Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 7, 1925, p. 5

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il attmt hint pre bb thursday may 7 1925 the mother and child with i ho ii t tliit was pure and u ic steins clear khu looked on a vorld full of wou ami lkkkd ylti a womunrt piihhlon- itr niiht icir ka thirfjj o pi ay let mo io 1- rtlu usit nil the utrcncth nf my tuincsl toul to teach them the way to thee ilut the li ther but drew her more closr unto him and answered hei puuiloimte plci i have many a- voice that la loud an 1 htrontf to peuk to the world for me juut ie no one to ulnff auullaby uon to tlifh wee little hiho but thoe and the- sour wb ho sweet and th hoiik wan no soft thai the bubo on her bosom smiled and the toiii1 tmt wts weary of nolso und of sulfo ijnw god in the mother and child eleanor scott sburple the sunday school lesson for sunday may 10 f to search for treasure in far north twenty years ago frcm tho tssuo of tho free press of thursday may 11 1005 hollo jald the nnu nerhant how do you find bumness by a j vertisink replied the uptodate mnn acton golf club waa rcoreanized laat evening- the green committee haa had some lino work put on the bowling rreon bower avenue the pant week air h cimsliaw actona skilful photo artist bah disposed of hla studio und business to mr jacolj uauer the womens institute held its an nual meeting and election of oillcers on friday evening us follows prcsl- dent mrs john cameron vicepresi dent mrs h p jvioore sec treasurer mlsa adah pyfe tho institute has fortyeight members and has just closed a successful year owing to the heavy rain last satur day tho opening of the baseball season was postponed until next saturday mr james ramahaw of crewsons corners has disposed of his blaclt- smith h op residence -and-iot- to- mr r leavens tho reception and assembly tendered to his friends in the town hall last thursday evening by mr arthur a white was tho most pretontlous and complete event of tho kind ever held in actn from tho time of the is suing of tho dainty invitation cards a month prior to the holdingof the tunc tlon until its complete consummation everything went forward as serenely ascarefulplans could ever accomplish the decorations by tho t baton co of toronto were magnificent and lent a charm over tho merry gathering the music contributed by the orchestra of tho 48th highlanders was highclass and thoroughly enjoy able and tho luncheon provided by the george s mcconkcy co of toronto was delect able matting was laid from the pave ment to tho door of the town hall and tho hall corridors and stairways were covered with crimson carpo tings the council chamber was utilised as dining room and tho o dices in tho hall as dressing roomb the tables- in the dini room were ha aomclydecor ated with silver cut glass candolebra and a profusion of roses and sweet peas the menu was a cold luncheon of six courses and was served with tho skill- chara cterls tic of the jvcll- kndwh caterer employed as tho guests entered tho assembly room they were received by mr white and mrs ct 7 smith and every effort was put forth to ensure enjoyjnent for all acton plre brigado will open the garden party season with a splondld affair in the park on june 2 an excellent programme consisting of vocal and instrumental rnuslc read ings etc- will he given under this auspices of the acton cornet band in tho town hall tonight the members of tho band will appear in their new uniforms which have just arrived the admission is 10 and 15 cents mr woodhall lato of rock wood hna opened a cake pastry and confection ary shop in mrs socord block tho flashlight photograph of mr whitos bo is now on exhibition at c jk gobtfevos store mr goodeve is taking orders for these we dare to smile nervous woman to persistent beg gar if i give you a piece of pud- ding yqult never return will you beggar well lady you know your pudding better than i do pouryearold bobby was stroking his cat before the fireplace in perfect content the cat also happy began to purr loudly bobby gazed at nor for a while then suddonly seized her roughly away from the hearth hiir tnother interposed you must npthurt kitty bobby em not bobby protested but ive got to get her away from tho are sho is beginning to boil teacher willie x did your fathci whip you for what you did in school yesterday wjihe no maam ho said the jlcklng would jburthhii more than me teacher what nonsense your father is too sympathetic willie its not sympathy maam its rheumatism the flaxenhaired scandinavian call ed at tho county office and staromcr- ingly asked for a license hunting license inquired tho clerjtr oh no said oio i bane hunting long enough i want to be married the courteous convicts a visitor to tho jail in a new eng land city wns much impressed by the manner of the few prisoners they seem so gentle and so polite sho said i knew there were no hard ened criminals here hut i was not pre pared for such courteous even cordial receptions oh theyre cordial and courteous alright said the jailor but id rather mvvo less mnnners mysplf you would and the visitor wan evidently shocked i would maam repeated the jail or six months ago one of the politest men i had here escaped one night and left a notefor me saying i trust you will parclon me for the liberty t take knowle8 and the cream thoologlans oc knox church gait are still talking of a rccorit sally by their former minister rev r e knowlcs at n public meeting in the first presbyterian church of that town the unionists minority of knox church has lined up almost to a man p yirst church which voted union i would hardly venture said mr knowles to say that tho cream ot 01d knox church has come over to ftirat but i think i might say that wo are tho whipped cream and tf we had not been whopped wo would not bo hero an oh that is prizad everywhere br thomas eelcctrlc oil whs put uiwn tho market without any flourish over fifty years ago it was put up to meet tho wants of n mpall section but as soon na its merits becameknown it had a whole continent for a field and it la known now and prized oyer the whole continent there is nothing to aqua it philu and xhk ethiopian tkkasukbr actii 8 3gj0 golden text- the entianre open ing ofthy words glvitll light pnlm 119 130 j time 35j7 a d place tho desert tho text explained 1 a gicat preacher sent into i desert philip waa in tho midst of a great work in samaria and now lie waa leave all this and go down to a deer road to meet a single individual and lead him to christ this shows t- importance of personal woik and the value of a- single soul philip hud learned tho highest form of wisdom the wisdom- of dplng just what th lords bids you he waa a man guided of god because ho waa so earnestly looking for guidance and bo prompt in obeying faiths best proof 1 obedience heu 11 8 2 a great statesman seeking tho way of life 27b 28 if we just go the way god bids aaulng no questions it will noon begin to develop why god has sent us this man waa a great person but that wns not why philip was sent tp him but because he was a sincere seeker after truth verse 27 laat clause 30 31 31 36 c fjno 7 17 psalm 25u this statesman evidently considered re ligion a matter of auijlcient impoit- nnce to bestow much time trouble and expense upon it he had gome to jer usalem for to worship no wonde god cave mare light to a man who ww so earnestly following the light he hud in verso 28 r v la a lesaon on how to study tho bible and how to im prove tho time when traveling it was while engaged in a study of the word that god revealed to the ounuch the fuller truth this indicates tho reason why somo of us never get these rovela- tions from god evidently luko be lieved that isaiah wrote tho latter part of the prophecy of irjatah most of us if we have to chooso between the authority- oruukdanathafortho german infldels will bo content to abidtpby the authority of luke 3 personal work in a chariot 29- 35 it is evident from the record hero that god does not expect us to spoak to every one wo meet about his sal vation but that if wo watch for hla leading as to whom to approach ho will give it there ore many of us who never heard tho spirit say to uo go speak to that man is it becauso wo are not listening keenly enough to catch the still small voice 7v it is well to note carefully that tho first two words tho spirit spoke to philip go noar iff wo are to win men to christ that is tho way to begin one of tho great mistakes tf a large portion of the church torday is that wo are try ing to save men from a distance it is an unusual sight to see ono man running after another to speak to him about christ that was tho only way philip could catchhls man it is tho only way wo can catch many whom tho lord wishes us to save wo wait for mento ohtfor n7 very pertinent question if put to us stand est thou what thou readest a very pertinent question and yot would not some of us think it impertinent jf put to us tho eunuch answered how can i except aomo ono shall guides mov therfils one always ready anslalwaya at hand to guldo ub jt is very important that wo should understantrwhatworettor tttethunqch was thoroughly in earnest in his searchy for truth ho besought this unknown worker to come into his chariot and sit with him that ho might point out to him the meaning of gods wor1 it was indeed providential that he was reading a passage that so clearly ex pounds tho atoning work of jesus tho eunuch asked a question that went right to the heart of tho nlaster of whom spcaketh tho prophet this of himself or of some other man it is always well to know exactly of whdm any scripture speaks but there is no passage where this ques tion i more vital than in isaiah 53 if it refers to the messiah then be yond tho possibility of honest- ques tlon jesus of nazareth was the pre dicted messiah and it docs refer to the messiah and to jesus infldels and rationalists have labored hard to ln- vont somo other interpretation but every attempt has ended in utter fall- ure the most plausible theory that they have advanced is that it refers to suffering israel but this theory goes all to pieces to the rock that the sufferer is represented as suffering for the sins of others than himself and tho others for whoso sins he is suffer ing are my people lo israel isa- s fl fvld thn not be israel ono can begin at al most any scripture and preach jeauv for jesus is tho central subjeat of all scripture this chapter is full of tho christ 4 belloving baptized and rejoic ing 36-40- tho treasurer promptly accepted tho truth and jesus if tho eunuch had been like many modern seekers after truth ho would have thought of a scoro of things that would hlndor his being baptized but he was not mere ly in pretense but in reality an honest inquirer so when he found tho truth ho threw difficulties to tho winds and obeyed it philip does no hesitate but immediately baptizes him philips work is done and the spirit takes him away seemingly he is caught awuy as by a hurricane c f 8 ki 2 lfl the eunuch must now learn- to look directly to jesus himself this ho docs he does not ask forphlllp now that h has fuund jihub he weill oa his way rejoicing with a newfound joy a joy- those only know who re ceive jesus it is clear from this story that one can learn and accept alt one needs to know about jesus in a few hours this ethlopion treasurer had never heard of jesus before and yet us the result of this ono conversation about him he gains such a complete knowledge of him that ho is fit to be baptized and to be sent on his way rejoicing to found n church in ethiopia and too before n single gospel had boon written which ho would carry with him to gain further instruction great indeed is the simplicity of tho way cf life in christ jesus philip on hla part makes his way from city to city proclaiming the glad tidings in every city ho entered l dily roadlnas for next wk monday may 11 saul the prosecu tor acts bl3 9 1 2 tuesday may 12 snuj becomes n christian acts 9 318 wednesday may 13 tho story ns told to agrlppa acts 26 1220 thursday may 14- jesus and nico- demus john 3 18 friday may ib the conversion of kacchaous luke 10 110 saturday may 16 salvation by the faith 1 john 5 112 sunday may 17 dohfeabrm and forgiveness psalm m 17 facts about tea series no 6 appeara of tea no guide the only way to test tea is to taste it many people have the idea that a finely rolled and tippy tea is superior in flavour to a large rough leaf in reality this is hot of necessity the case the altitude at which ttite tea plant grows determines the amount of essential oil and alkaloid theine in the leaf the essential oil gives tea its flavour the theine contributes the stimulating value the only way to insure always re ceiving a uniform quality is to insist upon a skilfully blended and scientifically sealed tea like salada whose reliability good ness and delicious flavour have become a household word railway time tables radian n at acton ooinrj west no 20 809 ojo no 31 1045 am mo 33 i 229 pjn no 36 g 00 pm no 39 830 pan nfo sunday 10il am going eaat no 26 t 721 am no 30 r l 127 am no 34 335 pbb no 36 617 pm no 38 8i3 pjtn no 24 sqndny i 708 pjn pivo men from hull enghftid all unmarried and of ages ranging from 22 to c9 sailed fiom llverpdol recently by canadlun pacific s s montclaro on the quest of a rich vein of silver said to bo hidden in no mans land of tho great northwest- tiao mlno s claimed to- bo in the vicinity of tho mackenzlo river district of- alaska and is located in a cliff hundreds of miles from civilization tho last port beforo striking tho trail will he tho port of wrangcll alaska thoparty is led by john riloy engineer aged go who had much experience in tho klondike gold legion tho rest of tho party are thomas thompson bailor aged 2g josepn millard jeweller aged 22 robert plemming aged 3g und ernest starke confectioner aged 32 when they find tho mine they will stake it und return to england to form a company for its development as hoy passed through saint john n b- the party waa full of confldenco and hope to return to tho old country by next october a judges nine points rvl the episcope a young pronch aurgton of paris has invented an apparatus called the eplncope thai will enable medical students in an adjoining room to ob serve every detail of an operation without disturbing either the operat ing surgeon or tho patlont the ap paratus which consists mostly of lights and mirrors produces an en larged plcturo of the operation and a loud speaker carries the comments of the surgeon- in keeping with thp policy of giving nevtjjy naturalized citizens aomo good advice upon their assuming tho duties of citizenship a judge laid down nine points far the- benefit af a group of more than ono hundred whom ho had just naturalized ho said dovoto mourbdjf to selfimprove ment and to citlclency in your occupa tion establish ofirnfhy bo neighborly with neighbors cultivato friends respect your parents be loyal to your wife educate and bring up your chil dren to be useful citizen save and guard your savings bewaro of tho man who wants to sell you a gold brick thqso aro good commandments for all citizens whether foreign born or not especially valuable is his sug- bummer rain geotloirfor ael f improvcm cntr even tho busiest of persons could usually find a half hour or more each day for the study of somo useful sub jects or tho leading of good boboks which would lntimo add greatly to his culture as well as to his earning capa city tho average boy or young man hug much leisure time but how many put it to profitable use town boys often spond hours watching a pool game or in sonp other equally useless pastime when they might bo fitting thomsolvea for a good job tho judge quoted above knows what ho is talking about and his advice id worthy of earnest consideration by all who deslro to be useful citizena corns cripplo tho foot and mako walking a torture ye sure lellef in the shape of holloways corn remover it within reach of all delayed last moments in the battle of frledhind on juno 14 1807 there was a young lieutenant in napoleons army named schramm when the victorious goneral was rid ing over the battle field that evening ho came upon the eighteenyearold officer lying upon the ground weeping bitterly why do you weep asked napoleon as ho rode by because i must dio before i cap become a captain the youth com plained r tho words of the dying youth soft ened tho empetorh heart my son jaballglad ly f u 1 1 1 1you rwis hesaidv t hereby advance you to tho rank cf captain tho uhoxpoctod promotion actuap saved the boys life he recovered later on ho fought mobt valiantly fot tho cause f napoleon and by tho time of the battle of waterloo ho irntl al ready become a general ho outlived his last moments on tho field of friodland by more than seventy years a real asthma raliotv dr j d kelloggs asthma remedy has never been advertised by extravagant state ments its claims arc conservative in deed when judged by tho benefits it performs jfflxpect real relief and per manent benefits when you buy this remedy and you will not have cause for disappointments it gives a per manent relief in many cases whero other so called remedies hav utterly failed between ourselves proverbs aro often a discourage ment theieu many a slip twlxt th- cup and the up would almost do tor you from drinking tho west wine f life look beforo you leap often j prevents you from leaping at all thesb aro tlia cautionary proverbs glvo them only their duo weight 3o in and win is bettor right is might is still better to do light in scorn of consequences ih tho nemo of hu man endeavor tho overoautloun v make a great venture while they arc looking over tho hedge and- measuring thanlitch on tho other side tho hunt hns swept on we must lalw time by the forelock hes bald bo- hlnd thore aro times to bo cautious but often thero are times to bo bold and aggressive to risk all to gain all tho great adventurers have opened up the world have malo iho wilderness tho granaiy of tho nations and tho des ert to blossom as the rose they did not linger shivering on tho brink unci fear to launch away had him there one of the ablest biihiness men in tho woi id lord loverhulmo never mlnceh matters whan temlm lug ad- viiee on buslnefbnffars no man he is reported to have said could run a successful business if ho allowed his assistants to smoke in tho shop tobacco has its right placo but not in huninehm hourh the man who smokes at business reduced his efficiency to which a wag retorted that he dad always smoked at iiih business and profited by it indeed demanded lord lover- hulmo what do you amoko cig ars m lnoj haddocks no matter how greatly rain mj bo needed there will always be some people to complain when it comes tho man for example who is having hla liouae painted tho boy who had a date to pla ball tho sundayschool that has a picnic scheduled persons gen erally whose minds for the day has been set upon thought of festivity but to the gardener tho farmer anl tho dwellers in clty or country who have been aftilcxed with dust and glare and heat nothing that summer has to offer is more welcome than a day nf dull skies and tool air and gently drop ping rain too many people who are on vaca tions allow such a day t0 bo one of waste and discontent and confess themselves hpred thero is quite un necessary dread of rain of wet grass and muddy roads the disinclination to venture out in wet weather 1b worth rrvercomirnr a rainyday tramp in the country or even along suburban streets has pleasurcrs of its own in stead of tho shrill humid sounds ol summer the orchestration of grass hoppers and crickets thero is a softer accompaniment tho quiet drip on fields and roadway varied with tho thump of big drops from trees or the oaves tiio occasional trill of a hidden bird the gurgle of little rivulets rac ing down tho hillsides as for tho ear so for tho eye there are many pleasures not to bo enjoyed in sunny weather hills partly obscured by the rain with outlines softened or blurred arc hardly less picturesque than hills on which lie sunshine and shadow walking in tho rain you can almoit see tho grass that has looked brown and dull taking on a richer hue the thirsty earth soaks up the rain and drinks and gapes for drink again the plants suck in jho earth and are with constant drinking fresh and fnlr pcoplo who take advantage of i rainy day to make themselves com fortable antlcontent over a good book do well those who take advantage of it to go out and tramp in the rain do better v tho indications of worms aro rest lessness grinding of the teeth picking of the nose extremo peevishness often convulsions under these conditions eno of the best remedies that can be got is millers worm powders thay will attack the worms as soon ns ad ministered and they pass away in the evacuations the little sufferwiljbo a good home fruit garden is a great asset to any family it provides an abundance of appetizing and health ful food and often prevent children from yielding to temptation and hook ing apples from tho neighbors for tho home garden the varieties planted should cover the season well and be of good to very good quality if such trees are available early summer two of tho hardiest and best early summer apples aro tet ofsky and yellow transparent fet- ofsky is thd better quality for deatlng but fs rather small tmd bears only every other year the yellow transparent is the best for the home garden crimson beauty a highly colored variety and hardy is very early but is inferior in quality summer tho principal summer ap- pln fw rnmmorfii is tllo duchess of old en burgh and this is a very re liable sort for home use as well but the quality is not good enough for a dessert apple for tho home garden tho melba originated at tho experi mental farm ottawa will it is be lieved soon take tho place of tho duchess the lowland raspberry is a russian variety of good quality in some parts of the maritime provinces williams favorite does weir and it is in quality autumn the wealthy u tho out standing autumn variety for the homo garden as it comes into bearing early tho trees bear heavily and tho fruit in good for both eating and cooking early winter tho fame use and mcintosh are tho two most deslrablo varieties for home ubo of thlseoason and if only one is planted it should bo the mcintosh where it will succeed the coxorunge pippin is an excellent sort for tho home use but this hi not suitable for the colder sections grimes golden is also a goodone- winter- where they will succoed some of the best winter apples for the homo garden are tompkins king tho northern spy and delicious but tho lust variety on account of its mild flavor is not very suitable for cook ing for the cold6r sections there are no good hardy late keeping apples to compare in quality with the above but the bethel scott winter and goldeu russet all keep well and are amopg the hardiest w t macoun dominion horticulturist v immediately enflod and a return of the attack will not be likely where the blossoms are thick in these spring days if you go out for wild flowers you will not look for the choice blossoms in the accessible places the arbuius for example no longer grows in tho spots near town but if you walk far enough and climb high enough you will find fho blos soms thick n tho easy jobs aro tho hardest ones to get because there are so many cf tho people of the world who want them if you are looking for something that requires littlo preparation and as little exertion tho competition will be fear ful your best chanco is in trying for tho bfiggor opportunities thoso out of the reach of tho unambitious tho lazy and tho unenterprising go far enough climb high enough and you will find abundanco in place of scarcity real poverty is only a temporary interference for a boy with ambition brings a blessing that most of us aro trying to escape never injures anyone as much as envyinganothors wealth consists not of a scarcity of things but a scarcity of ideas works its greatest injury aftor wo become contented with it imposes fewer handicaps than un earned wealth is no cause for humiliation unless one is unwilling to work br soper drwhite hneculliu in oiseasu of 8 kin blood nerrei uladdcr and special ali ments of men one visit rdrltahle if irapaanim send history for free opinion and ad vico question blank and book on dlaeaie of meh free conaultntlon rrse medicine famlilied in tablet form uoari 10 am to 1 pm aud 2 to 6 pm snndnya 10 am to l pm drasopera white ft toronto fltrvcftvuroato out apples of good quality for the home garden mothers enn easily know when their children are troubled with worms and they lose no tlmo in applying a reli able remedy mother graves worm exterminator life latent in the dust the potentialities of life that he in a fow ounces of soil as illustrated by a writer in answers muy prove a matter of interest to gardeners and other botanical experts one year in the month ofi february says the writer alluded to mr darwin remov cd from three different parts of a small pond three tablespoonfuls of mud that weighed in nil six and three- quarter ounces he placed it in a breakfast cup and kept it covered in jiis study for six months at the end of that time he had removed from it five hundred und thirtyseven distinct plants another interesting experiment waa carried on by a scotch gentleman a few yuura ugo in a patch of soil taken from a hedge about twenty- eight inches deep he planted a dozen acorns and took note of tho number of plants that grew from seed naturally contained in the soli at the end of the year he had takci out as thoy came up flftyflv plants the following year fiftysix more plants were removed and in the two succeeding years two hundred and eleven an oil for all men tho sailor tho soldier the fisherman the lumberman the outdpor laborer and all who arc exposed to injury and the olements will find in dr thomas eclectrlc oil u true and faithful friend to- case pain ro- lieve colds dress wounds subdue lum bago andovercomo rheumatism it is excellent therofore it should have a place in all home medicines and be amongst those taken on a journey a successful memory system the lato laurence button used o say that having 4o take a little trouble would impress a fact on anyones memory so that he would never bo able to forget it in illustration ho would tell this story our waitress maggie never could remember to put the salt on tho table and tlmo after tlmo mrs hutton would remind her to do it i morning it was absent as usual and i said to hir maggie where is the stepladder its in tho pantry air please bring it in maggie i naij kindly maggie brfaght it with n look f wonder on her face put it beside tho tablet 1 com manded and when she had done so i added now i want you to climb up to the top of it look all over tho tabic and sco if there is any salt there maggie never forgot the salt again lt pays fo use martin senour nfarblbite fl00e finish nothing like it for hardwood floors rt wettrs like iron wrrte tohead office montreal foe free booklet home -rainting-maoc- kasv sold by w d c talbot acton ontario canadian national electric railways westbound dally ixcopt sunday 7jhs am dally 943 am dolly 113 jn daily 14a pm dally 343pm bally 543 pan dally 743 pjn dally j d43 pm dally 7 1232 nm eastbound dolly 743 oin dally except sunday 943 jn dally dally dally dally dally dally dally frtujht delivered by special express flrelffhl freight picked up at any ad dress in toronto 114s 143 343 543 743 943 1 140 pm p m pjn pm pjn- pm look money take notice that we will hantheyour troublesome notes and acc on a strictly commission basis no collection no charge we placo 34 years experience at your disposal and assume ail your collection troubles send us your flfat we will do the rest no note or account is considered too small too largo too old or too far away we will tackle any honest debt j aiken collectors orangeville owen sound j m aiken manager jos 1 kelly manager reference sterling bank of canada t e gibbons expert shoe repairing promptattention to order8 left t e gibbons main street oricinal cream separators make money for farmers with t tho cream joes not escape down tho mttk spout it goes into tho cream pail and makes you money it will skim as clean twenty years from today as when new becauto the suspended bowl never ets out of alignment never vibrates and causes vipples on the milk which prevent perfect separation the melotte is unique in this respect and the favorite of dairy men through out the world come in and examine this famous money maker with confidence ferguson bros ballinafad ont phon georgetowns r 6 jsrpavfnpfo j33jkhmohd3tsl- nento canada castoria mother fjetchers castoria is a harmless substitute for castor oil paregoric teething drops and soothing syrups prepared to relieve infants in arms and children all ages of constipation wind colic flatulency to sweeten stomach diarrhea regulate bowels aids in the assimilatioiyof food promoting cheerfulness rest and natural sleep without opiates to avoid imitalions always look for lic tisnattire of caxca sloven directions on ench package physicians everywhere recoairacni it as indispensable as the telephone as indispensable as the telephone is now a favourite blogan used by many large manu facturers in their advertising when de scribing their goods a frank recognition that speed of communi cation is the most vital factor in expanding business and social life indeed a firms position in the business world may bo fnirlyjudged by tho extent to which it uses the telo- rriione and especially lang distance we now handle an average of over 41000 long d6- tanoe calls a day ii cost a f amity la than t oite oftntioj outlatf does your watch keep time try our repair de partment we are getting wonder- ful results and we know we can please you savage co jewellers v guelph ontario

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