Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 7, 1925, p. 6

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v v births marrisca and death are now charrtl lor at toe following- rate births soc marriascs 50 deatht jjoc memorial 50c juarriagcs 50 ueatbf 50c cards 50c 10c per liqe extra jor poems died pattoxxo in orangevlllb on sun day may 3 1925 anno qtlchrlut beloved wife of joaoiih fattullo police magistrate in her 8gth year 1 an memoriam iambgrt iri lovlncr momory of mro math las lambert who passed away april 29 1922 atondor wife a moth or it car has gono and left ua mourntiff herej sho ported from this world of pain but only died to livo again wo loved her oh no tonguo can toll how much we loved hor and how well qod loved her too and thought it boat to tako her homo with him to reat her loving husband and chhjrbn neighborhood news- town and country limehouse llmehouao womona imitituto will hold tholr annual meeting in the community hall today thursday eloction of ofllccro will tolco placo churchill j l attxmv1ttba thursday may 7 w2e brief local items itov and mm mcdonald of london spent last week at- the home of mr- and mrs john smith mr- mcdonald returned to hla pastoral duties on sat urday but mra mcdonald romaihod for another week miba carrie iyder of arkoll spent a jfow days during tho wook with mr and mrs arthur swnckhanlor the acton chamber of commerce na88agaweya dust auch fow i m it next sunday will bo mothera day 6radayrtttnyawm day thio pretty apple blosoma will moqon bd hero again may days suowery- sides wero tho delight of the trout fishermen may came in with tho showera that were expected in april it will be noted by wether foilta thatvwe had a flurry of snow on may 1st trie average temperature of apru was about ave degrees higher than usual knox church sunday school now meets at 10 a m for the eummor months dr allan who is eighty years of age has raslgnod from tho postmaster- ship or arthur young man write a letter toyour mother so she will receive if bar next sunday mothers day mays reputation for worm spring woatherhos suserod so for- when con- trasted wtttrlhar oraprlfc j plant flowcra and then plant some more nothing mokes a town morel attractive than a profusion of brilliant blooms zacton now has six gas filling sta tions this should be sufficient to meet tho demands even in the busiest periods tho only difference between the dime novel of yesterday and the novel oc today is about ono dollar and ninety cents a good thing to remember and a better things to do is to- work wich tho construction gang and not with tho wrecking crew tho blossoms will be on tho fruit trees presently and the nhrwllt be filled with tho fragrance oh but isnt this a glorious old world t it doesnt take much of anything but just a little willingness and a little energy to make a great improvement in your surroundings tho farmers ore qulto free in their expressions of appreciation of the the splendid fouract play of the earth which won favorable comment in acton weeks ago will bo given in the town hall brookvllle on friday oven in j under tho auspices of naoaagawoya young womens institute the samo cast of chardejtora will playwlth mrs a ostrandepaa director tho acton methodist sunday school xfrc nostra will provldothe musical section mr avjreldwill bo the chairman lorne school lome school report for april is ad follows jr iv leslie swackhamor wilfrid mcbachern loona waller st m ted harrop verna murray willie harrop chrlsslo bwackhamer jr ill corlnne macdonald tholma graff brandon crowson roy donny marry murray ruby murray st ii laura johnston wollaco- swackhamor class i etta swackhamer graco graff douglas guthrie 1 isabel anderson teacher dublin otl ri samo aide of streets around tho actoncouncubactlon indedinlngto c oasundoy endorse daylight saving there will be a mothers choir at tho morning service of knox church next sunday when the annlrersary of mothers pay will be celebrated a mothers day service will be held in the methodist church next sunday morning rev mr culp will preach a sermon appropriate to tho occasion canadian parcel poet rates to points in thevunited states have jump ed two cents a pound the old rate of 12 contsvras advanced to 14 cents on may 1 numbers of wild flowers are bloom ing now hepattcas trilllums ctintj iackitfthepulplta are to be found profusely in some of the country groves powers off has been rather frequent announcement the pairt week tho main transmission line of the hydro service has been under repairs at guelph trout flherman were out in full force on friday the first of may the weather was unpropttious for full creels though some of the fishermen are able to report good sport owing to the date for the election of tho new bishop of niagara being fixed for thursday hay 1th the bat- ttm deanery choral festival will be held on ascension- day may hmu if you have any friends visiting you tell it to the fjua pmtss your visitors have friends who would te glad to know- they ore here and would like to know where to call on them workmen are engaged in adding a second storey to the machine shop building at the plant of the acton tanning company this will add a very considerable area of space to this building j resolutions redactor the number of town constables from three to two and amending the milk bylaw to make pasteurization of ail but certl- fled milk compulsory were features of oakvllie town council session monday night owing to a misunderstanding be tween local clubs the baseball schedule published lost week fsbehr changed and a meeting for that purpose will be held in georgetown on thursday evenlngj the new schedule will appear next week tho trout fishing season la open- some fishermen evidently will be well informed if they note that the law says you shall not take a f trout under ubvh lnobea jong a days thb toltowiiig is the honor roll for dublin school for the post month br iv margaret waldte donald mcdougall sr xh toward webstor jr hi lawrence webster henry kuy- r st ii billy mcpheraon rachol kelly stewart ruddlck wilmer fryer wilfrid waldle walter fryer sr i annie black jr i hazel waldle signa webster jr prime- viola robertson boa- trice kelly m 6rr teacher oakvltle the mayors proclamation adopting daylight saving from may 3 to sep- tcmber 2 waaj publlshed last tvoek the promoters of the shoe factory were in town on tuesday in search for a suitable building mayor robinson purchased the resi dence of the late- j d davis on reynold street at the- executors sale on saturday oakville drew with goodyear at now toronto lost saturday the final score beingone all it was a great game chief kerr is enforcing the new ttftfflc bykcwand motorists should remember that all cars must be parked busy brtaiv businesslike session held lust thursday evenino thoro wnd a good attondance at the regular monthly mcotine of th chamber of commerco last thurduy evening president r m mcdonald directed tho proceedings tho replies to tho advoftlaemonta for n oultablq factory to locato in the vacant ryder fe mowat building wore qulte numerous and lndlcatloiia aro that u desirable industry will soon oc cupy tho building a special commltteo composod of mesara j m mcdqnaul its hqimem w a storoyand jan symon wero up- pointed to intervlow one of the mpat likely proapeots the secretary road two communi cations from tho toronto suburban railway relative to tho equalization of fares rpquestod at a previous mooting and consideration for acton was pro mised when the matter of gen oral re- vision comes up this yoai tho proposition was dihcusacd that had been vaguolyjmt before tho coun cil by tha messrs beardmoro co who are considering bringing ono of tholr subsidiary toronto factories to j acton this plant would employ from 25 to 40 men messrs x m mcdonald and n h garden who were prosont explainoft thnt all that would likely bo ox pec ted would bo a fixed asress- mont for ton ycara in other words they did not wish to bo nssossod or penalised foi enlarging tlioir plant or bringing in f another factory for tho torm of ton years the chamber of commerco went on record as favoring tho proposal and whon dotalls iwero gone into if- for the boat interests of acton would bo gladf to help put tho project through membership wall cards wero ordered to ho printed and tliose will bo supplied mombers to hang irj their places of business the students who wott standing sprino term j school with nomas of thos 8uccoful the following spring term roport of acton higii schooj students otund- ing in of interest form iii m i ton watson hon helen coxo hon muriel crouaman archlo kerr mnrguret young form iijmarjjarot grlndcll hon trono junn -mary- chalmersr klvin gamble gprdon huffman and kddlo gibbons equal rouo 2uluer anna allison form i merle stewart hon fred day hon mac stewart gladys scnrrow ada mills arthur honder- son raymond lambert stewart laft- by notoonly those students aro re ported who were present for every ex amination who take no subjects in u lower form and who rccolvcd at least g0 on each paper written tho names aro in order of merit e mow principal mmercialized omoihwtcyaltylas ebsamnsaameasbtjaz damiflsher mfc co- 1003 isnrjirlit avornio stluijm tho members of the oakville baee- ball team and tholr frlenda ore to be conjnutulated upon thosucceut of tholr two minstrel shows held in the greg ory theatre on thursday and fkday erealnss of last week tho flrat annual boy scout birth day party was hold on friday even ing in the banquet- hall of the 2aasonlc temple over atxtyftve families were represented by parents scputs- and cubs about two hundred and fifteen people sat down to well laden and artistically decorated tabloa nowb rockwood catch roust not exceed twenty flbb and not more than ton pounds the last bulletin of the canadian weekly nowsitapers association says merchants should not complain if the customers get bis packages from- the mail order houses when they them selves are doing the same thing in tho purchase of thelf printing and other goods some are wondering if it will be noccssary to carry lights on baby car riages at night now that legislation has been enacted empowering munici palities to put into effect a law requir ing all vehicles- to carry lights we cun see trouble ahead if an attempt to enforco this should be tried qarleton place canadian messrs q b richardson s it peart 8 8royce of waverly bodge guolpb and biros mclean ofwalker lodge acton accompanied other members of guelph xde on a visit to washlng- tonljodge buffalo on thursday tho trip being mado by motor they re port a real good time the continuing presbyterian church bore in bockwood held their first ser- vloes last sunday in the fylends church the bev mr mcareger of toronto preached to large attentive congregations morning and evening he also spoke at eden mills in the afternoon considering the break du to th vote on the question of church nnionwecanhot help but look for definite results in the distant future and it is the belief of your corres pondent that in tho course of time a larger union will take place resulting in missionary activities on a broad and stronger foundation one of- our public schoolteachers lusa isabel sanderson was threaten ed with appendicitis last week she removed to her home on sunday we hope for a speedy recovery and return to our midst before- the spring term isoverc mr j j craig public school inspec tor was in the village last week- ist wednesday evening your cor respondent had the pleasure of seeing in the castle theatre in guelph the characters in whlttlerv poem bar bara frietchle also some of the early- settlers landing on america soil and others trekking west in the old prairie schoonersond the buffaloes on the plains also the troublesome times between the north and south down in maryland in the time of stonewall jackson those who have th quaker doets poems within roach would dp well to look up- the dbovo mentioned poem and depend on theh- lmaglnation to get sorae understanding of the he hmitnly inlnlnl police court news j mcdouffall ebqueelnff was charg ed byw a chapman county cbn stable with holng intoxicated in i public place on april 25 before police magistrate mooro on monday ho pleadedsullty and-wasflned- 10-ttn4- coats defendant said ho has a script from- ho family doctor filled at a drug store for a cold ho unfortunately took too much with the result ubovo stated i james mills the weston man whom inspector reovely arrcated with liquor in hlscarnkir brampton and who was fined 200 and costs and had his car impounded for thrco months was charged j by chief mcpherson with speedine throueh acton the same day tho caso camo before maelstrafo moore on friday and a penalty of 10 and costs was imposed reginald brown who created a dis turbancelast friday night was taken to milton jail he came before police magistrate moore at brampton satur day morning pleaded guilty and was fined j10 and coats w a chapman chief of pollca j milton charged a sherwood with he- lag intoxcalted on the 25th of april i defendant came before police magltj 4rate mooceon tuesday and ploadou ffiuuty he said he had mado some parsnip- wine and it hdd a bigger kick than ho expected and became iritoxl- cated but its the last time ho said pillulm flur fflitrl d never never will get enough lea cresm ods nil i dont want to says the candy witch well thby wont hurt unyone theyre nuro and theyre thirst quenching so why shouldnt you and your chlldhpod and your friends havo all you want of tlfeti our candy makes good be cause its made goqd- obituary mrs sarah mcleod at her home atgeorgetownoll-mon- day april 27 mrs sarah mcleod widow of the late william mcleod for many years reoyo of georgetown anj former warden of hal ton county died in her 81st year jmrs ikfobeod was a daughter of the late jamas bar r hor and was prominent in the church and social hfo of thot village being for morv than twentylive years treasure of jtho womens foreign missionary society at the- prcobyterlan church she is survived by three daughters- mrs herbert b henderson of goorgo- tawn mrs herbert mwotherald of toronto and miss agnes f of george town and two bona james b and norman i of toronto saturday treat fresh maple peanut that summer candy thtt overybody loves rog- ioo jb saturday- treat 25c lb weekend chocolates j insure your next winters comfort by buying coal now agreement botweon miners and oper ators expires august next and thero will ho ii strike whlcii will make coal yory scarce and dearer during may wo can flu up your bin with quality coal at a roahonaljlei pricoj nut si2e cool for may order only 1400 per ton stave size coal- for may order only 1450 per ton on april lut nil njines started preparing kou over different slzo screens which mikfl ruxvde smaller and furnaco wlao larger place your order with mr norman mcleod j 0 mackenzie esce1si0r mi90sunui acnmruiuupruus oh lntsaay acton ont ttht j u can you remember the name try it then order it and try it excelsior flour acton flour and feed mills h lind8ay proprietor mill street acton ont a good hhsortblont of hard and soft centres roff 6lc and 6ffb lb saturday special 32c lb velvets 39c lb a friend of everybodyo rog 60o and 60c lb saturday 39e lb or 20c i lb special for saturday froh strawbrry 8undo with whippod crsam srvca jtbrsaleinabgooddrug stores drfcaldwelvs laxative syrup pepsin slimmer hats 1 are how on display all tho nowest and prettiest colorlngb in tho largor hats tot summer wear we know wo have juat what you want let 08 show you triem miss j galbraith millinery nd fancy goods store phdh109 actoh ont f good tfifoigs tbeat v erom sprys meat shop every time we fill an order we get a gceat deal of pleasure out of knowing that it is another package of good things to eat jrom sprys meat store wetcnow we can please our customers daily by serving them with stricuy firstclass meats which our long experience has taught us hovto serve once a customer always a friend is our motto f j spry successor to orrie lamb jwill and main streets acton ont the american flag from tho balcony of her home congratulations to william bridget jr and acib bessie hendoriiqn who wore married in the anglican church jn slmcoeon april 18 thoy were at tended hy miss jean 2brranco and fred paasmdre after tho coromony the htppy couple motored up for tha weekend mias jean torrance -accom- panyingtnem and returning the fpl- lowinareyenliiarr the school bell refuses to ring the daylight saving time methodist sunday school orchestra officers elected at tha annual maatino for the igurrent yaar at tlto annual meeting of the metho dist sunday school orchestra oh mon day evening the ollowlntf ofllccra were ejeeted for the year hoit prea mr a t brown supt of sunday sohool frealdentr-rmr- john c hill lender miss itue maaovi asst loader mr rudplpb bpl- vi y- j soctraaa mr j cj matthowav pianist miss ixirna jconnedy asst pianist miss olga moors ubrarian mis hnl maaon it la the intenuon ot t omjhaatra to neetire a rapertolm of hfw moalc and mrran tv3ltimiisap- pllcauons from musleiliiul mr qrinr- ahlp in the orehmtm wurmicwved and oonjldersil i actons sun was slowly rising oer tho hills so far away pilling all tho land with bounty at the dawn of ono aod day ann the first rays idssd tho forehead of a man just waked from sloop waiting but to- do- his duty though each childish heart should weep long long years baa rung the school- bell from its gloomy shadowed tower s every morning at eight-thirty- it has told the sohooltlme hour but twas to bo daylight saving nq will it rain tomorrow consult this weather ivbphet it predicts the weather for w0rk or plea6urb demonstration tha bohoor boflrdhaildeotced oint ur ahead would tha old boll ring no never and tho bell arljivinthirty now rlnav an hqu ahead at the ilrst puir from below down the groat tongue dropped protest whle the bell swung to ajutfito vl ami the story of the old bail and what hasi tairmm v- shall be told in- long yoar aftr as he rays of morning sun light the sky with rosy deauty sged alrts both waalt and worn shajitell the children why tho sohool- twffjiiaiietw thcjtpndyi otoersh ljy acton rltj- fuiysspfjtiiy r with slncomjlojlss wntt hart- wick thorpe ailthor tf curtew mti not ring xdnliht j -r-v- this on good for 100 wsatner houss prophet msds in canada guarantsadan ideal gift it is surprisingly reliable on local weather conditions mado on strictly sblontiflc principles we havo nocurcd a spoclul prlcoon n quantity and ns long a thoy last wllj eoll them for only 00c if you bring this aoupon whon the weather s to lie duo the two children will como outi when atprmy woither is approaching ihp witch will como out from 8 to 24tioura ahead of rain op fnoy tho house is made of hardwood in swls mttagp fylo nd is decoratod as in the picture with thermometer 6hyf hf4ri and bird- eto jthaa four windows ana two doors jbit aovertlsed for iloorour price for aa llrrllud tlrpswith tha coupon osc pwyhamt ahpuld haye ono come and get yours nt onoo or mall your order mall orders 10o extra s j hassard drugs and tatieneflv at synionhardware store ring cotton delaineriikich floral patterns in pink qc sand hlucefc withplaintomatch special peryard adcv broadcloths in fancy stripes at holeproof hose silk at 85c 3100 13 mu and l75 silk hose in black and all the new shades ktfg cls price 00c special this week ouc sweater coats fob summer wear in fawns oxfords etc special at z73 and m floor oilcloth and ltmtsmfi we arc showing a large range ot this season patterns in floor coverings call and loofcthenjver andcvmparis the prices with the large city ttotei 25 dozen towels at a prtcbl now is the time to lay in a stock you canndtfcwp h6us without them ood large size easy to waslrarrdwiir jci give good wear- extra good vsllue each 9c circuljlr pillow cotton 40 inches wide a grid quality of cotton extra good value at 50c thi 40 week for per yard aocr all pure linen crash towelling at per yard 20c mens lightweight undershirts at each flflev mens merino shirts and drawers special at each 1m mens combinations in ankle length short or fa long sleeves at a special price per suit watch window fob grocery specials mclean co mill street acton ont store closes wednesday- at 1z30 halton chapter in the town hall acton tuesday may 12 programme part i initiation with full hualcal ritual and rogalla of aching bunion charles wllaoh into vanltos lodge no al on t colored roglater master potonuate b o arnold second potcntlato geo brown firat guardian hugh dlcklo corebua win long third potentiate frank lacey second guardian tom hennle porter w v grant brudder misery tho lodge critic and i c h o molr chorus composed of- numerous other colored brethren director h corlto intermission part rr intorlocutor j m moore end men gloom bob wemyss jevpiutloh blir grant raatuo jack russell moonshine herb jackson stenors w b dlllys h dlmcto w long w qowdy r b foulla charllo wilson tom bennlo plunlat miss lyavftt muaicnl director j end men misery hal molr eternity jack kelly bones snort arnold sunshine jack mackenzie- bastes m kennedy p arnold geo brown n h cork rev p mayes f lacoy ernie poller drurhs etc a thurston b wallaco opening chorus cant you hoah mo callln carolino swnneo river blues dom golden suppors swnneo river moon io watermelon sofiff tho photo of tho girl i loft bchln bad llttlo boy my or plantation houko chorus how d you do droaming in tho twilight i flnalo v bntlro company h g melr w b dllly r russell w v grant geo m arnold r y womysa h m konnedy b arnold entire company c wilson eptlro company godj3ave tebc king plait of hall open at browns drug store on saturday may 9th at two oclock special for this week porkreufs pickled ham whole op orhalf per jb atdc eickled side pork a fresh- hams whole op or half per o fcipv fresh side pork per oa shoulder roast per ho side gacon lab or 99 half per fb- c vpalguts stewing veal f a f o per fb avctolzsc shoulder of j q fla veni roast lb ioc to uc on monday tuesday and wednesday may u 12 and 13 on tho above dntos mi oxpert from the factory will demon strate this nowttylo of cookor which is absolutely siifc and free from any disagreeable odor of coal oil you owo it to yourself to seo this new style of cookor in actual operation before placing your- order foonn outpfdato stove como in on any of tho abovo dates nusce it in operation loin roast at per fb 25c action ont cqlbman niw 8tylb burnbrv can also fnctattip i in your 010 pft tttov be 7 phone 49 abrfaifbut thnm james symon ajrrrrarni ir idm acton ont smoked meats picnic hams wholo oo- per lb smoked roll whole oa or half per lb uc smoked hams wiole 90- or half por tb vc 25c rib veal chops per tb loin chops of veal o f per lb f c lard 3 lb pails of lard for 5 tb pails of lard for i tb bricks of lard for i 60c 100 21c sausage homemade sausage 9c 2 lbs for ovc fresh lake trout this week prom the north libyafi vfaiiili afte mi

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