Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 7, 1925, p. 4

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he artmt 3te tyxwa thursday may tt 192g o little mother of mine- sometimes in tho hunh of the evening hour i whon tho shadows creep from tho west i think of the twilight songs you sang and tho boy you lulled to rent tho wee little boy with the tousled head thatlongilong agowaa thine i wonder it sometimes you lope xw that boy o llttlo mother of mine and now ho has como to a mans estate j brown stalwart in body and strong and youd hardly know that- lie was tho lad u whomyou lulled with your slumber song tho years have altered the form and the life but his heart is unchanged by time and htlll he 1b only thy boy ap of old o llttlo mother of ralnol walter h brown p- success of family of 13 edmonton alts amongthelottcraj received from successful bottlers li alberta recently received by he ed- mbnton journal is tho following from i v reoder of ehlscott alberta who writes in part in juljv 1920 my wife and eleven children visited canada coming from texas and investigated its opportuni ties on tho 6th day of may 1921 i loaded my family in a ford truck and started on this trip about 3000 miles in 43 we landed in edmonton with about 100 and two wbrn bihfords and great prospects we were all in good health able to work and we found plenty to do all who were big enough to cot a job wont to jl in the fall of 1921 wo filed on two homesteads in the winters of 1921 and 1922 two of us worked in a sawmill and took lumber in pay ment christmas week we came homo and cut tho logs and built the shack my j wife and the children plastered and we moved into it he first week in january thanks to the natural re- eources of the country- the family lived wjlllundhadpienty to it of n g and quantity that would tempt a mil lionaire we hud flsht naooso and deer i have often said you cant starve me out there and i still suy it in 1922 we cot in a small crop of teh acres obtained a start in hogs and cattle and a team of oxen in 1923 we had 20 acres of crop lots of hogs plenty of pork all kinds of gardening and potatoes we dug a roothouse that would hold 6000 bushels we kept 50 hens six cows had lots of eggs and plenty of butter in 1024 we had plenty of form im plements and a threshing machine we sold some brain and had goo bushels of potatoes we wintered threemuch cows five work horses and- 150 hens have plenty of turnips carrots beets pork and cabbage rutabagas peas beets and parsnips r are now raising bur living on our own place we thresh our own grain grind our own flour and we ex pect to saw the- lumber to build each of us a good home on qur place three boys have token land we run all our machin from po outoftheold ford tro of tho girls have married farmers here and ore both doing well and have good homes now the chil dren are in good health go four miles to school in tho summer so far we have been trying to get in shape to live but i believe we can begin to roako money now the little red switches that grow by the brook in walking along by the brook in tho meadow my memory wont back to my child hoods glad days for a clump of red switches glowed bright in the sunshlno and my thoughts travel back aa they meet my glad gaze in the long ago time of nn early spring morning t remember two children with sunduy school book starting out for tho woods all author ity scorning for the llttlo- red switches- that grew by the brook the lessons for study were soon all forgotten while wandering about in tho dim shady nook and tho song of the birds caused tho hearts blood to quicken as they lit on the switches that grew by the brook thoygathereaaljtmdle of little red switches not- minding the water that cot in their boots nor the lesson to learn from cat fz cchism or scripture nor the splashes of mud on their clean sunday suits as others see us and other farm prodilcts iilio would huy what household supplies iilm noeuuduntl after would have- a nip or two dnd ulaujiuy a plnlor 4iufar lien morning on ono occasion jjhu became rather jovial with some other congenial spirits she g when it was closing tlnu thotolm did cloao then that alio was without- her morning- this mount a hcudiicho at lousl iwithout a hair of the dog that blthor it would never do there hupiwued to bo a young girl in tho iioubo anil noruh thought thut thero was a possible way there for her to got out of the trouble bo-she-wend- ed her way to tho kitchen and greob mury und with nil tlio power and wit she had lays her cuuo before mar ami h now mary dour ull you have lodo is to goto tom cflirk timl ho will give it to hucii a fino glrluu you ah you know it wont keep ypu out of heaven nor lcoop you from getting n good mun suro nov7- muty you will truly ubllgu poor noruh no i think you aro hardhonrteq then i must smell the can so many of uu aye like poor noruh through carelessness und improvidence well i guess this is a good place to clotto for this week youcs ribu ourr now correspondent is certainly resurrecting a onto interesting stories of tho early days the one oh charley welgur la a now oho lo ritev i know charley wcll i was often in his shop tliere wiuj always u basin of dirty water sitting on the old boxstovoln cliarloyu shop tho story goes that charley washed in this water for fully a week without changing it 1 tho meantlmehb also used to pour itlnta the tea pots and teakettles which ho was mending to test if their leaks ha1 been prjoporjy sohlered about flfrv years iujo charley hay- irig saved a few hundrort dotjnrs by industry and thrift doclded to go homo to germany alas the ship ho sailed on was lost at sea nearly nil tho passengers and crow charley among them were drowned during a groit storm tcji but at last they went home with their smiling bright faces to meet the gpod mother with horrified look fc as she noted at once by tho little red switches 1 that both of her children had been wading the brook i remember tho lesson and will never forget it aa ohe questioned between every quick stinging whack can you tell me my girl what is effectual calling as the little red switches came down on my back the years havo gone byj more than fifty in number but still in tbo springtime ill gladly look though iwandera4onefqrmy- play- mate now slumbers for the little red switches that grow by tho brook m e c the genial professor stood on tho hotel veranda the centre of a group of young people when the office dooor opened and the business man from boston hurried down the steps for hlj usual morning walk ah good morning beamed the professor glorious morning for a vfllk isnt it oh yes certainly very nice yes indeed replied the other absently then stopping suddenly as if arrested by tho compelling warmth of the greet ing ho called out oh by tho way professor heres ray transcript just thought you might like to look at it you know never mind returning it when youre through for fve finished it oh thats all right youre quite welcome im sure say read that edi torial on the tariff fs got the whole situation in a nutshell well good morning it is a nice day isnt it the spectators watched with amuse ment as tho professor carefully folded the paper and jut it in his pocket be side its exact counterpart i couldnt explain to him that i al ready had ono ho remarked thought fully it would have deprived him of so much pleasure and he added fo4iimbifebasoltue the open door a reporter on a new york news- paper once wandered into a meeting of the salvation army in a little fish ing town on the coast of maine ho did not expect to be much interested in what ho should hear or see he went bocause ho thougmt it might prove more diverting than anything else he could find to do while he was waiting for his train for himself religion meant llttlo or nothing he had never openly opposed it but he never had thought about it in connection with his own life when tho time come for testimony ft man post middle age rose i was a hopeless drunkard for twefty years islas recoiulections tho old man of the big clock tower having had a short rest at charlie hills store the journey to the qta tlon isvot long on our way we pass the hotel who kept it in my day 1 do hot remember nor does it matter much- near by there was a blacksmith shop kept by jimmy gibbons 1 i must not forget to mention the speights they were a large factor in the prosperity of the village with those were tho moores and the adamses i understand that the latter were the first families attested in the chronicles of tho old man now i admit this is but a cursory view of the village of fifty or sixty years ago much more could bo said but is is possible that should these screeds be contlnuedl we may bo able to supplement what we havo written and now i am like the old lady news from old acton thterevtf ng news items from act on across the 8e thefree press gross wotd pusade key to puzzle hoptxontl 1 who made- a- -pie- crust she- was-j- the following paragraphs from tho acton gazette and express give a good glimpse jntb local events in acton england i it has cost akon 107 12a 3d to have a motor lorry repaired the disinclination of some acton people to register births continues to givo troublo to the local competent authorities welsh bwallfa steam cqar is to be supplied in sacks to acton baths at 3 2s 3d per ton acton will have to spend 1000 oa the surface water drainage of its side of old oakroadl the bev h g jeilo vicar of all saints will leave acton on tuesday for lugano whero he will spend a fortnight of his bummor holiday miss iclelghton having removed from the borough resigned her posi tion on the acton education commit tee and was thanked for her services upwardsof 100 was lost on the civic aancesiaat season and the town council will consequently ceaso from functioning as social entertain ment promoters t found lying hciplcssly in mall ealing at 11 pjri on thursday in last week william mcgoldrlck u ships steward was taken into custpdy by a constablo and charged before the magistrates the acton town council la borrow ing at 5 per cent from its own super annuation fund for tlio following im provements bollooane 868 and old oak- commonlane 2000 james godfrey packing ton road south acton was fined ss at ealing police court for hawking at houses and shops in the uxbridgoroad with out a pedlars license a highclass concert in aid of the 13th acton scouts ami the 10th acton girl guides will be held in the lecture hail of the acton baptist- church nt 8 p m on tuesday there is an epidemic of german measles amongst acton children tho cases on the east acton estate num boring upwards of twenty mr w h williamson veterinary he said x came in herend found christ its five years since t havejllghted candle gave poor snake a light tastod liquor a woman stood up a heavy muscu larworn wh otnthoit iihnlbhrtf poverty i havo had to work hard all ro life she said for forty years i never know a happy hotn two years ago i got religion and 1 havent known- an unhappy minute since others gave similar testimony when the reporter stepped on tho tsain later that evening hej chose a seat where he could be by himself he wanted a chance jo think thero was plenty of food for thought what was the- thing ahat had made ihat tremepdous change in those people 9 harttor sinful lives r ah over the world hundreds of thousands say that something of the same thing has corne to them in svery age for the past nineteen cen turies hosts of the worlds noblest men and women have borne precisely tho same testimony almost two thousandyears ago there was one wno said it would be so come unto nie all ye that labor and are heavy laden and i will give yon rest he declared troublod with which she would use to fill it as seemingly her supplies were plentiful but having promised to tell ftho joke on charley welgar i will tell it now charlie was a tinsmith and to livenhis work woujd indulge in the ypsy cup so much that some of his neighbors i cannot say his friends determined to bring before- him a vivid experience of what drinking meant in the way of j t calling up some of the yonugstefh t tcftrmed 1t mcgarvln myself jack glbbs and one or two more they promised us flvo cents for each garter snake we could catch and deliver to them they furnished us with paste board boxes to hold them for us this was a cinch and we bad plenty and to spare the party who told me this many years after described the way they got tho snakes working in tho beds of those days- spring mattresses wore not so much in use the old bed tick filled with good oat straw served tho folks so whon charley came home the snakes were in his tlck butane was rather fuddled arid did not notice them squirming to get out on to ward morning charley somewhat sobered became aware of something in the straw he lit a candle and proceed to investigate whether th 1to line 0 chief oincor of a prison 12 mournful sounds 14 a jewelled head dress 15 cheat 10 canadian province ab 18 food restrictions 10 employ 20 in the future t s 21 sclenco ab 22 point of compass 24 a color 26 toward 27 the sheltered aide 20 a club 31 to depart 52 a light boat t 34 part of tho verb to bo t perform 38 officer commanding ab 40 a number 42 company ab j 43 a short sleep 45 the point on which something ro- volvcs 46 male sheep singular 47 to leave put 49 ensnare 50 a master stroke 61topay back b3 hesitation 54 tho european mole rat 55 a written challenge vertical 1- wnyjay 2 a nmxtll rodent- 3 comfort 4 noynl navy- transport ab b civil service tab 7 a proportion 8 clear of 9 a raised platform 10 to build r 11 a race or tribe 13 to go in 10 used for propelling boat 17 boys nnmo ab 23 to gain knowledge 25 a large stock farm 27 meadow 28closlng part of day 29 tho meat of a sheep so smallchild r- 7 33 givers 35 control rod 37 to force 39 an asiatic animal 40 a whlto metallic clement 41 a negation 42 reason 44 a tube v- 4c put to night l 4 a faucet 50 a vehicle b2 you v 63 a parent ab priscilla dean popular movie actress assumes role of an engineer otimnt is gcaixrteirewms inspector to tho acton town council or not charloy got a glimpse of one and fled for rtchr life yelllns ui his brnlfin thitcm ttfoln cottl mo q our own make the proud parents of a young hope ful purchased him a now go cart nod as it was a big event in their live they decided to wheel their offspring home in tho spickandspan vehicle out on the busy avenue they noticed folks looking at their outfit and smil ing- at first they thoughnt ust tia- turn i admiration for their firstborn but- as some snickers were heard they became perturbed tho iiorents glanced at baby but he looked as ustial finally the wife decided to walk ahead and look back to rioo what tho trouble was then shi got a good view of the equipage and to her horror she saw attached to the front of tho carriage a placard left on by the hop keeper jt read our- own moke best in towo i have em f have em those who planned the trick you may imagine wero not far away as they expeeted to see some action by charley you all can imaglno the questions they would ask as to what was the matter and when be told them how they would advise him to bo more moderate or as a last resort learn to leave tho whiskey alone ono of the party slipped into the house and finding the rest of the snakes threw them out and by dint of much persuasion got poor charley back into jed giving him assurance that be would see no more- snakes tha night as to what effect this had on charley i did not find out but 1 furnished many laugh at poor charleys expense among those in tho know mentioned the fire that consumed mrs secorda store in a former screed i believe it was caused by a man no names who crated by liquor and angered by a fancied insult hejhad been refused hiore drink beings in no condition to realise what he was doing got together material and went to ratwom adams stable in the rear of the secord place an near tfr mc- aarvlhs ho placed the stuff and tho fire started adams stallion kicked his way out and there wits a strenuous piece of work to provost hin rushing back into the burning building ho was finally saved by a blanket belnjr thrown over- his head and put in an other stable tho author of this loss and danger served some time in tho penitentiary in kingston another lesson teaching what a baneful thing liquor is there is much sold about the social side of indulgence in liquor and x will tell of such a case there was ft pro- man who lived j near here outside the village decent- and respected by all who knew her but nho had a falling la that when she would como in to tho village to dispose of her eggs butter under tbo diseases of animal acts ha been requested and has agreed to withdraw his resignation arrangements having been made to form an ambulanco class- for the local firo brigade the town will contribute 2 4s for the purcljaab of books bandages and splints r the acton town council has had an offer for tho attendance of a depu tation from tho safety first council to explain its work and methods and answer questions but it tools tin- action firemen f austin and t cooper have completed tnn vynn ffvrwuh the acton fire brlgude and applica tions has been mado to the national tptro brigades association for lonr service medals on friday evening the acton mao voice choir gave- its annual good fri day concert at the acton congrega tional church underj ihe chairman ship of the rev r davles the church was filled to overflowing william i stevens of idlocepjibo- road tooting was sumuioned at actou polico courlon wednesday for driv ing a motor bus in a manner danger- ous to the public at higjifltrcot acton the mayor of aeton and sir john and lady brickwood of portsmouth were ths godparents of pamela ceclle jktorecroft the baby daughter of mr and mrs c e h morecroft t su committee of tho acton tlown council has rcportcathat thirty one applications for the appointment of borough engineer havo been ro- cblved v the annual social of tho rtaff of alewrs- clifvord evans and co hlgh- stroet acton was held in the control hnll on wednesday and proved tobe a highly enjoyable gachertng numerous bhopkoopera and others have petitioned the acton town coun cil to have a direction post crectel at the four cross way o in acton- ian o opposite the railway electric substa tion and it was decided to agree to the proposal mr william david strong of the oldestablished and wellknown firm of messrs k d strong and ons ofj acton and second son of mr und mrs xfcr d strong 2 parkroadnorth acton was married on wednesday mornlng the wedding took place at st dun- s tans churoh east acton on- sun day of miss louie brazier daughter of the late mr t braxlor to mr j ootids only child of mr and mrs j w doads aoton vale- theltov ij jk m bavan officiated i it is an interesting fact that our musical and dramatle soclbtles are mostly associated with our churches the oldest and most flourishing of them the east acton musical und dramatic society is closely associated with stdupstans having considered the problepi from every angle and having turned down two proposals by the acton chamber of commerce the town council la now in a mood to allow the town to bear the expense of installing a system- of electric lighting for tho parjsh church clock it is reported to tho acton public health committee that a suspicious unknown person was seen one even- ingin the administrative- quarters and grounds pf the isolation hospital he vanished as quickly as he came dennis eloy a carman dfnorth kensington was charged oil remand at acton police court on wednesday with illtreating two horses by ovepv loading them at highstreet acton he was fined 10s much regret has been arouaed amongst the residents of acton hill and the neighbprhood by tho sudden death of tho age of 36 years of miss alice isabel lo goddapn tho popular manageress of messrs long and pea cocks- shop after an operation thrqohour services were general at the acton churches on good- friday and festal floral services on easter day for- tho first time within the memory of the oldest inhabitant a procession of witness wus held for tho parish church on friday evening much excitement prevailed in a room at the ministry of pensions of fices acton vale about 11 a m on thursday in lost week op it being ob served that somo files containing docu ments wore burning tvater was very quldkjy procured and- the fiomes ex tinguished as tho acton baptist church recently celebrated its- diamond jubilee it la interesting to note that tho- acton baptist church ontario was at che same time celebratlnff its twentyfiftn anniversary according to the acton fiueb press acton ontario canada tho representation by tho acton -hospital- council and others that tho regulations for the use of the new local motor ambulanco are much too stringent have been considered by tho ijlctonpubllchealuigommittee which will bear them in mind when those regulations arc reviewed in bix months time mr charles scot ting housepalntcr atpstthtaroad acton was out and about as usual on monday morning returning home about 245 p m- he complained of feeling very weak and went to bed ho lost consciousness and died during tho evoning from hem r prrhago of tho brain seen to be driving a pony and cart in a zigzag manner along highstreet on monday jas bartlett costermon- ger of north kensington was stopped by a constable- who took him to tho police- station where a doctor certi fied that he was drunk at acton police court on tuesday bartlett who aaldlt was tho first tlmo bo had been in any trouble was fined 20s and costs whop jamca wood a greengrocer of potersfleldroad acton was charge at aciun poi c on t with answer to last weeks puzzle no priscilla dean movie fietre not to bo the onglneer of th trans canada limited the only limited all phttrnn ncroaa canada evca though she donned an engineers garb ran- a- real tran- canada locomdtlve hnd acted as statloii master for one hour in toronto yongo street station priscilla is much interested in rail roading and was much intrigued with a canadian pacific railway ticket around the world the first coupon of which called for a journey on this train which beginning may 17 is scheduled to better its 90hour run be tween montreal and vancouver two cities nearly 3000 miles apart prisciwas blight eyeir open even wider with astdnjjjhment when aho was told that this wonderful train was fn reality ten fully equipped trains four of which are moving westward and four eastward at the nam time whll two additional tirains arra beinqr cleaned i and turned around one at vancouver arut the- otherat montreal and tor- onto tho equipment of ach train is limited to one bnggage car one din- lig car four standard sleeper onc 10compartment car vancouver ar1 j montreal and cnn iodflmpartment ci toronto and winnipeg with a drawlirs room v 3 compartment observation sleeper montreal and vancouver sleeping car passenger only are car ried and last year there was a one night use of approximately 100000 berths fori the 113 day 3 the train was fni service the east and west bound ijllyg h fi -w- fu il a day the seasons mileage tor tho 238 trips was 78743 miles or thmc times the distance from the earth to the moon sl- ther irr i eiittin run- rfally fn- clulinff he engine atop tlve rxziom make ory 1 atops on aeir crfimm-nti- tinent run osrfnjr to th necewltyif changinc ivtiit nrvw on smeh a lafuf ran abvjt 14 crrwa or- abcat 4 mii sm require for ne trlp on each trtn while l fltptjinfr nrti llnin car etii pioyees re at work each trip on a fllnsl train or nearly fla men for kt branch of im trxncana4 servjftt banff lalce lvvuik anji ih m5p wonders ct the canarfciri eoije jsier prove irresiiitlble- ro sincvrv as musiclana actors and aetrei movie starx among the- artists who hav 7tsuet sang qima cam- utv- aiii5jrrtr jahlsr jascha helfetr jarfc woz asr our own doug and mary irtn all rawea on canadft3 finest flyer tise traser canada- a distressing situation a question of anatomy that needed an immediate apswer came up during willies morning abolutlon says the family herald of montreal ma ma ho sobbed do my ears belong to my neck or my face why what is the matter was the temporising reply well you told mary to wash my face and shes washing my ears too saved by poverty how little things may change the whole courso of li ufa is cited ip the story of the late sign or crisp 1 who was twice prlmo minister of italy and was one of tho most distinguished statesmen of his day in 1858 while he was a refugee in paris he received two tickets for a performance of italian opera at which tho emperor and empross were- to bo present jubi as they were beginning preparation for tho evening enter tainment hie wife said francesco how about the icandlet they had exhausted their supply of candles and wero bo poor that they could not buy another so instead of going to the opera they went to bed as it happened this was the very night that orslnl mndehhr attempt or tho life ofxouis napoleon which was followed by the wholesale arrest of all tho italians in the neighborhood crispl was one of he most devoted adherents ofthe revolutionist mazxinl and his own arrest would havo been sure to result he had nptjjajiijipjnfljghqil the attempt of assassination was made the incident of the candle therefore must linvolmd ti direct bearing on the hf ofcrlapl and tin all probability averted a misfortune which would have ended his career evon before it was bogun the color of soap the white color emphasizes the purity which has made babyisqwnsoap so popular in canadian nurseries its soothing fragrant lather cjeanses and refreshes it is impossible to bny a purer soap than babys own soap beit for yon and baby too it pays to use marttnsenour 1003 pure paint varnishes i for every fapos- fir every sucfx varrte to head office mootmat for free boouet mome miktinc made east sold by wd talbot acton ontario free press job printing is always neatly done cruel indifferenqe being drunk while in charge of ahoroo and van at churchfioldroad a con stable said ho stopped accused be cause he wus swavmg fn his seat accused accounted for this by saying that ho was sitting on some cokor- jauts it would bo very hard for you to sit on cokernuts firmly ho added evidence was given that a doc tor- had certified that accused was under tho influenco of drink- and unlt to be in ohargo of a horso accused was fined 20s and costs cutting the price jiff rifrehttiteyes i a young matron jp whi9h the shop ping instinct was strong asked a ger man grocer the price of jard twenty- five cent a pounavhe replied but she said the- price at the next coriiof ls only 20 cbnts veil asked otto vy dont you buy it down there thoyhavent any she explnlned ou i see replied the grocer ven i dont havo any i sell it for 10 conts mrs bnclerly wife of judge endorly of a email lissourl town complainel ono day that she had accldently hwaltnwcd a button which she was holding in her mouth preparatory to attaching it to noma garment as u10 lady was ratler- given to making great ndo over trivial mls- haprand as the judge was much pre- ocouplod he did not pay muph heed sopn after hpwoycr finding her in tears r made kindly inquiry us tt their cause its yourheartless lninifferonco to ftn h bod the nrcgilcved llttlo woman didnt suppose youd- yrorry mubh be cause i swallowed a- 1 button but ii did think you might have taken enough interest in it to inqulro wwhat kind of a button it was wwwwu m keatings kills kill moths mmmmmmmmmmmm if youd like a little better tea than you are using please try red rose tea the same good tea for 30 year try ft you can get a degree of enjoyment just by looking at show windows seeing jhejcloclis pens you- might like to own but you cant be sure youd like them till you know their un seen merits what they do how well they do h how long theyll keep on doing it well when you look at advertisements in the free press yqn are looking at show windows that clisplay not only what you see but what ypu cant see the product its quality use pleasure to you all you want to know about it yours at a glance you don need to walk blocks to see whats new nor look at it in doubt nothing doubtful is offered it cant be doubtful and be widely advertised you are as sure of a products worth as if you saw it in a window asked about it examim ted it took it home and tried it the facts in advertisements are the facts of actual use you can get more than enjoyment out of these show windows at home you can get solid economy 1 read the advertisements in the acton free press they make your chaosing wise 1

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