Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 7, 1925, p. 3

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x the home ol jp jrtnn 3vw fhrpab member canadian weekly newspaper association member selected town weeklies of ontario the acton tree press is published every thursday morning at the free press building milt street acton ontario the subscription price is ioo per ycar in advance postage 4s charged additional to offices in the united states the date to whiab subscriptions are the address labcu advertising rates transient advertise- raentjvto cnts per tint agate measure for fcrst rion and 5 cents per liu for each subse- ilscrtion contract display advertiser meats for 50 inches or more per annum 18 cents per inch each insertion advertisements with out specific directions will be inserted till forbid and charged accordingly h b moore president ond editor g a dills manager and assistant editor telephones editorial and buajness office tiw residence- of president iij residence of manager xjt- paid is indicated d its if i day next sunday for y the second sunday- in may has been obssrvod as mothers day and thousands of people have been led through its celebration to give heir mothers more careful thought and consideration and make them gld with loving messages on its an niversary on this second sunday in may it has be come the custom a very worthy one to pay special tributes of remembrance to mothers everywhere with- loving messages and appropriate flowers or spring blossoms to commemorate mother love the an nual observance of mothers day is very general and has brought joy to many a mother back at home who receives a special letter or telegram or gift from son or daughter because it is her day the wearing of a white flower was the syiriljbr originally inaugurated for the day that has been changed to a white flower for a mother no longer alive and a colored flower for a living mother a message of hope and regeneration to the jsicjc and afflicted and fallen was the idea through the quickening of the feelings from an appeal to the most jhallowed of all memories the rift injthe cloud editorial notes it is a question whether the 44 per cent beer is strong enough to stand all the taxes that are to be imposed on it mail and empire and the numerous virtues its sponsors have promised it will possess thursday morning may 7 1925 editorial oakvillefe- costly- audit it apparently costs some money to audit the books of the corporation of the town of oakviue at the last meeting of the town council they passed an order to pay r e young co auditors of toronto 300 for their services acton had better keep to local auditors as long as they do as well as the present officers have done by their vigilance they saved the town about three times their salary in securing payment of unpaid taxes which other wise would likely have been lost international business interests and international speculators are now anticipating the return to par of a number of other european currencies following the stabilization action taken by the bank of eng land the proposed abolition of the ruatschool sec tion board of trustees in the management of schools in ontario has so far not been looked on with favor by those familiar with the system and the needs of fhe rural school whou old- home welc traa cofa- bratect at littlo duster senator man ton returned to his n tlvo village to havo frenh honors thrutit upon him an its most dlstlngulshed bod ho wan invited to malco speeches to ifeply to npoochos to uoton to spoecheajn tho most conaplclous chair on tho platform in tho town hall and to follow the band in tho foremost carriage when ho returnod to his city home his in valid wifo fancied he loolcod tlrod and depressed well how was it sho askod oh very nice the newspapers reported your ad dress in full did they yes has littlo duster change 1 in tho past twenty years enormously ln what way for tho worse electric lights and waterworks now post oftlco paving stones and a drinking fountain why those are dmprovementa ed ward not at all desecrations i call em there isnt a well in use in tho place the town pump you romombcr tho water marj has been replaced bj that abominable hardlooking granite fountain that would drive any self- respecting animal to drink elsewhere and there wasnt n slngto girl i know round tho nostofuce at malltlmo thats because they have free de- u erv hut edward said mrs manton you suroly did not expect to see the girls of your youth at tho pont office yes r did tho senator bald stub bornly and i particularly wished to see letty baxter there i wanted to pull her curls and i wanted to alt in my shirtsleeves in cully bryant s old barn and go huekleberrylng in tho hanson pasture butthere was no time for anything but speeches then you didnt enjoy it at all the senator did not reply he was- mournfully contemplating the tips of his shoes suddenly hla race wtgnten- ed genulriely oh it wasnt so bad as it might have been ho said i spent two nights with aunt calista and sho let me have pla for breakfast neighborhood news- town and counjtry georgetown when are we most clever i government has majority of 37 after twentyfour days of debate the house of commons on friday adopted the budget by a ma jority of 37 the vote was for 123 against 86 mn- lorit for 37 th unexpe lar majority aroused wild enthusiasm among the liberal members their forecasts had been between 20 and 25 when the result was announced they banged their desks in applause and flung sheaves of paper into the air seventeen progressives and independents had voted with the government the last days debate had lasted sixteen hours among the longest debate in the canadian house in thirty years if not in its history has come to an end the assessed valuation of 770 properties in the city of new york formerly used by the liquor traffic as saloons or liquor stores and now used by legiti mate business concerns has increased from 148739- 000 to 247294500 or 662 per cent prohibition evidently pays there is food for thought in the statement of an unemployment relief official of toronto that for several years not oius of the hundreds applying for relief has been brought up on the farm this surely says much for the independence inculcated in farm life and environment where sympathy is not due the daily record of auto fatalities is once more appearing in the morning papers still even in the face of these happenings the globe the other day protested against what was alleged to he undue activity on the part of the traffic police on hamilton highway instead of traffic regulations being chided for their vigijance they should be urged to the adop tion for more vigorous measures motorists can se cure for themselves complete exemption from at tention at the hands of police p and magistrates by obeying the law those drivers who indulge their craze for speeding at the risk of safety for others are not entitled to any sympathy when called upon to pay the rtcnalty of their criminal folly farmers sun 0n the hrsttmnvr4182motherathrpughout the province of ontario received their monthly- cheque from the mothers allowance commission the aggregate amount thus distributed was 150082 a very worthy recognition of the value of dependant mothers to our country hhrhindenbinbh3ectionrmenaxetarworld peace the electionlast week of field marshal hinden burg to the presidency of the german republic is not generally hailed as a new security to the peace of europe the presidentelect was the greatest of the figures that came to the front in the conducting of the war on germanys side in the east he car ried everything before him russia never received such a scourging at the hands of a military leader as she did from the victor of tannenburg when he turned to the west he had his day- of invincibility as long as he was able to keep pouring shocktroops into histirrves he was the national hero and the kaiser might well have misgivings when he saw the veteran becoming the national idol even before the fear of defeat began to dawn upon germany the kaiser must have had premonitions of danger to the monarchy as he saw popular feeling centering on his arm c finahyefmany h to b tu mua ing defeat had to surrender her great navy and subscribe to the bitfer terms of the treaty of ver sailles the kaiser lost the war and lost his crown the popular movementdid not cease with hinden- burgs defeat but became the stronger in conse quence of it hindenburg is now at the head of the state overwhrch the exile at doom presided what is the significance of hindenburgs election james w gerard former ambassador to germany says it is a menace to world peace he characterized the election as a flat declaration by the german people of a return to militarism and monarchism he said that is was due partly to the swing toward conservn- tism which has been in evidence in this country and great britain and also to the fact that von hinden burg was the only outstanding figure of the old regime in germany whose reputation survived the war does it mean that germany has repented of her republicanism desires to return to monarchy udder the hohenzollerns and to put her trust once more in militarism she has had adverse experiences a a republic her pride has been kept humbled and her power curbed and it is imaginable that she has come to believe thai her only safety lies in armed strength whatever the mind of the german people in electing as president the greatest of their war loaders their choice can hardly fail to fause distrust but the leading powers who carried on the work of defence against germany can keep an eye on her under her new president as they did under president ebert the action of germany- in thiselection shows ing to be a party in preserving world peace the government of spain has announced its in tention to withhold the right of suffrage from illiter ates this is for stimulating a greater desire for education on the part of the pepple onehalf of whom can neither read nor write why shouldnt every other country follow spains example in this respect press despatches from new york state that the canadian dollar is now quoted at par at no time however this year has the discount been over one- half of one per cent bankers ascribe the reason far the rise to parity of the canadian dollars as the natural result of steadily improving conditions in the dominion evidence that alberta province bonds stand high in the financial markets was recently given when the treasury department of the government dis posed of an issue of374o000 eve per cent bonds with 25 yearsforrefunding purposes at a price of 97r597which7wasconsidereda mostsatisfactory price there vere six bidders for the bonds in view of thb official declaration that it will be strengthening the ota by permitting stronger beer to be sold it is interesting to note that one of the governments supporters f w wilson m p p for windsor has written to the detroit free press stating that at our recent session in this province the edge of the axe was driven into pro hibition tfho- true hostess is loath to recog- nue any privilege for herself buj thov are few who have been equal to the entire selfeffacement of aunt sally of whom the new york herald lolls aunt sally lived in a remote ken tucky village and wasloca1jy famed for kindness of heart and goodwill toward her neighbors for many months she had been saving her slender means to give a grand party she said at last the great event camo all aunt sallys friends dressed in their best wero present atld tho evening was most enjoyable the only draw back being the mysterious absence if th hoste toeetinattiertiexlmofhlng ono of the youthful guests of the night be fore spoke rapturously of the party im certainly glad you enjoyed your self returned the old lady beaming with satisfaction so it really wan a success yes myl i certolnlv should have liked to havo seen tl but why were you not jhcrcaunt snlly at your very own parly laws child answered aunt sallv her face still shining with delight i had to stay in the kitchen and wash the dishes i a wealthy business man and philanthropist of toronto has offered to assist in the solution of feeble mindedness in ontario by donating a large farm within fifteen mlies of the city limits for the purpose of getting a training centre started for mental defec- tives this is n vfiry ynrrhy and muchneeded philanthropy the name of the generous donor is withheld for the present as canadians we should learn to buy from our selves if we do that and establish a proper im migration policy i think canada will have taken an important step toward improvement of jhe pres ent situation the responsibility of bringing about such an improvement lies largely on the shoulders of you newspaper men said premier ferguson to a group of newspaper men in toronto the other day winston churchill chancellorof the excheauor in the british government declared the other day that foreign secretary austen charnnerlain wa3en- doavoring to bring about an association for the mutual protection and security of the four greatest nations of europe great britain france germany and italy that is the policy he is pursuing and the one he will persevere in year after year with faithful integrity if any people of this country continue to think people slow in the old country they had better dis abuse their minds the very reverse is the case a concrete example has just occurred the chancel lor of the exchequor submitted his budget on the 28fh of april and the budget debate ended the same session here in canada the budget was brought down on the 24th of march jt was discussed until a significant lack of policy if she is honest in desirrast week nearly an hundred speeches having been made upon it interesting facts about the age at which a mans faculties reach their highest pitch of efilclenoy havo been complied recently it was found for example that the average ago at which twenty of the greatest inventions were produced wan thirtytwo the inveitpj8 of the steam englno and the steam turbine were each twentynine whon their la bors resulted in theso epochmaking devices the self binding reaper wire less telegraphy and the vacuum air brake were invented by men in their twentysecond year the inventor of the sewing machine was twcntyslx while the discoverer of the process of produoing aluminum ohoaply was only twentythree edi son was thirty when hemade the first incandescent lamp wilbur wrlgh the pioneer aviator wab thirtyeight when he conquered the air the result of these investigations points to the fact that artists and tho musicians as a ruledevelop their tat ents veryearly in life author seem to attain the peak of their creative powers at or about the age of forty- two financiers and business znon generally reach their xonlth at flfty- three statesmen and generals ore highest in the list of ages many of tho great est acts of diplomacy havo been initi ated by menin tho seventies and tho eighties i military history shows that some of the moat crucial batucs have been directed by men who wero old enough to be grandfathers but tho wouldbo inventor artist musician or poet who is rapidly out growing his youth need not be dis couraged by these facts there aro many exceptions to prove the rule william do morgan to name but one example was sixtyseven before ne made his bow as a successful vovelist atrty taxes in arroars in georgetown rnust bo paid on or before may 15 192g a are escapo from tho third stbroy has been erected nt tho high school mrs freuro returned home last woulc after spending the winter with friends in alabama tho christian athloto was itov mr caldwells subject at tho mora- ing service of the methodist church on sunday messrs j n oneill a- son ajo having a sprinkling system installed in tholrflno garago and business block culof tost thanks tho mgmbors of l o l no 245 and truo blues for a donation of 45 towards tho now firo alarm system chicken thlovcs alo busy ngain in this loaulty on monday night doa 1 leslie of tho fourth line hsnueslng had about 40 stolen n h brown is putting a now show window in his bakery and also en larging the building to provide for an ice cream parlor rev j w and mrs podloy ah1 mr james pedley of toronto yore guests of dr and mrs rold on sun day mr w wordon mrs d wordon and miss d wordon of acton wclo tho visitors or mr and mrs s wordon during the week mr and mrs alfred watson returned home last wcok from washington r c where they vlsltod mr robert ruddy who has recently been strlckon with paralysis tho annual meeting of tho george town tennis club was held at tho of fice of h r mimms when a largo number of mombcrs wero present tho officers for tile ensuing year wero elected as follows president t imbleau hon prcs h r mlmms 1st vice pros mildred konnedy 2nd vice pres w b ford see treoa margaret treanor herald pennies swedetukhips for a bumper crop of swede turnips for stock feeding in fall and winter sow ronnies specially selected northern grown seed rennie s swede turnip seed is carefully tested for geniunatioo ind purity arid wilt yield heavy and profitable crops we highly recommend the following leading carictia rennies canadian gem purple top business directory medical rennies jumbo rennies derby rennies prize rennies kangaroo crlnuon top bronio grocn top purple top bronze green top order ramwrn suxje turnip 5mov through your local dialer orjhredt from william tvlmnmivtyjurajj cor adsla10eaiul jabots 3t4qi toronto if you cannoc ohlaln locally plea writ us gtclng uaur dealer address heffnlca seed anaosl the moat com pletc canadian seed catalogue u free on request dr j a mcniven phyalofan and 8uroon offlco and fyuridonco corner bower avenue and biffin street 1 r phone 88 dr e j nelson 1 frederick street r acton ontario t phone no 22 p o box ssi harold nash farmer m a barrister solloltor notary publlo convey a near etc perrvman block acton ont money lent on mortgages fours 0 30 euax to 5 p m saturdays 1200 oclock ffinrtvrnrri rr burlington aunt sallys at home a mothers influence the famous ensllah orator john bright wan oaked how he came to be ouch a master of the art of public npcaklntfl he answered that the only help he ever had in that direction tie cot by listening to hla mother read the bible she was nccuatdmod to read the bi a tu the umiflrol an he wna eo fascinated he said by her wayif readlnff it that he had tried ever since to imitate it john bright became a great states man who carried out the teachings of the bible in a noble and holpful life such was the power of hut eloquence that he brought about great and bene flcent changes in the laws of england hla mothers bible reading during the years of his impressive childhood influenced hla whole life the careful unhurried reverent and expressive way in which she read was the chief in fluence in producing one of england greatest and noblest orators there are many ways in which a mother may influence legislation even in communities where she may not yet cast a vote the load i recently watch a man said the minister who was carrying heavy loads up a flight of stairs and marvel ed at his strength and skill it seemed incredible that anyone could carry such weights and be none the worse for it half the load that man carried would havo injured an ordinary man i asked htm how ho did it theres a knack to it he said you have to learn it it isnt strength so much as it is adjustment youve got to know how to get under the load and theres only one right way of do ing it adjustment la no less important for burdens of another sort i theres a knack to it a way ot carrying our troubles that makes them aeem lighter if the load in breaking us we should eadjust it it wns to the weary and heavily laden that jesus oflforadirest beneath his own tremendous load he neverthe less found peace and joy he has the secret of adjustment and he offers it to all who ore willing to learn it mr t a lepatourel will havo com- pletdfortythre6 yearn inbuslneaa in burlington on saturday the town council havo arranged for the annual cleanup next wook mr nnd mrs george bird returned from england last weok they re port a pleasant outing and a splendid trip knox church luiucft aid will hold a rummage sale in the storo recently occupied by matthews hardware on saturday afternoon may 9 mr william balton arrived hono last week from queens university kingston he leaves next week to ac cept a mining position in northern ontario for the summer months ex councillor robert gray showed us an egg on monday which measur ed 8 inches around tho long way by 6 inches the other and wolghed 44 ounces tho egg was produced by a black min hen c company halton klfles have taken over the gymnasium building at the brant military hospital for their now quarters and are busily engager getting theplace into shape a local fruit company has been formed to bo known as tho burlington cooperatlvo company hi mi tod tho members of tho company are growers of fruit and vegetables and will mar ket their products cooperatively there is a possibility of tho fire- mens band being re organized which will be good news to all those inter ested in the welfare of tho town a band is a valuable asuot to any town and tho citizen b may be called upon to render some financial aid if the or ganisation is completed mr r sneath who has charge of the work for the cataract power company here had a narrow escape from being electrocuted on friday afternoon last he was making some repairs on burlington street and came in contact with a live wire re ceiving a severo shock his eon rush ed to his asalstance and soon released him from his perltous predicament gazette cleans like china wtien yon use 8np enameled ware utauuv you never need to scrape seonr and awrab the way- some wares demand hot water soap a cloth thats all you med to clean them it washes like china hai the cleanliness and sar- tu of china bnt wears like steel dont be the slave of your coojdnjr wirei mulp with dean pare nanl- tair lutlna enameletf ware u h g meir barrister solloltor notary publlo georgetown ont j i- dental dr j m bell d d s htks dentist honor graduate of toronto univer sity the latest anesthetic used if desired oulce at residence corner of mill arid frederick streets 1 i erin mr ronald mcdonald of toronto and mr mack holllnger of acton vis ited with mr alexander mcdonald over the weekend the regular meeting of the brisbane womens institute will bo held at the home of mr william scott on thurs day afternoon april 30th mrs cathorlne cox of nash well man arrived april 20th and will spead some time with her mothor and sister mrs and miss macmltlan mr h c austin- proprietor of stanley park is making preparation tor the opening o m 25 when a big programme of sports will be held tho sunday school of the prosbytor- lan church opens at 10j oclock during the summer the school children of erin rural schools havo begun planting flowers and vegetable seeds and setting hens in contemplation of the annual school fair which will be hpld in september next rev h- j gibson has boon appoint ed to the parish of york whero ho will take up residence shortly conse quently he preached his farewell ser mon in erin and at tho cataract on sunday s the congregation of the baptist church hillaburg contemplate build ing in tho near future suitable sheds at tho rear of the church nnd install ing electric lights in connection with this movement a stewardship festi val week will be put on commencing on sunday the new proprietors of the catar- act electric co during the past week improved the wiring on the street that leads 4 ttxlany buildings in doing ao they ptrt in of number of new poles and did away with quite a number of old poles the result of which is better service and a very much better appear ing line there passed away peacefully on saturday morning april 11 at hiu home second line erin township mr david jackson for the past eigh teen months he has been bedfast but boha with great patience nnd forti tude tho intense suffering cnuood by a terrlblo affliction he was born in bsquealng townahtp in 184vbut most of his ufemn erin townhhlp pugilistic english the teacher was instructing the oloai in the rudiments of the knglltth langu age john she said mako a sentence using the word indisposition john who was evidently of a pugi listic turn of mind ustfumed nn aggres sive pose and announced tint when yotta njnts to tight stands in his position you sor9 mope shoepbl mftk oll 3kotm loo lagging spring appetites can be bolstered up and stimulated by letting us do your baking 7 dinner or some cuke for supper when you can buy such delicious homemade baking at fairbanks our bread is the staff of life in most acton homes fairbanks bakery dr f a gollop dds lda dental surgeon oooe over bank ot nova beotla houh8s8r to bjor bvenlnjcs by appointment miscellaneous francis nunan bookbinder account books of all kinds made to order periodicals of overy description carofully bound ruling neatly and promptly done v wyndham street gaelph out over williams store r j kerr auctioneer and real estate 20 tears experience list yodb peopcrty withme ji acton ontario phone 116 mill st acton goolfkitcben in summer heat riftht now is the time tq 1 natal that new oil stove and have corn- tor t with summer cooking cheaper to hurn than electricity and fully as efficient purchased for a third tho price safe con venient nnd economical the florence automatic oil stove seo window display for prices we also hundfe tho new colo- man gasoline attachment for your old oil stove como in and ask about it w d talbot phone 76 main street acton a e nicklin insurance agent life fire auto accident a health insurance guarantee bonds burglary and plate gla insurance trustee for estates collections business entrusted to my core will be carefully looked after and treated confidentially money to loan on farm property favorable rates and terms for re payment box h bower ave acton shampooing rugs or dyeingp m wru for dimctttnp 1 matt tfna im caa euam er fv aaa mnd a bh1pping container in lanrleys in toronto canadas most sue- rsf ul cleaning and dyeing plant is as andy as your mailbox if youwant your rugs or carpets shampooed curtains cleaned and framed portieres dyed or cleaned blankets cleaned and made fluffy- eiderdowns cleaned and mothproofed dresses and suits cleaned dyed altered or repaired thousands ot homes in all parts of ontario arc using langloy craftsmanship for keep ing things new we have in mr w j fontaine tho most expertdyer j canada our plant is the best equipped in the dominion our reputatipn and our success arc your assurance that work will be done well and with every care you can safely entrust to us the most precious articles tho most delicate of materials wepay return shipping- charge and charge only our toronto prices simply send your parcel to mr geo s langloy and write a letter laying what you have sent and what you want done holl give your order his personal supervision lahqktyfe l i m if tce i cleaners dyers of fins fabrietf wrttxg appirex mud boumhotd jphmiakingticarjht jxtmoraurs toronto head office 249 spadina road 1 i get your job printing at the free press do you want to be successful associate with successful people and have them for your friends of cour8e you doi take thb first step now bnrou at guelph business college 1 for thorough training 2 by business experienced instructors 3 scsalon the entire year a- l bouck principal and proprietor get particulars on our homo study course in shorthand l dont neglect tour eyes take advantage of specialist services offerod by this estab lishment and know your glasses ore right experience is a good teacher 10031925 we havo had over twty years at it and hero patrons are assured of thb best in op tical service a d savage optometrist and mfg optloisn 8avaqe building right at the post offlco guelph ontario the old and reliable granite and marble works i wo are manufacturers and direct importers of all kinds of monumental and headstono work we soil direct to our customers at wholesale prices thus saving our customer 40 per cent we hove the best appliances and the only mechanics in tho bomlntbn who can operate pneumatic tools properly we can give references from hundreds of our customers in toronto and other places where others have to havo law suits in order to collect we have the largest and best stock of granite in the dominion or more than any three dealers in tho west wo are legiti mate dealers and employ no agents and do not annoy or pest customers j by sonding out ignorant agents solicit- ing orders we employ only mechanics aiyl defy competition hamilton sons quelph ont subscriptions for all maga zine taken at the free preb8 office v

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