Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 7, 1925, p. 1

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r vwm ht jtfjrm fiftieth year no 45 thursday mqrningtviay 7 1925 acton ontario canada thursday morning may 7 1925 single copies five cents the methodist church acton rev josephus culp pastor arsonaao willow 8t 11 olu m tiil mlnlhtu bubjoct motliiiiood 230e m rsuniuy school 7 00 p mtho mlnlstot suhjoct i utlioihond a choir of fi indies will sing- at both htivicea old mothers hymnn will bo sunkln tho moiijlnef f 7t presbyterian knox church acton minister rev a c stowrt m a v mango willow street stunning broadcloths to inspire your sewing skill 10 00 a m faumlny scliool 10 00 a ni blblo china philip nnl tfto ufhloplnn acts 8 1100 a m tho minister subjoot pioblemh of tho modern mother 7 00 p m tho minister subject what does it rtoflt strangers leaving address with tho ushers will bo colled upon by the pastor special notices advcrtfacracnta in this columa a cents per word minimum charge 30c per iniertloa r for sale a gray enamel baby carriage gen- dron make price reasonable mrs beatty arnold for sale wcstinghousc radio two tube tv o sots of ear phones with all equipment price 40 00 apply to p o b03f 439 acton to let rurnished rooms for light houao keeping apply mrs john lawson mill straet there is nothing difficult about making a street frock pr a porch dress for summers bright days and when the fashionable english broadcloth is used the task is still more simple the material comes in such smart colors and attractive stnpe combinations hat very little trimming or fancjness s needed tryfct and be delighted with the lovely frock you will have pyjamas bloomers and slips made from this same fabric in white or light pastel shades perhapsstnped are lovely for summer too r for sale a quantity of mangold need yellow leviathan and sugar beet 1324 stock 30c per pound apply to r n browtj phono 40 r 12 house for sale comfortable stucco house with elec tric light hard and soft water west main street acton largo stable and shed with poultry houses reasonable price 452 n t moore acton card of thanks tho undet signed desire to express sincere thanks to the neighbors and friends who so kindly ministered to our departed loved one mrs robert campbell during- her last hours and assisted at tho home afterwards these kind deeds wo will over hold in ap preciative remombrftnee mr and mrs g a fisher farms for sale 45 farms in the counties of haltdn and wellington varying from 40 to 200 acres lot us send you pur list a number of homes and business places in acton for solo fire and lif insurance money to loan j a smith real estate agent phone 105 actqn ont quoting prices this week on the famous broadcloths with the name of duro guaranteed not to fade and for your own confidence that guarantee covers ths cost of makings as well as lof material a guarantee that doubles the satisfactionof home sewing village op acton- court of revision the municipal council of tho vii- lairc of action will meet as a court of revision in tho council chamber lu the town hall acton on tuesday the twentysixth 3ay of may 1026 at eight oclpck p m all persons having ap- poala against the- aaaossment roll of ths sold village for tho said year 1326 will take notice and govern themsclveb accordingly notice of all appeals must be re ceive1 by the cleric on or bofore tho fourteenth day of may 1026 dated at acton ontario tho 7th day of may 1925 h n rabmek 432 muniolpal clerk termination h w hinton watchmaker acton ont jl we are having a special bar- gain aalo during the month of may on account- of tho loaso of- tho premises terminating june all goods must be sold to re duce stock for removal to other promisee jewellery watches clocks cfelna glass stationery school sup wallpapor window hymn records shades toys books bibles and prayer books presbyterian methodist baptist and anglican brushes razors combs much i no oil needles jstc al i bargains special- discount wonderland friday may e he who gets slapped starring nmma shearer john gilbert nrtd lou chancoy sel dom does tho bcren echo tho heart bent of humnnity its tears its joy its laughter as docs thls- magnlflcent motion plctfuv comedy galloping bungnlows felix j the cat cartoon saturday may 9 argentine love by vicente blaeco ibanes author of tho four horsemen starring bobo daniols and ric- ardo cortejc comedy rough and ready tox news e i 1 hurd cartoon tuesday may 12 north pf 36 by emerson hough a ronv ance of the cattje country jn the mid nineteenth century starring lois wilson and ernest tor- rence in tho same class as the covered wagon chapter 1 of the police soriala into the not comedy dont fall coming the thief of bagdad seeurugrge notice wonderland will be operated on standard t4nio an usual a l g son q- clever new color 00 c stripes in the 85c group 3cv inches wide 125 the 1 25 stunning t1 aa solid colors in muu dollar group 38 inches broad variety smart plaids and stripes too in group all very among the other duro fabrics with he some guarantee not to fade are these check duro chambrays in all the duro ginghams in patterns all shades 38 inches per yd 59c duro galateas in solid blues andtedsandirr blueandr white stripes per cc yard 03c good new colorings cq per yard ov c duro shirtings in both dark tmdlrghl wide four prices 10c 45c 55c 100 y d macdonald eros ltd guelphs leading and largest store news of hocal import calodon farm hand steals horse thomas smith 19yearold form laboror who atolo a horse and buggy money and clothing- from his omployor wesley spocrs of caledon and many articles from neighbors waarrested monday motnlng by constable albert smith of calodon and placed in jail atbrampton want to shoot chicken thieve things must have come to a pretty iinss when a milton farmer asks per mission to shoot chicken stealers who have been more or less of a nuisance in the country districts lately tho farmors will havo to adopt somo policy of protection to put an end to thh sot t of tbiovlng guolph mercury proca men will meet at orangevllle a nit l ting of the members of the wellington county press association will be hold at orangoville on frldoy may 15 tho discussion of mnttcrs of inteiest to publishers will bo given a largo kii are of the programme mr e roy saylcs manager ot the weekly j nqwspapers association of canada j will bo present helping the boy scouts with commendlblcr ffenerosity the acton womens institute has arranged to ropeat tho drama dust of tho earth in aid of tho boy scouts camp runflj on wednesday evonlng may 20 this four act play won high ehconiums of pralao when it was pre aented a few weoks ugou the same cast will appear and tho methodist sunday school orchestra will play during tho ovening w j bold will occupy the chair str aoton contributions the treasurer df tho muskoka hos pital for- consumptives desires grate fully to acknowledge the fallowing con tributions received in acton by ho riold secrotaty of the national sani tarium association nelson co 2 00mcloun co 200 a mason 12 00 w j patterson j2 00 j it alexander 2 00 mis a t z bennett 2 00 j c hill 100 mrs j symon 1 00 d c russell 100 miss j gal- bralth 100 c matthews 100 v rumley 100 kov h g l bqugh 100 jos fairbanks hoof h a coxo 100 small sums 175 total 22 76 the schools roll of honqr results of tho april examinations at acton pubho school tho following puiitlu won standing in tho various departments of acton public school trttho aprtrcxtimina- tiont senior fourth velma murray 250 meryl grlndell 242 murlol mccomp 230 total 300 junior fourth ivy holmes 149 reta mcnabb 144 isabel lantr 137 total 300 m z bennett principal senior third garden 307 helen 294 oral chalmers 201 excellent drama by local talent knox church ladies aid play the ladies aid of mohawk crossroads mnrjorle ostrandcr total 400 d folster teacher junior thjrd adabcl brown 427 velma blair 408 kathleen mccomb 405- total 500 m r moore teacher 1 senior socond tommy nlcol 362 isabel switzci 344j lloyd bruce 344 amelia evans 333 total 400 i anderson teacher second and first tirst vera rawllngs 228 edna hlnton 228 robert kerr 219 isabel bruce 190 total 276 socondjoo mccann 267 teddy hanson 250 harvey hassard 24g total 276 v annlo mcdonald teacher first clasi a elslo anderson 102 ruth jen nings 158 gcoigo swltxerlb7 total 200 b jessie trotter 137 ellen dunn 129 ida morello 116 total 200 j n anderson teacher pjimsof jjuu a margaret arnold 19 lola crippi 19 annie holmes 17 leonard tub man 16 b leonard coxe 19 eileen brcen 18 roderick ryder 17 c bella roszell 18 marion nlcol 17 george tootltt 16 total 20 b gardiner teacher welcome to the united church welcoming cbmmitts appointed and pw rontf disoonttnued weekend specials assorted lady caramels in three different flavors weekend special price per lb 32c buy mother for mothers day some caramel roll the most delicious candy we have special for ylq- mothers dqy per tt kf c assorted chocolates made by metcalfes the makers of smiles and chuckles weekend special per ja assorted chocolates in a jarge assortment of hard and soft centres regular 40c and 50c lb week- oo i -end-speciat-ferltr- we have a large stock of smiles and chuckles for mothers day in 14 lb 1 lb and 2 lb sizes ask for a dairymaid brick mill street acton h wiles georgetown minstrel a to visit ac tort to comply with tho request pf sev eral who uttondod the ha i ton chapter minstrel show at georgetown last weolc the troupe has decided to visit a and give uiejrconceriinthev town hall next tuesday evening the concert comprises a oneact sketch and a minstrel second part the pro gramme in detail appears in anothv column those who attended the con cert in georgetown report an evenings entertainment of real fun superin tendent wilson of the local hydro plant is tho candidate in the play and he and messrs b g arnold george arnold m kennedy and j b mac kenzlo take prominent parts in the mfnatiel show naw bylaw for oakvilfo bridge after having advertised for four weeks to give ratepayer the oppor tunity to raise objections bylaw no 523 passed last october and granting tho town of oakvllle 18000 towards tho cost of the bildgro there on tho toronto and hamilton highway was read for the third tlmo by tho county council lit a special mooting on the 7th inst sir william hearst solicitor for tho municipal bonds sales corporation ltd purchasers of the debentures bays the bylaw should have been re pealed and a new one passed but thla can be done without advertising jit will be dono at the next meeting- of the council on may 19th when no doubt sir william will give bis approval and the debentures will bo issued milton champion the confusion of tims real confusion of time commenced in town on monday morning at five oclock when the big whistles on the tanneries sounded for six oclock day light saving time factory employees jnowffo to work at7a m- dayllfifnl i saving time the school pupils and teachers aro at school at 9 a m day- j light saving time the post office opens at 8 u m standard tlmo the i time table schedules of the canadian national railway and tho canadian national electric railway are based on standard time tho banks open and closo on standard time and the business generally adheres to standard time tho church services will bo hold on standard time the farmers and tho jural cobmiunlty generally appreciate very much tho attitude of the municipal council in rofualng to adopt daylight saving time friday saturday bar footwear better than you can get in toronto at the prices mens canvas oxfords mens canvas oxfords leather sole and heel leather toe cap and strap across the vamp sale 195 same in boys boots sale 195 oxfords for men and boys oxfords for men and boys goodyear welts at 150 495 to 600 a pair womens slbpers womens strap calf slippers at 250 low heel brown all sizes pomps and oxfords highgrade pomps and oxfords at a dollar less than regular prices 6 50 for 485 5 00 for 395 and 3 75 for 275 misses and childs sandals misses and childs sandals patent leather 125 150 and 175 elk same prices come on in jchc proof of tlte boot is in the wearing harry harrisonjhe shoe man we close wednesday arnoons all thiyeat bomi with l the exception of december soma chanata ths union will maka f th past inunui huv mtt tjtnp has becn giving his congregation a summary of tho basis of church union last sunday he spoke on the ministry and the charges he showed that the union takes away the methodist lim ited pastorate and makes the pastoral term untriltil nnyv in tlifr tho officials of the methodist churru havo felt that with respect to tho union movement it was never con templated ny tho joint union com mittee of the uniting churches and it would bo unseemly and disturbing to existing relationships to make any overtures to members of tho other churchesprior to the lothof junerthe date fixed foi the consummation of the united church of canada this was particularly tho case in respect to the unionist members of knox church where the congregation had passed a resolution to remain in that- church until tho now union was con summated with the purposo however of assur- j lng a real christian welcome to those who decide to unite with the new church on or after the 10th of june i 4 both the official and the trustoo i boards of the methodist church took action ut tholr regular meetings held during the week the official board passed a resolu tion to extend a cordial welcome r all unionists who decide to enter the membership and fellowship of the united church and in order to do this officially and effectively a large wel coming committee was appointed to act under the supervision of the pastor at the meeting of the trustee board on tuesday evening the following re solution was unanimously adoptad whereas the trustee board of this church has slnco the opening and dedi cation of thef church nearly fifty years ago followed tho plan of allocating pewm and sittings to members of the congregation who desired them upon payment of a nominal and imlform fee thus providing definite pews and sittings to families and individuals and whereas this church has ex pressed by voto its decision to enter the new united church of canada to be consummated aftcrtue twentyone years of prayerful deliberation by our people and by our rresentutlves to t gg ch an ho- jofnl union commltteo and whereas on and aftei the 10th of june next there will probably be numbersof christian people who have heretofore been members of the pres byterian and congregational churches who have voted to onter tho new united church of canada whowlll bo desirous of uniting with this church and congregation and whereas these members have not been accustomed in the churches ta which they previously belonged to the system of pew rents p be it therefore reaolvod by thi traatco board that with a view to making our welcome to all of the above namdd fellow- christians to this church and tc our fellowship as free tho ladles aid of knox church had the satisfaction of having capacity housos inst wednesday and thursday ovonlngs whon thoy presented tholr twoact play tho ladles aid of mo hawk crossroads the play is a somewhat extravagant parody on the average ladles aid society depicting in numerous char acter sketches the personalities and peculiarities of tho various members when in attendance at their monthly- meetings f i the first act represented a mooting at mrs greens homo the preparation in tho home for the auspicious gather ing the work of tho btisy maid and the anxiety of tha hostess to have every thing spic and span were full of in terest the presence of two special guests and the welcome to the mem bera as thoy arrived in succession put tho hostess into a flurry the proceed ings of the meeting showed a full pro gramme with various motions and a lengthy session but tho meeting con cluded with little or nothing accom plished the score of ladles who took part acted their respective parts exceeding ly well thoy wore dressed in costumed supposed to be similar to those in vogue flfty years ago theao were naturally quaint but very becoming and attractive many of the gowns were rich in texture and tho trimming which adorned them but rather at ttarlnnc otrfbty iuwitlt teoseno wpr a vailing tho cast of cbaracteis in the first act was as follows mrs green hostess mrs h ryder mrs de lloyd fitz hammond a bostonian of extreme culture mrs w k graham mrs kindly a bostonian but kind and sympathetic mrs hartley harri son mary ann an irish maid miss m orr mrs smith the prjcaitlent of tho ladles aid t mohawk crossroads mrs jennie mcdougall tic- nns acting secretary mrs social and personal presbyterian church on the other hand the settlement committee in consultation with tho pastoral chargos arranges that every congregation has a minister and every minister a chargo what was the stewards and official board in the metlladtflt church will be tho session and management com mit tee in tho new unitod church o canada the mcthodlat district meet ing gives place tp the presbytery and the synod will hereafter b the con ference the general assembly and general conference will give place to the council of the united church hastings tannery to ba enlarged an interesting article in a recent number 6f the peterborough exam iner gives an interesting interview of a staff icporter with mr nell mo- donatd manager of the tannery at hustings on the lower price of can adian hides because of the careless ntub or inofllcicucy of ft rmers in tkm- nlnv mr mcdonald recommends is u fitting subject for lecturers to funn els by government officers on how properly to skin unimals in order to faccuro highest pi ices for hides tho interesting article concludes as fol lows mr mcdonald has been over 2g yeats in tho tannery business 12 years in bracebrldgo and 14 years in acton coming to hastings from the latter place a llttlo over a year ago last january he was induced to accept a soat in the council and the munici pality is now being bop fitted by his years pf business experiences pndei mr mprjanq idft aftpiihlqtralqn tho output hns inct eased tq suahan ex tant ha mare roornj is r4fm the lumber and other material for an addition ora already tin the ground i the space at the arp oi no drying j room is to be utilised by putting on another floor which will double the capacity pf that doyarnieju that on and after june 10th the system of pew rcntao disoonttnued and we would earnestly request thelresent members of our congregation to do all in their power to make those who come to bo fellow worshippers and fellow- members with us in the newlyeonsti mrs gray j a smith mrs day treasuiei mrs william johnstone miss prlscilla harpe u- maiden lady of decided ideas and a hatred of babies mrs john lawson mrs jones a fussy young mother- mrs wesley masales n mrs harris adeat utdymtia armstrong mrs brown a nervous woman mrj william hall mrs white member of ladles aid- miss jessie mcgregor mrs hoyt member of ladles aid- mrs allison mrs lowelly henderson member of ladles aid- mrs cordinor mrs wjso member of ladles aid- mrs super jean mcrarlano a quaint scotch character mrs a lees mrs crowler a member of ladies aid who proves tiresome by alwayi quoting ner husband mrs a g clar ridge i mrs davis the ministers wife mrs minnie h moore jenny large tho blushing bride miss margaret garvin john llttlo a bashful groom mr alex kunnawln v rev jamie davis the minlster- w j reid it would seem rather invidious to single out any of these splendid per formers for every one of them cai rled out their lives with credit but thero will be no jealousy if it la stated that mrs alex lees was the life of the meeting and mis lawson wus an expert in her droll remarks about men and babies even if she did got her scotch and irish badly mixed up a times while mrs graham depicted tho i lady of culture from boston to per- fection in cos tunic and gonerdl de mea nor tho second uict portrayed a spoclai ladles aid meeting ut tho minister house which included a party con- lcerjby tho following widely- artists jenny llnd jcsslo mclaugh lin a george towner lloyd lewel- lynn jones jean mcfarlane jumen mcgregor tho mohawk crossroads mixed quartette the mohawk cross roads ladles quartette theso concert numbers wpro much enjoyed and were contributed by miss jessie galbralth and mi j lewis in solos mrs lees and mr jack in scotch songs mrs a c stewai t mrs minnie e moore mrs adah near and miss isabel andeison in ladles quartettes and mrs a c stewart mrs minnie r mooro and messrs a mann and v rumley in mixed quar tette mrs lees and mrs armstrong also sang a duet the acton methodist sunday school j orchestra con a genoroui mln jkjyrtlc dills of toronto was home over tho woekond mr cecil hueston of toronto spent sunday with acton friends mrs rev j c wilson of toronto spent sunday with acton friends i mien joan konnedy was homo from tho university for the woekond miss jean wilson of toronto spent tho weekend with friends in town mr roy brown of toronto univor slty was homo over the weekondj mr c hrtfoore and miss ruth were horo from dundas on saturday mr and mrs r a storey of to onto spent thb weekond with acton friends messrs angus kennedy and earl cooper of guclph were home over sunday y vmiss minn tassie of guelph spent a few days in town last week with relatives mr alexander mann of vancouver b c made acton friends a brief visit on sunday miss sadie parks of toronto was a guest at the methodist parsonage over tho weekend mr and mrs william johnstone spent sundny at tho home of their son in london miss grace armstrong left on mon day for a three weeks vacation at her home at gore bay mr perry of fergus was the quest oftwtiarry harrison uurlnghis stay fin town this week mr and mrs d good and family of kitchener spent sunday at tho home of mr b v kenyon mr mary gamble of toronto is visiting at the homo of her son and other friends in town miss parks of toronto was a guest of rov nnd mrs culp at the parson age over the weekend mr and mrs h w fllkln and master jim of aurora spent the week end with friends in town mrs james l wjjhi of toronto ppent p few days during the week with mr and mrs john wood mihh wovlll of toronto wob a guest this week of miss ruth nelson at he mothers home main street mlis k bouslaugh of georgetown hpgnt few days dur the week at tho home of mr mac hoi linger miss renn forbes of guelph spent a dy oi so this week at the home of mr n foibes church street tut united q 6t canada to feel at once comfortable and thoroughly at home with us where togethor wo will share the offices duties and respon sibilities of the now churchs activities in the effort to advance the cause of god and his kingdom acton defeats george town again in an exhibition football match play- ad last saturday tae acton rangers played a return match with georgetown at that town lost saturday the georgetown team had mado somo alterations- in tholr line up since their visit to acton and better football was the result georgetown won tho toss and elected to play with the sun in tho favor the first goal was scored by miller for acton after a few minutes of play georgetown then pressed occasionally but was lepulsed by actons defence rigby aid brannan scoied again for acton before halftimer hajfmlme score aoton 3 georgetown 0 at the restart the high wind which prevailed during the first half sub sided and the play was i considerably better georgetowns forwards broke away and visited actons goal and guokln ws called upon to save book stiff shos ho proved hlmuelf a good goal keeper tpmmy moohrle pjayod hls hist game at outsfde right nnd showed himself tp he i success brannan the inside right conched mnohrlo along in fine aylb twq goals wre aoorec by brannan nnd mllor in tno second half and he gamp ended in favor of aoton ovr 7 next saturday acton plays guolph at acton at 3 p m thomas balfty refereod the george- j town ik programme of musical numbers bofore the play and betweon the acts reva c stewart m a perform ed the duties of chairman in hie cus tomary skilful manner and coji trlbuted a speech at the special meet ing of the mohawk crossroads ladies a suu ut the inl housc the womens institute officers reports at annual meeting showed a successful year the annual meeting of the act oh womens institute was hold in hilt h hall last frldny mrs w a lnsby president occupied the chair the secretary presented the report for tho year which was very gratify ing and showed a substantial balance in tho treasury after tho numerous enterprises undertaken b tho institute hud been paid for officers for tho oar were elected ns follows president mis james dobblo 1st vicepresident mis margaret stewart 2nd vke- president mrs james 13 mcmillan i 3rd vicepresident mis john mow- i ut mis v city bnglnbor h s nlcklln mrs nlcklln nnd mary of guelph visited mr andmrs a is nlcklln on sunday n mr and mrs fred babcock francis and eunlco of milton spent suhday at the home of mr william lands- borough jux j wllderspin was home over the woekond from port dalhousie he left sunday evening for sturgeon falls and north bay mirfs aggie and bert scott attended the reception given their friends mr and mih john garbutt cheltenham last monday evening mrn james moore went to dupu on saturday to spend a week or so with relatives there miss clara was there over tho weekend mr c c henderson mr ralph and mr h p moore attended the funeral of the late mrs william mcleod at georgetown last wednesday mrs hemy rooke main street was takbn to guclph hospital last week suffering from a tumor and other com plications an operation was success fully performed mi s rev h g l baugh was taken hi last week with appendicitis and ai operation was successfully per formed on saturday at guelph gen eral hospital good progress is now being made toward recovery- i iinumfii ollvorrof hooillton- were guests of rev and mrs culp at the parsonage last week dr olivers father the hon john oliver premier of british columbia expected to join them here but was detained in ottawi mrs walter lamb knox avenue who has been suffering for some time from tumor went to tho general hos pital guolph last week an opera tion or removal of tho tumor was per formed on saturday and she le now doing very well dr and mrs farmer arrived home frtjm st petersburg fin where they spent tho winter on monday both aro in excellent health tho dr says ho might have stayed longer but he could not let the- first week in may go past without a troutfishing excur sion news of local import litorary andoratdnoal contest undoi tho ausplcos of tho acton wc t u thero will bo hold in the school room of tho methodist church on wednesday evening may 13 at 8 p m an oratorical contest prires will be awarded to tho winnors of the essay and postoi contest of acton and nassagawcya schools prise essays will bo read mrs j m denyes of mlltbn will give an address thero will bo a good musical programme a sliver collection will bo taken much tho same mr robert kri sums up tho situa tion with regard to the road and high school pietty well ho snya that if we can persuade the department that we are prottyjar in debt and cannot af ford a now high school at present v tho grant is not likely to bo cut off but if after that we go ahead and pave tho streets it will bo like tho caso of tho man who comes around and tolls you that ho is hard up and cant pay hlsbill that ho owes you and then you flee him out tho next day riding around in a now car rergua news- record soft ball league opener tho local soft ball league got away on their schedule last tuesday evon lng thero was a fair crowd and con sidering tho weather tho gome was good with a little more practise the game should go well in acton tno contestants lh the opening game were board more- co and tho town tho town wbn by a 1311 scoio two homo runs by mcdonald of tho town team was a feature of tho play to night thursday acton tanning co pla3niiettowetsonshdet factory ag gregation and noxt tuesday tho mar ried mens team and beard mora co will put up the amusement acton is in for a good season of soft ball a of mile of paving at hillsburg a special commltteo pf tho welling ton county council selected to look after paving to be dono throughout the county this year by various munici palities considered tho engineers estimates of the cost of a threequarter mile pavement at hillsburg which that village contemplates laying this year tho committee were in conference with the police village trustees of hills burg last week and it was decided that the paving should go ahead the twentyfoot strip of pavement is pro vided by grant and tho trustees of the village decided that the main street of hillsburg should bo paved this year full width the additional work to be provided fpi under the local improve ment ttc t r- methodist sunday school reports and election of officers tha annual evening secretm y treasurci gamble directors mrs a bell mrs w a la ii by mis j c nelson mrs j a smith district dlioctor mih j v gamblo auditors miss m a mosaics mis swlteoi mrs gcorgt axnew con social com mrs william bayers con progiumme com mih w i rein con flower cqm mis a ii blahnp c con visiting commrs ii s wll son mrs oi lowe- instructor of the nursing class than gavo a short ad dress which all enjoyed mihh jean orr the re a solo in her pleas forget your cares and let the world ing manner after which a social half go dy tho speckled trout ore rising hour was spent arid lunob swvett j to the fly the unnual meeting of tho methodtst sunday school was hold on monday evening ut the home of tho superin tendent mr a t brown rev mr culp presided reports ifor tho year were given by the various officers and showed satisfactory results of the years work the aggregate glvings of the school were ovcr 400 of this 180 60 was for missions the home department re ported a membership of 43 and gener ous contributions to school support and mlsslonm y funds tho election of officers resulted ns follows suporlntondent emeritus h p moore superintendent a t brown associate superintendents prank kennedy and miss m z bennett secretary morley jlamahaw assistant secret try g masales treasurer miss bertlo h speight pianist miss lorna kennedy assistant pianist miss olga mooro j loader of orchestra miss lottie j mason supt home department h p i moore fi home dept visitors bertie speight nnd fern brown toachern rev j culp mies m z bennett miss clara e moore mr 13 btswlck mr j h denny mrs h p j moore mrs r ii wansborough mrs a t brown mrs pred cleave mrs i a ostrnnder miss vi du rumshawv distinguished visitor at walker lodge a very interesting session of walker lodge a f a m was held on mon day evonlng three candidates wero initiated and the first degree con ferred in this important work the master w bro d mctavish and his officers wero assisted by rev bro perry formerly d d g m of welling ton county and w bros t a cook o moffat w j reid and w cooper tho feature of the evening was a high ly interesting address by rev bri perry on masonry in tho phllllpinos and the people there their manner of life and customs mr perry whose health failed when head master of the fergus high school went to manilla philllplne islands where his daughter is tho wife of tho holland consul and spent foucv years in that interesting country at the close of the evenings proceedings the brethren wero enter tained by the junior warden and his stewards in tho banquetting room georgetown politicians visit north toronto thero was an interesting gathering at the north toronto town hall on monday night when the members of the georgetown liberal- conservative association to the number of mora than fltfty wero tho guests of the north east toronto liberalconserva tive association the occaslsm was the retprn of a formal visit made to georgetown by tho mmoors of tho local association stitiioflvo weeks ago an an old resident of georgetown and tho one whohad proposcdthe happy inurcuajigo ofvlalu j skoitqn welcomed the visitors on behalf of the local association announcing his firm conviction that a new spirit of can- adlanlsm had arisen which ould man ifest itself at the dominion election which was hot very far off dr an derson m p and george hlilmer m p p haltons parliamentary repra- aentatlvea made speeches as did also henry corke and samuel kirk cf georgetown a journalist golden wedding t h preston exm p p member of the ontario parolo board pro prietor of tho brantford expositor and active member of tho canadian press limited and canadian dally news paper association and mvs proston on monday surrounded by their family with members from toronto hamilton stratford windsor and montreal cele brated tholr golden wedding in ex cellent health mr and mrs preston responded heartily to the verbal tele graphed and floral congratulations coast to coast special umong the floral offerings were hhoso rom the expositor staff tho canadian dally newspaper association and tho brant avenue methodist churchs fifty gold en roses mr and mrs preston have long been connected with the church a resolution of congratulation from tho official board of tho church was also presented the couplo wero wed on may 4 1876 the bride of flfty years ago being lillian macdonald ot mon treal at the time when ho was a re porter on the ottawa free press he was pross gallery representative and editorial correspondent of the toronto globo at ottawa from 1876 to 18q2 in tho latter year ho removed to win nipeg where ho was managing editor of tho winnipeg sun this property was sold out when a vory favorable oppoitunlty offered and soon after mr preston purchased the brantford ex positor of which he took possession on march i 1890 monday afternoon i a formal reception was hold many friends being groeted wtflle on mon day evening a family gathering was held bort it wuh decided for tho summer months commencing on may 24 to hold tho aosulons in the morning t jo oclock i i whx ttemain as pastor rav c stewart m a announced to krtox church congregation last sunday at the morning service in knox church lost sunday rov mr stewart tho minister announced that he and mrs stewart had decided to romain as miss clara savage misndora lnmj it the congregation soojored when the uplon came- into effect on tho- 10th of juno an the congregation by a very large majority voted noncqncurccnce in union there will undoubtedly bo a unanimous expression from this large body assuring mr stttwart of tholr desire for iub continuance as their paatdf rak

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