Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 7, 1925, p. 2

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x in artoit iw threes tiiuksday may 1 1020 0 the mother dcul lord thoro la ho much to do in ona brief buay day tho uttlo clotheb to wash ind iron nnd mund nninul away iho littorod toyu to gather up tho littlo beda to make thnuilo biiorh urumoom throjr from uttlo lienrta that uelio tho littlo bodies to bo ltopt tor thy tjukc clean and awect uu tcmlub for the dwolllne of tho chilotly spirit moot and maiy mother one time know tho bleasedncbs of this tho littlo foot to waah at night the littlo lips to kiss jtorelvo mo lord it 1 havo aoomed neglectful of thy work it la not that my heart is bard jt is not that i bhlrk but that myjieart and hands aro full with theao ray little onos my littlo daugluors fair and swoiit my sturdy little eons onco i rejoiced in aorvlnb theo and only theo alway and now romotlmea i am bo tired i cannot even pray but i draw near at night to him whoso mother ltnow 4ho bllsa of tondcr littlo foot to wash and littlo lips toltlaa author unknown candid critici8m uwhvtmt mimjvt mt m w mvm mt mim mj mm atmjms mmarm m if 3xa prpfih iunrt tnry one thousand feet below by dekni8h stovall w k -fr- i i a rjroup of men wero telling after- dinner stories over their cigars they had dined and wore in high spirits the talk aoon became broad and taint ed one man sat in silence in the background what aro you brooding over7 sold one of tho company turning to him suddenly in a pauso of the conversa tion you look as though you were collecting heads for a aormon i was wondering what your mothora wives and sisters would say if they wero compelled to listen to all this foul talk thoro was loud laughter over what the talkers contemptuously termod th miss nancy saueamlshnesb of their companion the moralist was pro nounced too good to live in a wicked world and so many jokes were cracked at ids oidensg- that he toolc hla hat and walked away it had required moral courage to place himself publicly on the sldo ol decency and apparently his act had been without effect but it soon be came ovldent that it had not been in vain when two of the company later in the evening tried to rival each other in broad stories there was an other protest from one who had been jlstening gravely he had joined in the sneers at miss nancy a few hours before really said tho second moralist these last stories are too bad i re fuse to listen any longer each of us is- the worse for being here we may not bo religious men but we must ad mit that there is something in the spiritual nature of a man that la the best part of him and that foul talk of this oort degrades and defiles that immortal something not one of us can go out of this roonuwlthout feeling that he has done himself injustice by violating his sp ritual instincts this moral was also enforced by tho criticism of candid friends upon the second hovel of a writer whose first work had revealed evh tendencies you are going from bad to worse the evil in the first book was latent but in tho second it is unconcealed flagrant and offensive you had to write the first one beforo you could lower yoursolf to the level of the second with its offences against mol ality and deconcyl- that is what young men seldom take into account the degrading effects of bad work and foul talk upon their own characters they repeat stories which would bring blushes to the faces of their mothers and day by day they are deteriorating hen robert martin returned ta consciousness ho had tho tor- rifylng sense of waking from a horrible dream as he open ed his oy8 ho could see nothing a black styglnn durkpqss enveloped him and tho air folt damp and stale only with supromo difficulty could ho breatho aniopprcsslve sllonco lolgned about him so quiet und stilt that he could hear the labored throbbing of his heart after somo timo his mind cleared flnd ho began to realize tho situation ho was far down in tho heart of blue ledge one thousand feot below tho surfaco of the earth thero had been an accident a sudden breaking of tho supporting timbers- alid atullej a crashing and grinding of falling rotlc and earth had followed causing wild excitement and pandemonium as tho tcrrlfiod raiders made- a rush for v the safety of tho open tunnels robert had been caught in a narrow drift witti dan wade his working partner there was a vague memory of another also a stranger who wore an official stav and who had come down into the lower fltopq just as the catastrophe had oc curred martin was lying face down now on tho rock floor of tho enclosed vault a crushing weight of broken quartz and shale piled on his buck by great effort dud after much painful squirm ing and twisting of his bruised body he got himself free he barely had tho strength to crawl out and ho on top of tho heap suddonly ho thought he heard a stifled groan fumbling in his jacket pocket for a match he found one and irghfedtttuctaiynniemrnowaaotthem last night when i was tiylng to tha was my first picture sold a french painter to a friend at a public bollery yes was thovesponso you had to paint it before you could bo so in different to the moral side of art as to paint your second one and you havo been going down ever since your pic tures have made you rich but each ono leaves you poorer in spirit and onables you to go lower the next time jwo owe it to ourselves and to god to make tho best of tho lives he has given us and it can never be ah ira- pertinaneo in art literature and con versation which corrupt the mind and ddgrado character the casual question what do you do when your little boy interrupts your reading or your jnedutatlor with mb childish query m what is rubbjrjiaftflfiof j5o you say dont bother jno now dear or do you explain to him how the tropical trees are tapped and tho sap is collected and coagulated not only tho extent of his future atoro f knowledge but much of his ability to acquire knowledge will depend on tho course you pursue tho momont of transient interest that culminates 1m a question is the lm portant moment in education to i quartz and there was no explosive gases to endanger tho uttlo flame dazzled his eyes at first but soon no was able to peer into tho jagged cor ners of the stone wall that held him prisoner ho saw a man lying under the wreckage nfcarby halfburled by thvhangled heap before the match burned out the boy recognized the stranger by tho metal star on his vest involuntarily the young miner took a quick breath and glanced round fur tively as if to make suro thero wore no others in the broken drift to his disordered mind came the undoniablc truth this man was the deputy sheriff who had come down into tho mine to arrest him by a strange tricjj of fate tho offlcor too had been caught in the drift ho was trapped with tho one whom he intended to take into custody robert struck another match and holding it up crawled off the anal a pile while the light still flickered ho began to clawu with hlsone free hand at the maoq of shattered rock undoi which tho stranger lay the young miner forgot the thousand pains that tortured his own body in his desire to aid his unlucky neighbor he con tinued to work in tho dark until the man was uncovered another match was lighted and held near the officers face whllo the boy called huskily hello hollo o o the man groaned and muttered a foyr incoherent words then his oyo- jlds fluttered and he raised a trembling hand hello hello o d the other bending lower whllo tho match still flamed aro you hurt much he raised a hand under the officers head to ralso it up thanks but im all right just flattened a bit thats all who aro you tm robert martin voh sure now i know are you hurt that was an awful break we are both lucky to be alive bx- cci being bruised and hammered by falling tock tm o k but im wor ried about dan wade a friend of mine who was working with mo in this drift saw him just before the break rra afraid ho never got out i doubt that well oyer got out either wore jammed in a broken stope a thousand feet below we are caught in a pockot at the east end of level ten and i dont believe the drift will cave down any more i know the rock here ita quite firm with practically no fault 4 big uncertainty is tho air wo may not bo able to hold out till tho blue ledge crew reaches us henid a distinct though furoff sound llko that of pi cits und sledges in nctlon air threo listened irntontly holding their hicath thats pete harm n ml tho iciictu crow announced mai tin happily theyre digging iluough fioin thlw end thoyll get us ut boy theyll get us out jafter a long season of waiting dan wade grow lcstleas ho trio j to ralso p but sank down again moaning anothor silence followed and hob hoped that dan had gone to slcn tho latter roused finally and beg an talking again this time his voice though weak had in it a manifest tone of determination nnd purpose theres a likely chance wo will never getwxt of here ho remarked and theres something i must say while the air allows youbetter lie quietr-ndvhed- mar tin hoping to silence him no t must say what i have m mind i want this officer- to know the truth officer what makjifc you think is an officei i saw his baittfo just now when ho first entered the drift i saw it and attempted to rufci you see i got caught why did you ruv came tho muf fled voice of the hejuty why wer you afraid of me i was after martin here youve mado a mlstalte mr offlcei in arresting bob announced dan his voice was stronger now and his tone more determined the bag and the gold havo been tn my possession for nearly two years bob only discovered john8 bargain i hoo vou havo ono of thoito c ilu pans that baigupti tun tout htoio no i last week at their hjyulal sicle said mrs whitl us she was visiting in mm biown h kitchen ono moinlng ych isnt that good vuluo for ton cents loplled mi h hi own holding the pan up proudly indeed it i said mis wbltetnlc ing tho pan in her hands i wanted one but tho good ones were all gone before rcouradovaiiiroh now dftr you manage it r oh i sertt john smiled mi h blown i was busy and couldnt go th it morning and y6u icnow john pusses there each morning about eight oclock when tho store opens 80 i asked him if ho wouldnt stop nntl get mo a pan and ho said ho would i should think you would ho afraid ta ti ust him to bhy one somo f them were quite badly damaged jou know said mis wjilte oh john is ciucful mrs brown assured her he always gote tho best of everything the ono ho got mo is absolutely perfect us fai us i can see well isnt that nondorful i didnt see a perfect one in the stoie but didnt your husband object to cnriying tho pan home mlno would and they never deliver anything sold nt tho special sales they jdeliverfldthiaj quid m- brown john is well jtnown and iho stores are anxious to nccommodutt- him thon ho 1ms a way of getting thin d r i shall certainly send robert to bai guns the next timj they have a special sale said mth white vji this pan is just as good as the ones they sell foi a qunrter at jones hai 1- ware stot 0 next dooi to bai guns yes it ie oxactly tho same said mrs brown triumphantly i thought it was but i wanted to mako sure no i wont into the hardware store tho other day and asked to see their pan 1 they showed me one for a quarter tha is exactly like mine i told the man i had got a pan just llko it for ten cents and then he made tho funniest mistake he said he had sold john oij only a few days ago wasnt that queer it certainly was said mrs white child that is rebuked there comes a mine tho deputy had nothing to say feeling of disappointment by no means harmless simply because it appears to be transient and frequent rebuffs convince him that he should not ex poet to know the very things that in terest him his questions become fewer and be grows more and more introspective there is nothing more dangerous to the child than the fsel ing that he should not expoct to know are those houses being washed away asked a little girl of four who was looking at some pictures of ven ico in simple language her psothcr 1c u told ner the utory 01 tho darbarlan invasions that drovo the people of vonctla to tho neighboring inland where they could be safe of their decision to remain on tho- islands and of their building bridges across them of the gondolas that they use instead of carriages ojd automobiles the childs delight in venice was the be ginning of an intense and permanent interest in geography a small child noticed in an advertise- ment the figure of a uttlo dutch girl why do they make her shoes so funny he asked the vlglant mother got various pictures of holland and in the end the childs simple quel tlon led to a considerable knowledge of the netherlands and their interest ing pooplo tho unexpected and perhaps casual question points the road you are to follow tho childs spontaneous inter est is a fingerpost you cannot tell whero the road will lead but if you follow it you will not only broaden your childs education but you will also create a strong bend of frlondshlp be tween yourself and him then vou think the miners will dig for us sure they will they wont stop either till they find us i know fete harmon and his men i the two lay in the pitch blackness till tho young minor grew restless for either of them to move very much was impossible robert hopod the of ficer would talk offer somo word of ex planation for his presence in tho about making an arrest nor had ho given any information concerning his purpose or business to young martfivs uneasy mind came a host of conflicting notions tho boy wanted to know the truth whether the one being sought was dan wade or himself finally he asked bluntly did you find tho brown canvas bag yes i found it martin caught his breath that set tled it the bag contained the brick of gold bullion that had disappeared from tho whito lode mine nearly two the village blacksmith found in almost every crossroads vil lage today their number is small and decreasing annually owing largely to the way motors are replacing iores on tho roods another indication of the extent to which this more import ant trade lias fallen oft is flpen in the decision of the united states steel corporation to drop the mamifaotur of horseshoes the american steel a wire co a riubstdary of the sieel cor poration ha sold the machinery atook on hand nnd good will of its liorpesnoe department tn a chicago firm it has been using only 18000 tons of steel a year for horseshoes and therefore is going to use its henbshoe plant for more nrofl table buslnetf years ago all this while out ot fleers of three counties were trying to find it catch the one who had taken i jlesa than twelve hours ago th brown bag and the brick of gold had come into steve martins keeping where did you find it under bunk twenty that is mine the boy drew a sigh of rellof as if gladto know he was the one the officer had oome ftotyn to get martin gave a sudden start when a slight rattling of shalo and a low moan came from the blackness at tho far end of tho drift that must be dan wade jfio raised up and striking a match began crawling through the narrow eleft he paused when lie heard a feeble voice calling bob oh bob help im coming partner responded the young miner starting on again walt a second i shouted the depuy hoarsely from the rear the two scrambled up into the gloomfilled pocket whllo tho officer held a lighted match the young miner lifted pulled dug and clawed at the tarigled mass of wreckage under which his friend was caught and held bob bent over his friend anxiously dan hide them ho took the stuff from mo this morning and i promised to go with him this morning to tell pete harmon tho whole truth we may not havothe chance now and i want you to know dan wade was speak ing as do those who face a groat un certainty m for a while nothing could bo hoard oxcept tho labored breathing of tho entombed trl as they held their faces near tho floor at length tho deputy brdko tho silence go on boy ho urged kindly robert reached into the black dark ness and found jtils friends hand dans feeble voice broke in on the oppressive stillness bob and i havo been friends for a long while wo both wanted to bo mining engineers but when wo left high school wo were separated i found a job as assistant amalgamator on the white lode and thero i got in with tho wrong crowd i needed bob ahd- his companlonghjpr for tho young follows t associated with were not his sort the bov paused gasping for breath martin pressed his hand easy easy he cautioned this air is very stale ono night threo gold bricks whlo lode bullion disappeared from tho amalgamating room dan continued in a lower voice on the same night two young follows with whom i had bocomo acquainted left tho mine naturally i was hold undor suspicion and a diligent search was made for the missing gold and tho boys they wero caught and three of the bricks recovered but- the other one could not bo found then one day nearly five months later while rummaging in my outfit i discovered a brown canvas bag and the missing gold brick stuffel into tho toe of an old hoot of mine thero was another pause and more stlflod gasps from the far distance come that muffled trudding of picks and sledscs why didnt you tako the gold to tho whito lode boss right away and tell him the truth tho officer ques tioned thats what i should havo done but i was afraid i nedded bob mar tin my rettl frlerfd dont you see to counsel with to help me as it happen ed i was all alone and fearful i kept tho gold brick in tho brown can vas baa hiding it first ono placo thon another all the while i was uneasy and trohhled filled with the droaflful senso of being shadowed watched and suspected wben i loft thq white lode i took the bag and tho gold brick with me hiding it again or trying i no s wo place than i would decide to hide it elsewhere then bob camo to the bluo ledgo to work and learnbd ray secret i told him the truth yes ho told me the truth bobert confirmed and he gave mo tho gpld bar just beforo tho beglnlng of tho night shift last ovenlng we intended to toko it to pete harmon the bluo lodge chief this morning and make a clean breast of tho whdle matter but i found the bag and the buhion- under your bunk in tho mens quar ters tho deputy finished exactly so said martin in a voice only a little louder than a whisper suddenly thcrb came a louder closer thudding of picks shale rattled and voices sounding far off yet distinct could be heard thoyre coming for us pete and his men will soon reach us cried martin exultantly raising up right you nie lad said thedoputy i actually bollevo now well soon bo out and there will bo threo of us the water cure a swedish farmer who lived on his wheat farm in minnesota was taken hi and his wife telephoned tho doctoi if you havo a thermometer an swered tho physician tako his tora- poiature i will bo out and see him presently an hour or so later when the doctor drovo up the woman mot him at tho door how is he asked the doctor veil she said i ban put the baro meter on him like you tell me and it say very dry so i give him a pitcher of vater to drink and now he ban gone back tp vork dispelling the boss frown if oui lioiu looks kimlci gloomy und m t h liicls kinder slim thon h tho timo to nhnw somo action to ct buck in line with him do your wik with morn ambition and ills fi own will soon bo gone and youi woik will bo a pleasure while you kicp on kcopin on a sad case the woiricd countenance of tho hi lih groom disturbed tho bcst man tiptoeing up tho ululo he whispered what h tho mutter jock have yo lost the rlnc mo hluited out the unhappy jock tlm unns safe ono ijut mon lo loat ma enthusiasm internal and external pains r aro promptly relieved by dq thomas eclectric ol l that it hah deeh oolo foh nearly fifty years and is today a greater seller than ever defonc id a testimonial that gpeakst for ito nuuerou3 curative qualities s j buick cantilever rear springs full cantilever rear springs absorb jthe shocks of the- road and give maximum riding comfort the mc laughlinbuick sealed chassis with its torque tube drive makes it possible for mclaughlinbuick to use this type of spring one of the many reasons mclaughjmbuick has maintained its position as canadas standard car s v king representative georgetown ontario mclaughlinbuick have you sent in your answer the lucky horseshoe puzzle contest i positively closes wednesday may 13th iflftteafl o two who will tfo buforu um chief to toll him the whole truth cleaning factory equipment to prevent mould in the butter dan i look nt me boy i blacksmith hhopn woro once to be pan wndo opened his eye a and improperly cleaned factory equip ment la tho moat frequent cause of moulding butter after tho cream haa been iwateurlzod vats tritould be ririttefl with warm water and steam ed for at least they should be washed dally with ft hpt bolulion of alkali woshinur nothor uslnu a acrubbjngr brush pumps and pipes should be taken apart olaned every day and afterwards steumod tho churn should be first rinsed then washed in a solution of alkali wanhlng powder revolving it for ave or ten minutes then rlnao tho churn again with boil ing water drain thoroughly and turn tho doors up fffid open boforo using rinse again with hot water then with cold churns should bo limed at least once a week with a strained solution send your solution today i rwenter- carrot answer receives a reward solve the puzzle it can be done and someone is going to win a magnificent piano phonograph or other prize absolutely without cost of any kind think of it if you do not own a piano here is an opportunity to get one for only a few minutes work there b nothing to buy nothing to sell this is bimply an advertising campaign for a canadian manufacturer you may be the lucky person to win one of the grand prizes read the directions carefully and send in your answer as soon as possible the contest closes wednesday may 13th 1 name coupon adilrexx a per80nal application stored into his friends face tho man of tho law struclt another match holding 1t so that the flickering glow fell iiport the youths pale counten ance mingled expression of fear and surprise came into his features when dan observed tho deputy who is this with ydu bob ho asked feebly it isnt pet harmon the boss or any of his men no it isnt pete harmon inter rupted the opjiocr just as the mutch went out and i dontsee as it matters whether you know mo or not tho two drew tho injured youth otft of tho tangle and made him as comfortable as theyjould on the vault 4doh while thoy ware doing this tney a wellknown brilness man in xawrenpe mnssachulutts onco had a pustomer who contracted a dobt that ran along unpaid for a year or more and nven aevorul letters failed to brine ibout p settlement ono day while glancing over the re ligious notlcos in a local paper tho business man saw aomothing that gave him a new wen he went to his desk and wrote tho following note to the dpbtor my doar sir i see in the local press that you aro delivering an ad- dross on friday ovenlng boforo tho y m ca on the sinners balanced account i enclohd yourh an yet un balanced and trust that 1 may havo tha pleasure of attending your leoturo a check camo by the next mall 1st prize 475 piano walnut or mahogany finish 2nd prize ij5q00 phonograph 3rd prize 00 credit voucher additional prizes 100 credit imu vouchers instructions write your name carefully and plainly to the best neatest niost original correct answer will be given one 47500 piano abso lutely free tfo the next best mobt original correct answer will be given a 15000 phonograph to the next best will be given a 15000 purchasing voucher acceptable on any piano or player piano shown prizes will be given for the best neatest most original co a directions place any number from one to fifteen in each of the horseshoes shown above in such a manner that when added horizontally vertically and dia gonally the total will be 33 it is possible to do this correctly and not use any number more than once when you have solved the problem mail the answer to the canadian selling agents- at the address given below mail your answer promptly for in case of tie the prize will go to thp first answer received things to remember answers may be submitted on this or on separate sheet of paper or any other material there is no limit to the size of the solution only one member of each family should send a solu tion employes of the newspapers carrying this announcement should not enter this contest per sons engaged in selling pianos should not entr this is a piano and phonograph advertising cam paign and our hope is that the beautiful piano ant phonograph will be awarded tp families who dq not now own a piano or phonograph tat this rpa son families who are supplied with pianos should not enter all solutions entered are and shall remain the property of the canadian selling agents bach and every contestant entering a reply hereby agrees to abide by the decision of the judges from which there shall be no appeal send your answer tq lelli 32 water st south gait ont

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