onfc -4- antioch business code tho antlooh college yellow bprlnics ohio purpose is to bring about b bal anced developtnont of character in telligence and power any novelty fa its profframmo is duo to the endeavor to correct- prevailing disproportionate empnasis upon elements of personality or of environment ahtloch combines in six years a lib eral college education vocational train ing and apprenticeship to practical life required courses train for physical healthapd for economic sonso and present facts principles and mothojs of study fn nearly al fields of inter ast vocfitjonal courses holp students ot declrt upon ataplr aogvtn and to prepare for auoh flflga of- jnglpper- lng buslqaaa admlnltfop jonoi- lem home and institutlonsl pjunagf- mept and education adtpinlbtpfttlyol ability 1 emphasised rather tlutn speciallnkl technique ilnlttlmo practical work in al tor nt skittsbf five wweka with about one hundred and fifty businoss profession al and industrial flf d4s develops re sponsibility and helps the students to i a fits the flour tmj wife uses lexcelsion iknwfuiuurhimus ohlmpssy lactonont when the men polks talk over the food question youll hear them mention excelsior flour apton flour and feed mills p h lindsay proplotor mlu 8treet acton ont westend meat market latest modes in millinery with the olorla swanson shape in the lead in all tho pretty new bhadings of crabapple penny brown al rnopd green terrapin rosewood and purple if its new we have it npw is the tirne to buy wool for your summer spprt w we tiivc a flne rtnge of colors which will suit your reguirerperits millinery and fanoy goods qtor pfton 1 a 9 p ihiines of tfje yeiy coicet of we4t yv blay hye the puts you wpft arifl can supply your every neecj in tje ljne of menta cooked meats beef pork lamb homemade sausage veal iu lw s isgr fs cool kitchen in summer heat right now in tho time to instav that now oil stove and have cam tort wtb summer coolcing cheaper to- burn than electricity nnd fully as efllcient purchased tor a third tho price safe con venient and economical r the florence automatic oil stove seo window display for prices wo also unndle tho now cole- man ottflollno j aptachrnent for your old oil stove- corno in and phone 7b w d talbot main street acton gapped goods rve carry a line of the fioest canned goocjs and the prices ape tjie lowest consistent with the quality fug pfi8ne- pffjer for tiese litjes ri have them delivered along with yolir meat prdpr phone jr watch our windows friday and rsaturaay for speciflls w j patterson corner mill and main streets acton ont j i free press job printing is always neatly done susmsssssm tk v v- iiiiiiiis vvuiiv

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