Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 14, 1925, p. 1

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wht tss fiftieth year no 40 thursday morning may 14 1925 acton ontario canada thursday morning may 14 1925 single copies five cents the methodist church acton rev joseph u8 culp pottor parsonage willow st 1100 a m tho minister subject a boy h amm ci acton boy scouts will attend v 2 30 p m sunday school 7 00 i in tho minister- second sermon on clocks nnd christians presbyterian knox church acton minister rev a c 8 to wart m a manse willow street 10 00 a m sunday school 1000 n m dibit class sauls con- veislon acta 9 1100 a- m tho minister supjeot v precious oirt w 7 00 p m tho minlhter subject the ynknown god strangers leaving address with tho ushers will bo called upon ty tho pastor special notices advertisements in this column 3 cents per word minimum charge 30c per insertion dooley potatoes tully cei titled 100 pei bag- bin lun 75 cents a chance to procure rood clean stock at a moderate price li bwackhamuk phono 98 r 41 acton 3rd lino house to rent park vijnv knox avonuo eight rooms all modern conveniences wired for electric range screened sleep ins porch hard and soft water good gar den r j kerr vjv house for sale comfortable stucco house with elec tric light hard and soft water west main street acton largo stablo and shed with poultry houses reasonable price 462 n t moore acton house for sale in acton comfortable frame house 7 room electric light 1 ncrcs of land apple troes and small fruits a bargain for quick sale apply to j a smith real estate agent telophono 105 acton ont card of thanks wo wish to convey to our jnany friends our deepest appreciation of thoii kindness and sympathy shown to us in oui recent bereavement also for the many floral tributes received alex orr and sisters clearing auction sale the household effects furniture etc of rev j culp will be sold by public au at th metho ht pnraqidafty willow street acton onf- jsatur- day may 3 sale comipencaat i 30 shurp positively no rescrv rc3 r j kerr auctioned farms for sale 4g farms in tho counties of halton and wellington varying from 40 to 200 acres lotrua send you our list a number of homes and business places in acton for sole fire and life insurance money to loan j a smith a real estate agent phone 105 acton ont farm for gale 150 a or os ope of ho hpsf n erin tflwhemp spondid barns stables and outbuildings garage comfortable house ant noai school una church rurit mail find tolophope owner retiring onjxccpunt of illhealth thp prlco is right would consider town property as part payment and the balance on yery reasonable terms see this pro perty vflu arp looking fop something good for pai ticulnrj apply to t a smith real estate agent telephone 105 acton ont village of acton 1 nightwatchman wanted applications for tho position of njghtwatchman for tho municipality will be lecelvcd by the undersigned until 12 o clock noon standard tlrao on tuesday may 26 192g state the salary expected h n farmer clerk village of acton cjqurt of revision ffhe municipal cpuncjl of tho vil- lagp of acton yfill meet as a cqurt of ftovislnn ip the council ch timber in thp town hall aoton on tuesday tho twntypljtb day of may 1025 at eight oolock p ni all persons having ap peals against tho assessment roll or tho eald vlllngo for tho said year 1026 will take notice and govern themselves accordingly notice of all appeals must be ro- oolved by tho clerk on or before the fourteenth day of may 1025 dated at acton ontario the 7th day of may 192b h n farmer munioipat clerk -ttt- wonderland pr i da v may 1b the silent watcher adnpted from the story by mary huberts lunclinrt tho altar on the hill produced by the director of itheisea hawk- frank- lloyd comedy caihain kids kid with harold lloyd felix the cat cartoon saturday vay 6 the lost ilan on eprth a comedy drama cqmcdy court floater icrflss wfiril ftuezle fox n f tuesday mxy 1 the hurricane kid western starring hoot gibson chapter 2 or the pollco serial into tho not comedy broad- way beauties may 21 and 22 the thief of bagdad with douglas fairbanks oak- vino orchestra may 26 zeebrugge rgbpgojeitftson l w i pretty frocks for maytime breathe summer daintiness fresh new summer frocks are all ablossom at this big store frockf of linen and voile to make your summer hap pier come and see the chipper sports frocks in stunningly stripeitbroadcloths which have so much of comfort to give yourandthepretty onepiece dresses that have chosen godets lacincss and pleats for trimming and flower colors for youth- fulness choose a sheer voile in a pinky lilac shade and a cool fancy crepe in the popular blonde shade youll find prices just as moderate as styles are delectable and new 450 to 1300 housefrocks included in- the array of nowncss slip over styles at 129 to 225 the famous martha was tlrrssire i 198 up large sizes up to 52 298 to 350 summer millinery and gay tub yard goods now a symphony of style and beauty a duro broadcloths meriting special mention be caose they are guaranteed not to fade stripes at 85c and 125 solid colors at 100 duro ginghams at 59c duro galateas at 55c duro chambrays at 59c duro shirtings at 40c 45c 55c 100 the guarantee against duro fabrics fading pro vides that the cost of making as well as of material be re funded guelphs leading and largest store d e macdonald bros ltd dally closing 530 pjn excepting wednesday at 1230 noon and saturday at 930 p m chicken thieves are arrested weekend specials oldfashioned quaker kisses the most wholesome candy ever made always pure and fresh reg 40c oo per tb weekend special per lb oq caramel roll we still have a small amount of caramel roll in stock we are going to give you another iff chance at a reduced price weekend special per lb tifc metcalfes assorted chocolates in hard and- soft centres with a rich chocolate coating weekend ylq specialper tb tt7c assorted chocolates reg 40c and 50c per no lb weekend special per lb ottv have you tried a dairymaid brick something new special for friday and saturday fresh fruit salad with whipped cream pus h wiles friday saturday bargains footwear better than you can get i in toronto at the prices mens canvas oxfords mens canvas oxfords leather sole a nf heel leather toe cap and strap across the vamp sale 195 same in boys boots sale 195 oxfords for men and boys oxfords for men and boys goodyear welts at 450 495 to 600 a pair j womens slippers womens strap calf slippers at 260 low heel brown 9 sizesj v pomps and oxforp8 highgrade pomps and oxfords at a dollar less than regular priced 6 50 for 485 5 00 for 395 and 375 for 275 misses and childs sandals misses and childs sandals patent leather 125 150 and 175 elk same prices come on in the proof of the boot is in the wearing harry harrisonjhe shoe man ve clgse wednesday afernponlali the year round with the exception of december howard martin and allan watt caught in the act thursday night eaily last rriday morning messrs alcxandoi and howard humo dis covered thieves operating- in thou poultry yaid they quietly proceeded to invcatlgato armed with guns and discovered howard mm tin and ahon wat with a motor car and a number of hens and other farnx chattels the messrs humo phoned county constable chapman who proceeded to the ijumo farm and arlesttd tho men who had boon caught in tho act ot mealing vth commondlblo enterptixo chief hupr- m njide ii hoiough luvestlga- tion of the somewhat wholesale raids oftlie chicken thieves during tho past few weeks by reports gleaned from farmers whose premised lyid been visit ed and from ndmlnsjon i voluntarily mado by the prisoners laid eight in formations before r j campbell j p of milton tho time for the prelim inary trial was fixed for yesterday atftti noon when the prisoners wer to appeir before police magistrate moore to answer the following charges martin and watt with tho theft of jr p inner automobile tubes 1 sparo tire 1 tire cover belonging to john i moore on the 13rd of april twjpntyseven fowl belonging to john l moore oh the 3rd of may five fowl and u saskatchewan robe from dean leslie on the gth of may eighteen hens belonglpg to robert brown on the 6th of may cight hens from duncan mcdougall on the 8th of may eighteen hens from william fisher on the th of may six hens from alexande hume on tho 8th of may these are all farmers between tho second and fifth concessions in es- tucslng a chaigo is also laid against martin fot obtaining unlawfully an automobile from the guelph motor car companv on the 28th of april by false protonqe giving a cheque on the bank of com merce muton and having no account with the said bank unfortunately for howard martin he has u record he was convicted by police magistrate watt of guelph in acton on the tjlth of july last and sentenced to three months in the on tario reformatory for theft of cloth ing from the tailoring store of william cooper acton news of local import baaoball club danes tho senior baseball club is holding a danco in the town hall tomorrow friday night tho windermere six- piece orchestra of toronto has been engaged to provide tho music tho proceeds to be used for tho club fundb for purchase of equipment etc boy scout and oddfellow noxusunday may 17 the acton boy scouts will attend divine service in tho methodist church m tho 4norning and the following sunday in tho even ing acton lodge mo tr4 independent order of oddfellows will attend the service itev j culp the pasjor will preach special sermons to both theso organisations daylight savin a loies friend da light saving is unpopular hoio because of its lack of uniformity and owing to the very honest opposition of the i ural community the con fusion c lused by railways banks an i mott business people retail fng stand ard time is breaking down the propa ganda in foypciof it the howe toon shoe factory which adopted tho day light saving plan on the first of may soon tired of it and reverted to stand ard time on monday acton oddfellow vitit guelph a night watchman toatrol the town news of local import new gat-filling- stations the latest types of gasfillings tanks hsive been lately installed by james symon on mill street and dr coxe onjtfain street dr coxea new outfit la operated by an electric motor a 8nak story while going through the v the mountain on monday john wilson of milton kilted a milk anakc which measured exactly neven feet long and three inches through the body its head mr cvvlison said was as largo as his fist car otolan thief arrested harve morrow was arrested bv provincial constabloatklna late fri day night and the ford touring car he was driving was seised this wan between terra cottta and erin village the car was alleged to have been stolen from tho village of arthur on friday report of the theft wns received that night by phone from provincial con- fa tabid melville of guelph the ao- qused was taken back to arthur on saturday morning by constable mel ville on a warrant funeral of polio magirtrat mcnabb tho funeral of the late police mag istrate a b mcnabb of walkerton whose death occurred in guelph on thursday took place in walkerton on saturday morning and was the largcs public funeral that was ever held in that town piofesslonal and business men were present from toronto ham ilton guelph kitchener gait brant- ford london owen sound and from many other places while in his own native county of bruce practically every town and village vas reprcent- od all business was suspended dur ing the hpurs pf hp fungrfl brampton business man organix a bualnoss mens association wns formed at brampton last week at a largo and representative gathering of the leading business men of the town the alms to bo a moro efficient business service for brampton community and to foster a brampton community spirit general meetings will be held monthly on tho first thursday tho fee wad set ut 2 with assessments for special purposed as approved by a general mrooting this organisation js run along almost identical lines with thou of acton chamber of commerce n ba flutiulflowisnd halthypui a visit to the greenhouses of messrs bishop son falrvlow avenue just now would be a revelation to citixeiu generally benches are crowded wit plants many of them in floweytipr 7- sholrea hear numerous varieties of ohnfoi nml jecir luunts xold frames are rilled with panales verben as petunias stocks asters snapdragon and other bedding plants there are also thousands of tomato cabbage cauliflower and celery nlats for tho gardcw town jrthldrgo addi tion t6 the groenhbuae space added lost year enables th firm to supply ajilendd paints ftl good tfmc for planting take a walk down and nee tho splendid nsnrrnpnt q and floorers th mothers 0y ssrvica mutherp day was very loyally ob served hero on sunday the atten dance at the churches was large the community evidently regarding the apeclat anniversary uta go-to-church- sundny occasion naturally thero were many pathetic touches in the hymns tho special music and the ser mons of the day it could not be- other wise when mothers und motherhood comprised the theme nearly every body wore flowers in memory 6f my mother it was a day worthy of re membrance tho praise- service in knnx church had a choir of mothers while t ladies choir occupied the methodist choir loft both mornjng and evening in both churchefl tho pecini cforn gavo very appropriate mus ex cellently rendwbd 1 at this mbrnlifat service in fcndi fcurcn wmxt ana mm tvfink holmeh banff a dual with flno eftoot in th6 methodist church mlfla bertie smiths solos in tho morning and evening were muah onjoyed mothers day is surely sn anniversary well worthy of obsvrvanco about thirtyfive members of the acton lodge i o o k no 204 were the guests of piogresa lodge no 1g8 loot in the lodge 1 corns tovcll block on thui sday evening the degree team of the visiting lodge ex emplified the work of the initiatory degree on three local candidates during the evcqlng their work was excellent and they were highly cpjnmended by the local oddfellows for the splendid manner in which they presented it following the butdnosss of the even ing a social time was enjoyed guelph mercury acton athletic association grounds since the lowering of the fence on mill street the spacious and beautiful grounds of the acton athletic asso ciation cotqmand tho attention and adr miration of all who pass visitors from the trains and motorists driving through on the highway are impressed with the fine tennis courts and tht bowling greens now freely patronized afternoons and evenings this beauti ful park block bounded by mill wil bur church and fellows streets so near the centre of the town is a dis tinct asset to acton and affords pleasurable recreation to the citizens and is especially interesting to visitors ladies 80ft ball club at the annual meeting cf t ladies soft bahteamldiratweek tho fol lowing officers were elected for the year hob president hartley harri son president mrs adah fc ostrand- er secretary treasurer jessieander son manager mr adamson coach r m mcdonald sate kerrpei arllo white committee misses jeasle an derson and hazel mason mrs adan k ostrandei r m mcdonald and mr adamson last years luh had an ex ceptionally good year and this season is looked forward to with much in terest the acton ladles are booked to play ut stanley park erin on tho 25th of muy after 27 year absence rev r j edmlaton of melville 6ask has been spending tho week in his boyhoocla town after an absence of twentyseven years mr ed mis ton went west and after a course at the wesley college winnipeg entered the ministry and was ordained in 1901 his parents and family also went to saskatchewan from acton and settled at rolleau they have become scat tered in the west and all are doing well mr edmistan enjoyed his visit here very much notwithstanding his jong absence he found many of his former friends his address at tho methodist sunday school was greatly enjoj cd he also assisted rev mr culp at the cvenlner service in tho church nominated for blahop the esteem in which rev h g l baugh la held by the congregation of st john a church rockwood of wiilch he is rector la illustrated ny hp fact that tho following resolution was pass ed at a angrestitlqiwl meping laat week moved b jon lister and chaa benham hftt whereas the death of 3inhqn clark necessitates the election of u bishop and whereas we consider that the rev mr baugh is a fit ahd proper person for tho offleeand would fill the position with credit to himself and tho diocese therefore we move that tho lay delegate j j aldous be instructed to nominate him for the position at the meeting for that pur pose to be held in hamilton on may 14th next guelph mercury tennis club activities the tennis committee of the acton athletic association met in tho oluo house on wednesday evening may 6 to discuss and arrange the programme for the season acton and muton wlli form group no 16 competing or place in tho western ontario tennm because of the frequent bur glaries which have occurred tlie regular session of the council on tuesday evening had all tho coun clllors present and the reeve in the chair tho finance committee presented their tenth report and recommended that the following accounts bo paid general account jas symon supplies 1 10 w d talbot supplies 19 12 i e holmca ro signs go toronto suburban railway freight on signs 40 r scrivcn shovelling dnow z 8g acton frnoj pjiess printing 1 90 j 3 ruddy painting signs 20 00 r m mcdonald bond prcm 20 00 bell tolephone co services g 15 acton hydroujoetric comm street lighting 170 00 acton hydrodiectric comm town hall lighting g 18 john inglla co payment on pump 1 220 g2 social and personal 1476 c3 waterworks account city of guelph supplies 18 00 n rorbes labor nnd himpom gflju d 0 canadian brass co supplier james proctor redfern engineering services 250 00 acton hydroeieotrlc comm power at spring 6g 85 acton hvdroelectric comm power at pump house 18 76 bell telephone co services 4 31 trgtre piny bh keprcsentattves ti the local club will bo chosen afte a scries of home tournaments have beoi played the cpmpetitlohp provide for ladies and gents singles and doubles a challenge ladder has boon arranged whereby any player may challenge a player higher on the list than him self for his or her place commencing the first wees in june n aentbr and junior mixed doubles tournament vh commence and from fjoe winners of these wjll be chosen those who will play off wiih the muto pjayors for first place n- he group roforred to above bcardmore co baye prem ised thp players a third court if suffi cient interest is shpwn at war ant ft thp cprntulttpeure therefore planning several social functions spring fragrance the sense of smell has it own great pleasures fbr many people odor3 more vividly than anything else evoke old scene and cherished association instances ure innumerable sometimes the smell of frying doughnuts yrlll bring back tp the man his whole child hood even more delicate and potent than such odors of the workaday world is the fragrance of nature it varies with the season for each imrt of the venr tins a peculiar fragranco of its own ity frajrrnnco is meant not so much definite odor as tho whole char acteristic quality of tho atmosphere that at the time peryndn 0ayfh nnd skv tho period of harvest has it the drowsy rnjdqunimcr hj iqll of u n 0 tp nymn tho air pf jiiuo but you r leas qftft of tho aroma qf muy for it taken the keenest ofsonae to catch it in april as it morrj into may h6 very air like everything else seems animated and pulsing- even the throb of the october broeso la no more potent to fill mankind with the joy of living f420 g8 tho icport was adopted mts jennie mcdougall requested a rebate on behalf of tho ladles aid of knox church for tlo rent of the town hall for their concert this request brought up a fiery ar gument on hall rates and the folly of the rebute system was shown moved by a mason seconded by l e atkinson that the following rates bo charged foi the rental of the town halt i for local acton concerts 8 00 pei evening with one rehearsal free and j go for each extra rehears al 2 conceits by outside parties and all dances j12 00 per night and thit no rebates be hereafter considered carried mr robt scott headed a delegation on behalf of the senior baseball club requesting that tho council have the baseball diamond put into condition for the opening game next saturday he also asked if the park for july 1 had been given to any other organiza tion tho park had been given tho boyscoutafacthisdhte chief mcpheraon wns instructed to oversee the necessary work to be done at the nark mr r m mcdonald icquested that the council set apart a place in tho park for tho ladles softtmll team as the baseball diamond was too much used to allow for their pi notices tlie park committco and a commit tee from thu clubs agreed to islt the park the following day to sec whit arrangements could bo made mr w j patterson and a delegation of main street buslnoss men waited upon the council requesting that u night watchman be appointed to patrol the town to stop tho burglaries of business jilaces that have taken place lately moved by f holmes seconded by a mason that tho reeve he instructed to engage a nlghtwatchman temporarily at once to act until the council selects a permanent officer and that tenders for thoofflce of municipal nlghtwatch man be advertised for carried representatives of firms tendering for the proposed new waterworks pump at the spring weio present but the tenders were not considered a fur ther tendei is expected from another ann a lottcr was received from police magistrate moore wih a cheque fot 100 for fines ftom cases initiated by chief mcpherson the letter also commended tho chief for his alertness and attention to duty tho agreement between the corpor ation and beardmare co with ref erence tq water for a sprinklei system came up ftu dlaousylon but was refer red back far additional clauses to pro tect tho town before having tho ap proval of the counoil feeforo final decision is alvon plans rnunt be sub mitted to tho council the public school requested per mission to uso the hall foi a free school concert on friday afternoon pei- m i salon was granted provided there was no admission tmias violet smith was in toronto over tho weekend j miss bertie smith was home front toronto over sunday mrs walter lamtfc is doing very well lnuelph hospital mr charles mann of toronto was home over tho weekend dr w g c kenney is home from tor on tor school ojmcdicinc mr lloyd d forbes spent the week end with friends in toi onto miss margaret bennett of toronto was homo over tho weokend mr and mrs a kannawin visited friends in shclburno on sunday mli edith armstrong of brampton spent sunday with acton friends mr donald mcdougall of sutton west was homo- over the weekend mt harold and miss laura wiles visited friends in aurora on sunday miss marguerite stewart of toronto spent tho weokend with friends here mdsara roy and ernest brown of toronto were homo over the week end mr and mrs mdyln sopcr of pres ton visited acton friends on sun day mis collier and mies annie collier spent sunday vith friends in george town rev dr t albei t moore of toronto was u welcome guest ut moorccroft this week mr e j moore of toronto spent the weekend at moorecroft his boy hood home misses ruby clark and floremo holmes of toronto were home over tho weokend mrs butter of st thomas is spend ing a few days with her sister mrs rev j culp mr and mrs hllllard murray and family of erin visited friends here over the weekend mu und mrs h p mooie attended the funeral of the late dr m forster at toronto on thursday mr and ml a edwin murray of kitchener visited at mr fred dennys on the second line on sunday mr s m culp and daughter were guests of itev and mrs j culp at the methodist parsonage last week mrs g a dills and frances are visiting ft lends at kilbride mr dills was with them for the weekend rev rand mrs r- gulp and mr aha another burglary of motor supplies the coxe garage robbed of 36 or 40 tires and motor accessories the burglara who havo beon visit ing thq works of acton muchtno com pany and selecting motor accoflflorioa and mechanic toola on aoveral occaa- alons cvldontly decided on tuesday morning to try another place for their supnllca und dr coxos garage waa vlsbcql botwotm twoj ond threo oclock in the morning an entrance was effected to tho garago and goods wero ab stracted in a wholesale way botweim thirty flvo and forty tires and a num ber or tubes wero taken from tho stock room in the second floor and a number of accebsoriea from tho show windows in al about 400 worth of motor goods weio taken the thieves came in a mottff yttv and wero ovldently short of gas as they broke open tho filling tank at alexan ders garage but without success it la believed that tho thieves went wost from here but so far they havo not been intercepted x x last meeting plalextendkd potato market potato grower report a surplus of 10000 buahafa of certified seed at a mooting of wellington county certified seed potato growers at hills- burg the following committee waa ap pointed to look into market exten sion james mckittrick orton r d nodwell hihaburg smith tjrlftin acton bert dyer husburg r 11 nodwoii orion qpyts nl wholesale wots fa seed rpcrchans including m p bairy rockwood j j prltchard harrlston r h nodwell orion and joe mc millan of hillsburg were present at the meeting it is confidently expected that an association of certified seed growers will be formed in thjc course of anothci year for the purpose of extending tho markets by improving quality and by working in coj- opera tloa yjith t dealers groiffcrij huta hat hey havo f 0 000 bushels of celled oed left on their hands thn spring wekry fashion hinta tho fasts pjucss opens a now depart ment this week which should appoal to tho ladies this is a weekly fashion hint illustrated theso hints will continue weekly until furthei no tico the patterns lllustiutcd may bo obtained from local morel units and tho garments be made at home guelph bride killed by fall lust thuisday morning as tho ro- sult of injuries sustained when she fell from a chair at her home guelph the death occurred at the general hos pital of mrs a j tucker a bildo of but three weeks at thf in of the accident mis tickej was reaohlng to a shelf ftn which she wished tp place lfc cflflv nnd losing her buflanco fell oyer the back of thoclttlf aua- talntng internal injuiles an opti i tlon was pcrfoimcd in an effort t a have her ilfo but alio dhl not recover be fore her marriage mrs tucket whoso mulden nomq was minnie reeves was a member of tho staff of the horticul tural department of tho o a c whore she had been a stenograph or for thb past seven years her parents resldo at humber t near torcratov mrs h p moore attended the guelph district meeting at elora on tuesday mrs rev h g l buugh who was operated on for appendicitis on saturday nd inst is making good progress towaid recovery mrs r h wansborough spent sun day with her son harold who is still in the western hospital toronto ti he is doing fairly well but will be in tho hospital for some time yet mrs nancy somervlllc who has beon in poor health for several months is not lmpiolng this fine old lady who is a native of acton is in her eighty- seventh year rev r j edmlaton of melville sask was in town for a fow days ths weck renewing acquaintances of his boyhood duys it is twentyseven years since mr edmfston left actoi for the west his former friends were dellghtdd to see him again mrs john mcoill of ottawa wim a guest of her brother mr james symon during tho week mrs mc- glll had beon a delegate to the pro vincial womens missionary society of the presbyterian church at london and visited here on her return mr and mrs win h mccullough rwerbend farm actonannounc the engagement of their second daughter edna mabel to mr john clayton wil son third sori of mr and mrs wm wilson of georgetown marriage to take place tho latter part of may tho engagement is announced of eunice evangeline youngest daughter of mi duncan graham and the late mrs giaham erlp to mr jhugh mc- klnnon rcld cider son of mr and mrs robert reld acton tho marriage to take place the latter part of may mr and mrs john h may hills burg announce tho engagement of their niece edythe winnlfred ward daughter of mr und mrs l- alex ward of ballycroy to mr harold aitkcn hamilton son of mr john c aitken osprlnge the marriage will take place the latter part of may e burrs house main street has been sold to j p warden sale made by jt j kerr police court news following the imposition of a 500 fine on fred c hollands of toronto by magistrate hellyer in tergus police court on wednesday with an altoi native of three months in j at i holland ahen under escort of license inspector j qrait o tho county jail at guelph whre he is now confined convicted before magistrate jhellytr in fergus police court on a chargo of transporting liquor on a public high way on thursday f hollands of tor onto was arrested by a fergus con stable recently in charge of a wagon load o liquor consigned for mopnt fores j j gibbons antt georgetown were charged by chiearotcpherson with driving a motor enrjfon queen street at a speed ditngerous to tb public the plea of guilty was- put in to pollco magistrate moore and a penalty of 10 and costs imposed jupics kennedy of georgetown wis brought before pollco maglstruto moore on tuesday evening charged with being intoxicated at an orange ball nt glcnwllllums on the night of may 1st he was ordered out of the hall by members of the commltteo who gave the information leading to tho charge ho pleaded guilty und ho was fined 10 und costs on fridtiy chief mcpherson charged w l mooney with two offonccs com mitted on thuisday evening one for being intoxicated in a publio place liv vlolutlon of the ontario temperance act nnd the other for being intoxicated in a public place yflille driving a motor car he plcadod guilty to both of fences und wus fined g0 00 and costs for the first and sentenced to seven days in tho county jail for tho sect by magistrate mooro ictmd wutch the paper next week for tho announcement of the opening of the huttbnvllle dknco pavllldri which takes place on friday evening may of guelpbrdistrict held in the methodist church st elora on tuesday the last annual meeting of guelph district was held in tho methodist church elora on tuesday and natur ally it was an historical occasion rev henry irvine of guelph pre sided and itev j a dlltz of rockwood and rev roy frld of elora were tho district secretaries tho members of the district present were rev henry irvine and mr h iccomore norfolk street guelph rev j e todd ba and w a green- way dublin street guelph rev john t hoalop and mr j k adsctt pais ley memorialpguelph tcv roy frid b a b d and mr t e bissoll jf elora rev n argylo huxiburt and mr harvey ham fergus rev j culp and mr h p moore acton rev john a diltls and mr george footo rockwood mr john t norriah nas- sagaweya rev albert e muien and mr stanley royce f messrs w j treleaven and john a scarrow belwood mr leonard awrey orton rev j aqulllo- evans and mr t r aklns erin the feeling was very manifest dur ing the procee tha wntatttliet parting of tho ways be tween the old regime as the much- loved methodist church of the fathers with its hallowed memories and the entering into the newlycreated unltpn church of canada with its broader op portunities united effort and god- honoring possibilities for more effec tive service there wan a studied effort so to ad minister am the details of the exist ins church as to go into tho now order with all circuit details arranged in the best possible way to effect successful cooperation and with a dlean sheet so far us each individual church is con cerned the spirit of honest cdoperatlon ana elnccro unity which prevailed was wejl illustrated in the case of ono charge on the belwood circuit bethel church which has a surplus of upwards of 500 in the treasury asked permis sion to divide this sum between the metx and dracon charges of the preti- byterian church which had voted for union and into which the congrejffa tion of bethel would place their mem bership the delegates expressed tho desire for this action feeling that thy did not wish to go into the abovo churches emptyhanded satisfactory reports of memberships church funds raised during tho year and oflier particulars of tho years activities were given tho missionary funds reached tho flno total of 12485 and further contributions by the wo mens missionary society of about 35po moro than the usual number of re movals of ministers from tho district was reported among these were those of tho chairman rev henry irvlno of guelph who goes to moncton nb rev n argylo hurlburt of fergus was elected chairman in his stead f j culp acton was grunted a superannuated relation for one year with permission to reside in california tho elections to confcrenco were as follows stationing committee rov roy w frid reserve rov j t heslop lay dologatos john armstrong principal reynolds j k adsott guelph harvey hall fergusi t e blssell elora h p moore acton george foote rockwood john y norrish nassagaweya stanley royce ponsonby j a scarrow belwood leonard awrey orton t r aklnst erin reeeryes w j greonaway guolph w burrows hillsburg a e nicklln acton and j woods fergus the elections to conference com mittees were as follows lay agencies rev j a evans ami joh y contingont fund rov j t heslop and h p moore v sustontatlon tund rov n a hurl burt and t- e bissoll evangelism and social service rev h irvlno and harvey ham memorials etc rev j a evans and prof reynolds church property rov n a hurl burt and thos r aklns stato of the work rov a e mlllan and j k adsott nominations rev jr e todd and john scarrow education rev j a dilta and j stanley royce finance and christian stewardship kev j a dllts and john armstrong committee on religious education rov roy frid and leonard awroy conference missionary committee- rev j culp and george foote the mutter of permission for th orectlon of a new parsonago at eben- oxer was deferred for tho present the ladles of the elora church t ord ered the delegates an excel ion t lunch at tho noon hour a cordial vote of appreciation of which was moved bv rev j b todd and h p mooro bad auto smash at orangovllu two autos owned and driven by james crows ton of markdale and john vance of mono mills wero badly damaged in a headon collision bn tho credit river bridge at the eastern end of orange vilfo on monday evening and a team f horses owned by joseph lyness were injured when they became frightened and bolted off the road lyness was coming to town followed closely by crowaton and as they near- ed the bridge the latter pulled out and pasbod the farmer only to strike the auto of vanco which was still partly on the brfjlge chief ut police mar shall vlewca tho accident ail tha driver f injuvlea j

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